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The effect of 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) was studied on the fully hydrated 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC)--water liposomes. The structure and the thermotropic phase behaviour of the liposomes was examined in the presence of DCP (DCP/DPPC molar ratio, varied from 2x10(-2) up to 1) using small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS, WAXS) and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The structural behaviour of the DPPC/DCP/water system was strongly dependent on the concentration of the DCP. In the pretransition range the DCP molecules (at 2x10(-2) DCP/DPPC molar ratio) induced the interdigitated phase beside the parent (gel and rippled gel) phases, locally which can be form at higher DCP concentration. When the DCP/DPPC molar ratio was increased the pretransition disappeared and the main transition was shifted to lower temperatures. In the molar ratio range from 2x10(-1) up to 5x10(-1), a coexistence of different phases was observed in the wide temperature range from 20 up to 40 degrees C. With a further increase of the DCP/DPPC molar ratio (6x10(-1) to 1) only the interdigitated gel phase occurred below 25 degrees C. A schematic phase diagram of DPPC/DCP/water system was constructed to summarise the results.  相似文献   

Sewage coliphages studied by electron microscopy.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Sewage was enriched with 35 Escherichia coli strains, and sediments of enrichment cultures were studied in the electron microscope. They contained up to 10 varieties of morphologically different particles. T-even-type phages predominated in 14 samples. Thirteen phages were enriched, representing the families Myoviridae (seven), Styloviridae (two), Podoviridae (three), and Microviridae (one). Twelve of these corresponded to known enterobacterial phage species, namely, 121, K19, FC3-9, O1, 9266, T2, 16-19, kappa, beta 4, N4, T7, and phi X174. Cubic RNA phages and filamentous phages were not detected. Types 121 and 9266 have previously been observed only in Romania and South Africa. Identification by morphology is usually simple. Our investigative technique is qualitative and will not detect all phages present. Most enrichment strains are polyvalent, and electron microscopy is always required for phage identification. In a general way, electron microscopy seems to be the method of choice for investigation of phage geography and ecology.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracturing is especially suitable for the investigation of membrane structures. In contrast to ultrathin sectioning, large areas of the membranes are exposed. The true surface of membranes, however, can be seen only after etching (vacuum sublimation of ice) because during fracturing the frozen membrane is split between the two lipid layers. The representation of the hydrophobic region of the membrane reveals particles representing integral membrane proteins or, exceptionally, micelles of membrane lipids. Special structures on microbial membranes are, e.g., regular particle arrangements, invaginations and lipid domains with a periodic pattern of curvatures. There are still many unsolved questions concerning these structures, but the occurrence or the alteration of such structures as well as the density of “etching holes” on the membrane fracture face can be used as indicators for membrane perturbations.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracture electron microscopy was used to investigate the membrane architectures of high-passage Borrelia burgdorferi B31 and low- and high-passage isolates of B. burgdorferi N40. In all three organisms, fractures occurred almost exclusively through the outer membrane (OM), and the large majority of intramembranous particles were distributed randomly throughout the concave OM leaflet. The density of intramembranous particles in the concave OM leaflet of the high-passage N40 isolate was significantly greater than that in the corresponding leaflet of the low-passage N40 isolate. Also noted in the OMs of all three organisms were unusual structures, designated linear bodies, which typically were more or less perpendicular to the axis of the bacterium. A comparison of freeze-fractured B. burgdorferi and Treponema pallidum, the syphilis spirochete, revealed that the OM architectures of these two pathogens differed markedly. All large membrane blebs appeared to be bounded by a membrane identical to the OM of B. burgdorferi whole cells; in some blebs, the fracture plane also revealed a second bilayer closely resembling the B. burgdorferi cytoplasmic membrane. Aggregation of the lipoprotein immunogens outer surface protein A (OspA) and OspB on the bacterial surface by incubation of B. burgdorferi B31 with specific polyclonal antisera did not affect the distribution of OM particles, supporting the contention that lipoproteins do not form particles in freeze-fractured OMs. The expression of poorly immunogenic, surface-exposed proteins as virulence determinants may be part of the parasitic strategy used by B. burgdorferi to establish and maintain chronic infection in Lyme disease.  相似文献   

Electron spin lattice relaxation times (T1) and the phase memory times (Tm) were obtained for the synthetic melanin system from 3-hydroxytyrosine (dopa) by means of electron spin echo spectroscopy at 77 degrees K. Saturation behavior of the ESR spectra of melanins in melanin-containing tissue and of the synthetic melanin was also determined at the same temperature. The spin lattice relaxation time and the spectral diffusion time of the synthetic melanin are very long (4.3 ms and 101 microseconds, respectively, in the solid state), and the ESR signal saturates readily at low microwave powers. On the other hand, ESR spectra of natural melanins from the tissues chosen for this study, as well as those of synthetic melanins which contain Fe3+ of g = 4.3 and Mn2+ of g = 2, are relatively difficult to saturate compared with samples without such metal ions. These results show clearly that a large part of those two metal ions in sites responsible for the ESR spectral components with these particular g values are coordinated to melanin in melanin-containing tissue, and modify the magnetic relaxation behavior of the melanin. Accumulations of these metal ions in melanins are different from system to system, and they increase in the order: hair (black), retina and choroid (brown), malignant melanoma of eye and skin, and lentigo and nevus of skin.  相似文献   

J Golecki  G Drews  R Bühler 《Cytobiologie》1979,18(3):381-389
By freeze-fracture electron microscopy, particles have been observed on the protoplasmic leaflet (PF face) of cytoplasmic and intracytoplasmic membranes of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata. The particles are present under all culture conditions of chemotrophically and phototrophically grown cells. However, the number of particles per microM2 increased significantly when the formation of the photosynthetic apparatus in the membrane is induced. Intracytoplasmic membranes, where the bulk of photosynthetic activity is localized, always have a higher density of particles than cytoplasmic membranes. Under all conditions particles with a diameter of 9.5 nm dominate. The frequency of particles with diameters greater or smaller than 9.5 nm changed with culture conditions. A comparison of biochemical and electron microscopic data have lead us to the conclusion that the particles, formed under conditions which allow the synthesis of the photosynthetic apparatus, are composed of photochemical reaction centers and antenna light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll I (B 875)-protein complexes. The total molecular weight of these particles is calculated to be 500,000.  相似文献   

《Micron (1969)》1979,10(2):89-99
The ultrastructural organization of the elastin from beef ligamentum nuchae has been investigated by comparing fracture surfaces of stretched and relaxed specimens.When fractured both parallel and transverse to the fibre, unstretched elastin appears as a disordered granular material. In stretched material a filamentous organization in relation to the applied force becomes evident. The filamentous organization becomes more pronounced as the elongation of the fibre increases. Stretching by 180–200% produces filaments of about 5nm across which exhibit subunits along their long axes.It is concluded that elastin is organized as globules of about 5nm across arranged in long filaments which form a three-dimensional network and only become visible after stretching.  相似文献   

Peculiarities of structural changes in erythrocyte membranes during freezing (from -20 degrees to -50 degrees) were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance method using spin-labelled derivative of stearic acid-5-doxylstearate. It was established that membranes underwent a number of structural reconstructions due to the temperature decrease and water freezing-out. Differences were found in temperature dependences that characterize lipid ordering during probe insertion into membranes of native erythrocytes, white ghosts, and liposomes from total lipids of erythrocyte membranes. The data obtained indicate the impairment in the structure of lipid components and lipid-protein interactions in erythrocyte membranes during cooling.  相似文献   

Tripeptidyl peptidase II is an extralysosomal serine peptidase of an unusually large size, i.e. Mr greater than 10(6) for the native enzyme and Mr 135000 for the subunit. The enzyme from human erythrocytes was studied by electron microscopy on samples negatively stained by ammonium molybdate. Two different structural representations of the purified enzyme were obtained, both with a length of about 50 nm, and consisting of repetitive substructures. Upon dialysis of the enzyme against a Tris/HCl buffer, the activity was gradually decreased. This decrease was shown to parallel the dissociation of the large enzyme structures into smaller ones, the smallest measuring 3 nm by 10 nm and apparently corresponding to the repetitive substructures. The results indicate that a large polymeric form of the enzyme is a prerequisite for full activity.  相似文献   

As a model for the molecular structure of proteins belonging to the alpha 2-macroglobulin family, ovomacroglobulin of reptilian origin was studied by electron microscopy in the original tetrameric form as well as in the dissociated forms into half- and quarter molecules. The following aspects of the molecular internal structure which had previously not been known for the homologous human alpha 2-macroglobulin or chicken ovomacroglobulin were revealed. First, the negatively stained tetrameric native protein gave an appearance of a collection of four semi-circular strings placed on the four corners of a molecule. They were connected to each other in the center of a molecule through a set of globular domains which formed a cross-figured subunit contact region. Second, two kinds of active half-molecules prepared either by the reduction of intersubunit disulfide bonds or by the disruption of noncovalent subunit interface had similarly elongated forms having semi-circular units on the two ends, indicating quasi-equivalent subunit arrangement in the two kinds of half-molecules. We thus concluded that the structure of native ovomacroglobulin can be represented by four circular strings each equipped with an extra domain to form the central intersubunit contact region. The results may also be adapted to the internal structure of human alpha 2-macroglobulin because it was sometimes possible to observe similar ring-like internal structure in the human protein.  相似文献   

The effect of the local anesthetic dibucaine on the membrane ultrastructure of sterol-manipulated Tetrahymena pyriformis (NT-1 strain) was studied by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. Dibucaine-treated, ergosterol-replaced Tetrahymena cells had marked alterations in their plasma membranes. IMP-free small depressions (exoplasmic fracture face) and protrusions (protoplasmic fracture face) were formed on the plasma membranes which was in contact with the outer alveolar membrane. In addition, large IMP-free surface "blebs" covered with hexagonally-arranged depressions and protrusions appeared on both the plasma and outer alveolar membranes. These "blebs" were pinched off when the membranes were severely affected. Our previous study (28) demonstrated that the plasma membrane of dibucaine-treated native Tetrahymena cells that contain tetrahymanol showed vertical displacement of its intramembranous particles and that subsequently a smooth, flat surface appeared. Therefore, the structural changes in ergosterol-replaced membranes produced by dibucaine differ strikingly from changes in the native membranes. The remarkable difference in the ultrastructural deformation of the plasma membrane probably is due to a difference in the membrane lipid composition induced by sterol-manipulation.  相似文献   

Speed  R. M. 《Human genetics》1985,69(1):69-75
Summary The progression of the prophase stages of meiosis in human foetal ovaries is reported from a series of aborted foetuses spanning the first two trimesters of gestation. A surface-spreading technique allowed cells to be examined at both light and electron microscope levels. The pachytene stage was specifically examined for evidence of synaptic or other abnormalities. Two observations of interest are the relatively high incidence with which errors of pairing occur and second the state of thickening observed when such unpaired axes are stained with silver.  相似文献   

A lipophilic nitroxyl radical, 1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl 1-adamantylacetate, has been applied to EPR spin probe study of chloroplasts and subchloroplast fragments of different types. The latter originate from grana and the grana core regions. The binding of the spin probe to the membranes was revealed by specific changes in a shape of the EPR spectra. A share of membrane-bound spin probe was different for chloroplasts and subchloroplast fragments, as well as its rotational correlation time and apparent enthalpy and entropy activation of nitroxide rotational motion. The binding of the spin probe induced a significant decrease in the amount of the oxidized P700 and changes in the kinetics of its light oxidation and dark recovery. This suggests that one of the sites of nitroxyl radical binding is the nearest surrounding of the pigment-protein complexes of Photosystem I (PSI). Distinctions in mobility of spin probe immobilized by chloroplasts and their fragments can be caused by the different environment of the PSI complexes located in various regions of thylakoid membranes. Published in Russian in Biokhimiya, 2007, Vol. 72, No. 5, pp. 690–698.  相似文献   

The effects of lipid-phase separation on the filipin action on pellicle membranes of ergosterol-replaced Tetrahymena pyriformis cells were studied by freeze-fracture electron microscopy. The pellicle membranes with phase separations induced by chilling from 34 degrees C (growth temperature) to lower temperatures (30, 22 and 15 degrees C) were treated with filipin. This produced filipin-induced lesions ("pits") only in the particulated (liquid) regions along the margin between solid and liquid domains, while they were produced in the particle-free (solid) areas when membranes were chilled to 15 degrees C. The pellicle membranes with lesions induced by filipin at 34 degrees C were chilled to 22 degrees C. This chilling raised larger particle-free areas and more condensed particle-aggregations on the membranes than on the membranes without the filipin treatment. These results suggest that the membrane fluidity affects induction and development of the ergosterol-filipin complex in the membrane.  相似文献   

The interaction of (+)-catechin with a lipid bilayer was examined by the spin probe method. The spin probe, 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO), was dissolved in an aqueous dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) dispersion containing (+)-catechin. The temperature dependence of the TEMPO parameter was measured. The increase of this parameter due to pretransition was eliminated by the addition of (+)-catechin, suggesting that it was adsorbed to the lipid membrane surface in the gel state, which hindered the change of the membrane from a flat to wavy structure. In the temperature region of the main transition, the TEMPO parameter increased rapidly, then gradually with increasing temperature, which could be explained by the eutectic phase diagram. The rotational correlation time of a spin probe 16-doxylstearic acid and the order parameter of 5-doxylstearic acid in the aqueous dispersion system of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine revealed that the motion of the alkyl chain in the liquid crystal state was hindered in the center of the membrane as well as near the surface by the adsorption of (+)-catechin.  相似文献   

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