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MOTIVATION: A primary objective of microarray studies is to determine genes which are differentially expressed under various conditions. Parametric tests, such as two-sample t-tests, may be used to identify differentially expressed genes, but they require some assumptions that are not realistic for many practical problems. Non-parametric tests, such as empirical Bayes methods and mixture normal approaches, have been proposed, but the inferences are complicated and the tests may not have as much power as parametric models. RESULTS: We propose a weakly parametric method to model the distributions of summary statistics that are used to detect differentially expressed genes. Standard maximum likelihood methods can be employed to make inferences. For illustration purposes the proposed method is applied to the leukemia data (training part) discussed elsewhere. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   

An exciting biological advancement over the past few years is the use of microarray technologies to measure simultaneously the expression levels of thousands of genes. The bottleneck now is how to extract useful information from the resulting large amounts of data. An important and common task in analyzing microarray data is to identify genes with altered expression under two experimental conditions. We propose a nonparametric statistical approach, called the mixture model method (MMM), to handle the problem when there are a small number of replicates under each experimental condition. Specifically, we propose estimating the distributions of a t -type test statistic and its null statistic using finite normal mixture models. A comparison of these two distributions by means of a likelihood ratio test, or simply using the tail distribution of the null statistic, can identify genes with significantly changed expression. Several methods are proposed to effectively control the false positives. The methodology is applied to a data set containing expression levels of 1,176 genes of rats with and without pneumococcal middle ear infection.  相似文献   

Testing for differentially expressed genes with microarray data   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
This paper compares the type I error and power of the one- and two-sample t-tests, and the one- and two-sample permutation tests for detecting differences in gene expression between two microarray samples with replicates using Monte Carlo simulations. When data are generated from a normal distribution, type I errors and powers of the one-sample parametric t-test and one-sample permutation test are very close, as are the two-sample t-test and two-sample permutation test, provided that the number of replicates is adequate. When data are generated from a t-distribution, the permutation tests outperform the corresponding parametric tests if the number of replicates is at least five. For data from a two-color dye swap experiment, the one-sample test appears to perform better than the two-sample test since expression measurements for control and treatment samples from the same spot are correlated. For data from independent samples, such as the one-channel array or two-channel array experiment using reference design, the two-sample t-tests appear more powerful than the one-sample t-tests.  相似文献   



Microarray experiments are often performed with a small number of biological replicates, resulting in low statistical power for detecting differentially expressed genes and concomitant high false positive rates. While increasing sample size can increase statistical power and decrease error rates, with too many samples, valuable resources are not used efficiently. The issue of how many replicates are required in a typical experimental system needs to be addressed. Of particular interest is the difference in required sample sizes for similar experiments in inbred vs. outbred populations (e.g. mouse and rat vs. human).  相似文献   

Motivation: The proliferation of public data repositories createsa need for meta-analysis methods to efficiently evaluate, integrateand validate related datasets produced by independent groups.A t-based approach has been proposed to integrate effect sizefrom multiple studies by modeling both intra- and between-studyvariation. Recently, a non-parametric ‘rank product’method, which is derived based on biological reasoning of fold-changecriteria, has been applied to directly combine multiple datasetsinto one meta study. Fisher's Inverse 2 method, which only dependson P-values from individual analyses of each dataset, has beenused in a couple of medical studies. While these methods addressthe question from different angles, it is not clear how theycompare with each other. Results: We comparatively evaluate the three methods; t-basedhierarchical modeling, rank products and Fisher's Inverse 2test with P-values from either the t-based or the rank productmethod. A simulation study shows that the rank product method,in general, has higher sensitivity and selectivity than thet-based method in both individual and meta-analysis, especiallyin the setting of small sample size and/or large between-studyvariation. Not surprisingly, Fisher's 2 method highly dependson the method used in the individual analysis. Application toreal datasets demonstrates that meta-analysis achieves morereliable identification than an individual analysis, and rankproducts are more robust in gene ranking, which leads to a muchhigher reproducibility among independent studies. Though t-basedmeta-analysis greatly improves over the individual analysis,it suffers from a potentially large amount of false positiveswhen P-values serve as threshold. We conclude that careful meta-analysisis a powerful tool for integrating multiple array studies. Contact: fxhong{at}jimmy.harvard.edu Supplementary information: Supplementary data are availableat Bioinformatics online. Associate Editor: David Rocke Present address: Department of Biostatistics and ComputationalBiology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard School of PublicHealth, 44 Binney Street, Boston, MA 02115, USA.  相似文献   

RNA-Seq technologies are quickly revolutionizing genomic studies, and statistical methods for RNA-seq data are under continuous development. Timely review and comparison of the most recently proposed statistical methods will provide a useful guide for choosing among them for data analysis. Particular interest surrounds the ability to detect differential expression (DE) in genes. Here we compare four recently proposed statistical methods, edgeR, DESeq, baySeq, and a method with a two-stage Poisson model (TSPM), through a variety of simulations that were based on different distribution models or real data. We compared the ability of these methods to detect DE genes in terms of the significance ranking of genes and false discovery rate control. All methods compared are implemented in freely available software. We also discuss the availability and functions of the currently available versions of these software.  相似文献   

Hu J  Xu J 《BMC genomics》2010,11(Z2):S3


Identification of differentially expressed genes from microarray datasets is one of the most important analyses for microarray data mining. Popular algorithms such as statistical t-test rank genes based on a single statistics. The false positive rate of these methods can be improved by considering other features of differentially expressed genes.


We proposed a pattern recognition strategy for identifying differentially expressed genes. Genes are mapped to a two dimension feature space composed of average difference of gene expression and average expression levels. A density based pruning algorithm (DB Pruning) is developed to screen out potential differentially expressed genes usually located in the sparse boundary region. Biases of popular algorithms for identifying differentially expressed genes are visually characterized. Experiments on 17 datasets from Gene Omnibus Database (GEO) with experimentally verified differentially expressed genes showed that DB pruning can significantly improve the prediction accuracy of popular identification algorithms such as t-test, rank product, and fold change.


Density based pruning of non-differentially expressed genes is an effective method for enhancing statistical testing based algorithms for identifying differentially expressed genes. It improves t-test, rank product, and fold change by 11% to 50% in the numbers of identified true differentially expressed genes. The source code of DB pruning is freely available on our website http://mleg.cse.sc.edu/degprune

MOTIVATION: Gene expression experiments provide a fast and systematic way to identify disease markers relevant to clinical care. In this study, we address the problem of robust identification of differentially expressed genes from microarray data. Differentially expressed genes, or discriminator genes, are genes with significantly different expression in two user-defined groups of microarray experiments. We compare three model-free approaches: (1). nonparametric t-test, (2). Wilcoxon (or Mann-Whitney) rank sum test, and (3). a heuristic method based on high Pearson correlation to a perfectly differentiating gene ('ideal discriminator method'). We systematically assess the performance of each method based on simulated and biological data under varying noise levels and p-value cutoffs. RESULTS: All methods exhibit very low false positive rates and identify a large fraction of the differentially expressed genes in simulated data sets with noise level similar to that of actual data. Overall, the rank sum test appears most conservative, which may be advantageous when the computationally identified genes need to be tested biologically. However, if a more inclusive list of markers is desired, a higher p-value cutoff or the nonparametric t-test may be appropriate. When applied to data from lung tumor and lymphoma data sets, the methods identify biologically relevant differentially expressed genes that allow clear separation of groups in question. Thus the methods described and evaluated here provide a convenient and robust way to identify differentially expressed genes for further biological and clinical analysis.  相似文献   

High throughput technologies, such as gene expression arrays and protein mass spectrometry, allow one to simultaneously evaluate thousands of potential biomarkers that could distinguish different tissue types. Of particular interest here is distinguishing between cancerous and normal organ tissues. We consider statistical methods to rank genes (or proteins) in regards to differential expression between tissues. Various statistical measures are considered, and we argue that two measures related to the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve are particularly suitable for this purpose. We also propose that sampling variability in the gene rankings be quantified, and suggest using the "selection probability function," the probability distribution of rankings for each gene. This is estimated via the bootstrap. A real dataset, derived from gene expression arrays of 23 normal and 30 ovarian cancer tissues, is analyzed. Simulation studies are also used to assess the relative performance of different statistical gene ranking measures and our quantification of sampling variability. Our approach leads naturally to a procedure for sample-size calculations, appropriate for exploratory studies that seek to identify differentially expressed genes.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Microarray technology emerges as a powerful tool in life science. One major application of microarray technology is to identify differentially expressed genes under various conditions. Currently, the statistical methods to analyze microarray data are generally unsatisfactory, mainly due to the lack of understanding of the distribution and error structure of microarray data. RESULTS: We develop a generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test based on the two-component model proposed by Rocke and Durbin to identify differentially expressed genes from microarray data. Simulation studies show that the GLR test is more powerful than commonly used methods, like the fold-change method and the two-sample t-test. When applied to microarray data, the GLR test identifies more differentially expressed genes than the t-test, has a lower false discovery rate and shows more consistency over independently repeated experiments. AVAILABILITY: The approach is implemented in software called GLR, which is freely available for downloading at http://www.cc.utah.edu/~jw27c60  相似文献   



This paper presents a unified framework for finding differentially expressed genes (DEGs) from the microarray data. The proposed framework has three interrelated modules: (i) gene ranking, ii) significance analysis of genes and (iii) validation. The first module uses two gene selection algorithms, namely, a) two-way clustering and b) combined adaptive ranking to rank the genes. The second module converts the gene ranks into p-values using an R-test and fuses the two sets of p-values using the Fisher's omnibus criterion. The DEGs are selected using the FDR analysis. The third module performs three fold validations of the obtained DEGs. The robustness of the proposed unified framework in gene selection is first illustrated using false discovery rate analysis. In addition, the clustering-based validation of the DEGs is performed by employing an adaptive subspace-based clustering algorithm on the training and the test datasets. Finally, a projection-based visualization is performed to validate the DEGs obtained using the unified framework.  相似文献   

Tan YD  Fornage M  Fu YX 《Genomics》2006,88(6):846-854
Microarray technology provides a powerful tool for the expression profile of thousands of genes simultaneously, which makes it possible to explore the molecular and metabolic etiology of the development of a complex disease under study. However, classical statistical methods and technologies fail to be applicable to microarray data. Therefore, it is necessary and motivating to develop powerful methods for large-scale statistical analyses. In this paper, we described a novel method, called Ranking Analysis of Microarray Data (RAM). RAM, which is a large-scale two-sample t-test method, is based on comparisons between a set of ranked T statistics and a set of ranked Z values (a set of ranked estimated null scores) yielded by a "randomly splitting" approach instead of a "permutation" approach and a two-simulation strategy for estimating the proportion of genes identified by chance, i.e., the false discovery rate (FDR). The results obtained from the simulated and observed microarray data show that RAM is more efficient in identification of genes differentially expressed and estimation of FDR under undesirable conditions such as a large fudge factor, small sample size, or mixture distribution of noises than Significance Analysis of Microarrays.  相似文献   



The main goal in analyzing microarray data is to determine the genes that are differentially expressed across two types of tissue samples or samples obtained under two experimental conditions. Mixture model method (MMM hereafter) is a nonparametric statistical method often used for microarray processing applications, but is known to over-fit the data if the number of replicates is small. In addition, the results of the MMM may not be repeatable when dealing with a small number of replicates. In this paper, we propose a new version of MMM to ensure the repeatability of the results in different runs, and reduce the sensitivity of the results on the parameters.  相似文献   

Cluster Identification Tool (CIT) is a microarray analysis program that identifies differentially expressed genes. Following division of experimental samples based on a parameter of interest, CIT uses a statistical discrimination metric and permutation analysis to identify clusters of genes or individual genes that best differentiate between the experimental groups. CIT integrates with the freely available CLUSTER and TREEVIEW programs to form a more complete microarray analysis package.  相似文献   

In cDNA indexing, differentially expressed genes are identified by the display of specific, corresponding subsets of cDNA. Subdivision of the cDNA population is achieved by the sequence-specific ligation of adapters to the overhangs created by class IIS restriction enzymes. However, inadequate specificity of ligation leads to redundancy between different adapter subsets. We evaluate the incidence of mismatches between adapters and class IIS restriction fragments during ligation and describe a modified set of conditions that improves ligation specificity. The improved protocol reduces redundancy between amplified cDNA subsets, which leads to a lower number of bands per lane of the differential display gel, and therefore simplifies analysis. We confirm the validity of this revised protocol by identifying five differentially expressed genes in mouse duodenum and ileum.  相似文献   

Tan Y  Liu Y 《Bioinformation》2011,7(8):400-404
Identification of genes differentially expressed across multiple conditions has become an important statistical problem in analyzing large-scale microarray data. Many statistical methods have been developed to address the challenging problem. Therefore, an extensive comparison among these statistical methods is extremely important for experimental scientists to choose a valid method for their data analysis. In this study, we conducted simulation studies to compare six statistical methods: the Bonferroni (B-) procedure, the Benjamini and Hochberg (BH-) procedure, the Local false discovery rate (Localfdr) method, the Optimal Discovery Procedure (ODP), the Ranking Analysis of F-statistics (RAF), and the Significant Analysis of Microarray data (SAM) in identifying differentially expressed genes. We demonstrated that the strength of treatment effect, the sample size, proportion of differentially expressed genes and variance of gene expression will significantly affect the performance of different methods. The simulated results show that ODP exhibits an extremely high power in indentifying differentially expressed genes, but significantly underestimates the False Discovery Rate (FDR) in all different data scenarios. The SAM has poor performance when the sample size is small, but is among the best-performing methods when the sample size is large. The B-procedure is stringent and thus has a low power in all data scenarios. Localfdr and RAF show comparable statistical behaviors with the BH-procedure with favorable power and conservativeness of FDR estimation. RAF performs the best when proportion of differentially expressed genes is small and treatment effect is weak, but Localfdr is better than RAF when proportion of differentially expressed genes is large.  相似文献   

To detect changes in gene expression data from microarrays, a fixed threshold for fold difference is used widely. However, it is not always guaranteed that a threshold value which is appropriate for highly expressed genes is suitable for lowly expressed genes. In this study, aiming at detecting truly differentially expressed genes from a wide expression range, we proposed an adaptive threshold method (AT). The adaptive thresholds, which have different values for different expression levels, are calculated based on two measurements under the same condition. The sensitivity, specificity and false discovery rate (FDR) of AT were investigated by simulations. The sensitivity and specificity under various noise conditions were greater than 89.7% and 99.32%, respectively. The FDR was smaller than 0.27. These results demonstrated the reliability of the method.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: An important goal in analyzing microarray data is to determine which genes are differentially expressed across two kinds of tissue samples or samples obtained under two experimental conditions. Various parametric tests, such as the two-sample t-test, have been used, but their possibly too strong parametric assumptions or large sample justifications may not hold in practice. As alternatives, a class of three nonparametric statistical methods, including the empirical Bayes method of Efron et al. (2001), the significance analysis of microarray (SAM) method of Tusher et al. (2001) and the mixture model method (MMM) of Pan et al. (2001), have been proposed. All the three methods depend on constructing a test statistic and a so-called null statistic such that the null statistic's distribution can be used to approximate the null distribution of the test statistic. However, relatively little effort has been directed toward assessment of the performance or the underlying assumptions of the methods in constructing such test and null statistics. RESULTS: We point out a problem of a current method to construct the test and null statistics, which may lead to largely inflated Type I errors (i.e. false positives). We also propose two modifications that overcome the problem. In the context of MMM, the improved performance of the modified methods is demonstrated using simulated data. In addition, our numerical results also provide evidence to support the utility and effectiveness of MMM.  相似文献   



The biomedical community is developing new methods of data analysis to more efficiently process the massive data sets produced by microarray experiments. Systematic and global mathematical approaches that can be readily applied to a large number of experimental designs become fundamental to correctly handle the otherwise overwhelming data sets.  相似文献   

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