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A preliminary study of the use of Colilert for water quality monitoring   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Substrate specificities of proteases produced by two putrefactive marine bacteria, Shewanella putrefaciens and Alteromonas haloplanktis , were surveyed by using peptidyl-7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (MCA-substrates). Shewanella putrefaciens produced trypsin-like enzyme(s) showing broad spectrum specificity and chymotrypsin-like enzyme specifically hydrolysing Glt-Gly-Gly-Phe-MCA. Alteromonas haloplanktis produced high activity of ammopeptidase and trypsin-like enzyme(s) preferring Z-Phe-Arg-MCA, Bz-Arg-MCA and Boc-Leu-Ser-Thr-Arg-MCA. The two organisms would be able to utilize different proteins for their growth.  相似文献   

Equine superficial digital flexor tendons (SDFT) are often injured, and they represent an excellent model for human sport tendinopathies. While lesions can be precisely diagnosed by clinical evaluation and ultrasonography, a prognosis is often difficult to establish; the knowledge of the injured tendon's mechanical properties would help in anticipating the outcome. The objectives of the present study were to compare the axial speed of sound (SOS) measured in vivo in normal and injured tendons and to investigate their relationship with the tendons' mechanical parameters, in order to assess the potential of quantitative axial ultrasound to monitor the healing of the injured tendons. SOS was measured in vivo in the right fore SDFTs of 12 horses during walk, before and 3.5 months after the surgical induction of a bilateral core lesion. The 12 horses were then euthanized, their SDFTs isolated and tested in tension to measure their elastic modulus and maximal load (and corresponding stress). SOS significantly decreased from 2179.4 ± 31.4 m/s in normal tendons to 2065.8 ± 67.1 m/s 3.5 months after the surgical induction, and the tendons' elastic modulus (0.90 ± 0.17 GPa) was found lower than what has been reported in normal tendons. While SOS was not correlated to tendon maximal load and corresponding stress, the SOS normalized on its value in normal tendons was correlated to the tendons' elastic modulus. These preliminary results confirm the potential of axial SOS in helping the functional assessment of injured tendon.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to highlight, in sitting posture, the value of distinguishing between the movements of the vertical projection of the centre of gravity (CG(v)) and its difference from the centre of pressure (CP-CG(v)). A protocol for healthy, young, trained adults, consisting in tilting their trunk backward or keeping it vertical was used. A frequency analysis shows that statistically significant effects were only seen on CP-CG(v) movements: the RMS increased by 37% (p = 0.004), while the MPF decreased by 5% (p = 0.016), suggesting an increased muscular activity in these tilting postures. In contrast, no statistically significant effects on CP and CG(v) were reported. These data highlight the advantage, in sitting posture, of splitting overall CP displacements into basic components (i.e. CG(v) and CP-CG(v)), each of them having a biomechanical significance.  相似文献   

Sera from 287 sheep were screened for cytotoxic antibodies against sheep lymphocytes. Forty four antisera were selected which provisionally define 13 lymphocyte antigens. The frequency of these antigens was studied in 305 sheep from 8 flocks of different breeds. Family studies confirm that inheritance of sheep lymphocyte antigens is controlled by the autosomal codominant genes of at least 2 linked loci.  相似文献   

This paper describes for the first time the possibility for recording the systolic pressure (SP), diastolic pressure (DP), and the mean arterial pressure (MAP) as well as the heart rate (HR) and locomotor activity (LA) in freely moving mice, using a commercially available telemetry and data acquisition system. The system comprises a new, small radio-telemetry transmitter implanted in the peritoneal cavity, a receiver board placed underneath the home cage, a multiplexer and a computer-based data acquisition system. The signals from the receiver were consolidated by the multiplexer and were stored and analysed by the computer. The telemetered pressure signals (absolute pressure) were corrected automatically for changes in atmospheric pressure measured by an ambient pressure monitor. The effects of implantation on animal behaviour, and, after the animals had recovered, the effects of handling on the SP, DP, MAP and HR were examined. The radio-telemetry system for recording the SP, DP, MAP and HR provides an accurate and reliable method for monitoring the direct effects of handling on SP, DP, MAP and HR. In addition, by using this new blood pressure (BP) transmitter, we maintain that BP measurements in freely moving mice are more efficient, reliable, and less labour-intensive than the measurement techniques described in the literature thus far.  相似文献   

In the last few years epidemiological surveys have shown correlation between low endurance capacity of the trunk extensors and low back trouble. In this report two methods for the determination of trunk extensor endurance are compared. In method I the fixated subject is lying prone with the cranial border of the iliac crest at the edge of a couch. The endurance time for maintaining the upper part of the body horizontal was measured (max. 240 s). In method II the standing subject performed a horizontal isometric pull on a strain gauge force transducer equivalent to 60% MVC of the trunk extensors. The time until complete exhaustion in the muscles (inability to maintain the preset force level) was determined. The methods were applied to two groups of normal, healthy subjects: 1) 23 female (22-61 years) and 53 male (27-60 years) postmen. 2) 10 male students (20-37 years). The results show that method II is preferable to method I, not least in the field of ergonomics. Method II is easily practicable and does not demand expensive or complicated equipment. Furthermore this method gives reliable results suitable for statistical preparation, and is not influenced by anthropometrical factors.  相似文献   

荧假单胞杆菌化感作用的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 引  言化感作用 (Allelopathy)是指一种植物或微生物通过产生化学物质而对其它生物产生的直接或间接的刺激或抑制作用[7] .虽然有关高等植物之间化感作用的研究已有大量报道 ,但微生物对高等植物的化感作用研究报道却较少 ,尤其是细菌在生态系统中的化感作用往往被忽视[1] .荧光假单胞杆菌 (P .fluorescens)是定殖于植物根际的优势细菌种群 ,此类细菌以其分布广、适应能力强、繁殖速度快、易于人工培养等特点 ,成为最具生防潜力和应用价值的生防菌[5] .对陕西农田土壤有益微生物的筛选研究中发现 ,一株荧光假单胞杆菌培养液对番茄灰霉…  相似文献   


The study was designed to investigate whether exhaled breath condensate, obtained by cooling exhaled air in spontaneous breathing, could be a suitable matrix for toluene quantitative analyses. Nine healthy subjects were exposed for a short period (20 min) to a known concentration of toluene. Exhaled breath condensate samples were collected before and at the end of the exposure, while the environmental concentration of toluene was continuously monitored. Toluene was analysed by head-space gas-chromatography mass spectrometry, and assay repeatability was also estimated in vitro. Baseline and post-exposure measurement of hippuric acid, the urinary toluene metabolite, was performed to assess current toluene exposure. Before the exposure toluene concentrations in the exhaled breath condensate were lower than the detectable limit in all subjects, while after the exposure toluene was detectable with a median value 0.35 µg l?1 (range 0.15–0.55 µg l?1) in all the exhaled breath condensate samples. As compared with the standard calibration in distilled water, the curves obtained by exhaled breath condensate were linear and comparable with the range examined in vivo for toluene. A significant correlation was found between the environmental toluene levels and toluene in the exhaled breath condensate at the end of exposure. Furthermore, a significant relationship between increased exhaled breath condensate toluene levels and urinary hippuric acid after the exposure was found. In conclusion, exhaled breath condensate is a promising matrix for toluene assessment, although its application in humans requires further investigations.  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate whether exhaled breath condensate, obtained by cooling exhaled air in spontaneous breathing, could be a suitable matrix for toluene quantitative analyses. Nine healthy subjects were exposed for a short period (20 min) to a known concentration of toluene. Exhaled breath condensate samples were collected before and at the end of the exposure, while the environmental concentration of toluene was continuously monitored. Toluene was analysed by head-space gas-chromatography mass spectrometry, and assay repeatability was also estimated in vitro. Baseline and post-exposure measurement of hippuric acid, the urinary toluene metabolite, was performed to assess current toluene exposure. Before the exposure toluene concentrations in the exhaled breath condensate were lower than the detectable limit in all subjects, while after the exposure toluene was detectable with a median value 0.35 µg l-1 (range 0.15-0.55 µg l-1) in all the exhaled breath condensate samples. As compared with the standard calibration in distilled water, the curves obtained by exhaled breath condensate were linear and comparable with the range examined in vivo for toluene. A significant correlation was found between the environmental toluene levels and toluene in the exhaled breath condensate at the end of exposure. Furthermore, a significant relationship between increased exhaled breath condensate toluene levels and urinary hippuric acid after the exposure was found. In conclusion, exhaled breath condensate is a promising matrix for toluene assessment, although its application in humans requires further investigations.  相似文献   

自2005年5月29日至2006年5月28日在福州金山福建农林大学校园内进行了实蝇监测。采用甲基丁香酚(M e)、诱蝇酮(Cue)和地中海实蝇诱芯(T),诱集到橘小实蝇[Bactrocera(Bactrocera)dorsalis]、瓜实蝇[B.(Zeugodacus)cucurbi-tae]、南瓜实蝇[B.(Zeugodacus)tau]和具条实蝇(B.scutellata)4种实蝇,但未诱到地中海实蝇(Ceratitis capitata)。其中,橘小实蝇诱集量最大,8月中下旬达到高峰。本研究为掌握福州地区实蝇发生动态提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

There is a growing realization that traditional osteometric data are of uncertain scientific validity, primarily due to the lack of dissociation between size and shape parameters. This study was specifically based on the metrical definition of mandibular morphologic shape, using a technique termed medial axis transformation. It was based on the digitized mandibular outlines of three age-sexed samples of microcephalics, macrocephalics, and normocephalics. Evaluation of the derived medial axis lengths and branch point distances indicated complex patterns of mandibular shape contrasts between microcephalics and macrocephalics on the one hand and normocephalics on the other. Although larger more homogeneous samples are required to evaluate the specific factors influencing mandibular shape, the present data suggest an association between mandibular shape and cranial form.  相似文献   

林冠截持降雨模型的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
通过对林冠截持过程的研究,将单场降雨划分成很多个小的时段,顺序计算各小时段内降雨在林冠内的分配,建立了一个林冠降雨截持模型.模型考虑了冠层和树干干燥度对冠层雨期蒸发的影响,并在计算雨期蒸发时引入冠层叶面积指数、单位林地面积上树干表面积.运用模型对华北落叶松林的降雨截持进行模拟,结果表明,模拟穿透雨与实测穿透雨基本吻合,误差在±1 mm范围内,但在小降雨(<6 mm)时模拟值偏低;树干茎流量模拟值偏低,茎流模拟相对误差随着降雨量增大而减小.同时模拟了穿透降雨的过程,结果与林内自动气象站实测穿透降雨的过程基本吻合,模拟效果较好.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an individualized approach to closed-loop control of depth of hypnosis during propofol anesthesia. The novelty of the paper lies in the individualization of the controller at the end of the induction phase of anesthesia, based on a patient model identified from the dose–response relationship during induction of anesthesia. The proposed approach is shown to be superior to administration of propofol based on population-based infusion schemes tailored to individual patients. This approach has the potential to outperform fully adaptive approaches in regards to controller robustness against measurement variability due to surgical stimulation. To streamline controller synthesis, two output filters were introduced (inverting the Hill dose–response model and the linear time-invariant sensor model), which yield a close-to-linear representation of the system dynamics when used with a compartmental patient model. These filters are especially useful during the induction phase of anesthesia in which a nonlinear dose–response relationship complicates the design of an appropriate controller. The proposed approach was evaluated in simulation on pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic models of 44 patients identified from real clinical data. A model of the NeuroSense, a hypnotic depth monitor based on wavelet analysis of EEG, was also included. This monitor is similar to the well-known BIS, but has linear time-invariant dynamics and does not introduce a delay. The proposed scheme was compared with a population-based controller, i.e. a controller only utilizing models based on demographic covariates for its tuning. On average, the proposed approach offered 25% improvement in disturbance attenuation, measured as the integrated absolute error following a step disturbance. The corresponding standard deviation from the reference was also decreased by 25%. Results are discussed and possible directions of future work are proposed.  相似文献   

Regulatory controls of quality assurance in veterinary laboratories are less common than in human reproduction laboratories and the intra- and inter-technician variation in the assessment of canine vaginal cytology has not been reported. This study was designed to determine whether variation in classification of vaginal epithelial cells and interpretation of vaginal cytology smears existed within and between technicians in a canine reproductive laboratory.Sixteen vaginal cytology smears representing different known stages of the oestrous cycle were examined twice by one experienced technician and three inexperienced technicians in a blinded random order study design. Seven assessments were made; counting and classifying one hundred vaginal epithelial cells into four morphological classifications and assessment of three cellular categories. Technicians also interpreted their results and reported the stage of the cycle they thought each slide represented. In addition, selected samples were sent to four external commercial laboratories for interpretation.For the experienced technician, intra-technician variation was low for the morphological classifications and cellular assessments (r = 0.69-0.95). There was more intra-technician variation between results from Examination One and Examination Two for the inexperienced technicians (r = 0.53-0.92 where correlations were found). When inexperienced technicians' results were compared to results from the experienced technician, the inter-technician variation was low; results were correlated for 17 of the 21 observations (four morphological classifications and three cellular assessments across the three technicians) (r = 0.38-0.87). When technician interpretations of stage of the oestrous cycle were compared to the known stage of the cycle for each smear, the experienced technician correctly interpreted 19 of the 32 smears, whilst the three inexperienced technicians correctly interpreted 14, 16, and 18 of the 32 smears. The interpretation of vaginal smears by external laboratories was varied and sometimes inconclusive; 50% of laboratories incorrectly identified metoestrus smears as proestrus and 25% of the laboratories incorrectly identified an oestrus smear as proestrus.The results of this study are highly important for clinicians undertaking canine reproductive assessments since they demonstrate the potential for variability of results. While the greatest precision was found when vaginal smears were examined by an experienced technician (who, on a daily basis, examines many smears), more variability in both the reporting of different cell types and interpretation of the smears was observed by inexperienced technicians and when samples were sent to external commercial laboratories. These findings suggest that suitable quality control programmes should be implemented for laboratories that are undertaking routine assessments of canine reproductive function.  相似文献   

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