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Whole body heating increases muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA); however, the effect of heat stress on spectral characteristics of MSNA is unknown. Such information may provide insight into mechanisms of heat stress-induced MSNA activation. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that heat stress-induced changes in systolic blood pressure variability parallel changes in MSNA variability. In 13 healthy subjects, MSNA, electrocardiogram, arterial blood pressure (via Finapres), and respiratory activity were recorded under both normothermic and heat stress conditions. Spectral characteristics of integrated MSNA, R-R interval, systolic blood pressure, and respiratory excursions were assessed in the low (LF; 0.03-0.15 Hz) and high (HF; 0.15-0.45 Hz) frequency components. Whole body heating significantly increased skin and core body temperature, MSNA burst rate, and heart rate, but not mean arterial blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure and R-R interval variability were significantly reduced in both the LF and HF ranges. Compared with normothermic conditions, heat stress significantly increased the HF component of MSNA, while the LF component of MSNA was not altered. Thus the LF-to-HF ratio of MSNA oscillatory components was significantly reduced. These data indicate that the spectral characteristics of MSNA are altered by whole body heating; however, heat stress-induced changes in MSNA do not parallel changes in systolic blood pressure variability. Moreover, the reduction in LF component of systolic blood pressure during heat stress is unlikely related to spectral changes in MSNA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to test the hypothesis that increases in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) during an orthostatic challenge is attenuated in heat-stressed individuals. To accomplish this objective, MSNA was measured during graded lower body negative pressure (LBNP) in nine subjects under normothermic and heat-stressed conditions. Progressive LBNP was applied at -3, -6, -9, -12, -15, -18, -21, and -40 mmHg for 2 min per stage. Whole body heating caused significant increases in sublingual temperature, skin blood flow, sweat rate, heart rate, and MSNA (all P < 0.05) but not in mean arterial blood pressure (P > 0.05). Progressive LBNP induced significant increases in MSNA in both thermal conditions. However, during the heat stress trial, increases in MSNA at LBNP levels higher than -9 mmHg were greater compared with during the same LBNP levels in normothermia (all P < 0.05). These data suggest that the increase in MSNA to orthostatic stress is not attenuated but rather accentuated in heat-stressed humans.  相似文献   

We have used the wavelet transform to evaluate the time-frequency content of laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF) signals measured simultaneously on the surfaces of free microvascular flaps deprived of sympathetic nerve activity (SNA), and on adjacent intact skin, in humans. It was thereby possible to determine the frequency interval within which SNA manifests itself in peripheral blood flow oscillations. The frequency interval from 0.0095 to 2 Hz was examined and was divided into five subintervals: I, approximately 0.01 Hz; II, approximately 0.04 Hz; III, approximately 0.1 Hz; IV, approximately 0.3 Hz; and V, approximately 1 Hz. The average value of the LDF signal in the time domain as well as the mean amplitude and total power in the interval from 0.0095 to 2 Hz and amplitude and power within each of the five subintervals were significantly lower for signals measured on the free flap (P < 0.002). The normalized spectral amplitude and power in the free flap were significantly lower in only two intervals: I, from 0.0095 to 0.021 Hz; and II, from 0.021 to 0.052 Hz (P < 0.05); thus indicating that SNA is manifested in at least one of these frequency intervals. Because interval I has recently been shown to be the result of vascular endothelial activity, we conclude that we have identified SNA as influencing blood flow oscillations in normal tissues with repetition times of 20-50 s or frequencies of 0.02-0.05 Hz.  相似文献   

There are conflicting reports for the role of endogenous opioids on sympathetic and cardiovascular responses to exercise in humans. A number of studies have utilized naloxone (an opioid-receptor antagonist) to investigate the effect of opioids during exercise. In the present study, we examined the effect of morphine (an opioid-receptor agonist) on sympathetic and cardiovascular responses at rest and during isometric handgrip (IHG). Eleven subjects performed 2 min of IHG (30% maximum) followed by 2 min of postexercise muscle ischemia (PEMI) before and after systemic infusion of morphine (0.075 mg/kg loading dose + 1 mg/h maintenance) or placebo (saline) in double-blinded experiments on separate days. Morphine increased resting muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA; 17 +/- 2 to 22 +/- 2 bursts/min; P < 0.01) and increased mean arterial pressure (MAP; 87 +/- 2 to 91 +/- 2 mmHg; P < 0.02), but it decreased heart rate (HR; 61 +/- 4 to 59 +/- 3; P < 0.01). However, IHG elicited similar increases for MSNA, MAP, and HR between the control and morphine trial (drug x exercise interaction = not significant). Moreover, responses to PEMI were not different. Placebo had no effect on resting, IHG, and PEMI responses. We conclude that morphine modulates cardiovascular and sympathetic responses at rest but not during isometric exercise.  相似文献   

We sought to determine whether carotid baroreflex (CBR) control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) was altered during dynamic exercise. In five men and three women, 23.8 +/- 0.7 (SE) yr of age, CBR function was evaluated at rest and during 20 min of arm cycling at 50% peak O(2) uptake using 5-s periods of neck pressure and neck suction. From rest to steady-state arm cycling, mean arterial pressure (MAP) was significantly increased from 90.0 +/- 2.7 to 118.7 +/- 3.6 mmHg and MSNA burst frequency (microneurography at the peroneal nerve) was elevated by 51 +/- 14% (P < 0.01). However, despite the marked increases in MAP and MSNA during exercise, CBR-Delta%MSNA responses elicited by the application of various levels of neck pressure and neck suction ranging from +45 to -80 Torr were not significantly different from those at rest. Furthermore, estimated baroreflex sensitivity for the control of MSNA at rest was the same as during exercise (P = 0.74) across the range of neck chamber pressures. Thus CBR control of sympathetic nerve activity appears to be preserved during moderate-intensity dynamic exercise.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that the increase in inactive leg vascular resistance during forearm metaboreflex activation is dissociated from muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA). MSNA (microneurography), femoral artery mean blood velocity (FAMBV, Doppler), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and heart rate (HR) were assessed during fatiguing static handgrip exercise (SHG, 2 min) followed by posthandgrip ischemia (PHI, 2 min). Whereas both MAP and MSNA increase during SHG, the transition from SHG to PHI is characterized by a transient reduction in MAP but sustained elevation in MSNA, facilitating separation of these factors in vivo. Femoral artery vascular resistance (FAVR) was calculated (MAP/MBV). MSNA increased by 59 +/- 20% above baseline during SHG (P < 0.05) and was 58 +/- 18 and 78 +/- 18% above baseline at 10 and 20 s of PHI, respectively (P < 0.05 vs. baseline). Compared with baseline, FAVR increased 51 +/- 22% during SHG (P < 0.0001) but returned to baseline levels during the first 30 s of PHI, reflecting the changes in MAP (P < 0.005) and not MSNA. It was concluded that control of leg muscle vascular resistance is sensitive to changes in arterial pressure and can be dissociated from sympathetic factors.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the cardiac-related rhythm in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) of humans reflects entrainment of a central oscillator by pulse-synchronous baroreceptor nerve activity. Partial autospectral analysis was used to mathematically remove the portion of cardiac-related power in MSNA autospectra that was attributable to its linear relationship to the ECG. In 54 of 98 cases, > or =15% of cardiac-related power remained after partialization with the ECG; peak residual cardiac-related power was often at a frequency different than heart rate. When assessed on a cardiac-related burst-by-burst basis, there was a progressive and cyclic change in the ECG-MSNA interval (delay from R wave to peak of cardiac-related burst) on the time scale of respiration in four subjects. In these subjects, as well as in some in which the interval appeared to change randomly, there was an inverse relationship between the ECG-MSNA interval and cardiac-related burst amplitude. However, in 45% of the cases, these parameters were not related. These results support the view that the cardiac-related rhythm in MSNA reflects forcing of a nonlinear oscillator rather than periodic inhibition of unstructured, random activity.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that orthostatic stress would modulate the arterial baroreflex (ABR)-mediated beat-by-beat control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) in humans. In 12 healthy subjects, ABR control of MSNA (burst incidence, burst strength, and total activity) was evaluated by analysis of the relation between beat-by-beat spontaneous variations in diastolic blood pressure (DAP) and MSNA during supine rest (CON) and at two levels of lower body negative pressure (LBNP: -15 and -35 mmHg). At -15 mmHg LBNP, the relation between burst incidence (bursts per 100 heartbeats) and DAP showed an upward shift from that observed during CON, but the further shift seen at -35 mmHg LBNP was only marginal. The relation between burst strength and DAP was shifted upward at -15 mmHg LBNP (vs. CON) and further shifted upward at -35 mmHg LBNP. At -15 mmHg LBNP, the relation between total activity and DAP was shifted upward from that obtained during CON and further shifted upward at -35 mmHg LBNP. These results suggest that ABR control of MSNA is modulated during orthostatic stress and that the modulation is different between a mild (nonhypotensive) and a moderate (hypotensive) level of orthostatic stress.  相似文献   

The purpose of this project was to test the hypothesis that baroreceptor modulation of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and heart rate is altered during the cold pressor test. Ten subjects were exposed to a cold pressor test by immersing a hand in ice water for 3 min while arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and MSNA were recorded. During the second and third minute of the cold pressor test, blood pressure was lowered and then raised by intravenous bolus infusions of sodium nitroprusside and phenylephrine HCl, respectively. The slope of the relationship between MSNA and diastolic blood pressure was more negative (P < 0.005) during the cold pressor test (-244.9 +/- 26.3 units x beat(-1) x mmHg(-1)) when compared with control conditions (-138.8 +/- 18.6 units x beat(-1) x mmHg(-1)), whereas no significant change in the slope of the relationship between heart rate and systolic blood pressure was observed. These data suggest that baroreceptors remain capable of modulating MSNA and heart rate during a cold pressor test; however, the sensitivity of baroreflex modulation of MSNA is elevated without altering the sensitivity of baroreflex control of heart rate.  相似文献   

Muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) is altered by vestibular otolith stimulation. This study examined interactive effects of the vestibular system and baroreflexes on MSNA in humans. In study 1, MSNA was measured during 4 min of lower body negative pressure (LBNP) at either -10 or -30 mmHg with subjects in prone posture. During the 3rd min of LBNP, subjects lowered their head over the end of a table (head-down rotation, HDR) to engage the otolith organs. The head was returned to baseline upright position during the 4th min. LBNP increased MSNA above baseline during both trials with greater increases during the -30-mmHg trial. HDR increased MSNA further during the 3rd min of LBNP at -10 and -30 mmHg (Delta32% and Delta34%, respectively; P < 0.01). MSNA returned to pre-HDR levels during the 4th min of LBNP when the head was returned upright. In study 2, MSNA was measured during HDR, LBNP, and simultaneously performed HDR and LBNP. The sum of MSNA responses during individual HDR and LBNP trials was not significantly different from that observed during HDR and LBNP performed together (Delta131 +/- 28 vs. Delta118 +/- 47 units and Delta340 +/- 77 vs. Delta380 +/- 90 units for the -10 and -30 trials, respectively). These results demonstrate that vestibular otolith stimulation can increase MSNA during unloading of the cardiopulmonary and arterial baroreflexes. Also, the interaction between the vestibulosympathetic reflex and baroreflexes is additive in humans. These studies indicate that the vestibulosympathetic reflex may help defend against orthostatic challenges in humans by increasing sympathetic outflow.  相似文献   

To clarify whether sympathetic nerve activity increases in relation to the tension of a sustained muscle contraction, muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSA) was recorded directly from the peroneal nerve fascicle at the popliteal fossa by means of tungsten microelectrodes in five healthy male subjects. A sustained muscle contraction was performed by handgrip for two minutes in a supine position at tensions of 10, 30 and 45% of maximal grip strength (MGS). MSA, electrocardiogram (ECG) using bipolar electrodes from the chest and surface electromyogram (EMG) from the extensor pollicis longus were recorded simultaneously before and during the sustained handgrip. Arterial blood pressure was measured at the resting upper arm by auscultation. During handgrip with tensions of 10, 30 and 45% MGS, average MSA burst rate (bursts X min-1) increased to 122, 152 and 230% of the resting value, respectively. During the same experimental procedures with tensions of 10, 30 and 45% MGS, average heart rate increased to 105, 110 and 111% of the resting value. These results confirm that sympathetic outflow to a resting muscle is increased with elevation of tension in an active muscle. This process would promote perfusion pressure in the active muscle.  相似文献   

To identify whether muscle metaboreceptor stimulation alters baroreflex control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), MSNA, beat-by-beat arterial blood pressure (Finapres), and electrocardiogram were recorded in 11 healthy subjects in the supine position. Subjects performed 2 min of isometric handgrip exercise at 40% of maximal voluntary contraction followed by 2.5 min of posthandgrip muscle ischemia. During muscle ischemia, blood pressure was lowered and then raised by intravenous bolus infusions of sodium nitroprusside and phenylephrine HCl, respectively. The slope of the relationship between MSNA and diastolic blood pressure was more negative (P < 0.001) during posthandgrip muscle ischemia (-201.9 +/- 20.4 units. beat(-1). mmHg(-1)) when compared with control conditions (-142.7 +/- 17.3 units. beat(-1). mmHg(-1)). No significant change in the slope of the relationship between heart rate and systolic blood pressure was observed. However, both curves shifted during postexercise ischemia to accommodate the elevation in blood pressure and MSNA that occurs with this condition. These data suggest that the sensitivity of baroreflex modulation of MSNA is elevated by muscle metaboreceptor stimulation, whereas the sensitivity of baroreflex of modulate heart rate is unchanged during posthandgrip muscle ischemia.  相似文献   

Hyperoxia induces skin vasoconstriction in humans, but the mechanism is still unclear. In the present study we examined whether the vasoconstrictor response to hyperoxia is through activated adrenergic function (protocol 1) or through inhibitory effects on nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and/or cyclooxygenase (COX) (protocol 2). We also tested whether any such vasoconstrictor effect is altered by body heating. In protocol 1 (n = 11 male subjects), release of norepinephrine from adrenergic terminals in the forearm skin was blocked locally by iontophoresis of bretylium (BT). In protocol 2, the NOS inhibitor N(G)-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) and the nonselective COX antagonist ketorolac (Keto) were separately administered by intradermal microdialysis in 11 male subjects. In the two protocols, subjects breathed 21% (room air) or 100% O(2) in both normothermia and hyperthermia. Skin blood flow (SkBF) was monitored by laser-Doppler flowmetry. Cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) was calculated as the ratio of SkBF to blood pressure measured by Finapres. In protocol 1, breathing 100% O(2) decreased (P < 0.05) CVC at the BT-treated and at untreated sites from the levels of CVC during 21% O(2) breathing both in normothermia and hyperthermia. In protocol 2, the administration of l-NAME inhibited (P < 0.05) the reduction of CVC during 100% O(2) breathing in both thermal conditions. The administration of Keto inhibited (P < 0.05) the reduction of CVC during 100% O(2) breathing in hyperthermia but not in normothermia. These results suggest that skin vasoconstriction with hyperoxia is partly due to the decreased activity of functional NOS in normothermia and hyperthermia. We found no significant role for adrenergic mechanisms in hyperoxic vasoconstriction. Decreased production of vasodilator prostaglandins may play a role in hyperoxia-induced cutaneous vasoconstriction in heat-stressed humans.  相似文献   

Skin surface cooling improves orthostatic tolerance through a yet to be identified mechanism. One possibility is that skin surface cooling increases the gain of baroreflex control of efferent responses contributing to the maintenance of blood pressure. To test this hypothesis, muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA), arterial blood pressure, and heart rate were recorded in nine healthy subjects during both normothermic and skin surface cooling conditions, while baroreflex control of MSNA and heart rate were assessed during rapid pharmacologically induced changes in arterial blood pressure. Skin surface cooling decreased mean skin temperature (34.9 +/- 0.2 to 29.8 +/- 0.6 degrees C; P < 0.001) and increased mean arterial blood pressure (85 +/- 2 to 93 +/- 3 mmHg; P < 0.001) without changing MSNA (P = 0.47) or heart rate (P = 0.21). The slope of the relationship between MSNA and diastolic blood pressure during skin surface cooling (-3.54 +/- 0.29 units.beat(-1).mmHg(-1)) was not significantly different from normothermic conditions (-2.94 +/- 0.21 units.beat(-1).mmHg(-1); P = 0.19). The slope depicting baroreflex control of heart rate was also not altered by skin surface cooling. However, skin surface cooling shifted the "operating point" of both baroreflex curves to high arterial blood pressures (i.e., rightward shift). Resetting baroreflex curves to higher pressure might contribute to the elevations in orthostatic tolerance associated with skin surface cooling.  相似文献   

We microneurographically recorded the traffic of sympathetic nerves leading to foot volar skin activity (SSA) and leg skeletal muscle activity (MSA) during isometric handgrip and simultaneously determined sweat rate by the ventilated capsule method and skin blood flow by laser-Doppler flowmetry in the innervating area of SSA. SSA increased abruptly and was almost constant during handgrip, accompanied by an increase in sweat rate, whereas skin blood flow showed no significant change during the handgrip. MSA showed a time-dependent increase during the course of handgrip. During arterial occlusion of the working forearm after handgrip, SSA decayed to the precontraction control level, whereas MSA remained at a higher level than during control. During involuntary biceps muscle contraction induced by electrical stimulation, both SSA and MSA increased. The results suggest that the SSA response during voluntary handgrip, which was demonstrated to contain mainly sudomotor activity, might be influenced by central command and input from peripheral mechanoreceptors but be influenced little by input from muscle chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with sustained elevation of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and altered chemoreflex control of MSNA, both of which likely play an important role in the development of hypertension in these patients. Additionally, short-term exposure to intermittent hypoxic apneas can produce a sustained elevation of MSNA. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that 20 min of intermittent hypoxic apneas can alter chemoreflex control of MSNA. Twenty-one subjects were randomly assigned to one of three groups (hypoxic apnea, hypercapnic hypoxia, and isocapnic hypoxia). Subjects were exposed to 30 s of the perturbation every minute for 20 min. Chemoreflex control of MSNA was assessed during baseline, 1 min posttreatment, and every 15 min throughout 180 min of recovery by the MSNA response to a single hypoxic apnea. Recovery hypoxic apneas were matched to a baseline hypoxic apnea with a similar nadir oxygen saturation. A significant main effect for chemoreflex control of MSNA was observed after 20 min of intermittent hypoxic apneas (P <0.001). The MSNA response to a single hypoxic apnea was attenuated 1 min postexposure compared with baseline (P <0.001), became augmented within 30 min of recovery, and remained augmented through 165 min of recovery (P <0.05). Comparison of treatment groups revealed no differences in the chemoreflex control of MSNA during recovery (P=0.69). These data support the hypothesis that 20 min of intermittent hypoxic apneas can alter chemoreflex control of MSNA. Furthermore, this response appears to be mediated by hypoxia.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the interaction [with respect to the regulation of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) and blood pressure] between the arterial baroreflex and muscle metaboreflex in humans. In 10 healthy subjects who performed a 1-min sustained handgrip exercise at 50% maximal voluntary contraction followed by forearm occlusion, arterial baroreflex control of MSNA (burst incidence and strength and total activity) was evaluated by analyzing the relationship between beat-by-beat spontaneous variations in diastolic arterial blood pressure (DAP) and MSNA both during supine rest (control) and during postexercise muscle ischemia (PEMI). During PEMI (vs. control), 1) the linear relationship between burst incidence and DAP was shifted rightward with no alteration in sensitivity, 2) the linear relationship between burst strength and DAP was shifted rightward and upward with no change in sensitivity, and 3) the linear relationship between total activity and DAP was shifted to a higher blood pressure and its sensitivity was increased. The modification of the control of total activity that occurs in PEMI could be a consequence of alterations in the baroreflex control of both MSNA burst incidence and burst strength. These results suggest that the arterial baroreflex and muscle metaboreflex interact to control both the occurrence and strength of MSNA bursts.  相似文献   

Spectral analysis of skin blood flow has demonstrated low-frequency (LF, 0.03-0.15 Hz) and high-frequency (HF, 0.15-0.40 Hz) oscillations, similar to oscillations in R-R interval, systolic pressure, and muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA). It is not known whether the oscillatory profile of skin blood flow is secondary to oscillations in arterial pressure or to oscillations in skin sympathetic nerve activity (SSNA). MSNA and SSNA differ markedly with regard to control mechanisms and morphology. MSNA contains vasoconstrictor fibers directed to muscle vasculature, closely regulated by baroreceptors. SSNA contains both vasomotor and sudomotor fibers, differentially responding to arousals and thermal stimuli. Nevertheless, MSNA and SSNA share certain common characteristics. We tested the hypothesis that LF and HF oscillatory components are evident in SSNA, similar to the oscillatory components present in MSNA. We studied 18 healthy normal subjects and obtained sequential measurements of MSNA and SSNA from the peroneal nerve during supine rest. Measurements were also obtained of the electrocardiogram, beat-by-beat blood pressure (Finapres), and respiration. Spectral analysis showed LF and HF oscillations in MSNA, coherent with similar oscillations in both R-R interval and systolic pressure. The HF oscillation of MSNA was coherent with respiration. Similarly, LF and HF spectral components were evident in SSNA variability, coherent with corresponding variability components of R-R interval and systolic pressure. HF oscillations of SSNA were coherent with respiration. Thus our data suggest that these oscillations may be fundamental characteristics shared by MSNA and SSNA, possibly reflecting common central mechanisms regulating sympathetic outflows subserving different regions and functions.  相似文献   

Static and pulsed magnetic fields have been reported to have a variety of physiological effects. However, the effect of static magnetic fields on pain perception and sympathetic function is equivocal. To address this question, we measured pain perception during reproducible noxious stimuli during acute exposure to static magnets. Pain perception, muscle sympathetic nerve activity, mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and forearm blood velocity were measured during rest, isometric handgrip, postexercise muscle ischemia, and cold pressor test during magnet and placebo exposure in 15 subjects (25 +/- 1 yr; 8 men and 7 women) following 1 h of exposure. During magnet exposure, subjects were placed on a mattress with 95 evenly spaced 0.06-T magnets imbedded in it. During placebo exposure, subjects were placed on an identical mattress without magnets. The order of the two exposure conditions was randomized. At rest, no significant differences were noted in muscle sympathetic nerve activity (8 +/- 1 and 7 +/- 1 bursts/min for magnet and placebo, respectively), mean arterial pressure (91 +/- 3 and 93 +/- 3 mmHg), heart rate (63 +/- 2 and 62 +/- 2 beats/min), and forearm blood velocity (3.0 +/- 0.3 and 2.6 +/- 0.3 cm/s). Magnets did not alter pain perception during the three stimuli. During all interventions, no significant differences between exposure conditions were found in muscle sympathetic nerve activity and hemodynamic measurements. These results indicate that acute exposure to static magnetic fields does not alter pain perception, sympathetic function, and hemodynamics at rest or during noxious stimuli.  相似文献   

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