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All uterine tissues as well as the fetal membranes and the placenta can form prostaglandins from endogenous precursors but it is not clear which of the tissues is the main site for the increase in PGF production during human parturition. To examine this question, we measured plasma prostaglandin levels before and at intervals after expulsion of the fetus, placenta, and membranes. The concentration of PGFM at the beginning of the second stage of labor was significantly higher than before the onset of labor. Five minutes after the birth of the infant, the concentration had doubled. Thirty minutes after the expulsion of placenta and membranes, plasma PGFM had fallen to the levels at full dilatation; two hours postpartum it was still significantly raised over levels before labor. Since the halflife of PGFM in the circulation is about 7 minutes, these findings indicate that the uterine tissues are important sources of PGFM during labor. In contrast, endogenous oxytocin levels, which were significantly raised over control levels at the second stage of labor, did not change during the third stage, and decline postpartum to control levels. Oxytocin infusion did not influence PGFM levels at 5 and at 30 minutes postpartum, but raised them at 2 hours.  相似文献   

At low substrate/enzyme ratios, and in the absence of reduced glutathione (GSH), the major prostaglandin (PG) biosynthesised by the ram seminal vesicle cyclo-oxygenase from arachidonic acid was 6-keto-PGF1α. The addition of nanomolar amounts of reduced GSH suppressed biosynthesis of this product and stimulated the formation of PGE2; 1-epinephrine enhanced the conversion of the substrate but had not effect on the type of product formed. 15-Hydroperoxy arachidonic acid selectively inhibited formation of 6-keto-PGF1α (IC50 100 μM) but blocked synthesis of all cyclooxygenase products at concentations greater than 1 mM. At substrate concentrations of 30 μM or greater, synthesis of 6-keto-PGF1α was inhibited and PGE2 and PGF2α were the main products formed.  相似文献   

A sensitive and relative specific radioimmunoassay for 15 (S) 15 methyl prostaglandin F has been developed to enable the measurements of the concentrations of the drug in biological fluids after its administration for therapeutic abortion. The precision, accuracy and specificity of the assay are described.  相似文献   

13,14-Dihydro-15 keto-PGE2 decomposes by first order reaction kinetics, dependent on pH, temperature and albumin concentration. Under common experimental conditions at or near neutrality in the absence of albumin decomposition is suspended with the formation of 13,14-dihydro-15 keto-PGA2. Cyclization into 11-deoxy-13,14-dihydro-15 keto-11,16-bicyclo-PGE2 occurs at elevated pH in purely aqueous buffers, and also at or near neutrality in the presence of albumin. Albumin accelerates, quantitatively, the decomposition of 13,14-dihydro-15 keto-PGE2 and promotes, qualitatively, the formation of the bicyclo rearrangement product. High performance liquid chromatographic analysis indicates that the cyclization product exists in at least three epimerically distinct forms. The two major epimers have been synthesized and isolated in pure form. They differ, mainly, by their optical rotation.  相似文献   

A sensitive and relatively specific radioimmunoassay for 15 (S) 15 methyl prostaglandin F was used to determine the levels of the drug in amniotic fluid after it had been injected intra-amniotically for termination of second trimester pregnancy. The disappearance of the free acid (tham salt) and methyl ester of the prostaglandin analogue were similar. The results of this preliminary study suggest that the drug rapidly equilibrates in the fluid and this is followed by a slow removal from the amniotic sac. A comparison with a similar study with PGF, revealed that the analogue had a longer half-life in the amniotic fluid.  相似文献   

A rabbit antiserum directed toward the prostaglandin E2 metabolite 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin E2 (KH2PGE2) was produced by immunization with a human albumin-KH2PGE2 conjugate. The antiserum recognized the 15-keto-group (it cross reacts with 13,14-dihydro-prostaglandin E2 0.2%); the saturated 13,14-bond (it cross reacts with 15-keto-prostaglandin E2 7%); the 9-keto group (it cross reacts with 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F 5%); and the 11-hydroxy group (it cross reacts with 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-PGA2 0.4%).By subjecting the antiserum to preparative isoelectric electrofocusing, populations of antibodies that varied in their cross reaction with 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F (KH2PGF) from 20% to 1% were obtained. The levels of KH2PGE2 in plasma of rat and mouse as measured by radioimmunoassay of the unfractionated plasma were 0.39 ± 0.07 ng/ml and 0.41 ± 0.13 ng/ml, respectively. Recovery of exogenously added KH2PGE2 from human plasma was 100%. Radioimmunoassay with two antisera; an antiserum directed toward KH2PGF that cross reacts with KH2PGE2 1% and the antiserum to KH2PGE2, demonstrated that KH2PGE2, not KH2PGF, was being measured with the anti-KH2PGE2. The levels of KH2PGE2 in rat plasma did not vary with sex. In rats, the levels of KH2PGE2 markedly increased after exercise stress.In mice carrying a spindle-cell sarcoma (SAI) and a fibrosarcoma (SaD2), the levels of KH2PGE2 in the plasma increased with time after transplantation. The increase was not observed in the plasma of mice carrying a transplantable anaplastic carcinoma (15091AK), a lymphatic leukemia (AW5147), two mammary adenocarcinomas (CADI, CAD2), a myeloid leukemia (C1498), and a hepatoma (BW7756).  相似文献   

A method for quantification of 6-keto-PGF, 2,3-dinor-6-keto-PGF, TXB2, 2,3-dinor TXB2, PGE2, PGD2 and PGF in human urine samples, using gas chromatography—negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry, is described. Deuterated analogues were used as internal standards. Methoximation was carried out in urine samples which were subsequently applied to phenylboronic acid cartridges, reversed-phase cartridges and thin-layer chromatography. The eluents were further derivatized to pentafluorobenzyl ester trimethylsilyl ethers for final quantification by gas chromatography—mass spectrometry. The overall recovery was 77% for tritiated 6-keto-PGF and 55% for tritiated TXB2. Urinary levels of prostanoids were determined in a group of six volunteers before and after intake of the thromboxane synthase inhibitor Ridogrel, and related to creatinine clearance.  相似文献   

Explants from term human placentas were maintained in culture with daily changes of medium. Daily output of PGF and PGFM1 decreased during the course of the incubation. Addition of 4 μg/ml DHEAS or 67 μg/ml LDL cholesterol had no effect on output of PGF or PGFM. Addition of 1.6, 3.2, or 6.4 μg/ml of LHRH to the culture plates had no effect on output of PGFM or PGF, but LHRH increased hCG output. Dibutyryl cAMP (1mM, 2mM, and 4mM) increased output of PGF, PGFM, and hCG. Aromatase inhibitor decreased hCG output, but it was without effect on output of PGF, or PGFM. Significant correlations were demonstrated between progesterone, PGFM, PGF, and hCG, suggesting that PGF originates in the syncytiotrophoblast cell. The ability of LHRH to stimulate output of hCG but not PGF while dbcAMP stimulated both suggests that either PGF and hCG arise in different cells or that LHRH does not act through cAMP.  相似文献   

The uterus of six healthy multiparous women at term was mechanically stretched by a rubber catheter and balloon. Apparent labor was inaugurated in all cases within 5 hours and increased progressively with time. Advanced cervical softening and dilatation were also evident after the stretch treatment. Significant increases in the levels of 13,14-dihydro-15-keto-prostaglandin F (PGFM) were observed with the progress of treatment (P < 0.01). Plasma estrogens and progesterone levels did not change significantly during the treatment (P > 0.05). Stretching and/or resulting uterine contractions appear to induce the secretion of prostaglandin F (PGF) from the organ, which in turn seems to be involved in both cervical softening, and the onset and progress of labor, under stable conditions of plasma estrogens and progesterone.  相似文献   

Peripheral plasma concentrations of 13,14-dihdyro-15-keto-prostaglandin F (PGFM) and progesterone were determined during both luteolysis in the oestrous cycle and early pregnancy in four goats. Luteal regression, characterised by decreasing progesterone concentrations, began on day 12 or 13. PGFM concentrations showed a pulsatile pattern around this time, with peak concentrations increasingly markedly as progesterone levels fell and oestrus approached. During early pregnancy progesterone concentrations did not fall after day 12 and no marked elevation of PGFM above basal values of 50–150 pg/ml was detected.  相似文献   

Washed rabbit red blood cells (RBCs) were suspended in electrolyte solution containing 3H-labeled prostacyclin (PGI2), thromboxane (TxB2) or 6-keto-PGF and 14C-labeled sucrose or thiourea. Following 1 to 30 min incubation with 14C-sucrose, 3H-TxB2 or 3H-6-keto-PGF, the 14C or 3H space of packed RBCs remained essentially constant, yielding mean values (±S.E.) for all time periods of 6.1 ± 0.3, 9.5 ± 0.5 and 6.5 ± 0.4%, respectively. After 1 min of incubation at 4° or 23°C at a pH of 7.4 or 8.5 with trace amounts (10−9M) of 3H-PGI2 or in the presence of added PGI2 (10−5M) or ethacrynic acid (1.6 × 10−4M), the apparent PGI2 space of packed RBCs ranged from 16 to 27%, decreasing to about 7% by 30 min. When RBCs were resuspended in fresh 3H-PGI2 every 5 min, their 3H content increased very slowly (apparent PGI2 space <40% at 30 min) as compared to thiourea (distribution space > 80% within 5 min). Over 90% of this 3H activity was lost from the RBCs in less than 2 min during elution at 4° or 23°C. It is concluded that RBC membranes and thus, presumably, the basic cell membrane in general, is not fundamentally permeable to PGI2, 6-keto-PGF or TxB2. Hence, the effective entry of these cyclooxygenase products into some cells or their passage across tight-junctional capillaries or epithelial membranes must require facilitated or active transport processes as was shown to be the case for E, F and A PGs. This implies that the distribution, pharmacological action and metabolism of these and presumably all related cyclooxygenase products are selective rather than unrestricted.  相似文献   

Human endometrium obtained from fresh hysterectomy specimens was perifused for 7 hr in 95% O2/5% CO2 at 37°C. The phase of the menstrual cycle was determined by histological examination. The concentrations of PGF, 6-keto-PGF and TxB2 in 20 min fractions of the perifusion medium were measured by radioimmunoassay and production rates were calculated in terms of dry weight of tissue. Biphasic patterns of production were observed; high initial values fell to about 20% at 2 hr and then increased to relatively stable values at about 4 hr which were maintained for the next 2 hr. During this latter period, production rates in endometria taken at different phases of the cycle differed markedly from each other; the production rates of PGF in secretory and early proliferative endometria were low (15.8 ± 2.6, mean ± SEM and 67.2 ± 8.3 ng/min/g respectively) whereas they were high in late proliferative and premenstrual endometria (188.0 ± 16.7 and 196.4 ± 16.9 ng/min/g respectively). The patterns of production of 6-keto-PGF and TxB2 were similar to those of PGF but the absolute values were much lower (<10%). We conclude that the observed rates of production of prostaglandins by perifused human endometrium are consistent with synthesis being stimulated either by estrogen or withdrawal of hormonal support and being inhibited by progesterone.  相似文献   

Homogeneous populations of collecting tubule epithelial cells have been isolated from rabbit renal papillae by a sequence of procedures involving: (a) dissociation of the tissue by mincing and treatment with trypsin; (b) destruction of contaminating non-collecting tubule cells by differential lysis in hypotonic media and (c) collection and washing by repeated centrifugation. The isolated cells have been characterized as being derived from the collecting tubules on the basis of anatomical source, size and histological staining for both NADH diaphorase activity and cyclooxygenase antigenicity. The cells are judged to be viable by several criteria including their ability to exclude both trypsin and vital dyes, their capacity to metabolize glucose and leucine and their ability to retain distinctive morphology following 10–14 days in culture media. Homogenates of freshly isolated collecting tubule cells when incubated with [3H]-arachidonic acid yielded radioactive products identified by thin-layer chromatographic behavior in multiple solvent systems as 6-keto-PGF, PGF, PGE2, PGD2 and a monohydroxy acid, probably HHT. No lipoxygenase-like activity was detected. At arachidonate concentrations of 2 or less, the major product was 6-keto-PGF; while at substrate concentrations of greater than 10 , PGE2 was the major radioactive prostaglandin formed. Similar distributions of products were observed when homogenates of dissociated renal papillae enriched in medullary interstitial cells were incubated with arachidonic acid. Our results indicate that collecting tubule cells do contain significant prostacyclin synthetase activity and suggest that PGI2 plays a role in the function of mammalian collecting tubules.  相似文献   

The improved methods for the preparation of valency hybrid hemoglobins, (α3+β2+)2 and (α2+β3+)2 were presented. The (α3+β2+)2 valency hybrid was separated from the solutions of partially reduced methemoglobin with ascorbic acid, by using CM 32 column chromatography. The (α2+β3+)2 valency hybrid was also isolated from hemoglobin solutions, which were partially oxidized with ferricyanide, by chromatography on CM 32 column. These valency hybrid hemoglobins were found to be single on isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. Present procedures are very simple and are suitable for the bulk preparation of (α3+β2+)2 and (α2+β3+)2 valency hybrids.  相似文献   

PGI2 and 6-keto-PGF were converted to 6-methoxime-PGF (6-MeON-PGF) by treatment with methoxyamine HCl in acetate buffer. The formed 6-MeON-PGF was measured by radioimmunoassay. Antisera were raised in rabbits after immunization against 6-MeON-PGF-BSA conjugate. Diluted 1:20.000 to bind 50% of the tracer (3H-6-MeON-PGF, 100 Ci/mmol), the antiserum cross reacted 0.8% with PGE2, 1% with PGF and less than 0.2% with PGD2, PGF, PGF and TXB2. The radioimmunoassay was used to estimate release of PGI2 and 6-keto-PGF from chopped rabbit renal medulla and cortex incubated in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer (37°C, 30 min). The 6-keto-PGf radioimmunoassay was validated in biological samples by mass fragmentography. The chopped medulla (n=5) released 38±9 ng/g/min and the cortex (n=5) 4.7±2.0 ng/g/min, while the release of immunoreactive PGE2 (iPGE2) and iPGF was 171±26 and 74±13 ng/g/min from the medulla and 4.3±1.3 and 2.7±0.3 ng/g/min from the cortex, respectively. The results confirm previous findings, which indicate that in the renal medulla prostaglandin endoperoxides are mainly transformed to prostaglandins, while in the cortex transformation to PGI2 seems to be of greater importance.  相似文献   

The cross-reactivity of the PGI3 metabolite, Δ17-6-keto-PGF, with antibodies against 6-keto-PGF for radioimmunoassays (RIA) has been investigated. Δ17-6-keto-PGF was obtained either from commercial sources or after its purification from endothelial cells. In the latter case, primary cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells were incubated for 20 min at 37°C with 10 μM eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in the presence of 2 μM 13-hydroperoxy-octadecadienoic acid, an activator of the EPA cyclooxygenation, and the 6-keto-PGF and Δ17-6keto-PGF produced were separated by RP-HPLC. Then, cross-reactivities of the commercial and purified Δ17-6-keto-PGF with 6-keto-PGF antibodies were determined and found not to exceed 10%. In addition, the amounts of prostacyclin-related compounds detected by direct measurements in media of cells loaded with EPA were compared with those obtained after purification of 6-keto-PGF. In accordance with the cross-reactivity data, we found that RIA in media mainly measured 6-keto-PGF, the Δ17-6-keto-PGF formed being undetected at 90%. It is concluded that 6-keto-PGF antibodies generally used for RIA of 6-keto-PGF are highly specific since they can discriminate a metabolite bearing an additional double bond such as the PGI3 metabolite Δ17-6-keto-PGF.  相似文献   

The efficiency and acceptability of a single-dose, long-acting vaginal suppository containing 3.0 mg of 15-methyl PGF methyl ester was compared with intra-amniotic administration of 50 mg of PGF in 100 patients with a second trimester pregnancy termination. Within 24 hours, 78 per cent of the patients in the vaginal group and 92 per cent in the intra-amniotic group had aborted. The mean induction-abortion interval was 17.9 hours in the vaginal group and 15.8 hours in the intra-amniotic group.Gastrointestinal side-effects were more frequent, but the procedure was less painful, with vaginal 15-methyl PGF methyl ester than with intra-amniotic PGF.The vaginal route is technically simple for adaptation to large-scale use, but the high frequency of gastrointestinal side-effects still limits the acceptability of 15-methyl PGF methyl ester in vaginal administration.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin F2α (5μg/kg, i.v.) causes an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure, decrease in systemic arterial pressure, and reflex bradycardia in the anesthetized cat. The same dose of the 15-methyl analogue of PGF2α produces the same triad of effects but of greater magnitude and duration. Although prostaglandins F1α, F2β and F1β also cause the same cardiovascular effects as F2α, there is a decrease in potency for all parameters measured, with PGF2α>PGF1α>PGF2β>PGF1β. When compared to the actions of PGF2α in producing an increase in pulmonary arterial pressure, PGs F1α, F2β and F1β were less potent by approximately 10, 100, and 1000 fold respectively.  相似文献   

Plasma prolactin and F-prostaglandins (PGF) were measured in anesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats before and at 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes following i.v. injection of either PGF (4 mg/kg), chlorpromazine, 1 mg/kg or chlorpromazine (1 mg/kg) after pretreatment with i.p. indomethacin (2 mg/kg). Following PGF administration, plasma prolactin levels increased significantly only at 15 and 30 minutes in spite of extremely high PGF levels throughout 60 minutes. Besides the expected rise in plasma prolactin, chlorpromazine caused a transient but statistically significant increase in PGF. Indomethacin blocked the chlorpromazine-induced PGF rise but not prolactin increase. Animals stressed with ether anesthesia showed elevation of plasma prolactin, which was not blocked by indomethacin although PGF concentration fell. These results indicate that PGF can stimulate prolactin release. This effect does not appear to be physiologic since very high PGF levels are required. Furthermore, blockade of prostaglandin synthesis by indomethacin does not prevent the release of prolactin in response to chlorpromazine or stress. Our findings do not support a possible role of PGFs as intermediaries in prolactin release. However, it is possible that PGFs may work through other mechanisms not investigated in our study.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG)F, E2, D2 and 6-keto-F were determined in human cerebrospinal fluid by a mass spectrometric technique. The samples were obtained from 12 patients with suspected intracranial disease. A 64 fold variation in PG levels was observed. The major PG was 6-keto-F (0.12–15 ng/ml). PGF and PGE2 were present in lower concentrations PGD2 was below the level of detection (0.05 ng/ml) except in one patient with extremely high total levels of PGs.  相似文献   

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