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Previously, we demonstrated that exonuclease I-deficient strains of Escherichia coli accumulate high-molecular-weight linear plasmid concatemers when transformed with plasmids carrying the chi sequence (5'- GCTGGTGG-3') (M. M. Zaman and T. C. Boles, J. Bacteriol. 176:5093-5100, 1994). Since high-molecular weight linear DNA is believed to be the natural substrate for RecBCD-mediated recombination during conjugation (A. J. Clark and K. B. Low, p. 155-215, in K. B. Low, ed., The Recombination of Genetic Material, 1988), we analyzed the recombination frequencies of chi+ and chi0 plasmids in sbcB strains. Here, we report that chi sites stimulate plasmid recombination frequency by 16-fold in sbcB strains. Chi-stimulated plasmid recombination is dependent on RecBCD but is independent of RecF pathway genes. The distribution of recombination products suggests that high-molecular-weight linear plasmid DNA is a substrate for RecBCD-mediated recombination. Surprisingly, our data also suggest that chi+ plasmids also recombine by the RecBCD pathway in rec+ sbcB+ cells.  相似文献   

The RecBCD enzyme is an ATP-dependent nuclease on both single-stranded and double-stranded DNA substrates. We have investigated the kinetics of the RecBCD-catalyzed reaction with small, single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotide substrates under single-turnover conditions using rapid-quench flow techniques. RecBCD-DNA complexes were allowed to form in pre-incubation mixtures. The nuclease reactions were initiated by mixing with ATP. The reaction time-courses were fit to several possible reaction mechanisms and quantitative estimates were obtained for rate constants for individual reaction steps. The relative rates of forward reaction versus dissociation from the DNA, and the fact that inclusion of excess non-radiolabeled single-stranded DNA to trap free RecBCD has no effect on the nuclease reaction, indicates that the reaction is processive. The reaction products show that the reaction begins near the 3'-end of the [5'-32P]DNA substrates and the major cleavage sites are two to four phosphodiester bonds apart. The product distribution is unchanged as the ATP concentration varies from 10 microM to 100 microM ATP, while the overall reaction rate varies by about tenfold. These observations suggest that DNA cleavage is tightly coordinated with movement of the enzyme along the DNA. The reaction time-courses at low concentrations of ATP (10 microM and 25 microM) have a significant lag before cleavage products appear. We propose that the lag represents ATP-dependent movement of the DNA from an initial binding site in the helicase domain of the RecB subunit to the nuclease active site in a separate domain of RecB. The extent of reaction of the substrate is limited (approximately 50%) under all conditions. This may indicate the formation of a non-productive RecBCD-DNA complex that does not dissociate in the 1-2 s time-scale of our experiments.  相似文献   

AddAB and RecBCD-type helicase-nuclease complexes control the first stage of bacterial homologous recombination (HR) – the resection of double strand DNA breaks. A switch in the activities of the complexes to initiate repair by HR is regulated by a short, species-specific DNA sequence known as a Crossover Hotspot Instigator (Chi) site. It has been shown that, upon encountering Chi, AddAB and RecBCD pause translocation before resuming at a reduced rate. Recently, the structure of B.subtilis AddAB in complex with its regulatory Chi sequence revealed the nature of Chi binding and the paused translocation state. Here the structural features associated with Chi binding are described in greater detail and discussed in relation to the related E.coli RecBCD system.  相似文献   

RecBCD enzyme is a heterotrimeric helicase/nuclease that initiates homologous recombination at double-stranded DNA breaks. Several of its activities are regulated by the DNA sequence chi (5'-GCTGGTGG-3'), which is recognized in cis by the translocating enzyme. When RecBCD enzyme encounters chi, the intensity and polarity of its nuclease activity are changed, and the enzyme gains the ability to load RecA protein onto the chi-containing, unwound single-stranded DNA. Here, we show that interaction with chi also affects translocation by RecBCD enzyme. By observing translocation of individual enzymes along single molecules of DNA, we could see RecBCD enzyme pause precisely at chi. Furthermore, and more unexpectedly, after pausing at chi, the enzyme continues translocating but at approximately one-half the initial rate. We propose that interaction with chi results in an enzyme in which one of the two motor subunits, likely the RecD motor, is uncoupled from the holoenzyme to produce the slower translocase.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the mechanism of AP site recognition by Echerichia coli exonuclease III (exoIII), site-directed mutagenesis of the Tyr109, the Trp212, and the Phe213 residues, which were conserved in the type II AP endonuclease from various organisms and located in the vicinity of the catalytic site, was performed. The exoIII-W212S mutant lacked any detectable AP endonuclease activity and binding ability to the duplex DNA containing an AP site, while the exoIII-Y109S and exoIII-F213W mutants retained a low level of activities (13% and 83%, respectively, compared with wild-type exoIII). This study suggests that the Trp212 is an important component for abasic site recognition by the E. coli exonuclease III.  相似文献   

Homologous pairing in vitro stimulated by the recombination hotspot, Chi.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
D A Dixon  S C Kowalczykowski 《Cell》1991,66(2):361-371
Genetic recombination in Escherichia coli is stimulated at DNA sequences known as Chi sites, 5'-GCT-GGTGG-3'. We describe the in vitro formation of homologously paired joint molecules that is dependent upon this recombination hotspot. Chi-dependent joint molecule formation requires RecA, RecBCD, and SSB proteins and a Chi site in the donor linear dsDNA. The donor dsDNA is unwound by RecBCD enzyme, and the invasive strand is generated by nicking at Chi. This Chi-dependent invading strand must contain homology to the recipient supercoiled DNA substrate at its newly formed 3' end for efficient joint molecule formation. Action at Chi generates invasive ssDNA from the 5' but not the 3' side of Chi, suggesting that the nuclease activity of RecBCD enzyme is attenuated upon encountering a Chi site. These results support the view that RecBCD enzyme action can precede RecA protein action and reconcile the seemingly opposing degradative and recombination functions of RecBCD enzyme.  相似文献   

Chi sites are examples of special sites enhancing homologous recombination in their region of the chromosome. Chi, 5′ G-C-T-G-G-T-G-G3′, is a recognition site for the RecBC enzyme, which nicks DNA near Chi as it unwinds DNA. A molecular model of genetic recombination incorporating these features is reviewed.  相似文献   

A Kuzminov  E Schabtach    F W Stahl 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(12):2764-2776
In Escherichia coli, unprotected linear DNA is degraded by exoV activity of the RecBCD nuclease, a protein that plays a central role in the repair of double-strand breaks. Specific short asymmetric sequences, called chi sites, are hotspots for RecBCD-promoted recombination and are shown in vitro to attenuate exoV activity. To study RecBCD-chi site interactions in vivo we used phage lambda's terminase to introduce a site-specific double-strand break at lambda's cos site inserted into a plasmid. We show that after terminase has cut cos in vivo, nucleases degrade linearized DNA only from the end that does not have a strong terminase binding site. Linearized cosmid DNA containing chi sites in the proper orientation to the unprotected end is degraded more slowly in rec+ E. coli than is chi-less DNA. Increased survival of chi-containing DNA is a result of partial inactivation of exoV activity and is dependent on RecA and SSB proteins. The linearization of chi-containing DNA molecules leads to RecA-dependent formation of branched structures which have been proposed as intermediates in the RecBCD pathway of double-strand break repair.  相似文献   

The lambda Gam protein was isolated from cells containing a Gam-producing plasmid. The purified Gam protein was found to bind to RecBCD without displacing any of its subunits. Gam was shown to inhibit all known enzymatic activities of RecBCD: ATP-dependent single- and double-stranded DNA exonucleases, ATP-independent single-stranded endonuclease, and the ATP-dependent helicase. When produced in vivo, Gam inhibited chi-activated recombination in lambda red gam crosses but had little effect on the host's ability to act as a recipient in conjugational recombination. These experiments suggest that RecBCD possesses an additional "unknown" activity that is resistant to or induced by Gam. Additionally, the expression of Gam in recD mutants sensitizes the host to UV irradiation, indicating that Gam alters one or more of the in vivo activities of RecBC(D-).  相似文献   

To gain insight regarding the mechanisms that extend heteroduplex joints in Escherichia coli recombination, we investigated the effect of recG and ruv genotypes on heteroduplex strand polarity in intramolecular recombination products. We also examined the cumulative effect of mutational inactivation of RecG and single-strand-specific exonucleases on recombination proficiency and the role of Chi sites in RecG-independent recombination. All four strands of the two homologs were incorporated into heteroduplex structures in wild-type cells and in ruv mutants. However, in recG mutants heteroduplexes were generated almost exclusively by pairing the invasive 3'-ending strand with its complementary strand. To explain the dependence of strand exchange reciprocity on RecG activity, we propose that alternative mechanisms may extend the heteroduplex joints after homologous pairing: a reciprocal RecG-mediated mechanism and a nonreciprocal mechanism, mediated by RecA and single-strand-specific exonucleases. The cumulative effect of recG and recJ or xonA mutations on recombination proficiency and the inhibitory effect of recJ and xonA activities on heteroduplex formation by the 5'-ending strands are consistent with this proposal.  相似文献   

Biochemical evidence is presented that confirms exonuclease V of Escherichia coli consists of three distinct subunits encoded by the recB, recC, and recD genes. The recD gene encodes a Mr 60,000 polypeptide and physically maps 3' to the recB structural gene. The role of the recD subunit in exonuclease V function has been examined by comparing the catalytic activities of the purified RecBCD enzyme with the RecBC enzyme. The RecBC enzyme retains significant levels of DNA-dependent ATPase activity and DNA helicase activity. Endonucleolytic activity on single-stranded covalently closed DNA becomes ATP-dependent. Exonucleolytic activity on either single- and double-stranded DNA was not detected. Taken together with the phenotypic properties of recD null mutants, it appears that the exonucleolytic activities of the RecBCD enzyme are not required for genetic recombination and the repair of either UV-induced photoproducts or mitomycin C-generated DNA cross-links, but are essential for the repair of methyl methanesulfonate-induced methylation.  相似文献   

Orientation-dependent recombination hotspot activity in bacteriophage lambda.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Promoters of genetic exchange by the Escherichia coli Rec system, Chi elements, have been analyzed in λ phages carrying bacterial EcoRI restriction fragments. Some fragments confer Chi+ phenotype in one orientation and Chi? in the opposite orientation. The inactivity of Chi in one orientation explains why all active Chi elements in λ manifest a certain recombinational bias of the same sense.When these studies were undertaken, we rather expected to find two classes of Chi, one class which stimulated recombinant formation stronger to its left and one class stimulating recombinant formation more strongly to its right. The failure to find the second class is now understandable by supposing that the orientation of Chi which would have permitted it to act rightward is the orientation in which Chi has no activity at all. Several models are proposed for the orientation dependence of Chi activity.  相似文献   

RecBCD is an ATP-dependent helicase and exonuclease which generates 3′ single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) ends used by RecA for homologous recombination. The exonuclease activity is altered when RecBCD encounters a Chi sequence (5′-GCTGGTGG-3′) in double-stranded DNA (ds DNA), an event critical to the generation of the 3′-ssDNA. This study tests the effect of ssDNA oligonucleotides having a Chi sequence (Chi+) or a single base change that abolishes the Chi sequence (Chio), on the enzymatic activities of RecBCD. Our results show that a 14 and a 20mer with Chi+ in the center of the molecule inhibit the exonuclease and helicase activities of RecBCD to a greater extent than the corresponding Chio oligonucleotides. Oligonucleotides with the Chi sequence at one end, or the Chi sequence alone in an 8mer, failed to show Chi-specific inhibition of RecBCD. Thus, Chi recognition requires that Chi be flanked by DNA at either end. Further experiments indicated that the oligonucleotides inhibit RecBCD from binding to its dsDNA substrate. These results suggest that a specific site for Chi recognition exists on RecBCD, which binds Chi with greater affinity than a non-Chi sequence and is probably adjacent to non-specific DNA binding sites.  相似文献   

Exonucleolytic editing is a major contributor to the fidelity of DNA replication by the multisubunit DNA polymerase (pol) III holoenzyme. To investigate the source of editing specificity, we have studied the isolated exonuclease subunit, epsilon, and the pol III core subassembly, which carries the epsilon, theta, and alpha (polymerase) subunits. Using oligonucleotides with specific terminal mismatches, we have found that both epsilon and pol III core preferentially excise a mispaired 3' terminus and therefore have intrinsic editing specificity. For both epsilon and pol III core, exonuclease activity is much more effective with single-strand DNA; with a double-strand DNA, the exonuclease is strongly temperature-dependent. We conclude that the epsilon subunit of pol III holoenzyme is itself a specific editing exonuclease and that the source of specificity is the greater melting capacity of a mispaired 3' terminus.  相似文献   

Subunit structure of Escherichia coli exonuclease VII   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Exonuclease VII has been purified 7,500-fold to 87% homogeneity from Escherichia coli K12 using a new purification procedure. The enzyme has been shown to be composed of two nonidentical subunits of 10,500 and 54,000 daltons. This has been confirmed by restoration of exonuclease VII activity after renaturation of denatured and purified subunits. The structure of the native enzyme consists of one large subunit and four small subunits. We have previously isolated exonuclease VII mutant strains containing defects which map at two distinct loci. Subunit-mixing experiments utilizing wild type enzyme and temperature-sensitive enzyme produced by an xseB mutant strain have shown that the xseB gene codes for the small subunit of the enzymes.  相似文献   

Mutants of Escherichia coli having reduced levels of exonuclease VII activity have been isolated by a mass screening procedure. Nine mutants, five of which are known to be of independent origin, were obtained and designated xse. The defects in these strains lie at two or more loci. One of these loci, xseA, lies in the interval between purG and purC; it is 93 to 97% co-transducible with guaA. The order of the genes in this region is purG-xseA guaA,B-purC. The available data do not allow xseA to be ordered with respect to guaA,B. Exonuclease VII purified from E. coli KLC3 xseA3 is more heat labile than exonuclease VII purified from the parent, E. coli PA610 xse+. Therefore, xseA is the structural gene for exonuclease VII. Mutants with defects in the xseA gene show increased sensitivity to nalidixic acid and have an abnormally high frequency of recombination (hyper-Rec phenotype) as measured by the procedure of Konrad and Lehlman (1974). The hyper-Rec character of xseA strains is approximately one-half that of the polAex1 mutant defective in the 5' leads to 3' hydrolytic activity of deoxyribonucleic acid polymerase I. The double mutant, polAex1 xseA7, is twice as hyper-Rec as the polAex1 mutant alone. The xseA- strains are slightly more sensitive to ultraviolet irradiation than the parent strain. Bacteriophages T7, fd, and lambdared grow normally in xseA- strains.  相似文献   

Cloning of the exonuclease III gene of Escherichia coli   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
S G Rogers  B Weiss 《Gene》1980,11(3-4):187-195

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