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From a pool of 367 white-rot fungi native to New Zealand (over 77 genera), isolates were screened for their bioremediation potential of pentachlorophenol (PCP). Fungi were tested for their ligninolytic activity (Poly R-478, 367 isolates; wood decay, 235 isolates), tolerance to temperature (261 isolates), resistance to PCP (253 isolates), and PCP degradation potential plus laccase expression (20 isolates). Of the isolates tested, 26% showed a discolouration in the polymeric dye assay, but all caused wood decay (5 to 169 mm) on willow cuttings. In the temperature tolerance tests, all isolates survived incubation from 0 to 30°C, however, 18% and 40% did not survive incubation at 35 and 40°C, respectively. In the PCP resistance tests, 23 isolates (9%) were able to grow on 200 mg/L PCP amended agar, of which 20 isolates were further studied for laccase expression and PCP degradation in vitro. All 20 isolates reduced (P < 0.05) PCP in the liquid fraction in the absence or presence of laccase and five of the isolates produced no detectable levels of PCP. None of the screening tests were predictive for PCP degradation in vitro. The requirements to build a database to select a superior white-rot fungal isolates for bioremediation is discussed.  相似文献   

Exotic Grass Competition in Suppressing Native Shrubland Re-establishment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Disturbance of coastal sage scrub in southern California has led to extensive displacement of native shrubs by exotic annual grasses. The initial conversion from shrubland to exotic grassland is typically associated with disturbance caused by intense grazing, high fire frequency, or mechanical vegetation removal. While native shrubs have been shown to recolonize annual grasslands under some conditions, other annual grasslands are persistent and show no evidence of shrub recolonization. This study examined the mechanisms by which annual grasses may exclude native shrubs and persist after release from disturbance. Grass density was manipulated in experimental plots to achieve a series of prescribed densities. Artemisia californica, a dominant native shrub, was seeded or planted into the plots and responses to the grass density treatments were measured over two growing seasons. A. californica germination, first season growth, and survival were all negatively related to the density of neighboring annual grasses. The most probable mechanism underlying the reduction of first season growth and survival was depletion of soil water by the grasses. The effects of the grasses on A. californica were no longer significant in the second season. The results of this study indicate that Mediterranean annual grasses reduce recruitment and can persist by inhibiting post-disturbance establishment of A. californica from seed. Although succession alone may not return disturbed annual grasslands to their former shrubland composition, the results suggest that restoration can be achieved by using container plantings or grass removal followed by seeding.  相似文献   

Hylastes ater and Hylurgus ligniperda are introduced pests of re-established Pinus radiata in New Zealand. Both species breed under the bark of stumps in recently harvested areas. Adult maturation feeding on pine seedlings planted in adjacent areas can significantly impact seedling growth, and in severe cases seedlings will die. Entomopathogenic fungi are important natural mortality factors in bark beetle populations, and Beauveria spp. are predominant. Here, we report on the isolation of other fungal species from H. ater in New Zealand. Based on morphological characteristics and sequencing data, two species, Metarhizium flavoviride var. pemphigi and Hirsutella guignardii, were recovered from H. ater. Both are new records for New Zealand and appear to be the first records of these species from bark beetles worldwide.  相似文献   

Habitat restoration to promote wild pollinator populations is becoming increasingly common in agricultural lands. Yet, little is known about how wild bees, globally the most important wild pollinators, use resources in restored habitats. We compared bee use of native and exotic plants in two types of restored native plant hedgerows: mature hedgerows (>10 years from establishment) designed for natural enemy enhancement and new hedgerows (≤2 years from establishment) designed to enhance bee populations. Bees were collected from flowers using timed aerial netting and flowering plant cover was estimated by species using cover classes. At mature hedgerow sites, wild bee abundance, richness, and diversity were greater on native plants than exotic plants. At new sites, where native plants were small and had limited floral display, abundance of bees was greater on native plants than exotic plants; but, controlling for floral cover, there was no difference in bee diversity and richness between the two plant types. At both mature and new hedgerows, wild bees preferred to forage from native plants than exotic plants. Honey bees, which were from managed colonies, also preferred native plants at mature hedgerow sites but exhibited no preference at new sites. Our study shows that wild bees, and managed bees in some cases, prefer to forage on native plants in hedgerows over co‐occurring weedy, exotic plants. Semi‐quantitative ranking identified which native plants were most preferred. Hedgerow restoration with native plants may help enhance wild bee abundance and diversity, and maintain honey bee health, in agricultural areas.  相似文献   

There are stringent requirements for the importation of all exotic organisms into Australia and New Zealand but since both countries have already permitted the importation and release of some species of both Heterorhabditis and Steinernema , the difficulties of the importation of entomopathogenic nematodes are reduced. In both countries, a series of authorities must be consulted before importation is permitted but only in New Zealand must entomopathogenic nematodes be registered before commercial trials and sales are allowed. Registration not only entails a thorough evaluation of the nematode species and its formulation for a wide range of possible harmful effects to humans, crops and the environment, but efficacy must be demonstrated for each species of nematode in each type of formulation against each pest.  相似文献   

Exotic plant invasions are especially problematic because reestablishment of native perennial vegetation is rarely successful. It may be more appropriate to treat exotic plant infestations that still have some remaining native vegetation. We evaluated this restoration strategy by measuring the effects of spring burning, fall burning, fall applied imazapic, spring burning with fall applied imazapic, and fall burning with fall applied imazapic on the exotic annual grass, medusahead (Taeniatherum caput‐medusae (L.) Nevski), and native vegetation at six sites in Oregon for 2 years post‐treatment. Medusahead infestations included in this study had some residual native perennial bunchgrasses and forbs. Burning followed by imazapic application provided the best control of medusahead and resulted in the greatest increases in native perennial vegetation. However, imazapic application decreased native annual forb cover the first year post‐treatment and density the first and second year post‐treatment. The spring burn followed by imazapic application produced an almost 2‐fold increase in plant species diversity compared to the control. The fall burn followed by imazapic application also increased diversity compared to the control. Results of this study indicate that native plants can be promoted in medusahead invasions; however, responses vary by plant functional group and treatment. Our results compared to previous research suggest that restoration of plant communities invaded by exotic annual grass may be more successful if efforts focus on areas with some residual native perennial vegetation. Thus, invasive plant infestations with some native vegetation remaining should receive priority for restoration efforts over near monocultures of invasive plant species.  相似文献   

Streams are important sites of nutrient transport and transformation in the landscape but little is known about the way in which individual taxa or individual habitats (riffles and pools) influence nutrient dynamics within stream reaches. We used 5-week additions of a stable isotope (15NH4Cl) tracer to investigate nitrogen dynamics in pools and riffles of two New Zealand streams, one with native fish (Galaxias depressiceps) and the other with invasive brown trout (Salmo trutta). In New Zealand, brown trout initiate a trophic cascade leading to increased algal biomass that we predicted would lead to higher N uptake and retention. Uptake of NO3, but not ammonium, was greater in the trout stream. Rather than causing a large increase in N demand, trout may induce a reallocation of N uptake and retention among food web compartments in different habitats. The largest differences between streams were apparent in riffles, where most uptake and retention of N occurred. In the trout stream, uptake rate by epilithon in riffles was more than six times greater than uptake rates of any other compartment. In the Galaxias stream, several compartments in both habitats had similar uptake rates. Epilithon also accounted for a larger percentage of the 15N retained in the study reach in the trout stream (51%) than the Galaxias stream (34%). Our results show that an individual predatory taxon (in our case an invader) can influence N dynamics in streams but that the magnitude and location of the impact depend on a range of abiotic and biotic factors involved in N dynamics in streams.  相似文献   

Native consumers and seed limitation may be particularly important in the restoration of native plants where they have been displaced by exotic plants. We used experimental exclosures and seed additions to examine the role of native mammalian consumers and seeding density (500 or 1,000 seeds/m2) in affecting the establishment of a native perennial grass, Purple needlegrass ( Nassella pulchra ), in the grasslands of California. To focus solely on consumers and propagule density, experimental areas were tilled and weeded. Consumers were important determinants of restoration success: averaged across propagule density, consumers reduced N. pulchra seedling recruitment by nearly 30%, reduced seedling height by 44%, reduced plant establishment by 52%, and reduced reproductive tiller length by 43%. Small rodents affected seedling establishment, especially where seeding density was high but did not affect seedling height. Plots accessible by squirrels and rabbits exhibited significantly decreased seedling height and plant establishment, whereas there was no additional impact of allowing large consumers (i.e., deer) access. Despite strong, spatially variable effects of consumers, doubling seed density led to nearly doubled N. pulchra establishment on average. Consumer effects were persistent, shaping N. pulchra abundance in the subsequent growing season and remaining evident over 18 months after the experiment was initiated. Our work suggests that, despite strong consumer effects, seed addition may be a viable strategy for restoration of N. pulchra in invaded areas where it has been displaced by exotic plants, especially when combined with restoration strategies that reduce competition with exotic plants.  相似文献   

Ecological restoration of marginal land and riparian zones in agricultural landscapes in New Zealand enhances the provision of above-ground ecosystem services. We investigated whether native endemic plant assemblages have remediation potential, through modifying soil nutrient and trace element mobility. Analysis of native plant foliage in situ indicated that selective uptake of a range of commonly deficient trace elements including Zn, B, Cu, Mn and Co could provide a browse crop to avoid deficiencies of these elements in livestock, although some native plants may enhance the risk of Mo and Cd toxicity. Native plant rhizospheres were found to modify soil physico-chemistry and are likely to influence lateral and vertical fluxes of chemical elements in drainage waters. Native plants on marginal land in agricultural landscapes could add value to dairy production systems whilst helping to resolve topical environmental issues.  相似文献   

Ecosystem level processes and species interactions have become important concepts in conservation and land management. Despite being New Zealand’s greatest contributors to global diversity, native invertebrates have been largely overlooked in the assessment of land values, and their diversity has often been assumed to reflect native plant diversity without justification. Invertebrates can in fact affect plant species composition, and in ecosystems such as New Zealand’s remaining indigenous and semi-modified tussock grasslands can do so in excess of more conspicuous vertebrate grazers. An understanding of the interactions between invertebrates and their plant hosts may be informative in assessing land conservation values, increase the efficiency of rapid inventory analyses and would be applicable across the production-conservation spectrum. This study considers the Curculionoidea, vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen communities of two semi-modified tussock grasslands in the Otago region of southern New Zealand. Quantitative plant and invertebrate sampling were carried out in January 2001. Data were analysed using ANalysis Of SIMilarity (ANOSIM) and Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) ordination techniques. Vascular plant, bryophyte and lichen species richness was highest in the same site and plots as native weevil species richness, however the proportion of native vegetation in these locations was lower. Associations identified between Curculionoidea and vascular plants were dismissed due to the confounding effect of species frequency across samples. This appeared to have little influence on associations with bryophytes and/or lichens and these were given more weighting. The ecological implications of associations are considered and variability in weevil composition is discussed in reference to the tussock grassland environment. The importance of plant–invertebrate relationships to conservation and the uses and limitations of the PRIMER MDS ordination technique for determining associations are discussed.  相似文献   

The recently introduced exotic cladoceran Daphnia lumholtzioffers an excellent opportunity to study the interactions betweenexotic and native species in invaded communities. Lake surveysin Missouri have indicated a seasonal succession between nativeDaphnia and D. lumholtzi. In the current study, we examinedcompetition between D. lumholtzi and the native Daphnia parvulaby conducting seasonal in situ field experiments in 1.6 l enclosures.Competition was assessed by comparing the rates of increase(r) and birth rates (b) of each species when grown alone versuswhen grown together in these enclosures. At high densities,D. lumholtzi suppressed D. parvula rates of increase duringthe late summer and fall experiments, but did not appear tosuppress D. parvula birth rates. The rates of increase of D.lumholtzi did not appear to be affected by the presence of D.parvula. The results of these experiments indicate that althoughcompetition between the two species occurs seasonally at highdensities, the effects are asymmetrical. The lack of competitiveeffects on D. lumholtzi byD. parvula suggests that factors otherthan competition are involved in explaining the absence ofD.lumholtzi in spring zooplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

Alien plants may be reproductively limited in exotic habitats because of a lack of mutualistic pollinators. However, if plants are adequately served by generalist pollinators, successful reproduction, naturalisation and expansion into exotic habitats may occur. Rhododendron ponticum is very successful, ecologically damaging invasive plant in Britain and Ireland, but is in decline in its native Iberian habitat. It spreads locally by sending out lateral branches, but for longer distance dispersal it relies on sexually produced seeds. Little is known about R. ponticum's pollination ecology and breeding biology in invaded habitats. We examined the flower-visiting communities and maternal reproductive success of R. ponticum in native populations in southern Spain and in exotic ones in Ireland. R. ponticum in flowers are visited by various generalist (polylectic) pollinator species in both native and exotic habitats. Although different species visited flowers in Ireland and Spain, the flower visitation rate was not significantly different. Insects foraging on R. ponticum in Spain carried less R. ponticum pollen than their Irish counterparts, and carried fewer pollen types. Fruit production per inflorescence varied greatly within all populations but was significantly correlated with visitation at the population level. Nectar was significantly depleted by insects in some exotic populations, suggesting that this invasive species is providing a floral resource for native insects in some parts of Ireland. The generality of the pollination system may be factor contributing to R.ponticum's success in exotic habitats.  相似文献   


The 2050 Ecological Vision for Banks Peninsula, New Zealand is ‘to create an environment in which the community values, protects and cares for the biodiversity, landscape and special character of Banks Peninsula’. Its aspirational goals point to the peninsula conservation trust’s vision for success on the moral horizons of land and place. These horizons stretch visually from the volcanic crater ridgelines to the outer coastal bays and the sea beyond. Temporally they span 175 years of cultural encounters of peoples and biota, and reveal community-based strategies designed to support thriving biodiversity on land that has been used primarily for production. This article draws on the event, textual and interview data as well as fieldwork conducted in 2015 during the 175th anniversary of organised European settlement. Settler pasts and presents are negotiated in natural heritage preservation through the restoration of native flora and fauna in natural areas and protected connectivity corridors. A settler postcolonial ecology for these hill country lands is committed to the simultaneous conservation of biological and cultural diversity in which indigenous flora and fauna, landscapes and people, are irreversibly hybridised, and endemic species become constitutive of a postcolonial national identity in Aotearoa New Zealand.  相似文献   

Factors related to the invasion process, such as high abundance of invaders, residence time, and functional distinctiveness, are well documented, but less attention has been given to the effects of antipredator strategy of invasive species during colonization. In this study, we explored the antipredator strategy of an introduced species by comparing the predator avoidance behaviors of two native anuran species and one introduced("exotic") species in the presence of different predators. The two native anuran species used in the study were Black-spotted Pond Frog Rana nigromaculata and Terrestrial Frog Rana limnocharis. The introduced(invasive) species used was American bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus. Chinese pond turtle Chinemys reevesii, Red-backed rat snake Elaphe rufodorsata, and Big-headed turtle Platysternon megacephalum were used as predator species. Chinese pond turtles and Red-backed rat snakes are native predators of Black-spotted Pond Frogs and Terrestrial Frogs, while Big-headed turtles are novel("unfamiliar") to the two frogs. All three predator species are novel("unfamiliar") to the American bullfrog. The results show that tadpoles of the two native species displayed behaviors of recognizing the two native predators, but did not display the capability of identifying the novel predator. Results from our study also suggest that American bullfrog tadpoles exhibited strong antipredator behavioral responses by displaying the capability of identifying "unfamiliar" predators without cohabitation history and prior exposure to them. Such antipredator behavioral responses could have resulted in more favorable outcomes for an invading species during the invasive introductory process.  相似文献   

Ants are among the most ubiquitous and harmful invaders worldwide, but there are few regional studies of their relationships with habitat and native ant communities. New Caledonia has a unique and diverse ant fauna that is threatened by exotic ants, but broad-scale patterns of exotic and native ant community composition in relation to habitat remain poorly documented. We conducted a systematic baiting survey of 56 sites representing the main New Caledonian habitat types: rainforest on ultramafic soils (15 sites), rainforest on volcano-sedimentary soils (13), maquis shrubland (15), Melaleuca-dominated savannas (11) and Acacia spirorbis thickets (2). We collected a total of 49 species, 13 of which were exotic. Only five sites were free of exotic species, and these were all rainforest. The five most abundant exotic species differed in their habitat association, with Pheidole megacephala associated with rainforests, Brachymyrmex cf. obscurior with savanna, and Wasmannia auropunctata and Nylanderia vaga present in most habitats. Anoplolepis gracilipes occurred primarily in maquis-shrubland, which contrasts with its rainforest affinity elsewhere. Multivariate analysis of overall ant species composition showed strong differentiation of sites according to the distribution of exotic species, and these patterns were maintained at the genus and functional group levels. Native ant composition differed at invaded versus uninvaded rainforest sites, in the absence of differences in habitat variables. Generalised Myrmicinae and Forest Opportunists were particularly affected by invasion. There was a strong negative relationship between the abundance of W. auropunctata and native ant abundance and richness. This emphasizes that, in addition to dominating many ant communities numerically, some exotic species, and in particular W. auropunctata, have a marked impact on native ant communities.  相似文献   

Successional pathways in native forest, planted 15–33 years ago on reconstructed surfaces to restore aesthetic values destroyed by hydro‐electric dam construction at Aratiatia, central North Island, New Zealand, were compared with those on similar surfaces left unplanted. Only native species were planted. Classification identified three canopy communities and several ground layer communities with significant inter‐stratum relationships: Pittosporum tenuifolium‐Sophora tetraptera short forest with ground layers dominated by litter; P. tenuifolium‐Kunzea ericoides short forest over adventive grasses on planted sites; and adventive Cytisus scoparius shrubland over grasses on unplanted sites. Planted communities mirror young secondary forests on intact substrates in the district, but have lower density and similar or higher basal area than such forests elsewhere. Established seedlings of seven planted canopy trees, mostly early successional bird‐dispersed species, are reasonably widespread in floristically rich PittosporumSophora forest. Seedlings of only two species are widespread in floristically poor PittosporumKunzea forest, and none on unplanted sites. This first large‐scale attempt at ecological restoration in New Zealand, by mass planting of new surfaces with early successional native woody species, has created aesthetically‐pleasing stands of indigenous forest on sites which would otherwise remain in relatively stable adventive shrubland communities for the foreseeable future. Only continued monitoring will show whether further management is necessary and whether natural processes are operating at a level sufficient to ensure that artificially initiated successions will continue along more or less natural pathways.  相似文献   

There is currently much interest in restoration ecology in identifying native vegetation that can decrease the invasibility by exotic species of environments undergoing restoration. However, uncertainty remains about restoration's ability to limit exotic species, particularly in deserts where facilitative interactions between plants are prevalent. Using candidate native species for restoration in the Mojave Desert of the southwestern U.S.A., we experimentally assembled a range of plant communities from early successional forbs to late‐successional shrubs and assessed which vegetation types reduced the establishment of the priority invasive annuals Bromus rubens (red brome) and Schismus spp. (Mediterranean grass) in control and N‐enriched soils. Compared to early successional grass and shrub and late‐successional shrub communities, an early forb community best resisted invasion, reducing exotic species biomass by 88% (N added) and 97% (no N added) relative to controls (no native plants). In native species monocultures, Sphaeralcea ambigua (desert globemallow), an early successional forb, was the least invasible, reducing exotic biomass by 91%. However, the least‐invaded vegetation types did not reduce soil N or P relative to other vegetation types nor was native plant cover linked to invasibility, suggesting that other traits influenced native‐exotic species interactions. This study provides experimental field evidence that native vegetation types exist that may reduce exotic grass establishment in the Mojave Desert, and that these candidates for restoration are not necessarily late‐successional communities. More generally, results indicate the importance of careful native species selection when exotic species invasions must be constrained for restoration to be successful.  相似文献   

The seeds of both cedar-of-Lebanon (Cedrus libani) and Cyprus cedar (Cedrus brevifolia) are attacked in their natural range by a specialised chalcid, Megastigmus schimitscheki. From 1995 to 1999, seeds were screened for insect damage in the main cedar plantations of southern France, as well as in the stands where cedar is mixed with firs (Abies spp.). X-rays were used to identify chalcid-infested seeds from which the insects were then reared. The surveys revealed the presence of M. schimitscheki in all the stands of Atlas cedar, Cedrus atlantica, planted at Mt Ventoux, southeastern France. The chalcid also infested seeds of an exotic fir, Abies pinsapo, planted in the same area. However, it has not yet reached the cedar plantations in southwestern France, where the seeds are colonised by a related exotic insect, Megastigmus pinsapinis, originating from North Africa. The latter species was common in cedar seeds at Mt Ventoux in the early 1990s but seems to have been supplanted by M. schimitscheki in the invasion zone. A native chalcid species, Megastigmus suspectus, was also shown to have shifted to a slight extent from a native fir, A. alba, onto cedar. The presence of three chalcid species competing for cedar seed resources may result in a substantial decline of the regeneration potential of that tree species. At Mt Ventoux, up to 92.6% of the cedar seeds were attacked, with 86.8% due to M. schimitscheki. The survey also revealed the widespread presence of another North American chalcid, Megastigmus rafni, in the fir stands of southern France. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the invasion of two exotic plants – Berberis thunbergii and Microstegium vimineum – in hardwood forests of New Jersey have shown a significant increase of pH in soils under the invasive plants as compared with soils from under native shrubs (Vaccinium spp). We present a further investigation of soil properties under the exotic plants in question. We measured the densities of earthworms in the soil under the two exotics and the native shrubs in three parks in New Jersey. In the same populations we also measured the extractable ammonium and nitrate in the top 5 cm of the soil, as well as the respiration of the soils and the potential rates of mineralization (aerobic lab incubation). In addition, we measured the nitrate reductase activity in leaves of the two exotic plants and several native shrubs and trees. Although there were differences between parks, we observed significantly higher earthworm densities in the soil under the exotic species. The worms were all European species. Soil pH, available nitrate and net potential nitrification were significantly higher in soils under the two exotic species. In contrast, total soil C and N and net ammonification were significantly higher under native vegetation. Nitrate reductase activities were much higher in the leaves of exotic plants than in the leaves of native shrubs and trees. Changes in soil properties, especially the change in nitrogen cycling, associated with the invasion of these two plant species may permit the invasion of other weedy or exotic species. Our results also suggest that even if the two exotic species were removed, the restoration of the native flora might be inhibited by the high nitrate concentrations in the soil.  相似文献   

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