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We demonstrate that fluorescence resonance energy transfer spectroscopy is a powerful tool for in situ structural analysis of multimeric membrane proteins by measuring the conformational changes involved in gating the mechanosensitive ion channel of large conductance. Ensemble analysis is used to analyze the intensity of light emitted by AlexaFluor-labeled cysteine mutants reconstituted into artificial liposomes before and after acceptor photobleaching. The diameter of the protein is found to increase by 16 A upon channel activation.  相似文献   

The mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL) in prokaryotes plays a crucial role in exocytosis as well as in the response to osmotic downshock. The channel can be gated by tension in the membrane bilayer. The determination of functionally important residues in MscL, patch-clamp studies of pressure-conductance relationships, and the recently elucidated crystal structure of MscL from Mycobacterium tuberculosis have guided the search for the mechanism of MscL gating. Here, we present a molecular dynamics study of the MscL protein embedded in a fully hydrated POPC bilayer. Simulations totaling 3 ns in length were carried out under conditions of constant temperature and pressure using periodic boundary conditions and full electrostatics. The protein remained in the closed state corresponding to the crystal structure, as evidenced by its impermeability to water. Analysis of equilibrium fluctuations showed that the protein was least mobile in the narrowest part of the channel. The gating process was investigated through simulations of the bare protein under conditions of constant surface tension. Under a range of conditions, the transmembrane helices flattened as the pore widened. Implications for the gating mechanism in light of these and experimental results are discussed.  相似文献   

Structural models of the MscL gating mechanism.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Three-dimensional structural models of the mechanosensitive channel of large conductance, MscL, from the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Escherichia coli were developed for closed, intermediate, and open conformations. The modeling began with the crystal structure of M. tuberculosis MscL, a homopentamer with two transmembrane alpha-helices, M1 and M2, per subunit. The first 12 N-terminal residues, not resolved in the crystal structure, were modeled as an amphipathic alpha-helix, called S1. A bundle of five parallel S1 helices are postulated to form a cytoplasmic gate. As membrane tension induces expansion, the tilts of M1 and M2 are postulated to increase as they move away from the axis of the pore. Substantial expansion is postulated to occur before the increased stress in the S1 to M1 linkers pulls the S1 bundle apart. During the opening transition, the S1 helices and C-terminus amphipathic alpha-helices, S3, are postulated to dock parallel to the membrane surface on the perimeter of the complex. The proposed gating mechanism reveals critical spatial relationships between the expandable transmembrane barrel formed by M1 and M2, the gate formed by S1 helices, and "strings" that link S1s to M1s. These models are consistent with numerous experimental results and modeling criteria.  相似文献   

The initial stages of the gating of the mechanoselective channel of large conductance from Mycobacterium tuberculosis have been studied in atomic detail using molecular dynamics simulation techniques. A truncated form of the protein complex embedded in a palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine lipid bilayer and surrounded by explicit water was simulated under different pressure conditions to mimic the effects of tension and compression within the membrane on the protein. As a direct result of lateral tension being applied to the membrane, an increase in the tilt of a subset of the transmembrane helices was observed. This in turn led to the enlargement of the pore and the disruption of the hydrophobic gate consisting of residues Ile-14 and Val-21. The simulations suggest that opening occurs in a sequential staged process. Such a mechanism could explain the partial opening or staged conductance observed in patch-clamp experiments using related large conductance mechanosensitive channel complexes.  相似文献   

One of the ultimate goals of the study on mechanosensitive (MS) channels is to understand the biophysical mechanisms of how the MS channel protein senses forces and how the sensed force induces channel gating. The bacterial MS channel MscL is an ideal subject to reach this goal owing to its resolved 3D protein structure in the closed state on the atomic scale and large amounts of electrophysiological data on its gating kinetics. However, the structural basis of the dynamic process from the closed to open states in MscL is not fully understood. In this study, we performed molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on the initial process of MscL opening in response to a tension increase in the lipid bilayer. To identify the tension-sensing site(s) in the channel protein, we calculated interaction energy between membrane lipids and candidate amino acids (AAs) facing the lipids. We found that Phe78 has a conspicuous interaction with the lipids, suggesting that Phe78 is the primary tension sensor of MscL. Increased membrane tension by membrane stretch dragged radially the inner (TM1) and outer (TM2) helices of MscL at Phe78, and the force was transmitted to the pentagon-shaped gate that is formed by the crossing of the neighboring TM1 helices in the inner leaflet of the bilayer. The radial dragging force induced radial sliding of the crossing portions, leading to a gate expansion. Calculated energy for this expansion is comparable to an experimentally estimated energy difference between the closed and the first subconductance state, suggesting that our model simulates the initial step toward the full opening of MscL. The model also successfully mimicked the behaviors of a gain of function mutant (G22N) and a loss of function mutant (F78N), strongly supporting that our MD model did simulate some essential biophysical aspects of the mechano-gating in MscL.  相似文献   

Levin G  Blount P 《Biophysical journal》2004,86(5):2862-2870
The mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL), a bacterial channel, is perhaps the best characterized mechanosensitive protein. A structure of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis ortholog has been solved by x-ray crystallography, but details of how the channel gates remain obscure. Here, cysteine scanning was used to identify residues within the transmembrane domains of Escherichia coli MscL that are crucial for normal function. Utilizing genetic screens, we identified several mutations that induced gain-of-function or loss-of-function phenotypes in vivo. Mutants that exhibited the most severe phenotypes were further characterized using electrophysiological techniques and chemical modifications of the substituted cysteines. Our results verify the importance of residues in the putative primary gate in the first transmembrane domain, corroborate other residues previously noted as critical for normal function, and identify new ones. In addition, evaluation of disulfide bridging in native membranes suggests alterations of existing structural models for the “fully closed” state of the channel.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research -  相似文献   

Based on explicit definitions of biomolecular EPR spectroscopy and of the metallome, this tutorial review positions EPR in the field of metallomics as a unique method to study native, integrated systems of metallobiomolecular coordination complexes subject to external stimuli. The specific techniques of whole-system bioEPR spectroscopy are described and their historic, recent, and anticipated applications are discussed.  相似文献   

EPR spectroscopy of semi-methemerythrin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
EPR spectra of semi-met forms of octameric hemerythrin from Themiste zostericola, prepared by one electron reduction of methemerythrin or by one electron oxidation of deoxyhemerythrin, have been visualized at liquid helium temperatures. The spectrum of that prepared by one electron reduction has principal g-values of 1.96 +/- 0.01, 1.88 +/- 0.01, and 1.67 +/- 0.02 while that obtained by one electron oxidation has g = 1.95 +/- 0.01, 1.72 +/- 0.01, and 1.68 +/- 0.02. The amplitude of either spectrum decreases with time on incubation at room temperature according to a first order rate with t 1/2 = 5-8 min, apparently because of an intramolecular disproportionation. Similar EPR spectra have been obtained with semi-metmyohemerythrin of T. zostericola and with the octameric semi-met form of Phascolopsis gouldii. However, these forms disproportionate to a much lesser degree. The azide adduct of the octameric semi-met form of T. zostericola has g-values of 1.94 +/- 0.01, 1.85 +/- 0.01, and 1.57 +/- 0.02. Its EPR spectrum differs somewhat from those of the azide adducts of the octamer of P. gouldii and the monomer of T. zostericola although all are resistant to disproportionation. Methemerythrin and deoxyhemerythrin have no EPR spectra even at liquid helium temperature.  相似文献   

A light-induced spin-polarized triplet state has been detected in a purified Photosystem II preparation by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy at liquid helium temperature. The electron spin polarization pattern is interpreted to indicate that the triplet originates from radical pair recombination between the oxidized primary donor chlorophyll, P-680+, and the reduced intermediate pheophytin, I-, as has been previously demonstrated in bacterial reaction centers. The dependence of the triplet signal on the redox state of I and the primary acceptor, Q, are consistent with the origin of the triplet signal from the triplet state of P-680. Redox-poising experiments indicate the presence of an endogenous donor (or donors) which operates at 3-5 K and 200 K. The zero field-splitting parameters of the triplet are very similar to those of monomeric chlorophyll a however, this alone does not allow a distinction to be made between monomeric and dimeric structures for P-680.  相似文献   

MscL is multimeric protein that forms a large conductance mechanosensitive channel in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli. Since MscL is gated by tension transmitted through the lipid bilayer, we have been able to measure its gating parameters as a function of absolute tension. Using purified MscL reconstituted in liposomes, we recorded single channel currents and varied the pressure gradient (P) to vary the tension (T). The tension was calculated from P and the radius of curvature was obtained using video microscopy of the patch. The probability of being open (Po) has a steep sigmoidal dependence on T, with a midpoint (T1/2) of 11.8 dyn/cm. The maximal slope sensitivity of Po/Pc was 0.63 dyn/cm per e-fold. Assuming a Boltzmann distribution, the energy difference between the closed and fully open states in the unstressed membrane was DeltaE = 18.6 kBT. If the mechanosensitivity arises from tension acting on a change of in-plane area (DeltaA), the free energy, TDeltaA, would correspond to DeltaA = 6.5 nm2. MscL is not a binary channel, but has four conducting states and a closed state. Most transition rates are independent of tension, but the rate-limiting step to opening is the transition between the closed state and the lowest conductance substate. This transition thus involves the greatest DeltaA. When summed over all transitions, the in-plane area change from closed to fully open was 6 nm2, agreeing with the value obtained in the two-state analysis. Assuming a cylindrical channel, the dimensions of the (fully open) pore were comparable to DeltaA. Thus, the tension dependence of channel gating is primarily one of increasing the external channel area to accommodate the pore of the smallest conducting state. The higher conducting states appear to involve conformational changes internal to the channel that don't involve changes in area.  相似文献   

Antioxidant properties of tea investigated by EPR spectroscopy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The antioxidant properties of green, black and mixed (fruit) tea samples of different origin were investigated by means of EPR spectroscopy. A six line EPR spectrum of solid tea samples indicates the presence of Mn(II) ions and it is superimposed with a sharp singlet line attributed to semiquinone radical species (Delta H(pp)=1 mT; g=2.0022). Antioxidant properties of aqueous tea extracts in H(2)O(2)/NaOH/dimethylsulfoxide system generating reactive radicals (*OH, O(2)*-), *CH(3)) were followed by spin trapping technique. In addition, antioxidant capacity of these samples was assessed using stable radicals 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy (TEMPOL). Typically, the highest antioxidant potential to terminate superoxide radicals was found in green teas, followed by black and fruity teas. The pro-oxidant activity of green teas evidenced by spin traps was promoted in samples with higher Mn(II) and ascorbic acid concentrations. Various sources of free radicals used in the antioxidant tests due to their specific action show different termination rates in the presence of the individual tea samples.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore gating mechanisms of mechanosensitive channels in terms of membrane tension, membrane adaptation, protein conformation, and energetics. The large conductance mechanosensitive channel from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Tb-MscL) is used as a model system; Tb-MscL acts as a safety valve by releasing small osmolytes through the channel opening under extreme hypoosmotic conditions. Based on the assumption that the channel gating involves tilting of the transmembrane (TM) helices, we have performed free energy simulations of Tb-MscL as a function of TM helix tilt angle in a dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer. Based on the change in system dimensions, TM helix tilting is shown to be essentially equivalent to applying an excess surface tension to the membrane, causing channel expansion, lipid adaptation, and membrane thinning. Such equivalence is further corroborated by the observation that the free energy cost of Tb-MscL channel expansion is comparable to the work done by the excess surface tension. Tb-MscL TM helix tilting results in an expanded water-conducting channel of an outer dimension similar to the proposed fully open MscL structure. The free energy decomposition indicates a possible expansion mechanism in which tilting and expanding of TM2 facilitates the iris-like motion of TM1, producing an expanded Tb-MscL.  相似文献   

Transient electron paramagnetic resonance (TR EPR) at 9.8 GHz has been used to study the light-induced triplet state in single crystals of Photosystem II (PS II). The crystals were grown from a solution of PS II core complexes from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus. The core complexes contain at least 17 subunits, including the water-oxidizing complex, and 32 chlorophyll a molecules per PS II complex. The PS II complexes are active in light-induced electron transfer and water oxidation. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with four dimers of PS II complexes per unit cell. Laser excitation was used to generate the recombination triplet state in PS II which was then studied by EPR at low temperatures (10 K). The crystal spectra show the same magnitude of the zero-field splitting (ZFS) values D, E as spectra obtained earlier for the triplet state of PS II in frozen solution. The orientation of the ZFS tensor D of the triplet state with respect to the crystallographic axes has been deduced from the analysis of angular-dependent EPR spectra. Knowledge of the orientation of the D tensor component perpendicular to the plane of the chlorophyll (D(Z)) allows an assignment on which chlorophyll of the reaction centre the triplet state is localized at low temperatures. Furthermore, the orientation of the D(X) and D(Y) components of the D tensor yielded the in-plane orientation of the respective chlorophyll in the reaction centre providing first experimental evidence for the orientation of this molecule in the PS II.  相似文献   

L Gu  W Liu    B Martinac 《Biophysical journal》1998,74(6):2889-2902
We have developed a theoretical electromechanical coupling (EMC) model of gating of the large-conductance mechanosensitive ion channel (MscL). The model presents the first attempt to explain the pressure-dependent transitions between the closed and open channel conformations on a molecular level by assuming 1) a homohexameric structural model of the channel, 2) electrostatic interactions between various domains of the homohexamer, 3) structural flexibility of the N-terminal portion of the monomer, and 4) mechanically and electrostatically induced displacement of the N-terminal domain relative to other structural domains of the protein. In the EMC model, 12 membrane-spanning alpha-helices (six each of the M1 and M2 transmembrane domains of the MscL monomer), are envisaged to line the channel pore with a diameter of 40 A, whereas the N- and C-termini are oriented toward each other inside the pore when the channel is closed. The model proposes that stretching the membrane bilayer by mechanical force causes the monomers to be pulled away from and slightly tilted toward each other. This relative movement of alpha-helices could serve as a trigger to initiate a "swing-like" motion of the N-terminus around the glycine residue G14 that may act as a pivot. The analysis of the attractive and repulsive coulomb forces between all domains of the channel homohexamer suggested that an inclination angle of approximately 3.0 degrees - 4.1 degrees between the oppositely oriented channel monomers should suffice for the N-terminus to turn away from other domains causing the channel to open. According to the EMC model the minimal free energy change, deltaG, that could initiate the opening of the channel was 2 kT. Also, the model predicted that the negative pressure required for channel open probability, Po = 0.5, should be between 50 and 80 mmHg. These values were in a good agreement with the experimentally estimated pressures of 60-70 mmHg obtained with the MscL reconstituted in liposomes. Furthermore, consistent with a notion that the N-terminus may present a mechanosensitive structural element providing a mechanism to open the MscL by mechanical force, the model provides a simple explanation for the variations in pressure sensitivity observed with several MscL mutants having either deletions or substitutions in N- or C-terminus, or site-directed mutations in the S2-S3 loop.  相似文献   

EPR spectroscopy is beginning to occupy a key position in the field of quality control environment. The analysis of the number of paramagnetic centers in the thallus of indicator species of lichen (in a tolerant and sensitive species) was carried out. The number of paramagnetic centers in the lichen thallus was found to depend on the intensity of human impact on habitats of the species studied and their taxonomic affiliation. Possible mechanisms of resistance to atmospheric pollution for tolerant species of lichens were discussed.  相似文献   

Long-range distance determinations in biomacromolecules by EPR spectroscopy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy provides a variety of tools to study structures and structural changes of large biomolecules or complexes thereof. In order to unravel secondary structure elements, domain arrangements or complex formation, continuous wave and pulsed EPR methods capable of measuring the magnetic dipole coupling between two unpaired electrons can be used to obtain long-range distance constraints on the nanometer scale. Such methods yield reliably and precisely distances of up to 80 A, can be applied to biomolecules in aqueous buffer solutions or membranes, and are not size limited. They can be applied either at cryogenic or physiological temperatures and down to amounts of a few nanomoles. Spin centers may be metal ions, metal clusters, cofactor radicals, amino acid radicals, or spin labels. In this review, we discuss the advantages and limitations of the different EPR spectroscopic methods, briefly describe their theoretical background, and summarize important biological applications. The main focus of this article will be on pulsed EPR methods like pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR) and their applications to spin-labeled biosystems.  相似文献   

The mechanosensitive (MS) ion channel is gated by changes in bilayer deformation. It is functional without the presence of any other proteins and gating of the channel has been successfully achieved using conventional patch clamping techniques where a voltage has been applied together with a pressure over the membrane. Here, we have for the first time analyzed the large conducting (MscL) channel in a supported membrane using only an external electrical field. This was made possible using a newly developed technique utilizing a tethered lipid bilayer membrane (tBLM), which is part of an engineered microelectronic array chip. Single ion channel activity characteristic for MscL was obtained, albeit with lower conductivity. The ion channel was gated using solely a transmembrane potential of 300 mV. Computations demonstrate that this amount of membrane potential induces a membrane tension of 12 dyn/cm, equivalent to that calculated to gate the channel in patch clamp from pressure-induced stretching of the bilayer. These results strengthen the supposition that the MscL ion channel gates in response to stress in the lipid membrane rather than pressure across it. Furthermore, these findings illustrate the possibility of using the MscL as a release valve for engineered membrane devices; one step closer to mimicking the true function of the living cell.  相似文献   

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