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A new genus Oxycephalomyia is described to contain the gall midge that was previously known as Asteralobia styraci (Shinji). Oxycephalomyia styraci, comb. nov., produces leaf vein galls on Styrax japonicus (Styracaceae). The adult of O. styraci is redescribed, and its full‐grown larva and pupa are described for the first time. The annual life cycle of the gall midge in northern Kyushu was clarified; the first instars overwinter in the galls on the host plant. However, the galls of O. styraci mature much later in the season than those of other gall midges with a similar life history pattern, and the durations of second and third larval instars are remarkably short. Such a life history pattern is considered to have an adaptive significance in avoiding larval parasitism, particularly by early attackers. The number of host axillary buds as oviposition sites decreased in bearing years and increased in off years, but there was no sign of oviposition site shortage even in bearing years, probably due to the low population density of the gall midge. An unidentified lepidopteran that feeds on galled and ungalled host buds and a Torymus sp. that attacks pupae of O. styraci were recognized as mortality factors of the gall midge.  相似文献   

  • 1 Substantial intraspecific variation exists in Salix viminalis resistance to the gall midge Dasineura marginemtorquens. Earlier work has found this variation to have a large genetic component. Willow clones are stable in their resistances between midge generations and different nutrient levels in both field and laboratory culture.
  • 2 This study reports the results of laboratory experiments on female oviposition choice and larval survival on potted plants from clones that are very different in resistance as determined in field studies.
  • 3 In choice experiments using pairs of plants, the average female midge did not prefer susceptible willow clones over resistant ones for oviposition. In about one third of the replicates, midges actually laid more eggs on the resistant clone. Further work is necessary to examine the nature of variation among midges in discrimination of these plant types.
  • 4 Resistance is manifested as great differences in larval survival. Six days after oviposition survival was 92% on susceptible plants but only 6% on resistant ones. Galls developed on all of the susceptible plants, while in 73% of the resistant plants galls were not even initiated.
  • 5 The plant traits causing resistance are enigmatic. Larval behaviour suggests that resistant plants interfere with feeding behaviour. On resistant plants, most larvae wander for more than 24 h without initiating any galls before dying. On susceptible plants many first instar larvae begin feeding and initiate galls within this period.

《Journal of Asia》2020,23(4):930-934
Larvae of a previously undescribed gall midge species have been feeding within malformed flower buds of goji berry Lycium barbarum L. (Solanaceae) in China, preventing fruit development and causing damage to the fruit industry. The new species is named Gephyraulus lycantha Jiao & Kolesik, its morphology is described, the COI mitochondrial gene segment is sequenced, and the biology is outlined. In order to taxonomically accommodate the new gall midge, the scope of the genus Gephyraulus is broadened and now encompasses also species that lack dorso-apical sensoria on the female cercus.LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:17B243CF-5235-405B-AA60-8E872C848367.  相似文献   

Different gall inducers belonging to distinct insect orders are rarely known to induce similarly shaped galls on the same host plant organs. We report that Asphondylia tojoi Elsayed & Tokuda sp. nov. (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and Ceratoneura sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) induce galls on leaf buds of Schoepfia jasminodora Sieb. et Zucc. (Schoepfiaceae). We describe the gall midge species as new to science and report a phylogenetic analysis for known Japanese Asphondylia species. We also describe life histories of the two species, based on monthly surveys during 2015–2017: although both species are multivoltine, A. tojoi overwinters as first instars in galls, whereas Ceratoneura sp. possibly does so as adults outside the galls. In addition, the internal structure of galls differed between the two species. Galls containing A. tojoi consist of a single chamber with inner walls clearly covered with whitish fungal mycelia after the gall midges develop into second instars. Those containing the Ceratoneura sp. have multiple chambers with hard black inner walls. Although some eulophids are known to be inquilines of galls induced by Asphondylia species, we consider that the Ceratoneura sp. is probably a true gall inducer because of the different gall structure and absence of fungal mycelia in their galls. This is the first report detailing the annual life history of a Ceratoneura species. Asphondylia tojoi represents the first example of monophagous Asphondylia species with a multivoltine life history on a deciduous tree.  相似文献   

The family Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) including about 6100 described species displays diverse feeding habits. The tribe Asphondyliini is a well‐circumscribed monophyletic group of Cecidomyiidae and all species are known as gall inducers. Species belonging to this tribe exhibit fascinating ecological traits such as host alternation, polyphagy, extended diapause, induction of dimorphic galls and association with fungal symbionts. For these reasons, biogeographical and phylogenetic studies of Asphondyliini are of interest in elucidating the evolution of these traits, and particularly the processes of host‐range expansion, host‐plant shift and shifts in gall‐bearing organs. In order to facilitate further evolutionary studies of Asphondyliini, I review studies of systematics, biogeography, phylogeny, speciation, cytology, behavior, ecology, physiology, biological interaction and economic importance in this tribe.  相似文献   

Procystiphora uedai sp. nov., a cecidomyiid inducing subglobular galls on Sasa nipponica Makino and Shibata on Mount Ôdaigahara, Nara Prefecture, Japan is described herein. This species is distinguishable from the three known congeners by the following characteristics of the female post-abdomen: tergite VIII concave at both anterior and posterior margins; tergites VII, VIII and sternite VII unsclerotized; ovipositor–dorsoventrally inverted. Most individuals of this gall midge are univoltine and pupate in the galls in early September, but some individuals enter prolonged diapause at the third larval stadium and remain in the mature galls until the following year. Larvae of this species are attacked by two parasitoid species, Pediobius sasae Hansson (Eulophidae) and Torymus sp. (Torymidae).  相似文献   

We observed that unique projections developed from female flower galls induced by three unidentified cecidomyiid species in the syconia of Ficus microcarpa (Moraceae) on Okinawa and Amami Islands, Japan. The three cecidomyiids (sp. 1, 2 and 3) were tentatively distinguished by the differences in the shape of the projections. The projection of sp. 1 started to develop from the bottom of each gall before emergence, broke the skin of the syconium, and developed finally up to 5–6 mm in length within 6–8 h. During this period, the pupa oriented its head towards the bottom of the gall. After the projection fully elongated, the pupa pushed open the bottom of the projection with its head. The projection was easily removed from the gall at the base. The pupa quickly crawled half way out of the gall through the opening at the bottom of the projection and an adult then emerged. The projection did not develop when other hymenopteran gall inhabitants emerged. The projection was derived from plant tissues consisting of a mass of small square cells in the basal and distal portions and regularly arranged long cells in the middle portion. No projection was induced by the application of gibberellin's paste to the bottom of syconia. The gall midge seemed to manipulate the fig plant to develop the projection before emergence, so that the pupa can easily pass through the sticky epidermis of the syconium. The emergence of sp. 2 and 3 could not be intensively observed.  相似文献   

Ten microsatellites were isolated from the barley stem gall midge, Mayetiola hordei. Polymorphism at each locus was tested on 40 individual midges, among which 34 were collected on barley and six on wheat crops in Tunisia. Six loci were polymorphic with the number of alleles ranging from two to seven. The observed heterozygosity varied between 0.025 and 0.2. These microsatellite loci revealed a strong effect of host plant on the population genetic structure of M. hordei.  相似文献   

Torymus celticolus Matsuo sp. nov. and Torymus celtidigalla Matsuo sp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) are described as parasitoids of larvae of Celticecis japonica Yukawa & Tsuda, 1987 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induce leaf galls on Celtis species (Ulmaceae) in Japan. A key to species of the genus Torymus known in Japan is provided.  相似文献   

Five new species of the genus Daphnephila (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Asphondyliini), D. ornithocephala, D. stenocalia, D. sueyenae, D. taiwanensis, and D. truncicola, all associated with Machilus thunbergii (Lauraceae), are described from Taiwan, and one previously known species, D. machilicola, is redescribed from Japan. Among the five new species, D. truncicola induces stem galls and the other four species induce leaf galls. A molecular phylogenetic analysis based on partial sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene suggests that in this genus the stem-galling habit is a more ancestral state compared to the leaf-galling habit. Daphnephila seems to be of tropical origin and to have dispersed to Japan through Taiwan.  相似文献   

Population divergence of phytophagous insects is often coupled to host‐plant shifts and is frequently attributed to the divergent selective environments associated with alternative host‐plants. In some cases, however, divergence is associated with the use of alternative host‐plant organs of a single host species. The basis of within‐host radiations such as these remains poorly understood. In the present stusy, we analysed the radiation of Asteromyia gall midges occurring both within one host plant species and within a single organ on that host. In this system, four morphologically distinct Asteromyia gall forms (morphs) coexist on the leaves of goldenrod Solidago altissima. Our analyses of amplified fragment length polymorphism and DNA sequence data confirm the genetic differentiation among midges from three gall morphs and reveal evidence of a genetically distinct fourth gall morph. The absence of clear gall morph related clades in the mitochondrial DNA derived phylogenies is indicative of incomplete lineage sorting or recent gene flow, suggesting that population divergence among gall forms is recent. We assess the likely history of this radiation and use the results of phylogenetic analyses along with ecological data on phenology and parasitism rates to evaluate potential hypotheses for the mode of differentiation. These preliminary analyses suggest that diversification of the Asteromyia gall morphs is likely shaped by interactions between the midge, a symbiotic fungus, and parasitoid enemies. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 840–858.  相似文献   

Spurgia capitigena is a gall midge that has been released as a biological control agent of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), a noxious rangeland weed in North America. We isolated 15 microsatellite loci from S. capitigena with from two to 27 alleles at each locus. These markers will allow us to examine the structure and levels of neutral genetic variation in native and introduced populations.  相似文献   

Synchronization between the appearance of herbivorous insects and their host-plant phenology is a critical event, especially for short-lived insects such as gall midges. We studied a natural population of Pseudasphondylia neolitseae (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induces leaf galls on Neolitsea sericea (Lauraceae) to evaluate the effect of synchronization on gall density in the subsequent generation. To do so, we combined quantitative data on host resources with time lag between emergence and host-available seasons. The gamma distribution model was applied to the emergence curve of P. neolitseae and the normal distribution model to the daily changes in the number of host buds suitable for oviposition; the latter model was transformed into an available-resource curve based on the mean number of host buds required for a single female to realize her eggs. By superimposing the emergence curve on the available-resource curve and calculating overlapped area, the degree of synchronization was evaluated more accurately than previous studies, which had treated only the time lag. The number of females that synchronized with host buds affected gall density in the next generation.  相似文献   

Saddle gall midge Haplodiplosis marginata (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) is a pest of cereals across Europe. The occasional nature of this pest has resulted in limited and sporadic research activity. There remain important gaps in knowledge due either to a genuine lack of research or to previous research being difficult to access. These knowledge gaps make the development of effective control options difficult. Here, we review the existing literature in an attempt to consolidate the information on H. marginata from research which spans several decades and encompasses many different countries. The current distribution and pest status of this insect are updated, along with the methods of cultural and chemical control available to growers. The biology and life history of the insect are described in detail and the ecological processes governing them are discussed. A forecasting model is presented which allows the emergence of this pest in the UK to be predicted from degree day data, and the potential application of this model in management decisions is discussed. Finally, the areas in most need of further research are identified, along with suggestions of how this information can be used to help develop effective and sustainable management solutions for this pest.  相似文献   

Life historical, behavioral and ecological traits of Macrodiplosis selenis, which induces leaf‐margin fold galls on Quercus serrata, Q. mongolica and Q. dentata (Fagaceae) in Japan and South Korea, were studied. Daily activity and larval development indicate that M. selenis is a diurnal and univoltine gall midge. In April, females lay their eggs both on upper and under surfaces of fresh leaves. The duration of the egg stage varies from 5 to 9 days, depending on daily temperatures. Hatched larvae crawl to the upper surface of the leaf margin, where they start to induce galls. Larvae become full‐grown in October, drop to the ground in November and overwinter in cocoons on the ground, while larvae of congeners mature in May and drop to the ground in June. A relatively long period of the second larval stadium from July to October on the host trees seems to be effective for M. selenis in avoiding summer mortalities caused by predation and aridity on the ground and by ectoparasitoids that attack mature larvae or pupae on the host leaves. The spatial distribution pattern of M. selenis leaf galls is contagious and the mean gall density per leaf is significantly correlated with the mean crowding. This study adds new insights of life history strategy and adult and larval behavioral pattern to the ecological knowledge of gall midges, and these kinds of information are essential for further studies of M. selenis population dynamics and interactions with other Quercus‐associated herbivores.  相似文献   

The genus Bruggmanniella Tavares is newly discovered from Taiwan and Bruggmanniella brevipes sp. n. is described as new to science. This is the southernmost species of Bruggmanniella found in the Old World. Furthermore, the gall midge induces bud galls on Neolitsea parvigemma (Hayata) Kaneh (Lauraceae), an endemic species in Taiwan, and the plant genus Neolitsea is the third host genus of Lauraceae-associated Bruggmanniella in East Asia. The knowledge of its distribution and host information provide us to shed the light on evolutionary and biogeography issue of East Asian Bruggmanniella.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:820320EC-17BC-4E00-A401-2DBDA3EEE9C4  相似文献   

Galls on Bauhinia cupulata (Fabaceae) were investigated in two physiognomies of the Cerrado, riparian and dry forest, in the municipality of Barreiras (Western Bahia, Brazil) from October 2012 to July 2014. Four insect gall morphotypes were found. They were characterized based on shape, color, indumentum, plant organ of occurrence and galling taxon. A new galling species, Schizomyia barreirensis, is described, illustrated (larva, pupa, male, female and gall) and compared to other Neotropical congeneric species.  相似文献   

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