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玉米籽粒的脱水速率是决定收获期籽粒含水量的关键因素。本研究同时在新乡原阳、商丘虞城和周口郸城调查428份玉米自交系在授粉后35~55 d不同时期的籽粒脱水速率及相关农艺性状。结果表明:428份自交系的籽粒脱水速率在三地均表现出丰富的遗传多样性,与穗轴含水量、苞叶含水量呈显著相关,与籽粒含水量呈极显著相关,与穗位高、株高、雄穗分枝数、抽雄期、吐丝期无显著相关,但与苞叶数及生理成熟期的相关性并不明确;在428份玉米自交系中,授粉后35~55 d籽粒脱水速率仅与授粉后35~40 d籽粒脱水速率(生理成熟期前)存在极显著相关,与50~55 d的籽粒脱水速率(生理成熟期后)无显著相关。这表明生理成熟期前的籽粒脱水速率对授粉后35~55 d籽粒脱水速率的影响更为显著。依据生育期、授粉后35~55 d籽粒脱水速率及授粉后55 d的籽粒含水量,共筛选出生育期不同、籽粒含水量低(低于25%)、籽粒脱水速率快(大于1%)的玉米自交系共计42份。 相似文献
贵州70份玉米自交系的SSR标记遗传多样性及其杂种优势群分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
从251个SSR标记中筛选出均匀分布在玉米基因组上的88个SSR标记,用以分析评价贵州省2000年以来47个审定品种的70份亲本材料的遗传多样性。SSR标记检测的结果:88个标记共检测出466个等位基因,每个标记可检测等位基因2~18个,平均为5.31个;每个标记位点的多态性信息量(PIC)变化为0.213~0.965,平均为0.586,这表明贵州玉米自交系具有较为丰富的遗传多样性。POPTREE聚类分析结果:70份自交系分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ类群。Ⅰ类群含8个自交系,以瑞德和兰卡斯特等温带种质为主。Ⅱ类群有11个自交系,以PN78599、瑞德和兰卡斯特等温带种质为主。Ⅲ类群拥有51个自交系,可分为A和B 2个亚群,B亚群还可再分为B1和B2 2个次亚群,A亚群中的10个系以我国地方温带种质为主,B1次亚群中的19个系以贵州地方亚热带种质为主,B2次亚群中的22个系以泰国苏湾热带种质为主。杂种优势利用分析的结果表明,贵州近些年在玉米育种中,主要是利用贵州地方亚热带种质和泰国苏湾热带种质2个杂种优势群,这与其多态位点百分率较高有关,与其群内SSR位点的平均等位数较多有关。贵州玉米育种利用的种质类型较少,有必要加强玉米种... 相似文献
不同杂种优势群玉米子粒脱水速率分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
采用烘干法测定170份玉米自交系的子粒的脱水速率及其相关性状,利用覆盖玉米全基因组的210对SSR标记对试验材料进行全基因组扫描,通过Structure V2.3.4软件揭示其群体结构。对不同杂种优势群平均子粒脱水速率进行方差分析,并筛选出各个类群中子粒脱水速率快的自交系。结果表明:子粒脱水速率在不同自交系间存在显著差异,与穗轴和子粒的含水率等性状间存在显著相关性。试验共筛选到子粒脱水速率大于1%的自交系20个;授粉后40 d子粒含水率低于21%的自交系10个。参试自交系分成P、旅大红骨、瑞德、兰卡斯特和唐四平头5个杂种优势群;授粉后40 d子粒脱水速率依次是瑞德群0.92%、兰卡斯特群0.85%、旅大红骨群0.82%、混合群0.80%、P群0.76%、唐四平头群0.56%。本文旨在通过研究不同杂种优势群玉米自交系子粒脱水速率的特性,筛选子粒脱水速率快的自交系,为选育适应机械化作业的玉米杂交种提供借鉴。 相似文献
优质蛋白玉米黄粒系产量配合力及其杂种优势模式的分析 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
研究玉米种质的遗传关系及其杂种优势模式对玉米育种者有着极为重要的指导意义.本研究对从国际玉米小麦改良中心(CIMMYT)引入的及国内自育成的10个优质蛋白玉米(QPM)黄粒优良系进行了配合力分析及杂优模式的初步研究.这10个QPM优良系中有5个来自CIMMYT的热带、亚热带系;5个为国内自育成的骨干系.通过部分双列杂交获得45个杂交组合,将这些组合种植在云南省及广西自治区的三种不同生态条件下进行观察鉴定.产量的方差分析结果表明,品种之间、环境之间的差异达到极显著水平,而重复之间不显著;产量的一般配合力差异达极显著水平,而特殊配合力的差异不显著.杂交组合CML166×齐205具有最高产量(10880kg/hm2),杂交组合长631/02×中系096/02具有最低产量(5496kg/hm2).自交系CML161产量的一般配合力效应值最高(1010.53),自交系CML166产量的一般配合力效应值其次(947.11);而自交系中系096/02产量的一般配合力效应值最低(-1119.98).自交系CML194与忻9101/02具有最高的产量特殊配合力效应值(1813.50),自交系CML166与齐205产量的特殊配合力效应值也较高(1272.00);而自交系忻9101/02与齐205产量的特殊配合力效应值最低(-1670.96).根据杂交组合产量性状的配合力分析,可初步将这10个优质蛋白玉米自交系划分为4个杂种优势群和4种杂种优势模式. 相似文献
玉米自交系间遗传距离与产量杂种优势,杂种产量的关系 总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24
以13个玉米自交系及其按双列杂交配制的78个单交种为材料,研究性状选择、亲本选择对遗传距离与产量杂种优势、杂种产量关系的影响,结果表明:(1)当性状数较少时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势、杂种产量的关系因性状的不同而异;当性状数较多时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势、杂种产量的关系为抛物线,受性状影响较小;(2)当所选亲本材料的遗传差异较大时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势的关系为抛物线;当所选亲本材料的遗传差异较小时,遗传距离与产量杂种优势的关系为直线或不相关。 相似文献
Abstract:Information on the combining ability and heterotic patterns of maize germplasm is of great value to maize breeders.The objective of this study is to determine the heterosis and combining ability of 10 yellow Quality Protein Maize(QPM)inbreeds.Among these 10 QPM inbreeds,5 are tropical and subtropical QPM inbreeds introduced from CIMMYT,another 5 are from domestic provinces.These 10 QPM inbvreeds inbreeds were used to make up a 10-parent diallel and these 45 crosses were tested in three different environments in Yunnan province and Guangxi Autonomous region.Highly significant difference was observed among 45 entries and 3 environments for grain yield,while non-significant difference among 3 replications.General combining ability(GCA)was highly significant difference for grain yield,while specific combining ability(SCA) were non-significant.The highest-yielding cross was CML166×Qi205(10880Kg/hm2)and the lowest-yielding cross was Chang631/02×Zhongxi096/02(5496Kg/hm2).The highest value of GCA for grain yield is CML161 (1010.53),CML166(947.11),while the lowest value is Zhongxi096/02(-1119.98)The highest value of SCA for grain yield is CML 194×Xin9101/02(1813.50)and CML166×Qi205(1272.00),while the lowest value is Xin9101/02×Qi205(-1670.96).According to the performance of grain yield,these 10 QPM inbreeds could be divided into 4 heterotic groups. 相似文献
本文利用对生基因转育获得的对生与互生自交系及其杂交组合,研究了对生性状对玉米主要品质性状的杂种优势和配合力的遗传效应的影响。结果表明:对生自交系籽粒品质性状的配合力效应一般高于互生玉米,在蛋白质含量上,对生F1杂种优势与普通互生F1无明显差异,而在油份和淀粉含量上对生F1较互生表现出明显的优势。不同组配方式对F1对生群体籽粒品质性状的杂种优势存在差异,在对生组合利用中通过互×互组配较对×对组配能使F1获得更高的蛋白质含量;选育含油量较高的对生系,利用对×对组合有助于选育高油杂交种;选育淀粉含量较高的含有不同对生基因的互生自交系作亲本,利用互×互组配有助于选育高淀粉对生杂交组合。 相似文献
研究了脱水速率对木奶果种子脱水敏感性和抗氧化酶活性的影响。木奶果种子初始含水量高达1.72gH2O·g^-1DW,萌发率为86.67%。含水量降至0.90gH2O·g^-1DW左右时,慢速脱水种子的萌发率为97.78%,而快速脱水的种子萌发率仅为64.44%。快速脱水至含水量为0.76gH2O·g^-1DW时萌发率为21.67%,而慢速脱水至0.68gH2O·g^-1DW时,萌发率仍高达55.56%。确定了木奶果种子是对慢速脱水耐受性更高的顽拗性种子。在种子脱水过程中,相对电解质渗透速率和脂质过氧化产物(TBARs)都呈升高趋势,但慢速脱水后的种子,其TBARs升高的速率较快速脱水的慢。快速脱水的种子中超氧化岐化酶(SOD)、脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(DHAR)和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)的活性较慢速脱水的高,而过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性较慢速脱水的低,未检测出谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)的活性。这些结果表明,在木奶果种子脱水耐性获得过程中过氧化氢酶比其他抗氧化酶作用更大。 相似文献
玉米不同杂种优势近等基因系及其杂交种的基因表达分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以自发突变产生的籽粒大小和穗位叶片不同的 3对近等基因系及其杂交种为材料 ,研究了 6个基因在其叶片组织中的表达情况 ,以评价这些基因在杂种优势形成中可否作为“限率性基因”模式存在。结果表明 ,有些基因通过增强或减弱表达在杂种优势现象中起一定作用。将被测基因视为整体时会发现它们依次增强表达趋势为 :近等基因系 4 88 1>4 88 2 >4 78;相应杂交种 4 88 1× 340 >4 88 2× 340 >4 78× 340。对近等基因系及其杂交种个体千粒重和穗粒重的相关分析表明 ,Sus1、Sh1和ZmSps34 3′基因亦可作为适合的限率性候选基因以研究杂种优势分子机理。 相似文献
Genetic diversity of maize inbred lines within and among heterotic groups revealed by RFLPs 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
C. Livini P. Ajmone-Marsan A. E. Melchinger M. M. Messmer M. Motto 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1992,84(1-2):17-25
Summary The objectives of this study were (1) to investigate genetic diversity for RFLPs in a set of important maize inbreds commonly used in Italian breeding programs, (2) to compare genetic similarities between unrelated lines from the same and different heterotic groups, and (3) to examine the potential of RFLPs for assigning maize inbreds to heterotic groups. Forty inbreds were analyzed for RFLPs with two restriction enzymes (EcoRI and HindIII) and 82 DNA clones uniformly distributed over the maize genome. Seventy clone-enzyme combinations gave single-banded RFLP patterns, and 79 gave multiple-banded RFLP patterns. The average number of RFLP patterns detected per clone-enzyme combination across all inbreds was 5.8. RFLP data revealed a wide range of genetic diversity within the two heterotic groups assayed, Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic (BSSS) and Lancaster Sure Crop (LSC). Genetic similarity (GS) between lines was estimated from binary RFLP data according to the method of Nei and Li (1979). The mean GS for line combinations of type BSSS × LSC (0.498) was substantially smaller than for unrelated line combinations or type BSSS × BSSS (0.584) but almost as great as for un-related line combinations of type LSC × LSC (0.506). Principal coordinate and cluster analyses based on GS values resulted in the separate groupings of lines, which is consistent with known pedigree information. A comparison between both methods for multivariate analyses of RFLP data is presented. 相似文献
Use of SSRs for establishing heterotic groups in subtropical maize 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Reif JC Melchinger AE Xia XC Warburton ML Hoisington DA Vasal SK Beck D Bohn M Frisch M 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2003,107(5):947-957
Heterotic groups and patterns are of fundamental importance in hybrid breeding. The objectives of our research were to: (1) investigate the relationship of simple sequence repeats (SSR) based genetic distances between populations and panmictic midparent heterosis (PMPH) in a broad range of CIMMYT maize germplasm, (2) evaluate the usefulness of SSR markers for defining heterotic groups and patterns in subtropical germplasm, and (3) examine applications of SSR markers for broadening heterotic groups by systematic introgression of other germplasm. Published data of two diallels and one factorial evaluated for grain yield were re-analyzed to calculate the PMPH in population hybrids. Additionally, 20 pools and populations widely used in CIMMYT's breeding program were assayed with 83 SSR markers covering the entire maize genome. Correlations of squared modified Roger's distance (MRD2) and PMPH were mostly positive and significant, but adaption problems caused deviations in some cases. For intermediate- and early-maturity subtropical germplasm, two heterotic groups could be suggested consisting of a flint and dent composite. We concluded that the relationships between the populations obtained by SSR analyses are in excellent agreement with pedigree information. SSR markers are a valuable complementation to field trials for identifying heterotic groups and can be used to introgress exotic germplasm systematically.Communicated by F. Salamini 相似文献
Chilling stress is an important constraint of global production of maize. This study was undertaken to compare the chilling
responses of different maize seedling tissues and to analyze changes in polyamines as a result of chilling stress. Reponses
to chilling were characterized in two maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines, ‘HuangC’ and ‘Mo17’, that putatively differ in chilling sensitivity. Seedlings were exposed to low temperature
(5°C) and chilling injury was estimated by electrical conductivity (EC), malonaldehyde (MDA) concentration, and by changes
in putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm) concentrations in root, mesocotyl, and coleoptile tissues. Membrane
permeability (as measured by EC), MDA concentrations and Put concentrations in the three tissue of maize seedlings increased
after chilling stress, except for the Put concentration in roots. Spd and Spm concentrations in the three tissues of seedlings
decreased after chilling stress. The EC for cold stressed tissues were lower in HuangC than Mo17. Also, the EC of coleoptile
tissues were lower than for mesocotyl in both inbred lines. We suggest that mesocotyl tissue can be used to evaluate cold
tolerance in maize. Stepwise regression analyses showed that chilling injury in roots was generally correlated with Spd concentration
while in the mesocotyl injury was mainly correlated with Put and Spd concentrations. Spermidine and Spm concentrations in
the coleoptile were correlated with chilling injury. Characteristics changes of polyamines in chill-tolerant maize seedling
combined with regression analysis are a reliable method for evaluating chill tolerance in maize lines. 相似文献
Afaf I. Shehata Haila A. Al-Ghethar Ali A. Al-Homaidan 《Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences》2009,16(2):57-62
There is an important role of understanding the genetic diversity among and within inbred lines at the molecular level for maize improvement in different breeding programs. The present study was devoted to estimate the level of genetic diversity among the inbred lines of maize using the simple sequence repeat analysis (SSR). The application of six different SSR markers successfully provided the information on similarity or diversity as well as the heterozygosity of the allelic loci for all the eight inbred line of maize. 相似文献
Xiaojin Luo Shuang Wu Feng Tian Xiaoyun XinXiaojun Zha Xianxin DongYongcai Fu Xiangkun Wang Jinshui Yang Chuanqing Sun 《Plant science》2011,181(1):14-22
Many rice breeding programs have currently reached yield plateaus as a result of limited genetic variability in parental strains. Dongxiang common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) is the progenitor of cultivated rice (Oryza sativa L.) and serves as an important gene pool for the genetic improvement of rice cultivars. In this study, heterotic loci (HLs) associated with six yield-related traits were identified in wild and cultivated rice and investigated using a set of 265 introgression lines (ILs) of O. rufipogon Griff. in the background of the Indica high-yielding cultivar Guichao 2 (O. sativa L.). Forty-two HLs were detected by a single point analysis of mid-parent heterosis values from test cross F1 offspring, and 30 (71.5%) of these HLs showed significantly positive effects, consistent with the superiority shown by the F1 test cross population in the six yield-related traits under study. Genetic mapping of hsp11, a locus responsible for the number of spikelets per panicle, confirmed the utility of these HLs. The results indicate that favorable HLs capable of improving agronomic traits are available. The identification of HLs between wild rice and cultivated rice could lead to a new strategy for the application of heterosis in rice breeding. 相似文献
H. Singh A. S. Khehra B. S. Dhillon 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1984,69(2):179-186
Summary The present study was undertaken to obtain information on average gene frequency in two heterotic populations of maize (Zea mays L.), Mezcla Amarillo Selection (MAS) and J607. Sixty-four male plants were taken in each of the populations and each of these were crossed to a different set of eight plants, four of which belonged to the same population and four to the other population. This resulted in two groups of intra-population (within MAS and within J607) and two groups of inter-population (MAS X J607 and J607 X MAS) progenies. Each group consisted of 256 full-sib progenies on the pattern of the North Carolina Design I mating system. The male plants were selfed to produce 64 S1 prgenies in each population. The materials were evaluated at two diverse locations, Ludhiana and Gurdaspur, for grain yield, ear length, ear girth, number of kernel rows, plant height, ear height and days to silk. An incomplete block design with two replications were used. The plot consisted of a 5 m long row. Ratios of estimated genetic components of variance and covariance were compared with corresponding theoretical ratios computed for a single locus for various gene frequencies and levels of dominance, and approximate ranges of the gene frequencies and their relative magnitude were worked out in the two populations. The average frequency of favourable genes for plant height was estimated as 0.6 in MAS and 0.8 in J607. For grain yield the average gene frequency was 0.8 to 0.9 in MAS and 0.7 to 0.8 in J607 whereas for ear height it was 0.5 to 0.7 in MAS and 0.4 to 0.6 in J607. The gene frequency in the two populations seemed to be similar for days to silk, ear length, ear girth and kernel rows. 相似文献
甜椒隐性核基因雄性不育性的转育及利用 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
以甜椒核型雄性不育系AB91为不育源,以甜(辣)椒优良自交系为目标亲本,经过杂交、自交、姊妹交等转育手段,将AB91隐性核基因雄性不育性转育到优良甜(辣)椒自交系中,获得不育性稳定、恢复系广泛、配合力高、农艺性状优良的系列甜(辣)椒雄性不育两用系,为今后根据市场需求培育不同类型的杂交种奠定基础.目前,利用转育成的两用系已育成通过审定的甜椒品种冀研6号和两个正在参加区试的杂交种. 相似文献
Recombinant near-isogenic lines: a resource for the mendelization of heterotic QTL in maize 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Giorgio Pea Paulinesandra Paulstephenraj Maria Angela Canè Maria Luisa Savo Sardaro Pierangelo Landi Michele Morgante Enrico Porceddu Mario Enrico Pè Elisabetta Frascaroli 《Molecular genetics and genomics : MGG》2009,281(4):447-457
Although heterosis is widely exploited in agriculture, a clear understanding of its genetic bases is still elusive. This work
describes the development of maize recombinant near-isogenic lines (NILs) for the mendelization of six heterotic QTL previously
identified based on a maize (Zea mays L.) RIL population. The efficient and inexpensive strategy adopted to generate sets of NILs starting from QTL-specific residual
heterozygous lines (RHLs) is described and validated. In particular, we produced nine pairs of recombinant NILs for all six
QTL starting from RHLs F4:5 originally obtained during the production of the RIL population mentioned above. Whenever possible, two different NIL pairs
were generated for each QTL. The efficiency of this procedure was tested by analyzing two segregating populations for two
of the selected heterotic QTL for plant height, yield per plant and ears per plant. Both additive and dominant effects were
observed, consistently with the presence of the QTL within the introgressed regions. Refinement of QTL detection was consistent
with previous observations in terms of effects and position of the considered QTL. The genetic material developed in this
work represents the starting point for QTL fine mapping aimed at understanding the genetic bases of hybrid vigor in maize.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
施氮水平对不同种植制度下玉米氮利用及产量和品质的影响 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
研究了不同施氮量对套作和单作条件下春、夏玉米氮利用以及产量和品质的影响. 结果表明,随着施氮量的增加,单作和套作条件下,春、夏玉米吸氮量显著增加,籽粒产量、生物产量和籽粒蛋白质产量也显著增加.由于春、夏玉米需求的养分种类与形态一致,低氮条件时竞争较激烈,春玉米处于优势地位,但其吸氮量仍低于单作.增加施氮量可以缓解这种竞争,利于玉米的高产优质.施氮量由187.5 kg·hm-2增至375 kg·hm-2时,春、夏玉米单作时生物产量平均增加1.717 kg·kg-1 N,而套作时平均增加12.179 kg·kg-1 N;春、夏玉米单作时蛋白质产量平均增加0.305 kg·kg-1 N,而套作时平均增加1.829 kg·kg-1 N;春夏玉米套作的土地当量比由1.59增加到1.91.与单作相比,春夏玉米套作可显著提高玉米产量和改善品质,增施氮肥有利于套作条件下玉米高产优质潜力的充分发挥. 相似文献