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Abstract— —The lipid composition of human, bovine and sheep pineal glands was determined. No characteristic species difference was found in lipid content and composition. The total lipid was 2·9–4·0 per cent of wet weight of which phospholipid comprised 58–71 per cent and cholesterol 13·9–15·8 per cent in the three species. The phospholipid composition was 45 per cent phosphatidyl choline, 22 per cent phosphatidyl ethanolamine, 14 per cent sphingomyelin, 9 per cent phosphatidyl serine, 8 per cent monophosphoinositide, and 2 per cent diphosphatidyl glycerol. The major fatty acids found were C14:0, C16:0, C18:0, C16:1, and C18:1. In contrast to other tissues, pineal sphingomyelin has a low C24:1 content. No significant amounts of polyphosphoinositides or gangliosides were detected. When its lipid composition is compared with that of a number of other tissues, pineal is found to be most similar to testes and unlike pituitary and brain.  相似文献   

对去除DNA、组蛋白和大部分非组蛋白的大麦(Hordeum vulgare)细胞核和染色体间接免疫荧光标记实验结果表明:抗肌球蛋白抗体的荧光标记弥散分布在整个细胞核和染色体上;进一步应用免疫胶体金技术分析肌球蛋白在细胞核和染色体的分布情况,发现在染色体中散布着大量的胶体金颗粒;间期细胞核中胶体金颗粒主要分布在核仁和染色质中。上述实验结果表明:肌球蛋白是细胞核及染色体非组蛋白组成成分。本文还对肌球蛋白在细胞核和染色体中的分布规律进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Abstract— The subcellular distribution of N-acetyl-aspartate, N-acetyl-aspartyl-glutamate, N-acetyl-glutamate and glutathione (reduced) was investigated. Lactate dehydrogenase, potassium, glutamate and aspartate were employed as markers of the cytoplasmatic compartments. Fumarate hydratase and choline acetyltransferase were used as mitochondrial and synaptosomal markers respectively.
Our data show that the highest concentrations of NAA, NAGA, NAAGA and glutathione were localized in the supernatant with a smaller peak in the crude mitochondrial (P2) fraction. On subfractionating P2, NAA was distributed similarly to aspartate and K+ with a peak in the synaptosome (B) fraction, while glutathione and NAAGA were localized in the mitochondrial fraction. NAA, aspartate and K+ were more readily released than glutathione and NAAGA from their particulate form on exposure to hypo-osmotic conditions.  相似文献   

延髓中缝核区注射胃泌素增强大鼠胃运动的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
周吕  郁琦  柳力公  杨桦 《生理学报》1988,40(6):577-585
本工作用清醒大鼠作慢性实验,采用应力传感器记录胃运动,观察向延髓中缝核内微量注射五肽胃泌素(G_5)对胃运动的影响。实验结果表明,中缝核注射1μl含0.005μg、0.01μg、0.05μg G_5均明显增强胃运动。在中缝核注射抗胃泌素血清和切断迷走神经均可取消这一效应。提示在中缝核内胃泌素参与胃窦运动的调节,并可能通过迷走神经起作用。用免疫组化PAP 方法可显示出大鼠延髓中缝核区有胃泌素免疫反应性神经细胞和神经纤维,这些胃泌素神经细胞可能在调节胃运动功能中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Abstract— Subcellular distribution of substance P as measured by radioimmunoassay was studied in fractions and subfractions from bovine hypothalamus and substantia nigra. Most of the substance P was found in the crude mitochondrial fraction. Subfractionation of the crude mitochondrial fraction by density gradient centrifugation showed most of substance P was present in nerve ending particles. Subcellular particle integrity was assessed using enzyme markers.  相似文献   

—Choline acetyltransferase (ChAc) was localized in discrete layers in hippocampus regio superior and in area dentata. The highest activity in hippocampus was found in a narrow infrapyramidal zone, but high activities were also observed in the rest of stratum oriens and in stratum pyramidale. In area dentata the highest activities were found in a narrow supragranular zone and in hilus fasciae dentatae. The localization corresponded very closely to that of acetylcholinesterase. The main part of ChAc activity was confined to the synaptosome fraction. The results are compatible with the view that pyramidal and granular cells are excited by cholinergic boutons, mainly located on the basal or apical dendrites near the somata.  相似文献   


Abstract— The subcellular distribution of cytidine 5'-monophospho- N -acetylneuraminic acid synthetase, which is a key enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of sialo-glycoproteins and gangliosides, was studied in the frontal grey cortex and the corpus callosum of the calf brain. It appeared that the enzyme was highly concentrated in nuclear fractions, which were shown to be relatively pure as evaluated from morphological, enzymic and chemical data. The possibility that the nuclear localization of the enzyme was due to an artifact, as the result of adsorption onto the nuclear membrane or absorption into the nucleus during the homogenization of the tissue, was ruled out completely and so it appeared that cytidine 5'-monophospho- N -acetylneuraminic acid synthetase, at least for the greater part, is a true nuclear enzyme. The subnuclear localization of the enzyme was shown to be in the nuclear sap. Both neuronal and glial cell nuclei contained the enzyme, which makes it very likely that biosynthesis of sialo-glycoproteins and/or gangliosides occurs in neurons as well as in glial cells. The significance of the nuclear localization of the enzyme for the biosynthesis of sialic acid containing macromolecules and the possible regulatory role played by the nucleus in this process are discussed.  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution of protein carboxyl-methylase (PCM) and its endogenous substrates the methyl acceptor proteins (MAP) have been studied in the anterior, the posterior and the intermediate lobes of the rat pituitary gland. In all three lobes, PCM was found to be a cytosolic enzyme whereas the highest MAP specific capacity was observed in the lysate of the granular fractions. The methylated proteins from the lysates of the granular fractions and the cytosolic fractions were analyzed with a novel electrophoretic system which prevents the hydrolysis of the protein-methyl esters. Gel electrophoretic profiles from the lysates of the granular fractions were different from those of the cytosolic fractions. In the lysatcs of the granular fractions. the MAP had a molecular weight of less than 25,000 suggesting that the methylated polypeptides in these fractions were the pituitary peptide hormones (and their subunits) and neurophysins.  相似文献   

玉米根ABA结合蛋白的亚细胞定位及动力学性质   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以玉米(Zea maysL.)根或胚芽鞘为材料,经匀浆、分级离心得到胞质部分和膜部分(微粒体),进一步用6.2% (W/W ) Dextran T500 和PEG 3350 两相系统制备质膜,用1% 和8% (W /W) Dextran T70 梯度离心制备液泡膜. 电镜鉴定及多种标志酶检测表明,制备获得了高纯度正向型质膜和富含液泡膜的组分,其它内膜的污染很少. 用微量放射配体结合(MRLB)实验证明,玉米根微粒体的ABA专一性结合位点主要分布在液泡膜和质膜上,这两种膜组分与ABA 的特异结合活性分别为2485.4 fm ol/m g protein 和1257.3 fm ol/m g pro-tein,玉米根段胞质部分结合活性最低(差一个数量级).质膜上ABA-BP与ABA 的结合平衡解离常数(KD)为1.57 nm ol/L.  相似文献   

Potassium and norepinephrine stimulate the accumulation of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in rat pineal glands and their efflux into the medium. The efflux of both cyclic nucleotides was blocked by probenecid. The accumulation and efflux of cyclic GMP, but not of cyclic AMP, depends upon the presence of intact nerve endings and extracellular calcium. The calcium-dependent release of norepinephrine caused by veratridine was accompanied by the efflux of both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP. In contrast, the calcium-independent release of norepinephrine caused by tyramine was accompanied by the efflux of cyclic AMP but not cyclic GMP. Changes in cyclic GMP therefore, may be related to exocytosis from the sympathetic nerve endings in the gland. High concentrations of potassium also increased tissue levels of cyclic GMP in the posterior pituitary gland. Veratridine and potassium, but not norepinephrine, stimulated the efflux of cyclic GMP from this neurosecretory gland. Thus, the relationship between cyclic GMP and exocytosis may extend beyond sympathetic nerve endings. The enhanced accumulation of cyclic GMP in the pineal gland after potassium does not appear to be mediated by extracellular (released) norepinephrine. Desmethylimipramine blocked the norepinephrine-stimulated changes in cyclic GMP, but not those caused by potassium. Investigation of the possible relationship between cyclic GMP and release of neurotransmitters is complicated by the apparent seasonal variation in the response of pineal cyclic GMP to potassium or norepinephrine.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the proposition that subcellular calcium is sequestered in specific sites in mammalian myocardium. 29 functioning dog papillary muscles were fixed through the intact vascular supply by means of osmium tetroxide containing a 2% concentration of potassium pyroantimonate (K2H2Sb2O7·4H2O). Tissue examined in the electron microscope showed a consistent and reproducible localization of the electron-opaque pyroantimonate salts of sodium and calcium to distinct sites in the tissue. Sodium pyroantimonate was found exclusively in the extracellular space and clustered at the sarcolemmal membrane. Calcium pyroantimonate, on the other hand, identified primarily by its susceptibility to removal by chelation with EGTA and EDTA, was consistently found densely concentrated in the lateral sacs of the sarcoplasmic reticulum and over the sarcomeric I bands. M zones were virtually free of precipitate. The implications of these findings with respect to various parameters of muscle function are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— The distribution of acetylcholinesterase among the subcellular fractions of pig cerebral cortex was determined. The crude mitochondrial and microsomal fractions obtained by differential centrifugation accounted for 75% of the enzyme, with the remainder divided between the crude nuclear and soluble fractions.
The occurrence and distribution of the multiple molecular forms of AChE was the same in all four fractions with the dominant species of molecular weights 350,000, 270,000 and 60,000. Further purification of the mitochondrial fraction by density gradient centrifugation gave a series of membrane fractions with very similar multiple forms. The one possible exception was the fraction containing the purified synaptosomal membranes where one band of mol wt 270,000 predominated, although the other molecular weight entities were present. The electrophoretic pattern of AChE present in the fractionated microsomes was the same as in the crude preparation. The content and pattern of the multiple molecular forms of AChE was therefore the same in all fractions of pig brain, apart from that containing the purified synaptosomal membranes.  相似文献   

—(1) At least four distinct molecular forms of 4-aminobutyrate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase from mouse and rat brain, have been separated by electrophoresis on paper, cellogel, agargel, silicagel and by immunoelectrophoresis. (2) The existence of specific typical electrophoretic profiles in mitochondrial and extramitochondrial compartments was shown. (3) A differential effect of pH on the anionic and cationic 4-aminobutyrate:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase transaminase activities has been shown. (4) The possible consequences of the 4-aminobutyrate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase isozyme compartimentation on the local availability of γ-aminobutyric acid pools has been discussed.  相似文献   

中间核(IM)是鸟类延髓中支配发声的重要运动神经核团。本文对鸣禽类锡嘴雀、非鸣禽类鸽的IM进行了对比研究。发现锡嘴雀的IM是延髓内支配发声的重要运动神经核团,在其延髓的发声控制中存在着明显的左侧神经支配优势;IM内支配舌肌和鸣肌的神经元可分为两个亚核,其神经元数量比例约为1∶2。鸽的IM是延髓内支配发声的唯一运动神经核团;每侧IM可支配双侧鸣肌;在IM内支配舌及鸣肌的神经元大部分是交迭的。  相似文献   

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