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Bright light treatment has become an important method of treating depression and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. The efficacy of bright light treatment may be dependent upon the position of the light-source, as it determines the relative illumination in each portion of the visual field. This study compared illumination of upper and middle visual fields to determine whether melatonin suppression is different or equivalent. Thirteen older volunteers received three illumination conditions in counterbalanced orders: 1000 lux in the upper visual field, 1000 lux in the middle visual field, or dim diffuse illumination < 5 lux. A four-choice reaction time task was performed during tests to ensure eye direction and illumination of the intended portion of the visual field. Illumination in the upper and middle visual fields significantly suppressed melatonin compared to < 5 lux (p < 0.001). Melatonin suppression was not significantly different with upper or middle field illumination. These results indicate that bright light treatments placed above the eye level might be as effective as those requiring patients to look directly at the light source. Clinical comparative testing would be valuable. In addition, this study demonstrates that significant suppression of melatonin may be achieved through the use of bright light in healthy older volunteers.  相似文献   

The study evaluates the phase-shift hypothesis for seasonal affective disorder (Lewy et al., 1987, 1988) in parallel-design comparison of effects of morning (800-1000) or afternoon (1600-1800) light treatment on mood and circadian phase. Subjective arousal, body temperature, melatonin and cortisol were measured at 800, 1200, 1600, 2000 and 2400 in 23 women with seasonal depression and 20 controls before and after a week of bright light (2 hours per day). The rates of clinical response to both treatments were similar. Comparison of circadian variations did not provide evidence for significant phase-delay in patients compared to controls. However, morning light produced significant phase advance in patients, but not in controls. Also we found that advance phase shifts in well-responded patients were more often than in patients with worse response and controls. Before light treatment phase concordance between different variables in patients was lower compared to either themselves after light treatment or controls before and after light treatment. Dependence of antidepressant response to light from pretreatment circadian phases was also observed. Those patients who responded worse to morning light tended to have advance circadian phases, while those who responded worse to afternoon light tended to have delay phases. Although some results are lending support for the phase-shift hypothesis, other explanations for mechanisms by which biological rhythms are implicated in winter depression and light treatment might be suggested.  相似文献   

Bright light treatment has become an important method of treating depression and circadian rhythm sleep disorders. The efficacy of bright light treatment may be dependent upon the position of the light-source, as it determines the relative illumination in each portion of the visual field. This study compared illumination of upper and middle visual fields to determine whether melatonin suppression is different or equivalent. Thirteen older volunteers received three illumination conditions in counterbalanced orders: 1000 lux in the upper visual field, 1000 lux in the middle visual field, or dim diffuse illumination <5 lux. A four-choice reaction time task was performed during tests to ensure eye direction and illumination of the intended portion of the visual field. Illumination in the upper and middle visual fields significantly suppressed melatonin compared to <5 lux (p<0.001). Melatonin suppression was not significantly different with upper or middle field illumination. These results indicate that bright light treatments placed above the eye level might be as effective as those requiring patients to look directly at the light source. Clinical comparative testing would be valuable. In addition, this study demonstrates that significant suppression of melatonin may be achieved through the use of bright light in healthy older volunteers.  相似文献   

The study evaluates the phase-shift hypothesis for seasonal affective disorder (Lewy et al., 1987, 1988) in parallel-design comparison of effects of morning (800-1000) or afternoon (1600-1800) light treatment on mood and circadian phase. Subjective arousal, body temperature, melatonin and cortisol were measured at 800, 1200, 1600, 2000 and 2400 in 23 women with seasonal depression and 20 controls before and after a week of bright light (2 hours per day). The rates of clinical response to both treatments were similar. Comparison of circadian variations did not provide evidence for significant phase-delay in patients compared to controls. However, morning light produced significant phase advance in patients, but not in controls. Also we found that advance phase shifts in well-responded patients were more often than in patients with worse response and controls. Before light treatment phase concordance between different variables in patients was lower compared to either themselves after light treatment or controls before and after light treatment. Dependence of antidepressant response to light from pretreatment circadian phases was also observed. Those patients who responded worse to morning light tended to have advance circadian phases, while those who responded worse to afternoon light tended to have delay phases. Although some results are lending support for the phase-shift hypothesis, other explanations for mechanisms by which biological rhythms are implicated in winter depression and light treatment might be suggested.  相似文献   

The luminescence of the marine dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra shows an endogenous diurnal rhythm. The effect of light during the phase of low luminescence capacity may be observed as an enhancement of luminescence during the subsequent bright phase. During the bright phase, however, illumination diminishes the capacity for luminescence. The action spectra for these two effects of light have been determined, and the major pigments of Gonyaulax have been examined. A consideration of the action spectrum and the pigment complement of Gonyaulax suggests that photosynthesis during the day is responsible, directly or indirectly, for the enhancement of luminescence during the following night. Photoinhibition of luminescence is in part attributable to light absorbed by the photosynthetic pigments. However, activity observed in the far red region of the spectrum beyond the absorption maximum of chlorophyll a suggests that an additional pigment, present in small amounts, may also act as sensitizer for photoinhibition.  相似文献   

In 1936, Erwin Bünning suggested that photoperiodic time measurement was a function of the circadian system. Colin Pittendrigh became an ardent supporter of Bünning's hypothesis, drawing parallels between photoperiodism and his own group's investigations of adult eclosion rhythmicity in the fruit fly Drosophila pseudoobscura. They developed several more modern versions of Bünning's general hypothesis based on the entrainment of circadian oscillations to the light cycle, including ‘external coincidence’, which is a derivation of Bünning's original model, and ‘internal coincidence’, which relied upon seasonal changes in the mutual phase relationship of oscillators within a multi‐oscillator circadian system. This review considers the experimental evidence for the central role of the circadian system in photoperiodic timing and, in some species, for both external and internal coincidence. Pittendrigh, however, pursued the idea of internal coincidence further with his analysis of the pacemaker–slave organization of eclosion rhythmicity in D. pseudoobscura and proposed a similar theoretical model for photoperiodism comprising a group of slave oscillators driven by a light‐sensitive pacemaker. In this model, the phase relationships of the slaves to the pacemaker were affected by (i) the relative periods of the pacemaker and slave(s); (ii) the strength(s) of the coupling between the two; and (iii) the dampening coefficients of the various slaves. Manipulation of these variables showed that the slaves adopted different internal phase relationships (both to each other and to the pacemaker) under the influence of changes in daily photophase, the period of the Zeitgeber and phase shifts of the entraining light cycle.  相似文献   

Patients with winter depression (seasonal affective disorder) respond beneficially to sleep deprivation and bright light, but the mechanisms of these responses remain unknown. The study was designed to test whether afternoon/evening melatonin can prevent further relapse after sleep deprivation (presumably due to a pharmacologically induced advance shift of circadian phase). Compared to phase advancing by alteration of sleep - wake schedule or by bright light exposure, the melatonin intake is a more tolerated treatment procedure, and it provides a possibility of blind comparison between chronotherapeutic and placebo treatments. The depression was scored in 16 female patients with winter depression and 17 age-matched female controls before and after total night sleep deprivation and after subsequent six-day administration of melatonin (0.5 mg) or placebo under double blind conditions. The melatonin intake was scheduled at 17:00 in order to produce a phase advance of circadian rhythms. Sleep deprivation resulted in 38% reduction of depression score in patients, but it did not reduce depression score in controls. After subsequent treatment with placebo or melatonin, slight but significant improvement of mood was found in controls. These treatments also stabilized the antidepressant response to sleep deprivation in patients. However, neither differential effect of melatonin and placebo on depression score nor alteration of habitual sleep timing was found in patients and controls. Thus, the study results do not provide evidence for the antidepressant potential of melatonin in patients with winter depression under realistic clinical conditions. The finding of stabilization of mood in patients with placebo points to the contribution of psychological factors to the therapeutic action of this and other types of innovative treatments for winter depression. To include psychosocial aspects in the theoretical framework of seasonal depression, we conceptualized depression as an evolved feature of emotional response to psychosocial rather than physical environment. The seasonality of depression might be explained by cumulative effects of aperiodical psychosocial factors and periodical physical factors on one of the mechanisms of brain neurotransmission.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Perinatal depression is an important public health problem affecting 10-20% of childbearing women. Perinatal depression is associated with significant morbidity, and has enormous consequences for the well-being of the mother and child. Treatment of depression during the perinatal period poses a complex problem for both mother and clinician, as antidepressant treatment strategies must consider the welfare of both mother and child during pregnancy and lactation. Bright light therapy may be an attractive treatment for perinatal depression because it is low cost, home-based, and has a much lower side effect profile than pharmacotherapy. The antidepressant effects of bright light are well established, and there are several rationales for expecting that bright light might also be efficacious for perinatal depression. This review describes these rationales, summarizes the available evidence on the efficacy of bright light therapy for perinatal depression, and discusses future directions for investigation of bright light therapy as a treatment for perinatal depression.  相似文献   

Short day (8L : 16D), pretreated adult male redheaded buntings were held on various light—dark cycles of 20 to 30 h duration, in which a fixed ultra-short photophase of 3 h was combined with scotophases of varying duration. A photoperiodic testicular response was obtained only in 28- and 30-h cycles (3L : 25D and 3L : 27D). The same photo-period (3 h) in 20- to 26-h cycles (3L : 17D, 3L : 19D, 3L : 21D and 3L : 23D) failed to stimulate testicular growth. The results can be interpreted on the assumption that the positive testicular response in this species, under ultra-short-day light cycles, is the result of an advance in the photosensitive phase of the photoperiodic response system so that it coincides at least partly with the external photophase. The results thus appear to conform with the Bünning hypothesis or external coincidence model.  相似文献   

The thermal acrophase for the circadian oscillation of core temperature in Charles River male rats fed ad libitum and entrained by light (12 hr dim light and 12 hr bright light) (DL12: 12 hr) occurred near the middle of the dim phase on a control diet of 30+ protein. Dietary phenobarbital (0.25+) caused an increase in amplitude of the oscillation (from 0.7° to 1.2°C) and a phase-angle difference (ψ-advance) between the zeitgeber and the biological oscillation of about 32°, equivalent to an advance in the thermal acrophase of 2.1 hr in the steady-state. Food consumption was monitored continually and was nearly the same in the two groups; however, animals on the control diet ate around the clock, albeit at a greater rate during dim light than during the bright light phase, whereas rats on phenobarbital started to eat earlier and confined their feeding almost exclusively to early dim phase. This pattern of increase in amplitude of the thermal oscillation and of feeding closely resembling programmed feeding, persisted in phenobarbital-treated animals even in the absence of a dim light-bright light (DL) zeitgeber for eight days. Similar behavior was seen in rats entrained by illumination cycles of 17 hr of dim light and 7 hr of bright light, but with this reduced phase ratio for the zeitgeber, few (ψ-shifts occurred, and these were smaller than those induced in the group receiving 12 hr of dim light and 12 hr of bright light. In each group, introduction of the drug into the diet and, even more noticeably, removal of the drug from the diet, induced transients of circadian dyschronism that persisted for 4-5 days.  相似文献   

The mammalian retina contains both visual and circadian photoreceptors. In humans, nocturnal stimulation of the latter receptors leads to melatonin suppression, which might cause reduced nighttime sleepiness. Melatonin suppression is maximal when the nasal part of the retina is illuminated. Whether circadian phase shifting in humans is due to the same photoreceptors is not known. The authors explore whether phase shifts and melatonin suppression depend on the same retinal area. Twelve healthy subjects participated in a within-subjects design and received all of 3 light conditions--1) 10 lux of dim light on the whole retina, 2) 100 lux of ocular light on the nasal part of the retina, and 3) 100 lux of ocular light on the temporal part of the retina--on separate nights in random order. In all 3 conditions, pupils were dilated before and during light exposure. The protocol consisted of an adaptation night followed by a 23-h period of sustained wakefulness, during which a 4-h light pulse was presented at a time when maximal phase delays were expected. Nasal illumination resulted in an immediate suppression of melatonin but had no effect on subjective sleepiness or core body temperature (CBT). Nasal illumination delayed the subsequent melatonin rhythm by 78 min, which is significantly (p= 0.016) more than the delay drift in the dim-light condition (38 min), but had no detectable phase-shifting effect on the CBT rhythm. Temporal illumination suppressed melatonin less than the nasal illumination and had no effect on subjective sleepiness and CBT. Temporal illumination delayed neither the melatonin rhythm nor the CBT rhythm. The data show that the suppression of melatonin does not necessarily result in a reduction of subjective sleepiness and an elevation ofCBT. In addition, 100 lux of bright white light is strong enough to affect the photoreceptors responsible for the suppression of melatonin but not strong enough to have a significant effect on sleepiness and CBT. This may be due to the larger variability of the latter variables.  相似文献   

Insect photoperiodism: seeing the light   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This review examines the spectral sensitivities of photoperiodic responses in insects and mites in relation to circadian‐based models for the photoperiodic clock. It concludes that there are probably a number of different photoreceptors at both the organ and molecular levels. These latter probably fall into two classes: (i) a blue‐light sensitive photoreceptor and (ii) a range of opsins (i.e. opsin proteins conjugated with a vitamin A based pigment) absorbing light at a range of wavelengths. In flesh flies (Sarcophaga spp. and possibly other higher Diptera), which are considered to exemplify the ‘external coincidence’ model, entrainment of the photoperiodic oscillator probably involves a blue‐light photoreceptor of Drosophila‐type CRYPTOCHROME (CRY1) absorbing maximally at approximately 470 nm, whereas opsins absorbing at longer wavelengths may be involved in the photo‐inductive process (diapause/nondiapause regulation) that occurs when dawn light coincides with the photo‐inducible phase. In the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis, on the other hand, a species that lacks CRY1 but expresses the nonphotosensitive ‘mammalian‐type’ CRY2, and is considered to exemplify ‘internal coincidence’, entrainment of the dawn and dusk oscillators may involve opsin‐based photoreceptors absorbing light at longer wavelengths as far as the red end of the spectrum. In the Lepidoptera, which express both CRY1 and CRY2, properties of both external and internal coincidence may be evident. The presence or absence of cry1 in the genome may thus emerge as a key to the photoperiodic mechanism on its light input pathway.  相似文献   

The butterflies Graphium sarpedon nipponum Fruhstorfer and Papilio xuthus Linné show pupal protective color polymorphism, but the two species appear to have different sensory mechanisms for determining pupal coloration. When light was of sufficient illumination, the larvae of Graphium sarpedon became bright yellowish green pupae on white pupation boards and reddish brown pupae on black pupation boards. The pupal coloration thus strongly depended on the brightness of the pupation site. In addition, larvae became bright yellowish green pupae in complete darkness. From these results, measurement of the illumination suggested that pupal color is determined by the illuminant difference between incidence light from the dorsal direction and ventral light from a paper board; i.e., the sum of the reflected light of the board plus the penetrated light passing through the board. The illuminant difference required for reddish brown coloration was 40 lux or more. The optical signals received through the stemmata during a critical period before formation of the thorax garter (band string) were important for coloration. By contrast, in Papilio xuthus, successive tactile signals from a rough surfaced pupation site during a critical period before and after formation of the garter were important for determining brown pupal coloration.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have used the classic van der Pol oscillator, which contains a cubic nonlinearity, to model the effect of light on the human circadian pacemaker. Jewett and Kronauer demonstrated that Aschoff's rule could be incorporated into van der Pol type models and used a van der Pol type oscillator with higher order nonlinearities. Kronauer, Forger, and Jewett have proposed a model for light preprocessing, Process L, representing a biochemical process that converts a light signal into an effective drive on the circadian pacemaker. In the paper presented here, the authors use the classic van der Pol oscillator with Process L and Jewett and Kronauer's model of Aschoff's rule to model the human circadian pacemaker. This simpler cubic model predicts the results of a three-pulse human phase response curve experiment and a two-pulse amplitude reduction study with as much, or more, accuracy as the models of Jewett and Kronauer and Kronauer, Forger, and Jewett, which both employ a nonlinearity of degree 7. This suggests that this simpler cubic model should be considered as a potential alternative to other models of the human circadian system currently available.  相似文献   

Adult males of the subtropical house sparrow (Passer domesticus) were subjected to continuous darkness (DD) or short days (8L:16D) after photostimulation (15L:9D) for 30 days. One group was retained on the long day (15L:9D) schedule. Another two groups of photosensitive birds were placed under DD or 8L:16D. The photostimulated birds under DD or 8L:16D showed testicular regression and the rate of regression was similar in both the treatments. The photosensitive birds, on the other hand, did not show any initiation in testicular growth and development in either of the treatments. Long day birds (15L:9D) maintained enlarged testes without regression (the onset of photorefractoriness) during the treatment period. These results conform with the external coincidence model, but could also be explained by a modified internal coincidence model.  相似文献   

Partial sleep deprivation is increasingly common in modern society. This study examined for the first time if partial sleep deprivation alters circadian phase shifts to bright light in humans. Thirteen young healthy subjects participated in a repeated-measures counterbalanced design with 2 conditions. Each condition had baseline sleep, a dim-light circadian phase assessment, a 3-day phase-advancing protocol with morning bright light, then another phase assessment. In one condition (no sleep deprivation), subjects had an 8-h sleep opportunity per night during the advancing protocol. In the other condition (partial sleep deprivation), subjects were kept awake for 4 h in near darkness (<0.25 lux), immediately followed by a 4-h sleep opportunity per night during the advancing protocol. The morning bright light stimulus was four 30-min pulses of bright light (~5000 lux), separated by 30-min intervals of room light. The light always began at the same circadian phase, 8 h after the baseline dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO). The average phase advance without sleep deprivation was 1.8 ± 0.6 (SD) h, which reduced to 1.4 ± 0.6 h with partial sleep deprivation (p < 0.05). Ten of the 13 subjects showed reductions in phase advances with partial sleep deprivation, ranging from 0.2 to 1.2 h. These results indicate that short-term partial sleep deprivation can moderately reduce circadian phase shifts to bright light in humans. This may have significant implications for the sleep-deprived general population and for the bright light treatment of circadian rhythm sleep disorders such as delayed sleep phase disorder.  相似文献   



The phase and amplitude of rhythms in physiology and behavior are generated by circadian oscillators and entrained to the 24-h day by exposure to the light-dark cycle and feedback from the sleep-wake cycle. The extent to which the phase and amplitude of multiple rhythms are similarly affected during altered timing of light exposure and the sleep-wake cycle has not been fully characterized.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We assessed the phase and amplitude of the rhythms of melatonin, core body temperature, cortisol, alertness, performance and sleep after a perturbation of entrainment by a gradual advance of the sleep-wake schedule (10 h in 5 days) and associated light-dark cycle in 14 healthy men. The light-dark cycle consisted either of moderate intensity ‘room’ light (∼90–150 lux) or moderate light supplemented with bright light (∼10,000 lux) for 5 to 8 hours following sleep. After the advance of the sleep-wake schedule in moderate light, no significant advance of the melatonin rhythm was observed whereas, after bright light supplementation the phase advance was 8.1 h (SEM 0.7 h). Individual differences in phase shifts correlated across variables. The amplitude of the melatonin rhythm assessed under constant conditions was reduced after moderate light by 54% (17–94%) and after bright light by 52% (range 12–84%), as compared to the amplitude at baseline in the presence of a sleep-wake cycle. Individual differences in amplitude reduction of the melatonin rhythm correlated with the amplitude of body temperature, cortisol and alertness.


Alterations in the timing of the sleep-wake cycle and associated bright or moderate light exposure can lead to changes in phase and reduction of circadian amplitude which are consistent across multiple variables but differ between individuals. These data have implications for our understanding of circadian organization and the negative health outcomes associated with shift-work, jet-lag and exposure to artificial light.  相似文献   

Delayed sleep phase disorder (DSPD) is assumed to be common amongst adolescents, with potentially severe consequences in terms of school attendance and daytime functioning. The most common treatment approaches for DSPD are based on the administration of bright light and/or exogenous melatonin with or without adjunct behavioural instructions. Much is generally known about the chronobiological effects of light and melatonin. However, placebo-controlled treatment studies for DSPD are scarce, in particular in adolescents and young adults, and no standardized guidelines exist regarding treatment. The aim of the present study was, therefore, to investigate the short- and long-term effects on sleep of a DSPD treatment protocol involving administration of timed bright light and melatonin alongside gradual advancement of rise time in adolescents and young adults with DSPD in a randomized controlled trial and an open label follow-up study. A total of 40 adolescents and young adults (age range 16–25 years) diagnosed with DSPD were recruited to participate in the study. The participants were randomized to receive treatment for two weeks in one of four treatment conditions: dim light and placebo capsules, bright light and placebo capsules, dim light and melatonin capsules or bright light and melatonin capsules. In a follow-up study, participants were re-randomized to either receive treatment with the combination of bright light and melatonin or no treatment in an open label trial for approximately three months. Light and capsules were administered alongside gradual advancement of rise times. The main end points were sleep as assessed by sleep diaries and actigraphy recordings and circadian phase as assessed by salivary dim light melatonin onset (DLMO). During the two-week intervention, the timing of sleep and DLMO was advanced in all treatment conditions as seen by about 1?h advance of bed time, 2?h advance of rise time and 2?h advance of DLMO in all four groups. Sleep duration was reduced with approximately 1?h. At three-month follow-up, only the treatment group had maintained an advanced sleep phase. Sleep duration had returned to baseline levels in both groups. In conclusion, gradual advancement of rise time produced a phase advance during the two-week intervention, irrespective of treatment condition. Termination of treatment caused relapse into delayed sleep times, whereas long-term treatment with bright light and melatonin (three months) allowed maintenance of the advanced sleep phase.  相似文献   

The light-dark cycle is the primary synchronizing factor that keeps the internal circadian pacemaker appropriately aligned with the environmental 24-h day. Although it is known that ocular light exposure can effectively shift the human circadian pacemaker and do so in an intensity-dependent manner, the curve that describes the relationship between light intensity and pacemaker response has not been fully characterized for light exposure in the late biological night. We exposed subjects to 3 consecutive days of 5 h of experimental light, centered 1.5 h after the timing of the fitted minimum of core body temperature, and show that such light can phase advance shift the human circadian pacemaker in an intensity-dependent manner, with a logistic model best describing the relationship between light intensity and phase shift. A similar sigmoidal relationship is also observed between light intensity and the suppression of plasma melatonin concentrations that occurs during the experimental light exposure. As with a simpler, 1-day light exposure during the early biological night, our data indicate that the human circadian pacemaker is highly sensitive even to typical room light intensities during the late biological night, with approximately 100 lux evoking half of the effects observed with light 10 times as bright.  相似文献   

The authors' previous models have been able to describe accurately the effects of extended (approximately 5 h) bright-light (>4000 lux) stimuli on the phase and amplitude of the human circadian pacemaker, but they are not sufficient to represent the surprising human sensitivity to both brief pulses of bright light and light of more moderate intensities. Therefore, the authors have devised a new model in which a dynamic stimulus processor (Process L) intervenes between the light stimuli and the traditional representation of the circadian pacemaker as a self-sustaining limit-cycle oscillator (Process P). The overall model incorporating Process L and Process P is intended to allow the prediction of phase shifts to photic stimuli of any temporal pattern (extended and brief light episodes) and any light intensity in the photopic range. Two time constants emerge in the Process L model: the characteristic duration for necessary bright-light pulses to achieve their full effect (5-10 min) and the characteristic stimulus-free (dark) interval that can be tolerated without incurring an excessive penalty in phase shifting (30-80 min). The effect of reducing light intensity is incorporated in Process L as an extension of the time necessary for the light pulse to be fully realized (a power-law relation between time and intensity). This new model generates a number of new testable hypotheses, including the surprising prediction that 24-h cycles consisting of 8 h of darkness and 16 h of only approximately 3.5 lux would be capable of entraining a large fraction of the adult population (approximately 45%). Experimental data on the response of the human circadian system to lower light intensities and briefer stimuli are needed to allow for further refinement and validation of the model proposed here.  相似文献   

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