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Aims Foliar herbivory and water stress may affect floral traits attractive to pollinators. Plant genotypes may differ in their responses to the interplay between these factors, and evolution of phenotypic plasticity could be expected, particularly in heterogeneous environments. We aimed at evaluating the effects of simulated herbivory and experimental drought on floral traits attractive to pollinators in genetic families of the annual tarweed Madia sativa, which inhabits heterogeneous environments in terms of water availability, herbivore abundance and pollinator abundance.Methods In a greenhouse experiment with 15 inbred lines from a M. sativa population located in central Chile (Mediterranean-type climate), we measured the effects of apical bud damage and reduced water availability on: number of ray florets per flower head, length of ray florets, flower head diameter, number of open flower heads per plant, flowering plant height and flowering time.Important findings Apical damage and water shortage reduced phenotypic expression of floral traits attractive to pollinators via additive and non-additive effects. Plants in low water showed decreased height and had fewer and shorter ray florets, and fewer and smaller flower heads. Damaged plants showed delayed flowering, were less tall, and showed shorter ray florets and smaller flower heads. The number of ray florets was reduced by damage only in the low water treatment. Plant height, flowering time and number of flower heads showed among-family variation. These traits also showed genetic variation for plasticity to water availability. Ray floret length, flower head size and time to flowering showed genetic variation for plastic responses to apical damage. Plasticity in flowering time may allow M. sativa to adjust to the increased aridity foreseen for its habitat. Because genetic variation for plastic responses was detected, conditions are given for evolutionary responses to selective forces acting on plastic traits. We suggest that the evolution of adaptive floral plasticity in M. sativa in this ecological scenario (heterogeneous environments) would result from selective forces that include not only pollinators but also resource availability and herbivore damage.  相似文献   

The heritability and genetic basis of nectar traits have been rarely studied in the field, where plants are exposed to environmental factors that could mask underlying genetic effects. Heritabilities and variance components were estimated for nectar and morphological traits of Nicotiana alata , using a partial diallel design. The main experiment was conducted in a Missouri experimental garden using a randomized block design with three plant density treatments, whereas a smaller experiment was conducted near native Brazil habitat to compare the environmental variance in traits between Missouri and Brazil. Significant heritability was detected for nectar volume and energy content, and for corolla tube length. Phenotypic correlations were significant between all traits investigated, whereas significant genetic correlations were only found between nectar volume and energy and between corolla limb width and mouth diameter. There were no significant family-by-density interactions detected in the Missouri field environment. All traits differed significantly between Missouri and Brazil environments, but significant genetic by environment (G × E) interactions between Missouri and Brazil were detected for only one trait. This study shows that nectar traits can be heritable despite considerable environmental variation.  相似文献   

We evaluated leaf characteristics and herbivory intensities for saplings of fifteen tropical tree species differing in their successional position. Eight leaf traits were selected, related to the costs of leaf display (specific leaf area [SLA], water content), photosynthesis (N and P concentration per unit mass), and herbivory defence (lignin concentration, C:N ratio). We hypothesised that species traits are shaped by variation in abiotic and biotic (herbivory) selection pressures along the successional gradient. All leaf traits varied with the successional position of the species. The SLA, water content and nutrient concentration decreased, and lignin concentration increased with the successional position. Herbivory damage (defined as the percentage of damage found at one moment in time) varied from 0.9-8.5% among the species, but was not related to their successional position. Herbivory damage appeared to be a poor estimator of the herbivory rate experienced by species, due to the confounding effect of leaf lifespan. Herbivory rate (defined as percentage leaf area removal per unit time) declined with the successional position of the species. Herbivory rate was only positively correlated to water content, and negatively correlated to lignin concentration, suggesting that herbivores select leaves based upon their digestibility rather than upon their nutritive value. Surprisingly, most species traits change linearly with succession, while resource availability (light, nutrients) declines exponentially with succession.  相似文献   

Plants have to cope with various abiotic and biotic impacts as a consequence of changing environments, which can impair their ability to sexually reproduce. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether green leaf herbivory, having one of the most hazardous biotic impacts, would have any direct effect on the production and emission of floral volatiles because volatiles are known to play a crucial role in pollination. Nicotiana suaveolens plants were challenged with Manduca sexta feeding on leaves, and alterations in the quality and quantity of the floral blend, shifts in emission patterns, and changes in expression patterns of the floral benzoic/salicylic acid carboxyl-methyltransferase were monitored in noninfested and infested plants. Leaves responded to larval feeding by herbivory-induced diurnal emission of semiochemicals, whereas the emission of floral volatiles remained unchanged in comparison to the noninfested control. Neither the volatile composition nor the quantity of components or the nocturnal emission patterns was altered. The mRNA and protein levels of the benzoic/salicylic acid carboxyl-methyltransferase, as well as its enzyme activity, also did not show any significant differences. These results indicate that metabolism in flowers at and postanthesis is an autonomous process and is independent of metabolic changes in green leaves. By this sustaining mechanism, N. suaveolens plants ensure sexual reproduction even under unfavorable conditions.  相似文献   

Three floral traits, spikelet number per panicle (SNP), percentage of single exserted stigma (PSES) and dual exserted stigma (PDES) of a RI population with 185 lines under water stress and non-stress conditions for two years were investigated in a drought tolerance screening facility. ANOVA results showed high significance between years, lines, and water stress treatments, together with interactions among them in pairs. High phenotypic correlation was found between PSES and PDES (r=0.5424***). Based on a linkage map of 203 SSR markers, when under well-watered condition, six QTLs (qSNP-3b, qSNP-4, qSNP-11 qSNP-2, qSNP-5 andqSNP-9) were detected for SNP. Half of them had significant Q × E interactions. Three QTLs (qPSES-1, qPSES-2, qPSES-5) were found to influence PSES, including one locus (qPSES-2) having Q × E interaction. And three QTLs (qPDES-2, qPDES-5 andqPDES-8) were also detected to influence PDES.qPDES-5 was found to have Q × E interaction. The contribution rate of a single QTL varied from 0.80% to 8.83% for additive effect, and 1.86% to 15.25% for Q × E interactions. Under drought stress, six QTLs (qSNP-3a, qSNP-4, qSNP-7a, qSNP-7b, qSNP-8 andqSNP-9) were associated with SNP, includingqSNP-3a andqSNP-4 with Q × E interaction. Three QTLs (qPSES-1, qPSES-10 andqPSES-12) were located on rice chromosome 1, 10 and 12 for PSES. Four QTLs (qPDES-1a, qPDES-1b, qPDES-4 andqPDES-9) were detected for PDES, includingqPDES-9 with Q × E interaction. The additive effect of single QTL can only explain 1.16% to 5.84% of total variance while Q × E interaction of four loci can explain 4.25% to 11.54% of total variance for each locus. There were one to nine pairs of epistatic QTLs influencing SNP and stigma exsertion. The contribution rates of additive and epistatic effects seemed to be in a low magnitude for most cases (0.76%≈9.92%) while a few QTLs or QTL pairs explained more than 10% of total variance. Some main effect QTL and epistasis were commonly detected among PSES and PDES, explaining the high positive correlation between them. Few QTLs were detected under both water stress and non-stress conditions, indicating that drought had severe impact on the genetic behaviors of both spikelet number and stigma exsertion.  相似文献   

Emission of herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) can differ according to the type of herbivory and the plant development stage, ultimately affecting recruitment of the natural enemy. Little is known about plant defenses induced at the flowering stage by phloem-feeding insects. We investigated the olfactory preference of Encarsia desantisi parasitoids and the chemical profile of flowering melon plants induced or not by the phloem-feeding of Bemisia tabaci whiteflies. In addition, we tested whether the parasitoids were attracted to synthetic defensive HIPVs, which mimicked whitefly-infested flowering melons. The parasitoids recognized volatiles from undamaged melons but preferred the scent of host-infested melons in olfactometry assays. Amounts of most individual volatiles did not differ between plant treatments; however, only whitefly-induced melons released methyl salicylate and tetradecane, compounds known to attract parasitoids. Interestingly, grouping volatiles by chemical classes revealed that whitefly-infested melon released larger amounts of monoterpenes and smaller amounts of benzenoids than undamaged melons, which might underlying the parasitoid attraction and indicate a possible trade-off between defensive and reproductive defenses at the melon flowering stage. Additionally, E. desantisi preferred the mix of synthetic and defensive HIPVs over hexane (control), opening a new avenue for further investigations in using olfactory lures for B. tabaci biological control. This study is the first report of induced defenses in melon plants and their mediation in a tritrophic interaction, as well as the first record of E. desantisi behavioral preference for HIPVs.  相似文献   

The maintenance of flower size variation within populations might be explained by conflicting selection pressures on floral traits that may involve biological agents, such as mutualists and antagonists, and allocation costs associated with floral display. The annual species Madia sativa (Asteraceae) exhibits ample variation in the number of ray florets in natural populations. This field study aimed at evaluating the costs and benefits associated with floral traits in M. sativa. In particular, we addressed two main questions: (1) Is the number of ray florets positively associated with pollinator visitation rate? (2) Is there a fitness cost of ray floret maintenance when pollinators are absent? We detected one benefit of conspicuous ray capitula: a strong preference by insect pollinators. We also confirmed the occurrence of costs: when pollinators were excluded conspicuous ray capitula had a reduced reproductive assurance via autogamous selfing, and there were trade-offs between the number of ray florets and seed mass and seed germination. Results suggest that the maintenance of within-population variation in the number of ray florets in M. sativa is explained, at least in part, by the balance between costs and benefits associated with this floral trait.  相似文献   

Wetlands Ecology and Management - Fluctuating asymmetry (FA), a widely used measure of developmental instability in plants and animals, which describes random differences in size and/or shape...  相似文献   

Nicotiana section Alatae exhibits great diversity among species in floral morphology, mating system, and predominant pollinators. As a first step towards estimating nectar's role in floral evolution, we studied nectar traits to determine whether they vary in association with predominant pollinators and mating system. Daily phenology determines when nectar becomes available to pollinators and differed between hummingbird- and moth-pollinated species. Nectar volume and concentration varied significantly among most species and pollinator groups, but were inversely correlated, so that total energy was similar among most species. In general, nectar volume was positively correlated with corolla length. The autogamous species, N. plumbaginifolia, had a nectar volume that matched expectations based on corolla length, but with lower concentration and total energy than predicted by corolla length, while nectar volume was lower than predicted by corolla length in the autogamous population of N. longiflora. Sugar and amino acid components (determined through HPLC) were similar among species, although differences did exist. The nectar of most species was sucrose-dominant, but the autogamous N. plumbaginifolia had nectar that contained similar proportions of sucrose, glucose, and fructose. Many nectar traits varied in association with the predominant pollinators and, in some cases, with the mating system.  相似文献   

Investigations on plant–animal interactions have traditionally focused on single interactions at a time (e.g. herbivory, pollination), yet plant fitness is generally influenced in complex ways by several interactions operating concurrently, and very little is known on the degree of spatial consistency of the direct and indirect effects that link different interactions. This paper evaluates experimentally whether direct and indirect effects of herbivory on male and female flower size and pollination success of the monoecious tropical shrub Cnidoscolus aconitifolius (Euphorbiaceae) remain consistent at three distant regions in Yucatan (southeastern Mexico). Plants were subjected to different levels of leaf defoliation, and treatment effects on floral traits (corolla area, corolla tube length, pollen production), and male and female components of pollination success (percent pollen removal, number of pollen tubes) were subsequently measured to evaluate the indirect effect of herbivory on plant reproductive success via pollination. Defoliation had significant direct effects on floral traits, but its indirect effects differed between the male and female components of pollination success. Moreover, the relationships between defoliation, floral traits and male and female pollination success varied spatially (i.e. between regions), although they were frequently more spatially‐consistent for male success than for female success. Results from this study stress the importance of explicitly testing for spatial variation in direct and indirect effects arising from plant‐animal interactions.  相似文献   

Abstract The influence of soil moisture content on leaf dynamics and insect herbivory was examined between September 1991 and March 1992 in a river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forest in southern central New South Wales. Long-term observations of leaves were made in trees standing either within intermittently flooded waterways or at an average of 37. 5m from the edge of the waterways. The mean soil moisture content was significantly (P≤0.05) greater in the waterways than in the non-flooded areas. Trees in the higher soil moisture regime produced significantly larger basal area increments and increased canopy leaf area. This increase in canopy leaf area was achieved, in part, through a significant increase in leaf longevity and mean leaf size. Although a greater number of leaves was initiated and abscissed per shoot from the non-flooded trees, more leaves were collected from litter traps beneath the denser canopies of the flooded trees. Consumption of foliage by insects on the trees subjected to flooding compared to the non-flooded trees was not significantly different. However, the relative impact of insect herbivory was significantly greater on the non-flooded trees. Leaf chewing was the most common form of damage by insects, particularly Chryso-melidae and Curculionidae. No species was present in outbreak during this study. Leaf survival decreased as the per cent area eaten per leaf increased. In addition, irrespective of the level of herbivory, leaf abscission tended to be higher in E. camaldulensis under moisture deficit. The influence of soil moisture content on the balance between river red gum growth and insect herbivory is discussed.  相似文献   

The long‐term survival of species and populations depends on their ability to adjust phenotypic values to environmental conditions. In particular, the capability of dealing with environmental stress to buffer detrimental effects on fitness is considered to be of pivotal importance. Resistance traits are readily modulated by a wide range of environmental factors. In the present study, Drosophila melanogaster Meigen is used to investigate plastic responses to temperature and photoperiod in stress resistance traits. The results reveal that stress resistance traits (cold, heat, starvation and desiccation resistance) are affected by the factors temperature and sex predominantly. Cooler temperatures compared with warmer temperatures increase cold tolerance, desiccation and starvation resistance, whereas they reduce heat tolerance. Except for heat resistance, females are more stress‐resistant than males. Stress resistance traits are also affected by photoperiod. Shorter photoperiods decrease cold tolerance, whereas longer photoperiods enhance desiccation resistance. Overall, thermal effects are pervasive throughout all measured resistance traits, whereas photoperiodic effects are of limited importance in the directly developing (i.e. nondiapausing) flies used here, suggesting that pronounced photoperiodic effects on stress resistance traits may be largely limited to, and triggered by, diapause‐inducing effects.  相似文献   

Drought stress is one of the major abiotic stresses affecting lint yield and fibre quality in cotton. With increase in population, degrading natural resources and frequent drought occurrences, development of high yielding, drought tolerant cotton cultivars is critical for sustainable cotton production across countries. Six Gossypium hirsutum genotypes identified for drought tolerance, wider adaptability and better fibre quality traits were characterized for various morpho-physiological and biochemical characters and their molecular basis was investigated under drought stress. Under drought conditions, genotypes revealed statistically significant differences for all the morpho-physiological and biochemical traits. The interaction (genotype × treatment) effects were highly significant for root length, excised leaf water loss and cell membrane thermostability indicating differential interaction of genotypes under control and stress conditions. Correlation studies revealed that under drought stress, relative water content had significant positive correlation with root length and root-to-shoot ratio while it had significant negative correlation with excised leaf water loss, epicuticular wax, proline, potassium and total soluble sugar content. Analysis of expression of fourteen drought stress related genes under water stress indicated that both ABA dependent and ABA independent mechanisms of drought tolerance might be operating differentially in the studied genotypes. IC325280 and LRA5166 exhibited ABA mediated expression of stress responsive genes and traits. Molecular basis of drought tolerance in IC357406, Suraj, IC259637 and CNH 28I genotypes could be attributed to ABA independent pathway. Based on physiological phenotyping, the genotypes IC325280 and IC357406 were identified to possess better root traits and LRA5166 was found to have enhanced cellular level tolerance. Variety Suraj exhibited good osmotic adjustment and better root traits to withstand water stress. The identified drought component trait(s) in specific genotypes would pave way for their pyramiding through marker assisted cotton breeding.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s12298-020-00890-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The amount of herbivore damage to the petals of 41 species of herbaceous plant was surveyed from April to September in a limestone grassland in central England. Damage was recorded as the percentage of the petal area removed. Most damage was caused by invertebrates, particularly slugs. The amount of invertebrate damage differed significantly between plant species and with time of year. The mean damage across all species was only 2 %, ranging from an average of 0 % in Galium sterneri to 8 % in Primula vulgaris. In most species, less than a quarter of flowers received any damage, so those that were damaged were often severely affected. Species flowering early or late in the season received more damage, possibly because of greater slug activity. Hypotheses to explain the inter-specific variation in the amount of herbivory were examined by testing for correlations with a range of plant variables. No correlations with flower-stem length, flower-stem thickness or the longevity of flowers were apparent. The amount of petal damage correlated strongly with flower size and petal thickness. This appeared to result from the prevalence of large-flowered species early and late in the season rather than from a preference for flower size and petal thickness per se. The evolutionary significance of floral herbivory is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of a short (7 days) and prolonged (14 days) soil drought (D) on leaf optical properties (R reflectance, T transmittance and A absorbance) in PAR and NIR range of irradiation, and on changes in leaf water potential (ψ), leaf injury index (LI), leaf thickness (LT) and chlorophyll (a + b) content (Chl) was studied for maize and triticale genotypes differing in drought tolerance. Under control conditions (C) leaves of maize in comparison to triticale were better hydrated, were thicker and had higher content of chlorophyll (a + b). In non-stressed plants, small differences were observed in measurements of R, T and A. In the range from 500 to 600 nm, the differences between D-resistant and D-sensitive were observed only in transmittance (T) and in range from 700 to 1,100 nm in absorbance (A). In genotypes belonging to the group of D-sensitive T in PAR range and A in NIR range were two times higher than in D-resistant ones. However, in NIR range R for D-sensitive genotypes was lower than for D-resistant ones. The drought stress caused the decrease in ψ, Chl, LT and the increase in leaf injury index (LI). Soil drought applied within 14 days caused larger changes in these physiological characters in comparison to 7 days drought. The observed harmful influence of drought was more visible for maize than triticale. Moreover for genotypes belonging to D-sensitive ones, changes were larger than for D-resistant ones. Similar to changes in ψ, LT and LI drought stress caused changes in leaf optical properties parameters R, A and T. In the PAR range, the highest changes were observed in R, whereas changes in T and A, which were not considerable. Both in maize and triticale, increase in R was higher in plants subjected to 14 days drought than in plants exposed to drought for 7 days. In maize, increase in R was larger for D-sensitive genotype. For both species, changes in T and A of PAR range were small. In NIR range, an increase in R and A, and decrease in T were observed. After 7 days of recovery in plants subjected to shorter period of drought significant differences were still visible in most cases. The same was observed for ψ, LT, LI and Chl parameters. It shows that the period of 7 days rehydration is too short to remove the injuries caused by drought stress. This results indicate that measurements of R, T and A might be useful in practical application for the estimation of the drought tolerance level. Some limitations in the practical application for plant breeding may be caused by relatively high cost of necessary equipment.  相似文献   

Leaf phenology is important to herbivores, but the timing and extent of leaf drop has not played an important role in our understanding of herbivore interactions with deciduous plants. Using phylogenetic general least squares regression, we compared the phenology of leaves of 55 oak species in a common garden with the abundance of leaf miners on those trees. Mine abundance was highest on trees with an intermediate leaf retention index, i.e. trees that lost most, but not all, of their leaves for 2–3 months. The leaves of more evergreen species were more heavily sclerotized, and sclerotized leaves accumulated fewer mines in the summer. Leaves of more deciduous species also accumulated fewer mines in the summer, and this was consistent with the idea that trees reduce overwintering herbivores by shedding leaves. Trees with a later leaf set and slower leaf maturation accumulated fewer herbivores. We propose that both leaf drop and early leaf phenology strongly affect herbivore abundance and select for differences in plant defense. Leaf drop may allow trees to dispose of their herbivores so that the herbivores must recolonize in spring, but trees with the longest leaf retention also have the greatest direct defenses against herbivores.  相似文献   

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