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Bythotrephes is presently extending its distribution to basins throughout Europe and North America. We used long term data (1880–1997) on Bythotrephes longimanus in Eurasian waterbodies to characterize its ecology and tolerance to different ecological factors. Depending on season and environmental conditions of the waterbody, Eurasian B. longimanus may undergo cyclomorphosis and can exist as two distinct forms ( B. longimanus or B. cederstroemi). Regional forms of the species ( B. l. var. balticus, B. l. var. it transcaucasicus, and B. l. var. arcticus) have also been described. Occurrence and density of Bythotrephes populations varies across geographical scales, and are apparently affected primarily by water temperature and salinity. Bythotrephes is limited to regions where water temperature ranges between 4 and 30 ^C, although the species prefers waters between 10 and 24 °C. Bythotrephes tolerates salinity values between 0.04 and 8.0¡, though it prefers water between 0.04 and 0.4¡. These factors strongly restrict Bythotrephes' distribution in warmer and more saline waters of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), particularly in southern Russia and Kazakhstan. Local abundance and distribution of Bythotrephes is affected by abiotic factors, including basin morphometry and flushing rate, temperature, oxygen concentration and pH, as well as by lake trophic status and fish predation. Planktivorous fish may restrict habitat use by Bythotrephes to regions of basins where overlap between these groups is minimized. Rivers, canals, and ephemeral waterbodies serve as important modes of Bythotrephes' dispersal throughout the CIS and western Europe. Morphological adaptations (e.g. a long caudal process, cyclic parthenogenesis, and production of resting eggs) permit Bythotrephes to tolerate seasonally inhospitable conditions, assist in its dispersal and range extension, and minimize fish predation.  相似文献   

Invasions by exotic organisms have had devastating affects on aquatic ecosystems, both ecologically and economically. One striking example of a successful invader that has dramatically affected fish community structure in freshwater lakes of North America is the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). We used eight microsatellite loci and multiple analytical techniques to examine competing hypotheses concerning the origins and colonization history of sea lamprey (n = 741). Analyses were based on replicated invasive populations from Lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, and Superior, populations of unknown origins from Lakes Ontario, Champlain, and Cayuga, and populations of anadromous putative progenitor populations in North America and Europe. Populations in recently colonized lakes were each established by few colonists through a series of genetic bottlenecks which resulted in lower allelic diversity in more recently established populations. The spatial genetic structure of invasive populations differed from that of native populations on the Atlantic coast, reflecting founder events and connectivity of invaded habitats. Anadromous populations were found to be panmictic (theta(P) = 0.002; 95% CI = -0.003-0.006; P > 0.05). In contrast, there was significant genetic differentiation between populations in the lower and upper Great Lakes (theta(P) = 0.007; P < 0.05; 95% CI = 0.003-0.009). Populations in Lakes Ontario, Champlain, and Cayuga are native. Alternative models that describe different routes and timing of colonization of freshwater habitats were examined using coalescent-based analyses, and demonstrated that populations likely originated from natural migrations via the St Lawrence River.  相似文献   

1. Freshwater mussels (Order Unionoida) are the most imperiled faunal group in North America; 60% of described species are considered endangered or threatened, and 12% are presumed extinct. Widespread habitat degradation (including pollution, siltation, river channelization and impoundment) has been the primary cause of extinction during this century, but a new stress was added in the last decade by the introduction of the Eurasian zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha , a biofouling organism that smothers the shells of other molluscs and competes with other suspension feeders for food. Since the early 1990s, it has been spreading throughout the Mississippi River basin, which contains the largest number of endemic freshwater mussels in the world. In this report, we use an exponential decay model based on data from other invaded habitats to predict the long-term impact of D. polymorpha on mussel species richness in the basin.
2. In North American lakes and rivers that support high densities (>3000 m−2) of D. polymorpha , native mussel populations are extirpated within 4–8 years following invasion. Significant local declines in native mussel populations in the Illinois and Ohio rivers, concomitant with the establishment of dense populations of D. polymorpha , suggest that induced mortality is occurring in the Mississippi River basin.
3. A comparison of species loss at various sites before and after invasion indicates that D. polymorpha has accelerated regional extinction rates of North American freshwater mussels by 10-fold. If this trend persists, the regional extinction rate for Mississippi basin species will be 12% per decade. Over 60 endemic mussels in the Mississippi River basin are threatened with global extinction by the combined impacts of the D. polymorpha invasion and environmental degradation.  相似文献   

In long-lived species, variance in allele frequencies over time may vary according to the number of generations contributing to progeny. Here, we investigate the temporal stability of genetic diversity and structure in relation to sex and age in introduced populations of Crepidula fornicata , an exotic gastropod that successfully invaded Europe . This protandrous species has the potential to change sex from male to female according not only to age, but also to local sex ratio (social environment). This mechanism may adjust the reproduction efficiency across different cohorts and thus decrease the likelihood of genetic drift in the following generations. Based on crude demographic structure analysis in two spatially closed introduced French populations, we demonstrate that recruitment is discontinuous. Although timing of sex change is different across populations, both populations have a similar age structure characterized by distributions of males and females changing across generations. Using five microsatellite loci, we show that both populations display a temporal genetic homogeneity and a stability in genetic diversity indices across age groups examined. Our results highlight that the social control of sex change in C. fornicata has strong implications to the maintenance of high genetic diversity by enhancing breeding across several generations at each reproductive season.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 90 , 365–374.  相似文献   

Populations in spatially structured environments may be divided into a number of (semi-) isolated subpopulations due to limited offspring dispersal. Limited dispersal and, as a consequence, local competition could slow down the invasion of fitter mutants, allowing the short-term coexistence of ancestral genotypes and mutants. We determined the rate of invasion of beneficial mutants of Escherichia coli, dispersed to different degrees in a spatially structured environment during 40 generations, experimentally and theoretically. Simulations as well as experimental data show a decrease in the rate of invasion with increasingly constrained dispersal. When a beneficial mutant invades from a single spot, competition with the ancestral genotype takes place only along the edges of the growing colony patch. As the colony grows, the fitness of the mutant will decrease due to a decrease in the mutant's fraction that effectively competes with the surrounding ancestor. Despite its inherently higher competitive ability, increased intragenotype competition prevents the beneficial mutant from rapidly taking over, causing short-term coexistence of superior and inferior genotypes.  相似文献   

Molecular evaluations of successful invaders are common, however studies of introduced species that have had limited invasion success, or have died out completely, are rare. We studied an introduced population of speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus) from northern California, USA that has rapidly increased in abundance but remained restricted to a 25-km stretch of river since its introduction in the mid-1980s. Field and laboratory analyses indicate that invasion success of speckled dace is constrained by the combined effects of multiple predators. The role of bottleneck effects associated with the introduction has not been studied. We assayed variation in seven microsatellite loci and one mitochondrial DNA gene in the introduced population and nine putative source populations to identify the source population and evaluate bottleneck effects. The Trinity River system was supported as the source owing to its genetic similarity and geographic proximity to the introduced population. Consistent with a bottleneck, the introduced population exhibited reduced allelic and haplotype richness in comparison to source populations. Estimates of the genetically effective number of individuals founding the introduced population using nuclear coalescent analyses and a mitochondrial simulation procedure were highly concordant in suggesting that the initial colonizing group was comprised of about 10 individuals. A bottleneck effect in an exotic species exhibiting limited invasion success has rarely been documented and thus introduction of speckled dace represents an important model system for future investigation. Establishing a relationship between genetic diversity and factors limiting invasion success in this system (e.g., predator avoidance) will help determine the extent to which genetic diversity loss has constrained invasion success in speckled dace.  相似文献   

There have been few investigations of the number of founding sources and amount of genetic variability that lead to a successful nonindigenous species invasion, although genetic diversity is believed to play a central role. In the present study, population genetic structure, diversity and divergence patterns were analysed for the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha [n=280 samples and 63 putative randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) gene loci] and the quagga mussel D. bugensis (n=136 and 52 loci) from 10 nonindigenous North American and six Eurasian sampling sites, representing their present‐day ranges. Results showed that exotic populations of zebra and quagga mussels had surprisingly high genetic variability, similar to those in the Eurasian populations, suggesting large numbers of founding individuals and consistent with the hypothesis of multiple colonizations. Patterns of genetic relationships indicate that the North American populations of D. polymorpha likely were founded by multiple source populations from north‐western and northcentral Europe, but not from southcentral or eastern Europe. Sampling areas within North America also were significantly divergent, having levels of gene flow and migration about twice those separating long‐established Eurasian populations. Samples of D. bugensis in Lakes Erie and Ontario were significantly different, with the former being more closely related to a native population from the Dnieper River, Ukraine. No evidence for a founder effect was discerned for either species.  相似文献   

The genus Hypochaeris has a recent evolutionary history caused by long‐distance dispersal in conjunction with adaptive radiation in the South American continent. Hypochaeris lutea is a perennial herb that grows mostly at altitudes of around 1000 m in cold swamps of the southern regions of Brazil. We investigated the amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) in 270 individuals representing 11 Brazilian populations of H. lutea to elucidate the population genetic structure of this species. The frequencies of polymorphic loci and gene diversity ranged from 83.42% to 91.66% and from 0.26 to 0.34, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance revealed that most of the genetic variability was found within (76.67%) rather than among (23.3%) populations, agreeing with the pattern of genetic distribution within and among populations observed in other allogamous species of Hypochaeris. A Mantel test showed no correlation between genetic and geographic distances when all populations were considered. Simulations performed using a Bayesian approach consistently identified two clusters with different admixture proportions of individuals, as also revealed by a UPGMA dendrogram of populations. The pattern of genetic structure observed in H. lutea is consistent with a process of successive colonization events by long‐distance dispersal resembling the rapid and recent radiation that has been proposed to explain the origin of the South American species of Hypochaeris.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Genetic variability was estimated for Atriplex tatarica from 25 populations in the Czech Republic. Since its north-western range margin is in central Europe, a relationship between marginality and low within-population genetic diversity was tested in accordance with the Central-Marginal Model. METHODS: Population genetic diversity was expressed by assessing patterns of variation at 13 putatively neutral allozyme loci (comprising 30 putative alleles) within and between 25 natural populations of A. tatarica along a north-west-south-east transect in the Czech Republic. KEY RESULTS: Atriplex tatarica is a species of human-made habitats with a mixed mating system and wide geographic distribution. Overall, A. tatarica displayed moderate levels of genetic diversity in comparison with other herbaceous plants. The percentage of loci that were polymorphic was 47.1%, with average values of 1.55, 0.151 and 0.155 for the average number of alleles per polymorphic locus (A), observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He), respectively. There was only weak evidence of inbreeding within populations (FIS=0.031) and significant population differentiation (FST=0.214). Analysis of the data provides no evidence for isolation-by-distance for the whole study area. However, Mantel tests were highly significant for the marginal Bohemian region and non-significant for the central Moravian region. While northern populations of A. tatarica showed significantly lower allelic richness (A=1.462) than populations from the southern part of the study area (A=1.615), they did not differ in observed heterozygosity (Ho), gene diversity (HS), inbreeding within populations (FIS) or population differentiation (FST), despite generally lower values of particular genetic measurements in the marginal region. CONCLUSIONS: Genetic diversity, with the exception of allelic richness, was not significantly lower at the margins of the species' range. This, therefore, provides only weak support for the predictions of the Central-Marginal Model.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that exotic populations may rapidly differentiate from those in their native range and that differences also arise among populations within the exotic range. Using morphological and DNA‐based analyses, we document the extent of trait divergence among native North American and exotic Hawaiian populations of northern cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis). Furthermore, using a combination of historical records and DNA‐based analyses, we evaluate the role of founder effects in producing observed trait differences. We measured and compared key morphological traits across northern cardinal populations in the native and exotic ranges to assess whether trait divergence across the Hawaiian Islands, where this species was introduced between 1929 and 1931, reflected observed variation across native phylogeographic clades in its native North America. We used and added to prior phylogenetic analyses based on a mitochondrial locus to identify the most likely native source clade(s) for the Hawaiian cardinal populations. We then used Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) to evaluate the role of founder effects in producing the observed differences in body size and bill morphology across native and exotic populations. We found cardinal populations on the Hawaiian Islands had morphological traits that diverged substantially across islands and overlapped the trait space of all measured native North American clades. The phylogeographic analysis identified the eastern North American clade (C. cardinalis cardinalis) as the most likely and sole native source for all the Hawaiian cardinal populations. The ABC analyses supported written accounts of the cardinal's introduction that indicate the original 300 cardinals shipped to Hawaii were simultaneously and evenly released across Hawaii, Kauai, and Oahu. Populations on each island likely experienced bottlenecks followed by expansion, with cardinals from the island of Hawaii eventually colonizing Maui unaided. Overall, our results suggest that founder effects had limited impact on morphological trait divergence of exotic cardinal populations in the Hawaiian archipelago, which instead reflect postintroduction events.  相似文献   

Colonizing species are predicted to suffer from reductions in genetic diversity during founding events. Although there is no unique mode of reproduction that is characteristic of successful plant colonizers, many of them are predominantly self-fertilizing or apomictic species, and almost all outcrossing colonizers are self-compatible. Carduus acanthoides comprises a species of disturbed habitats with wind-dispersed seeds that colonizes open spaces of various sizes. Population genetic diversity was expressed by assessing patterns of variation at nine putatively neutral allozyme loci within and among 20 natural populations in its native distribution range in the Czech Republic. Overall, C. acanthoides displayed high levels of genetic diversity compared to other herbaceous plants. The percentage of polymorphic loci was 84.5, with values of 2.37, 0.330, and 0.364 for the mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus ( A ), observed heterozygosity ( H o), and expected heterozygosity ( H e), respectively. There was only weak evidence of inbreeding within populations ( f  = 0.097) and very low genetic differentiation among populations ( θ  = 0.085). Analyses of the data provide strong evidence for isolation-by-distance for the whole study area. Even the colonizing species, C. acanthoides , currently supports a substantial amount of allozyme variation at both the species and population levels.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 596–607.  相似文献   

Bottlenecks can have lasting effects on genetic population structure that obscure patterns of contemporary gene flow and drift. Sockeye salmon are vulnerable to bottleneck effects because they are a highly structured species with excellent colonizing abilities and often occupy geologically young habitats. We describe genetic divergence among and genetic variation within spawning populations of sockeye salmon throughout the Lake Clark area of Alaska. Fin tissue was collected from sockeye salmon representing 15 spawning populations of Lake Clark, Six-mile Lake, and Lake Iliamna. Allele frequencies differed significantly at 11 microsatellite loci in 96 of 105 pairwise population comparisons. Pairwise estimates of FST ranged from zero to 0.089. Six-mile Lake and Lake Clark populations have historically been grouped together for management purposes and are geographically proximate. However, Six-mile Lake populations are genetically similar to Lake Iliamna populations and are divergent from Lake Clark populations. The reduced allelic diversity and strong divergence of Lake Clark populations relative to Six-mile Lake and Lake Iliamna populations suggest a bottleneck associated with the colonization of Lake Clark by sockeye salmon. Geographic distance and spawning habitat differences apparently do not contribute to isolation and divergence among populations. However, temporal isolation based on spawning time and founder effects associated with ongoing glacial retreat and colonization of new spawning habitats contribute to the genetic population structure of Lake Clark sockeye salmon. Nonequilibrium conditions and the strong influence of genetic drift caution against using estimates of divergence to estimate gene flow among populations of Lake Clark sockeye salmon.  相似文献   

1. Detecting the impacts of invading Bythotrephes cederstrœmi (Crustacea, Onychopoda, Cercopagididae) on zooplankton in North American lakes has been hampered by the brevity of pre-invasion data, and by the difficulty of distinguishing the effects of the invader from other stresses. The data from Harp Lake in Ontario, Canada, circumvent these difficulties. Bythotrephes appeared in the lake in 1993. There is a 15-year pre-invasion data set, and no significant complicating concurrent stresses.
2. The species composition and the size structure of the crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake changed after the invasion. Several small species either declined dramatically in abundance (e.g. Bosmina longirostris , Tropocyclops extensus ) or disappeared ( Chydorus sphaericus , Diaphanosoma birgei , Bosmina ( Neobosmina ) tubicen ). In contrast the abundance of the larger cladocerans Holopedium gibberum and Daphnia galeata mendotae and the hypolimnetic copepod Leptodiaptomus sicilis increased. Several univariate and all multivariate summarizations of zooplankton abundance, biomass and size structure highlighted the uniqueness of the post-invasion community.
3. The alterations in the zooplankton community could not be attributed to changes in lake acidity, thermal regimes, penetration by ultraviolet light, nutrient status, fish stocking or the abundances of native invertebrate predators, but they were correlated with Bythotrephes abundance, both within and among years. Hence, we hypothesize that the invasion by Bythotrephes has significantly altered the crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake.  相似文献   

Moose, Alces alces, occur naturally throughout most of Canada but successful introductions of known numbers of animals have been made to the islands of Newfoundland and Cape Breton. Five microsatellite loci were used to investigate the population genetic structure and any change in genetic variability due to founder events of moose in Canada. Comparisons of allele frequencies for moose from 11 regions of the country suggested that there are at least seven genetically distinct populations (P < 0.05) in North America, namely Alberta, eastern Ontario, New Brunswick, Cape Breton, Labrador, western Newfoundland, and the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland. The average population heterozygosity was approximately 33% (range from 22 to 41%). UPGMA analysis of Nei's genetic distances produced phenograms similar to what would be expected when geographical location and population history are considered. The loss of heterozygosity due to a single founder event (n = 3; two introductions and a natural colonization) ranged from 14 to 30%, and the cumulative loss of heterozygosity due to two successive founder events (an introduction followed by a natural colonization) was 46%. In these examples loss of genetic variability has not been associated with any known phenotypic deviances, suggesting that populations may be established from a small number of founders. However, the viability of these founded populations over evolutionary timescales cannot be determined and is highly dependent upon chance.  相似文献   

1. Detecting the impacts of invading Bythotrephes cederstrœmi (Crustacea, Onychopoda, Cercopagididae) on zooplankton in North American lakes has been hampered by the brevity of pre-invasion data, and by the difficulty of distinguishing the effects of the invader from other stresses. The data from Harp Lake in Ontario, Canada, circumvent these difficulties. Bythotrephes appeared in the lake in 1993. There is a 15-year pre-invasion data set, and no significant complicating concurrent stresses.
2. The species composition and the size structure of the crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake changed after the invasion. Several small species either declined dramatically in abundance (e.g. Bosmina longirostris , Tropocyclops extensus ) or disappeared ( Chydorus sphaericus , Diaphanosoma birgei , Bosmina ( Neobosmina ) tubicen ). In contrast the abundance of the larger cladocerans Holopedium gibberum and Daphnia galeata mendotae and the hypolimnetic copepod Leptodiaptomus sicilis increased. Several univariate and all multivariate summarizations of zooplankton abundance, biomass and size structure highlighted the uniqueness of the post-invasion community.
3. The alterations in the zooplankton community could not be attributed to changes in lake acidity, thermal regimes, penetration by ultraviolet light, nutrient status, fish stocking or the abundances of native invertebrate predators, but they were correlated with Bythotrephes abundance, both within and among years. Hence, we hypothesize that the invasion by Bythotrephes has significantly altered the crustacean zooplankton community of Harp Lake.  相似文献   

This study used analyses of the genetic structure of a non‐game fish species, the mottled sculpin Cottus bairdii to hypothesize probable recolonization routes used by cottids and possibly other Laurentian Great Lakes fishes following glacial recession. Based on samples from 16 small streams in five major Lake Michigan, U.S.A., tributary basins, significant interpopulation differentiation was documented (overall FST = 0·235). Differentiation was complex, however, with unexpectedly high genetic similarity among basins as well as occasionally strong differentiation within basins, despite relatively close geographic proximity of populations. Genetic dissimilarities were identified between eastern and western populations within river basins, with similarities existing between eastern and western populations across basins. Given such patterns, recolonization is hypothesized to have occurred on three occasions from more than one glacial refugium, with a secondary vicariant event resulting from reduction in the water level of ancestral Lake Michigan. By studying the phylogeography of a small, non‐game fish species, this study provides insight into recolonization dynamics of the region that could be difficult to infer from game species that are often broadly dispersed by humans.  相似文献   

Little is known about the population processes that shape the genetic diversity in natural populations of rhizobia. A sample of 912 Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar trifolii isolates were collected from naturalized red clover populations ( Trifolium pratense ) and analyzed for 15 allozyme loci to determine the levels and distribution of genetic diversity. Hierarchical analyses compared different sampling levels, geographical separation, and temporal separation. Total genetic diversity across all isolates was H = 0.426, with 57.6% of the total diversity found among isolates obtained from individual red clover plants. Relatively low genetic differentiation among populations and high differentiation among plants within populations was observed; this suggests that gene flow and founder effect act differently at geographical and local scales. Significant differences were observed in (i) allele frequencies among populations and among plants within populations, and (ii) the frequency distribution of the most widespread and the most abundant strains. When multilocus linkage disequilibrium was calculated, significant levels of disequilibrium were observed in the total sample and in three of the eight populations.  相似文献   

The paradox of successful invading species is that they are likely to be genetically depauperate compared to their source population. This study on Colorado potato beetles is one of the few studies of the genetic consequences of continent-scale invasion in an insect pest. Understanding gene flow, population structure and the potential for rapid evolution in native and invasive populations offers insights both into the dynamics of small populations that become successful invaders and for their management as pests. We used this approach to investigate the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) from North America to Europe. The beetles invaded Europe at the beginning of the 20th century and expanded almost throughout the continent in about 30 years. From the analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers, we found the highest genetic diversity in beetle populations from the central United States. The European populations clearly contained only a fraction of the genetic variability observed in North American populations. European populations show a significant reduction at nuclear markers (AFLPs) and are fixed for one mitochondrial haplotype, suggesting a single successful founder event. Despite the high vagility of the species and the reduction of genetic diversity in Europe, we found a similar, high level of population structure and low gene flow among populations on both continents. Founder events during range expansion, agricultural management with crop rotation, and selection due to insecticide applications are most likely the causes partitioning genetic diversity in this species.  相似文献   

Nonindigenous species may exert strong effects on ecosystem structure and function. The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) has been attributed with profound changes in invaded ecosystems across eastern North America. We explored vertical profiles of water flow velocity and chlorophyll a concentration in western Lake Erie, over rocky substrates encrusted with Dreissena, to assess the extent to which mussels influence coupling between benthic and pelagic regions of the lake. Flow velocity was always low at surveyed sites (less than or equal to 2.9 cm s-1) and declined in direct proximity to the lakebed. Mean chlorophyll a concentration was also low (less than 5μg L-1) at all sites and depths. Chlorophyll a concentration was positively correlated with distance above lakebed and was lowest (0.3μg L-1) directly adjacent to the lakebed. Spatial patterns of zooplankton grazers could not explain observed vertical gradients in chlorophyll concentration. Hydrodynamic modeling revealed that filtering effects of Dreissena in a nonstratified, shallow basin depend mainly on upstream chlorophyll concentration, intensity of turbulent diffusion, feeding efficiency of the mussel colony, and the distance downstream from the leading edge of the mussel colony. In contrast to widespread perceptions that molluscs reduce phytoplankton concentration only adjacent to the lakebed, modeling scenarios indicated that depletion occurs throughout the water column. Depletion was, however, inversely proportional to distance above the lakebed. Simulation results are consistent with field-based observations made in shallow water habitats populated by large Dreissena populations in the Great Lakes and elsewhere. Results from this study indicate that zebra mussels strongly enhance coupling between pelagic and benthic regions in shallow lakes. Enhanced coupling between these regions explains, in part, high population densities of Dreissena and of many benthic invertebrates in ecosystems invaded by zebra mussels. Received 14 July 1998; accepted 25 March 1999.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of contemporary populations can be shaped by both their history and current ecological conditions. We assessed the relative importance of postglacial colonization history and habitat type in the patterns and degree of genetic diversity and differentiation in northern European nine‐spined sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius), using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences and 12 nuclear microsatellite and insertion/deletion loci. The mtDNA analyses identified – and microsatellite analyses supported – the existence of two historically distinct lineages (eastern and western). The analyses of nuclear loci among 51 European sites revealed clear historically influenced and to minor degree habitat dependent, patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation. While the effect of habitat type on the levels of genetic variation (coastal > freshwater) and differentiation (freshwater > coastal) was clear, the levels of genetic variability and differentiation in the freshwater sites were independent of habitat type (viz. river, lake and pond). However, levels of genetic variability, together with estimates of historical effective population sizes, decreased dramatically and linearly with increasing latitude. These geographical patterns of genetic variability and differentiation suggest that the contemporary genetic structure of freshwater nine‐spined sticklebacks has been strongly impacted by the founder events associated with postglacial colonization and less by current ecological conditions (cf. habitat type). In general, the results highlight the strong and persistent effects of postglacial colonization history on genetic structuring of northern European fauna and provide an unparalleled example of latitudinal trends in levels of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

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