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Alloteropsis semialata (R. Br.) Hitchcock includes both C3 and C4 subspecies: the C3 subspecies eckloniana and the C4 subspecies semialata. We examined the leaf structural and photosynthetic characteristics of these plants. A. semialata ssp. semialata showed high activities of photosynthetic enzymes involved in phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase-type C4 photosynthesis and an anomalous Kranz anatomy. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase; pyruvate, Pi dikinase and glycine decarboxylase (GDC) were compartmentalized between the mesophyll (M) and inner bundle sheath cells, whereas ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) occurred in both cells. A. semialata ssp. eckloniana also showed an anomalous non-Kranz anatomy, in which the mestome sheath cells included abundant chloroplasts and mitochondria. Rubisco and GDC accumulated densely in the M and mestome sheath cells, whereas the levels of C4 enzymes were low. The activity levels of photo-respiratory enzymes in both subspecies were intermediate between those in typical C3 and C4 plants. The values of CO2 compensation points in A. semialata ssp. semialata were within the C4 range, whereas those in A. semialata ssp. eckloniana were somewhat lower than the C3 range. These data suggest that the plants are C3-like and C4-like but not typical C3 and C4, and when integrated with previous findings, point to important variability in the expression of C4 physiology in this species complex. A. semialata is therefore an intriguing grass species with which to study the evolutionary linkage between C3 and C4 plants.  相似文献   

During the past 25 Myr, partial pressures of atmospheric CO2 (Ca) imposed a greater limitation on C3 than C4 photosynthesis. This could have important downstream consequences for plant nitrogen economy and biomass allocation. Here, we report the first phylogenetically controlled comparison of the integrated effects of subambient Ca on photosynthesis, growth and nitrogen allocation patterns, comparing the C3 and C4 subspecies of Alloteropsis semialata. Plant size decreased more in the C3 than C4 subspecies at low Ca, but nitrogen pool sizes were unchanged, and nitrogen concentrations increased across all plant partitions. The C3, but not C4 subspecies, preferentially allocated biomass to leaves and increased specific leaf area at low Ca. In the C3 subspecies, increased leaf nitrogen was linked to photosynthetic acclimation at the interglacial Ca, mediated via higher photosynthetic capacity combined with greater stomatal conductance. Glacial Ca further increased the biochemical acclimation and nitrogen concentrations in the C3 subspecies, but these were insufficient to maintain photosynthetic rates. In contrast, the C4 subspecies maintained photosynthetic rates, nitrogen‐ and water‐use efficiencies and plant biomass at interglacial and glacial Ca with minimal physiological adjustment. At low Ca, the C4 carbon‐concentrating mechanism therefore offered a significant advantage over the C3 type for carbon acquisition at the whole‐plant scale, apparently mediated via nitrogen economy and water loss. A limiting nutrient supply damped the biomass responses to Ca and increased the C4 advantage across all Ca treatments. Findings highlight the importance of considering leaf responses in the context of the whole plant, and show that carbon limitation may be offset at the expense of greater plant demand for soil resources such as nitrogen and water. Results show that the combined effects of low CO2 and resource limitation benefit C4 plants over C3 plants in glacial–interglacial environments, but that this advantage is lessened under anthropogenic conditions.  相似文献   

Simulated enzymic debranching of a β-limit dextrin model, prepared from a computed construct made by random extension and branching, and given the CCL value of w-maize amylopectin (and equal amounts of external chains with ECL values of 2 and 3) has been related to experimental chromatograms of the debranched β-limit dextrin of the amylopectin. The profile was similar to those from gel chromatograms and IEC-PAD chromatography.The equivalent lengths in glucosyl units of grid-links (g-links) of internal and external chains in constructs were calculated from the ICL and ECL values of amylopectin and models produced from the constructs with the appropriate lengths for internal and external chains. These derived models were subjected to simulated hydrolysis by Pseudomonas stutzeri amylase and the products compared with those of the experimental distribution from w-maize amylopectin. With the model the amounts of maltotetraose and maltodextrins released were similar to the experimental values but the distribution of branched maltodextrins was quite different. Unlike w-maize amylopectin – a polymer with the cluster structure – which has given a profile of molecular sizes of maltodextrins with low amounts of single and small numbers of internal chains and with a peak at a MW of about 14,000 (13 chains), in the model the proportion of maltodextrin with one internal chain was high and as d.p. increased the amounts decreased exponentially. This would be expected if the distribution of internal chains in the core was random. It is suggested that in the core of a model prepared from a construct made with alternating probabilities of extension – one in which this probability is high relative to branching, and a second in which it is low – may give clusters of branched maltodextrins with short internal chains which are joined by longer chains; more closely approximating the distribution of internal chains of different lengths in amylopectin.An arrangement for amylopectin molecules in the starch granule has been proposed. In this, they have a wafer-like, discoidal shape, composed of the amorphous zone overlain with the double helical, crystalline region. The flat macromolecules are concentrically layered with the former on the inside and the latter oriented to the outside of the granule.  相似文献   

The regional abundance of C4 grasses is strongly controlled by temperature, however, the role of precipitation is less clear. Progress in elucidating the direct effects of photosynthetic pathway on these climate relationships is hindered by the significant genetic divergence between major C3 and C4 grass lineages. We addressed this problem by examining seasonal climate responses of photosynthesis in Alloteropsis semialata , a unique grass species with both C3 and C4 subspecies. Experimental manipulation of rainfall in a common garden in South Africa tested the hypotheses that: (1) photosynthesis is greater in the C4 than C3 subspecies under high summer temperatures, but this pattern is reversed at low winter temperatures; and (2) the photosynthetic advantage of C4 plants is enhanced during drought events. Measurements of leaf gas exchange over 2 years showed a significant photosynthetic advantage for the C4 subspecies under irrigated conditions from spring through autumn. However, the C4 leaves were killed by winter frost, while photosynthesis continued in the C3 plants. Unexpectedly, the C4 subspecies also lost its photosynthetic advantage during natural drought events, despite greater water-use efficiency under irrigated conditions. This study highlights previously unrecognized roles for climatic extremes in determining the ecological success of C3 and C4 grasses.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis in C3–C4 intermediates reduces carbon loss by photorespiration through refixing photorespired CO2 within bundle sheath cells. This is beneficial under warm temperatures where rates of photorespiration are high; however, it is unknown how photosynthesis in C3–C4 plants acclimates to growth under cold conditions. Therefore, the cold tolerance of the C3–C4 Salsola divaricata was tested to determine whether it reverts to C3 photosynthesis when grown under low temperatures. Plants were grown under cold (15/10 °C), moderate (25/18 °C) or hot (35/25 °C) day/night temperatures and analysed to determine how photosynthesis, respiration and C3–C4 features acclimate to these growth conditions. The CO2 compensation point and net rates of CO2 assimilation in cold‐grown plants changed dramatically when measured in response to temperature. However, this was not due to the loss of C3–C4 intermediacy, but rather to a large increase in mitochondrial respiration supported primarily by the non‐phosphorylating alternative oxidative pathway (AOP) and, to a lesser degree, the cytochrome oxidative pathway (COP). The increase in respiration and AOP capacity in cold‐grown plants likely protects against reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mitochondria and photodamage in chloroplasts by consuming excess reductant via the alternative mitochondrial respiratory electron transport chain.  相似文献   

C4 plants contribute ≈ 20% of global gross primary productivity, and uncertainties regarding their responses to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations may limit predictions of future global change impacts on C4-dominated ecosystems. These uncertainties have not yet been considered rigorously due to expectations of C4 low responsiveness based on photosynthetic theory and early experiments. We carried out a literature review (1980–97) and meta-analysis in order to identify emerging patterns of C4 grass responses to elevated CO2, as compared with those of C3 grasses. The focus was on nondomesticated Poaceae alone, to the exclusion of C4 dicotyledonous and C4 crop species. This provides a clear test, controlled for genotypic variability at family level, of differences between the CO2-responsiveness of these functional types. Eleven responses were considered, ranging from physiological behaviour at the leaf level to carbon allocation patterns at the whole plant level. Results were also assessed in the context of environmental stress conditions (light, temperature, water and nutrient stress), and experimental growing conditions (pot size, experimental duration and fumigation method). Both C4 and C3 species increased total biomass significantly in elevated CO2, by 33% and 44%, respectively. Differing tendencies between types in shoot structural response were revealed: C3 species showed a greater increase in tillering, whereas C4 species showed a greater increase in leaf area in elevated CO2. At the leaf level, significant stomatal closure and increased leaf water use efficiency were confirmed in both types, and higher carbon assimilation rates were found in both C3 and C4 species (33% and 25%, respectively). Environmental stress did not alter the C4 CO2-response, except for the loss of a significant positive CO2-response for above-ground biomass and leaf area under water stress. In C3 species, stimulation of carbon assimilation rate was reduced by stress (overall), and nutrient stress tended to reduce the mean biomass response to elevated CO2. Leaf carbohydrate status increased and leaf nitrogen concentration decreased significantly in elevated CO2 only in C3 species. We conclude that the relative responses of the C4 and C3 photosynthetic types to elevated CO2 concur only to some extent with expectations based on photosynthetic theory. The significant positive responses of C4 grass species at both the leaf and the whole plant level demand a re-evaluation of the assumption of low responsiveness in C4 plants at both levels, and not only with regard to water relations. The combined shoot structural and water use efficiency responses of these functional types will have consequential implications for the water balance of important catchments and range-lands throughout the world, especially in semiarid subtropical and temperate regions. It may be premature to predict that C4 grass species will lose their competitive advantage over C3 grass species in elevated CO2.  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of long‐term repeated aerial nitrogen (N) and sulphur (S) misting over tree canopies of a Sitka spruce plantation in Scotland. We combined δ13C and δ18O in tree rings to evaluate the changes in CO2 assimilation (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) and to assess their contribution to variations in the intrinsic water‐use efficiency (WUEi, i.e., the A/gs ratio). Measurements of δ15N enabled shifts in the ecosystem N cycling following misting to be assessed. We found that: (i) N applications, with or without S, increased the ratio between A and gs in favour of A, thus supporting a fertilizer effect of added N. (ii) After the treatments ceased, the trees quickly adjusted to the reductions of N deposition, but not to the reduction in S deposition, which had a negative effect on WUEi by reducing A. This indicates that the beneficial role of N deposition may be negated in forests that previously received a high load of acid rain. (iii) δ15N in tree rings reflected the N dynamics caused by canopy retention, with the fingerprint also present in the litter, after the experiment stopped. (iv) Both our results (obtained using canopy applications) and a collection of published data (obtained using soil applications) showed that generally WUEi increased in response to an increase of N applications, with the magnitude of the changes related to soil conditions and the availability of other nutrients. The shifts observed in δ15N in tree rings also suggest that both the quantity of the applied N and its quality, mediated by processes occurring during canopy N retention, are important determinants of the interactions between N and C cycles. Stable isotopes are useful probes to understand these processes and to put the results of short‐term experiments into context.  相似文献   

Plants may be more sensitive to carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment at subambient concentrations than at superambient concentrations, but field tests are lacking. We measured soil‐water content and determined xylem pressure potentials and δ13C values of leaves of abundant species in a C3/C4 grassland exposed during 1997–1999 to a continuous gradient in atmospheric CO2 spanning subambient through superambient concentrations (200–560 µmol mol2?1). We predicted that CO2 enrichment would lessen soil‐water depletion and increase xylem potentials more over subambient concentrations than over superambient concentrations. Because water‐use efficiency of C3 species (net assimilation/leaf conductance; A/g) typically increases as soils dry, we hypothesized that improvements in plant‐water relations at higher CO2 would lessen positive effects of CO2 enrichment on A/g. Depletion of soil water to 1.35 m depth was greater at low CO2 concentrations than at higher CO2 concentrations during a mid‐season drought in 1998 and during late‐season droughts in 1997 and 1999. During droughts each year, mid‐day xylem potentials of the dominant C4 perennial grass (Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng) and the dominant C3 perennial forb (Solanum dimidiatum Raf.) became less negative as CO2 increased from subambient to superambient concentrations. Leaf A/g—derived from leaf δ13C values—was insensitive to feedbacks from CO2 effects on soil water and plant water. Among most C3 species sampled—including annual grasses, perennial grasses and perennial forbs—A/g increased linearly with CO2 across subambient concentrations. Leaf and air δ13C values were too unstable at superambient CO2 concentrations to reliably determine A/g. Significant changes in soil‐ and plant‐water relations over subambient to superambient concentrations and in leaf A/g over subambient concentrations generally were not greater over low CO2 than over higher CO2. The continuous response of these variables to CO2 suggests that atmospheric change has already improved water relations of grassland species and that periodically water‐limited grasslands will remain sensitive to CO2 enrichment.  相似文献   

The integrin α4β1 is involved in mediating exfiltration of leukocytes from the vasculature. It interacts with a number of proteins up-regulated during the inflammatory response including VCAM-1 and the CS-1 alternatively spliced region of fibronectin. In addition it binds the multifunctional protein osteopontin (OPN), which can act as both a cytokine and an extracellular matrix molecule. Here we map the region of human OPN that supports cell adhesion via α4β1 using GST fusion proteins. We show that α4β1 expressed in J6 cells interacts with intact OPN when the integrin is in a high activation state, and by deletion mapping that the α4β1 binding region in OPN lies between amino acid residues 125 and 168 (aa125–168). This region contains the central RGD motif of OPN, which also interacts with integrins αvβ3, αvβ5, αvβ1, α8β1, and α5β1. Mutating the RGD motif to RAD had no effect on the interaction with α4β1. To define the binding site the region incorporating aa125–168 was divided into 5 overlapping peptides expressed as GST fusion proteins. Two peptides supported adhesion via α4β1, aa132–146, and aa153–168; of these only a synthetic peptide, SVVYGLR (aa162–168), derived from aa153–168 was able to inhibit α4β1 binding to CS-1. These data identify the motif SVVYGLR as a novel peptide inhibitor of α4β1, and the primary α4β1 binding site within OPN.  相似文献   

Several different factors in the collection and preservation of whale skin and blubber samples were examined to determine their effect on the results obtained by stable nitrogen and carbon isotope (δ15N and δ13C) analysis. Samples of wet killer whale skin retained their original stable isotope values for up to 14 d at 4°C or lower. However, decomposition significantly changed the δ15N value within 3 d at 20°C. Storage at ?20°C was as effective as ?80°C for the preservation of skin and blubber samples for stable isotope analysis for at least a year. By contrast, once a skin sample had been freeze‐dried and lipid extracted, the stable isotope values did not change significantly when it was stored dry at room temperature for at least 12 mo. Preservation of whale skin samples for a month in DMSO‐salt solution, frozen or at room temperature, did not significantly change the δ15N and δ13C values of lipid extracted tissues, although the slight changes seen could influence results of a study if only small changes are expected.  相似文献   

Drought‐induced forest decline, like the Scots pine mortality in inner‐Alpine valleys, will gain in importance as the frequency and severity of drought events are expected to increase. To understand how chronic drought affects tree growth and tree‐ring δ13C values, we studied mature Scots pine in an irrigation experiment in an inner‐Alpine valley. Tree growth and isotope analyses were carried out at the annual and seasonal scale. At the seasonal scale, maximum δ13C values were measured after the hottest and driest period of the year, and were associated with decreasing growth rates. Inter‐annual δ13C values in early‐ and latewood showed a strong correlation with annual climatic conditions and an immediate decrease as a response to irrigation. This indicates a tight coupling between wood formation and the freshly produced assimilates for trees exposed to chronic drought. This rapid appearance of the isotopic signal is a strong indication for an immediate and direct transfer of newly synthesized assimilates for biomass production. The fast appearance and the distinct isotopic signal suggest a low availability of old stored carbohydrates. If this was a sign for C‐storage depletion, an increasing mortality could be expected when stressors increase the need for carbohydrate for defence, repair or regeneration.  相似文献   

Changes in C4 grass distribution and abundance are frequently observed in Quaternary, Holocene and future environmental‐change scenarios. However, the factors driving these dynamics are not fully understood, and conflicting theories have been reported. In this paper, we present a very large dataset of modern altitudinal distribution profiles of C3 and C4 grasses covering the entire Neotropical Andes, which was compared with actual climate data. The results of multivariate analysis demonstrate that, in the Neotropical Andes, mean annual temperature is the main factor governing the modern altitudinal distribution of C3 and C4 grass species. The C3 and C4 grass distributions were compared with simulations based on the Lund‐Potsdam‐Jena dynamic global vegetation model (LPJ‐DGVM), which allowed the present grass distribution to be estimated. Finally, the DGVM was employed to simulate past and future scenarios, using the IPCC's climate projections for 2100 and PMIP2 models for the Holocene Optimum (HO, 6000 years bp ) and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 21 000 years bp ). The results were found to be significantly different from those obtained using a simple photosynthetic model. According to LPJ forced with the PMIP2 models for the LGM, during the LGM, the C4 grasses would not have reached higher altitudes than found in the present day.  相似文献   

The expression of phospholipase C β 3 (PLCB3) is low or absent in several neuroendocrine neoplasias. To investigate the role of PLCB3 in the neuroendocrine tumorigenesis, we transfected a PLCB3 construct to three neuroendocrine tumor cell lines with a low PLCB3 expression. The growth rate and tumorigenicity were assessed in vitro by [3H]thymidine incorporation and cell counting, in vivo, by xenografting to nude mice. In vitro, PLCB3 expressing clones showed a significant growth inhibition. The tumor weight was reduced for one of the two xenografted PLCB3-transfected cell lines and in both, a reduced number of proliferating (Ki-67 positive) cells was observed. This study implies an essential role for PLCB3 in the neuroendocrine tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Stable isotope natural abundance measurements integrate across several biogeochemical processes in ecosystem N and C dynamics. Here, we report trends in natural isotope abundance (δ13C and δ15N in plant and soil) along a climosequence of 33 Nothofagus forest stands located within Patagonia, Southern Argentina. We measured 28 different abiotic variables (both climatic variables and soil properties) to characterize environmental conditions at each of the 33 sites. Foliar δ13C values ranged from ?35.4‰ to ?27.7‰, and correlated positively with foliar δ15N values, ranging from ?3.7‰ to 5.2‰. Soil δ13C and δ15N values reflected the isotopic trends of the foliar tissues and ranged from ?29.8‰ to ?25.3‰, and ?4.8‰ to 6.4‰, respectively, with no significant differences between Nothofagus species (Nothofagus pumilio, Nothofagus antarctica, Nothofagus betuloides). Principal component analysis and multiple regressions suggested that mainly water availability variables (mean annual precipitation), but not soil properties, explained between 42% and 79% of the variations in foliar and soil δ13C and δ15N natural abundance, which declined with increased moisture supply. We conclude that a decline in water use efficiency at wetter sites promotes both the depletion of heavy C and N isotopes in soil and plant biomass. Soil δ13C values were higher than those of the plant tissues and this difference increased as annual precipitation increased. No such differences were apparent when δ15N values in soil and plant were compared, which indicates that climatic differences contributed more to the overall C balance than to the overall N balance in these forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The evolution of C4 photosynthesis from C3 ancestors eliminates ribulose bisphosphate carboxylation in the mesophyll (M) cell chloroplast while activating phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylation in the cytosol. These changes may lead to fewer chloroplasts and different chloroplast positioning within M cells. To evaluate these possibilities, we compared chloroplast number, size and position in M cells of closely related C3, C3–C4 intermediate and C4 species from 12 lineages of C4 evolution. All C3 species had more chloroplasts per M cell area than their C4 relatives in high‐light growth conditions. C3 species also had higher chloroplast coverage of the M cell periphery than C4 species, particularly opposite intercellular air spaces. In M cells from 10 of the 12 C4 lineages, a greater fraction of the chloroplast envelope was pulled away from the plasmalemma in the C4 species than their C3 relatives. C3–C4 intermediate species generally exhibited similar patterns as their C3 relatives. We interpret these results to reflect adaptive shifts that facilitate efficient C4 function by enhancing diffusive access to the site of primary carbon fixation in the cytosol. Fewer chloroplasts in C4 M cells would also reduce shading of the bundle sheath chloroplasts, which also generate energy required by C4 photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract In this study the contribution of climatic factors and phylogenetic relationships affecting the geographical distribution of C3 and C4 genera of the Cyperaceae in South Africa was investigated. The δ13C values of herbarium specimens of 68 southern African species from 22 genera and eight tribes were used to assign the species to either the C3 or C4 photosynthetic pathway. Geographical distribution data for the Cyperaceae were used to investigate relationships between climatic factors and the number of species and proportional abundance of C4 species per region. The number of Cyperaceae species per 2° × 2° square across South Africa varied from less than five in the north‐western regions to more than 15 in the south‐western and north‐eastern regions of South Africa where rainfall exceeds 800 mm y‐1. Of the 68 species investigated, 28 had C4 photosynthesis and these were scattered among nine genera of four tribes (Cypereae, Scirpeae, Abildgaardieae and Rhyncosporeae). The proportional abundance of C4 species ranged from 14% in the winter rainfall regions of the south‐west of South Africa to 67% in the summer rainfall areas of the north‐east. The geographical distribution of species was related to their phylogenetic position such that the distributions of C3 and C4 species in Cypereae, Scirpeae and Schoeneae was quite distinct. Linear regression analysis showed that the transition temperatures (equal C3 and C4 species numbers) for the Cyperaceae were different to those obtained for the Poaceae from the same region. No strong relationships were found between the proportional abundance of C4 species and other climate factors such as altitude and rainfall. Our analysis of the current geographical distribution of C4 Cyperaceae in southern Africa in a phylogenetic context suggests that the ecological advantages conferred by the C4 pathway differ amongst the different plant groups.  相似文献   

A new set of optically active 2,3,3‐ and 2,7,7‐trimethyl‐substituted γ‐aminonorbornan‐2‐ols have been obtained from 2‐methylenenorbornane‐1‐carbonitriles derived from (+)‐camphor and (?)‐fenchone and probed as chiral ligands for the enantioselective addition of diethylzinc to benzaldehyde. This has allowed the study of the structural factors influencing the chirality transfer, such as variation of the relative configuration at C(2) and steric hindrance at C(2), C(3), and C(7) positions of norbornane, which result in the observance of the important role played by the gem‐dimethyl position in γ‐aminonorbornan‐2‐exo‐ols. An empirical rationalization of the obtained experimental results has been realized on the basis of energetically‐favored diastereomeric Noyori‐like transition states. Chirality 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Paleodiet research traditionally interprets differences in collagen isotopic compositions (δ13C, δ15N) as indicators of dietary distinction even though physiological processes likely play some role in creating variation. This research investigates the degree to which bone collagen δ13C and δ15N values normally vary within the skeleton and examines the influence of several diseases common to ancient populations on these isotopic compositions. The samples derive from two medieval German cemeteries and one Swiss reference collection and include examples of metabolic disease (rickets/osteomalacia), degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis), trauma (fracture), infection (osteomyelitis), and inflammation (periostitis). A separate subset of visibly nonpathological skeletal elements from the German collections established normal intraindividual variation. For each disease type, tests compared bone lesion samples to those near and distant to the lesions sites. Results show that normal (nonpathological) skeletons exhibit limited intraskeletal variation in carbon‐ and nitrogen‐isotope ratios, suggesting that sampling of distinct elements is appropriate for paleodiet studies. In contrast, individuals with osteomyelitis, healed fractures, and osteoarthritis exhibit significant intraskeletal differences in isotope values, depending on whether one is comparing lesions to near or to distant sites. Skeletons with periostitis result in significant intraskeletal differences in nitrogen isotope values only, while those with rickets/osteomalacia do not exhibit significant intraskeletal differences. Based on these results, we suggest that paleodiet researchers avoid sampling collagen at or close to lesion sites because the isotope values may be reflecting both altered metabolic processes and differences in diet relative to others in the population. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:598–604, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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