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The transforming growth factor beta (TGFB) protein family is renowned for its diverse roles in developmental biology including reproduction. Gremlin is a member of the differential screening-selected gene aberrative in neuroblastoma (DAN)/cerberus family of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists. Recent studies on gremlin focus on its involvement in embryonic skeletal, lung, and kidney development. To define the role of gremlin (Grem1) in female reproduction, we analyzed postnatal folliculogenesis using global and conditional knockout (cKO) mice for gremlin. Grem1(-/-) mice die within 48 h after birth, and ovaries collected from neonatal Grem1(-/-) mice demonstrated reduced oocyte numbers and delayed primordial follicle development. Transplanting Grem1(-/-) neonatal ovaries showed that folliculogenesis proceeded to large antral follicle stage, but Grem1(-/-) ovaries contained corpora lutea-like structures not found in control-transplanted ovaries. However, Grem1 cKO mice had comparable fertility to control mice. These data suggest that gremlin plays a previously uncharacterized role in the regulation of oocyte numbers and the timing of primordial follicle development, but either it is not required for later folliculogenesis or its loss is possibly compensated by other BMP antagonists.  相似文献   

Double fertilization, uniquely observed in plants, requires successful sperm cell delivery by the pollen tube to the female gametophyte, followed by migration, recognition and fusion of the two sperm cells with two female gametic cells. The female gametophyte not only regulates these steps but also controls the subsequent initiation of seed development. Previously, we reported that loss of LORELEI, which encodes a putative glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein, in the female reproductive tissues causes a delay in initiation of seed development. From these studies, however, it was unclear if embryos derived from fertilization of lre-5 gametophytes continued to lag behind wild-type during seed development. Additionally, it was not determined if the delay in initiation of seed development had any lingering effects during seed germination. Finally, it was not known if loss of LORELEI function affects seedling development given that LORELEI is expressed in eight-day-old seedlings. Here, we showed that despite a delay in initiation, lre-5/lre-5 embryos recover, becoming equivalent to the developing wild-type embryos beginning at 72 hours after pollination. Additionally, lre-5/lre-5 seed germination, and seedling and root development are indistinguishable from wild-type indicating that loss of LORELEI is tolerated, at least under standard growth conditions, in vegetative tissues.Key words: LORELEI, glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein, embryogenesis, DD45, seed germination, primary and lateral root growth, seedling developmentDouble fertilization is unique to flowering plants. Upon female gametophyte reception of a pollen tube, the egg and central cells of the female gametophyte fuse with the two released sperm cells to form zygote and endosperm, respectively and initiate seed development.1 The female gametophyte controls seed development by (1) repressing premature central cell or egg cell proliferation until double fertilization is completed,13 (2) supplying factors that mediate early stages of embryo and endosperm development1,4,5 and (3) regulating imprinting of genes required for seed development.1,6The molecular mechanisms underlying female gametophyte control of early seed development are poorly understood. Although much progress has been made in identifying genes and mechanisms by which the female gametophyte represses premature central cell or egg cell proliferation until double fertilization is completed and regulates imprinting of genes required for seed development,1,6 only a handful of female gametophyte-expressed genes that affect early embryo7,8 and endosperm9 development after fertilization have been characterized. This is particularly important given that a large number of female gametophyte-expressed genes likely regulate early seed development.5We recently reported on a mutant screen for plants with reduced fertility and identification of a mutant that contained a large number of undeveloped ovules and very few viable seeds.10 TAIL-PCR revealed that this mutant is a new allele of LORELEI(LRE) [At4g26466].10,11 Four lre alleles have been reported;11 so, this mutant was designated lre-5.10 The Arabidopsis LORELEI protein contains 165 amino acids and possesses sequence features indicative of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchor containing cell surface protein. GPI-anchors serve as an alternative to transmembrane domains for anchoring proteins in cell membranes and GPI-anchored proteins participate in many functions including cell-cell signaling.12  相似文献   

囊泡运输是真核生物的一种重要的细胞学活动, 广泛参与多种生物学过程。该过程主要包括囊泡形成、转运、拴系及与目的膜融合4个环节。目前已知9种多蛋白亚基拴系复合体参与不同途径的胞内转运过程, 其中, 胞泌复合体(exocyst complex)介导了运输囊泡与质膜的拴系过程。对胞泌复合体调控机制的认识主要源于酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)和动物细胞的研究。近年来, 植物胞泌复合体的研究也取得了较大进展, 初步结果显示复合体在功能方面具有一些植物特异的调控特点, 广泛参与植物生长发育和逆境响应。该文主要综述胞泌复合体在植物中的研究进展, 旨在为植物胞泌复合体功能研究提供参考。  相似文献   

囊泡运输是真核生物的一种重要的细胞学活动, 广泛参与多种生物学过程。该过程主要包括囊泡形成、转运、拴系及与目的膜融合4个环节。目前已知9种多蛋白亚基拴系复合体参与不同途径的胞内转运过程, 其中, 胞泌复合体(exocyst complex)介导了运输囊泡与质膜的拴系过程。对胞泌复合体调控机制的认识主要源于酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)和动物细胞的研究。近年来, 植物胞泌复合体的研究也取得了较大进展, 初步结果显示复合体在功能方面具有一些植物特异的调控特点, 广泛参与植物生长发育和逆境响应。该文主要综述胞泌复合体在植物中的研究进展, 旨在为植物胞泌复合体功能研究提供参考。  相似文献   

As part of the Brassicaceae self-incompatibility response, callose is deposited in the stigma papillar cells. To determine if callose plays an important role in the rejection of incompatible pollen by the stigma, transgenic Brassica napus. L. plants were produced which express the tobacco β-1,3-glucanase cDNA (the enzyme which degrades callose) in the stigma papillae. Using aniline blue fluorescence, little or no callose was detected in the papillar cells of transgenic stigmas. However, the self-incompatibility system appeared to be unaffected based on the lack of pollen tube growth and the subsequent lack of seed set. The transgene had no effect on compatible pollinations. Thus, while callose deposition is associated with the B. napus self-incompatibility response, it is not required for the rejection of incompatible pollen. Received: 14 March 1997 / Accepted: 15 April 1997  相似文献   

The Extended Synaptotagmins (Esyts) are a family of multi-C2 domain membrane proteins with orthologs in organisms from yeast to human. Three Esyt genes exist in mouse and human and these have most recently been implicated in the formation of junctions between endoplasmic reticulum and plasma membrane, as well as the Ca2+ dependent replenishment of membrane phospholipids. The data are consistent with a function in extracellular signal transduction and cell adhesion, and indeed Esyt2 was previously implicated in both these functions in Xenopus. Despite this, little is known of the function of the Esyts in vivo. We have generated mouse lines carrying homozygous deletions in one or both of the genes encoding the highly homologous Esyt2 and Esyt3 proteins. Surprisingly, esyt2?/?/esyt3?/? mice develop normally and are both viable and fertile. In contrast, esyt2?/?/esyt3?/? mouse embryonic fibroblasts display a reduced ability to migrate in standard in vitro assays, and are less resistant to stringent culture conditions and to oxidative stress than equivalent wild type fibroblasts.  相似文献   

T cells infiltrate peripheral tissues to execute immunosurveillance and effector functions. For this purpose, T cells first migrate on the two‐dimensional (2D) surface of endothelial cells to undergo transendothelial migration. Then they change their mode of movement to undergo migration within the three‐dimensional (3D)‐extracellular matrix of the infiltrated tissue. As yet, no molecular mechanisms are known, which control migration exclusively in either 2D or 3D environments. Here, we describe a signalling module that controls T‐cell chemotaxis specifically in 3D environments. In chemotaxing T cells, Ras activity is spatially restricted to the lamellipodium. There, Ras initiates activation of MEK, which in turn inhibits LIM‐kinase 1 activity, thereby allowing dephosphorylation of the F‐actin‐remodelling protein cofilin. Interference with this MEK‐cofilin module by either inhibition of MEK or by knockdown of cofilin reduces speed and directionality of chemotactic migration in 3D‐extracellular matrices, but not on 2D substrates. This MEK‐cofilin module may have an important function in the tissue positioning of T cells during an immune response.  相似文献   

Flores CL  Gancedo C  Petit T 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e23695
We have cloned the Yarrowia lipolytica TPS1 gene encoding trehalose-6-P synthase by complementation of the lack of growth in glucose of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae tps1 mutant. Disruption of YlTPS1 could only be achieved with a cassette placed in the 3' half of its coding region due to the overlap of its sequence with the promoter of the essential gene YlTFC1. The Yltps1 mutant grew in glucose although the Y. lipolytica hexokinase is extremely sensitive to inhibition by trehalose-6-P. The presence of a glucokinase, insensitive to trehalose-6-P, that constitutes about 80% of the glucose phosphorylating capacity during growth in glucose may account for the growth phenotype. Trehalose content was below 1 nmol/mg dry weight in Y. lipolytica, but it increased in strains expressing YlTPS1 under the control of the YlTEF1 promoter or with a disruption of YALI0D15598 encoding a putative trehalase. mRNA levels of YlTPS1 were low and did not respond to thermal stresses, but that of YlTPS2 (YALI0D14476) and YlTPS3 (YALI0E31086) increased 4 and 6 times, repectively, by heat treatment. Disruption of YlTPS1 drastically slowed growth at 35°C. Homozygous Yltps1 diploids showed a decreased sporulation frequency that was ascribed to the low level of YALI0D20966 mRNA an homolog of the S. cerevisiae MCK1 which encodes a protein kinase that activates early meiotic gene expression.  相似文献   

N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine or melatonin is a multifunctional molecule. The main physiological function, at least in vertebrates, is to transduce to the animal the photoperiodic information and regulate rhythmic parameters. But studies have also observed the action of this molecule on pigment migration in ectothermic vertebrates. Thus the aim of this paper was to investigate in vivo and in vitro the influence of melatonin on the pigment migration in melanophores of the crab Neohelice granulate. Injections of melatonin (2 × 10−9 moles · crab−1) at 07:00 h or 19:00 h did not affect (p > 0.05) the circadian pigment migration of the melanophores in constant darkness. Additionally no significant pigment migration (p > 0.05) was verified in normal and eyestalkless crabs injected with melatonin (10−10–10−7 moles · crab−1) during the day or night. In the in vitro assay, the response of melanophores to the pigment-dispersing hormone in eyestalkless crabs injected with melatonin (2 × 10−9 moles · crab−1) 1 and 12 hours before the observations did not differ (p > 0.05) from the control group (injected with physiological solution). These results suggest that melatonin does not act as a signaling factor for pigment dispersion or aggregation in the melanophores of N. Granulate.  相似文献   

Auxin-induced gene expression is described for a variety of different genes including the SAUR-, Aux/IAA- and GH3-families, members of which have been found in seed plants. The precise function of GH3-like proteins in plant development is not well characterised yet. Mutant analysis in Arabidopsis thaliana indicates a possible role for GH3-like proteins in connecting auxin and light signal transduction. Here, we report the isolation of three different GH3-like homologues from a lower land plant, the moss Physcomitrella patens. Two of the GH3-like homologues were chosen for further characterisation. Both genes are expressed in gametophytic tissues, with expression starting very early in moss development. Knockout plants were generated and analysed. In comparison to white-light growth, cultivation of the wild type and knockout plants under red-light conditions resulted in a delay in gametophytic tissue development. The leafy moss plants displayed an elongated phenotype. Growth delay and elongation were even stronger under far-red light conditions. No obvious differences between wild type and knockout plants could be detected under the examined conditions, indicating functional redundancy of the two genes.  相似文献   

Bax and Bak are critical effectors of apoptosis. Although both are widely expressed and usually functionally redundant, recent studies suggest that Bak has particular importance in certain cell types. Genetic and biochemical studies indicate that Bak activation is prevented primarily by Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL, whereas Bax is held in check by all pro-survival Bcl-2 homologues, including Bcl-2 itself. In this study, we have investigated whether loss of Bak or elevated Mcl-1 modulates haemopoietic abnormalities provoked by overexpression of Bcl-2. The Mcl-1 transgene had little impact, probably because the expression level was insufficient to effectively reduce Bak activation. However, loss of Bak enhanced lymphocytosis in vavP-BCL-2 transgenic mice and increased resistance of their thymocytes to some cytotoxic agents, implying that Bak-specific signals can be triggered in certain lymphoid populations. Nevertheless, lack of Bak had no significant impact on thymic abnormalities in vavP-BCL-2tg mice, which kinetic analysis suggested was due to accumulation of self-reactive thymocytes that resist deletion. Intriguingly, although Bak−/− mice have elevated platelet counts, Bak−/−vavP-BCL-2 mice, like vavP-BCL-2 littermates, were thrombocytopaenic. To clarify why, the vavP-BCL-2 platelet phenotype was scrutinised more closely. Platelet life span was found to be elevated in vavP-BCL-2 mice, which should have provoked thrombocytosis, as in Bak−/− mice. Analysis of bone marrow chimaeric mice suggested the low platelet phenotype was due principally to extrinsic factors. Following splenectomy, blood platelets remained lower in vavP-BCL-2 than wild-type mice. However, in Rag1−/− BCL-2tg mice, platelet levels were normal, implying that elevated lymphocytes are primarily responsible for BCL-2tg-induced thrombocytopaenia.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is an established model organism for studying neurobiology. UNC-63 is a C. elegans nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) α-subunit. It is an essential component of the levamisole-sensitive muscle nAChR (L-nAChR) and therefore plays an important role in cholinergic transmission at the nematode neuromuscular junction. Here, we show that worms with the unc-63(x26) allele, with its αC151Y mutation disrupting the Cys-loop, have deficient muscle function reflected by impaired swimming (thrashing). Single-channel recordings from cultured muscle cells from the mutant strain showed a 100-fold reduced frequency of opening events and shorter channel openings of L-nAChRs compared with those of wild-type worms. Anti-UNC-63 antibody staining in both cultured adult muscle and embryonic cells showed that L-nAChRs were expressed at similar levels in the mutant and wild-type cells, suggesting that the functional changes in the receptor, rather than changes in expression, are the predominant effect of the mutation. The kinetic changes mimic those reported in patients with fast-channel congenital myasthenic syndromes. We show that pyridostigmine bromide and 3,4-diaminopyridine, which are drugs used to treat fast-channel congenital myasthenic syndromes, partially rescued the motility defect seen in unc-63(x26). The C. elegans unc-63(x26) mutant may therefore offer a useful model to assist in the development of therapies for syndromes produced by altered function of human nAChRs.  相似文献   

The peroxisome proliferation-activated receptor gamma (PPARgamma) is expressed in many cell types including mammary epithelium, ovary, macrophages, and B- and T-cells. PPARgamma has an anti-proliferative effect in pre-adipocytes and mammary epithelial cells, and treatment with its ligands reduced the progression of carcinogen-induced mammary tumors in mice. Because PPARgamma-null mice die in utero it has not been possible to study its role in development and tumorigenesis in vivo. To investigate whether PPARgamma is required for the establishment and physiology of different cell types, a cell-specific deletion of the gene was carried out in mice using the Cre-loxP recombination system. We deleted the PPARgamma gene in mammary epithelium using WAP-Cre transgenic mice and in epithelial cells, B- and T-cells, and ovary cells using MMTV-Cre mice. The presence of PPARgamma was not required for functional development of the mammary gland during pregnancy and for the establishment of B- and T-cells. In addition, no increase in mammary tumors was observed. However, loss of the PPARgamma gene in oocytes and granulosa cells resulted in impaired fertility. These mice have normal populations of follicles, they ovulate and develop corpora lutea. Although progesterone levels are decreased and implantation rates are reduced, the exact cause of the impaired fertility remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Endurance exercise training as well as leucine supplementation modulates glucose homeostasis and protein turnover in mammals. Here, we analyze whether leucine supplementation alters the effects of endurance exercise on these parameters in healthy mice. Mice were distributed into sedentary (C) and exercise (T) groups. The exercise group performed a 12-week swimming protocol. Half of the C and T mice, designated as the CL and TL groups, were supplemented with leucine (1.5 % dissolved in the drinking water) throughout the experiment. As well known, endurance exercise training reduced body weight and the retroperitoneal fat pad, increased soleus mass, increased VO2max, decreased muscle proteolysis, and ameliorated peripheral insulin sensitivity. Leucine supplementation had no effect on any of these parameters and worsened glucose tolerance in both CL and TL mice. In the soleus muscle of the T group, AS-160Thr-642 (AKT substrate of 160 kDa) and AMPKThr-172 (AMP-Activated Protein Kinase) phosphorylation was increased by exercise in both basal and insulin-stimulated conditions, but it was reduced in TL mice with insulin stimulation compared with the T group. Akt phosphorylation was not affected by exercise but was lower in the CL group compared with the other groups. Leucine supplementation increased mTOR phosphorylation at basal conditions, whereas exercise reduced it in the presence of insulin, despite no alterations in protein synthesis. In trained groups, the total FoxO3a protein content and the mRNA for the specific isoforms E2 and E3 ligases were reduced. In conclusion, leucine supplementation did not potentiate the effects of endurance training on protein turnover, and it also reduced its positive effects on glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   

Hook1 is a member of a family of microtubule-binding proteins. Studies on the Drosophila homolog of Hook1 have suggested a role in the maturation and trafficking of internalized proteins to the late endosome. A weak interaction between Hook1 and the lysosomal/late endosomal protein, CLN3, was recently reported. Mutations in CLN3 result in the neurological disorder Batten disease. Here we show a novel interaction between Hook1 and Ankyrin G, an adaptor protein that binds the spectrin-actin cytoskeleton and targets proteins to the peripheral membrane. Although we demonstrate co-localization of Hook1 and Ankyrin G, Hook1 also localizes to additional regions of the cell devoid of Ankyrin G where it likely interacts with other proteins. There is no disruption of the Hook1-Ankyrin G interaction or localization in tissue derived from a Cln3-knockout mouse despite a nearly threefold increase in the expression of Hook1. However, mutation of CLN3 could lead to alterations in the functioning and positioning of organelles and membrane proteins through this Hook1-Ankyrin G interaction.  相似文献   

Flowering locus T (FT) is known to promote flowering in response to photoperiodic conditions and has recently been shown to contribute to other phenomenon, such as diurnal stomatal movement. In legumes, FTs are classified into three subtypes, though the role of each subtype is not well defined. It has been reported that when FT of Lotus japonicus (LjFT) is heterologously expressed in Arabidopsis, LjFT functions as a mobile florigen to promote flowering, similar to Arabidopsis FT (AtFT). In this study, we expressed AtFT in L. japonicus using the SUC2 promoter and showed that heterologous expression of AtFT was able to promote flowering in the plant. We also showed that AtFT expression does not affect stomatal closing nor nyctinastic leaf movement. These findings contribute to our understanding of flower development and have potential application to breeding or plant biotechnology.  相似文献   

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