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本文主要描述池塘养殖条件下鲥鱼幼鱼的生长与食性。1)1987—1989年8月至11月幼鱼生长迅速,快于同期珠江天然个体的生长速度;2)体长26.6—94.9mm的幼鱼主要摄食浮游动物,轮虫和浮游植物出现率随个体增大而减少。食物共有18个属种,摄食频度为100%;3)幼鱼的平均饱满指数为75.70‰。各类食物重量百分比的顺序为:桡足类>枝角类>无节幼体>虾类溞状幼体>轮虫>藻类。  相似文献   

鲥鱼的驯养与生物学研究I.O^+龄幼鱼的生长与食性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

鲥鱼的驯养与生物学研究Ⅲ.1龄鲥鱼的驯养及其生长规律   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对池塘条件下 1龄鲥鱼不同方式的驯养试验表明 ,1龄鲥鱼生长较快 ,月均体长增加 1 8.1 9mm ,体重增加 2 4 .0 9g ;生长指标随季节和水温而变化 ,以初夏和秋末平均水温 2 9~ 30℃时生长较快 ;生长与池塘浮游生物量呈显著正相关 .1龄鲥鱼经 8个月套养 ,体重平均达 496.3g ;以施肥和投饲为主的精养试验 ,产量分别达 1 1 70和 1 0 87.5kg·hm- 2 ,个体均重达 2 0 3.3和 2 0 1 .3g .试验表明 ,鲥鱼池塘人工养殖是可行的  相似文献   

研究了池养鲥鱼生长特征,结果表明,其生长速度随季节和水温而变化,以9月中旬至11月中旬和5月中旬至7月中旬生长较快,适宜生长水温为25-30℃。应用VonBertalanffy方程求得体长、体重生长方程Lt=518.95〔1-e^-0.3751(5-0.8763)〕,Wt=2205.5〔1-e^-0.3751(t-0.8763)〕^3,体重生长拐点位于2.8053处,属性成熟拐点,其生长速度和加速  相似文献   

本文主要描述鲥鱼仔幼鱼阶段有关摄食、消化器官的发育、不同大小仔幼鱼食物组成特点、摄食量及其昼夜摄食节律。此外,还就仔幼鲥鱼人工饲养条件与天然状况下的生长作了比较。结果表明,只要供饵正常,孵化环道内生活的仔幼鲥生长速度可以略快于鄱阳湖同期天然生长个体的速度,为今后人工培育仔幼鲥进行放流和增殖提供资料。  相似文献   

鲩鱼0^+龄幼鱼的生长与食性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经测量和数理统计分析,确定幼鲩体长与年龄呈直线关系,体重与年龄为指数关系,并计算出它们相应的回归方程式。根据生长率的差异,0^ 龄幼鲩的生长过程可区分为两个阶段:快速生长阶段和缓慢生长阶段。两个阶段的分界线落在体长77亳米左右。幼鲩生长率的变异跟个体食性类型的改变有密切联系。计算结果幼鲩体长对体重关系为:W=0.00003186L^2.9303。食性分析表明,尚未长鳞的稚鱼为动物食性;长鳞后,幼鱼转为杂食性;体长大于72毫米的当年鱼变为草食性。又经肠长对体长关系的分析,确定适应草食性营养的幼鱼其最小体长为61毫米。  相似文献   

鲥鱼仔幼鱼食性与生长的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
本文主要描述鲥鱼仔幼鱼阶段有关摄食、消化器官的发育、不同大小仔幼鱼食物组成特点、摄食量及其昼夜摄食节律。此外,还就仔幼鲥鱼人工饲养条件与天然状况下的生长作了比较。结果表明,只要供饵正常,孵化环道内生活的仔幼鲥生长速度可以略快于鄱阳湖同期天然生长个体的速度,为今后人工培育仔幼鲥进行放流和增殖提供资料。    相似文献   

养殖鲥鱼性腺发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经激素处理和生态调控的养殖鲥鱼,能完成性腺发育的全过程,其可分为6个时期,卵细胞发育可相应分为6个时相。与其它鱼类不同,细胞中液泡最早出现在胞质的内缘而不是外缘。大、小核仁数随卵母细胞的发育而变化。成熟卵巢成熟系数为854%~1264%。成熟期卵径为6285~8353μm、精子头径为074~155μm。达性成熟的鲥鱼,冬季卵巢为Ⅱ期、精巢为Ⅱ~Ⅲ期。精、卵巢发育呈现出明显的不同步现象。前者5月底开始进入成熟期,后者7月初进入成熟期。初级卵母细胞由Ⅱ时相发育到Ⅳ时相基本上是同步的。第Ⅳ期卵巢卵径的频率仅出现1个高峰。养殖鲥鱼属1年1次产卵类型。  相似文献   

经测量和数理统计分析,确定幼鲩体长与年龄呈直线关系,体重与年龄为指数关系,并计算出它们相应的回归方程式。根据生长率的差异,0~ 龄幼鲩的生长过程可区分为两个阶段:快速生长阶段和缓慢生长阶段。两个阶段的分界线落在体长77毫米左右。幼鲩生长率的变异跟个体食性类型的改变有密切联系。计算结果幼鲩体长对体重关系为:W=0.00003186L~(2.9303)。食性分析表明,尚未长鳞的稚鱼为动物食性;长鳞后,幼鱼转为杂食性;体长大于72毫米的当年鱼变为草食性。又经肠长对体长关系的分析,确定适应草食性营养的幼鱼其最小体长为61毫米。  相似文献   

长江口白鲟幼鱼的形态、生长及其食性的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
1985年6—10月于长江口共获得白鲟当年的1龄幼鱼标本49尾(体长80—530毫米),进行了有关形态、生长以及食性的观察研究。①幼鱼形态与成鱼基本相似,其体长与体长,眼径以及体长/吻须长呈明显的正相关;③6月21日至10月12日间的幼鱼长度生长方程为Lg=79.9723e^0.0213t(式中Lg为体长,毫米;t为天数),其相对增长率以8月为最快;④长江口白鲟幼鱼摄食频度为100%,平均胃饱满指数为198.46,它们是肉食性鱼类,以底栖小型虾类和鱼类为主食,食物共有8类16个可鉴别种类;④考虑到这种珍稀鱼类的种群与资源衰退现状,建议在长江河口区制定必要韵保护措施。  相似文献   

为了了解保护区内外的白冠长尾雉繁殖生态,2014年3—7月在河南董寨国家级自然保护区和保护区外湖北平靖关村利用人工巢试验(以鸡蛋为诱饵)、红外相机技术和栖息地样方调查搜集巢捕食信息,对其巢捕食率、巢潜在捕食者和影响巢捕食的栖息地因子进行研究.两轮试验分别为繁殖期前期3—4月和繁殖期中期5—6月.试验共放置巢149个,其中红外相机监测62个,累计相机日1315个,拍摄照片7776张,视频6950个.结果表明: 保护区外(平靖关)巢捕食率高于保护区内(董寨),繁殖期前期和繁殖期中期保护区内外差异均极显著.平靖关捕食者种类数(11和6种)在繁殖期前期和中期均高于董寨(7和5种),平靖关捕食者比例较高的是啮齿类和鸦科鸟类,董寨捕食比例较高的是貉.平靖关坡度和乔木盖度对巢捕食影响显著,而董寨的落叶盖度对其影响显著.在红外监测的人工巢中共发现野生白冠长尾雉访问人工巢13巢18次.  相似文献   

长江口中华鲟幼鱼的食物组成及摄食习性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了2004年5-9月长江口水域中华鲟幼鱼的食物组成及摄食的月份变化.结果表明:长江口中华鲟幼鱼以底栖小型鱼类、多毛类和端足类为主要食物,兼食虾类、蟹类及瓣鳃类等小型底栖动物.幼鱼的摄食率和摄食强度较高,且摄食强度存在着月份变化.主要饵料生物组成有明显的月变化,且食物个体有逐渐增大的趋势,其中5月主食多毛类和蟹类,6月主食鱼类和端足类,7月为鱼类和多毛类,8月样本较少且为空胃,9月为鱼类和虾类.与历史资料进行比较发现,曾是幼鱼重要饵料的鲬类所占比例极小,其质量百分比仅占1.81%;而以前未曾记录的虾虎鱼类在食物中所占比例较高, 其质量百分比达50.54%;等足类以前也未曾记录,其出现频率达10.07%.  相似文献   

Na+-ATPase activity of a dog kidney (Na+ + K+)-ATPase enzyme preparation was inhibited by a high concentration of NaCl (100 mM) in the presence of 30 μM ATP and 50 μM MgCl2, but stimulated by 100 mM NaCl in the presence of 30 μM ATP and 3 mM MgCl2. The K0.5 for the effect of MgCl2 was near 0.5 mM. Treatment of the enzyme with the organic mercurial thimerosal had little effect on Na+-ATPase activity with 10 mM NaCl but lessened inhibition by 100 mM NaCl in the presence of 50 μM MgCl2. Similar thimerosal treatment reduced (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity by half but did not appreciably affect the K0.5 for activation by either Na+ or K+, although it reduced inhibition by high Na+ concentrations. These data are interpreted in terms of two classes of extracellularly-available low-affinity sites for Na+: Na+-discharge sites at which Na+-binding can drive E2-P back to E1-P, thereby inhibiting Na+-ATPase activity, and sites activating E2-P hydrolysis and thereby stimulating Na+-ATPase activity, corresponding to the K+-acceptance sites. Since these two classes of sites cannot be identical, the data favor co-existing Na+-discharge and K+-acceptance sites. Mg2+ may stimulate Na+-ATPase activity by favoring E2-P over E1-P, through occupying intracellular sites distinct from the phosphorylation site or Na+-acceptance sites, perhaps at a coexisting low-affinity substrate site. Among other effects, thimerosal treatment appears to stimulate the Na+-ATPase reaction and lessen Na+-inhibition of the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase reaction by increasing the efficacy of Na+ in activating E2-P hydrolysis.  相似文献   

【背景】微藻对重金属具有极强的耐受性,而且有较高的吸附率,是一种优良的生物吸附剂。【目的】探究环境因素对小球藻吸附镉离子(Cd2+)和铬离子(Cr3+)的影响。【方法】以普通小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)在不同条件下对重金属离子的吸附率为基准,利用CdCl2·2H2O和CrCl3·7H2O提供重金属离子,根据不同处理下小球藻吸附率的变化情况探讨重金属离子浓度、p H和温度等环境因素对普通小球藻吸附Cd2+和Cr3+的影响。【结果】在温度为30°C、p H值为5.5、Cd2+和Cr3+浓度分别为0.4 mg/L和4.0 mg/L及生物量为0.59 g/L的条件下,普通小球藻对复合Cd2+和Cr3+吸附率达到最大,吸附率分别达到84.5%和75.2%,同时发现普通小球藻对Cd2+的吸附率大于C...  相似文献   

A microsomal (Na++ K++ Mg2+)ATPase preparation from sugar beet roots was used. The activation by simultaneous addition of Na+ and K+ at different levels was examined in terms of steady state kinetics. The observed data can be summarized in the following way: 1. The apparent affinity between the enzyme and the substrate MgATP depends on the ratio between Na+ and K+. At low Na+ concentration (below 5 mM), the apparent Km decreases with increasing concentrations of K+ (1–20 mM). At 5 mM Na+, the K+ level does not change the apparent Km, while at Na+ levels above 10 mM, the apparent Km between enzyme and substrate increases with increasing concentration of K+. 2. When the MgATP concentration is kept constant, homotropic cooperativity (concerning one type of ligand) and heterotropic cooperativity (concerning different types of ligands) exist in the activation by Na+ and K+. The Na+ binding is cooperative with different Km values and Hill coefficients (n) in the presence of low and high concentration of K+. At low Na+ level (< 5 mM). a negative cooperativity exists for Na+ (nNa < 1) which is more pronounced in the presence of high [K+]. When the concentration of Na+ is raised the negative cooperativity disappears and turns into a positive one (nNa > 1). Only K+ binding in the presence of low [Na+] shows cooperativity with a Hill coefficient that reflects changes from negative to positive homotropic cooperativity with increasing concentrations of K+ (nK < 1 → nK > 1). In the presence of [Na+] > 10 mM, the changes in nk are insignificant. 3. A model is proposed in which one or two different K sites and one or two Na sites control the catalytic activity, with multiple interactions between Na+, K+ and MgATP. 4. In the presence of Na+ (< 10 mM), K+ is probably bound to two K sites, one of which translocates K+ through the membrane by an antiport Na+/K+ mechanism. This could be connected with an elevated K+ uptake in the presence of Na+ and could therefore explain some field properties of sugar beets.  相似文献   

The effects of barium, strontium and magnesium upon lens permeability characteristics were studied in the presence and absence of 2 mM calcium in the bathing medium. Permeability characteristics were determined by measuring lens potential, resistance and 42K efflux rates. Barium and strontium at equimolar concentrations to calcium were able to substitute for calcium in controlling lens sodium permeability. Magnesium was ineffective in this respect.Small changes in resistance and 42K efflux rates occurred when calcium was eliminated from bathing solution containing either 2 mM barium or strontium. These changes were interpreted to be the result of an increase in lens permeability to potassium. When 2 mM strontium was added to calcium-containing solution, there was no significant change in the electrical or flux parameters of the lens. However, the addition of 2 mM barium to calcium-containing solution resulted in a 54% increase in lens resistance and a 13 mV depolarization. These observations indicated a barium-induced decrease in lens permeability to potassium, and this was confirmed by an observed decrease in 42K efflux rate constant under similar experimental conditions.The rapid time course of all the observed changes implies that they are the result of changes in the permeability characteristics of membranes lying close to the surface of the lens.  相似文献   

Calmodulin-depleted isotonic erythrocyte ghosts contain 200 ng residual calmodulin/mg protein which is not removed by extensive washings at pCa2+ > 7. Specific activity and Ca2+-affinity of the (Ca2+ + Mg2+)ATPase increase at increasing calmodulin, with K0.5 Ca of 0.38 μM at calmodulin concentrations corresponding to that in erythrocytes. High Ca2+ concentrations inhibit the enzyme. Specific activity and Ca2+-affinity of the enzyme decrease at increasing Mg2+ concentrations. The Ca2+ ? Mg2+ antagonism is likewise observed at inhibitory Ca2+ concentrations.  相似文献   

Effects of interrupted K+ supply on different parameters of growth and mineral cation nutrition were evaluated for spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Svenno). K+ (2.0 mM) was supplied to the plants during different periods in an otherwise complete nutrient solution. Shoot growth was reduced before root growth after interruption in K+ supply. Root structure was greatly affected by the length of the period in K+ -free nutrient solution. Root length was minimal, and root branching was maximal within a narrow range of K+ status of the roots. This range corresponded to cultivation for the last 1 to 3 days, of 11 in total, in K+ -free nutrient solution, or to continuous cultivation in solution containing 0.5 to 2 mM K+. In comparison, both higher and lower internal/external K+ concentrations had inhibitory effects on root branching. However, the differing root morphology probably had no significant influence on the magnitude of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ uptake. Uptake of Ca2+ and especially Mg2+ significantly increased after K+ interruption, while Na+ uptake was constant in the roots and slowly increased in the shoots. The two divalent cations could replace K+ in the cells and maintain electroneutrality down to a certain minimal range of K+ concentrations. This range was significantly higher in the shoot [110 to 140 μmol (g fresh weight)?1] than in the root [20 to 30 μmol (g fresh weight)?1]. It is suggested that the critical K+ values are a measure of the minimal amount of K+ that must be present for physiological activity in the cells. At the critical levels, K+ (86Rb) influx and Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations were maximal. Below the critical K+ values, growth was reduced, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ could no longer substitute for K+ for electrostatic balance. In a short-term experiment, the ability of Ca2+ to compete with K+ in maintaining electroneutrality in the cells was studied in wheat seedlings with different K+ status. The results indicate that K+, which was taken up actively and fastest at the external K+ concentration used (2.0 mM), partly determines the size of Ca2+ influx.  相似文献   

为了探讨同一菌根真菌不同菌株对重金属的耐受性,选用采集于内蒙古阴山山脉不同地区的粘盖牛肝菌(Suillus bovinus)的不同菌株进行研究。首先,在不同浓度Zn^2 、Cd^2 液体培养基中培养菌丝体,以了解各菌株菌丝体对重金属的耐受性及吸附能力,采用烘干法和原予吸收法分别测定菌丝体的生物量和菌丝体、培养液中Zn^2 、Cd^2 含量,结果表明:劈柴沟粘盖牛肝菌在Zn^2 、Cd^2 胁迫条件下,生物量、吸附能力约为其余各菌株的1.5~2倍。其次,为了探明油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)形成菌根后对Zn^2 、Cd^2 胁迫的耐受性及其耐受机理,采用一次性定量浇灌不同浓度Zn^2 、Cd^2 溶液的方法,测定了菌根化油松苗地上、地下生物量及Zn^2 、Cd^2 含量的分配,结果表明:菌根形成后能显著促进油松的生长及对Zn^2 、Cd^2 胁迫的耐受性,并且菌根能够帮助油松吸收基质中大量的Zn^2 、Cd^2 ,根中重金属的含量是茎叶中的2~3倍以上,非菌根苗在重金属浓度稍高(Zn^2 400mg/kg;Cd^2 40mg/kg)时就会死亡。经方差分析及多重比较证实,劈柴沟粘盖牛肝菌对Zn^2 、Cd^2 的耐受性及对油松的促生效果与其它各菌株存在显著的差异,这可能是它通过把吸收的Zn^2 、Cd^2 最大限度地输送到根中的同时,也输送到了茎叶中,使重金属在体内得到一定程度的稀释,使自身免受毒害。  相似文献   

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