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低浓度SO2污染与桃蚜的生长和繁殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用40或80ppb SO_2熏气处理过的油菜饲养桃蚜(Myzus persicae),研究低浓度SO_2污染对这种蚜虫的影响。与对照组相比,两个处理组若蚜的发育速率显著加快,5天内的平均相对生长速率(MRGR)分别增加22.3%和31.5%。成蚜的繁殖力提高40—90%,导致桃蚜种群的内禀增长率(r_m)分别升高17%和27%。比较了桃蚜和其它3种蚜虫对SO_2污染的反应强度,讨论了SO_2污染促进某些植食性昆虫生长的可能原因。  相似文献   

SO2污染油菜对桃蚜实验种群生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

SO2 污染油菜对桃蚜的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龚佩瑜  吴坤吾 《昆虫学报》1995,38(1):123-126
SO_2污染油菜对桃蚜的影响龚佩瑜,吴坤君,李秀珍(中国科学院动物研究所北京100080)SO2是我国大气污染的主要成分,它是一种对生物影响很大的污染物。so。曾被用作熏蒸剂来防治害虫,但只有在浓度很高时才有效。更多的观察表明,so:污染有利于蚜虫的?..  相似文献   

研究了低浓度SO2对云杉幼苗的光合作用速率及碳水化合物代谢的生理生化过程的影响,测定了CO2摄取速率、幼苗蔗糖含量、蔗糖磷酸合成酶、蔗糖合成酶和转化酶活性及ATP/ADP值.结果表明,低浓度的SO2(200μg·m-3)能瞬时刺激幼苗对CO2的吸收.与对照组相比,幼苗中的蔗糖含量及蔗糖磷酸酶活性明显下降,ATP/ADP处于低水平.因此,在受到SO2污染形成可见伤害前,幼苗的生理生化过程可能已受到干扰.  相似文献   

“秦油2号”油菜植株内含物与桃蚜种群消长的关系   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
通过对N、P、K不同施肥条件下的“秦油2号”油菜植株内含物与桃蚜种群消长关系的研究与分析,建立了9个数学模型,结果表明可溶性糖含量、含K量、含水量对桃蚜种群消长影响最大;低N、低K、中P组合对桃蚜种群增长不利。  相似文献   

SO2对大蒜根尖细胞遗传损伤作用的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
仪慧兰  孟紫强 《生态学报》2002,22(5):709-714
研究SO2(14,35,84mg/m^2)对大蒜幼根细胞的遗传损伤效应。结果表明:大蒜幼苗短时间暴露于高浓度SO2环境中,或者长时间生长在低浓度SO2环境中,均可导致根尖细胞微核和双核频率明显增高,并引起根尖部分细胞核固缩。SO2的上述效应具有明显的时间-效应和课题-效应关系,细胞中的微核、双核及核固缩率与SO2浓度间呈线性相关,研究结果表明:SO2可引起植物细胞遗传物质的损伤,大蒜根尖细胞有可能用作监测SO2污染的生物计量计。  相似文献   

三突花蛛对桃蚜和桃粉蚜选择效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三突花蛛是桃树上早春2种重要害虫桃蚜和桃粉蚜的主要天敌。对这2种害虫的捕食喜欢程度,受害虫种群密度的变化而变化。在二者等密度增加时,其捕食喜好程度相近;在桃蚜数量明显增加时,喜食桃蚜;在桃蚜数量剧增时,当两者密度值在50:50以下,喜食桃蚜,高于此值,则喜食桃粉蚜。  相似文献   

温度对桃蚜和萝卜蚜种群增长的影响   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
刘树生 《昆虫学报》1991,34(2):189-197
测定了桃蚜Myzus persicae(Sulzer)、萝卜蚜Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach)非全周期孤雌胎生型在13个恒温、3组自然变温下的发育、存活和生殖情况.结果表明:(1)温度对两种蚜虫的发育速率(以及桃蚜的翅型分化)、寿命和存活率;生殖力和生殖率都有直接的影响;(2)两种蚜虫能生存繁衍的温度广度基本一致,恒温下限到上限约相距23℃,但所对应的具体温度范围桃蚜的比萝卜蚜的约低3—4℃;(3)在较低的温度下,桃蚜的发育速率、若虫期存活率、生殖力和生殖率都比萝卜蚜的高,而在较高温度下则是萝卜蚜的比桃蚜的高;(4)两种蚜虫的内禀增长能力rm均随温度升高呈二次抛物线变化,在16—24℃范围内两种蚜虫的rm基本一致,低于16℃桃蚜的比萝卜蚜的高,高于24℃则萝卜蚜的比桃蚜的高;(5)在变温下两种蚜虫能适应的低温范围都比在恒温下明显要低.  相似文献   

<正> 工业生产排放出的有害气体对大气的污染,不但影响人的健康,而且也影响工厂区的植物生长。植物种类不同,对有害气体反应也不一样。通过试验筛选一批对有害气体具有较强抗性的植物,用以绿化工矿区,不仅可保持环境美化,还可以适当减轻大气污染的危害程度。 筛选抗性植物的科学试验程序包括:现场调查,熏气室试验、现场盆栽试验和现场地栽观测。地栽观测的目的在于取得植物在低浓度、长期和高浓度、短期的大气污染条件下的抗性反应和绿化效应的试验资料。  相似文献   

【目的】研究筛选对桃蚜Myzus persicae有致死作用的安全微波频率和照射时长,以为探究新型物理防蚜技术,弥补化学防治上的缺陷提供参考依据。【方法】在暗箱中,应用微波发射仪分别发射1 375, 2 750, 5 500和11 000 MHz 4个不同频率的微波照射桃蚜1日龄无翅成蚜,每个频率的照射时长分别为15, 30, 60和120 s;照射后在人工气候箱中饲养,分别于照射后8, 24, 48和72 h观察其生长发育及繁殖状况,统计桃蚜死亡率、繁殖力(累计产蚜量)及子代有翅蚜率。【结果】4个不同频率的微波分别在4个不同照射时长下,对桃蚜1日龄无翅成蚜的死亡率、繁殖力和子代翅型分化都有不同程度的影响。照射后72 h, 5 500 MHz微波照射时间为15 s时对桃蚜1日龄无翅成蚜的致死作用最强,死亡率达到55.00%,在照射时间为30和120 s时可抑制子代桃蚜向有翅蚜的分化。2 750 MHz微波照射30和60 s时促进桃蚜1日龄成蚜繁殖,照射30 s时繁殖力最强,而照射15和120 s时却表现为抑制繁殖,且2 750 MHz微波照射30 s能抑制子代桃蚜向有翅蚜分化。【结论】...  相似文献   

The green peach aphid (GPA) (Myzus persicae Sülzer) is an important sap-sucking pest of a large variety of plants, including Arabidopsis thaliana. Arabidopsis utilizes a combination of defenses that deter insects from settling on the plant, limit insect feeding and curtail insect reproduction. We demonstrate that the previously uncharacterized Arabidopsis MPL1 (MYZUS PERSICAE-INDUCED LIPASE1) gene has an important role in defense against the GPA. MPL1 expression was rapidly induced to high level in GPA-infested plants. Furthermore, the GPA population was larger on the mpl1 mutant than the wild-type (WT) plant. In contrast, constitutive over-expression of MPL1 from the Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S gene promoter curtailed the size of the GPA population. Insect settling and feeding behavior were unaffected on the mpl1 mutant. However, compared with the phloem-sap enriched petiole exudate from the WT plant, mpl1 petiole exudate was deficient in an activity that restricts insect reproduction on a synthetic diet. Furthermore, MPL1 was required for the heightened accumulation of an antibiotic activity in petiole exudate of the Arabidopsis ssi2 mutant, which exhibits enhanced resistance to GPA. These results indicate that MPL1 has an essential function in antibiosis against GPA. The MPL1 protein exhibits homology to lipases and recombinant MPL1 has lipase activity, thus suggesting that a MPL1-dependent lipid, or a product thereof, has an important role in antibiosis against GPA.  相似文献   

Electrical penetration graphs of Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) feeding behaviour on four resistant and two susceptible genotypes of peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch) and related species showed that resistance was mainly linked to (i) reduced duration of phloem sap uptake, (ii) reduced percentage of pattern E1 (salivary secretion into sieve elements) followed by pattern E2 (sap ingestion) and (iii) increased number of shifts from E1 to E2 and back. These results suggest the unsuitability of phloem sap, and thus repetitive failures to initiate sustained ingestion. Extensive comparisons of the EPGs also revealed more specific trends. Aphids on the most susceptible cultivar GF305 produced significantly longer potential drops than on other peach genotypes. On the resistant Rubira, aphids generated more penetrations before the first E occurred, indicating the possible presence of a resistance factor before the phloem was reached. The clone P1908 of the wild species Prunus davidiana displayed traits of both susceptibility (less but longer probes) and resistance. In particular, aphids produced more E1, suggesting difficulties in preparing sieve elements before feeding. The aphid probing process could be correlated with aphid settling behaviour and bionomics, as previously reported, and gave evidence for the existence of different mechanisms underlying resistance in the tested genotypes against M. persicae.  相似文献   

植物对增强UV-B辐射和SO2的响应(综述)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
酸雨、温室效应和地球臭氧层的破坏是目前世界上最受关注的环境问题。由于臭氧层的破坏而导致的大气UV-B辐射的增加以及空气中SO2污染的加剧都会严重影响到植物和动物的生命活动。本文回顾和简述了近二十年来这两种环境胁迫因子对植物影响的研究概况。  相似文献   

Discovery in the late seventies of resistance to the green peach aphid Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Prunus species was based on screening in the field or in greenhouses with natural aphid populations. Here, we assess the impact of these wild and domesticated peach trees on the behaviour, development, reproductive performance and demography of cloned aphids under controlled light and temperature. Four peach varieties, i.e., Rubira, Weeping Flower Peach, Summergrand and Malo konare and the clone P1908 of the related species Prunus davidiana were tested against the highly susceptible cultivar GF305. Besides a variability in the performance of aphids among experiments, our results showed that (i) distinct mechanisms were involved in the sources of resistance studied and (ii) the ranking of the genotypes on their resistance/susceptibility status remained roughly stable throughout the experiments. Observations on the settling behaviour of first instar nymphs demonstrated antixenosis components in the resistance conferred by Rubira and Weeping Flower Peach. Nymphs began to leave the plants after a short exposure (19–21 h) and no aphid was left after 4 days. Nymphal mortality remained rather low (16%) compared to the repellent effect on aphids of both genotypes. Nymphs disappeared from Weeping Flower Peach significantly earlier than from Rubira. Summergrand, Malo konare and P. davidiana clone P1908 were accepted as host plants by aphids. On P. davidiana, decreased fecundity and intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm=0.20, averaged on all experiments) were clear expression of antibiosis. In addition, the mean length of the mature embryos within the gonads of the females on the day of adult moult was negatively correlated with the total number of embryos, providing evidence that aphids on this genotype lacked sufficient ressources to be directed both towards production and growth of embryos. Compared to the most susceptible cultivar GF305 (rm=0.36), Summergrand (rm=0.26) and Malo konare (rm=0.28) had, to a lesser extent, a negative impact on nymph production and rate of increase.  相似文献   

Green peach aphid (GPA) Myzus persicae (Sülzer) is a phloem-feeding insect with an exceptionally wide host range. Previously, it has been shown that Arabidopsis thaliana PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT4 (PAD4), which is expressed at elevated levels in response to GPA infestation, is required for resistance to GPA in the Arabidopsis accession Columbia. We demonstrate here that the role of PAD4 in the response to GPA is conserved in Arabidopsis accessions Wassilewskija and Landsberg erecta. Electrical monitoring of aphid feeding behavior revealed that PAD4 modulates a phloem-based defense mechanism against GPA. GPA spends more time actively feeding from the sieve elements of pad4 mutants than from wild-type plants, and less time feeding on transgenic plants in which PAD4 is ectopically expressed. The activity of PAD4 in limiting phloem sap uptake serves as a deterrent in host-plant choice, and restricts aphid population size. In Arabidopsis defense against pathogens, all known PAD4 functions require its signaling and stabilizing partner EDS1 (ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY1). Bioassays with eds1 mutants alone or in combination with pad4 and with plants conditionally expressing PAD4 under the control of a dexamethasone-inducible promoter reveal that PAD4-modulated defense against GPA does not involve EDS1. Thus, a PAD4 mode of action that is uncoupled from EDS1 determines the extent of aphid feeding in the phloem.  相似文献   

大气SO2、氟化物对植物生理生态指标的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
运用多元回归分析方法研究不同污染区生长的植物叶片的生理生态指标的变化与大气硫酸盐化速率及氟化物浓度的关系.结果表明,植物的叶面积(LA)、叶绿素总量(Chl)、细胞液pH值(pH)和细胞质膜透性(CML电导率)等生理生态指标的变化幅度与大气污染物含量呈显著相关.与大气硫酸盐化速率关系式为Ys=0.034XLA-0.011XChl+0.017XpH+40.0003XCML+0.034(r=0.99,p<0.001);与大气氟化物含量的关系式为YF=0.362XLA+0.329XChl+0.814XpH+0.024XCML-4.596(r=0.947,p<0.03).利用这些生理生态指标的变化幅度作为生物监测的指标来评价不同污染区的大气硫氧化物、氟化物的污染状况,与大气监测结果有很高的一致性,并且与实际环境污染状况相符.  相似文献   

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