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Restoring habitat structure that existed before active and inadvertent fire suppression is thought to be critical to maintaining populations of some rare plants in fire‐suppressed habitats. Nevertheless, the impacts of habitat restoration on most endangered plants are poorly understood. Current theory predicts and empirical studies have shown that the reduction of shade or competition (frequently a goal of many habitat restoration projects in degraded fire‐dependent ecosystems) benefits plants adapted to nutrient‐poor soils by increasing the benefit‐to‐cost ratio of adaptations for enhanced nutrient capture. Here, I examined how experimental reduction of neighboring plants in a wet longleaf pine community dominated in the ground cover by shrubs and stump sprouts influenced the growth, the reproduction, the carnivorous effort, and the benefits of carnivory in a U.S. federally endangered species, Sarracenia rubra ssp. alabamensis. Two years of data showed no significant effects of neighbor reduction or prey exclusion on any of several indicators of plant performance, nor was there any evidence of a hypothesized morphological trade‐off between shade avoidance and prey capture. These results were unexpected. Inadequate replication and atypical precipitation patterns were ruled out as possible explanations. The population studied here (unlike that of a different, but morphologically similar, species growing in a fire‐maintained pine grass–sedge savanna) did not exhibit the ability to respond to variation in competition from neighboring plants.  相似文献   

Although recurrent fires are widely assumed to reduce competitive interference of plants of pine savannas, rarely has this assumption been tested explicitly. This 2-yr study reports on the interactive effects of fire and neighbors on short-term growth responses and plasticity in allocation patterns of a carnivorous plant, the yellow pitcher plant, Sarracenia alata. This species relies upon pitfall traps (pitchers) to attract and capture insects to obtain nutrients. Neighbors reduced the growth rate of individual ramet transplants (phytometers) in one but not both years of the study. The effect of neighbors on total (i.e., both above- and belowground) productivity of phytometers was not reduced by a winter fire. Neighbors had a greater effect on large plants than on small plants. Although fire did not affect the growth rate of phytometers in the short term, allocation patterns were greatly altered by both neighbors and fire. Allocation to pitchers increased at the expense of belowground organs following fire and in the absence of neighbors at the unburned site. Results of the current study suggest that adult pitcher plants may tolerate competition from neighboring vegetation by reducing allocation to costly pitchers during years without fire.  相似文献   

Question: Does the overstorey of pine savannas influence plant species biodiversity in the ground cover? Location: Camp Whispering Pines (30°41’N; 90°29’W), eastern Louisiana (USA). Methods: We used ecologically sensitive restoration logging to remove patches of Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) in a second‐growth loess plain Pinus palustris savanna managed using frequent lightning season fires. Five years later, we measured numbers of vascular plant species and transmitted light in replicated 100‐m2 plots. Treatments involved three different overstorey conditions: no overstorey for 5 years, no overstorey for several decades, and overstorey pines present for decades. Results: Both recent and long‐term openings contained, on average, about 100 vascular plant species per 100 m2, 20% more than in similar‐sized areas beneath overstorey trees. Responses varied with life form; more herbaceous species occurred in recent and older overstorey openings than beneath overstorey trees. Total numbers of all species and of less abundant forb species were positively and linearly related to light transmitted to ground level. Those species responding to openings in the overstorey and positively associated with increased transmitted light levels were monocarpic and shortlived perennial forb and grass species with a seed bank in the soil. In addition, community structure, as reflected in species composition and abundances, appeared to vary with canopy condition. Conclusions: Restoration involving ecologically sensitive removal of patches of overstorey pines in frequently burned pine savannas should benefit the ground cover and increase plant species biodiversity as a result of increased abundance of seed bank species.  相似文献   

Longleaf pine savannas are highly threatened, fire‐maintained ecosystems unique to the southeastern United States. Fire suppression and conversion to agriculture have strongly affected this ecosystem, altering overstory canopies, understory plant communities, and animal populations. Tree thinning to reinstate open canopies can benefit understory plant diversity, but effects on animal communities are less well understood. Moreover, agricultural land‐use legacies can have long‐lasting impacts on plant communities, but their effects on animal communities either alone or through interactions with restoration are unclear. Resolving these impacts is important due to the conservation potential of fire‐suppressed and post‐agricultural longleaf savannas. We evaluated how historical agricultural land use and canopy thinning affect the diversity and abundance of wild bees in longleaf pine savannas. We employed a replicated, large‐scale factorial block experiment in South Carolina, where canopy thinning was applied to longleaf pine savannas that were either post‐agricultural or remnant (no agricultural history). Bees were sampled using elevated bee bowls. In the second growing season after restoration, thinned plots supported a greater bee abundance and bee community richness. Additionally, restored plots had altered wild bee community composition when compared to unthinned plots, indicating that reduction of canopy cover by the thinning treatment best predicted wild bee diversity and composition. Conversely, we found little evidence for differences between sites with or without historical agricultural land use. Some abundant Lasioglossum species were the most sensitive to habitat changes. Our results highlight how restoration practices that reduce canopy cover in fire‐suppressed savannas can have rapid benefits for wild bee communities.  相似文献   

Question: How diverse are Louisiana pine savanna plant communities and how is diversity affected by time since burn and removal of a competitively dominant species? Location: Lake Ramsay, southeastern Louisiana, USA. Methods: Species‐area curves were constructed from nine nested quadrats in open savanna differing in time since burn (6, 18 and 30 months). Species frequency was determined for 100 1 ‐m2 quadrats. The dominant gras s, Andropogon virginicus, was removed with herbicide from moist and dry sites to test for possible effects of competition. Results: Slopes of log‐log species‐area relationships were steep (0.195 to 0.379). Time since burn did not affect the richness of herbaceous plants, only woody species. More than half of all species recorded (43/79, 54%) were infrequent (in < 10% of quadrats). After two years, there were no differences in species richness and composition for plots with and without A. virginicus. Conclusions: The high species diversity is typical of other savannas across the coastal plain. The large number of infrequent species indicates that the core‐satellite pattern of species occurrence found in temperate grasslands does not apply to southern pine savannas. The absence of effects due to removal of a dominant may be due to insufficient observation time, or low competition. Most species have traits, such as diminutive life forms, that suggest they are weak competitors for light in the presence of robust matrix grasses and in the absence of fire. Many species in Pinuspalustris savannas are likely either fugitive or peripheral species.  相似文献   

Modern methods for species delimitation provide biologists with the power to detect cryptic diversity in nearly any system. To illustrate the application of such methods, we collected data (21 sequence loci) from a carnivorous plant in southeastern North America and applied several recently developed methods (Gaussian clustering, Structurama, BPP, spedeSTEM). The pale pitcher plant Sarracenia alata inhabits the southeastern USA along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Sarracenia alata populations are separated by the Mississippi River and Atchafalaya Basin, a known biogeographical barrier in this region, but the cohesiveness of S. alata as currently classified has not been tested rigorously. Multiple analytical approaches (including allelic clustering and species trees methods) suggest that S. alata comprises two cryptic lineages that correspond to the eastern and western portions of the plant's distribution. That such clear genetic evidence for cryptic diversity exists within S. alata and is in conflict with other sources of data (e.g. morphology, environmental differentiation) illustrates a conundrum faced by those who investigate species boundaries: genetic data are often the first type of data to accumulate evidence of differentiation, but most existing taxonomic treatments are based on nongenetic data. Our results suggest that S. alata as currently described contains two cryptic species, and we recommend the elevation of the western populations to species status. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 109 , 737–746.  相似文献   

Comparative phylogeographic investigations have identified congruent phylogeographic breaks in co‐distributed species in nearly every region of the world. The qualitative assessments of phylogeographic patterns traditionally used to identify such breaks, however, are limited because they rely on identifying monophyletic groups across species and do not account for coalescent stochasticity. Only long‐standing phylogeographic breaks are likely to be obvious; many species could have had a concerted response to more recent landscape events, yet possess subtle signs of phylogeographic congruence because ancestral polymorphism has not completely sorted. Here, we introduce Phylogeographic Concordance Factors (PCFs), a novel method for quantifying phylogeographic congruence across species. We apply this method to the Sarracenia alata pitcher plant system, a carnivorous plant with a diverse array of commensal organisms. We explore whether a group of ecologically associated arthropods have co‐diversified with the host pitcher plant, and identify if there is a positive correlation between ecological interaction and PCFs. Results demonstrate that multiple arthropods share congruent phylogeographic breaks with S. alata, and provide evidence that the level of ecological association can be used to predict the degree of similarity in the phylogeographic pattern. This study outlines an approach for quantifying phylogeographic congruence, a central concept in biogeographic research.  相似文献   

The effects of a prescribed winter burn on two species of pitcher plant, Sarracenia alata and S. psittacina, were investigated by comparing changes in variables measured before and after the fire in randomly selected plots in a Louisiana savanna. Burned plots showed an increase in foliage and unburned plots showed a decrease in foliage, as measured in total number of leaves (>25 cm) for S. alata and in total cover for S. psittacina. For S. alata, the gain in foliage in the burned plots was less than the loss in foliage in the unburned plots, but for S. psittacina the gain in burned plots was greater than the loss in unburned plots. Seedling recruitment of S. alata after the fire was exponentially related to the number of floral scapes produced in the year before the fire and was greater in burned plots than in unburned plots. Number of floral scapes of both pitcher plant species decreased in the year after the fire, but the decrease occurred equally in burned and unburned plots.  相似文献   

Global warming can potentially influence ecological communities through altered disturbance regimes in addition to increased temperatures. We investigate the response of pine savannas in the southeastern United States to global warming using a simple Lotka‐Volterra competition model together with predicted changes to fire and hurricane disturbance regimes with global climate change. In the southeastern United States, decreased frequency of both fires and hurricanes with global warming will shift pine savannas toward a forested state. A CO2 fertilization effect that increases the growth rate of tree populations will also push southeastern landscapes from open savannas towards closed forests. Transient dynamics associated with climate driven changes in vegetation will last on the order of decades to a century. In our model, the sensitivity of savannas to relative changes in the frequency of fire versus hurricanes is linearly dependent on the growth rate and mortality of trees in fire and hurricane disturbances.  相似文献   

Question: What are the effects of fire season and intensity on resprouting of different root‐crown bearing shrub species in second‐growth Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) savannas? Location: northern Florida and eastern Louisiana, USA. Methods: In Florida, quadrats were burned biennially either during the dormant season or the growing season. In Louisiana, we applied intensity treatments to quadrats by manipulating ground‐cover fuels, just prior to biennial growing season fires. Maximum fire temperatures were measured, and stem densities were censused before and after fires in both regions. Results: After dormant season fires in Florida, stem densities were seven times greater than initial levels for Hypericum spp. In contrast, growing season fires reduced densities of H. brachyphyllum by 65%, but did not change densities of H. microsepalum. Only resprouting of H. microsepalum decreased with increased fire intensity. In Louisiana, fire intensity influenced Ilex vomitoria, but not Quercus spp. Following fires, stem densities oil. vomitoria were five times greater in fuel removal than fuel addition areas. Conclusions: Past use of dormant season fires likely contributed to increased abundances of some species of root‐crown bearing shrubs observed today in old‐growth savannas. Reintroduction of growing season fires will be effective in maintaining or decreasing stem densities, depending on species and fuel type. Genet mortality and stem density reductions appear most likely in areas at localized scales where tree falls and needle coverage create hotspots in Pinus palustris savannas.  相似文献   

Northern Australia's savannas are among the most fire‐prone biomes on Earth and are dominated by eucalypts (Eucalyptus and Corymbia spp.). It is not clear what processes allow this group to dominate under such extreme fire frequencies and whether a superior ability to compete for nutrients and water might play a role. There is evidence that eucalypts are adapted to frequent fires; juvenile eucalypts escape the fire trap by growing rapidly in height between fires. However, non‐eucalypts are less able to escape the fire trap and tend to have stand structures strongly skewed toward suppressed juveniles. The mechanisms that drive these contrasting fire responses are not well understood. Here, we describe the results of a controlled glasshouse seedling experiment that evaluated the relative importance of nutrient and water availability in determining height growth and biomass growth of two eucalypt and one noneucalypt tree species, common in northern Australian savannas. We demonstrate that growth of eucalypt seedlings is particularly responsive to nutrient addition. Eucalypt seedlings are able to rapidly utilize soil nutrients and accumulate biomass at a much greater rate than noneucalypt seedlings. We suggest that a seasonal spike in nutrient availability creates a nutrient‐rich microsite that allows eucalypt seedlings to rapidly gain height and biomass, increasing their likelihood of establishing successfully and reaching a fire‐resistant size. Our results extend our understanding of how eucalypts dominate northern Australian savannas under extremely high fire frequencies.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms of species coexistence is a key task for ecology. Recent theory predicts that both competition and predation (which causes apparent competition among prey) can either promote or limit species coexistence. Both mechanisms cause negative interactions between individuals, and each mechanism promotes stable coexistence if it causes negative interactions to be stronger between conspecifics than between heterospecifics. However, the relative importance of competition and predation for coexistence in natural communities is poorly known. Here, we study how competition and apparent competition via pre‐dispersal seed predators affect the long‐term fecundity of Protea shrubs in the fire‐prone Fynbos biome (South Africa). These shrubs store all viable seeds produced since the last fire in fire‐proof cones. Competitive effects on cone number and pre‐dispersal seed predation reduce their fecundity and can thus limit recruitment after the next fire. In 27 communities comprising 49 990 shrubs of 22 Protea species, we measured cone number and per‐cone seed predation rate of 2154 and 1755 focal individuals, respectively. Neighbourhood analyses related these measures to individual‐based community maps. We found that conspecific neighbours had stronger competitive effects on cone number than heterospecific neighbours. In contrast, apparent competition via seed predators was comparable between conspecifics and heterospecifics. This indicates that competition stabilizes coexistence of Protea species, whereas pre‐dispersal seed predation does not. Larger neighbours had stronger competitive effects and neighbours with large seed crops exerted stronger apparent competition. For 97% of the focal plants, competition reduced fecundity more than apparent competition. Our results show that even in communities of closely related and ecologically similar species, intraspecific competition can be stronger than interspecific competition. On the other hand, apparent competition through seed predators need not have such a stabilizing effect. These findings illustrate the potential of ‘community demography’, the demographic study of multiple interacting species, for understanding plant coexistence.  相似文献   

Question: How do studies of the distribution of genetic diversity of species with different life forms contribute to the development of conservation strategies? Location: Old‐growth forests of the southeastern United States. Methods: Reviews of the plant allozyme literature are used to identify differences in genetic diversity and structure among species with different life forms, distributions and breeding systems. The general results are illustrated by case studies of four plant species characteristic of two widespread old‐growth forest communities of the southeastern United States: the Pinus palustris – Aristida stricta (Longleaf pine – wiregrass) savanna of the Coastal Plain and the Quercus – Carya – Pinus (Oak‐hickory‐pine) forest of the Piedmont. Genetic variation patterns of single‐gene and quantitative traits are also reviewed. Results: Dominant forest trees, represented by Pinus palustris(longleaf pine) and Quercus rubra (Northern red oak), maintain most of their genetic diversity within their populations whereas a higher proportion of the genetic diversity of herbaceous understorey species such as Sarracenia leucophylla and Trillium reliquum is distributed among their populations. The herbaceous species also tend to have more population‐to‐population variation in genetic diversity. Higher genetic differentiation among populations is seen for quantitative traits than for allozyme traits, indicating that interpopulation variation in quantitative traits is influenced by natural selection. Conclusion: Developing effective conservation strategies for one or a few species may not prove adequate for species with other combinations of traits. Given suitable empirical studies, it should be possible to design efficient conservation programs that maintain natural levels of genetic diversity within species of conservation interest.  相似文献   

Biogeographic barriers have long been implicated as drivers of biological diversification, but how these barriers influence co‐occurring taxa can vary depending on factors intrinsic to the organism and in their relationships with other species. Due to the interdependence among taxa, ecological communities present a compelling opportunity to explore how interactions among species may lead to a shared response to historical events. Here we collect single nucleotide polymorphism data from five commensal arthropods associated with the Sarracenia alata carnivorous pitcher plant, and test for codiversification across the Mississippi River, a major biogeographic barrier in the southeastern United States. Population genetic structure in three of the ecologically dependent arthropods mirrors that of the host pitcher plant, with divergence time estimates suggesting two of the species (the pitcher plant moth Exyra semicrocea and a flesh fly Sarcophaga sarraceniae) dispersed synchronously across this barrier along with the pitcher plant. Patterns in population size and genetic diversity suggest the plant and ecologically dependent arthropods dispersed from east to west across the Mississippi River. In contrast, species less dependent on the plant ecologically show discordant phylogeographic patterns. This study demonstrates that ecological relationships may be an important predictor of codiversification, and supports recent suggestions that organismal trait data should be prominently featured in comparative phylogeographic investigations.  相似文献   

Five sets of herbivore exclosures situated in mesic and semi‐arid savannas in Hluhluwe‐iMfolozi Park, South Africa were used to investigate the effects of mammal browsers and savanna type on plant traits relating to leaf nutrient content, defense, and growth in seven Acacia species. Mostly, browsing did not significantly affect leaf nutrient content but for a few species (i.e., increasing foliar N and P, decreasing C/N, and total polyphenols). Browser effects on structural defenses tended to be more pronounced than for leaf nutrient content and chemical defenses, particularly for semi‐arid species, resulting in longer, thicker, and denser spines, and a lower bite size index on browsed plants for most semi‐arid species. Browsing had no significant effect on growth rates for all species. Secondly, we investigated the effect of savanna type (mesic vs. semi‐arid) on the same set of plant traits and growth rates. A trade‐off in defense strategy was evident where mesic species had lower quality leaves and invested more heavily in growth and chemical defenses, while semi‐arid species generally had higher nutrient content leaves and invested more in structural defenses and higher levels of ramification. These findings suggest that the previously documented trade‐off in plant growth, resprouting ability and architecture between herbivore versus fire‐adapted savanna woody species can possibly be extended to include browse quality and defense type.  相似文献   

Summary Fertility levels in soils beneathPinus caribaea trees were examined in the Mountain Pine Ridge savannas, Belize, where fire control has precipitated the development of pine woodland. Slight surface soil enrichment was recorded beneath pine canopies, but to levels well below those found beneath associated hardwoods. Estimates of total nutrient pools beneath trees showed modest cation accumulation beneath a 73 year old tree but some defecits in Ca and Mg beneath a 24 year old tree. A tap root cutting experiment on trees of the same species revealed no significant declines in foliar nutrient levels after 19 months. It is concluded that no pronounced long-term deterioration in soil fertility levels is developing beneath stands ofP. caribaea in the savanna, although some temporary nutrient declines may exist beneath young pine stands. Atmospheric inputs are the most likely source of nutrient accretion and it is suggested that the establishment of hardwood associates with pine may enhance the rates of nutrient capture from this source.  相似文献   

Afforestation and fire exclusion are pervasive threats to tropical savannas. In Brazil, laws limiting prescribed burning hinder the study of fire in the restoration of Cerrado plant communities. We took advantage of a 2017 wildfire to evaluate the potential for tree cutting and fire to promote the passive restoration of savanna herbaceous plant communities after destruction by exotic tree plantations. We sampled a burned pine plantation (Burned Plantation); a former plantation that was harvested and burned (Harvested & Burned); an unburned former plantation that was harvested, planted with native trees, and treated with herbicide to control invasive grasses (Native Tree Planting); and two old-growth savannas which served as reference communities. Our results confirm that herbaceous plant communities on post-afforestation sites are very different from old-growth savannas. Among post-afforestation sites, Harvested & Burned herbaceous communities were modestly more similar in composition to old-growth savannas, had slightly higher richness of savanna plants (3.8 species per 50-m2), and supported the greatest cover of native herbaceous plants (56%). These positive trends in herbaceous community recovery would be missed in assessments of tree cover: whereas canopy cover in the Harvested & Burned site was 6% (less than typical of savannas of the Cerrado), the Burned Plantation and Native Tree Planting supported 34% and 19% cover, respectively. By focusing on savanna herbaceous plants, these results highlight that tree cutting and fire, not simply tree planting and fire exclusion, should receive greater attention in efforts to restore savannas of the Cerrado.  相似文献   

Conservation geneticists make inferences about their focal species from genetic data, and then use these inferences to inform conservation decisions. Since different biological processes can produce similar patterns of genetic diversity, we advocate an approach to data analysis that considers the full range of evolutionary forces and attempts to evaluate their relative contributions in an objective manner. Here we collect data from microsatellites and chloroplast loci and use these data to explore models of historical demography in the carnivorous Pitcher Plant, Sarracenia alata. Findings indicate that populations of S. alata exhibit high degrees of population genetic structure, likely caused by dispersal limitation, and that population sizes have decreased in western populations and increased in eastern populations. These results provide new insight to the management and conservation of plants restricted to small, declining populations isolated in increasingly scarce and highly threatened habitat, including other rare and endangered species of Sarracenia.  相似文献   

Fire is an integral ecological factor in African savanna ecosystems, but its effects on savanna productivity are highly variable and less understood. We conducted a field experiment to quantify changes in herbaceous phytomass and nutrient composition in a Sudanian savanna woodland subjected to annual early fire from 1993 to 2004. Fire effects were also assessed on two perennial and two annual grass species during the following growing season. Early fire significantly reduced above‐ground phytomass of the studied species (P = 0.03), their crude protein (P = 0.022), neutral detergent insoluble crude protein (P = 0.016) and concentrations of Ca, Fe and Mn (P < 0.05). Perennial grasses had higher above‐ground phytomass but lower total crude protein and fat than annual grasses. Nonstructural carbohydrates tended to be higher for annuals, while fibre and lignin contents were high for perennials. Except Na and Fe, the concentration of mineral elements varied between species. Fire did not affect measures of digestibility and metabolizable energy, but its effect differed significantly among species. In conclusion, the results illustrate that long‐term frequent fire will counterbalance the short‐term increase in soil fertility and plant nutrient concentrations claimed to be accrued from single or less frequent fire.  相似文献   

There has been much debate about the role of plant interactions in the structure and function of vegetation communities. Here the results of a pot experiment with controlled environments are described where three environmental variables (nutrients, sediment type and waterlogging) were manipulated factorially to identify their effects on the growth and intensity of interactions occurring between Spartina anglica and Puccinellia maritima. The two species were grown in split-plot planting treatments, representing intraspecific and interspecific addition series experiments, to determine individual and interactive effects of environmental factors and plant interactions on plant biomass.
Above-ground growth of both species involved interactions between the environmental and planting treatments, while below-ground, environmental factors affected the biomass irrespective of planting treatments. It was suggested that this difference in growth response is evidence that in our experiment plant interactions between the two species occur primarily at the above-ground level.
The intensity of plant interactions varied in a number of ways. First, interactions between Spartina and Puccinellia were distinctly asymmetrical, Puccinellia exerting a competitive effect on Spartina, with no reciprocal effect, and with a facilitative effect of Spartina on Puccinellia in low nutrient conditions. Second, the interactions varied in intensity in different environmental conditions. Interspecific competitive effects of Puccinellia on Spartina were more intense in conditions favourable to growth of Puccinellia and reduced or non-existent in environments with more abiotic stress. Third, intraspecific competition was found to be less intense for both species than interspecific interactions. Finally, the intensity of plant interactions involving both species was more intense above ground than below ground, with a disproportionate reduction in the intensity of interspecific competition below relative to above ground in treatments with less productive sediments and greater immersion. This is interpreted as reflecting a potential mechanism by which Spartina may be able to evade competitive neighbours.  相似文献   

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