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Seedling morphology and vascular course inTribulus terrestris were studied. This species has no erect stem, but four buds appear immediately above the cotyledonary node and grow into prostrate shoots. They were determined to be the main axis of the seedling and the axillary branches of the earliest three foliage leaves, which arise very close to each other. All the leaves, including cotyledons, are vascularized with four bundles among which two are related to a single median gap. When two leaves are attached to one node, lateral traces to the opposed leaves are derived by bifurcation of a single bundle at either side of the stem. In the shoot with a series of alternate leaves, the median pair of traces to every other leaf are found on the same orthostichy. In the branch of which the first node bears no flower but an anisophyllous pair of leaves, the smaller leaf at the node was proven to be the first prophyll because its median traces are superposed by those to the leaf at the next node.  相似文献   

Branching Principles Governing the Architecture of Cornus kousa (Cornaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The complex structure of the crown of Cornus kousa, generallyfive-forked in vegetative branching and two-forked in reproductivebranching, is analysed quantitatively and described by two basicbranching principles: decussate phyllotaxy and the resettingrule for planes of branching. Most Cornus species have opposite,decussate phyllotaxis. The leaf pair (with axillary buds) definesthe branching plane of a node. Because of regular phyllotaxis,the fundamental branching pattern is that every branching planealong an axis is perpendicular to the preceding one. However,the first node of a lateral horizontal shoot always has a horizontalbranching plane; we term this the resetting rule. We observedthat resetting occurs when the first nodes initiated in thevertical plane are repositioned by a twisting of their firstinternodes. All later nodes alternate directions, i.e. showusual decussate alternation. Foliage leaf nodes usually producethree-forked branchings. When vegetative winter buds are formed,a foliar node and adjacent scale leaf node produce a five-forkedbranching. When reproductive winter buds with a terminal inflorescenceare formed, the last foliar node and two adjacent scale leafnodes can produce a variety of branchings but usually producean equal two-forked branching. To understand better the architecturein C. kousa, we contrast it with C. capitata which does notproduce buds with scale leaves and whose vegetative nodes areclearly separated. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Branching pattern, Cornaceae, Cornus kousa, decussate branching, dogwood, Japanese strawberry tree, tree architecture, tree geometry.  相似文献   

Irmgard Jäger-Zürn 《Flora》2009,204(5):358-370
The study of the ramification pattern of Apinagia riedelii results in a new concept of the architecture of this species, with general implications to members of subfamily Podostemoideae with dithecous leaves. The presence of a subtending leaf below the floriferous shoot proves axillary branching also for species with dithecous leaves. Previous opinions of an unusual ramification mode by subfoliar or non-axillary branching or stem bifurcation in combination with dithecous leaves hitherto pleaded for Podostemoideae is refuted. Moreover, the view of the so-called dithecous leaves with one sheath (theca) at the ventral and one at the dorsal side of the leaf, previously regarded as initially connected with branching, has to be changed. The dithecous leaf arises from the branch and not from the mother shoot axis – as previously believed – and represents the addorsed hypsophyll, i.e., the first leaf (prophyll) of the floriferous branch. This finding leads to the conclusion that the lower sheath of the dithecous leaf is the ventral (not dorsal) sheath pointing to the branch and surrounding its flower bud with a ligule or an ochrea and a hood upon the bud. In this way, the branch and its flower bud become seemingly sunk in the leaf base. At the fusion of leaf basis and shoot results this enigmatic common tissue. The wings of the dorsal (upper) sheath of the dithecous leaf point to the mother shoot axis of the branch. Successive floriferous branches along the main stem disclose the shoot axis of A. riedelii as a monopodium (not sympodium) that develops an anthocladial (foliated) inflorescence in the form of a botrys or a compound botrys, respectively. Since it is generally difficult to define cymose or racemose inflorescences if subtending leaves are absent – which occur in most other species of subfamily Podostemoideae with dithecous leaves – the nature of these inflorescences is discussed anew. The findings on A. riedelii have consequences on our comprehension of the shoot architecture of Podostemoideae.  相似文献   

Eviostachya hoegii Stockmans在中国五通组的首次发现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首次描述了Eviostachya hoegii Stockmans的营养部分,通过大量标本的观察,修订了前人有关其生殖部分和解剖部分的描述,并对其生殖部分进行了复原.同意Emberger(1968)的观点,将其归于Eviostachyrales中.  相似文献   

In both Chamaedorea seifrizii Burret and C. cataractarum Martius each adult foliage leaf subtends one axillary bud. The proximal buds in C. seifrizii are always vegetative, producing branches (= new shoots or suckers); and the distal buds on a shoot are always reproductive, producing inflorescences. The prophyll and first few scale leaves of a vegetative branch lack buds. Transitional leaves subtend vegetative buds and adult leaves subtend reproductive buds. Both types of buds are first initiated in the axil of the second or third leaf primordia from the apex, P2 or P3. Later development of both types of bud tends to be more on the adaxial surface of the subtending leaf base than on the shoot axis. Axillary buds of C. cataractarum are similarly initiated in the axil of P2 or P3 and also have an insertion that is more foliar than cauline. However, all buds develop as inflorescences. Vegetative branches arise irregularly by a division of the apex within an enclosing leaf (= P1). A typical inflorescence bud is initiated in the axil of the enclosing leaf when it is in the position of P2 and when each new branch has initiated its own P1. No scale leaves are produced by either branch and the morphological relationship among branches and the enclosing leaf varies. Often the branches are unequal and the enclosing leaf is fasciated. The vegetative branching in C. cataractarum is considered to be developmentally a true dichotomy and is compared with other examples of dichotomous (= terminal) branching in the Angiospermae.  相似文献   

This paper describes inflorescence structure, including organogenesis of the panicle and flower clusters and vasculature of flowering branches, for two species of Ptychosperma, a genus of arecoid palms. The inflorescence is an infrafoliar panicle with up to four orders of branches in a spirodistichous arrangement conforming to an irregular one-half phyllotaxy. The primordium of the inflorescence is crescentic and the apex has two tunica layers, a group of central cells, and a rib meristem. The distal flower-bearing parts or rachillae of all branches develop acropetally early in ontogeny and are vertically oriented in the bud. Although these rachillae terminate branches of different sizes and orders, they are similar in size and in number of flower clusters produced. Internodes and lower parts of branches develop later. Bracts of four types are produced: a prophyll and empty peduncular bract, bracts which subtend lateral branches, bracts subtending triads, and floral bracteoles. The prophyll and peduncular bracts are tubular and completely closed around all branches until about three months before the flowers reach anthesis. Bracts subtending lateral branches and those that subtend triads enlarge by small amounts of apical, adaxial, and marginal growth to cover subtended apices during early ontogeny, but are small to absent at maturity. Flower clusters are triads of two lateral staminate and a central pistillate flower. Organogenesis indicates that the triad is a sympodial unit. Flowers develop successively, each floral apex bearing a bracteole that subtends the next flower. The vasculature of the inflorescence may be divided into two systems. Bundles of the main axis extend acropetally into the vertically oriented branches as they are initiated and form a central cylinder of larger bundles in each branch. Flower clusters are supplied by a peripheral system of smaller bundles that develop later in relation to the developing floral organs. Bundles of the peripheral system branch frequently, but branching levels are irregular. The irregular branching of peripheral bundles appears related to the phyllotaxy of the flower clusters and the random right or left position of the first flower of the triad. The level of branching of a bundle may depend on the position of a floral primordium with respect to an existing procambial strand. Three (-4) bundles supply each staminate flower and six (-10) the pistillate flower. The histologically specialized inflorescence has stomata and contains abundant starch. Tannins and raphides, spherical silica bodies, and various forms of sclerenchyma appear in sequence and apparently provide support and protection during the long exposure of the branches.  相似文献   

The implications of the presence of a root, either at the parentnode or at neighbour nodes, on branch formation of Trifoliumrepens (white clover) was investigated. Plants were freely rootedor rooting was restricted to every sixth or every twelfth nodealong the parent axis. The absence of a root at the parent nodehad little influence on the probability of the subtending axillarybud forming a branch but, on average, delayed the outgrowthof the bud. The probability that an axillary bud, emerging froma non-rooted parent node, developed to a lateral branch (branchwith elongated internodes) decreased with decreasing proximityof the parent node to a rooted node. Lateral branches emergingfrom non-rooted parent nodes which were two nodes distal toa rooted node had a higher rate of node appearance, a greatermean internode length and area per leaf, and were more branchedthan lateral branches emerging from other non-rooted parentnodes. The dry mass of each single root and of branches grownat rooted parent nodes were significantly higher in plants withrestricted rooting than in freely rooted plants. Restrictionin the number of rooted nodes per plant increased the numberof inflorescences. It is concluded that the whole plant responseto restricted root formation was continuous growth of the parentaxis and compensatory growth of the branch at the rooted node.In general, growth was slow for axillary buds whose developmentwas dependent on the basipetal movement or cross-transport withinthe stolons of resources exported from roots. Trifolium repens (L.); white clover; axillary bud outgrowth; branch development; clonal growth; nodal root  相似文献   

The pipe model relationship (constancy of branch cross-sectional area/leaf area) and Leonardo da Vinci’s rule (equality of total cross-sectional area of the daughter branches and cross-sectional area of their mother branch) are empirical rules of tree branching. Effects of branch manipulation on the pipe model relationships were examined using five Acer rufinerve trees. Half the branches in each tree were untreated (control branches, CBs), and, for the others (manipulated branches, MBs), either light intensity or leaf area (both relating to photosynthetic source activity), or shoot elongation (source + sink activities), was reduced, and responses of the pipe model relationships were followed for 2 years. The pipe model relationship in MBs changed by suppression of source activity, but not by simultaneous suppression of source + sink activities. The manipulations also affected CBs in the year of manipulation and both branches in the next year. The branch diameter growth was most affected by light, followed by shoot elongation and leaf area, in that order. Because of the decussate phyllotaxis of A. rufinerve, one branching node can potentially have one main and two lateral branches. Analysis of 295 branching nodes from 13 untreated trees revealed that the da Vinci’s rule held in branching nodes having one shed branch but not in the nodes without branch shedding, indicating the necessity of natural shedding of branches for da Vinci’s rule to hold. These analyses highlight the importance of the source–sink balance and branch shedding in maintenance of these empirical rules. This article was contributed at the invitation of the Editorial Committee.  相似文献   

The origin and development of the tendrils were studied in 16 species of the Vitaceae: Ampelopsis (7 sp.), Parthenocissus (4 sp.), Vitis (3 sp.), and Tetrastigma (1 sp.). Two types of arrangement of leaf and tendril occur: (a) two successive nodes have leaf-opposed tendrils alternating with each other, followed by a third node, with a leaf unopposed by the tendril; (b) all the nodes have leaf-opposed tendrils. The tendril, like a leaf, is a lateral product of the apical meristem of the shoot. A leaf opposite a tendril is initiated earlier than the tendril. Anticlinal and periclinal divisions in the second and/or third layer of the peripheral meristem of the shoot apex initiate the tendril. The procambium of the tendril first appears towards its abaxial side. Vascularization of the tendril is independent of the axillary bud of the next node below. The positional relationship of the nodal plate vis-à-vis the leaf-opposed tendril shows that the tendril and the leaf belong to the same node. Histological evidence does not show the uplifting of the tendril to the next node above during internodal differentiation. Ontogenetic and morphologic correlation and homology between the inflorescence and the tendril do not substantiate that the tendril in the Vitaceae is an organ sui generis. All available evidence indicates that the tendril is an extra-axillary lateral branch.  相似文献   

L-system notation was used to describe mature leaf morphologyin populations of conventional, afila, tendril-less and parsley-leafpeas. Structural modules of leaves were assigned one of elevenstate symbols according to their branching potential, i.e. thenumber and arrangement of rachillae and/or tendrils or leafletsto which each would give rise after one branching iteration.State transitions at successive iterations were examined acrossgenotypes with respect to location along the leaf and node ofinsertion. Leaf branching patterns were more complex and morevariable at higher nodes. Transition outcomes decreased in complexityfrom the base to the tip of the leaf. The first transition wasthe most variable; subsequent development of the leaf was moredeterministic. Lateral appendages were more likely to branchthan central ones. Afila and tendril-less mutations increasedthe complexity of the first transition outcome over conventionalleaves. Parsley-leaf pea leaves were more complex, but lessvariable than afila leaves. Results are discussed in relationto Young's (1983) model for pea leaf morphogenesis. Pea, Pisum sativum L., L-systems, leaf, morphology, branching  相似文献   

Summary 1. Distribution patterns for the movement of solutes in the phloem from leaves of pea plants were found to be relatively specific. Phosphorus-32 applied to the leaf at the first bloom node moved predominantly (to the extent of 50 to 90 per cent) to the pod at that node. Distribution of the translocate from this leaf to pods at higher nodes was negligible.2. Translocation in the phloem of phosphorus-32 from lower leaf nodes (i.e. 5th or 7th) was predominately downward with little or no accumulation in the pods.3. The stage of development of the flower markedly affected the distribution pattern of phosphorus-32 supplied to the leaf at the same node. Essentially no activity moved into either the flower or the vegetative portions of the plant before anthesis and fertilization had occurred in that flower, as compared to the same plant parts in plants 4 to 6 days past anthesis. The young developing embryos of the pod appear to control the movement of phosphorus-32 from the adjacent leaf.4. When the metabolic activity of the pod on plants bearing one pod only was lowered by cooling (to 7°C), the movement of phosphorus-32 to this pod as well as to all other parts of the plant was markedly diminished. This inhibitory effect of the low pod temperature on translocation to the uncooled parts of the plant was negated by the presence of a second pod (uncooled) on the plant. Lowering the temperature of the first pod resulted in a substantial increase in the proportion of the P32-labelled translocate moving to the second pod.Paper No. 556 from Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study of nodal anatomy of the Cunoniaceae has revealed an unusually diverse assemblage of nodal types, including patterns with “split-lateral” traces previously undescribed for dicotyledons. On the basis of leaf arrangement and nodal vascularization, six distinct nodal conditions are recognized in the family. The trilacunar, three-trace pattern is the ancestral type from which the multilacunar condition evolved by amplification in the number of lateral traces. The “split-lateral” condition, distinguished by the fusion of lateral leaf traces of adjacent leaves, or the bifurcation of a single trace, and their association with a “common gap,” probably evolved concomitant with the transition from opposite to whorled leaves. The characteristic interpetiolar stipules of the Cunoniaceae are vascularized by veins originating from lateral leaf traces, or by a combination of complete lateral traces and veins arising from lateral leaf traces. Both Aphanopetalum and Bauera possess unilacunar one-trace nodes. The most satisfactory family placement of both genera remains uncertain, although the unilacunar nodes of Bauera can reasonably be interpreted as a case of reduction from the trilacunar pattern in response to reduced plant size.  相似文献   

Lei TT  Wilson LJ 《Annals of botany》2004,94(1):179-186
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Leaf area of cotton seedlings (Gossypium hirsutum) can be reduced by as much as 50 % by early season thrips infestations, but it is well documented that plants can regain the difference in leaf area once infestation ceases. The processes involved in the recovery have not been identified. Hypotheses include enhancement of the photosynthetic rate of the damaged leaves, more efficient leaf construction (i.e. more leaf area per unit of dry matter invested in new leaves), and more branching. METHODS: This 2-year field study examined these hypotheses and found that thrips-affected plants recovered from a 30 % reduction in total leaf area. During the recovery period, repeated measurements of gas exchange, leaf morphology and individual leaf areas at all nodes were made to assess their contribution to the recovery. KEY RESULTS: Recovery was not achieved through the previously proposed mechanisms. The pattern of nodal development indicated that the duration of leaf expansion of the smaller deformed leaves was shorter than that of control leaves, possibly because they had fewer cells. The production and expansion of healthy upper node leaves in thrips-affected plants could, therefore, begin sooner, about 1-2.5 nodes in advance of control plants. The proposed process of recovery was evident but weaker in the second year where thrips numbers were higher. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that thrips-affected plants overcame the leaf area disparity through an accelerated ontogeny of main stem leaves. By completing the expansion of smaller but normally functioning lower node leaves earlier, resources were made available to the unfolding of larger upper node leaves in advance of control plants. The generality of this mode of plant resistance in pest damage remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Napoli C 《Plant physiology》1996,111(1):27-37
The recessive dad1-1 allele conditions a highly branched growth habit resulting from a proliferation of first- and second-order branches. Unlike the wild-type parent, which has lateral branching delayed until the third or fourth leaf node distal to the cotyledons, dad1-1 initiates lateral branching from each cotyledon axil. In addition to initiating lateral branching sooner than the wild type, dad1-1 sustains branching through more nodes on the main shoot axis than the wild type. In keeping with a propensity for branching at basal nodes, dad1-1 produces second-order branches at the proximal-most nodes on first-order branches and small shoots from accessory buds at basal nodes on the main shoot axis. Additional traits associated with the mutation are late flowering, adventitious root formation, shortened internodes, and mild leaf chlorosis. Graft studies show that a dad1-1 scion, when grafted onto wild-type stock, is converted to a phenotype resembling the wild type. Furthermore, a small wild-type interstock fragment inserted between a mutant root stock and a mutant scion is sufficient to convert the dad1-1 scion from mutant to a near wild-type appearance. The recessive dad1-1 phenotype combines traits associated with cytokinin overexpression, auxin overexpression, and gibberellin limitation, which suggests a complex interaction of hormones in establishing the mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

The phylogenetically ambivalent monotypic genus Lactoris presents sympodial (determinate) branching, as a terminal flower is present on each main branch. The synflorescence is thyrsoid. Partial inflorescences are rhipidia with up to three flowers. The ochrealike stipule is formed by the fusion of two lateral stipules, which forms an adaxial ligule-like structure and a two-flanked leaf sheath that encircles the parental axis. The leaf sheath elongates with the growth of the preceding internode. Although sympodial growth and a sheathing leaf base are present in all Piperales (Aristolochiaceae, Lactoridaceae, Piperaceae, and Saururaceae), the presence of stipules is confined to Lactoris, Saururaceae, and some Piperaceae. These characters are consistent with the placement of Lactoris within Piperales, although its phylogenetic position within the order remains equivocal, except for the possible sister group relationship suggested by the presence of cymose inflorescences in both Lactoris and Aristolochiaceae.  相似文献   

Inflorescences of Kummerowia are compound and the component axes appear to terminate in a flower. In order to clarify whether or not the flower is truly terminal, inflorescences of Kummerowia were studied organographically, ontogenetically and anatomically. Four inflorescence phyllomes are usually produced immediately below the seemingly terminal flower and appear to be borne on the same axis. The second phyllome subsequent to the lowest one is located at right angles to the lowest one, and the third and fourth ones located opposite each other and at right angles to the second. The lowest phyllome is sometimes undeveloped in K.stipulacea. Ontogenetic observation revealed the presence of two abortive apiceS. Anatomical observation revealed that these two abortive apices remain rudimentary in the flowering stage. On the basis of the arrangement of these phyllomes and the presence of the remnants of apices, the structure of the component inflorescence axis in Kummerowia is interpreted as follows: the component axis branches off a lateral axis, which is reduced entirely in length, from the axil of the lowest phyllome, and terminates in an abortive apex; the lateral axis in turn branches off one lateral axis of the next order, which is also reduced in length, from the axil of the second phyllome and terminates in an abortive apex; the lateral axis of the next order produces the third and fourth phyllomes and is terminated by a flower. The flower, which seems to terminate the component axis, is therefore axillary in origin. The axillary branch of the lowest phyllomes occasionally bears two lateral flowers. The branching system of the inflorescence of Kummerowia is identical with that of an inflorescence of Lespedeza cuneata. Kummerowia and Lespedeza are continuous in characteristics of the inflorescence, indicating the relationship between the inflorescence of Kummerowia and the pseudoraceme of Lespedeza.  相似文献   

The spontaneous, single-gene dominant, pea ( Pisum sativum L.) mutant bushy is characterised by short, thin stems, tiny leaves and a proliferation of basal lateral branches. We symbolised the dominant mutant allele bsh and the recessive wild-type allele BSH . Some effects were very large, e.g. the reduction in internode length was around 10-fold in pure mutant plants. The effect on branching was qualitative under our conditions as the wild-type did not branch and the mutant branched extensively. Analysis of epidermal cells indicated the reduction in internode length arose principally from a reduction in cell length. The bushy mutation also altered root morphology with a reduction in the number and length of lateral roots. Time to first open flower was increased but node of flower initiation was not affected. In a few cases, bushy plants died before producing an open flower even though tiny abortive flower buds were produced in the upper leaf axils. In pure mutant plants, individual seed weight was reduced by 30%, number of seeds per pod was reduced 3-fold, and seed number per plant was reduced 4-fold. However, pod size was essentially normal for a given seed content, and the flowers were fertile and of normal structure. Grafting studies showed the primary action of the bushy mutation occurred in the shoot. In summary, the reduced cell and shoot elongation, loss of apical dominance and a primary action in the shoot, all point toward auxin deficiency (or perceived deficiency) as a possible cause of the bushy phenotype. The overall characteristics of bushy make it a useful mutant for research on plant development.  相似文献   

Deciduous, semideciduous and evergreen leaf phenological groups of Cerrado trees were studied using a representative network composed of nodes and links to uncover the structural traits of the crown. A node denotes the origin of a branch, and a link represents the branch emerging from a lateral bud. The network representation usually resulted in a graph with three links per node and twice as many links as nodes for each leaf phenological group. It was possible to identify four kinds of nodes according to the position and the number of links: initial, regular, emission and final nodes. The numbers of links and nodes and the distance between two kinds of nodes decreased from evergreen to deciduous species. A crown with a few nodes and links and a short distance between the kinds of nodes could facilitate the unfolding of foliage on leafless branches at the end of the dry season in deciduous trees. In contrast, foliage persistence in evergreens could facilitate the mass flow to new leaves produced during the entire year in a crown with a high number of links and nodes and with a large distance between nodes. There is a clear interdependence between the degree of leaf deciduousness and the crown structural traits in Cerrado tree species. Therefore, there are functional groups of trees in Cerrado vegetation that are characterized by a set of structural traits in the crown, which is associated with leaf deciduousness.  相似文献   

The vascularization of the node-leaf continuum in the first to eighth foliage leaves of the first-year plant ofMagnolia virginiana is investigated. The cotyledonary node is a 4-trace, 3-lacunar type. Vascularization in the cotyledonary node is fundamentally different from that in the folair node of the same plant. As a result, the cotyledonary vascularization is only described but not compared to that in the foliar node-leaf continuum. Considerable diversity occurs in the node-leaf vascularization of the first-year plants. A 5-trace, 4-lacunar vascular system is constant in the lower folair nodes; this is considered to be the fundamental vascular pattern in the node-leaf continuum of the species. In contrast, the nodal anatomy and petiolar vascularization fluctuate widely in the third to eighth leaves of the first-year plants. Variation is found not only between different nodes of a single plant but even in the corresponding nodes of different individuals. The evidence clearly indicates that variation always correlates with certain members of the leaf-trace complement; thus, either the ventral and/or marginal lateral bundles undergo phylogenetical reduction or amplification.  相似文献   

Juvenile leaves of the variegated Hollywood juniper, Juniperus chinensis 'Torulosa Variegata', have sectorial chimeras of variable widths and lengths. Sectors extend over several nodes often as small as 1/24 the circumference of the leaf. Other chimeras appear as light green to yellow streaks but are actually internal, dark green corpus sectors often occupying less than 1/20 of the cross sectional area of a leaf. On the basis of the sizes of these two types of sectors, there seems to be ideally about 168 founder cells comprising 63 tunica cells and 105 corpus cells; 49 of the latter are contiguous with the tunica and 66 are located deeper in the corpus. Similarly, sectoring in axillary branches of original chimeric sprays have the same types of sectoring. It is hypothesized that the outer rings of founder cells form two arcs of 12 cells around the stem apex, one for each of two leaves at a node of the decussate shoot, of a circumference of about 50 cells.  相似文献   

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