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  • 1 Foraging patterns of specialist (Junonia coenia Hubner: Nymphalidae) and generalist (Spilosoma congrua Wlk.: Arctiidae) caterpillars on five genotypes of plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.: Plantaginaceae) were examined in an experimental garden.
  • 2 Movement by the specialists reflected declining availability of new leaves. When direct sunlight was available, these caterpillars were usually exposed to it.
  • 3 Although the generalists also preferred new leaves, they spent less than 50% of their time on the plantain and changed location more frequently than the specialists. They often hid at the base of plants or under leaves.
  • 4 Plant genotype influenced the apparency of the specialists and damage by the herbivores.

Summary To examine the effects of predators and plant genotype on the behavior, patterns of herbivory, growth and survivorship of caterpillars, we used an experimental garden in which we contrasted two hostplant genotypes of plantain (Plantago lanceolata), two kinds of herbivores (specialist Junonia coenia vs. generalist Pyrrharctia isabella) and two levels of caterpillar predation (with and without Podisus maculiventris stinkbugs). Each of the replicate plots per treatment contained two plants of the same genotype. The stinkbugs reduced the survivorship of the specialist caterpillars but not that of the generalists, which reflects the differences in predatoravoidance behaviors of these species. Nonetheless, the stinkbugs influenced the behavior of both caterpillar species. When stinkbugs were present, both specialist and generalist caterpillars were less likely to be found on the plant upon which they were initially placed (=initial plant), and they were more likely to be off both plants within the plot than larvae in the absence of predators. Consequently in the presence of the stinkbug predators, the proportion of the initial plants consumed was less than in the absence of the predators. Plant genotype influenced plant size and the proportion of individual plants eaten, but it did not affect larval location on the plots. Neither presence of predators nor plant genotype had an effect on relative growth rate of the caterpillars.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a breeding system in which hermaphrodites coexist with male steriles. Theoretical models predict that without any compensation in female fitness male steriles will disappear from a population due to their reproductive disadvantage. In the present study I investigated whether male-sterile (MS), partially male-sterile (IN), and hermaphroditic (H) plants of Plantago lanceolata differed in reproductive growth and allocation. Offspring of three interpopulation crosses segregating all three sex morphs were grown under nitrogen-limited conditions in a growth chamber. Independent of the genetic background MS plants attained a higher vegetative and reproductive dry mass and a higher reproductive output than H plants, whereas IN plants had intermediate values. When corrected for the mass of the pollen, the dry mass differences between the sex morphs were much reduced but still present. However, when whole-plant allocation was expressed on the basis of nitrogen, the differences between the sex morphs disappeared. Thus the sex morphs took up similar amounts of nitrogen but distributed them differently. The MS and IN plants used the nitrogen saved by not producing pollen for additional vegetative as well as reproductive growth. The data presented in this study suggest that resource compensation is one of the main mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of MS and IN plants in gynodioecious P. lanceolata.  相似文献   

The effects of different ratios of red to far-red light (R/FR-ratio) and of exogenously applied growth regulators on the morphology of plants from sun and shade populations were studied. Large differences in growth form were found between populations adapted to either sun or shaded habitats. Low R/FR-ratios, simulating vegetation shade, induced a growth form similar to that of plants from the shade population. High R/FR-ratios, simulating sunlight, had the opposite effect. Most morphological differences between shade and sun populations and effects of low R/FR-ratios on growth form could be mimicked by exogenously applied gibberellin (GA3). In contrast, application of a gibberellin inhibitor (CCC) induced a growth form similar to that of the sun population and of plants grown under a high R/FR-ratio. Interactions between genetic background, the R/FR-ratio, and hormone treatment, were small and the factors exerted their action independently. The results are discussed in relation to the influence of developmental constraints on the evolvability of optimal phenotypes and the plastic responses therein.  相似文献   

We examined the foraging patterns of two species of caterpillar (Junonia coenia: Nymphalidae and Spilosoma congrua: Arctiidae) that contrast in feeding specialization and crypticity on plantain (Plantago lanceolata) in the absence and presence of two different insect predators [stinkbugs, Podisus maculiventris (Pentatomidae) and wasps, Polistes fuscatus (Vespidae)]. Junonia larvae were quite apparent to human observers, feeding on upper leaf surfaces during daylight, whereas Spilosoma larvae were relatively cryptic, often hiding under leaves and in soil crevices during daylight. In the presence of either predator species, the non-cryptic Junonia caterpillars more quickly left the plant on which they were initially placed and were less apparent than Junonia larvae not exposed to predators. The presence of predators had no detectable influence on where the caterpillars occurred on the plants (new, intermediate-aged or mature leaves, or reproductive stalks). Surprisingly, the predators influenced the behavior of the inherently cryptic Spilosoma: the apparency of these larvae at night increased when wasps had access to the plots during the day. Survivorship of the non-cryptic Junonia was less than 12% when stinkbugs were present compared to 60% in their absence. Although the presence of wasps resulted in a lower relative growth rate for the non-cryptic Junonia larvae, the indirect effect of predators on reduction in survivorship due to alterations in prey growth rate through behavioral changes was less than 3%. After taking into account the decline in caterpillars per plot through predation, we found that both the amount of leaves eaten and the proportion of plants eaten were altered on plots with predators present, which suggests that the caterpillars' increased consumption countered increased maintenance costs due to the presence of predators. Overall, our results indicate that hostplant size, level of predation and type of predator can influence the degree to which these caterpillars react to the presence of insect predators. In contrast, degree of inherent feeding specialization and cryptic behavior seemed to have little effect on the expression of reactive behaviors of these caterpillars to predators.  相似文献   

In plant-insect herbivore field studies, effects of cages, plant age, and mechanical clipping on host plant chemistry are often postulated but not well documented. We examined the effects of cages (for the purpose of restraining insects on experimental plots), plant age over the course of the experiment and mechanical clipping on plantain (Plantago lanceolata) chemistry. Leaf age affected the concentrations of nitrogen and iridoid glycosides (IGs; specifically aucubin and catalpol), with higher levels in newer leaves. Caged plants had higher levels of IGs and lower concentrations of nitrogen than uncaged plants. The IG concentrations were greater in new leaves of caged plants than uncaged plants, whereas the concentrations in mature leaves were unaffected by caging. Plants that were 5 weeks older had higher levels of IGs and lower nitrogen than plants harvested 5 weeks earlier. Comparison of three studies suggested that over the summer IG concentrations increase during dry years but decrease during wet years. Plants with above-ground parts clipped and then allowed to regrow for five weeks had similar concentrations of IGs and nitrogen compared to control plants; but the regrowth plants had a lower catalpol to total IG ratio. We conclude that cages and time can have significant positive effects on iridoid glycoside concentrations and significant negative effects on leaf nitrogen concentration. But our results also indicate that the direction and magnitude of the effects of cages, time and mechanical damage are not easily predicted. Therefore, it is advisable to determine and/or control for such effects in field experiments on plant-insect interactions.  相似文献   

Detailed pollen analytical investigations at a Neolithic lake dwelling site on Lake Chalain, Jura, France, show very characteristic variation in the Plantago lanceolata and P. major/media pollen curves in the period during which settlements are recorded (3030–2630 cal. B.C.). At first, P. lanceolata is the more important taxon but P. major/media representation gradually rises, to become the more important taxon in the uppermost settlement phase. After considering the present day ecology and phytosociology of the Plantago species in question, i.e. P. lanceolata, P. major and P. media, and the available archaeozoological and archaeological information, it is suggested that the changes in the representation of these two pollen taxa are the result of a change in the farming economy, at ca. 2800 cal. B.C., which involved a substantial rise in the numbers of domesticated grazing animals and more intensive land use.  相似文献   

To examine genetic variation in defensive chemistry within and between natural populations of Plantago lanceolata, we performed a greenhouse experiment using clonal replicates of 15 genotypes from each of two populations, from a mowed lawn and an abandoned hayfield. Replicates of each genotype were harvested for determinations of aboveground biomass and leaf chemical content either at the beginning of the experiment (initial controls), after exposure to herbivory by larvae of Junonia coenia, a specialist on P. lanceolata (herbivory treatment), or at the end of the experiment without exposure to herbivory (final controls). Allocation to the iridoid glycosides aucubin and catalpol and the phenylpropanoid glycoside verbascoside displayed significant genetic variation within and between populations, and differed with leaf age. Significant genotypextreatment interactions indicated genetic variation in response of leaf chemistry to the treatments. There was no evidence for a cost of allocation to chemical defense: genetic correlations within and between chemical pathways and between defensive chemicals and aboveground growth were positive or nonsignificant. Although iridoid glycosides are known to be qualitative feeding stimulants for J. coenia, multiple regression of larval survivorship on leaf chemical content and shoot biomass indicated that larvae had lower survivorship on P. lanceolata ge-notypes with higher concentrations of aucubin in the leaves. Larval survivorship was unaffected by levels of catalpol and verbascoside. Thus, although specialist herbivores may respond to defensive chemicals as qualitative feeding stimulants, they do not necessarily have higher fitness on plant genotypes containing higher concentrations of these chemicals.  相似文献   

In gynodioecious species, male steriles co-occur with hermaphrodites. Usually, the male sterile trait is maternally inherited, hence it is called Cytoplasmic Male Sterility (CMS). Nuclear loci restore male fertility in combination with their ‘own’ specific cytoplasmic types. In theory, two fitness components are important for the maintenance of this breeding system: a fitness advantage of the male steriles, and costs of restoration. The costs of restoration are alleged negative pleiotropic effects of restorer alleles. In this study the effects of different CMS types on plant performance and the cost of restoration were assessed in two experiments with Plantago lanceolata L. Biomass production differed significantly between the CMS types studied. In order to assess the costs of restoration, hermaphrodites with or without restorer alleles for a CMS type other than its own were compared. The studied restorer alleles caused a reduction in weight per seed, but the number of seeds produced was unaffected. The estimated cost of restoration measured as reduction of seed biomass was 13% for restorer alleles for CMSI. However, in the second experiment no pleiotropic effects of restorer alleles were detected, either because the assumptions for the experimental set-up were not valid or the costs of restoration may not always be expressed.  相似文献   

Plantago lanceolata L. seedlings were grown in sand microcosm units over a 43‐day experimental period under two CO2 regimes (800 or 400 µmol mol−1) to investigate the effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on carbon partitioning and exudate release. Total organic carbon (TOC) content of the collected exudate material was measured throughout the experimental period. After 42 days growth the seedlings were labelled with [14C]‐CO2 and the fate of the label within the plant and its release by the roots monitored. Elevated CO2 significantly (P ≤ 0.001) enhanced shoot, root and total dry matter production although the R:S ratio was unaltered, suggesting no alteration in gross carbon partitioning. The cumulative release of TOC (in mg C) over 0‐42 days was unaltered by CO2 treatment however, when expressed as a percentage of net assimilated C, ambient‐grown plants released a significantly (P≤ 0.001) higher percentage from their roots compared to elevated CO2‐grown plants (i.e. 8 vs 3%). The distribution of 14C‐label was markedly altered by CO2 treatment with significantly (P≤ 0.001) greater per cent label partitioned to the roots under elevated CO2. This indicates increased partitioning of recent assimilate below‐ground under elevated CO2 treatment although there was no significant difference in the percentage of 14C‐label released by the roots. Comparison of plant C budgets based on 14C‐pulse‐chase methodology and TOC measurements is discussed.  相似文献   

Assessments of potential impacts of global climate change often focus exclusively on plants; however, as the base of most food webs, plants generally experience abiotic stresses concomitantly with biotic stresses. Longleaf plantain, Plantago lanceolata L., is a cosmopolitan temperate perennial weed that experiences a wide range of environmental conditions throughout its range. We examined the impacts of elevated levels of exposure to shortwave (UV-B) radiation on this plant, on two herbivores associated with this plant, and on the plant-herbivore interaction. Plantains were grown at 6 and 12 kJ m–2 d–1 BE300 UV-B radiation and concentrations of iridoid glycosides (aucubin and catalpol), verbascosides, and nitrogen were measured. In terms of plant impacts, we found that iridoid glycoside concentrations were unchanged by elevated UV-B radiation, whereas, in one experiment, the concentration of verbascosides in young leaves and levels of nitrogen in old leaves increased under elevated UV-B radiation. Variation in plant chemistry due to leaf age and maternal family was greater than variation due to UV-B exposure. When caterpillars were fed excised leaves from plants grown under elevated UV-B, growth and survivorship of the specialist herbivore, Precis coenia Hbn. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), were unaltered and growth of the generalist herbivore, Trichoplusia ni (Hbn.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), was accelerated. When the caterpillars were reared on potted plants at high and low levels of UV-B radiation, growth and survivorship of P. coenia were unchanged while growth of T. ni was significantly depressed by elevated UV-B. Elevated UV-B altered allocation patterns of above-ground biomass in these plants; masses of crowns and reproductive tissue were reduced. UV-B levels, however, did not affect distribution of damage to foliage inflicted by either species. In two additional experiments with artificial diet, designed to test the direct effect of UV-B radiation on caterpillars, growth and survivorship of P. coenia were unaltered while survivorship of T. ni was significantly depressed when caterpillars were exposed to elevated UV-B radiation. These studies collectively demonstrate that higher trophic level impacts of UV-B-induced changes in plants depend on the identity of the herbivore and its degree of adaptation not only to variation in hostplant quality but also variation in its light environment.  相似文献   

To assess the pattern of temperature influencing the effect of allelochemicals on growth of insect herbivores and to examine the potential effect of warmer nights due to global warming, we examined the simultaneous effects of allelochemicals and warmer night-time temperatures on an insect herbivore (Spodoptera exigua; Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Dietary chlorogenic acid, rutin and tomatine levels reflected those occurring naturally in the leaves of tomato, a hostplant of this herbivore. We compared the effects of four thermal regimes having a daytime temperature of 26 °C , with the night-time temperature increased from 14 to 26 °C by increments of 4 °C . The effect of a particular allelochemical on developmental rate was similar among the four thermal regimes. Chlorogenic acid and tomatine each reduced final larval weight, but there was no effect of night-time temperature. In contrast, rutin had no effect on final weight, whereas final weight declined with increasing night-time temperature. Night-time temperature did not influence amount eaten. Larvae ate less when chlorogenic acid or tomatine was in the diet. For each allelochemical, there were no allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. In addition, we compared the effects of allelochemicals and the thermal regime of 26:14 °C and constant 20 °C , which was the average temperature of the 26:14 °C regime. Developmental rate was lower at the constant 20 °C regime, chlorogenic acid and tomatine each depressed developmental rate, and there were no allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. Thus, regardless of the specific allelochemical or amount, the pattern of response at the fluctuating regime was similar to that at the constant temperature. In contrast, comparison of the thermal regime of 26:22 °C and constant 24 °C , which was the average temperature of the 26:22 °C regime, showed several allelochemical by thermal regime interactions. At the 26:22 °C regime, developmental rate was disproportionatly higher at the maximal rutin concentration compared to that at constant 24 °C . At the constant 24 °C , final larval mass was disproportionately lower at the moderate tomatine concentration compared to that at the 26:22 °C regime. Because these results differ from that of other studies examining another species, it appears that the response to incremental changes in night-time temperature will reflect the allelochemicals and insect species tested. The contrast between the constant 24 °C and 26:22 °C regimes indicates that even small fluctuations (±2 °C ) in temperature over 24 h can yield differences in the response to an allelochemical.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of short‐ and long‐term changesin temperature on the regulation of root respiratory O2 uptakeby substrate supply, adenylate restriction and/or the capacityof the respiratory system. The species investigated were the lowland Plantagolanceolata L. and alpine Plantago euryphylla Briggs, Carolin& Pulley, which are inherently fast‐ and slow‐growing, respectively. Theplants were grown hydroponically in a controlled environment (constant23 °C). The effect of long‐term exposure to lowtemperature on regulation of respiration was also assessed in P.lanceolata using plants transferred to 15/10 °C(day/night) for 7 d. Exogenous glucose and uncoupler (CCCP)were used to assess the extent to which respiration rates were limitedby substrate supply and adenylates. The results suggest that adenylatesand/or substrate supply exert the greatest control overrespiration at moderate temperatures (e.g. 15–30 °C)in both species. At low temperatures (5–15 °C),CCCP and glucose had little effect on respiration, suggesting thatrespiration was limited by enzyme capacity alone. The Q10 (proportionalincrease of respiration per 10 °C) of respirationwas increased following the addition of CCCP and/or exogenousglucose. The degree of stimulation by CCCP was considerably lowerin P. euryphylla than P. lanceolata. This suggeststhat respiration rates operate much closer to the maximum capacity in P.euryphylla than P. lanceolata. When P. lanceolata wastransferred to 15 °C for 7 d, respirationacclimated to the lower growth temperature (as demonstrated by an increasein respiration rates measured at 25 °C). In addition,the Q10 was higher, and the stimulatory effectof exogenous glucose and CCCP lower, in the cold‐acclimated rootsin comparison with their warm‐grown counterparts. Acclimation of P.lanceolata to different day/night‐time temperatureregimes was also investigated. The low night‐time temperature wasfound to be the most important factor influencing acclimation. The Q10 valueswere also higher in plants exposed to the lowest night‐time temperature.The results demonstrate that short‐ and long‐term changes in temperaturealter the importance of substrate supply, adenylates and capacityof respiratory enzymes in regulating respiratory flux.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the effects of genotype, habitat, and seasonal variation on production of the iridoid glycosides, aucubin and catalpol, in leaves of the common weed Plantago lanceolata. Two genotypes, one each from a lawn and an adjacent abandoned hayfield population, were clonally replicated in the greenhouse, and then planted back into the two habitats. One quarter of the plants from each treatment were harvested on each of four dates, at approximately two-week intervals. Over the course of the growing season, and in both habitats, we found a significant increase in the concentration of both aucubin and catalpol in P. lanceolata leaves. The genotypes differed in their response to environmental variation, both in time and between sites, as indicated by significant genotype x date and genotype x site interactions. Early in the season, habitat (lawn or field) had a greater effect on iridoid glycoside concentration than did plant genotype, but later in the season, plant genotype was more influential in determining the iridoid glycoside concentration. Thus, the relative palatability of Plantago genotypes to specialist and generalist herbivores may vary in time and space.  相似文献   

Iridoid glycosides are plant defence compounds with potentially detrimental effects on non-adapted herbivores. Some plant species possess β-glucosidases that hydrolyse iridoid glycosides and thereby release protein-denaturing aglycones. To test the hypothesis that iridoid glycosides and plant β-glucosidases form a dual defence system, we used Plantago lanceolata and a polyphagous caterpillar species. To analyse the impact of leaf-age dependent differences in iridoid glycoside concentrations and β-glucosidase activities on insect performance, old or young leaves were freeze-dried and incorporated into artificial diets or were provided freshly to the larvae. We determined larval consumption rates and the amounts of assimilated nitrogen. Furthermore, we quantified β-glucosidase activities in artificial diets and fresh leaves and the amount of iridoid glycosides that larvae feeding on fresh leaves ingested and excreted. Compared to fresh leaves, caterpillars grew faster on artificial diets, on which larval weight gain correlated positively to the absorbed amount of nitrogen. When feeding fresh young leaves, larvae even lost weight and excreted only minute proportions of the ingested iridoid glycosides intact with the faeces, indicating that the hydrolysis of these compounds might have interfered with nitrogen assimilation and impaired larval growth. To disentangle physiological effects from deterrent effects of iridoid glycosides, we performed dual choice feeding assays. Young leaves, their methanolic extracts and pure catalpol reduced larval feeding in comparison to the respective controls, while aucubin had no effect on larval consumption. We conclude that the dual defence system of P. lanceolata consisting of iridoid glycosides and β-glucosidases interferes with the nutrient utilisation via the hydrolysis of iridoid glycosides and also mediates larval feeding behaviour in a concentration- and substance-specific manner.  相似文献   

Summary. Grasshoppers are serious pests of crops worldwide. In the present era of changing agricultural practices and uncertainty regarding the impacts of global climate change, the need to understand the nutritional ecology of grasshoppers is urgent. In the present study newly hatched nymphs of two multivoltine acridids, Spathosternum prasiniferum prasiniferum and Oedaleus abruptus, were fed with four food plants of the family Poaceae: Cynodon dactylon, Triticum aestivum, Sorghum halepense and Oryza sativa. Then their growth, adult life span, food consumption and utilisation were recorded. Sorghum halepense was found to be the most suitable food plant for S. pr. prasiniferum whereas for O. abruptus it was Triticum aestivum followed by Sorghum halepense in most cases. The results from the present study may help forecasting modellers to simulate a predictive model that may speculate future outbreaks, forage loss and its possible effects on the economy more efficiently.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of temperature on rate of development and survival of the immature stages of a subtropical population of the black jezebel, Delias nigrina , was studied under laboratory conditions at a range of constant temperatures. Mean developmental times from first-instar larva to adult varied from 29 days at 27°C to 52 days at 19°C; the development threshold temperature and thermal constant were estimated to be 9°C and 494 degree-days, respectively. Larval developmental rates reached physiological maximum at the higher temperatures tested (25−27°C). Pupal development, by contrast, was not affected in the same way as larvae by higher temperature. Survival of the immature stages varied inversely with temperature: survival was highest at 19°C and significantly reduced at 27°C. Mortality at the higher temperature was attributable mainly to final-instar larvae and pupae. These findings indicate that, compared with other tropical pierids that have been studied, D. nigrina has: (i) a comparatively low temperature threshold; (ii) a slow rate of development; and (iii) a poor tolerance to moderately high temperatures. Physiologically, these features are more characteristic of a temperate butterfly than a tropical one. This physiological response appears to be reflected by the temperate nature of the genus as a whole, which may be related to its period of origin and evolution during past climatic events.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Leaf mechanical properties, which are important to protect leaves against physical stresses, are thought to change with light and nutrient availabilities. This study aims to understand phenotypic changes of leaf mechanical properties with respect to dry mass allocation and anatomy. METHODS: Leaf lamina strength (maximum force per unit area to fracture), toughness (work to fracture) and stiffness (resistance against deformation) were measured by punch-and-die tests, and anatomical and physiological traits were determined in Plantago major plants grown at different light and nutrient availabilities. A conceptual approach was developed by which punch strength and related carbon costs can be quantitatively related to the underlying anatomical and morphological traits: leaf thickness, dry-mass allocation to cell walls and cell-wall-specific strength. KEY RESULTS: Leaf lamina strength, toughness and stiffness (all expressed on a punch area basis) increased with light availability. By contrast, nutrient availability did not change strength or toughness, but stiffness was higher in low-nutrient plants. Punch strength (maximum force per unit punch area, F(max)/area) was analysed as the product of leaf mass per area (LMA) and F(max)/leaf mass (= punch strength/LMA, indicating mass-use efficiency for strength). The greater strength of sun leaves was mainly explained by their higher LMA. Shade leaves, by contrast, had a higher F(max)/leaf mass. This greater efficiency in shade leaves was caused by a greater fraction of leaf mass in cell walls and by a greater specific strength of cell walls. These differences are probably because epidermis cells constitute a relatively large fraction of the leaf cross-section in shaded leaves. Although a larger percentage of intercellular spaces were found in shade leaves, this in itself did not reduce 'material' strength (punch strength/thickness); it might, however, be important for increasing distance between upper and lower epidermis per unit mass and thus maintaining flexural stiffness at minimal costs. CONCLUSIONS: The consequences of a reduced LMA for punch strength in shaded leaves was partially compensated for by a mechanically more efficient design, which, it is suggested, contributes importantly to resisting mechanical stress under carbon-limited conditions.  相似文献   

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