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The effects of water hardness (9 and 220 mgl−1 as CaCO3) upon zinc exchange in brown trout exposed to 0.77 μmol Zn 1−1 have been investigated using artificial soft water (<49.9 μmol Ca l-1, <40.1 μmol Mg 1−1) and mains hard water (1671.7 μmol Ca 1−1, 493.6 μmol Mg 1−1) of known composition. Both hard and soft water-adapted fish exhibited a bimodal pattern of net zinc influx. Net zinc influxes during both fast and slow uptake phases were significantly greater ( P <0.001) in soft (82.9 and 6.2 μmol Zn 100 g−1 h−1) than in hard water (46.3 and 2.4 μmol Zn 100 g h−1). Zinc efflux (- 0.2 μmol Zn 100 g−1 h−1) was enhanced only in hard water during the slow net influx phase.
Brown trout exposed to zinc in hard water and placed in metal-free media exhibited a greater net efflux (- 25.6 μmol Zn 100 g−1 h−1) of the metal than did fish in soft water (-4.2 μmol Zn 100 g−1 h−1) treated in the same manner. Tissue 65Zn activities reflected both the differences in uptake and excretion rates of the metal between hard and soft water fish. During zinc exposure (0.77 μmol Zn 1−1) high water hardness reduced tissue burdens of the metal by reducing net branchial influx, and enhancing efflux of the metal in hard water fish.  相似文献   

Three 'new' polymorphic loci in the brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) was detected using starch gel electrophoresis. Evidence for simple Mendelian inheritance at all three loci are presented.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphism in the essentially non-anadromous River Usk brown trout Salmo trutta population was investigated by restriction analysis. Following mtDNA extraction and purification on caesium chloride density gradients, monomorphic restriction profiles were obtained with Hae III , Hind III , Sau 3AI and Xbal . However, the restriction endonucleases Ava II and HinfIl proved informative. The distribution of four composite genotypes found within the Usk system was heterogeneous, and a fifth genotype appeared exclusively in an outgroup sample from the adjacent River Wye drainage. The source of the observed genetic variation is discussed in relation to estimated divergence times for Usk mtDNA genotypes and the stocking history of the catchment.  相似文献   

Brown trout, Salmo trutta, were allowed to thermoregulate individually in an electronic shuttlebox. Pooled data for 6 fish showed a diel pattern of preferred temperature, with a diurnal minimum of 10.3°C, an early nocturnal maximum of 13.7°C, a less pronounced mid-scotophase minimum of 11.7°C, and a secondary dawn maximum of 12.8°C, in a somewhat crepuscular pattern. The 24-hour mean preferendum was 12.2°C.  相似文献   

Yolk-sac fry of brown trout were exposed to three levels of single trace metals (Cu, 20,40,80 nmol 1-1; Pb, 12·5,25,50 nmol 1-1; Zn, 75,150,300 nmol 1-1) typical of concentrations reported for acid soft waters, in flowing, artificial, soft water media maintained at pH 4·5 and [Ca] of 20 or 200 μmol 1-1for 30 days.
Mortalities were high in fry subjected to all levels of the three trace metals at [Ca] 20 μmol 1-1, with 80% of the total deaths occurring between days 11 and 15 of the experiment. 25% mortality occurred at low [Ca] and pH 4·5 in the absence of trace metals, with only one death recorded at [Ca] 200 μmol1-1'(Cu, 80 nmol 1-1). At high [Ca] all three levels of Cu and Pb impaired net Na and K uptake; Cu was the only metal to reduce the uptake of Ca. The Zn treatments had no significant effect on mineral uptake. Calcification of centra was reduced by all three Cu treatments at [Ca] 200 μmol 1-1. The lowest Zn concentration (75 nmol 1-1) was the only other treatment to impair skeletal development. In the absence of trace metals, low [Ca] significantly reduced Ca, Na and K uptake, skeletal calcification and dry mass at pH 4·5.
The deleterious effects of low Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations at low pH and low [Ca], and the ameliorative effect of higher ambient [Ca], are discussed in relation to fishery status in soft, acid waters.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, kin-biased behavior of young browntrout (Salmo trutta) was observed. The aggressiveness shownby groups of familiar siblings (siblings reared together sincefertilization) and groups of unfamiliar siblings (siblings rearedapart since fertilization) was significantly lower comparedto that of mixed groups of two unrelated sibling groups (offspringof two different pairs of parents). The evolution of kin-biasedbehavior, as shown by a reduction in aggressiveness, is assumedto have evolved through a kin-selective mechanism.[Behav Ecol7: 445-450 (1996)]  相似文献   

Among 332 parr from the Swedish River Grönån examined by electrophoresis, 44 (13%) were hybrids between Atlantic salmon and brown trout. The hybrid frequencies in three sections of Grönån were significantly different (23. 8 and 2%). All hybrids are evidently of natural origin. and possible factors promoting hybridization are irregular overlapping spawning times. lack of separate spawning grounds, and involvement of sneakers.  相似文献   

Distribution, growth and movement of River Usk brown trout (Salmo trutta)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The River Usk catchment in South Wales supports mainly freshwater resident brown trout, with few anadromous fish. Electric fishing and netting revealed that age-class distribution differed between main river and tributary habitats, the latter environment acting as a nursery area for young fish. Few fry were found at main river sites. Age-class distribution also differed between tributary systems, and possible reasons are discussed. Trapping experiments indicated that trout move to main river habitat at 2+ yr. Lengths at age (back-calculated from scale reading) were similar for main river and tributary resident fish at 1 and 2 year, but main river fish were larger at 3 and 4 yr. This habitat shift and size difference is discussed with reference to current angling regulations.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine if short‐term exposure of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis and brown trout Salmo trutta to a lower pH than found in their source stream results in a shift in preference or avoidance pH. The lack of a shift in preference or avoidance pH of adult S. fontinalis and S. trutta suggests that these species can be held at a pH different from the source waterbody for a short period of time without altering preference or avoidance pH behaviour.  相似文献   

The Ldh-5 locus, which codes for the eye-specific lactate dehydrogenase in brown trout, has been shown to be polymorphic for two codominant alleles, Ldh-5 (100) and Ldh-5 (90). The Ldh-5 (100 ) allele is present in 11 other salmonid species and is therefore likely to be the ancestral one, whereas the unique brown trout Ldh-5 (90 ) allele would seem to be the result of a mutation in that lineage. The Ldh-5 (90 ) allele appears to have arisen in north-west Europe during or after the last glaciation, with allelic substitution taking place under the action of natural selection. The Ldh-5 (90 ) allele can be used as a phylogeographic marker to trace the post-glacial spread of the populations possessing it. Examination of the current distribution of the two alleles suggests that, in the formerly glaciated area of north-west Europe, there have been two post-glacial colonizations by brown trout. The first was by an 'ancestral' race fixed for the Ldh-5(100 ) allele. This was later replaced by, or introgressed with, the later-arriving 'modern' race characterized by the Ldh-5 (90 ) allele, except where physical barriers prevented colonization by this latter form. Artificial stocking has resulted in 'genetic contamination' of many populations of the ancestral race and there is an urgent need to conserve the remaining pristine populations, especially in view of the likely genetic propensity for longevity and ultimate large size exhibited by this race.  相似文献   

The effect of the introduction of fry of anadromous sea trout, Salmo trutta L., on the genetic integrity of landlocked brown trout populations was evaluated. Samples were taken from six brown trout populations from streams above impassable waterfalls in the Conwy river system (North Wales, U.K.) in 1989 and 1990. Three of these streams had no known stocking history and three had been stocked with sea trout fry from the lower Conwy system over the last few years. Representatives of these sea trout were collected from two streams in the lower Conwy system and from a hatchery. Allele frequencies at 13 loci, six of which were polymorphic, were determined by starch gel electrophoresis.
The stocked populations were intermediate in their allele frequencies between unstocked brown trout and sea trout samples. A principal component analysis suggested significant numbers of hybrids in all of the stocked streams. This shows that some of the introduced sea trout did not migrate down the falls to the sea, but stayed in fresh water and hybridized with the local population. The significance of this finding for the conservation of the genetic resource of brown trout stocks is discussed.  相似文献   

Embryo survival and alevin emergence pattern of brown trout were studied in simulated redds with different homogeneous gravel sizes and different concentrations of peat material. Optimal survival (95%) occurred in 18 mm gravel and survival decreased with decreasing gravel size. High concentrations (40%) of peat material resulted in low survival (65%). The proportion of premature emerging alevins increased in finer gravels and at high peat concentrations. Premature alevins had a large yolk sac and are probably very vulnerable to predators.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of juvenile salmonids from south-west England revealed the presence of natural hybrids between Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo rrurra L., within three of five rivers. Amongst 409 juvenile 'salmon', 1.2% were hybrids, and of 150 juvenile 'trout' sampled, 2.0% were natural hybrids. In one river, similar hybridization levels in 'salmon' parr samples were found in two successive years. Levels of hybridization are high when compared with most similar studies, especially others within the United Kingdom. Possible factors influencing this are discussed.  相似文献   

The post spawning behaviour of sea trout Salmo trutta was studied over a 2 year period in the river and estuary of the River Fowey, south‐west England. Forty‐five sea trout kelts were trapped immediately after spawning in December and intraperitoneally tagged with miniature acoustic transmitters. The subsequent emigration into coastal waters was monitored using acoustic receivers deployed throughout the river catchment. The levels of gill Na+K+ATPase activity in sea trout kelts sampled at the same time as the tagged fish were within the range of 2·5 to 4·5 μmol Pi per mg protein per h indicating that the post‐spawning fish were not physiologically adapted to salt water. The tagged kelts were resident in fresh water between 4 and 70 days before entering the estuary. Sixty two per cent of the tagged kelts subsequently migrated successfully into coastal waters, with a higher success rate for male fish (75%) than females (58%). There was a significant size related difference in the run‐timing of the kelts with the larger fish moving more quickly into coastal waters after spawning than smaller fish. Seaward migration within fresh water was predominantly nocturnal and generally occurred in conjunction with increasing river discharge and rising water temperature. Migration through the estuary continued to be predominantly nocturnal and occurred during an ebbing tide. Residency within the estuary varied amongst individuals although it was invariably short, with most fish moving out into coastal waters within one to two tidal cycles. Five tagged kelts returned from the coastal zone and re‐entered fresh water during April and June. Marine residence time varied between 89 and 145 days (mean 118 days) and the minimum estimated marine survival was c. 18%. One of these sea trout was subsequently recaptured after successfully spawning in the vicinity where it had been previously tagged demonstrating a degree of spawning site fidelity.  相似文献   

1. Microsatellite and isozyme loci variation were used to study structure and dynamics of a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population heavily affected by damming. The downstream area accessible for spawning was drastically reduced to a stream 1 km long influenced by regulated discharge. 2. Stocking of hatchery‐reared juveniles failed and the population is entirely supported by anadromous adults from neighbouring populations. 3. Temporal genetic stability is reported here. Some punctual between‐river genetic differences are likely because of different contribution from each neighbouring river through years. 4. High anadromy‐mediated gene flow produces a lack of genetic substructure in the region. The role of anadromous brown trout on maintenance of endangered small populations is emphasised.  相似文献   

In Italian freshwaters the introgressive hybridization with the alien Atlantic trout represents the principal threat to the native endangered Mediterranean trout. The aim of the research was to test the effectiveness of alien trout removal activities carried out by electrofishing in four streams in Central Italy. The four sites were chosen on the basis of the severe genetic introgression level of the trout populations. The removal activities were carried out from December 2014 to July 2017, for a total of 10 eradication campaigns in each site. During each field activity, five environmental parameters (flow rate, conductivity, average depth, average width, accessibility) were collected, since they could influence both the effectiveness of the electrofishing and the biological characteristics of the fish populations. A total of over 22,000 alien trout accounting for a biomass of over 700 kg were removed from the removal sites. For each site, a progressive drastic decrease over time in density and standing crop values was observed. Removal rates ranged from 94.22% to 100.00% for density, and from 96.57% to 100.00% for standing crop. The correlation analysis showed an inverse significant relationship between catchability and populations abundance, confirming that low density populations are more suitable to removal efforts. The progressive removal of specimens improved the catchability over time, indicating that even the largest populations could be eradicated, providing the necessary number of steps in a fishing season. The improved body condition and the greater growth rates observed during the eradication period, in low abundance conditions, seemed to confirm the key role that intraspecific competition and density-dependent phenomena play in the Apennine trout population dynamics. The results obtained in the present research provided evidence that electrofishing removal could be an effective management tool for the Mediterranean trout conservation, especially in watercourses of modest dimensions in terms of flow rates, width and depth.  相似文献   

In this study, individual growth of juvenile offspring of anadromous and freshwater resident brown trout Salmo trutta and crosses between the two from the River Imsa, Norway, was estimated. The juveniles were incubated until hatching at two temperatures (±S.D. ), either 4.4 ± 1.5°C or 7.1 ± 0.6°C. Growth rate was estimated for 22 days in August–September when the fish on average were c. 8 g in wet mass, and the estimates were standardized to 1 g fish dry mass. Offspring of anadromous S. trutta grew better at both 15 and 18°C than offspring of freshwater resident S. trutta or offspring of crosses between the two S. trutta types. This difference appears not to result from a maternal effect because anadromous S. trutta grew better than the hybrids with anadromous mothers. Instead, this appears to be an inherited difference between the anadromous and the freshwater resident fish lending support to the hypothesis that anadromous and freshwater resident S. trutta in this river differ in genetic expression. Egg incubation temperature of S. trutta appeared not to influence the later growth as reported earlier from the studies of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar.  相似文献   

1. The objective was to assess the role of recruitment as a determinant of the production dynamics of stream-resident brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) across replicate habitats of contrasting quality and population attributes. A total of 128-year-classes (YC) at 12 stream sites were examined along four tributaries of the Rio Esva drainage (northwestern Spain).
2. A meta-comparison revealed that growth, density, mortality and production were essentially site-specific. However, when all data were pooled, recruitment (as a delayed density-dependent process) affected both growth and mortality in a way such that individuals in YC with high recruitment grew less and had higher mortality.
3. The value of total YC production recorded covered the global range of variation in the production of stream salmonids reported in the literature. Linear regressions of log-transformed data revealed that 89.0%, 58.9% and 70.7% of the variation in YC density, biomass and production, respectively, were explained by variations in recruitment.
4. The inclusion of growth and mortality, together with recruitment, into a multiple regression increased the variance explained of the total YC production by 13.3%, from 70.7% to 84.0%.
5. The functional relationships between recruitment and the population attributes elucidated in this study appear to provide a useful tool for management applications, including forecasting population status.  相似文献   

Survival, growth and hatching of brown trout Salmo trutta embryos were studied using in situ incubation experiments in two lake outlet streams in Finland. The experimental design in both streams included an outlet site and a reference site far downstream. The date of hatching was recorded and the Elliott–Hurley model was then used to predict the time of emergence based on water temperature. For data analyses, the incubation period was divided into 'winter' (from fertilization to mid March) and 'spring' (from mid March until the end of the experiment). Temperature of the large-lake outlet remained at 1° C through the winter, while in other sites temperature was close to 0° C. In spring, temperature increased more slowly in the large-lake outlet. The survival of embryos was overall very high, from 83 to 98%, and they were larger in the outlets than in the downstream sites. Embryos hatched at the large-lake outlet in March, and 3–5 weeks later in the other sites. Although there were considerable between-site differences in hatching intervals, difference in expected 50% emergence dates of the earliest and latest site was only 4 days. Thus, any growth advantage that the outlet embryos had in winter disappeared by the end of the alevin period. Lake outlets, however, may be important for age 0 year brown trout later during the summer when other stream habitats do not provide adequate food resources.  相似文献   

1. Upstream and downstream migrating anadromous brown trout Salmo trutta were monitored daily in fish traps in the River Imsa in south-western Norway for 24 years, from 1976 to 1999. One-third of the fish descended to sea during spring (February–June) and two-thirds during autumn (September–January).
2. In spring, high water temperature appeared to influence the downstream descent. Large brown trout (> 30 cm, chiefly two or more sea sojourns) descended earlier and appeared less dependent on high water temperature than smaller and younger fish. The spring water flow was generally low and of little importance for the descent.
3. In autumn, the daily number of descending brown trout correlated positively with flow and negatively with water temperature.
4. Brown trout ascended from the sea between April and December, but more than 70% ascended between August and October. The number of ascending trout increased significantly with both decreasing temperature and flow during the autumn. This response to flow appeared to be the result of the autumn discharge which is generally high and most fish ascended at an intermediate flow of 7.5–10 m3 s−1 (which is low for the season).
5. In a river like the Imsa with low spring and high autumn flows, water temperature appears to be the main environmental factor influencing the timing and rate of spring descent, while both water temperature and flow seemed to influence the timing and rate of the autumn descent and ascent. These relationships make sea trout migrations susceptible to variation in climate and human impacts of the flow regime in rivers.  相似文献   

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