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P. David Polly Andrei V. Polyakov Vadim B. Ilyashenko Sergei S. Onischenko Thomas A. White Nikolay A. Shchipanov Nina S. Bulatova Svetlana V. Pavlova Pavel M. Borodin Jeremy B. Searle 《PloS one》2013,8(7)
Sorex araneus, the Common shrew, is a species with more than 70 karyotypic races, many of which form parapatric hybrid zones, making it a model for studying chromosomal speciation. Hybrids between races have reduced fitness, but microsatellite markers have demonstrated considerable gene flow between them, calling into question whether the chromosomal barriers actually do contribute to genetic divergence. We studied phenotypic clines across two hybrid zones with especially complex heterozygotes. Hybrids between the Novosibirsk and Tomsk races produce chains of nine and three chromosomes at meiosis, and hybrids between the Moscow and Seliger races produce chains of eleven. Our goal was to determine whether phenotypes show evidence of reduced gene flow at hybrid zones. We used maximum likelihood to fit tanh cline models to geometric shape data and found that phenotypic clines in skulls and mandibles across these zones had similar centers and widths as chromosomal clines. The amount of phenotypic differentiation across the zones is greater than expected if it were dissipating due to unrestricted gene flow given the amount of time since contact, but it is less than expected to have accumulated from drift during allopatric separation in glacial refugia. Only if heritability is very low, Ne very high, and the time spent in allopatry very short, will the differences we observe be large enough to match the expectation of drift. Our results therefore suggest that phenotypic differentiation has been lost through gene flow since post-glacial secondary contact, but not as quickly as would be expected if there was free gene flow across the hybrid zones. The chromosomal tension zones are confirmed to be partial barriers that prevent differentiated races from becoming phenotypically homogenous. 相似文献
A V Poliakov V V Panov T Iu Ladygina M N Bochkarev M I Rodionova P M Borodin 《Genetika》2001,37(4):448-455
This paper summarizes a series of studies on chromosomal geography of the common shrew Sorex araneus L. in Siberia and the Southern Urals. Chromosomal races inhabiting the Southern Urals and the Western Siberian Plain sequentially replace each other in the latitudinal direction. In this region, karyotypes of each two adjacent races differ from each other by a single whole-arm reciprocal translocation. In the Eastern Siberian branch, the neighboring races differ mainly in the number or set of metacentric chromosomes. Analysis of the race distribution in the common shrew in the context of paleophysiology of the glacial period allowed us to reconstruct the sequence of events leading to the establishment of the present-day structure of the species. 相似文献
Presented is the karyotype of Sorex araneus from 4 trapping sites in southwestern Germany. From this species nearly 20 chromosomal races have so far been described. In the study area autosomal numbers of 2na= 22–24 were recorded. The characteristical metacentrics jl, hi, gm, kr and the acrocentrics n, o, p, q were identified by G-banding. The element kr shows Robertsonian polymorphism. The metacentrics only allow a classification of the studied populations as chromosomal race “Vaud” from Switzerland. The postglacial recolonization and the possible presence of other chromosomal races in the central and northern parts of Germany are briefly discussed. Different selection pressures act on metacentrics and acrocentrics in central populations of a chromosomal race in contrast to those living in contact zones of different chromosomal races. It is suggested that the smaller autosomal arms are subject to weaker selection pressure to be fixed as metacentrics. 相似文献
Recombination map of the common shrew, Sorex araneus (Eulipotyphla, Mammalia) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

Borodin PM Karamysheva TV Belonogova NM Torgasheva AA Rubtsov NB Searle JB 《Genetics》2008,178(2):621-632
The Eurasian common shrew (Sorex araneus L.) is characterized by spectacular chromosomal variation, both autosomal variation of the Robertsonian type and an XX/XY(1)Y(2) system of sex determination. It is an important mammalian model of chromosomal and genome evolution as it is one of the few species with a complete genome sequence. Here we generate a high-precision cytological recombination map for the species, the third such map produced in mammals, following those for humans and house mice. We prepared synaptonemal complex (SC) spreads of meiotic chromosomes from 638 spermatocytes of 22 males of nine different Robertsonian karyotypes, identifying each autosome arm by differential DAPI staining. Altogether we mapped 13,983 recombination sites along 7095 individual autosomes, using immunolocalization of MLH1, a mismatch repair protein marking recombination sites. We estimated the total recombination length of the shrew genome as 1145 cM. The majority of bivalents showed a high recombination frequency near the telomeres and a low frequency near the centromeres. The distances between MLH1 foci were consistent with crossover interference both within chromosome arms and across the centromere in metacentric bivalents. The pattern of recombination along a chromosome arm was a function of its length, interference, and centromere and telomere effects. The specific DNA sequence must also be important because chromosome arms of the same length differed substantially in their recombination pattern. These features of recombination show great similarity with humans and mice and suggest generality among mammals. However, contrary to a widespread perception, the metacentric bivalent tu usually lacked an MLH1 focus on one of its chromosome arms, arguing against a minimum requirement of one chiasma per chromosome arm for correct segregation. With regard to autosomal chromosomal variation, the chromosomes showing Robertsonian polymorphism display MLH1 foci that become increasingly distal when comparing acrocentric homozygotes, heterozygotes, and metacentric homozygotes. Within the sex trivalent XY(1)Y(2), the autosomal part of the complex behaves similarly to other autosomes. 相似文献
Meiotic drive has attracted much interest because it concerns the robustness of Mendelian segregation and its genetic and evolutionary stability. We studied chromosomal meiotic drive in the common shrew (Sorex araneus, Insectivora, Mammalia), which exhibits one of the most remarkable chromosomal polymorphisms within mammalian species. The open question of the evolutionary success of metacentric chromosomes (Robertsonian fusions) versus acrocentrics in the common shrew prompted us to test whether a segregation distortion in favor of metacentrics is present in female and/or male meiosis. Performing crosses under controlled laboratory conditions with animals from natural populations, we found a clear trend toward a segregation distortion in favor of metacentrics during male meiosis, two chromosome combinations (gm and jl) being significantly preferred over their acrocentric homologs. Apart for one Robertsonian fusion (hi), this trend was absent in female meiosis. We propose a model based on recombination events between twin acrocentrics to explain the difference in transmission ratios of the same metacentric in different sexes and unequal drive of particular metacentrics in the same sex. Pooled data for female and male meiosis revealed a trend toward stronger segregation distortion for larger metacentrics. This is partially in agreement with the frequency of metacentrics occurring in natural populations of a chromosome race showing a high degree of chromosomal polymorphism. 相似文献
Sorex araneus and S. minutus , which are likely to show a temporary vertical habitat segregation, are largely sympatric, except in Ireland, where S. minutus occurs alone. Two mechanisms for this segregation may be suggested: a direct interspecific interaction or an evolutionary fixed relationship.
Population densities and surface activity were measured, both in areas where the two species occur together (The Netherlands) and in areas in Ireland, in (order to investigate the possibility of a habitat shift and its influence on population density. No such effect was found in the present study. 相似文献
Population densities and surface activity were measured, both in areas where the two species occur together (The Netherlands) and in areas in Ireland, in (order to investigate the possibility of a habitat shift and its influence on population density. No such effect was found in the present study. 相似文献
N. LUGON-MOULIN H. BRÜNNER A. WYTTENBACH J. HAUSSER & J. GOUDET 《Molecular ecology》1999,8(3):419-431
Microsatellites are used to unravel the fine-scale genetic structure of a hybrid zone between chromosome races Valais and Cordon of the common shrew ( Sorex araneus ) located in the French Alps. A total of 269 individuals collected between 1992 and 1995 was typed for seven microsatellite loci. A modified version of the classical multiple correspondence analysis is carried out. This analysis clearly shows the dichotomy between the two races. Several approaches are used to study genetic structuring. Gene flow is clearly reduced between these chromosome races and is estimated at one migrant every two generations using R -statistics and one migrant per generation using F -statistics. Hierarchical F - and R -statistics are compared and their efficiency to detect inter- and intraracial patterns of divergence is discussed. Within-race genetic structuring is significant, but remains weak. F ST displays similar values on both sides of the hybrid zone, although no environmental barriers are found on the Cordon side, whereas the Valais side is divided by several mountain rivers. We introduce the exact G -test to microsatellite data which proved to be a powerful test to detect genetic differentiation within as well as among races. The genetic background of karyotypic hybrids was compared with the genetic background of pure parental forms using a CRT–MCA. Our results indicate that, without knowledge of the karyotypes, we would not have been able to distinguish these hybrids from karyotypically pure samples. 相似文献
Polyakov A. V. Panov V. V. Ladygina T. Yu. Bochkarev M. N. Rodionova M. I. Borodin P. M. 《Russian Journal of Genetics》2001,37(4):351-357
This paper summarizes a series of studies on chromosomal geography of the common shrew Sorex araneusL. in Siberia and the Southern Urals. Chromosomal races inhabiting the Southern Urals and the Western Siberian Plain sequentially replace each other in the latitudinal direction. In this region, karyotypes of each two adjacent races differ from each other by a single whole-arm reciprocal translocation. In the Eastern Siberian and Altai branches, the neighboring races differ mainly in the number or set of metacentric chromosomes. Analysis of the race distribution in the common shrew in the context of paleoecology of the glacial and postglacial period allowed us to reconstruct the sequence of events leading to the establishment of the present-day structure of the species S. araneus. 相似文献
O. O. Grigoryeva A. G. Shestak S. G. Potapov Yu. M. Borisov S. Yu. Irkhin N. P. Korablev V. N. Orlov 《Biology Bulletin》2011,38(5):425-433
The variation of microsatellite loci in 130 individuals of four common shrew chromosome races (Moscow, Western Dvina, Seliger,
and St. Petersburg) contacting on the Valdai Hills was studied. A low level of genetic differences between the chromosome
races, which differ at three-five fixed diagnostic metacentric chromosomes, was found. The genetic differentiation within
the races is more considerable as compared with that between the races. A high deficiency in heterozygotes was recorded; presumably,
this is connected with regular variation in the population sizes. It is assumed that the fixation of centric chromosome fusions
was supported by selection (drive) in the evolution of the common shrew against the background of a neutral evolution of the
microsatellite loci. 相似文献
During the Pleistocene glaciations, the Alps were an efficient barrier to gene flow between isolated populations, often leading to allopatric speciation. Afterwards, the Alps strongly influenced the post-glacial recolonization of Europe and represent a major suture zone between differentiated populations. Two hybrid zones in the Swiss and French Alps between genetically and chromosomally well-differentiated species-the Valais shrew, Sorex antinorii, and the common shrew, S. araneus-were studied karyotypically and by analyzing the distribution of seven microsatellite loci. In the center of the Haslital hybrid zone the two species coexist over a distance of 900 m. Hybrid karyotypes, among them the most complex known in Sorex, are rare. F-statistics based on microsatellite data revealed a strong heterozygote deficit only in the center of the zone, due to the sympatric distribution of the two species with little hybridization between them. Structuring within the species (both F(IS) and F(ST)) was low. An hierarchical analysis showed a high level of interspecific differentiation. Results were compared with those previously reported in another hybrid zone located at Les Houches in the French Alps. Genetic structuring within and between species was comparable in both hybrid zones, although chromosomal incompatibilities are more important in Haslital, where a linkage block of the race-specific chromosomes should additionally impede gene flow. Evidence for a more restricted gene flow in Haslital comes from the genetically intermediate hybrid karyotypes, whereas in Les Houches, hybrid karyotypes are genetically identical to individuals of the pure karyotypic races. Genic and chromosomal introgression was observed in Les Houches, but not in Haslital. The possible influence of a river, separating the two species at Les Houches, on gene flow is discussed. 相似文献
Ecological analysis of the helminthofauna of common shrew Sorex araneus L. from Samarskaya Luka (Samara Region) has been carried out. Twenty-three helminth species are found including 3 species of trematodes, 8 cestodes, 10 nematodes, and 2 acanthocephales. Dependence of the structure of helminthofauna on the host age is revealed. 相似文献
Using a panel of hybrid clones (common shrew--Chinese hamster and common shrew--mouse), the syntheny and localization of the following genes was determined: genes for alpha-galactosidase (GLA), acid phosphatase (ACP1), and phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK1) on chromosome de; adenosine kinase (ADK) and glucuronidase 2 (GUS2) on chromosome ik; glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 2 (GOT2) and peptidase D (PEPD) on chromosome hn; and glyoxalase 1 (GLO1) and phosphoglucomutase 2 (PGM2) on chromosome go. Gene for beta-galactosidase (GLB1) was assigned to arm p of chromosome mp. Thus, including previously mapped genes, the cytogenetic map of the common shrew contains 39 genes. They form seven syntheny groups and mark eight out of ten chromosomes. 相似文献