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Relationship Between Growth, Secondary Metabolism, and Resistance of Apple   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: The paper shows that N-induced vigorous shoot growth increases susceptibility of apple trees to Venturia inaequalis. This is due to a weakened defence in infected leaves of the high N cultures showing large lesions with excessive sporulation, whereas infected leaves from the low N cultures exhibited successful defence with only small chlorotic lesions and no sporulation. This might be explained by biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids in the young leaves of the resistant trees. A negative correlation between shoot growth of apple trees and the concentration of phenolic compounds in young leaves was found. Studies on in vitro shoot cultures revealed that the availability of sugars for the phenylpropanoid pathway is a strong regulatory factor. The ratio of sucrose and nitrogen in the medium influenced the total level of secondary products in the in vitro grown plantlets. Moreover, the relative deficiency of sugars was responsible for a metabolic block mainly at the level of glucosyl transferase and concomitant aglycone accumulation.  相似文献   

A 2‐year study on epidemic progress of apple scab was conducted at Randwijk, the Netherlands, in 1998 and 1999. The summer epidemic caused by conidia was studied instead of the well‐described spring season epidemic originating from ascospores. The aim was to investigate relationships between disease measurements, i.e. disease incidence and severity measures of apple scab, and their implications for the development of predictive models and threshold levels. The study characterized good relationships between the measurements on cultivar Jonagold using regression analyses in three disease control regimes (untreated, organic and integrated). For fruit quality prediction, the relationship between fruit incidence (If) and leaf incidence (Il) in the organic control regime was given by If = 1.966 + 0.402 × (Il) (R2 = 0.92). As a result of low level of disease in the integrated control regime, shoot incidence (Is), with higher values than leaf incidence, was better suited for prediction. The relationship was given by If = ?0.162 + 0.028 × (Is) (R2 = 0.91). For the integrated control regime, disease threshold levels were constructed for timing of the final fungicide application. If an apple grower wants to keep fruit infection under 1% incidence (harvest scab threshold), the timing of the final fungicide application (action threshold) should correspond to 4% shoot scab incidence at the beginning of August. The results are compared with similar studies and their biological interpretation is discussed.  相似文献   

A narrow-down strategy to restrict the Vf region, which controls resistance to the fungal disease apple scab in apple, to a genetic distance of 0.4 cM is presented. Using 11 AFLP-derived SCARs and three RAPD-derived SCARs, all linked to the Vf gene, we subjected 1,412 scab-resistant individuals from 16 mapping populations to genotype analysis. Eleven recombinant individuals were identified within a genetic distance of 0.9 cM around the Vf gene. Using these 11 recombinants, we achieved fine-resolution of several AFLP-derived SCAR markers surrounding the Vf gene, resulting in the following genetic linkage map: ACS-6 and ACS are located left of the Vf gene at genetic distances of 0.2 cM and 0.1 cM, respectively; ACS-7 and ACS-9 are inseparable from the Vf gene; ACS-8, ACS-10, and ACS-4 are located to the right of the Vf gene at genetic distances of 0.1 cM, 0.4 cM, and 0.5 cM, respectively; the remaining five SCARs—ACS-11, ACS-5, ACS-2, ACS-1, and AL07—are inseparable and are located right of the Vf gene at a genetic distance of 0.7 cM. By integrating this linkage data with our previous physical map, we generated a revised map of the narrowed-down region of Vf.Communicated by P. Langridge  相似文献   

采用人工接种黑星病菌的方法,对国家果树种质兴城梨资源圃保存的197份梨种质资源进行了抗病性鉴定,结果表明:不同梨种类发病率差异很大,其中白梨和砂梨最易感病,秋子梨和种间杂交选育品种较易感病,新疆梨较抗病,西洋梨最抗病;对病情指数在各梨种类分布进行了分析;在白梨、砂梨、秋子等各系统分别筛选出黄鸡腿、甩梨、酸梨、锦香等一批抗病资源;对田间自然感病与人工接种感病结果进行了比较。  相似文献   

Apple scab, caused by the fungal pathogen Venturia inaequalis, is one of the most severe diseases of apple worldwide. It is the most studied plant–pathogen interaction involving a woody species using modern genetic, genomic, proteomic and bioinformatic approaches in both species. Although ‘Geneva’ apple was recognized long ago as a potential source of resistance to scab, this resistance has not been characterized previously. Differential interactions between various monoconidial isolates of V. inaequalis and six segregating F1 and F2 populations indicate the presence of at least five loci governing the resistance in ‘Geneva’. The 17 chromosomes of apple were screened using genotyping‐by‐sequencing, as well as single marker mapping, to position loci controlling the V. inaequalis resistance on linkage group 4. Next, we fine mapped a 5‐cM region containing five loci conferring both dominant and recessive scab resistance to the distal end of the linkage group. This region corresponds to 2.2 Mbp (from 20.3 to 22.5 Mbp) on the physical map of ‘Golden Delicious’ containing nine candidate nucleotide‐binding site leucine‐rich repeat (NBS‐LRR) resistance genes. This study increases our understanding of the complex genetic basis of apple scab resistance conferred by ‘Geneva’, as well as the gene‐for‐gene (GfG) relationships between the effector genes in the pathogen and resistance genes in the host.  相似文献   

吴迪  郑彤  李磊  李韬 《生物技术进展》2020,10(3):242-250
赤霉病是小麦主要的流行病害之一。借助标记辅助选择将不同数量性状基因座(quantitative trait loci,QTL)聚合是防治赤霉病有效且环保的方法,可以从源头上控制赤霉病并降低籽粒中毒素含量。抗赤霉病QTL在小麦全基因组均有分布,但除了Fhb1、Fhb2等少数位点有比较可靠的鉴别标记,绝大部分位点缺乏有效的位点特异性鉴别标记。简单重复序列(simple sequence repeat,SSR)标记多态性丰富,可以区分自然群体中不同等位变异,方便用于标记辅助育种。基于此,搜集了不同文献中报道的与赤霉病关联的SSR标记386个,并用这些标记构建全基因组赤霉病抗性QTL一致性图谱,接着对这些关联标记进行拷贝数分析,进而选择位点内的单拷贝SSR标记,将这些单拷贝标记在156个品种组成的自然群体中进行扩增,并与三季大田和三季温室环境下赤霉病抗性进行关联,筛选与赤霉病抗性关联的单拷贝SSR标记,明确这些标记在自然群体中的有效等位变异和效应。结果表明,共8个单拷贝SSR标记至少在两季试验中与表型显著关联(P<0.05),涉及2B、2D、3B、5A、5B、6A、6D、7A染色体,有5个单拷贝标记位点存在有效等位变异。中国地方品种和日本品种携带更多的有利变异,且有利等位变异数目越多的品种赤霉病抗性越好。研究分析的QTL位点及其关联的单拷贝SSR标记可用于赤霉病抗病育种,有利于提高品种赤霉病抗性水平和育种效率。  相似文献   

植物抗病育种中的标记辅助选择与甘蔗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抗病基因的分子标记具有稳定、准确、高效的特点,通过对基因型而不是表型的直接选择,抗病基因分子标记应用于辅助选择可大大加快常规育种进程,提高育种效率。本文评述了植物抗病育种中标记辅助选择的发展概况,介绍了各种DNA分子标记技术及植物抗病基因连锁标记的筛选方法,重点介绍了甘蔗抗病基因分子标记研究的现状,展望了分子标记辅助选择在甘蔗抗病育种中的前景。  相似文献   

Interactions of Apple and the Alternaria alternata Apple Pathotype   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Apple is one of the most cultivated tree fruits worldwide, and is susceptible to many diseases. Understanding the interactions between the host and pathogen is critical in implementing disease management strategies and developing resistant cultivars. This review provides an update on the interactions of apple with Alternaria alternata apple pathotype, which causes Alternaria blotch, with a brief history about the discovery of the disease and pathogen and its damage and epidemiology. The focus of the review is placed on the physiological and genetic response of the host to pathogen infection, including resistance and susceptibility, and the molecular markers associated with them. Of the response of the pathogen to the host, the emphasis is placed on the role of the selective toxins on pathogenicity and their genetic controls and regulations. The review ends with a perspective on future directions in the research on the apple-A. alternata pathosystem in the era of genomics and post genomics, particularly on how to identify candidate genes from both host and pathogen for potential genetic engineering for disease resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

The wild apple (Malus sieversii) is a large-fruited species from Central Asia, which is used as a source of scab resistance in cultivar breeding. Phytopathological tests with races of Venturia inaequalis were performed to differentiate scab-resistance genes in Malus as well as an avirulence gene in the pathogen. A novel gene-for-gene interaction between V. inaequalis and Malus was identified. The locus of the scab-resistance gene Vh8 is linked with, or possibly allelic to, that of the Vh2 gene in Malus pumila Russian apple R12740-7A, at the lower end of linkage group 2 of Malus. Race 8 isolate NZ188B.2 is compatible with Vh8, suggesting the loss or modification of the complementary AvrVh8 gene, while isolate 1639 overcomes both Vh2 and Vh8, but is incompatible with at least one other gene not detected by any of the other race isolates tested. Our research is the first to differentiate scab-resistance genes in a putative gene cluster in apple with the aid of races of V. inaequalis.  相似文献   

Large-scale marker-assisted selection requires highly reproducible, consistent and simple markers. The use of genetic markers is important in woody plant breeding in general, and in apple in particular, because of the high level of heterozygosity present in Malus species. We present here the transformation of two RAPD markers, which we found previously to be linked to the major scab resistance gene Vf, into more reliable and reproducible markers that can be applied directly to apple breeding. We give an example of how the use of such markers can speed up selection for the introduction of scab resistance genes into the same plant, reducing labour and avoiding time-consuming test crosses. We discuss the nature and relationship of the scab resistance gene Vf to the one present in Nova Easygro, thought to be Vr.  相似文献   

葡萄抗病无核胚挽救育种及分子标记辅助选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以欧洲葡萄无核品种为母本,中国野生葡萄双优、欧山杂种北醇及8个欧洲葡萄品种为父本共进行了16个组合的杂交,通过胚挽救技术获得胚挽救苗55个株系。利用无核基因特异引物GSLP1、抗黑痘病和抗炭疽病基因RAPD标记对杂种株系进行分子检测,杂种中检测出拥有无核基因RAPD标记的22株、拥有抗黑痘病基因RAPD标记的16株、拥有抗炭疽病基因RAPD标记的9株。在这些胚挽救杂种苗中,同时拥有无核、抗黑痘病、抗炭疽病基因RAPD标记的胚挽救苗4株,同时拥有无核和抗黑痘病基因RAPD标记的胚挽救苗9株,同时拥有无核、抗炭疽病基因RAPD标记的胚挽救苗1株。  相似文献   

Two powdery mildew resistance genes were Identified from Aegilops tauschll accessions Y201 and Y212 and mapped using two different F2 populations derived from the crosses between susceptible accession Y2272 and Y201, and susceptible accession Y2263 and Y212. Genetic analysis of resistance to powdery mildew Indicated that the resistance of Y201 was controlled by a single dominant gene, whereas the resistance of Y212 was controlled by a single recessive gene. We have temporarily designated these genes as PmY201 and PmY212, respectively. By bulk segregation analysis, six mlcrosatelllte markers Including Xgwm174, cfd26, cfd57, cfdl02, Xgwm583 and Xgwm639 were found to be linked to PraY201 with genetic distances of 5.2, 7.7, 9.6, 12.5, 20.2 and 22.1 cM, respectively. Five SSR markers, including cfd57, Xgwm182, cfd7, cfd102, and cfd12, were found to be linked to PmY212 with distances of 5.6, 7.2, 11.5, 14.7, and 18.5 cM, respectively. According to the locations of the linked markers, the two resistance genes were located In the 5DL region. Based on the chromosomal locations and the resistance patterns of the two genes, we propose that PmY201 and PmY212 are two novel powdery mildew resistance genes, and are suitable for marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

基因组分析与小麦抗病育种   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
系统总结了南京农业大学细胞遗传研究所近 2 0多年来利用基因组分析方法培育从簇毛麦 (Haynaldiavil losaSch .)、大赖草 (LeymusracemosusLam .)、鹅观草 (RoegneriakamojiC .Koch)和纤毛鹅观草 (R .ciliaris (Trin .)Nevs ki)导入白粉病和赤霉病抗性的小麦种质的研究进展。利用染色体C_分带、基因组原位杂交、分子标记 (特别是RFLP)等技术与非整倍体分析相结合对所创制的种质进行了系统分析与鉴定。还对所培育的小麦种质在育种实践和理论研究中的潜在价值及相关问题进行了讨论  相似文献   

系统总结了南京农业大学细胞遗传研究所近20多年来利用基因组分析方法培育从簇毛麦(Haynaldia villosa Sch.)、大赖草(Leymus racemosus Lam.)、鹅观草(Roegneria kamoji C. Koch)和纤毛鹅观草(R. ciliaris (Trin.) Nevski)导入白粉病和赤霉病抗性的小麦种质的研究进展.利用染色体C-分带、基因组原位杂交、分子标记(特别是RFLP)等技术与非整倍体分析相结合对所创制的种质进行了系统分析与鉴定.还对所培育的小麦种质在育种实践和理论研究中的潜在价值及相关问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

小麦白粉病抗性基因的聚合及其分子标记辅助选择   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
采用了在早代进行抗性鉴定、淘汰感病株、保留抗病株继续种植、较晚世代(F4代)进行抗性鉴定结合分子标记辅助选择的策略,提高了选到聚合抗性植株的效率。利用与Pm2、Pm4α、Pm8、Pm21紧密连锁或共分离的RFLP标记和PCR标记(SCAR标记),对含有这些基因的优良品系间配制的杂交组合的F4代进行了分子标记辅助育种选择,并结合抗性鉴定,筛选到14株Pm4α Pm2I的植株,16株Pm2 Pm4α的植株,6株Pm8 Pm21的植株。应该引起注意的是,Pm2 Pm4α对混合白粉病菌的抗性达到高抗至免疫水平,而Pm2和Pm4α单独存在时抗性较差,表明聚合抗病基因植株的抗性提高了,为培育具有持久性抗性的品系或品种提供了新思路,它在实践和理论研究上都将具有重要意义。  相似文献   

苏麦3号感赤霉病近等基因系的选育及分子标记   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
小麦品种苏麦3号高抗由禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum Schw.)引起的小麦赤霉病,已成为全世界广泛应用的抗源。为更精确地研究苏麦3号的赤霉病抗性,实验用感病品种川980为供体亲本,苏麦3号为轮回亲本,通过不断回交和自交,把川980的赤霉病感病基因导入苏麦3号,创造了感赤霉病的苏麦3号近等基因系(S016),并得到以下结果:(1)育成的苏麦3号感赤霉病近等基因系,经两年多点抗赤霉病性状鉴定,表明该近等基因系感赤霉病感病性稳定,而其他形态特征,特性与苏麦3号一致。(2)用RAPD,RFLP分析抗,感苏麦3号近等基因系之间的差异,RFLP分析发现该近等基因系在2D染色体上存在差异。RPAD的随机扩增产物OPH191400可能与近等基因系中的赤霉病感病基因非连锁。(3)用近等基因系验证已报道的与小麦抗霉病基因有关的分子标记,均未发现这些分子标记与导致该近等基因系抗性差异的基因有关。  相似文献   

利用在SSR扩增产物检测过程中的一种基于荧光测序技术的高通量低成本分析技术体系TP-M13-SSR,对苹果种质资源的25份地方品种进行了遗传多样性研究,得到其遗传多样性、多态性信息含量和位点杂合度的变化范围分别为0.5032~0.8448、0.3952~0.8268和0.4400~0.9600。UPGMA法聚类分析将25个苹果品种分为2大类,与地理起源和亲缘关系相关。这种方法具有经济、灵敏、高效等优点,在苹果遗传多样性研究中得到成功应用。本文讨论了TP-M13-SSR技术的优缺点,以及在果树种质资源遗传多样性研究中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Negative genetic regulators of phenotypic heterogeneity, or phenotypic capacitors/stabilizers, elevate population average fitness by limiting deviation from the optimal phenotype and increase the efficacy of natural selection by enhancing the phenotypic differences among genotypes. Stabilizers can presumably be switched off to release phenotypic heterogeneity in the face of extreme or fluctuating environments to ensure population survival. This task could, however, also be achieved by positive genetic regulators of phenotypic heterogeneity, or “phenotypic diversifiers,” as shown by recently reported evidence that a bacterial divisome factor enhances antibiotic resistance. We hypothesized that such active creation of phenotypic heterogeneity by diversifiers, which is functionally independent of stabilizers, is more common than previously recognized. Using morphological phenotypic data from 4,718 single-gene knockout strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we systematically identified 324 stabilizers and 160 diversifiers and constructed a bipartite network between these genes and the morphological traits they control. Further analyses showed that, compared with stabilizers, diversifiers tended to be weaker and more promiscuous (regulating more traits) regulators targeting traits unrelated to fitness. Moreover, there is a general division of labor between stabilizers and diversifiers. Finally, by incorporating NCI-60 human cancer cell line anticancer drug screening data, we found that human one-to-one orthologs of yeast diversifiers/stabilizers likely regulate the anticancer drug resistance of human cancer cell lines, suggesting that these orthologs are potential targets for auxiliary treatments. Our study therefore highlights stabilizers and diversifiers as the genetic regulators for the bidirectional control of phenotypic heterogeneity as well as their distinct evolutionary roles and functional independence.  相似文献   

绿豆抗豆象育种后代F2群体遗传变异分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
选用抗豆象品种(系)VC6089A-6、VC1973A×V2709-2、V2 802,与农艺性状优良的推广品种中绿1号(VC1973A)和中绿2号(VC2917A系选)作亲本, 按照完全双列杂交试验设计,配置杂交组合.对20个杂交组合后代F2群体主要农艺性状及抗虫性分析,发现株高和抗虫性有超亲遗传现象,杂交优势明显;单株荚数普遍低于亲本, 而单荚粒数略高于亲本,百粒重与亲本之间差异不明显.抗虫基因有抗性累加效应,3份抗虫材料的抗虫基因可能不在同一位点上.单株荚数是产量构成的主要因素,且遗传变异程度大与抗虫性相关性不紧密,在后代选择时,应以单株荚数为主攻目标,其次是株高、荚粒数、百粒重和抗虫性.初步认为从P1×P4、P1×P5、P2×P4、P4×P2、P2 ×P5、P5×P2和P5×P3组合后代中选择效果明显.  相似文献   

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