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The rate of hexose transport was compared in normal and virus-transformed cells on a monolayer and in suspension. It was shown that: (1) Both trypsin-removed cells and those suspended for an additional day in methyl cellulose had decreased rates of transport and lower available water space when compared with cells on a monolayer. Thus, cell shape affects the overall rate of hexose transport, especially at higher sugar concentrations. (2) Even in suspension, the initial transport rates remained higher in transformed cells with reference to normal cells. Scanning electron micrographs of normal and transformed chick cells revealed morphological differences only in the flat state. This indicates that the increased rate of hexose transport after transformation is not due to a difference in the shape of these cells on a monolayer.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated here that cultured fibroblasts release into their medium a nondialyzable, protease-sensitive factor(s) capable of promoting the adhesion and spreading of virus-transformed rat fibroblasts on a plastic substratum. A relatively sensitive biological assay is described for quantitation of the adhesion-promoting factor (APF) activity in serum-free, conditioned medium harvested from the cultures. Evidence is presented which indicates that the primary mode of action of the APF is by binding to and modifying the properties of the substratum. Conditioned media harvested after 24 h of incubation in similarly populated cultures of normal fibroblasts of diverse animal species exhibited similar levels of APF activity. However, conditioned media obtained from Rous sarcoma virus (Prague strain)-transformed and avian sarcoma virus B77-transformed rat fibroblasts exhibited three- to sixfold lower levels of APF activity than media conditioned in parallel cultures of heterologous or homologous normal fibroblasts. Cultivation of B77 virus-transformed rat cells in the presence of dibutyryl cyclic AMP and theophylline led to as much as a sevenfold increase in the level of APF activity appearing in the culture medium, with a concomitant increase in the adhesiveness of the cells to the culture substratum. The results support the role of extracellular macromolecules in cell to substratum adhesion. It is postulated that the reduced adhesiveness of transformed cells to a substratum may be at least partially owing to a deficiency in the production and/or release of APF-like macromolecules.  相似文献   

Materials released into culture medium by transformed and untransformed baby hamster kidney cells labelled with glucosamine, sulfate, fucose or leucine were characterized. Some of the components could also be labelled by iodination of intact cells, indicating their surface origin. Analysis on gradient polyacrylamide sodium lauryl sulfate gels demonstrated that a group of high apparent molecular weight glucosamine-labelled components were more abundant in materials released from Rous sarcoma virus-transformed baby hamster kidney cells than from baby hamster kidney cells or polymo virus-transformed baby hamster kidney cells. The relative rates of release of glucosamine-labelled components from transformed and untransformed cells were similar except that the transformed baby hamster kidney cells released some large molecular weight components slightly more rapidly than baby hamster kidney cells. Treatment of labelled medium materials with testicular hyaluronidase removed much glucosamine label from the materials but did not affect the amounts of other labels. After treatment with hyaluronidase, the patterns of labelled conditioned media from both transformed and untransformed baby hamster kidney cells were qualitatively and quantitatively very similar, suggesting that the differences seen in untreated labelled conditioned media were due to the presence of hyaluronidase-sensitive materials associated with medium materials rather than to actual differences in glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Materials released into culture medium by transformed and untransformed baby hamster kidney cells labelled with glucosamine, sulfate, fucose or leucine were characterized. Some of the components could also be labelled by iodination of intact cells, indicating their surface origin. Analysis on gradient polyacrylamide sodium lauryl sulfate gels demonstrated that a group of high apparent molecular weight glucosamine-labelled components were more abundant in materials released from Rous sarcoma virus-transformed baby hamster kidney cells than from baby hamster kidney cells or polyoma virus-transformed baby hamster kidney cells. The relative rates of release of glucosamine-labelled components from transformed and untransformed cells were similar except that the transformed baby hamster kidney cells released some large molecular weight components slightly more rapidly than baby hamster kidney cells. Treatment of labelled medium materials with testicular hyaluronidase removed much glucosamine label from the materials but did not affect the amounts of other labels. After treatment with hyaluronidase, the patterns of labelled conditioned media from both transformed and untransformed baby hamster kidney cells were qualitatively and quantitatively very similar, suggesting that the differences seen in untreated labelled conditioned media were due to the presence of hyaluronidase-sensitive materials associated with medium materials rather than to actual differences in glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Substrate-attached glycoproteins from normal and virus-transformed cells   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A H Terry  L A Culp 《Biochemistry》1974,13(3):414-425

The mobility of embryonic chick cells and cells of four established cell lines was examined in cellular aggregates. This was done by preparing aggregates of unlabeled cells and allowing cells of the same type, but prelabeled with [3H]thymidine, to adhere to the surface of the aggregates. After 2-1/2 days in agitated liquid culture the positions of the labeled cells within the aggregates were determined by autoradiographic techniques. Since the labeled and unlabeled cells were otherwise identical, the degree of penetration of the labeled cells into the aggregates was taken as a measure of the mixing or mobility of cells in the aggregate. With this procedure, embryonic chick liver, heart, and neural retina cells were found to move an average of 2.12, 2.68, and 4.00 cell diameters inward, respectively. Mouse fibroblast BALB/c 3T3 cells moved an average of 1.13 cell diameters inward, while Simian virus 40 (SV40)-transformed BALB/c 3T3 cells moved as much as 8.80 cell diameters inward, indicating that cells of the malignant SV40-transformed line were considerably more mobile than the corresponding nonmalignant 3T3 cells. In contrast, cells of the hamster fibroblast line NIL B moved 4.17 cell diameters in 2-1/2 days, while SV40-transformed NIL B cells moved 3.00 cell diameters in the same time. It was therefore concluded that infection with oncogenic viruses does not necessarily result in increased cellular mobility.  相似文献   

The sorting-out behavior (self-segregation of two cell types from mixtures of the two) of five different established cell lines was studied. Eight of the ten possible binary combinations of these lines, cultured as cellular aggregates, were examined. Mouse BALB/c 3T3 cells sorted out internally to the corresponding malignant SV40 virus-transformed 3T3 cells. The transformed 3T3 line (SVT-2) did not sort out from a revertant line selected from SVT-2 cells by resistance to concanavalin A (con A). The revertant cells sorted out externally to the parent BALB/c 3T3 cells, although segregation was generally incomplete. BALB/c 3T3 cells did not sort out from another contact-inhibited line of 3T3 cells derived from Swiss albino mice (Swiss 3T3). Both BALB/c 3T3 and Swiss 3T3 cells sorted out from cells of the contact-inhibited hamster line, NIL B. Instead of a two-layered sphere, however, a three-layered structure was observed with most of the NIL B cells external to the 3T3 cells, and a few NIL B cells comprising the center of the sphere. On the other hand, NIL B cells did not consistently sort out from either the SVT-2 or con A cells. In general, sorting out between pairs of these five lines are slower and less complete than is generally observed between the more extensively studied chick embryonic tissue cells, suggesting that the cultured cells may be more closely related in their adhesive properties. The internal segregation of BALB/c 3T3 cells relative to SVT-2 cells is consistent with the hypothesis that transformed cells are less adhesive than their nontransformed counterparts.  相似文献   

The topographical distribution of substrate-attached material (SAM) which may mediate adhesion of BALB/c 3T3 and SV40-transformed 3T3 cells to the culture substrate has been examined at both the macroscopic and microscopic levels. Autoradiographic detection of these ‘glycoproteins’ on the substrate subsequent to incorporation of 14C-glucosamine or 35S-methionine and exposure to X-ray film indicated:
1. 1. Evenly distributed glucosamine-labeled SAM on the substrate of confluent cultures.
2. 2. A deficiency in the methionine content of SAM from transformed cells.
3. 3. Direct deposition of these materials onto the substrate at cell colony locations, and not randomly on the substrate subsequent to secretion into the medium.
Autoradiographic detection of these ‘glycoproteins’ subsequent to 3H-glucosamine (or 3H-leucine) incorporation and exposure to liquid emulsion indicated:
1. 1. Substrate-attached glycoproteins are present in focal pools on the underside of the cell.
2. 2. These focal pools are distributed comparably, in terms of number of foci per area of substrate, for confluent normal and transformed cells. The patterns of SAM deposited by freshly-attaching and spreading 3T3 cells has also been examined. The evidence suggests that cells are adherent to the substrate at localized areas which appear to be evenly distributed on the underside of normal or transformed cells.

A g = 2.003 ESR signal, attributed to a free radical localized in HeLa cell nuclei and mitochondria but absent in membranes and cytoplasm, has been studied as a function of the culture growth cycle in normal (NRK and 3T3) and virus transformed (NRK/RSV and 3T3/SV40) cells. For both these cell pairs, the signal is higher during the "lag" stage and lower during the "growth" stage. The average specific intensity of the signal in normal cells is about twice that in virus-transformed cells. However, the maximal point of resonance during the lag state is higher in transformed cells than in normal ones. The lag stage in NRK and NRK/RSV cells is much longer than in 3T3 and 3T3/SV40 cells, while the maximal value of the g = 2.003 ESR signal occurs, early in the lag stage of 3T3 and 3T3/SV40 cells and late in the lag stage of NRK and NRK/RSV cells.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractionation of tissue culture cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Subcellular fractionation has two major steps, (1) the homogenization of the cells and (2) the subsequent separation of the organelles. The homogenization step is discussed with reference to the problems encountered using tissue culture cells. Promising techniques for the isolation of specific compartments are illustrated using the isolation of the endosomal compartment as the example.  相似文献   

The presence of poly(A) polymerase(s) has been studied in a clone of the established hamster embryo fibroblast line (NIL), and in a subclone of this line transformed by an RNA tumour virus, hamster sarcoma virus, (NIL-HS VIRUS). The results suggest the existence of three distinct poly(A) polymerases, designated I, IIA and IIB, in dense cultures of NIL and NIL-HS virus cells. Forms IIA and IIB have also been found in exponentially growing NIL and NIL-HS virus cells. Poly(A) polymerase I has not been detected in growing NIL cells, while growing and resting NIL-HS virus contain comparable amounts of this enzyme. The poly(A) polymerases differ in chromatographic behaviour and in their requirements for divalent cations. They are highly specific for ATP and require the presence of a primer. Cellular RNA or poly(A), but not the oligoribonucleotide (Ap)4A, can be utilized as primers. The products of the reactions have been identified as poly(A) chains (20-50 nucleotides long) by alkaline degradation and by their resistance to pancreatic RNAase.  相似文献   

The phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PIP), and diacylglycerol kinase activities in the plasma membrane-rich fraction of chicken embryo fibroblasts infected with a temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus increased when the cells were shifted from the nonpermissive temperature, 41 degrees C, to the permissive temperature, 35 degrees C. Temperature shift from 35 to 41 degrees C decreased the lipid kinase activities in the membrane vesicles. These changes accompanied the changes observed in pp60v-src protein kinase activity. Thermal inactivation at 41 degrees C did not appreciably reduce PI and PIP kinase activities in membrane vesicles prepared from uninfected or Rous sarcoma virus-transformed cells, whereas pp60v-src protein kinase activity in the membrane vesicles was rapidly inactivated under the same conditions. These data suggest that pp60v-src may indirectly enhance PI and PIP phosphorylation but not directly contribute to this pathway.  相似文献   

The localization and organization of actin-like microfilaments in normal, SV-40 and adenovirus transformed cells are determined by the coordinated use of light optical, electron optical and biochemical techniques. In adenovirus-type 5 transformed hamster embryo cells, microfilament meshworks appear to be the predominant organizational form of cellular actin, while in normal hamster cells, microfilament bundles are prevalent. Differences between 3T3 and SV-40 transformed 3T3 cells are less apparent and may be related to the packing and intracellular distribution of microfilament bundles. Attempts at relating these ultrastructural changes in transformed cells to the images obtained following reaction with fluorescein-labelled myosin fragments and indirect immunofluorescence with smooth muscle myosin antibody are discussed. In several instances the fluorescence microscope images do not correspond to the ultrastructural observations. The results are discussed in terms of the possible relationships between alterations in cytoplasmic contractile elements and the abnormal behavior of transformed cells.  相似文献   

Balb/c 3T3, SV40-transformed 3T3 (SVT2), and Con A revertant variants of transformed cells leave a layer of glycoprotein on the culture substrate upon EGTA mediated removal of cells. The metabolic properties of this substrate-attached material (glycoprotein) have been examined. Pulse and cumulative radiolabeling experiments with glucosamine and leucine precursors established that this substrate-attached material accumulates on the substrate in growing cultures until cells have completely covered the substrate. The synthesis and/or deposition of the material diminished dramatically in cultures whose substrates had been completely covered with cells as observed microscopically, even though the contact-inhibited cell lines continued to make cell-associated and medium-secreted glycoproteins and transformed cells continued to divide and form multilayered cultures. Pulse-chase analysis using long periods of pulsing with radioactive leucine demonstrated that these glycoproteins are deposited directly on the substrate by cells and not subsequent to secretion into the medium. The substrate-attached material accumulated during long pulses was stably adherent to the substrate and displayed little appreciable turnover during 3 days of chasing of either sparse or dense cultures. Short-term pulse-chase analysis with leucine revealed two metabolically different pools of material-one which turns over very rapidly with a half-life of 2-3 hr (observed in both low-density and high-density cultures) and a second pool which is stably deposited on the substrate and whose proportion increased with the length of the radiolabeling period. No appreciable differences in the metabolic properties of substrate-attached material were observed in the three cell types studied during growth on a plastic substrate. These results are discussed with regard to the implicated roles of these glycoproteins in in mediating adhesion of normal and virus-transformed cells to the substrate.  相似文献   

L A Culp 《Biochemistry》1976,15(18):4094-4104
The proteins which have been left tightly bound to the tissue culture substrate after ethylenebis (oxyethyl-enenitrilo) tetraacetic acid (EGTA)-mediated removal of normal, virus-transformed, and revertant mouse cells and which have been implicated in the substrate adhesion process have been analyzed by slab sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Three size classes of hyaluronate proteoglycans were resolved in the 5% well gel; approximately half of the protein in the substrate-attached material coelectrophoresed with these polysaccharides-so-called glycosaminoglycan-associated protein(GAP). A portion of the GAP was shown to be highly heterogeneous and displaced from the polysaccharide by preincubation with calf histone before electrophoresis. The relative proportions of the proteoglycans varied in material deposited during a variety of cellular attachment and growth conditions. The remainder of the cellular protein in substrate-attached material was resolved as several major and distinct protein bands in 8 or 20% separating gels (a limited number of distinct serum proteins have also been identified as substrate bound). Protein C0 (molecular weight 220 000) was a prominent component in the material from a variety of normal and virus-transformed cells and resembled the so-called LETS or CSP glycoprotein in several respects; protein Ca was myosin-like in several respects; protein C2 was shown to be actin; and protein C1 (molecular weight 56 000) does not appear to be tubulin. Histones were also present in most preparations of substrate-attached material, particularly at high levels in transformed cell meterial, and may result from EGTA-mediated leakiness of the cell and subsequent binding to the negatively charged polysaccharide. These substrate-attached proteins were (a) prominent in substrate-attached material from many cell types in characteristic relative proportions, (b) deposited by EGTA-subcultured cells during the first hour of attachment to fresh substrate, (c) deposited by cells growing on plastic or glass substrates (three additional) components were also prominent in glass-attached material), and (d) deposited during long-term growth on or initial attachment to substrates coated wit 3T3 substrate-attached material. Pulse-chase analyses with radioactive leucine indicated that these proteins exhibit different turn-over behaviors. These results are discussed with regard to the possible involvement of these substrate-attached proteins in the substrate adhesion process, with particular interest in the interaction of cytoskeletal microfilaments with other surface membrane components and with regard to alteration of substrate adhesion by virus transformation.  相似文献   

We studied intracellular activity of the plasminogen activator within the cell cycle of chemically synchronized normal and RSV-transformed chick fibrolasts in culture. Consideration has also been given to the relationship between the plasminogen activator activity and cycles of DNA synthesis or mitosis in cycling fibroblasts after viral infection. The plasminogen activator activity of the cell lysates was assayed on [125I]fibrin-coated Petri dishes and was expressed as the radioactivity released from the plates. Normal fibroblasts produced detectable levels of plasminogen activator in the S-phase and late G2-phase or mitosis of the cell cycle. In contrast, RSV-transformed cells produced high levels of this activator throughout the entire cell cycle although this activity fluctuated and reached a maximum in the G2-M periods. We also found that the level of plasminogen activator activity in the transformed fibroblasts is influenced by the cycles of DNA synthesis and that cell division is required for the appearance of plasminogen activator activity in the ‘de novo’ virus-infected cultures.  相似文献   

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