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To further our understanding of inner membrane protein (IMP) biogenesis in Escherichia coli, we have accomplished the widest in vivo IMP assembly screen so far. The biogenesis of a set of model IMPs covering most IMP structures possible has been studied in a variety of signal recognition particle (SRP), Sec and YidC mutant strains. We show that the assembly of the complete set of model IMPs is assisted (i.e. requires the aid of proteinaceous factors), and that the requirements for assembly of the model IMPs into the inner membrane differ significantly from each other. This indicates that IMP assembly is much more versatile than previously thought.  相似文献   

Here, we provide evidence that YqjD, a hypothetical protein of Escherichia coli, is an inner membrane and ribosome binding protein. This protein is expressed during the stationary growth phase, and expression is regulated by stress response sigma factor RpoS. YqjD possesses a transmembrane motif in the C-terminal region and associates with 70S and 100S ribosomes at the N-terminal region. Interestingly, E. coli possesses two paralogous proteins of YqjD, ElaB and YgaM, which are expressed and bind to ribosomes in a similar manner to YqjD. Overexpression of YqjD leads to inhibition of cell growth. It has been suggested that YqjD loses ribosomal activity and localizes ribosomes to the membrane during the stationary phase.  相似文献   

As a preliminary step in the understanding of the function of the Escherichia coli HtrA (DegP) protein, which is indispensable for bacterial survival only at elevated temperatures, the protein was purified and partially characterized. The HtrA protein was purified from cells carrying the htrA gene cloned into a multicopy plasmid, resulting in its overproduction. The sequence of the 13 N-terminal amino acids of the purified HtrA protein was determined and was identical to the one predicted for the mature HtrA protein by the DNA sequence of the cloned gene. Moreover, the N-terminal sequence showed that the 48-kilodalton HtrA protein is derived by cleavage of the first 26 amino acids of the pre-HtrA precursor polypeptide and that the point of cleavage follows a typical target sequence recognized by the leader peptidase enzyme. The HtrA protein was shown to be a specific endopeptidase which was inhibited by diisopropylfluorophosphate, suggesting that HtrA is a serine protease.  相似文献   

Penicillin-binding protein 5 (PBP5) has been previously identified as a component of the inner membrane of Escherichia coli and we present here further evidence that PBP5 is tightly bound to the membrane. To investigate the regions of PBP5 involved in membrane binding we have constructed a series of C-terminal deletions and shown that the removal of as few as 10 amino acids results in the release of the truncated protein into the periplasm. The C terminus, therefore, appears to be important for interaction with the membrane; however, inspection of the amino acid sequence does not reveal extended runs of hydrophobicity typical of a membrane anchor. Thus we conclude that PBP5 is anchored to the inner membrane by a mechanism not previously described.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein 28, an inner membrane protein of Escherichia coli encoded by nlpA, was found to be nonessential for cell growth. A deletion strain in which most of the coding region of the nlpA gene was replaced by a kanamycin resistance gene was able to grow under various conditions. No discernible differences between the wild type and the deletion strain were observed in terms of cell morphology and sensitivity to various chemicals, except for kanamycin.  相似文献   

Aims: Resistance to acidic stress contributes to bacterial persistence in the host and is thought to promote their passage through the human gastric barrier. The aim of this study was to examine whether nucleosides have a role in the survival under acidic conditions in Escherichia coli. Methods and Results: We found that adenosine has a function to survive against extremely acidic stress. The deletion of add encoding adenosine deaminase that converts adenosine into inosine and NH3 attenuated the survival in the presence of adenosine. The addition of adenosine increased intracellular pH of E. coli cells in pH 2·5 medium. Addition of inosine or adenine did not increase the resistance to acidic conditions. Conclusions: Our present results imply that adenosine was used to survive under extremely acidic conditions via the production of NH3. Significance and Impact of the Study: It has been proposed that amino acid decarboxylation is the major system for the resistance of E. coli to acidic stress. In this study, the adenosine deamination was shown to induce the survival under acidic conditions, demonstrating that bacteria have alternative strategies to survive under acidic conditions besides amino acid decarboxylation.  相似文献   

Both ATP and an electrochemical potential play roles in translocating proteins across the inner membrane of Escherichia coli. Recent discoveries have dissected the overall transmembrane movement into separate subreactions with different energy requirements, identified a translocation ATPase, and reconstituted both energy-requiring steps of the reaction from purified components. A more refined understanding of the energetics of this fundamental process is beginning to provide answers about the basic issues of how proteins move across the hydrophobic membrane barrier.  相似文献   

K Goldman  J L Suit  C Kayalar 《FEBS letters》1985,190(2):319-323
A set of plasmids containing portions of the Col El plasmid were transformed into recA cells. These cells, after UV irradiation, only incorporate labelled amino acids into plasmid-encoded proteins. UV-irradiated cells label a 14.5 kDa band if they are phenotypically immune to colicin E1, and do not contain this band if they are sensitive to colicin E1. We conclude that the 14.5 kDa protein is the colicin E1 immunity protein. When the inner and outer membranes of these cells are fractionated, the labelled band appears in the inner membrane. The immunity protein must be an intrinsic inner membrane protein, confirming the predictions made by hydrophobicity calculations from primary sequence data.

Maxicell Col El plasmid Immunity protein Hydrophobicity calculation  相似文献   

Translocation of preproteins across the Escherichia coli inner membrane requires acidic phospholipids. We have studied the translocation of the precursor protein proOmpA across inverted inner membrane vesicles prepared from cells depleted of phosphatidylglycerol and cardiolipin. These membranes support neither translocation nor the translocation ATPase activity of the SecA subunit of preprotein translocase. We now report that inner membrane vesicles which are depleted of acidic phospholipids are unable to bind SecA protein with high affinity. These membranes can be restored to translocation competence by fusion with liposomes containing phosphatidylglycerol, suggesting that the defect in SecA binding is a direct effect of phospholipid depletion rather than a general derangement of inner membrane structure. Reconstitution of SecY/E, the membrane-embedded domain of translocase, into proteoliposomes containing predominantly a single synthetic acidic lipid, dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol, allows efficient catalysis of preprotein translocation.  相似文献   

Colicin V (ColV) is a peptide antibiotic that kills sensitive cells by disrupting their membrane potential once it gains access to the inner membrane from the periplasmic face. Recently, we constructed a translocation suicide probe, RR-ColV, that is translocated into the periplasm via the TAT pathway and thus kills the host cells. In this study, we obtained an RR-ColV-resistant mutant by using random Tn10 transposition mutagenesis. Sequencing analysis revealed that the mutant carried a Tn10 insertion in the sdaC (also called dcrA) gene, which is involved in serine uptake and is required for C1 phage adsorption. ColV activity was detected both in the cytoplasm and in the periplasm of this mutant, indicating that RR-ColV was translocated into the periplasm but failed to interact with the inner membrane. The sdaC::Tn10 mutant was resistant only to ColV and remained sensitive to colicins Ia, E3, and A. Most importantly, the sdaC::Tn10 mutant was killed when ColV was anchored to the periplasmic face of the inner membrane by fusion to EtpM, a type II integral membrane protein. Taken together, these results suggest that the SdaC/DcrA protein serves as a specific inner membrane receptor for ColV.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli outer membrane protein K is a porin.   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Protein K is an outer membrane protein found in pathogenic encapsulated strains of Escherichia coli. We present evidence here that protein K is structurally and functionally related to the E. coli K-12 porin proteins (OmpF, OmpC, and PhoE). Protein K was found to cross-react with antibody to OmpF protein and to share 8 out of 17 peptides in common with the OmpF protein. Strains that are OmpC porin- and OmpF porin- and contain protein K as their major outer membrane protein have increased rates of uptake of nutrients and a faster growth rate relative to the parental porin- strain. The protein K-containing strains are at least 1,000-fold more sensitive to colicins E2 and E3 than is the porin -deficient strain. These data suggest that protein K is a functional porin in E. coli. The porin function of protein K was also demonstrated in vitro, using black lipid membranes. Protein K increased the conductance in these membranes in discrete, uniform steps characteristic of channels with a size of about 2 nS.  相似文献   

The effect of pH reduction with acetic (pH 5.2), citric (pH 4.0), lactic (pH 4.7), malic (pH 4.0), mandelic (pH 5.0), or tartaric (pH 4.1) acid on growth and survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in tryptic soy broth with 0.6% yeast extract held at 25, 10, or 4 degrees C for 56 days was determined. Triplicate flasks were prepared for each acid treatment at each temperature. At 25 degrees C, populations increased 2 to 4 log10 CFU/ml in all treatments except that with mandelic acid, whereas no growth occurred at 10 or 4 degrees C in any treatments except the control. However, at all sampling times, higher (P < 0.05) populations were recovered from treatments held at 4 degrees C than from those held at 10 degrees C. At 10 degrees C, E. coli O157:H7 was inactivated at higher rates in citric, malic, and mandelic acid treatments than in the other treatments. At the pH values tested, the presence of the organic acids enhanced survival of the pathogen at 4 degrees C compared with the unacidified control. E. coli O157:H7 has the ability to survive in acidic conditions (pH, > or = 4.0) for up to 56 days, but survival is affected by type of acidulant and temperature.  相似文献   

RNase E is an essential endoribonuclease involved in RNA processing and mRNA degradation. The N-terminal half of the protein encompasses the catalytic domain; the C-terminal half is the scaffold for the assembly of the multienzyme RNA degradosome. Here we identify and characterize 'segment-A', an element in the beginning of the non-catalytic region of RNase E that is required for membrane binding. We demonstrate in vitro that an oligopeptide corresponding to segment-A has the propensity to form an amphipathic alpha-helix and that it avidly binds to protein-free phospholipid vesicles. We demonstrate in vitro and in vivo that disruption of segment-A in full-length RNase E abolishes membrane binding. Taken together, our results show that segment-A is necessary and sufficient for RNase E binding to membranes. Strains in which segment-A has been disrupted grow slowly. Since in vitro experiments show that phospholipid binding does not affect the ribonuclease activity of RNase E, the slow-growth phenotype might arise from a defect involving processes such as accessibility to substrates or interactions with other membrane-bound machinery. This is the first report demonstrating that RNase E is a membrane-binding protein and that its localization to the inner cytoplasmic membrane is important for normal cell growth.  相似文献   

To test the importance of N-terminal pre-sequences in translocation of different classes of membrane proteins, we exchanged the normal signal sequence of an Escherichia coli outer membrane protein, OmpF, for the pre-sequence of the inner membrane protein, DacA. The DacA-OmpF hybrid was efficiently assembled into the outer membrane in a functionally active form. Thus the pre-sequence of DacA, despite its relatively low hydrophobicity compared with that of OmpF, contains all the essential information necessary to initiate the translocation of OmpF to the outer membrane. Since processing of DacA was also shown to be dependent upon SecA we conclude that the initiation of translocation of this inner membrane polypeptide across the envelope occurs by the same mechanism as outer membrane and periplasmic proteins. The N-terminal 11 amino acids of mature OmpF, which in the hybrid are replaced by the N-terminal nine amino acids of DacA, carry no essential assembly signals since the hybrid protein is apparently assembled with equal efficiency to OmpF.  相似文献   

Proteins that are able to translocate across biological membranes assume a loosely folded structure. In this review it is suggested that the loosely folded structure, referred to here as the 'pre-folded conformation', is a particular structure that interacts favourably with components of the export apparatus. Two soluble factors, SecB and GroEL, have been implicated in maintenance of the pre-folded conformation and have been termed 'molecular chaperones'. Results suggest that SecB may be a chaperone that is specialized for binding to exported protein precursors, while GroEL may be a general folding modulator that binds to many intracellular proteins.  相似文献   

Although bacteria have diverse membrane proteins, the function of many of them remains unknown or uncertain even in Escherichia coli. In this study, to investigate the function of hypothetical membrane proteins, genome-wide analysis of phenotypes of hypothetical membrane proteins was performed under various envelope stresses. Several genes responsible for adaptation to envelope stresses were identified. Among them, deletion of YhcB, a conserved inner membrane protein of unknown function, caused high sensitivities to various envelope stresses and increased membrane permeability, and caused growth defect under normal growth conditions. Furthermore, yhcB deletion resulted in morphological aberration, such as branched shape, and cell division defects, such as filamentous growth and the generation of chromosome-less cells. The analysis of antibiotic susceptibility showed that the yhcB mutant was highly susceptible to various anti-folate antibiotics. Notably, all phenotypes of the yhcB mutant were completely or significantly restored by YhcB without the transmembrane domain, indicating that the localization of YhcB on the inner membrane is dispensable for its function. Taken together, our results demonstrate that YhcB is involved in cell morphology and cell division in a membrane localization-independent manner.  相似文献   

The cloned gene coding for Bacillus licheniformis penicillinase (penP) was introduced into Escherichia coli in a heat-inducible lambda Qam vector. After induction, significant amounts of penicillinase were synthesized in the new host. The cellular location of the penicillinase was found to be almost exclusively the outer membrane fraction of E. coli, and virtually no soluble penicillinase was found. According to sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis, the size of the penicillinase from E. coli was identical to that of the membrane-bound form of the B. licheniformis penicillinase. Gel filtration in the presence of Triton X-100 suggested that the penicillinase from E. coli had amphiphilic properties, as does B. licheniformis membrane penicillinase. These results show that the export of the penicillinase to the outer membrane of E. coli involves the cleavage of the signal peptide from the prepenicillinase, giving an outer membrane component indistinguishable from the membrane penicillinase of B. licheniformis.  相似文献   

R J Cabelli  L Chen  P C Tai  D B Oliver 《Cell》1988,55(4):683-692
The soluble and membrane components of an E. coli in vitro protein translocation system prepared from a secA amber mutant, secA13[Am], contain reduced levels of SecA and are markedly defective in both the cotranslational and posttranslational translocation of OmpA and alkaline phosphatase into membrane vesicles. Moreover, the removal of SecA from soluble components prepared from a wild-type strain by passage through an anti-SecA antibody column similarly abolishes protein translocation. Translocation activity is completely restored by addition of submicrogram amounts of purified SecA protein, implying that the observed defects are solely related to loss of SecA function. Interestingly, the translocation defect can be overcome by reconstitution of SecA into SecA-depleted membranes, suggesting that SecA is an essential, membrane-associated translocation factor.  相似文献   

Membrane protein topology predictions can be markedly improved by the inclusion of even very limited experimental information. We have recently introduced an approach for the production of reliable topology models based on a combination of experimental determination of the location (cytoplasmic or periplasmic) of a protein's C terminus and topology prediction. Here, we show that determination of the location of a protein's C terminus, rather than some internal loop, is the best strategy for large-scale topology mapping studies. We further report experimentally based topology models for 31 Escherichia coli inner membrane proteins, using methodology suitable for genome-scale studies.  相似文献   

The inner membrane proteome of the model organism Escherichia coli is composed of inner membrane proteins, lipoproteins and peripherally attached soluble proteins. Our knowledge of the biogenesis of inner membrane proteins is rapidly increasing. This is in particular true for the early steps of biogenesis - protein targeting to and insertion into the membrane. However, our knowledge of inner membrane protein folding and quality control is still fragmentary. Furthering our knowledge in these areas will bring us closer to understand the biogenesis of individual inner membrane proteins in the context of the biogenesis of the inner membrane proteome of Escherichia coli as a whole. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Biogenesis/Assembly of Respiratory Enzyme Complexes.  相似文献   

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