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Throughout the past several decades, studies have uncovered a wealth of information about the neural circuitry underlying fear learning and extinction that has helped to inform treatments for fear-related disorders such as post-traumatic stress and anxiety. Yet, up to 40% of people do not respond to such treatments. Adolescence, in particular, is a developmental stage during which anxiety disorders peak, yet little is known about the development of fear-related neural circuitry during this period. Moreover, pharmacological and behavioral therapies that have been developed are based on mature circuitry and function. Here, we review neural circuitry implicated in fear learning and data from adolescent mouse and human fear learning studies. In addition, we propose a developmental model of fear neural circuitry that may optimize current treatments and inform when, during development, specific treatments for anxiety may be most effective.  相似文献   

恐惧作为个体应对内外界危险因素形成的自我保护机制的一部分,在生物体的生存中发挥着重要作用.但过度的恐惧不仅对个体生存无益,反而易引发创伤后应激障碍、焦虑等精神疾病,严重影响个体生活质量.临床上通常采用基于行为学研究结果的暴露疗法对恐惧相关疾病进行治疗,然而在患者处于治疗环境之外的时候,上述症状经常会复发.因此,解析恐惧记忆相关神经环路内信息处理的神经机制,对于理解这些疾病的发生发展,寻求切实有效的治疗方案至关重要.大量研究表明与恐惧记忆消退相关的脑区主要涉及杏仁核、内侧前额叶和海马.在恐惧消退的过程中,这3个脑区表现出特定的神经振荡模式,而且这些活动也具有同步性,构成了恐惧记忆成功消退的神经基础.未来可利用基于神经神经振荡的无创性脑刺激手段干预恐惧记忆消退的神经环路,以促进恐惧记忆的消退并避免复发,为恐惧相关障碍的临床治疗提供重要的科学依据.  相似文献   

Little is known about the molecular mechanisms of learned and innate fear. We have identified stathmin, an inhibitor of microtubule formation, as highly expressed in the lateral nucleus (LA) of the amygdala as well as in the thalamic and cortical structures that send information to the LA about the conditioned (learned fear) and unconditioned stimuli (innate fear). Whole-cell recordings from amygdala slices that are isolated from stathmin knockout mice show deficits in spike-timing-dependent long-term potentiation (LTP). The knockout mice also exhibit decreased memory in amygdala-dependent fear conditioning and fail to recognize danger in innately aversive environments. By contrast, these mice do not show deficits in the water maze, a spatial task dependent on the hippocampus, where stathmin is not normally expressed. We therefore conclude that stathmin is required for the induction of LTP in afferent inputs to the amygdala and is essential in regulating both innate and learned fear.  相似文献   

Empathy is an essential function for humans as social animals. Emotional contagion, the basic form of afffective empathy, comprises the cognitive process of perceiving and sharing the affective state of others. The observational fear assay, an animal model of emotional contagion, has enabled researchers to undertake molecular, cellular, and circuit mechanism of this behavior. Such studies have revealed that observational fear is mediated through neural circuits involved in processing the affective dimension of direct pain experiences. A mouse can also respond to milder social stimuli induced by either positive or negative emotional changes in another mouse, which seems not dependent on the affective pain circuits. Further studies should explore how different neural circuits contribute to integrating different dimensions of affective empathy.  相似文献   

The developing brain undergoes substantial maturation into adulthood and the development of specific neural structures occurs on differing timelines. Transient imbalances between developmental trajectories of corticolimbic structures, which are known to contribute to regulation over fear learning and anxiety, can leave an individual susceptible to mental illness, particularly anxiety disorders. There is a substantial body of literature indicating that the endocannabinoid (eCB) system critically regulates stress responsivity and emotional behavior throughout the life span, making this system a novel therapeutic target for stress‐ and anxiety‐related disorders. During early life and adolescence, corticolimbic eCB signaling changes dynamically and coincides with different sensitive periods of fear learning, suggesting that eCB signaling underlies age‐specific fear learning responses. Moreover, perturbations to these normative fluctuations in corticolimbic eCB signaling, such as stress or cannabinoid exposure, could serve as a neural substrate contributing to alterations to the normative developmental trajectory of neural structures governing emotional behavior and fear learning. In this review, we first introduce the components of the eCB system and discuss clinical and rodent models showing eCB regulation of fear learning and anxiety in adulthood. Next, we highlight distinct fear learning and regulation profiles throughout development and discuss the ontogeny of the eCB system in the central nervous system, and models of pharmacological augmentation of eCB signaling during development in the context of fear learning and anxiety.  相似文献   

Investigations of fear conditioning in rodents and humans have illuminated the neural mechanisms underlying cued and contextual fear. A critical question is how personality dimensions such as trait anxiety act through these mechanisms to confer vulnerability to anxiety disorders, and whether humans' ability to overcome acquired fears depends on regulatory skills not characterized in animal models. In a neuroimaging study of fear conditioning in humans, we found evidence for two independent dimensions of neurocognitive function associated with trait vulnerability to anxiety. The first entailed increased amygdala responsivity to phasic fear cues. The second involved impoverished ventral prefrontal cortical (vPFC) recruitment to downregulate both cued and contextual fear prior to omission (extinction) of the aversive unconditioned stimulus. These two dimensions may contribute to symptomatology differences across anxiety disorders; the amygdala mechanism affecting the development of phobic fear and the frontal mechanism influencing the maintenance of both specific fears and generalized anxiety.  相似文献   

The present study addressed EEG pattering during experimentally manipulated emotion. Film clips previously shown to induce happiness,joy, anger, disgust, fear/anxiety, sadness, as well as neutral control films, were presented to 30 university students while a 62-channel EEG was recorded, and a self-reported effect was described. Analyses revealed both emotion-specific and emotion-unspecific EEG pattering for the emotions under study. Induced positive and negative emotions were accompanied by hemispheric activation asymmetries in theta-2, alpha-2, and beta-1 EEG frequency bands. Emotions of joy and disgust induced lateralized a theta-2 power increase in anterior-temporal and frontal regions of the left hemisphere reflecting involvement of cognitive mechanisms in the emotional processing. Negative emotions of disgust and fear/anxiety were characterized by alpha-2 and beta-1 desynchronization of the right temporal-parietal cortex, suggesting its involvement in modulation of the emotion-related arousal.  相似文献   

Gender plays a significant role in influencing people's attitudes toward animals, however, little is known about how it influences their attribution of emotions to animals. To investigate the role that gender plays in public attitudes toward animals' experience of emotions and beliefs about whether animals can grieve, a face-to-face survey of 1,000 members of the general public was carried out in Brisbane, Australia. Potential respondents were asked to complete a 10-min “social attitudinal” survey. Males were significantly less likely than females to believe that animals experience complex emotions, including depression (p < 0.05), anxiety (p < 0.05), love (p < 0.01), and grief (p < 0.05), but did not differ in regard to basic emotions including distress, fear, happiness, anger, sadness, and fear. Males were also less likely to believe that animals show some behavioral (eating p < 0.05; vocalizing p < 0.01) changes when they experience grief (p < 0.05) and that animals grieve as a result of separation from a conspecific (p < 0.005). These results demonstrate a greater skepticism in males, compared with females, regarding the attribution of emotions to animals.  相似文献   

Major depression is characterized by a cluster of symptoms that includes hopelessness, low mood, feelings of worthlessness and inability to experience pleasure. The lifetime prevalence of major depression approaches 20%, yet current treatments are often inadequate both because of associated side effects and because they are ineffective for many people. In basic research, animal models are often used to study depression. Typically, experimental animals are exposed to acute or chronic stress to generate a variety of depression‐like symptoms. Despite its clinical importance, very little is known about the cellular and neural circuits that mediate these symptoms. Recent advances in circuit‐targeted approaches have provided new opportunities to study the neuropathology of mood disorders such as depression and anxiety. We review recent progress and highlight some studies that have begun tracing a functional neuronal circuit diagram that may prove essential in establishing novel treatment strategies in mood disorders. First, we shed light on the complexity of mesocorticolimbic dopamine (DA) responses to stress by discussing two recent studies reporting that optogenetic activation of midbrain DA neurons can induce or reverse depression‐related behaviors. Second, we describe the role of the lateral habenula circuitry in the pathophysiology of depression. Finally, we discuss how the prefrontal cortex controls limbic and neuromodulatory circuits in mood disorders .  相似文献   

How are functional neural circuits formed during development? Despite recent advances in our understanding of the development of individual neurons, little is known about how complex circuits are assembled to generate specific behaviors. Here, we describe the ways in which Drosophila motor circuits serve as an excellent model system to tackle this problem. We first summarize what has been learned during the past decades on the connectivity and development of component neurons, in particular motor neurons and sensory feedback neurons. We then review recent progress in our understanding of the development of the circuits as well as studies that apply optogenetics and other innovative techniques to dissect the circuit diagram. New approaches using Drosophila as a model system are now making it possible to search for developmental rules that regulate the construction of neural circuits.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to examine whether exposure to human suffering is associated with negative changes in perceptions about personal health. We further examined the relation of possible health perception changes, to changes in five discrete emotions (i.e., fear, guilt, hostility/anger, and joviality), as a guide to understand the processes underlying health perception changes, provided that each emotion conveys information regarding triggering conditions.


An experimental group (N = 47) was exposed to images of human affliction, whereas a control group (N = 47) was exposed to relaxing images. Participants in the experimental group reported more health anxiety and health value, as well as lower health-related optimism and internal health locus of control, in comparison to participants exposed to relaxing images. They also reported more fear, guilt, hostility and sadness, as well as less joviality. Changes in each health perception were related to changes in particular emotions.


These findings imply that health perceptions are shaped in a constant dialogue with the representations about the broader world. Furthermore, it seems that the core of health perception changes lies in the acceptance that personal well-being is subject to several potential threats, as well as that people cannot fully control many of the factors the determine their own well-being.  相似文献   

Chronic stress in rodents was shown to induce structural shrinkage and functional alterations in the hippocampus that were linked to spatial memory impairments. Effects of chronic stress on the amygdala have been linked to a facilitation of fear conditioning. Although the underlying molecular mechanisms are still poorly understood, increasing evidence highlights the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) as an important molecular mediator of stress‐induced structural and functional alterations. In this study, we investigated whether altered NCAM expression levels in the amygdala might be related to stress‐induced enhancement of auditory fear conditioning and anxiety‐like behavior. In adult C57BL/6J wild‐type mice, chronic unpredictable stress resulted in an isoform‐specific increase of NCAM expression (NCAM‐140 and NCAM‐180) in the amygdala, as well as enhanced auditory fear conditioning and anxiety‐like behavior. Strikingly, forebrain‐specific conditional NCAM‐deficient mice (NCAM‐floxed mice that express the cre‐recombinase under the control of the promoter of the α‐subunit of the calcium‐calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase II), whose amygdala NCAM expression levels are reduced, displayed impaired auditory fear conditioning which was not altered following chronic stress exposure. Likewise, chronic stress in these conditional NCAM‐deficient mice did not modify NCAM expression levels in the amygdala or hippocampus, while they showed enhanced anxiety‐like behavior, questioning the involvement of NCAM in this type of behavior. Together, our results strongly support the involvement of NCAM in the amygdala in the consolidation of auditory fear conditioning and highlight increased NCAM expression in the amygdala among the mechanisms whereby stress facilitates fear conditioning processes.  相似文献   

Much research has focused on how the amygdala processes individual affects, yet little is known about how multiple types of positive and negative affects are encoded relative to one another at the single-cell level. In particular, it is unclear whether different negative affects, such as fear and disgust, are encoded more similarly than negative and positive affects, such as fear and pleasure. Here we test the hypothesis that the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA), a region known to be important for learned fear and other affects, encodes affective valence by comparing neuronal activity in the BLA during a conditioned fear stimulus (fear CS) with activity during intraoral delivery of an aversive fluid that induces a disgust response and a rewarding fluid that induces a hedonic response. Consistent with the hypothesis, neuronal activity during the fear CS and aversive fluid infusion, but not during the fear CS and rewarding fluid infusion, was more similar than expected by chance. We also found that the greater similarity in activity during the fear- and disgust-eliciting stimuli was specific to a subpopulation of cells and a limited window of time. Our results suggest that a subpopulation of BLA neurons encodes affective valence during learned fear, and furthermore, within this subpopulation, different negative affects are encoded more similarly than negative and positive affects in a time-specific manner.  相似文献   

Fear conditioning is a valuable behavioral paradigm for studying the neural basis of emotional learning and memory. The lateral nucleus of the amygdala (LA) is a crucial site of neural changes that occur during fear conditioning. Pharmacological manipulations of the LA, strategically timed with respect to training and testing, have shed light on the molecular events that mediate the acquisition of fear associations and the formation and maintenance of long-term memories of those associations. Similar mechanisms have been found to underlie long-term potentiation (LTP) in LA, an artificial means of inducing synaptic plasticity and a physiological model of learning and memory. Thus, LTP-like changes in synaptic plasticity may underlie fear conditioning. Given that the neural circuit underlying fear conditioning has been implicated in emotional disorders in humans, the molecular mechanisms of fear conditioning are potential targets for psychotherapeutic drug development.  相似文献   

The dorsolateral column of the periaqueductal gray (dlPAG) integrates aversive emotional experiences and represents an important site responding to life threatening situations, such as hypoxia, cardiac pain and predator threats. Previous studies have shown that the dorsal PAG also supports fear learning; and we have currently explored how the dlPAG influences associative learning. We have first shown that N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) 100 pmol injection in the dlPAG works as a valuable unconditioned stimulus (US) for the acquisition of olfactory fear conditioning (OFC) using amyl acetate odor as conditioned stimulus (CS). Next, we revisited the ascending projections of the dlPAG to the thalamus and hypothalamus to reveal potential paths that could mediate associative learning during OFC. Accordingly, the most important ascending target of the dlPAG is the hypothalamic defensive circuit, and we were able to show that pharmacological inactivation using β-adrenoceptor blockade of the dorsal premammillary nucleus, the main exit way for the hypothalamic defensive circuit to thalamo-cortical circuits involved in fear learning, impaired the acquisition of the OFC promoted by NMDA stimulation of the dlPAG. Moreover, our tracing study revealed multiple parallel paths from the dlPAG to several thalamic targets linked to cortical-hippocampal-amygdalar circuits involved in fear learning. Overall, the results point to a major role of the dlPAG in the mediation of aversive associative learning via ascending projections to the medial hypothalamic defensive circuit, and perhaps, to other thalamic targets, as well. These results provide interesting perspectives to understand how life threatening events impact on fear learning, and should be useful to understand pathological fear memory encoding in anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

Behavioral variability serves an essential role in motor learning by enabling sensory feedback to select those motor patterns that minimize error. Birds use auditory feedback to learn how to sing, and their songs lose variability and become highly stereotyped, or crystallized, at the end of a sensitive period for sensorimotor learning. The molecular cues that regulate song variability are not well understood. In other systems, neurotrophins, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in particular, can mediate various forms of neural plasticity, including sensitive period neural circuit plasticity and activity-dependent synapse formation, and may also influence learning and memory. Here, we have tested the hypothesis that neurotrophin expression in the robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA), the telencephalic output controlling song, regulates song variability. BDNF and its receptor trkB are expressed in RA, and BDNF expression in RA appears to be highest in juveniles, when song is most variable and plastic, and synapse density highest. Thus, song variability and synaptic connectivity could be enhanced by augmented expression of BDNF in RA. In support of this idea, we found that BDNF injections into the adult RA induced the re-expression of juvenile-like phenotypes, including song variability and an increased synaptic density in RA. Furthermore, BDNF treatment also induced vocal plasticity, characterized by syllable deletions and persistent changes to the song patterns. These results suggest that endogenous BDNF could be a molecular regulator of the song variability essential to vocal plasticity and, ultimately, to song learning.  相似文献   

Social touch—the affiliative skin-to-skin contact between individuals—can rapidly evoke emotions of comfort, pleasure, or calm, and is essential for mental and physical well-being. Physical isolation from social support can be devastating. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we observed a global increase in suicidal ideation, anxiety, domestic violence, and worsening of pre-existing physical conditions, alerting society to our need to understand the neurobiology of social touch and how it promotes normal health. Gaining a mechanistic understanding of how sensory neuron stimulation induces pleasure, calm, and analgesia may reveal untapped therapeutic targets in the periphery for treatment of anxiety and depression, as well as social disorders and traumas in which social touch becomes aversive. Bridging the gap between stimulation in the skin and positive affect in the brain—especially during naturally occurring social touch behaviors—remains a challenge to the field. However, with advances in mouse genetics, behavioral quantification, and brain imaging approaches to measure neuronal firing and neurochemical release, completing this mechanistic picture may be on the horizon. Here, we summarize some exciting new findings about social touch in mammals, emphasizing both the peripheral and central nervous systems, with attempts to bridge the gap between external stimulation and internal representations in the brain.  相似文献   

Radial glial cells derive from neuroepithelial cells, and both cell types are identified as neural stem cells. Neural stem cells are known to change their competency over time during development: they initially undergo self-renewal only and then give rise to neurons first and glial cells later. Maintenance of neural stem cells until late stages is thus believed to be essential for generation of cells in correct numbers and diverse types, but little is known about how the timing of cell differentiation is regulated and how its deregulation influences brain organogenesis. Here, we report that inactivation of Hes1 and Hes5, known Notch effectors, and additional inactivation of Hes3 extensively accelerate cell differentiation and cause a wide range of defects in brain formation. In Hes-deficient embryos, initially formed neuroepithelial cells are not properly maintained, and radial glial cells are prematurely differentiated into neurons and depleted without generation of late-born cells. Furthermore, loss of radial glia disrupts the inner and outer barriers of the neural tube, disorganizing the histogenesis. In addition, the forebrain lacks the optic vesicles and the ganglionic eminences. Thus, Hes genes are essential for generation of brain structures of appropriate size, shape and cell arrangement by controlling the timing of cell differentiation. Our data also indicate that embryonic neural stem cells change their characters over time in the following order: Hes-independent neuroepithelial cells, transitory Hes-dependent neuroepithelial cells and Hes-dependent radial glial cells.  相似文献   

《Ethology and sociobiology》1994,15(5-6):247-261
This article reviews the evolutionary origins and functions of the capacity for anxiety, and relevant clinical and research issues. Normal anxiety is an emotion that helps organisms defend against a wide variety of threats. There is a general capacity for normal defensive arousal, and subtypes of normal anxiety protect against particular kinds of threats. These normal subtypes correspond somewhat to mild forms of various anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders arise from dysregulation of normal defensive responses, raising the possibility of a hypophobic disorder (too little anxiety). If a drug were discovered that abolished all defensive anxiety, it could do harm as well as good. Factors that have shaped anxiety-regulation mechanisms can explain prepotent and prepared tendencies to associate anxiety more quickly with certain cues than with others. These tendencies lead to excess fear of largely archaic dangers, like snakes, and too little fear of new threats, like cars. An understanding of the evolutionary origins, functions, and mechanisms of anxiety suggests new questions about anxiety disorders.  相似文献   

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