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Manipulations of context can affect learning and memory performance across species in many associative learning paradigms. Using taste cues to create distinct contexts for olfactory adaptation assays in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, we now show that performance in this associative learning paradigm is sensitive to context manipulations, and we investigate the mechanism(s) used for the integration of context cues in learning. One possibility is that the taste and olfactory stimuli are perceived as a combined, blended cue that the animals then associate with the unconditioned stimulus (US) in the same manner as with any other unitary conditioned stimuli (CS). Alternatively, an occasion-setting model suggests that the taste cues only define the appropriate context for olfactory memory retrieval without directly entering into the primary association. Analysis of genetic mutants demonstrated that the olfactory and context cues are sensed by distinct primary sensory neurons and that the animals' ability to use taste cues to modulate olfactory learning is independent from their ability to utilize these same taste cues for adaptation. We interpret these results as evidence for the occasion-setting mechanism in which context cues modulate primary Pavlovian association by functioning in a hierarchical manner to define the appropriate setting for memory recall.  相似文献   

In the framework of animal conditioning and human associative learning, primacy and recency effects on acquired stimulus control of behavior refer to the superior influence of first-learned and last-learned associations, respectively. Most contemporary associative models of learning anticipate unwavering recency effects and claim support from numerous published studies. But, for pragmatic reasons, almost all of these studies were conducted under select conditions that favored recency effects. When these conditions are not met, recency effects are far from ubiquitous. We review the literature on primacy and recency effects regarding extinction and latent inhibition (i.e., interference between outcomes), with special emphasis on the impact of certain post-training manipulations and test conditions on conditioned responding. Evidence for recency-to-primacy shifts and for memory integration is examined in light of contemporary models of learning.  相似文献   

Schwaerzel M  Heisenberg M  Zars T 《Neuron》2002,35(5):951-960
Memory loss occurs by diverse mechanisms, as different time constants of performance decrement and sensitivities to experimental manipulations suggest. While the phenomena of memory decay, interference, and extinction are well established behaviorally, little is known about them at the circuit or molecular level. In Drosophila, odorant memories lasting up to 3 hr can be localized to mushroom body Kenyon cells, a single neuronal level in the olfactory pathway. The plasticity underlying this memory trace can be induced without Kenyon cell synaptic output. Experimental extinction, i.e., presentation of the conditioned stimulus without the reinforcer, reduces memory performance and does so at the same circuit level as memory formation. Thus, unreinforced presentation of learned odorants antagonizes intracellularly the signaling cascade underlying memory formation.  相似文献   

Fear is maladaptive when it persists long after circumstances have become safe. It is therefore crucial to develop an approach that persistently prevents the return of fear. Pavlovian fear-conditioning paradigms are commonly employed to create a controlled, novel fear association in the laboratory. After pairing an innocuous stimulus (conditioned stimulus, CS) with an aversive outcome (unconditioned stimulus, US) we can elicit a fear response (conditioned response, or CR) by presenting just the stimulus alone1,2 . Once fear is acquired, it can be diminished using extinction training, whereby the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the aversive outcome until fear is no longer expressed3. This inhibitory learning creates a new, safe representation for the CS, which competes for expression with the original fear memory4. Although extinction is effective at inhibiting fear, it is not permanent. Fear can spontaneously recover with the passage of time. Exposure to stress or returning to the context of initial learning can also cause fear to resurface3,4.Our protocol addresses the transient nature of extinction by targeting the reconsolidation window to modify emotional memory in a more permanent manner. Ample evidence suggests that reactivating a consolidated memory returns it to a labile state, during which the memory is again susceptible to interference5-9. This window of opportunity appears to open shortly after reactivation and close approximately 6hrs later5,11,16, although this may vary depending on the strength and age of the memory15. By allowing new information to incorporate into the original memory trace, this memory may be updated as it reconsolidates10,11. Studies involving non-human animals have successfully blocked the expression of fear memory by introducing pharmacological manipulations within the reconsolidation window, however, most agents used are either toxic to humans or show equivocal effects when used in human studies12-14. Our protocol addresses these challenges by offering an effective, yet non-invasive, behavioral manipulation that is safe for humans.By prompting fear memory retrieval prior to extinction, we essentially trigger the reconsolidation process, allowing new safety information (i.e., extinction) to be incorporated while the fear memory is still susceptible to interference. A recent study employing this behavioral manipulation in rats has successfully blocked fear memory using these temporal parameters11. Additional studies in humans have demonstrated that introducing new information after the retrieval of previously consolidated motor16, episodic17, or declarative18 memories leads to interference with the original memory trace14. We outline below a novel protocol used to block fear recovery in humans.  相似文献   

Extinction performance is often used to assess underlying psychological processes without the interference of reinforcement. For example, in the extinction/reinstatement paradigm, motivation to seek drug is assessed by measuring responding elicited by drug-associated cues without drug reinforcement. However, extinction performance is governed by several psychological processes that involve motivation, memory, learning, and motoric functions. These processes are confounded when overall response rate is used to measure performance. Based on evidence that operant responding occurs in bouts, this paper proposes an analytic procedure that separates extinction performance into several behavioral components: (1-3) the baseline bout initiation rate, within-bout response rate, and bout length at the onset of extinction; (4-6) their rates of decay during extinction; (7) the time between extinction onset and the decline of responding; (8) the asymptotic response rate at the end of extinction; (9) the refractory period after each response. Data that illustrate the goodness of fit of this analytic model are presented. This paper also describes procedures to isolate behavioral components contributing to extinction performance and make inferences about experimental effects on these components. This microscopic behavioral analysis allows the mapping of different psychological processes to distinct behavioral components implicated in extinction performance, which may further our understanding of the psychological effects of neurobiological treatments.  相似文献   

The present experiment examined the effects of several test manipulations on discrimination, accuracy and sensitivity to reinforcer frequency in a conditional discrimination. Four pigeons responded on a multiple schedule of matching to sample procedures in which the reinforcer-frequency ratio for correct comparison choice responding was varied across components within session from 1:9 to 9:1. Following stability, the effects of prefeeding, extinction, and distraction during sample and comparison presentation were assessed. Discrimination accuracy decreased under prefeeding, extinction, and distraction during sample presentation. Sensitivity to reinforcer frequency decreased under prefeeding and extinction. Decreases in sensitivity were positively related to decreases in discrimination accuracy. The decreases in discrimination accuracy and sensitivity under prefeeding and extinction are interpreted as being due to decreases in attending to the sample and comparison stimuli, respectively, possibly mediated by motivational effects of these manipulations. This interpretation is consistent with current conceptualizations of the contingencies that govern conditional-discrimination performance.  相似文献   

Behavioral analyses of genetically modified and inbred strains of mice have revealed neural systems and molecules that are involved in memory formation. Many of these studies have examined memories that form in contextual fear conditioning, in which an organism learns that a particular context signals the occurrence of a footshock. During fear extinction, nonreinforced exposure to the context results in the loss of the conditioned fear response. The study of extinction has been instrumental for behavioral and molecular theories of memory. However, many of the transgenic, knockout, and inbred strains of mice that have been widely studied in memory have behavioral deficits in contextual fear conditioning, which makes the study of extinction in these mice particularly challenging. Here we explore several strategies for studying extinction in C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice, two strains known to differ in contextual fear conditioning. First, we attempt to equate performance prior to extinction through several extensive conditioning protocols. Second, we examine extinction in subsets of mice matched for initial levels of context conditioning. Third, we examine within-strain effects of variables known to affect extinction. Differences between the strains persisted across extensive conditioning and extinction protocols, but both strains were sensitive to session duration and context manipulations during extinction. We describe the implications of our results for behavioral and neurobiological approaches to extinction, and we examine the general challenges in studying extinction in subjects that differ in learning or performance prior to extinction.  相似文献   

The associative learning abilities of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, have been demonstrated in both classical and operant conditioning paradigms. Efforts to identify the neural pathways and cellular mechanisms of learning have focused largely on olfactory classical conditioning. Results derived from various genetic and molecular manipulations provide considerable evidence that this form of associative learning depends critically on neural activity and cAMP signaling in brain neuropil structures called mushroom bodies. Three other behavioral learning paradigms in Drosophila serve as the main subject of this review. These are (1) visual and motor learning of flies tethered in a flight simulator, (2) a form of spatial learning that is independent of visual and olfactory cues, and (3) experience-dependent changes in male courtship behavior. The present evidence suggests that at least some of these modes of learning are independent of mushroom bodies. Applying targeted genetic manipulations to these behavioral paradigms should allow for a more comprehensive understanding of neural mechanisms responsible for diverse forms of associative learning and memory.  相似文献   

Pedreira ME  Maldonado H 《Neuron》2003,38(6):863-869
When learned associations are recalled from long-term memory stores by presentation of an unreinforced conditioned stimulus (CS), two processes are initiated. One, termed reconsolidation, re-activates the association between the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli and transfers it from a stable protein synthesis-independent form of storage to a more labile protein-dependent state. The other is an extinction process in which presentation of the CS alone degrades the association between CS and US. To address the mechanistic relationship between reconsolidation and extinction, we have used an invertebrate model of contextual memory, which involves an association between the learning context and a visual danger stimulus. Here, we show that re-exposure duration to the learning context acts as a switch guiding the memory course toward reconsolidation or extinction, each depending on protein synthesis. Manipulation of this variable allows findings of impaired extinction to be discriminated from those of disrupted reconsolidation.  相似文献   

A new memory is initially labile and becomes stabilized through a process of consolidation, which depends on gene expression. Stable memories, however, can again become labile if reactivated by recall and require another phase of protein synthesis in order to be maintained. This process is known as reconsolidation. The functional significance of the labile phase of reconsolidation is unknown; one hypothesis proposes that it is required to link new information with reactivated memories. Reconsolidation is distinct from the initial consolidation, and one distinction is that the requirement for specific proteins or general protein synthesis during the two processes occurs in different brain areas. Here, we identified an anatomically distinctive molecular requirement that doubly dissociates consolidation from reconsolidation of an inhibitory avoidance memory. We then used this requirement to investigate whether reconsolidation and consolidation are involved in linking new information with reactivated memories. In contrast to what the hypothesis predicted, we found that reconsolidation does not contribute to the formation of an association between new and reactivated information. Instead, it recruits mechanisms similar to those underlying consolidation of a new memory. Thus, linking new information to a reactivated memory is mediated by consolidation and not reconsolidation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Generalization of motor learning refers to our ability to apply what has been learned in one context to other contexts. When generalization is beneficial, it is termed transfer, and when it is detrimental, it is termed interference. Insight into the mechanism of generalization may be acquired from understanding why training transfers in some contexts but not others. However, identifying relevant contextual cues has proven surprisingly difficult, perhaps because the search has mainly been for cues that are explicit. We hypothesized instead that a relevant contextual cue is an implicit memory of action with a particular body part. To test this hypothesis we considered a task in which participants learned to control motion of a cursor under visuomotor rotation in two contexts: by moving their hand through motion of their shoulder and elbow, or through motion of their wrist. Use of these contextual cues led to three observations: First, in naive participants, learning in the wrist context was much faster than in the arm context. Second, generalization was asymmetric so that arm training benefited subsequent wrist training, but not vice versa. Third, in people who had prior wrist training, generalization from the arm to the wrist was blocked. That is, prior wrist training appeared to prevent both the interference and transfer that subsequent arm training should have caused. To explain the data, we posited that the learner collected statistics of contextual history: all upper arm movements also move the hand, but occasionally we move our hands without moving the upper arm. In a Bayesian framework, history of limb segment use strongly affects parameter uncertainty, which is a measure of the covariance of the contextual cues. This simple Bayesian prior dictated a generalization pattern that largely reproduced all three findings. For motor learning, generalization depends on context, which is determined by the statistics of how we have previously used the various parts of our limbs.  相似文献   

The effect of season on "biofilming";, as a cue for the settlement of marine invertebrate larvae, was investigated in a long-term field study during the years 1992-1994. The series of settlement experiments was conducted in a tidal rapid on the west coast of Scotland, and involved manipulations of artificial panels. Biofilming of substrata, whilst excluding larval settlement, was achieved by the enclosure of panels within tight-fitting (but removable) mesh screens so that the number of settlers on filmed and unfilmed substrata were counted in the initial absence of other incumbent post-larvae. Depending on larval species, the effects of biofilming were found to be either facilitatory or inhibitory. Significant within- and between-species seasonal differences in the settlement responses were detected, and a reversal of the effect of biofilming on larval settlement response, from inhibitory to facilitatory and vice versa, was noted with season in the case of some taxonomic groups and species (e.g. Tubulipora sp., Plagioecia sp., Electra pilosa (L.)). The present study emphasizes the need for extended field studies of larval responses to environmental cues, when the focus of interest is in drawing general inferences about naturally occurring behavioural patterns at settlement.  相似文献   

A memory system in the monkey   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A neural model is presented, based largely on evidence from studies in monkeys, postulating that coded representation of stimuli are stored in the higher-order sensory (i.e. association) areas of the cortex whenever stimulus activation of these areas also triggers a cortico-limbo-thalamo-cortical circuit. This circuit, which could act as either an imprinting or rehearsal mechanism, may actually consist of two parallel circuits, one involving the amygdala and the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus, and the other the hippocampus and the anterior nuclei. The stimulus representation stored in cortex by action of these circuits is seen as mediating three different memory processes: recognition, which occurs when the stored representation is reactivated via the original sensory pathway; recall, when it is reactivated via any other pathway; and association, when it activates other stored representations (sensory, affective, spatial, motor) via the outputs of the higher-order sensory areas to the relevant structures.  相似文献   

Learning and memory systems are intimately involved in drug addiction. Previous studies suggest that galanin, a neuropeptide that binds G-protein coupled receptors, plays essential roles in the encoding of memory. In the present study, we tested the function of galnon, a galanin receptor 1 and 2 agonist, in reward-associated memory, using conditioned place preference (CPP), a widely used paradigm in drug-associated memory. Either before or following CPP-inducing morphine administration, galnon was injected at four different time points to test the effects of galanin activation on different reward-associated memory processes: 15 min before CPP training (acquisition), immediately after CPP training (consolidation), 15 min before the post-conditioning test (retrieval), and multiple injection after post-tests (reconsolidation and extinction). Galnon enhanced consolidation and extinction processes of morphine-induced CPP memory, but the compound had no effect on acquisition, retrieval, or reconsolidation processes. Our findings demonstrate that a galanin receptor 1 and 2 agonist, galnon, may be used as a viable compound to treat drug addiction by facilitating memory extinction process.  相似文献   

The basic design used in our human fear-conditioning studies on disrupting reconsolidation includes testing over different phases across three consecutive days. On day 1 - the fear acquisition phase, healthy participants are exposed to a series of picture presentations. One picture stimulus (CS1+) is repeatedly paired with an aversive electric stimulus (US), resulting in the acquisition of a fear association, whereas another picture stimulus (CS2-) is never followed by an US. On day 2 - the memory reactivation phase, the participants are re-exposed to the conditioned stimulus without the US (CS1-), which typically triggers a conditioned fear response. After the memory reactivation we administer an oral dose of 40 mg of propranolol HCl, a β-adrenergic receptor antagonist that indirectly targets the protein synthesis required for reconsolidation by inhibiting the noradrenaline-stimulated CREB phosphorylation. On day 3 - the test phase, the participants are again exposed to the unreinforced conditioned stimuli (CS1- and CS2-) in order to measure the fear-reducing effect of the manipulation. This retention test is followed by an extinction procedure and the presentation of situational triggers to test for the return of fear. Potentiation of the eye blink startle reflex is measured as an index for conditioned fear responding. Declarative knowledge of the fear association is measured through online US expectancy ratings during each CS presentation. In contrast to extinction learning, disrupting reconsolidation targets the original fear memory thereby preventing the return of fear. Although the clinical applications are still in their infancy, disrupting reconsolidation of fear memory seems to be a promising new technique with the prospect to persistently dampen the expression of fear memory in patients suffering from anxiety disorders and other psychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

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