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The purpose of this study was to test whether sex steroid actions are necessary for courtship and pairing in socially monogamous birds. We examined the effects of an aromatase inhibitor, 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione (ATD), combined with an anti-androgen, flutamide (F), on the behavior and pairing status of initially unpaired male and female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). In the first experiment, 24 adult males were implanted with either a combination of ATD and flutamide or empty implants. Two weeks after implantation, birds were housed in aviaries containing 3 ATD + F males, 3 control males, and 3 females and allowed 2 weeks to pair, with observations 7 times during the 2-week period. A second experiment tested the effects of these same treatments in females. During the first 4 days of testing, ATD + F males were less likely to attack conspecifics than were control males. ATD + F males were also less likely to "greet," or approach, females than were control males, but other courtship behaviors, including directed singing, were unaffected. ATD + F females did not differ from control females on any courtship behavior measured. Furthermore, these treatments did not affect pairing behaviors (time spent clumping or in a nest box together) or the likelihood of pairing with a partner of the opposite sex. ATD + F treatments in females did, however, increase the likelihood of same-sex pairing. This suggests that, although sex steroids may regulate some courtship behaviors in males, they do not regulate pairing behaviors and have little effect on the likelihood that a male or female will be chosen as a mate by a bird of the opposite sex.  相似文献   

We examined the possible existence of, and female contributions to, pair bonds, as well as the relation of social preference to mating selectivity, in a recently identified wild guinea pig, the Muenster yellow-toothed cavy (Galea monasteriensis). In Experiment 1, females housed for approximately 20 days in an apparatus in which they could choose to approach and interact with unfamiliar males typically exhibited a robust preference for one of two available males. DNA fingerprinting revealed a strong association between female choice and paternity. Experiment 2 examined the influence of the removal and return of the female on male plasma cortisol levels and behavior in established breeding pairs. A 2-h period of separation in the home enclosure elevated male cortisol levels. Return of the female to the home enclosure reduced male cortisol levels 2 h later, whereas continued separation did not. Reunion in either the home or novel enclosure increased socio-positive and courtship/sexual behavior, as well as time spent in proximity of the partner. Together, these results provide evidence for a substantial female influence on pair bond formation and maintenance in G. monasteriensis and further support for the existence of social and sexual monogamy in this species.  相似文献   

Oxytocin and vasopressin are known to be important in affiliative behaviors. Although these peptides have been shown to be involved in monogamous pairing behavior in a few mammalian species, their role across monogamous species is not well understood. In particular, monogamy is most common in birds, yet the role of mesotocin and vasotocin (avian homologues of oxytocin and vasopressin) in pair relationships has not been established in any avian species. The goal of the present study was to investigate the effects of an oxytocin antagonist on pairing and pairing-related behaviors in the monogamous zebra finch. To accomplish this, we systemically administered one of three doses of an oxytocin antagonist (1 μg, 5 μg, or 10 μg) or a vehicle to adult male and female zebra finches (in separate experiments) with no prior pairing experience. Subjects were observed over three days and allowed to choose mates. We found that oxytocin antagonists increased the latency to pair and decreased pair formation in both sexes. The effects of these treatments on overall pairing behaviors were more pronounced in females than in males, suggesting sexually differentiated effects on motivation to contact conspecifics. Treatments also reduced courtship, as measured by directed singing, in males. These results suggest that nonapeptides play a key role in pair formation in zebra finches of both sexes, similar to findings in other monogamous species.  相似文献   

The establishment and maintenance of stable, long-term male-female relationships, or pair-bonds, are marked by high levels of mutual attraction, selective preference for the partner, and high rates of sociosexual behavior. Central oxytocin (OT) affects social preference and partner-directed social behavior in rodents, but the role of this neuropeptide has yet to be studied in heterosexual primate relationships. The present study evaluated whether the OT system plays a role in the dynamics of social behavior and partner preference during the first 3 weeks of cohabitation in male and female marmosets, Callithrix penicillata. OT activity was stimulated by intranasal administration of OT, and inhibited by oral administration of a non-peptide OT-receptor antagonist (L-368,899; Merck). Social behavior throughout the pairing varied as a function of OT treatment. Compared to controls, marmosets initiated huddling with their social partner more often after OT treatments but reduced proximity and huddling after OT antagonist treatments. OT antagonist treatment also eliminated food sharing between partners. During the 24-h preference test, all marmosets interacted more with an opposite-sex stranger than with the partner. By the third-week preference test, marmosets interacted with the partner and stranger equally with the exception that intranasal-OT treatments facilitated initial partner-seeking behavior over initial contact with the stranger. Our findings demonstrate that pharmacological manipulations of OT activity alter partner-directed social behavior during pair interactions, suggesting that central OT may facilitate the process of pair-bond formation and social relationships in marmoset monkeys.  相似文献   

Male and female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata; total n = 40) were fitted with chronic guide cannulae directed at the lateral ventricle and were tested for aggression, affiliation, and partner preference following infusions of mesotocin (MT), vasotocin (VT), their antagonists, and vehicle control. Aggressive behavior was tested in a mate competition paradigm and tests of intersexual affiliation and partner preference were conducted following 1 day of cohabitation with an opposite-sex individual. These tests also provided data on male courtship singing. The results demonstrate a modest dose-dependent facilitation of aggression by VT, but not MT, in both male and female finches. However, only males were sensitive to infusions of a vasopressin antagonist, suggesting that endogenous VT is more important for behavioral modulation in males. Peptide effects were specific to aggression, as no treatments influenced intersexual affiliation, partner preference, or male courtship singing. Thus, in contrast to rodents, partner preference is not readily induced by VT or MT in this species. However, the potential necessity of endogenous VT and MT for natural pair-bond formation remains to be tested.  相似文献   

The effects of social stimuli on the reproductive physiology of female birds have been widely studied. This study examined the endocrine and behavioural responses of female Canvasbacks ( Aythya valisineria ) to changes in the behavioural and endocrine states of the male, as signalled by his courtship displays. Male Canvasbacks exposed to female conspecifics exhibited a variety of courtship displays which increased significantly with testosterone administration. However, the testosterone-increased courtship displays of males did not increase female receptivity or serum LH, or stimulate reproductive development or egg-laying in unpaired females placed with them. Females confined in cubicles within a pen that held breeding pairs and a free-swimming flock had higher serum LH levels and laid more eggs than did females in cubicles in another pen without breeding pairs or a free-swimming flock. This suggests that social factors, such as vocalizations from a flock and breeding pairs, may increase serum LH and egg-laying in unpaired females. Oestradiol implants in female Canvasbacks did not elevate receptivity to courting drakes, nor did they stimulate pair formation, nesting activity, or egg-laying behaviour. Testosterone implants in drakes and oestradiol implants in females decreased serum LH in each group. These results show that increasing the amount of courtship is not adequate to stimulate pairing behaviour or increases in reproductive hormones. Thus, our results suggest that female receptivity to male courtship may be a key determinant of pair formation and consequent synchronization of the behaviour patterns between members of a pair of wild birds. Our results may further suggest a dissociation between effects of courtship and pair formation in wild Canvasbacks.  相似文献   

Male threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) prefer to court the more gravid of a pair of dummy females (Rowland 1982, 1989). In this study, males were trained to modify their courtship preferences. Males were given two pre-punishment preference trials during which two dummy females—one approximating a normally gravid female and the other, a supergravid female, possessing an abnormally large abdomen — were simultaneously presented to males. After pre-punishment trials, males were subjected to one of two punishment procedures: punishment with weak electric shock (Experiment I) or punishment by the removal of females to simulate female retreat (Experiment II). During punishment trials, males were punished each time they courted the supergravid dummy. Control males were subjected to identical trials, but were not punished for courting the supergravid dummy. Post-punishment preference trials were given to all males (Experiments I and II). The results of Experiments I and II were similar. Punished and control males did not differ in their courtship preferences in pre-punishment trials; they preferred to court the supergravid dummy. Punished males, however, spent a significantly lower proportion of time visiting and directed a smaller proportion of zigzags (a courtship display) toward the supergravid dummy than did control males during punishment training (Experiment I) and post-punishment preference trials (Experiments I and II). These results suggest that courtship preferences of male threespine sticklebacks can be modified through learning. Such a mechanism could be important for adaptive mate choice under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Due to the differential cost of reproduction in promiscuous species, like domesticated goat(s) (Capra hircus), it is expected that females should mate with higher quality males, while males should mate with a greater number of females. Females may use conspicuous secondary sexual characteristics of males such as courtship display to distinguish among high and low quality males. Testosterone (T) controls a large suite of secondary sexual characteristics and variation in T concentrations may account of differences in courtship rates. Two studies were conducted to examine the relationship between T concentrations and courtship rate and its role in mammalian female mate choice. Experiment 1 utilized bucks (intact males) and Experiment 2 utilized T-replaced wethers (castrated pre-pubertally). During the first year of Experiment 2, T-replaced wethers received either vehicle control (CON), 25 mg or 100 mg testosterone propionate (TP). During the second year of Experiment 2, T-replaced wethers were treated with either 5 mg, 15 mg or 25 mg TP. For all experiments, mean courtship rates and circulating T concentrations were measured, as well as female preference for males displaying different courtship frequencies. T concentrations and courtship rate were positively correlated for bucks and estrous females preferred high courting bucks. Males receiving 25 mg and 100 mg TP courted females at a similar rate, but both were significantly higher than courtship rates of the CON wethers. Courtship rates of the 25 mg, 15 mg and 5 mg TP-treated males were all significantly different. Females did not show a preference between the 100 mg or 25 mg TP-treated wethers, however both were preferred in comparison to the CON wethers. Females did not show preference between the 25 mg or 15 mg TP-treated wethers, however both were preferred in comparison to the 5 mg TP-treated wethers. Taken together, these studies suggest that courtship rate is T-dependent. Further, females can use courtship rate to distinguish among males.  相似文献   

Complex courtship in the striped ground cricket, Allonemobius socius, involves a series of behaviors alternating between the sexes. We examined if complex courtship allows either or both genders to evaluate their mate and how mating behavior changes in different social environments. While complex courtship may allow discrimination by both sexes, here only females exhibited a preference. Males did not alter their courtship behavior or change spermatophore size for different size females. In contrast, females initiated copulation more quickly with bigger males possessing bigger spermatophores. In a different social environment (additional male, female, or both), males were less likely to omit courtship songs and female discrimination of mates changed. The distinct differences in male and female behavior suggest that subtle changes in social environment can have important consequences in structuring courtship and mating behavior.  相似文献   

Females apparently are the choosier sex in courtship contexts, but there still is limited information about female selection criteria in real courtship settings. Given that a female knows little about a heretofore unacquainted male, upon what dimensions can (and do) females base their initial courtship decisions? Here, we report findings from observational studies that investigated male nonverbal behavior in a bar context. Study 1 documented the body movements of males prior to making contact with a female. It was found that males who successfully made “contact” courtship initiation with females exhibited different body language in this precontact phase than did males who did not make contact with females, including significantly more glancing behaviors, space-maximization movements, intrasexual touching, and less closed-body movements. The findings from a second within-subject study comparing the behavior of men in a bar when women were present or not present supported the initial study's findings and showed that males' emphasis on these behaviors increases in a mate-relevant context. We suggest that certain aspects of male nonverbal behavior in courtship contexts can serve as self-presentation and mate-value signals.  相似文献   

Arginine vasotocin (VT), and its mammalian homologue arginine vasopressin (VP), are neuropeptides involved in the regulation of social behaviors and stress responsiveness. Previous research has demonstrated opposing effects of VT/VP on aggression in different species. However, these divergent effects were obtained in different social contexts, leading to the hypothesis that different populations of VT/VP neurons regulate behaviors in a context-dependent manner. We here use VP antagonists to block endogenous VT function in male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) within a semi-natural, mixed-sex colony setting. We examine the role of VT in the regulation of aggression and courtship, and in pair bond formation and maintenance, over the course of three days. Although our results confirm previous findings, in that antagonist treatment reduces aggressive mate competition during an initial behavioral session during which males encounter novel females, we find that the treatment effects are completely reversed within hours of colony establishment, and the antagonist treatment instead facilitates aggression in later sessions. This reversal occurs as aggression shifts from mate competition to nest defense, but is not causally associated with pairing status per se. Instead, we hypothesize that these divergent effects reflect context-specific activation of hypothalamic and amygdalar VT neurons that exert opposing influences on aggression. Across contexts, effects were highly specific to aggression and the antagonist treatment clearly failed to alter latency to pair bond formation, pair bond stability, and courtship. However, VT may still potentially influence these behaviors via promiscuous oxytocin-like receptors, which are widely distributed in the zebra finch brain.  相似文献   

In the monogamous and biparental California mouse (Peromyscus californicus), paternal care is critical for maximal offspring survival. Animals form pair bonds and do not engage in extrapair matings, and thus female evaluation of paternal quality during courtship is likely to be advantageous. We hypothesized that male endocrine or behavioral response to courtship interactions would be predictive of future paternal behavior. To test this hypothesis, we formed 20 pairs of California mice, and evaluated their behavior during the first hour of courtship interactions and again following the birth of young. We also collected blood from males at baseline, 1 hr after pairing, 3 weeks paired, and when young were 4 days old to measure testosterone (T). We found that male T-response to courtship interactions predicted future paternal behavior, specifically the amount of time he huddled over young when challenged by the temporary removal of his mate. Males that mounted T increases at courtship also approached pups more quickly during this challenge than males who had a significant decrease in T at courtship. Proximity of the male and female during courtship predicted paternal huddling during a 1-hr observation, and a multiple regression analysis revealed that courtship behavior was also predictive of birth latency. We speculate that male T-response to a female in P. californicus is an honest indicator of paternal quality, and if detectable by females could provide a basis for evaluation during mate choice.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to determine the contributions of hormonal status, test condition, and sexual experience to the display of partner preference by female rats. Preference for a sexually active male rat over a sexually receptive female rat was assessed in independent groups of female rats tested in a condition limiting physical contact (No Contact) and a condition allowing for sexual interaction (Contact). Although hormonal status and test condition influenced the preference for a sexually active male, repeated testing and sexual experience had no effect. Experiment 1 demonstrated that independent of test condition, preference for the male is stronger in estrogen- and progesterone-primed rats than in rats receiving the vehicle. Moreover, independent of hormone condition, rats tested in the No Contact condition exhibit a stronger preference for the male than rats tested in the Contact condition, reflecting in part the active pacing of mating stimulation by sexually receptive rats tested in the Contact condition. Experiment 2 showed that the overall pattern of partner preference in proestrous and diestrous rats was similar to that observed in ovariectomized, estrogen- and progesterone-primed, and oil-treated rats, respectively. In Experiment 3, rats primed with estrogen alone did not exhibit a preference for the male even though fully receptive. Experiments 4 and 5 demonstrated that sexual experience does not affect the expression of preference for the male in estrogen- and progesterone-primed rats. The present findings demonstrate that the female rat's preference for the male is stable across repeated tests and is not affected by sexual experience. Our results also confirm that gonadal hormones influence the expression of a preference for a sexually active male versus a sexually receptive female and demonstrate that the magnitude of preference is modulated by test conditions.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated the effects of early estrogen treatment and sex composition of the social environment on sexual partner preference in female zebra finches, a pair-bonding socially monogamous species. Birds were injected daily with estradiol benzoate (EB) or the steroid vehicle for the first 2 weeks posthatch and then lived in either a unisex (all-female) or a mixed sex group from 40 to 100 days. After 100 days birds were implanted with testosterone propionate and given three kinds of tests: tests with a stimulus female, two-choice mate preference tests with male and female stimuli, and colony tests to assess pairing preference in a more naturalistic context. Both EB and unisex housing independently resulted in a preference for females (masculinized preference) in the two-choice tests, but only females with both EB treatment and unisex living were more likely to pair with females in the colony tests. Sexual partner preference, a key sexually dimorphic component of mate choice, appears to be organized by sex steroids in this pair-bonding species, but in a manner that may be mediated by the social environment.  相似文献   

For species showing sexual monogamy, once one male and one female form a mating pair bond, they will be faithful to each other in subsequent breeding events. However, if their pair bond is broken for some reason, do they continue to prefer their partner when they come together again for mating? In other words, can the broken pair bond of sexually monogamous species be repaired? This is an interesting question but not yet well answered. To address this question, in the present study we used the lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus), a typical sexually monogamous species, to study the partner preference of a female individual who experienced a complete separation followed by a reunion with her partner. Our main findings are as follows: (i) The female seahorse no longer prefers her partner after a separation, whether it is a former partner or a recent partner. No preference for partner-males may indicate that the broken pair bond cannot be repaired. (ii) The female seahorse maintains sexual fidelity to her partner in the absence of separation. However, once the health of her partner decreases, the female will switch mate, and her courtship with the new partner can take place during the pregnancy of her original partner. The first finding may provide insight into whether monogamous species still have an opportunity to reselect a new partner in the future to correct their poor choice once they have mated with a low-quality partner. The answer is that they can still gain an opportunity as long as the pair bonds with their current partners are broken. The second finding may reveal the conditions and timing at which a female seahorse switches her mate. These findings help us better understand the mating system of the seahorse H. erectus.  相似文献   

Recent studies have indicated that avian social behavior is influenced by olfactory cues. During the reproductive season a change in the chemical composition of uropygial gland secretion has been reported in some species and the hypothesis that olfactory signals may be produced by this gland has been proposed. To examine this hypothesis we performed two behavioral experiments to determine whether a female’s uropygial gland produce chemical signals that stimulate mating behaviors in domestic chickens. In Experiment 1 the role of the female’s uropygial gland in male mating behavior was examined by removing and examining the female’s uropygial gland. The frequency of mounts and copulations of intact male birds with sham-operated female birds was significantly higher than with uropygial glandectomized female birds. With respect to the number of waltzing that is one of the courtship displays intact males showed no significant difference between sham-operated female birds and uropygial glandectomized female birds. In Experiment 2 the relationship between male olfaction and the female’s uropygial gland was investigated using olfactory bulbectomized male birds. The number of mounts and copulations of sham-operated male birds with sham-operated female bird was significantly higher than with uropygial glandectomized female birds. In contrast olfactory bulbectomized male birds showed no significant differences in the number of mounts and copulations between sham-operated female birds and uropygial glandectomized female birds. These results indicate that intact and sham-operated male birds prefer to mate with female birds with the uropygial gland. The number of courtship waltzing of sham-operated male birds showed no significant difference. However olfactory bulbectomized male birds significantly courted to uropygial glandectomized female birds. Summarizing our results show that while anosmic males did not have any preference both intact and sham-operated male birds chose to mate with female birds having an intact uropygial gland suggesting that mate preference involves in male olfaction and that the female’s uropygial gland acts as a source of social odor cues in domestic chickens.  相似文献   

The courtship behavior of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae(L.), was studied in moving air conditions in a wind tunnel, using video techniques. Quantitative analyses were undertaken to determine the behavioral sequence occurring in the courtship. Comparison of successful and unsuccessful courtship suggested that courtship success was more dependent on the behavior of the female than that of the male. In an attempt to elucidate the function of the male hair-pencils (HPs), courtships involving males without HPs were also studied. HP removal did not affect the overall courtship success rate of males, but detailed analysis showed significant changes infernale behavior during such courtships. HP removal also affected female behavior following pair formation, with females struggling more when paired with males without HPs. Consequently, it is proposed that the HP volatiles act as an arrestant for the female, both during courtship and after pair formation, to increase female acceptance and to prevent premature termination of copulation. Experiments were also conducted to test previous hypotheses for HP function. However, no evidence was found to suggest that the HP volatiles in M. brassicaeact to attract females, affect female calling behavior, or affect the behavior of other males. A further possible function of HPs in defense is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examines the developmental consequences of neonatal exposure to oxytocin on adult social behaviors in female prairie voles (Microtus ochrogaster). Female neonates were injected within 24 h of birth with isotonic saline or one of four dosages of oxytocin (OT). As adults, females were tested in an elevated plus-maze paradigm (a measure of anxiety and exploratory behavior), and for alloparental behavior and partner preferences. At 2 mg/kg OT, females took longer to approach pups, but were the only group to form a statistically significant within-group partner preference. At 4 mg/kg OT, females retrieved pups significantly more frequently but no longer displayed a partner preference; while females treated developmentally with 8 mg/kg spent significantly more time in side-to-side contact with a male stranger than any other treatment group. OT may have broad developmental consequences, but these effects are not linear and may both increase and decrease the propensity to display behaviors such as pair-bonding.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to test the following hypothesis: male courtship induced egg-laying behavior in the female ring dove is mediated by the female's nest-coo display which feeds back to stimulate her ovarian system through the mechanisms of audio- and proprioceptive feedback. In Experiment I, females were exposed to 24 hr male courtship and then received playback of different nest-coos in the absence of their mates. All playback was effective in inducing the females to perform nest-coo displays, but none as effective as presence of the courting males. A specified level of the female's nest-coo display determined whether there would be changes in follicular diameter. The females which received no playback after 24 hr pairing with the male (control) did not show any change in the follicular diameter. In Experiment II, females were deafened by removal of cochleae and upon recovery paired with males. Half of those deafened females performed nest-coo displays and subsequently laid clutches. The others failed to perform the display and did not lay. We conclude that both proprioceptive feedback and audio-feedback must be involved to yield maximal stimulation of follicular growth by the female's nest-coo display.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2012,61(5):498-504
Oxytocin receptors (OXTR) in the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) promote alloparental behavior and partner preference formation in female prairie voles. Within the NAcc there is significant individual variation in OXTR binding and virgin juvenile and adult females with a high density of OXTR in the NAcc display an elevated propensity to engage in alloparental behavior toward novel pups. Over-expression of OXTR in the NAcc of adult female prairie voles using viral vector gene transfer facilitates partner preference formation, but has no effect on alloparental behavior, even though OXTR antagonists infused into the NAcc blocks both behaviors. We therefore hypothesized that long-term increases in OXTR signaling during development may underlie the relationship between adult OXTR density in the NAcc and alloparental behavior. To test this hypothesis, we used viral vector gene transfer to increase OXTR density in the NAcc of prepubertal, 21 day old female prairie voles and tested for both alloparental behavior and partner preference formation as adults. Consistent with a developmental impact of OXTR signaling, adults over-expressing OXTR from weaning display both increased alloparental behavior and partner preference formation. Thus, the relatively acute impact of elevated OXTR signaling in the NAcc on partner preference formation previously reported appears to be dissociable from the effects of longer term, developmentally relevant OXTR signaling necessary for modulating alloparental behavior. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that oxytocin can have both long-term “organizational” effects as well as acute “activational” effects on affiliative behaviors.  相似文献   

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