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The rat pheochromocytoma clone PC12 responds to nerve growth factor through the expression of a number of differentiated neuronal properties. One of the most rapid changes is a large, transient increase in the activity of ornithine decarboxylase. These cells also show an increase in ornithine decarboxylase activity in response to the mitogen, epidermal growth factor, but do not respond morphologically as they do to nerve growth factor. Specific, high-affinity epidermal growth factor receptors are present on the cells. When the cells are differentiated with nerve growth factor, the response to epidermal growth factor is markedly diminished and there is a marked reduction in the binding of epidermal growth factor to the cells.  相似文献   

李娜  王国栋  王艺磊 《生命科学》2012,(10):1189-1196
胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白7(IGFBP7)是IGFBPs超家族的新成员,结构上除具有与IGFBPs相似的保守N端结构域外,还有特异的Kazal型丝氨酸蛋白酶抑制结构域和免疫球蛋白样C2结构域。除与IGFs结合发挥作用外,还能独立调控细胞凋亡、增殖和迁移等。而至今尚无对水生无脊椎动物IGFBP7的研究报道,结合本实验室的研究综述了目前IGFBP7基因结构和功能上的研究进展,并对今后的研究工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

We have predicted the three-dimensional structures of the serine protease subunits (gamma-NGF, alpha-NGF, and EGF-BP) of the high molecular weight complexes of nerve growth factor (7S NGF) and epidermal growth factor (HMW-EGF) from the mouse submandibular gland (from the X-ray crystal structures of two related glandular kallikreins). The conformations of three of the six loops surrounding the active site are relatively well defined in the models of gamma-NGF and EGF-BP, but three other loops are likely to have flexible conformations. Although the amino acid sequence of alpha-NGF is closely related to those of gamma-NGF and EGF-BP, it is catalytically inactive. Model-building studies on alpha-NGF suggested that mutations (in alpha-NGF) just prior to the active site serine (195) and an unusual N-terminal sequence are consistent with alpha-NGF having a zymogen-like conformation (similar to that in chymotrypsinogen). An hypothetical model of the quaternary structure of HMW-EGF has been constructed using this model of EGF-BP and the NMR structure of murine EGF. The C-terminal arm of EGF was modeled into the active site of EGF-BP based on data indicating that the C-terminal arginine of EGF occupies the S1 subsite of EGF-BP. Data suggesting one of the surface loops of EGF-BP is buried in the HMW-EGF complex and symmetry constraints were important in deriving a schematic model. A molecular docking program was used to fit EGF to EGF-BP.  相似文献   

The nerve growth factor: Thirty-five years later   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

Abstract: Previous investigations from our laboratory have demonstrated that the covalent modification of a variety of proteins, including antioxidant enzymes, with the naturally occurring polyamines—putrescine (PUT), spermidine, and spermine—dramatically increases their permeability coefficient-surface area product (PS) at the blood-brain and blood-nerve barriers after parenteral administration. In the present study, we have covalently modified nerve growth factor (NGF) with PUT by targeting carboxylic groups for their graded modification by controlling the ionization of these groups with pH. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, western, and isoelectric focusing analyses demonstrated conversion of NGF to its polyamine-modified derivatives at different pH values. Although the immunoreactivity of PUT-NGF determined by ELISA and western analysis decreased with decreasing pH, the biological activity of PUT-NGF was not affected at any pH as determined by survival and neurite extension of dorsal root ganglia and PC12 cultures. Plasma pharmacokinetics after a single intravenous bolus administration revealed intact PUT-NGF through 10 min and 73–82% intact protein at 15 min. The PS value for PUT-NGF was maximized and the residual plasma volume (Vp) of the protein in the blood vessels minimized when the pH of the modification reaction was >6.4. The biodistribution of PUT-NGF at 15 min showed 22–33% intact protein in different brain regions, which represented 0.4–5.9 ng of PUT-NGF in different brain regions, a physiological dose that is capable of eliciting a bioresponse. The design of this polyamine-modified NGF derivative that has enhanced permeability at the blood-brain and blood-nerve barriers with retained bioactivity may obviate the necessity to create small-molecule mimics of NGF and may be applicable to neurotrophins, engineered multifunctional chimeric neurotrophins, antioxidant enzymes, and other therapeutic proteins with specific clinical application to neurological diseases.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor: Cellular localization and regulation of synthesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. The role of nerve growth factor (NGF) as a retrograde messenger between peripheral target tissues and innervating sympathetic and neural crest-derived sensory neurons is supported by the observations that (a) the interruption of retrograde axonal transport has the same effects as the neutralization of endogenous NGF by anti-NGF antibodies and (b) the close correlation between the density of innervation by fibers of NGF-responsive neurons and the levels of NGF and mRNANGF in their target organs. 2. In situ hybridization experiments have demonstrated that a great variety of cells in the projection field or NGF-responsive neurons is synthesizing NGF, among them epithelial cells, smooth muscle cells, fibroblasts, and Schwann cells. 3. The temporal correlation between the growth of trigeminal sensory fibers into the whisker pad of the mouse and the commencement of NGF synthesis initially suggested a causal relationship between these two events. However, in chick embryos rendered aneural by prior removal of the neural tube or the neural crest, it was shown that the onset of NGF synthesis in the periphery is independent of neurons, and is controlled by an endogenous "clock" whose regulatory mechanism remains to be established. 4. A comparison between NGF synthesis in the nonneuronal cells of the newborn rat sciatic nerve and that in the adult sciatic nerve after lesion provided evidence for the important regulatory role played by a secretory product of activated macrophages. The identity of this product is currently under investigation.  相似文献   

Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF), the ligand for the receptor tyrosine kinase encoded by the c-Met proto-oncogene, is a multidomain protein structurally related to the pro-enzyme plasminogen and with major roles in development, tissue regeneration and cancer. We have expressed the N-terminal (N) domain, the four kringle domains (K1 to K4) and the serine proteinase homology domain (SP) of HGF/SF individually in yeast or mammalian cells and studied their ability to: (i) bind the Met receptor as well as heparan sulphate and dermatan sulphate co-receptors, (ii) activate Met in target cells and, (iii) map their binding sites onto the beta-propeller domain of Met. The N, K1 and SP domains bound Met directly with comparable affinities (K(d)=2.4, 3.3 and 1.4 microM). The same domains also bound heparin with decreasing affinities (N>K1>SP) but only the N domain bound dermatan sulphate. Three kringle domains (K1, K2 and K4) displayed agonistic activity on target cells. In contrast, the N and SP domains, although capable of Met binding, displayed no or little activity. Further, cross-linking experiments demonstrated that both the N domain and kringles 1-2 bind the beta-chain moiety (amino acid residues 308-514) of the Met beta-propeller. In summary, the K1, K2 and K4 domains of HGF/SF are sufficient for Met activation, whereas the N and SP domains are not, although the latter domains contribute additional binding sites necessary for receptor activation by full length HGF/SF. The results provide new insights into the structure/function of HGF/SF and a basis for engineering the N and K1 domains as receptor antagonists for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The immunological properties of the neurotrophins NGF, BDNF, and NT-3 were compared using polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against the subunit of mouse NGF. Affinity-purified anti-NGF IgG consistently recognized NGF and NT-3 on Western blots, and inhibited the trophic activity of NGF and NT-3 but not BDNF. In contrast, anti-NGF monoclonal antibodies did not block the trophic activity of either NT-3 or BDNF. These results are consistent with the greater structural overlap between NGF and NT-3 than between NGF and BDNF.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that the mechanism of action of neurotrophic factors involves uptake of neurotrophic factor by nerve terminals and retrograde transport through the axon and back to the cell body where the factor exerts its neurotrophic effect. This view originated with the observation almost 20 years ago that nerve growth factor (NGF) is retrogradely transported by sympathetic axons, arriving intact at the neuronal cell bodies in sympathetic ganglia. However, experiments using compartmented cultures of rat sympathetic neurons have shown that neurite growth is a local response of neurites to NGF locally applied to them which does not directly involve mechanisms in the cell body. Recently, several NGF-related neurotrophins have been identified, and several unrelated molecules have been shown to act as neurotrophic or differentiation factors for a variety of types of neurons in the peripheral and central nervous systems. It has become clear that knowledge of the mechanisms of action of these factors will be crucial to understanding neurodegenerative diseases and the development of treatments as well as the means to repair or minimize neuronal damage after spinal injury. The concepts derived from work with NGF suggest that the site of exposure of a neuron to a neurotrophic factor is important in determining its response. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

神经生长因子结构与功能研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
神经生长因子(NGF)是神经营养因子家族的典型代表, 它控制着脊椎动物周围和中枢神经系统中部分神经元的发育和存活.NGF的三维结构是以“胱氨酸结”和β折叠为基础,它以二聚体的形式结合细胞表面的受体从而发生生物学效应.参与这些反应的氨基酸残基已通过化学修饰和定点突变法加以确定,这有助于更进一步理解其结构与功能的关系.  相似文献   

Proper neural circuitry requires that growth cones, motile tips of extending axons, respond to molecular guidance cues expressed in the developing organism. However, it is unclear how guidance cues modify the cytoskeleton to guide growth cone pathfinding. Here, we show acute treatment with two attractive guidance cues, nerve growth factor (NGF) and netrin‐1, for embryonic dorsal root ganglion and temporal retinal neurons, respectively, results in increased growth cone membrane protrusion, actin polymerization, and filamentous actin (F‐actin). ADF/cofilin (AC) family proteins facilitate F‐actin dynamics, and we found the inactive phosphorylated form of AC is decreased in NGF‐ or netrin‐1‐treated growth cones. Directly increasing AC activity mimics addition of NGF or netrin‐1 to increase growth cone protrusion and F‐actin levels. Extracellular gradients of NGF, netrin‐1, and a cell‐permeable AC elicit attractive growth cone turning and increased F‐actin barbed ends, F‐actin accumulation, and active AC in growth cone regions proximal to the gradient source. Reducing AC activity blunts turning responses to NGF and netrin. Our results suggest that gradients of NGF and netrin‐1 locally activate AC to promote actin polymerization and subsequent growth cone turning toward the side containing higher AC activity. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 70: 565–588, 2010  相似文献   

We compared the receptor binding, antigenicity, biological activation, and cell-mediated proteolytic degradation properties of mouse nerve growth factor (mNGF) and human NGF (hNGF). The affinity of hNGF toward human NGF-receptor is greater than that of mNGF, but the affinity of mNGF toward rat NGF-receptor is greater than that of hNGF. Thus, the specificity of the interaction between NGF and its receptor resides both on the NGF and on its receptor. Using a group of anti-NGF monoclonal antibodies that competitively inhibit the binding of NGF to receptor, sites differing between mNGF and hNGF were detected. Together, these results indicate that the sites on hNGF and mNGF, responsible for binding to NGF-receptor, are similar but not identical. In comparing the relative abilities of mNGF and hNGF to stimulate a biological response in PC12 cells, we observed that mNGF was better at stimulating neurite outgrowth than was hNGF, consistent with the differences observed for receptor binding affinity. However, the ED50 for biological activation is approximately 100-fold lower than theK d for receptor occupancy, and, thus, the dose-response curve is not consistent with a simple activation proportional to receptor occupancy. The data are consistent with a model requiring a low-level threshold occupancy of NGF-receptor (K d=10–9 M) in order to stimulate full biological activity. Finally, we observed the degradation of NGF by PC12 cells. We found that the NGF molecule is significantly degraded via a receptor-mediated uptake mechanism. Together, the data provide insight into regions of the NGF molecule involved in contacts with the receptor leading to formation of the NGF: NGF-receptor complex. Additionally, they establish the link between occupancy of receptor and biological activation and the requirement for receptor-mediated uptake in order to degrade NGF proteolytically in cultured PC12 cells.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between NGF activity and neurologic disorders, the level of NGF activity was studied in the submaxillary glands of both normal and dystrophic mice. The level of NGF activity in the mice was remarkably lower than that observed in normal mice. The data suggest that NGF activity may have some relation to the cause of the disease.  相似文献   

Atypical protein kinase Cs zeta and lambda/iota play a functional role in the regulation of NGF-induced differentiation and survival of pheochromocytoma, PC12 cells [Coleman and Wooten, 1994; Wooten et al., 1999]. Here we demonstrate an NGF-dependent interaction of aPKC with its binding protein, ZIP/p62. Although, ZIP/p62 was not a PKC-iota substrate, the formation of a ZIP/p62-aPKC complex in PC12 cells by NGF occurred post activation of PKC-iota and was regulated by the tyrosine phosphorylation state of aPKC. Furthermore, NGF-dependent localization of ZIP/p62 was observed within vesicular structures, identified as late endosomes by colocalization with a Rab7 antibody. Both ZIP/p62 as well as PKC-iota colocalized with Rab7 upon NGF stimulation. Inhibition of the tyrosine phosphorylation state of PKC-iota did not prevent movement of ZIP/p62 to the endosomal compartment. These observations indicate that the subcellular localization of ZIP/p62 does not depend entirely upon activation of aPKC itself. Of functional importance, transfection of an antisense p62 construct into PC12 cells significantly diminished NGF-induced neurite outgrowth. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that ZIP/p62 acts as a shuttling protein involved in routing activated aPKC to an endosomal compartment and is required for mediating NGF's biological properties.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor in skeletal tissues of the embryonic chick   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary This study demonstrates, via immunohistochemistry and bioassay, the presence of NGF in embryonic bone and cartilage of the chick. Embryos were killed on days 6–9 of incubation at 12 h intervals, and on days 10–18 at 24 h intervals. Paraffin-embedded sections of hind limbs or buds were immunostained with a polyclonal antibody against NGF and the biotin-avidin-horseradish peroxidase technique. Immunostaining was positive in both bone and cartilage, with cartilage staining more intensely. For bioassay, bones from the hind limbs of 9- and 12-day embryos were fast-frozen, lyophilized, and homogenized with Medium 199 (M199). Dorsal root ganglia from 8-day embryos were cultured for 24–36 h with rooster plasma, M199, and varying concentrations of bone homogenate. Significant neurite outgrowth was seen, with the greatest response elicited by 12-day bone homogenate. Addition of anti-NGF to the cultures abolished neurite outgrowth. The results indicate that NGF is present in cartilage and bone of the chick embryo; it may determine the density of sympathetic innervation to the developing skeletal tissues.  相似文献   

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