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Helminthosporol, a natural growth regulator isolated from a fungus, stimulates hypocotyl growth and seed germination, similar to gibberellin (GA). We recently reported that helminthosporic acid (H-acid), a synthetic analog of helminthosporol, acts as an agonist of GA receptor. In this study, we showed that a H-acid analog, in which the hydroxymethyl group at the C-8 position of H-acid was converted to a keto group, acts as a selective GA receptor agonist. 1) This analog shows higher hypocotyl elongation activity in Arabidopsis than H-acid does, and induces the degradation of DELLA protein and 2) leads to the formation of the GID1-DELLA complex and 3) regulates the expression of GA-related genes. In addition, 4) its hypocotyl elongation activity was not observed in a atgid1a single mutant, and 5) this analog could promote only the interaction between specific GA receptors and DELLA proteins in vitro. Taken together, our results strongly suggest that the selectivity of the reported H-acid analog depends on the specificity of its GA receptor binding activity.  相似文献   

The researches on the identification of gibberellin receptor are reviewed from the early attempts in 1960s to the identification of GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE DWARF1 (GID1) as the receptor in 2005. Unpublished data of the gibberellin-binding protein in the seedlings of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) are also included, suggesting that the active principle of the gibberellin-binding protein was a GID1 homolog.  相似文献   

The hormonal mechanisms involved in palm seed germination are not fully understood. To better understand how germination is regulated in Arecaceae, we used macaw palm (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. Ex Mart.) seed as a model. Endogenous hormone concentrations, tocopherol and tocotrienol and lipid peroxidation during germination were studied separately in the embryo and endosperm. Evaluations were performed in dry (D), imbibed (I), germinated (G) and non‐germinated (NG) seeds treated (+GA3) or not treated (control) with gibberellins (GA). With GA3 treatment, seeds germinated faster and to a higher percentage than control seeds. The +GA3 treatment increased total bioactive GA in the embryo during germination relative to the control. Abscisic acid (ABA) concentrations decreased gradually from D to G in both tissues. Embryos of G seeds had a lower ABA content than NG seeds in both treatments. The GA/ABA ratio in the embryo was significantly higher in G than NG seeds. The +GA3 treatment did not significantly affect the GA/ABA ratio in either treatment. Cytokinin content increased from dry to germinated seeds. Jasmonic acid (JA) increased and 1‐aminocyclopropane‐1‐carboylic acid (ACC) decreased after imbibition. In addition, α‐tocopherol and α‐tocotrienol decreased, while lipid peroxidation increased in the embryo during germination. We conclude that germination in macaw palm seed involves reductions in ABA content and, consequently, increased GA/ABA in the embryo. Furthermore, the imbibition process generates oxidative stress (as observed by changes in vitamin E and MDA).  相似文献   

2,6-Diisopropylphenoxyacetic acid (DIPA), a promoter of growth and flowering of Sagittaria species, was found to improve the shoot growth of rice plants treated with uniconazole, an inhibitor of gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis. In a modified micro-drop bioassay using semi-dwarf rice, Oryza sativa L. cv. Tan-ginbozu, in which uniconazole had been incorporated into the agar medium, a significant recovery from growth inhibition was observed for both the 3rd and the 4th leaf sheaths but not for the 2nd sheath. In greenhouse experiments, uniconazole-treated rice plants partially recovered from growth inhibition when DIPA was applied after uniconazole treatment, whereas DIPA applied with, or before, uniconazole treatment did not improve growth. The levels of GA1 and GA20 in the rice plants treated with uniconazole plus DIPA were almost equal to those of the untreated controls, indicating that the observed growth recovery is attributable to the restoration of GA biosynthesis by DIPA.  相似文献   

In a wide range of plant species, seed germination is regulated antagonistically by two plant hormones, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA). In the present study, we have revealed that ABA metabolism (both biosynthesis and inactivation) was phytochrome-regulated in an opposite fashion to GA metabolism during photoreversible seed germination in Arabidopsis. Endogenous ABA levels were decreased by irradiation with a red (R) light pulse in dark-imbibed seeds pre-treated with a far-red (FR) light pulse, and the reduction in ABA levels in response to R light was inhibited in a phytochrome B (PHYB)-deficient mutant. Expression of an ABA biosynthesis gene, AtNCED6, and the inactivation gene, CYP707A2, was regulated in a photoreversible manner, suggesting a key role for the genes in PHYB-mediated regulation of ABA metabolism. Abscisic acid-deficient mutants such as nced6-1, aba2-2 and aao3-4 exhibited an enhanced ability to germinate relative to wild type when imbibed in the dark after irradiation with an FR light pulse. In addition, the ability to synthesize GA was improved in the aba2-2 mutant compared with wild type during dark-imbibition after an FR light pulse. Activation of GA biosynthesis in the aba2-2 mutant was also observed during seed development. These data indicate that ABA is involved in the suppression of GA biosynthesis in both imbibed and developing seeds. Spatial expression patterns of the AtABA2 and AAO3 genes, responsible for last two steps of ABA biosynthesis, were distinct from that of the GA biosynthesis gene, AtGA3ox2, in both imbibed and developing seeds, suggesting that biosynthesis of ABA and GA in seeds occurs in different cell types.  相似文献   

The gibberellin biosynthesis inhibitor uniconazol reduces both the elongation and indole-3-acetic acid content of growing Pisum sativum cv. Alaska intemodes. Both internode growth and indole-3-acetic acid content in uniconazol-treated plants can be elevated by gibberellin A3 treatment. The lengths of the growing intemodes are directly related to the indole-3-acetic acid contents.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis carries three receptor genes for the phytohormone gibberellin (GA), AtGID1a, AtGID1b and AtGID1c. Expression of each gene in the rice gid1-1 mutant for GA receptors causes reversion of its severely dwarfed phenotype and GA insensitivity to a normal level, even though each loss-of-function mutant shows no clear phenotype in Arabidopsis (Nakajima et al., 2006). In this paper, we report the functional redundancy and specificity of each AtGID1 by analyzing the multiple mutants for loss of function. Seeds of the double knockout mutants atgid1a atgid1b, atgid1a atgid1c and atgid1b atgid1c germinated normally. The double knockout mutant atgid1a atgid1c showed a dwarf phenotype, while other double mutants were of normal height compared to the wild-type. The stamens of the double knockout mutant atgid1a atgid1b were significantly shorter than those of the wild-type, and this leads to low fertility. A severe disarrangement of the pattern on its seed surface was also observed. The triple knockout mutant atgid1a atgid1b atgid1c did not germinate voluntarily, and only started to grow when the seed coat was peeled off after soaking. Seedlings of the triple knockout mutants were severe dwarfs, only a few millimeters high after growing for 1 month. Moreover, the triple knockout seedlings completely lost their ability to respond to exogenously applied GA. These results show that all AtGID1s function as GA receptors in Arabidopsis, but have specific role(s) for growth and development.  相似文献   

The underlying mechanisms of urocanic acid (UA) to induce immune suppression remain elusive until the recent finding that cis-UA acts via the serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptor subtype 5-HT2A. In the present study, the interactions of cis-UA to 5-HT2A receptor were explored and compared with those of 5-HT to the same receptor using computational docking. Similar binding modes were observed for cis-UA and 5-HT with 5-HT2A receptor and the former possessed relatively higher binding affinity, which may account for cis-UA being a serotonin receptor agonist. Moreover, the molecular basis for the distinct binding affinities between the trans- and cis-UA with 5-HT2A receptor was also provided.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis gene BIG (formerly DOC1/TIR3/UMB1/ASA1) is known to encode a huge calossin-like protein that is required for polar auxin transport (PAT). Mutations at this locus, in addition to reducing PAT, can alter the sensitivity of plants to several hormones and light. The tir3-1 allele of BIG reduces the response of plants to application of the gibberellin (GA) precursors ent-kaurenoic acid and GA12 and its semidwarf phenotype is partially reversed by C19-GAs. The effects of auxin transport inhibitors (ATIs) on GA 20-oxidation was examined in wild-type and tir3-1 seedlings. 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and triiodobenzoic acid lead to overexpression of the GA-biosynthetic gene AtGA20ox1 comparable in magnitude to the overexpression observed in seedlings treated with paclobutrazol, a GA biosynthesis inhibitor. In contrast to that of AtGA20ox1, overexpression of AtGA20ox2 is pronounced only in paclobutrazol-treated Col and Ler, and is less in tir3-1 and in all NPA-treated seedlings. Thus the effects of BIG and ATIs on the expression of genes encoding GA 20-oxidases are complex, and suggest that at least in some tissues ATIs, directly or indirectly, may reduce the level of bioactive GA and/or alter GA signal transduction.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) seeds (grains) exhibit dormancyat maturity that is largely due to the presence of the glumellae(hulls) that reduce the availability of oxygen (O2) to the embryo.In addition, abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellins (GAS) interactwith O2 to regulate barley seed dormancy. A population-basedthreshold model was applied to quantify the sensitivities ofseeds and excised embryos to O2, ABA, and GA, and to their interactiveeffects. The median O2 requirement for germination of dormantintact barley seeds was 400-fold greater than for excised embryos,indicating that the tissues enclosing the embryo markedly limitO2 penetration. However, embryo O2 thresholds decreased by anotherorder of magnitude following after-ripening. Thus, increasesin both permeability of the hull to O2 and embryo sensitivityto O2 contribute to the improvement in germination capacityduring after-ripening. Both ABA and GA had relatively smalleffects on the sensitivity of germination to O2, but ABA andGA thresholds varied over several orders of magnitude in responseto O2 availability, with sensitivity to ABA increasing and sensitivityto GA decreasing with hypoxia. Simple additive models of O2–ABAand O2–GA interactions required consideration of theseO2 effects on hormone sensitivity to account for actual germinationpatterns. These quantitative and interactive relationships amongO2, ABA, and GA sensitivities provide insight into how dormancyand germination are regulated by a combination of physical (O2diffusion through the hull) and physiological (ABA and GA sensitivities)factors. Key words: Abscisic acid, barley, germination, gibberellin, Hordeum vulgare L., model, oxygen, sensitivity Received 2 August 2007; Revised 14 November 2007 Accepted 19 November 2007  相似文献   

A convenient method of preparing permethyl derivatives of GAs and GA-glucosides is described using NaH and MeI in DMF. The permethyl derivatives of the glucosides give sharp GC peaks and their MS provide information for the identification of the GA and carbohydrate moieties. The detection and characterization of endogenous GAs and GA-glycosides in pods of Phaseolus coccineus by GC-MS of permethylated extracts are described. Permethylation of carbohydrates, IAA, ABA and cytokinins by the same method is described.  相似文献   

The long chain free fatty acid receptor 4 (FFA4/GPR120) has recently been recognized as lipid sensor playing important roles in nutrient sensing and inflammation and thus holds potential as a therapeutic target for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. To explore the effects of stimulating this receptor in animal models of metabolic disease, we initiated work to identify agonists with appropriate pharmacokinetic properties to support progression into in vivo studies. Extensive SAR studies of a series of phenylpropanoic acids led to the identification of compound 29, a FFA4 agonist which lowers plasma glucose in two preclinical models of type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Gibberellin (GA) promoted rice (Oryza sativa L.) root elongation in a concentration-dependent manner with roots grown in 0.1 µm GA3 being 13.8% longer than controls. On the other hand, the roots of Tan-ginbozu, a semi-dwarf cultivar were 69.8% shorter in comparison with Nipponbare, a normal cultivar. Treatments with 10 µm uniconazole-P and 10 µm abscisic acid (ABA) caused decreases in root length in Tan-ginbozu by 44.6 and 79.2%, respectively. To investigate how GA influences rice root growth, proteome analysis techniques were applied. Extracted proteins were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and analysed using an automated protein sequencer and mass spectrometer. Sixteen proteins show differences in accumulation levels as a result of treatment with GA3, uniconazole-P and ABA treatment and/or the difference between the semi-dwarf cultivar, Tan-ginbozu, and normal cultivars. Among these proteins, fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (EC increased in roots treated with GA3, occurred in low levels in Tan-ginbozu roots, and decreased in roots treated with uniconazole-P or ABA. Moreover, roots from seedlings grown in 100 µm glucose were 9.1% longer than controls. These results indicate that increases in fructose-bisphosphate aldolase activity stimulate the glycolytic pathway and may play an important role in the GA-induced growth of roots.  相似文献   

SPINDLY (SPY) encodes an O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase that is considered to be a negative regulator of gibberellin (GA) signaling through an unknown mechanism. To understand the function of SPY in GA signaling in rice, we isolated a rice SPINDLY homolog (OsSPY) and produced knockdown transgenic plants in which OsSPY expression was reduced by introducing its antisense or RNAi construct. In knockdown plants, the enhanced elongation of lower internodes was correlated with decreased levels of OsSPY expression, similar to the spindly phenotype of Arabidopsis spy mutants, suggesting that OsSPY also functions as a negative factor in GA signaling in rice. The suppressive function of OsSPY in GA signaling was supported by the findings that the dwarfism was partially rescued and OsGA20ox2 (GA20 oxidase) expression was reduced in GA-deficient and GA-insensitive mutants by the knockdown of OsSPY function. The suppression of OsSPY function in a GA-insensitive mutant, gid2, also caused an increase in the phosphorylation of a rice DELLA protein, SLR1, but did not change the amount of SLR1. This indicates that the function of OsSPY in GA signaling is not via changes in the amount or stability of SLR1, but probably involves control of the suppressive function of SLR1. In addition to the GA-related phenotypes, OsSPY antisense and RNAi plants showed increased lamina joint bending, which is a brassinosteroid-related phenotype, indicating that OsSPY may play roles both in GA signaling and in the brassinosteroid pathway.  相似文献   

Embryos deficient in the morphogen Sonic hedgehog (Shh) or the endocytic receptor megalin exhibit common neurodevelopmental abnormalities. Therefore, we have investigated the possibility that a functional relationship exists between the two proteins. During embryonic development, megalin was found to be expressed along the apical surfaces of neuroepithelial cells and was coexpressed with Shh in the ventral floor plate of the neural tube. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, homologous ligand displacement, and surface plasmon resonance techniques, it was found that the amino-terminal fragment of Shh (N-Shh) bound to megalin with high affinity. Megalin-expressing cells internalized N-Shh through a mechanism that was inhibited by antagonists of megalin, viz. anti-receptor-associated protein and anti-megalin antibodies. Heparin also inhibited N-Shh endocytosis, implicating proteoglycans in the internalization process, as has been described for other megalin ligands. Use of chloroquine to inhibit lysosomal proteinase activity showed that N-Shh endocytosed via megalin was not efficiently targeted to the lysosomes for degradation. The ability of megalin-internalized N-Shh to bypass lysosomes may relate to the finding that the interaction between N-Shh and megalin was resistant to dissociation with low pH. Together, these findings show that megalin is an efficient endocytic receptor for N-Shh. Furthermore, they implicate megalin as a new regulatory component of the Shh signaling pathway.  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度赤霉素(GA3)喷洒对7种彩色马蹄莲种球出芽及不同栽培基质对其生长的影响。结果表明:7种彩色马蹄莲种球经0~1200mg·L-1GA3喷洒后,其出芽率随处理浓度的增大呈先升后降趋势,各品种于1000mg·L-1GA3处理下达最高出芽率,且显著高于对照(P<0.05);三种基质配比试验中,7种彩色马蹄莲株高、球茎重量、开花期、花梗长度及佛焰苞口径等几个指标均在基质2中的表现相对好于基质1和基质3;09和16号品种适宜盆栽,08、21、33、37、47号品种适宜切花或盆栽。  相似文献   

Ectopic expression of the apple 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase (DOX, 2ODD) gene, designated MdDOX-Co, is thought to cause the columnar shape of apple trees. However, the mechanism underlying the formation of such a unique tree shape remains unclear. To solve this problem, we demonstrated that Arabidopsis thaliana overexpressing MdDOX-Co contained reduced levels of biologically active gibberellin (GA) compared with wild type. In summary: (i) with biochemical approaches, the gene product MdDOX-Co was shown to metabolize active GA A4 (GA4) to GA58 (12-OH-GA4) in vitro. MdDOX-Co also metabolized its precursors GA12 and GA9 to GA111 (12-OH-GA12) and GA70 (12-OH-GA9), respectively; (ii) Of the three 12-OH-GAs, GA58 was still active physiologically, but not GA70 or GA111; (iii) Arabidopsis MdDOX-Co OE transformants converted exogenously applied deuterium-labeled (d2)-GA12 to d2-GA111 but not to d2-GA58, whereas transformants converted applied d2-GA9 to d2-GA58; (iv) GA111 is converted poorly to GA70 by GA 20-oxidases in vitro when GA12 is efficiently metabolized to GA9; (v) no GA58 was detected endogenously in MdDOX-Co OE transformants. Overall, we conclude that 12-hydroxylation of GA12 by MdDOX-Co prevents the biosynthesis of biologically active GAs in planta, resulting in columnar phenotypes.  相似文献   

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