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The present investigation was conducted to evaluate the inhibitory effects of adrenal corticosteroids on testosterone production by the bull testis. Administration of a single i.v. dose of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH; 80 IU) resulted in a corticosteroid peak which lasted approximately 6 h. During this 6 h period, no episodic increases in secretion of LH or testosterone were initiated and basal concentrations of testosterone were suppressed (P less than 0.05) below control values. Episodic secretion of LH and testosterone resumed 6--7 h after ACTH when concentrations of serum corticosteroids had returned to basal levels. These results suggest that ACTH-induced increases in serum corticosteroids suppress the episodic secretion of LH, resulting in a suppression of testosterone secretion by the bull testis.  相似文献   

To identify possible age-dependent changes in the feedback relationship between the brain-pituitary and testes, we examined the minute-to-minute patterns of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) in intact, young male rats and compared these profiles to those of old animals. Young (3 mo; n = 11) and old (22 mo; n = 12) Sprague-Dawley rats were fitted with indwelling venous catheters and between 24 and 48 h later, were bled without anesthesia, by remote sampling, at 10-min intervals for 8 h. Blood samples of 400 microliter were withdrawn, and an equivalent volume of a blood replacement mixture was infused after each sample. Plasma LH and T levels in each sample were measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA). Plasma T levels in old animals failed to show the transient oscillations observed in young animals. Mean plasma T levels were 50% lower in old compared to young animals (P less than 0.001). Plasma patterns of LH in old animals, like their younger counterparts, showed statistically significant episodic increases, whose apparent pulse frequency was inappropriately low for their circulating T level (although not statistically different from the young group). Pulse amplitude in the old animals was 66% lower in the old compared to the young group (P less than 0.015). We conclude that age-associated alterations in brain mechanisms governing LH secretion underline these endocrine changes.  相似文献   

The effects of changes in pulse frequency of exogenously infused gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) were investigated in 6 adult surgically hypothalamo/pituitary-disconnected (HPD) gonadal-intact rams. Ten-minute sampling in 16 normal animals prior to HPD showed endogenous luteinizing hormone (LH) pulses occurring every 2.3 h with a mean pulse amplitude of 1.11 +/- 0.06 (SEM) ng/ml. Mean testosterone and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) concentrations were 3.0 +/- 0.14 ng/ml and 0.85 +/- 0.10 ng/ml, respectively. Before HPD, increasing single doses of GnRH (50-500 ng) elicited a dose-dependent rise of LH, 50 ng producing a response of similar amplitude to those of spontaneous LH pulses. The effects of varying the pulse frequency of a 100-ng GnRH dose weekly was investigated in 6 HPD animals; the pulse intervals explored were those at 1, 2, and 4 h. The pulsatile GnRH treatment was commenced 2-6 days after HPD when plasma testosterone concentrations were in the castrate range (less than 0.5 ng/ml) in all animals. Pulsatile LH and testosterone secretion was reestablished in all animals in the first 7 days by 2-h GnRH pulses, but the maximal pulse amplitudes of both hormones were only 50 and 62%, respectively, of endogenous pulses in the pre-HPD state. The plasma FSH pattern was nonpulsatile and FSH concentrations gradually increased in the first 7 days, although not to the pre-HPD range. Increasing GnRH pulse frequency from 2- to 1-hour immediately increased the LH baseline and pulse amplitude. As testosterone concentrations increased, the LH responses declined in a reciprocal fashion between Days 2 and 7. FSH concentration decreased gradually over the 7 days at the 1-h pulse frequency. Slowing the GnRH pulse to a 4-h frequency produced a progressive fall in testosterone concentrations, even though LH baselines were unchanged and LH pulse amplitudes increased transiently. FSH concentrations were unaltered during the 4-h regime. These results show that 1) the pulsatile pattern of LH and testosterone secretion in HPD rams can be reestablished by exogenous GnRH, 2) the magnitude of LH, FSH, and testosterone secretion were not fully restored to pre-HPD levels by the GnRH dose of 100 ng per pulse, and 3) changes in GnRH pulse frequency alone can influence both gonadotropin and testosterone secretion in the HPD model.  相似文献   

Ketamine hydrochloride, an n-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist was used in an experiment that tested the hypothesis that fasting-induced increases in growth hormone (GH) secretion is mediated by excitatory amino acid (EAA) neurotransmission in boars. The effects of the drug on circulating concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone were also evaluated. Blood was sampled at 15-min intervals for 8 h from 12 boars fitted with jugular vein catheters. At Hours 4 and 6, fasted boars (feed was withdrawn 48 h before the start of blood sampling) received i.m. injections of ketamine (19.9 mg/kg body weight; n=4) or .9% saline (n=4). Boars allowed feed on an ad libitum basis (n=4) received i.v. injections of n-methyl-d,l-aspartate (NMA; 2.5 mg/kg body weight), an NMDA receptor agonist, at Hours 4 and 6. Secretion of GH increased after NMA injections but was unaffected by treatment with ketamine or saline. Circulating concentrations of LH and testosterone were increased by injections of ketamine but were unaffected by injections of NMA or saline. Our results suggest that NMA is a potent GH secretagogue, but do not support the hypothesis that EAA neurotransmission drives the increased GH secretion displayed in fasted boars. Our finding that ketamine increased LH and testosterone release supports the notion that EAA have inhibitory effects on gonadotropin secretion in acutely fasted swine.  相似文献   

To assess the role of testosterone (T) in regulating the minute-to-minute release of pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion in the adult male rat, we investigated the negative feedback of acute increases in plasma T concentrations on pulsatile LH secretion in acutely castrated male rats. At the time of castration, we implanted T-filled Silastic capsules, s.c., which maintained plasma T concentrations at approximately 1.8 ng/ml and suppressed LH pulses. On the next day, the capsules were removed; blood sampling (every 6 min) was started 8 h after implant removal, thereby allowing LH pulses to be reinitiated. Immediately following a control bleeding interval of 2 h, either T or vehicle alone was infused s.c., and blood sampling continued for another 4 h. In animals receiving vehicle alone, LH pulse frequency and mean LH levels increased over the 6 h bleeding period. The administration of 200 ng T/min caused a rapid rise in plasma T concentrations of about 4 ng/ml ("physiological") and prevented the increase in pulse frequency that occurred in the control group; it did not, however, reduce pulse frequency over the 4 h infusion period. When T was infused at the rate of 400 ng/ml, plasma T concentrations rose to approximately 18 ng/ml ("supraphysiological") and LH pulse frequency was significantly reduced, but not completely inhibited, during the last 2 h of the infusion. The pulse amplitude of luteinizing hormone did not change significantly in any of the groups.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

B C Bruot  J W Clemens 《Life sciences》1987,41(13):1559-1565
Male Lewis rats were made arthritic by injecting 1 mg Mycobacterium butyricum suspended in Freund's incomplete adjuvant into their right hind footpad. Arthritic and non-arthritic animals were sacrificed on days 18, 21, 24 or 27 after the injection of the adjuvant. Body weight, left and right hind paw volume, thymus weight, and serum luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone concentrations were determined on each day. Adjuvant injection resulted in a significant enlargement in the left and right hind paws on days 18 through 27. In contrast, body and thymus weights were reduced significantly in the arthritic rats compared to the non-arthritic animals. Serum concentrations of testosterone were also reduced significantly in arthritic rats on days 18, 21 and 24 after the injection of the adjuvant. However, by day 27 serum testosterone concentrations recovered to near control values. Serum concentrations of LH in the arthritic animals were elevated on days 18 through 27. These results demonstrate that serum testosterone concentrations were reduced in rats with adjuvant-induced arthritis. The reduction in serum testosterone is probably not the result of an impaired hypothalamic-pituitary axis.  相似文献   

This study tested a hypothesis that the enhancement of the prolactin (PRL) concentration within the central nervous system (CNS) disturbs pulsatile luteinizing hormone (LH) and growth hormone (GH) secretion in rams that are in the natural breeding season. A 3h long intracerebroventricular (icv.) infusion of ovine PRL (50 microg/100 microl/h) was made in six rams during the daily period characterized by low PRL secretion in this species (from 12:00 to 15:00 h); the other six animals received control infusions during the same time. Blood samples were collected from 9:00 to 18:00 h at 10 min intervals. A clear daily pattern of LH secretion was shown in control animals, with the lowest concentration at noon and an increasing basal level around the time of sunset (P < 0.001). No significant changes in LH concentration occurred in PRL-infused animals and the concentration noted after infusion of PRL was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than after the control infusion. The frequency of LH pulses tended to decrease in rams after PRL treatment. The changes in LH secretion clearly carried over to the secretion of testosterone in the rams of both groups. The GH concentrations changed throughout the experiment in both groups of rams, being higher after the infusions (P < 0.001). However, the mean GH concentration and GH pulse amplitude noted after PRL infusion were significantly lower (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively) from those recorded in the control. The continued fall in PRL secretion observed in rams following PRL infusion (P < 0.05 to P < 0.001) indicates a high degree of effectiveness of exogenous PRL at the level of the CNS. In conclusion, maintenance of an elevated PRL concentration within the CNS leads to disturbances in the neuroendocrine mechanisms responsible for pulsatile LH and GH secretion in sexually active rams.  相似文献   

The steroidogenic capacity of young male rats of different ages was studied. Two days prior to sacrifice at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 days of age, the rats in treatment groups were given intramuscularly either human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) at 20 I.U. twice daily/rat or luteinizing hormone (LH) antiserum (AS) at 0.25 ml twice daily/rat. Either saline or normal sheep serum (NSS) was given to control rats. The serum and testicular testosterone concentrations in the control rats averaged 0.85 +/- 0.03 ng/ml and 1.35 +/- 0.06 ng/mg testicular protein, respectively. At day-15 the serum and testicular testosterone concentrations in the HCG-treated rats had significantly increased to 9.30 +/- 0.85 ng/ml and 11.92 ng/mg of testicular protein, respectively. At the same age, the HCG-induced higher levels of serum and testicular testosterone concentrations were significantly reduced to 2.80 +/- 0.70 ng/ml and 6.02 +/- 1.00 ng/mg protein by concomitant administration of LH/AS and HCG. Our results suggest that the testosterone production in response to HCG stimulation is age-related. It was also determined that neutralization of circulating gonadotropin in LH/AS-treated rats decreased the sensitivity of Leydig cells to gonadotropin stimulation. This in vivo model should provide an excellent opportunity for the investigation of the testicular function in developing young males.  相似文献   

The control of luteinizing hormone (LH) secretion was investigated in ovariectomized, prepubertal Yorkshire pigs by comparing the effects of anterior (AHD), complete (CHD), and posterior (PHD) hypothalamic deafferentation to sham-operated controls (SOC). Gilts (n = 16) were assigned randomly to treatments, fitted with an indwelling jugular catheter, and ovariectomized 2 days before deafferentation or sham-operation (Day 0). Blood for radioimmunoassay (RIA) of LH was collected sequentially at 20-min intervals for a period of 2 h before and 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after hypothalamic deafferentation or SOC. Episodic LH release after AHD or CHD was abolished (p less than 0.01), but not after PHD or SOC. Concentrations of serum LH in AHD and CHD dropped (p less than 0.01) at 24 and 48 h after surgery. Levels of LH before and after surgery in PHD and SOC were similar (p greater than 0.05). Infusion of 25 micrograms LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) i.v. at 72 and 96 h after hypothalamic deafferentation and SOC increased (p less than 0.01) serum LH to peak levels within 15 min. after infusion; LH returned to basal levels 60-80 min later. By 96 h after surgery, LH response to LH-releasing hormone (LHRH) was less in AHD and CHD as compared with the response at 72 h postinjection. Concentrations of LH in PHD and SOC were similar (p greater than 0.05) at 72 and 96 h, respectively. The results from this study clearly indicate that neural stimuli originating or traversing the neural areas rostral to the median eminence are required for secretion of LH in the pig.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of ACTH (100 micrograms/animal/day, i.p.), dexamethasone (75 micrograms/animal/day, s.c.), both for three consecutive days, and adrenalectomy, with or without dexamethasone, maintained according to the group, one, two or three days, on the plasmatic testosterone and corticosterone levels, has been studied in adult male Wistar rats. ACTH and adrenalectomy produced a high decrease in testosterone levels (p less than 0.001 for the three days studied). Dexamethasone produced lower testosterone levels in the first day followed by partial recuperation between the second and the third days of its administration. Dexamethasone produced the effects mentioned for intact animals. The changes in corticosterone levels were according to an adequate response of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal system under these experimental circumstances. ACTH exerts an inhibitory effect on testosterone secretion in the rat, so that such an effect from the data obtained after adrenalectomy and simultaneous dexamethasone injections, does not seems to be mediated either by the presence of adrenals or high corticosterone levels.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to investigate whether estradiol treatment during lactation modifies 1) the patterns of endogenous LH, FSH, and prolactin (PRL) release; 2) the sensitivity of the pituitary to exogenous injections of LHRH; and 3) the responsiveness of the ovarian follicles to gonadotropin. Plasma LH, FSH, and PRL were determined in samples taken repeatedly from 18 sows on Days 24-27 of lactation. Ovaries were then recovered, and follicular development was assessed by measuring the follicular diameter (FFD) and follicular fluid estradiol-17 beta concentration (FFE) of the ten largest follicles dissected from each ovary. Sows were randomly allocated to one of four treatments: 1) Group C (4 sows) received no treatment; 2) Group LHRH (5 sows) received 800 ng of LHRH every 2 h throughout the sampling period; 3) Group E2 (4 sows) received subcutaneous implants containing estradiol-17 beta 24 h after start of sampling; 4) Group LHRH + E2 (5 sows) were administered a combination of LHRH and estradiol-17 beta implants. Between-animal variability for plasma LH, FSH, and PRL was considerable. LH concentration and LH pulse frequency increased (p less than 0.05) after LHRH treatment in the LHRH and LHRH + E2 groups; however, an acute inhibition of LH secretion was observed in the latter group immediately after estradiol implant application. In the absence of LHRH treatment, estradiol caused chronic inhibition of LH secretion. Follicular development was greater in the LHRH and LHRH + E2 groups compared to the C and E2 groups (p less than 0.05 for both FFD and FFE).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have shown that 4 ng luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) pulses induced significantly greater luteinizing hormone (LH) release from proestrous rat superfused anterior pituitary cells with no cycle related differences in follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Current studies gave 8 ng LHRH in various pulse regimens to study amplitude, duration and frequency effects on LH and FSH secretion from estrous 0800, proestrous 1500 and proestrous 1900 cells. Regimen 1 gave 8 ng LHRH as a single bolus once/h; regimen 2 divided the 8 ng into 3 equal 'minipulses' given at 4 min intervals to extend duration; regimen 3 gave the 3 'minipulses' at 10 min intervals, thereby further extending duration: regimen 4 was the same as regimen 2, except that the 3 'minipulses' were given at a pulse frequency of 2 h rather than 1 h. In experiment 1, all four regimens were employed at proestrus 1900. FSH was significantly elevated by all 8 ng regimens as compared to 4 ng pulses; further, 8 ng divided into 3 equal 'minipulses' separated by 4 min at 1 and 3 h frequencies (regimens 2 and 4) resulted in FSH secretion that was significantly greater than with either a single 8 ng bolus (regimen 1) or when the 'minipulses' were separated by 10 min (regimen 3). In experiment 2, at proestrus 1500, FSH response to the second pulse of regimen 4 was significantly greater than in regimen 2; LH release was significantly suppressed at pulse 2 compared to regimen 2 accentuating divergent FSH secretion. At estrus 0800, FSH response to the second pulse of regimen 4 was significantly stimulated FSH at proestrus 1900, 1500 and estrus 0800, FSH divergence was most marked at proestrus 1500. These data indicate a potential role for hypothalamic LHRH secretory pattern in inducing divergent gonadotropin secretion in the rat.  相似文献   

Rams were treated with melatonin implants in 2 experiments designed to examine the control of reproductive seasonality. In Exp. 1, rams (n = 12) were allocated to 3 treatment groups: 2 groups were treated with 2 melatonin implants per ram for 4 months from 11 November (N) and 9 December (D) and the remaining group was untreated (C). The seasonal increase in luteinizing hormone (LH) pulse frequency and testes size was advanced in Groups N and D. A second seasonal cycle in LH secretion and testes size occurred in Groups N and D after melatonin implants became exhausted. In Exp. 2, rams (n = 20) were allocated to 4 treatment groups: 10 rams were castrated on 6 October and 1 group of entire rams (EM) and one group of castrated rams (CM) were treated with 2 melatonin implants per ram each month from 3 November until 8 January. The other group of entire rams (EC) and castrated rams (CC) was untreated. An increase in LH pulse frequency occurred after castration. Melatonin treatment increased LH pulse frequency in entire rams and reduced LH pulse frequency in castrated rams. The results demonstrated that the advanced reproductive development as a result of treatment with melatonin implants was due to an effect of melatonin on the hypothalamic pulse generator to increase LH pulse frequency. The ability of melatonin to influence LH pulse frequency in entire and castrated rams indicated that an effect of melatonin on the hypothalamic pulse generator is independent of testicular steroids.  相似文献   

To determine what changes occur in the activity of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons during pubertal development in primate species we tested the hypotheses that there are morphologic differences between GnRH-containing neurons in juvenile versus adult monkeys, and the low activity of the reproductive axis is governed by hypothalamic GnRH release in monkeys prior to puberty. We removed the brains from 5 juvenile and 5 adult male monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) and blocked, sectioned, and prepared each hypothalamus for light microscopic immunocytochemistry for GnRH-containing cells. The distribution and number of GnRH-containing neurons were similar in adult and juvenile brains; however, GnRH-containing perikarya in adult brains were significantly larger in total cross-sectional area (200 +/- 12 vs. 169 +/- 8 micron 2, P less than 0.05) and in cross-sectional area of the cytoplasm (139 +/- 2 vs. 88 +/- 6 micron 2, P less than 0.05) than in juvenile brains. In another group of 10 juvenile male macaques, we administered an antiserum to GnRH (Fraser #94; 2 ml/kg, i.v.) and monitored the effects on plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone concentrations. The percentage of plasma samples with detectable LH levels decreased significantly (from 26.67 +/- 8.3% to 5.3 +/- 3.4%, P less than 0.05) after GnRH antiserum administration; however, plasma testosterone concentrations (0.08 +/- 0.02 ng/ml) remained unchanged. We conclude that during pubertal maturation in primate species there is increased synthesis and release of GnRH from a population of GnRH neurons that are active prior to puberty.  相似文献   

Previous work has indicated that in long-term ovariectomized rats a potent antagonist to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) suppressed serum luteinizing hormone (LH) more successfully than follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The present studies examined whether the rise in serum FSH which occurs acutely after ovariectomy, or during the proestrous secondary surge, depends on GnRH. In Experiment A, rats were ovariectomized at 0800 h of metestrus and injected with (Ac-dehydro-Pro1, pCl-D-Phe2, D-Trp3,6, NaMeLeu7)-GnRH (Antag-I) at 1200 h of the same day, or 2 or 5 days later. Antag-I blocked the LH response completely, but only partially suppressed serum FSH levels. Experiment B tested a higher dose of a more potent antagonist [( Ac-3-Pro1, pF-D-Phe2, D-Trp3,6]-GnRH; Antag-II) injected at the time of ovariectomy. The analog suppressed serum LH by 79% and FSH by 30%. Experiment C examined the effect of Antag-II on the day of proestrus on the spontaneous secondary surge of FSH, as well as on a secondary FSH surge which can be induced by exogenous LH. Antag-II, given at 1200 h proestrus, blocked ovulation and the LH surge expected at 1830 h, as well as increases in serum FSH which occur at 1830 h and at 0400 h. Exogenous LH triggered a rise in FSH in rats suppressed by Antag-II. In Experiment D proestrous rats were injected with Antag-II at 1200 h and ovariectomized at 1530 h. By 0400 h the antag had suppressed FSH in controls, but in the ovariectomized rats, a vigorous FSH response occurred.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

P H Li 《Life sciences》1987,41(22):2493-2501
The effect of cortisol or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on basal and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-induced secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) was studied in vitro using dispersed pig pituitary cells. Pig pituitary cells were dispersed with collagenase and DNAase and then grown in McCoy's 5a medium containing 10% dextran charcoal-pretreated horse serum and 2.5% fetal calf serum for 3 days. Cells were preincubated with cortisol or ACTH before GnRH was added. When pituitary cells were incubated with 400 micrograms cortisol/ml medium for 6 h or longer, increase basal secretion of LH was observed. However, GnRH-induced LH release was reduced by cortisol. The degree of this reduction was dependent on cortisol, and a concentration of cortisol higher than 100 micrograms/ml was needed. Cortisol also inhibited the 17 beta-estradiol-induced increase in GnRH response. ACTH-(1-24), ACTH-(1-39), or porcine ACTH had no influence on GnRH-induced LH secretion. Our results show that cortisol can act directly on pig pituitary to inhibit both normal and estradiol-sensitized LH responsiveness to GnRH.  相似文献   

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