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城市面积在全球范围内迅速扩张,一些鸟类种群通过改变营巢特征,在与自然生境截然不同的城市中筑巢繁殖。但目前城市环境对于鸟类营巢影响的研究较缺乏。为了解鸟类营巢对城市环境的适应,于2016、2019年在黑龙江哈尔滨的城市与乡村环境,分别测量家燕(Hirundo rustica)巢(如,大小及形状)及巢址特征等(如,距地面和屋顶距离)参数,以探究:(1)家燕巢特征在乡村及城市生境是否存在差异?(2)家燕巢特征在年际间是否存在变化?并为城市家燕种群的保护提供理论依据及合理建议。研究采用Kruskal-Wallis秩和检验以及Wilcoxon秩和检验比较分析所测量的巢特征参数在城乡之间、年际间的差异,并对组间参数进行线性判别分析(LDA,Linear Discriminant Analysis)。结果发现,城乡间具有显著差异:(1)与乡村相比,城市巢距离屋顶更远,距地相对更近(P<0.05);(2)城市巢更浅(P<0.05);(3)从2016到2019年,城市和乡村巢都变得更深,半径更大(P<0.05)。根据这些发现,推测城市楼房建筑的楼道为家燕繁殖提供了相对更为封闭、安全的环境,旧巢及较为丰富的支撑物为家燕提供了适宜的巢址,有可能节省亲鸟在营巢上的繁殖投入;但同时应当警惕门窗关闭、资源受限、人为干扰等不利因素可能造成的生态陷阱。  相似文献   

We investigated levels of DNA damage in blood cells of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica) inhabiting the Chernobyl region to evaluate whether chronic exposure to low-level radioactive contamination continues to induce genetic damage in free-living populations of animals. Blood samples were obtained from barn swallows collected at sites with different background levels of radiation, including a relatively uncontaminated area. The extent of DNA damage was evaluated using the alkaline (pH = 12.1) comet assay, a robust and sensitive electrophoresis-based technique widely employed in research ranging from biomonitoring to clinical studies. We found that levels of DNA damage, as indexed by the extent of DNA migration, were increased in barn swallows living in areas surrounding Chernobyl when compared to swallows sampled at low-level sites. The results we obtained are consistent with previous findings on this same species, which showed that swallows breeding in areas heavily contaminated with radionuclides have increased mutation rates, higher oxidative stress and incidence of morphological aberrations and tumors. Overall, these results indicate that chronic exposure to radioactive contaminants, even 20 years after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, continues to induce DNA damage in cells of free-living animals.  相似文献   

Ever since the Chernobyl accident in 1986, that contaminated vast areas in surrounding countries with radiation, abnormalities and birth defects have been reported in human populations. Recently, several studies suggested that the elevated frequency of such abnormalities can be attributed to poverty and stress in affected human populations. Here, we present long-term results for a free-living population of barn swallows, Hirundo rustica, demonstrating the presence of 11 morphological abnormalities in populations around Chernobyl, but much less frequently in an uncontaminated Ukrainian control population and three more distant control populations. The presence of these abnormalities in barn swallows is associated with reduced viability. These findings demonstrate a link between morphological abnormalities and radiation in an animal population that cannot be attributed to poverty and stress. The most parsimonious hypothesis for abnormalities in animal and human populations alike is that the effects are caused by the same underlying cause, viz. radiation derived from the Chernobyl accident.  相似文献   

We investigated the motility and morphology of live sperm from barn swallows Hirundo rustica breeding in radioactively contaminated areas around Chernobyl and control areas in Ukraine in order to test the hypothesis that swimming behaviour and morphology of sperm was impaired by radioactive contamination. We obtained sperm samples from 98% of sampled birds, thus avoiding sampling bias due to the fraction of males not producing sperm samples. Analyses of within- and between-sample repeatability revealed significant and intermediate to large estimates for all sperm parameters. There were significant differences between the Chernobyl area and the control area for two of 11 sperm behaviour parameters, and significant interactions between area and year for six of these parameters. The proportion of sperm with abnormal morphology was elevated in barn swallows from Chernobyl. A principal component (PC) analysis revealed four significant axes that explained 88% of the variance in sperm behaviour parameters. One of these principal components differed between areas, and three components showed significant year by area interactions. PC2 representing the frequency of slow sperm increased with increasing radiation in one year, but not another. PC3 representing sperm with high linearity, small amplitude of lateral head displacement and low track velocity decreased with increasing background radiation level. PC4 reflecting a large proportion of static sperm with high beat cross frequency increased with increasing background radiation level. Sperm behaviour as reflected by principal components was predictable among years from information on level of radiation, and it was predictable among sites in different years. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that sperm behaviour and morphology have been affected by radiation due to the Chernobyl accident.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effects of seven microclimatic factors on the arrival body mass of migrant Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) in the Aiguamolls de l’Empordà Natural Park, a site located in northeastern Spain. We used principal component analysis, followed by a general linear model procedure, to create a model that examines the relationships between body mass and weather-related events recently experienced during the spring migration. Our results suggest that local weather variation during the migratory flight clearly affects the body mass of Barn Swallows on a short time scale. This effect demonstrates the importance of the environmental conditions en route for migrating swallows and how these conditions might influence diverse events of the life cycle, such as the arrival time at the breeding grounds or the reproductive success.  相似文献   

Aerial vertebrate foragers, e.g. insectivorous bats, martins and swallows, often show gregarious behavior such as colonial breeding, communal roosting and aggregating behavior during foraging. Studies of gregariousness in aerial foragers have mostly focused on colonial breeding or communal roosting, and only a few intensive studies have dealt with gregariousness during foraging. Here, we report on large and stable aggregations of barn swallows, Hirundo rustica, observed during daytime after the breeding season in Japan. Relatively large aggregations of 20 or more birds were located around poultry, pig and cattle farms and mounds of manure. The aggregations were stable in size both within-days and between-days. Their activities consisted only of repeated cycles of foraging and resting around the farms where their prey, the large black soldier fly Hermetia illuceus (>10 mm) and other medium (5–10 mm) flies, was dense. Distributions of swallows around the farms overlapped with the distributions of prey, and the size of the aggregations significantly correlated with the abundance of prey.  相似文献   

Some loosely colonial species scatter their nests within a colony. Most studies on mechanisms that generate such scattered nests within a colony have primarily focused on the measurement of distance related to the intensity of interactions among conspecific neighbors. However, these interactions can change not only with distance between nests but also with other factors. In particular, whether the nest is hidden from neighbors can strongly affect the intensity of interaction for birds that usually use sight for communication. To show the possible benefit of nesting at sites hidden from neighboring nests, we studied the nest arrangements and settlement patterns within a barn swallow colony. We tested whether the swallows prefer nesting at sites hidden from neighboring nests in cattle barns that are often used as colony sites by the swallows in Japan. We found that the sides of ceiling beams hidden from neighbors were preferred as nesting sites. A randomization test suggested that the rectangular sections occupied by swallows were not spaced out within a colony. The results suggested that the swallows preferred nesting sites hidden from their neighbors and did not space out their nests within a colony. This paper also refutes intraspecific brood parasitism as a plausible function of this behavior.  相似文献   

Some trematodes were found in the cloaca of a rustic bunting (Emberiza rustica) captured in Tsushima Islands, Japan. From their morphological characters and distribution, the flukes were identified as Urogonimus macrostomus. The phylogenetic relationship between this fluke and related species was inferred from the 28S rRNA gene sequences, and the gene sequence of the fluke was found to differ at only 4 nucleotide positions from that of U. macrostomus reported from Ukraine. This is the first report of this species in Japan.  相似文献   

The study of the extent of the connection between areas where populations of birds breed and areas where they winter has flourished in recent years mainly thanks to the development of new techniques, but also due to traditional ringing and recovery schemes, which allow tracking of individuals or populations linking wintering and breeding distributions. Currently, studies on migratory connectivity focus on retention of breeding population spatial structure on the non-breeding grounds and vice versa.Here we propose a method to quantify migratory connectivity based on Mantel correlation coefficients and to statistically test for deviations of the observed connectivity from a random mix of individuals. In addition, we propose a procedure, based on clustering algorithms, to identify whether observed connectivity depends on aggregation of individuals or on rigid transference of distribution patterns between areas.We applied this method to a large dataset of ringing recoveries of barn swallows (Hirundo rustica L) migrating from their Western Palearctic breeding areas to sub-Saharan winter quarters. We show that migration of barn swallow populations connects specific breeding and wintering areas, and that the “sub-populations” quantitatively identified by our method are consistent with qualitative patterns of migratory connectivity identified by studies of individual geographical populations based on other methods. Finally, we tested the performance of the method by running simulations under different scenarios. Such simulations showed that the method is robust and able to correctly detect migratory connectivity even with smaller datasets and when a strong geographical pattern is not present in the population. Our method provides a quantitative measure of migratory connectivity and allows for the identification of populations showing high connectivity between the breeding and wintering areas. This method is suitable for a generalized application to diverse animal taxa as well as to large scale analyses of connectivity for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Møller AP 《Oecologia》2008,155(4):845-857
Climate change has been shown to affect the timing of reproduction, with earlier reproduction being associated with an increase in temperature. Changes in the timing of reproduction arise from changes in food availability as well as other factors, and differences in the timing of reproduction among sites may cause sites with early reproduction to contribute disproportionately to local recruitment. In this study, spatial variation in the laying date of barn swallows Hirundo rustica at 39 sites in a 45-km2study area during the period 1971–2004 was used to investigate micro-geographic patterns in the timing of breeding. I found that individuals breeding at sites with early reproduction had a disproportionately large reproductive success. Early sites were characterized by early plant phenology, as determined by the date of leafing of the broad-leaved elm Ulmus glabra and date of flowering of the snowdrop Galanthus nivalis during a single year. Such early sites showed greater advancement in laying date between 1971 and 2004 than the average site. Early sites were also generally occupied during more years by a larger number of breeders than were late sites. Breeders at early sites produced more fledglings, and breeders at such sites were characterized by a smaller adult body size and larger secondary sexual characters than individuals at the average site. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that temporal changes in the timing of reproduction occur as a consequence of differential recruitment at phenologically early sites that produce disproportionately large numbers of offspring. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Some areas have experienced recent dramatic warming due to climate change, while others have shown no change at all, or even recent cooling. We predicted that patterns of selection on life history would differ between southern and northern European populations of a long-distance migratory bird, the barn swallow Hirundo rustica, because global patterns of weather as reflected by large-scale weather phenomena such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) have different effects on environmental conditions in different parts of the world frequented during the annual cycle. We investigated relationships between mean arrival date, dispersal rate and yearling survival rate among years, using two long-term population studies in Spain and Denmark. We found evidence of a difference in the effects of normalized difference vegetation index in North and West Africa on mean arrival date of male barn swallows, with the effect differing significantly between populations. Second, there was a significant interaction between ENSO and population on dispersal rate, showing that conditions in Africa during winter differentially affected dispersal in the two populations. Finally, the NAO index in winter had an effect on yearling survival that differed between populations. These findings highlight the divergent patterns of response to climate change among populations, and they suggest that climate change can differentially affect important life history traits with potential implications for maintenance of viable populations and gene flow among populations.  相似文献   

The family Sordariaceae incorporates a number of fungi that are excellent model organisms for various biological, biochemical, ecological, genetic and evolutionary studies. To determine the evolutionary relationships within this group and their respective phylogenetic placements, multiple-gene sequences (partial nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA, nuclear ITS ribosomal DNA and partial nuclear β-tubulin) were analysed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses. Analyses of different gene datasets were performed individually and then combined to generate phylogenies. We report that Sordariaceae, with the exclusion Apodus and Diplogelasinospora, is a monophyletic group. Apodus and Diplogelasinospora are related to Lasiosphaeriaceae. Multiple gene analyses suggest that the spore sheath is not a phylogenetically significant character to segregate Asordaria from Sordaria. Smooth-spored Sordaria species (including so-called Asordaria species) constitute a natural group. Asordaria is therefore congeneric with Sordaria. Anixiella species nested among Gelasinospora species, providing further evidence that non-ostiolate ascomata have evolved from ostiolate ascomata on several independent occasions. This study agrees with previous studies that show heterothallic Neurospora species to be monophyletic, but that homothallic ones may have a multiple origins. Although Gelasinospora and Neurospora are closely related and not resolved as monophyletic groups, there is insufficient evidence to place currently accepted Gelasinospora and Neurospora species into the same genus.  相似文献   

Sorghum ergot in India is caused by Claviceps africana and C. sorghi. The distributions of these two species in India is not known. Eighty-nine sorghum ergot isolates were cultured from young sphacelia obtained from male sterile sorghum plants artificially inoculated using inoculum collected in the field. Based on cultural characteristics, the isolates were separated into two groups which differed distinctly in the morphology of their sphacelia, conidia, and sclerotia. Marked differences also were observed in rates of secondary conidial production and disease spread between the groups. In combination with molecular evidence, our results confirm that the isolates placed in Group I represent C. africana and Group II isolates represent C. sorghi. C. africana was found to be widely distributed in all sorghum growing areas of India. The species first described as occuring in India, C. sorghi, appears to be restricted to a few locations in the states of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka.  相似文献   

Four new species of the hyphomycete genera Phaeoramularia viz. Ph. caesalpinae, Pseudocercospora viz., Ps. tiliacearum, Stenella, viz. S. argyreiae and S. grewiae occurring on Caesalpinia bonducella Fleming (Caesalpiniaceae), Grewia sp. (Tiliaceae), Argyrea sp. Lour (Convolvulaceae) and Grewia sp. L. (Tiliaceae), respectively are described and illustrated here. All these fungi were collected from Western Ghats of India.  相似文献   

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