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采用H.E常规组织学方法对92例中华鳖Pelodiscus sinensis胚胎发育过程中肾脏的发育做了研究.结果 表明:5 d前仅见由前肾管和前肾导管构成的前肾, 5~12 d是中肾的发育期,由中肾管、中肾小管和肾小体构成,12 d前后中肾逐步退化,后肾原基形成,16 d后肾各部分开始分化.  相似文献   

朱道玉 《动物学杂志》2008,43(4):97-101
在孵化基质沙粒径为0.3~0.6mm、孵化温度为(33.0±0.5)℃、孵化基质的湿度为7%~10%、相对湿度为70%~85%的条件下孵化中华鳖(Trionyx sinensis)卵,孵化周期35~36 d.破壳取不同发育时期的胚胎并制作切片,观察眼睛发育的形态学和组织学特征.孵化第4 d头部两侧出现眼泡的突起;第6d眼睛开始出现色素,第14 d色素由褐色变为黑色;第7 d瞳孔出现,透过瞳孔可见晶状体;虹膜于第14d出现,第18、19 d瞳孔周围呈放射状;巩膜突自第19 d出现,第21 d增至最多,第23 d消失;上、下眼睑分别在第19 d和22 d出现,第32 d眼睑可覆盖瞳孔,眼睛形态与成体眼睛相似.表皮外胚层于第3 d形成角膜原基和晶体泡,第32 d角膜发育完成;第34 d晶状体发育完成;神经外胚层于44~48 h由前脑的两侧分化形成视泡,第3 d由视泡分化形成视杯,并逐步分化形成视网膜;第23 d视网膜的八层结构基本形成;第34 d视网膜发育完成.  相似文献   

为探寻中国大鲵(Andrias davidianus)生殖腺胚后发育的特点及规律,采用解剖学与组织学技术对其形态结构变化进行了观察.结果表明,大鲵的原始生殖腺开始出现于出膜28~49 d;出膜133~175 d时一些个体生殖腺内已初步分化出原始卵泡;出膜259 ~343 d时一些个体生殖腺内已初步分化出生精小叶;出膜427 d时,卵巢已明显分化为皮质与髓质,且髓质内出现了卵巢腔,精巢内生精小叶及其内的腔隙、精巢间质等分化已较为明显;出膜511 d时精巢分化为明显的生精小叶和非成熟小叶两个区域.本文认为,大鲵与其他无羊膜类原始生殖腺的分化一般发生在胚后阶段,而且雌性的分化时间早于雄性.  相似文献   

纳木错裸鲤性腺发育的组织学研究   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
采用常规的组织切片方法,对西藏特有鱼类纳木错裸鲤的性腺发育进行了组织学研究,系统地描述了各期精巢和卵巢的形态结构、特征及其变化.尤其论述了其卵巢中卵细胞的卵黄核破碎与分解的特点、卵膜的结构、核仁排出物在卵黄形成过程中的作用,以及卵粒重吸收的过程.根据各期卵巢中卵母细胞的组成情况,认为纳木错裸鲤已达性成熟的个体并不是每年都参与繁殖活动是对高原极端、多变气候环境的一种生态适应;阐明了纳木错裸鲤属于分批同步产卵鱼类.    相似文献   

青海湖裸鲤性腺发育的组织学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用石蜡组织切片法,对青海湖裸鲤的性腺发育进行组织学研究,系统地描述了各期卵巢和精巢的形态结构、特征及变化。结果表明:(1)青海湖裸鲤性腺的发育可分为六个时期,卵母细胞从第3时相发育到第4时相基本同步。第Ⅳ期末卵巢,第4时相卵母细胞的卵径大小比较整齐,卵径平均值为2.3mm,第4时相卵母细胞占切面上卵数的85%以上,占切片面积的96%以上,第2、3时相卵母细胞已很少;(2)产后卵巢的组织结构逐步由第Ⅵ期回复到第Ⅱ期,再由第Ⅱ期到第Ⅲ期向第Ⅳ期过渡;(3)性成熟个体有68.12%的雌鱼和83.9%的雄鱼以第Ⅳ期性腺越冬,另有21.01%的雌鱼和10.7%的雄鱼以第Ⅲ期性腺越冬,还有10.87%的雌鱼和5.4%的雄鱼以第Ⅱ期性腺越冬。根据青海湖裸鲤各季节性腺发育情况,作者认为青海湖裸鲤已达到性成熟的个体并不是每年都参与繁殖活动,存在生殖间断性。这反映了青海湖裸鲤的繁殖习性对高原寒冷多变气候的适应性。还对卵黄核和核仁在卵黄形成中的作用以及青海湖裸鲤的产卵类型和生殖间断性进行了讨论。  相似文献   

斑马鱼性腺发育的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在过去几十年,斑马鱼(Danio rerio)由于其发育周期短且速度快,胚胎发育透明,已经成为众多研究领域的典型模式生物.斑马鱼的性腺发育和分化非常特殊,雄性和雌性幼鱼的性腺在早期全部发育成"类卵巢"结构.目前,对于斑马鱼的性别分化和性腺分化机制还不清楚.本文以孵化后不同时期的斑马鱼仔鱼和幼鱼的生殖腺为材料,经石蜡切片和苏木精染色后,荧光显微镜下观察了斑马鱼仔鱼性腺从出现、分化到成熟的发育过程.结果发现:孵化后5~10日龄仔鱼腹腔两侧可以观察到没有分化的生殖腺,其中的生殖细胞明显比周围的体细胞大;孵化后14~24日龄仔鱼的生殖腺中可见由卵原细胞分裂形成的生殖包囊,其中的生殖细胞进一步分化、分裂形成体积更大、数量更多的卵母细胞;25日龄左右的仔鱼,其性腺成为在腹腔两侧对称,而且在组织结构上也较为典型的卵巢样结构.到35日龄前后可见一部分仔鱼的性腺逐步由卵巢样结构向精巢结构转变的过程.我们在2周左右的仔鱼的性腺中观察到了生殖包囊存在,这一现象还未见有前人报道.在本试验中,我们不仅清楚地观察到类似卵巢的性腺中"卵母细胞"逐渐凋亡消失的过程,还观察到性腺由最初的类似卵巢样结构逐渐变成典型的精巢结构的整个过程.这些研究成果将为发育生物学提供有价值的信息和第一手资料.  相似文献   

鳗鲡精巢发育可划分为6个时期,即精原细胞前增殖期,精原细胞后增殖期,精母细胞生长、成熟期,精子开始出现期,精子完全成熟期和精子退化吸收期。卵细胞的发育可划分为6个时相,即卵原细胞时相,卵母细胞单层滤泡时相,卵母细胞出现脂肪泡时相,卵母细胞卵黄充满时相,卵母细胞核极化时相和卵母细胞退化时相。以卵细胞发育6个时相在卵巢中组成的差异,也可把卵巢划分为相应的6个时期。对鳗鲡性腺发育的分期,卵黄积累方式,产卵类型等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

中华鳖肠道黏膜免疫相关细胞的形态学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用光镜和透射电镜技术,对中华鳖肠道黏膜免疫相关细胞的分布和结构进行了详细观察,并结合形态结构特点,对爬行动物黏膜免疫的特征进行了讨论。鳖肠道黏膜上皮细胞(尤其大肠段)排列较疏松,细胞间隙明显,上皮间隙内普遍分布着上皮内淋巴细胞(IEL)和浆细胞。IEL在上皮不同部位的分布比例为核下区∶核区∶核上区=4∶3∶3。核上区IEL以小淋巴细胞为主,而核区和核下区的IEI体积略大。淋巴细胞胞质内含有数个粗大的膜包颗粒。上皮内未见微皱褶细胞,IEL位于上皮细胞之间,并在上皮细胞之间伸出伪足。肠腔内有完整的游离淋巴细胞。肠道黏膜上皮间隙内的浆细胞一般位于核下区或核区,胞质内充满着扩张状态的粗面内质网。肠道固有膜散布着许多淋巴细胞(LPL)、浆细胞、巨噬细胞和一些白血细胞,以小肠段的分布最丰富。在有些肠绒毛内,LPL分布密集,几乎占据整个绒毛中心,但并未出现淋巴小结。固有膜浆细胞有两种形态:一种浆细胞的粗面内质网呈短的扩张状态,其数量占多数;另一种浆细胞的粗面内质网为板层状排列的扁囊状,数量较少。结果表明,参与中华鳖肠道黏膜免疫反应的细胞数量多,但黏膜上皮内缺乏微皱褶细胞(M细胞),固有膜中也不形成淋巴小结。提示爬行动物的黏膜免疫机理与哺乳动物和鸟类不尽相同。  相似文献   

中华鳖卵子发生与卵黄形成特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物卵子形成及卵黄发生的研究多集中于鱼类1和两栖类2, 而对其他动物的实验报道则比较少。不同种类的动物, 其卵子发生的形态变化过程存在较大差异。关于爬行动物卵子形成的研究, 有鳞目的蜥蜴类和蛇类已有报道3,4, 但对龟鳖目卵黄发生的过程描述则很少。    相似文献   

范丽卿  赵璐璐  伊剑锋  刘威 《动物学杂志》2023,58(3):419,441-450
中华鳖(Pelodiscus sinensis)是我国重要的特种水产经济动物,也是鳖科动物的代表物种。中华鳖阴茎头为阴茎末端的黑色部分,是进行交配和排精的关键,但其系统性研究还未见报道。本研究以6龄性成熟雄性中华鳖为研究对象,通过解剖学和组织学方法,观察勃起和自然状态下中华鳖阴茎头结构和组织特性。结果显示,中华鳖阴茎体背侧存在两条排精沟,并顺着阴茎体一直延伸到阴茎头两侧的末端。阴茎头背侧的表皮为褶皱状血窦,血窦在阴茎充血后膨大,使得阴茎头的突触状组织充分伸展,形成了独特的“蝴蝶状”结构,并且该结构可以在射精时做开合运动。此外,阴茎头表面还具有丰富的绒毛和黏液。中华鳖阴茎头在勃起状态下形成特殊“蝴蝶状”结构,我们推测这种结构可能直接与交配的稳定和排精相关。  相似文献   

中华鳖精子的超微结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
爬行纲在动物进化中占有重要地位,而且爬行纲动物种类繁多,生态环境和生活习性差异颇为明显。关于爬行动物生殖特性的资料很有限,而且由于动物种类的复杂性,不同动物的研究结果差异较大(Gustavo et al.,2004),缺乏统一的结构模式。精子的形态结构与动物的生殖特性直接相关,在一  相似文献   

Summary By using various staining techniques, two acidophilic and three basophilic cell-types have been distinguished in the pars distalis of Trionyx sinensis. Seasonal fluctuations in their cytoplasmic granulation, cell and nuclear size have been compared with seasonal patterns of activity in the gonads, adrenals and thyroid. On the basis of the results, specific functions have been ascribed to each cell-type. Basophils 1 activity closely parallels the seasonal thyroid cycle. Basophils 2 are probably FSH-secreting gonadotropes and their activity correlates with the seasonal cycle of spermatogenesis in the seminiferous tubules. The functional activity of the testicular interstitial cells correlates with the secretory pattern of the basophils 3. That these are LH-secreting cells is also suggested by the epididymidal cycle, which indicates a high level of androgen secretion coincident with the rapid degranulation of these cells, at a time of no spermatogenetic activity. Adrenal activity shows no relationship with the basophils 3 cycle, and chromophobic cells may be the locus of ACTH secretion. Acidophils 2 remain stable throughout the year and are probably somatotropes, but acidophils 1 increase their activity in autumn and are likely to be lactotropes.  相似文献   

Myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) is one of the key adaptor proteins to signal transduction that triggers downstream cascades involved in innate immunity. In this study, the MyD88 gene from Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Trionyx sinensis) (tMyD88) was identified, representing the fist example from reptile species. The tMyD88 has a 894-bp ORF and encodes a polypeptide of 297 amino acids including a typical death domain (DD) at the N-terminus and a conservative Toll/IL-1R (TIR) domain at the C-terminus. It was expressed at high levels in spleen, blood, lungs and liver, but marginal in kidneys and intestines of turtles challenged with live cells of Aeromonas hydrophila, as determined by real-time PCR. RAW 264.7 cells transfected with pcDNA-tMyD88 showed higher NF-κB activity than the vector control (673.78 vs 410.72, P < 0.05). Expression of proinflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α was also significantly higher in RAW 264.7 cells transfected with pcDNA-tMyD88 than those having pcDNA3.1 control vector (P < 0.01). These results indicate that tMyD88 might possess an important role in defense against microbial infection in Chinese soft-shelled turtles similar to that in mammals.  相似文献   

中华鳖造血和免疫器官的个体发育   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
郭琼林  贾伟章 《动物学报》2003,49(2):238-247
采用常规孵化的中华鳖胚胎为材料,对不同发育时期造血和免疫器官进行了组织学研究,描述了卵黄囊、胸腺、肝、脾、肾以及骨髓的形态结构变化。发现胚胎期首先出现的造血器官是卵黄囊。此后,卵黄囊的造血干细胞出现在胚体的血循环中,造血功能相继在胚胎胸腺、肝、脾、骨髓(可能还包括肾)中产生。胸腺是中华鳖免疫系统发育的第一个淋巴器官,来自卵黄囊的干细胞在此先分化成小淋巴细胞,然后再迁移至脾脏。脾脏发育中首先出现各发育阶段的红细胞、嗜酸性的细胞和少量粒细胞,淋巴细胞出现较晚,未发现淋巴小结。在胚胎期肝脏发育过程中可见不同发育时期的红细胞和嗜酸性的细胞。在肾的发育过程中,尚可观察到嗜酸性的细胞和类似头肾组织的细胞团。直至出壳前,骨髓内方可见各发育阶段的各系细胞[动物学报49(2):238—247,2003]。  相似文献   

应用透射电镜技术详细研究了中华鳖精子头部形成过程的超微结构变化。结果显示,中华鳖精子头部的形成过程可分成5个连续时期:第1期前顶体泡形成并移向细胞核一侧,同侧核膜凹陷成浅窝。前顶体泡底部中央出现小的顶体颗粒,纤维物质层位于核前端与前顶体泡底壁之间,其核膜一侧的中央形成更小的顶体下颗粒,将与核内小管的形成有关。细胞核开始端移和变形。第Ⅱ期核浅窝逐渐外推,前顶体泡变成扁囊状覆盖于隆突的核顶端,顶体颗粒弥散成中等电子致密物分布于顶体帽中,纤维物质层发育为顶体下锥。环形核套微管在顶体后端的核周围逐渐形成,核内染色质开始浓缩成圆形颗粒,核膜下出现明显问隙,细胞核体积变小。顶体下颗粒消失,但其下端的核质中可见2-4条核内小管开始发生。第Ⅲ期拉长的细胞核前端突出于精子细胞外,表面有顶体复合体覆盖,核后端最宽并出现植入窝。染色质进一步浓缩,颗粒间隙变小,细胞核更细长。第Ⅳ期染色质浓缩成致密均质物,核肩之前的细胞核变细,成为核前突。环形核套微管先后改建为斜行和纵行核套微管,支持细胞突起形成“袖领”包绕顶体。第Ⅴ期核套微管解聚而消失,顶体周围的“袖领”也消失,顶体下间隙出现。结果显示中华鳖精子头部的形成过程,即核质浓缩的形态变化过程、顶体的形成和核内小管的发育与变化方面,存在许多与其他爬行动物不同之处。  相似文献   

In contrast to most chelonians, the fully aquatic soft-shelled turtles have a smooth, unscaled, and pliable shell. The skin of the shell, tail, limbs, and neck of juveniles of Trionyx spiniferus has been studied by ultrastructural, immunocytochemical, and immunoblotting methods. The epidermis of the carapace and plastron has a thick corneous layer composed of alpha-corneocytes surrounded by a cornified cell envelope. The softer epidermis is similar to that of the shell but the epidermis and corneous layer are much thinner. Pre-corneous cells in both soft and shell epidermis are rich in vesicles produced in the Golgi apparatus and smooth endoplasmic vesicles, and contain numerous dense-core mucus-like and vesicular (lamellar) bodies. Secreted material is present among corneocytes where it probably forms an extensive intercellular lipid-mucus waterproof barrier. The dermis is very thick and composed of several layers of collagen bundles that form a plywood-patterned dermis. This dermis constitutes a strong mechanical barrier that compensates for the low content in beta-keratin, and lack of cornified scutes and dermal bones. The growth of the shell mainly occurs along the lateral margins. Immunocytochemistry reveals the presence of some beta-keratin in soft and shell epidermis, and this is confirmed by immunoblotting where bands at 18 and 32-35 kDa are present. Other proteins of the cornified cell envelope (loricrin and sciellin) or associated to lipid trafficking (caveolin-1) are also detected by immunoblotting. Loricrin positive bands at 24 and 57 kDa are present while bands cross-reactive for sciellin are seen at 45 and 53 kDa. Caveolin-1 positive bands are seen at 21-22 kDa. The presence of these proteins indicates that the epidermis is both coriaceous and waterproof. These results suggest that the shell of Trionyx is tough enough to be as mechanically efficient as the hard shell of the other turtles. At the same time, a soft shell is lighter, its shape is more easily controlled by muscles, and it allows a more controlled closure and retraction of limbs and neck inside the shell. Thus, the shell makes the animal more streamlined for swimming.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to determine the effect of supplementation vitamin C in dietary non-specific immunity in juvenile soft-shelled turtles. The soft-shelled turtles were fed with vitamin C supplementation at dosages of 0, 250, 500, 2500, 5000 and 10000 mg/kg diets, respectively, for 4 weeks. The results showed that there were no differences in the phagocytosis of blood cells, serum bacteriolytic activity and bactericidal activity among soft-shelled turtles fed with vitamin C supplementation in 0-500 mg/kg diets. However, firm indicators were significantly enhanced in soft-shelled turtles fed with vitamin C supplementation at 2500 mg/kg diets compared with those fed at 0 and 250 mg/kg diets. The soft-shelled turtles fed with 5000 mg/kg diets had only significantly higher bactericidal activity than those fed vitamin C-deficient diets. The vitamin C supplementation in 10000 mg/kg diets had no notable effects on the phagocytosis, bacteriolytic activity and bactericidal activity. These results suggest that vitamin C seems have an upper and lower threshold for improving non-specific immune function, and the optimum dose was 2500 mg/kg.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which the embryo hatches out of the egg envelope, the vitelline membrane and egg white, was studied in the Chinese soft-shelled turtle Pelodiscus sinensis. The cDNA of the turtle hatching enzyme (HE) was 1555 bp-long and a mature enzyme of 321 amino acids. The mature HE was composed of an astacin protease domain of 200 amino acids and a CUB domain of 121 amino acids, and the estimated molecular size was 35,311. The protease domain contained two active site consensus sequences, HExxHxxGFxHExxRxDR and MHY. An immunoblotting test of an extract of allanto-chorions revealed a 40-kDa band by cross-reaction with the anti-Xenopus HE antiserum. The first change in the envelopes was the appearance of a hole, 1 mm in diameter, at the location around the animal pole of day 8 incubation eggs. A cluster of tall cells, forming a circle in the avascular chorion of day 8 embryos and facing the edge of the hole, had various sizes of inclusion bodies and secretory granules that were labeled by immuno-electron microscopic staining with the antiserum. The egg envelopes were degraded gradually from the animal pole side towards the vegetal pole side in accordance with translocation of the avascular site of the chorion in the same direction. Labeled cells degenerated, presumably when the chorion was underlain by allantois in succeeding developmental stages. The vitelline membrane and egg white were totally digested, presumably by secreted HE, during the hatching period and were consumed for embryonic growth.  相似文献   

Aphanomyces sp. was isolated from the carapaces of two juvenile soft-shelled turtles with fungal infections imported from Singapore. Their sizes were 2.9–3.5 cm in carapace length. Lesions with integumental necrosis and ulceration looked like white cotton. The fungus exhibited slow growth, hyphae were 7.5–15 μm in diam, coarse, and abundantly branched. Zoosporangia observed in the isolate were complex, its entire thallus being converted into zoosporangial units, with short or long lateral evacuation tubes, and isodiametric, 100–500 μm in length. Clusters of zoospores were also produced at the terminals of hyphae. The production of the primary zoospores was achlyoid. The primary encysted zoospores were spherical, 10–15 μm in diam. No sexual stages were observed on a hemp seed incubated in sterile tap water. The optimal temperature for the fungus was 30° C.  相似文献   

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