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Microbial eukaryotes that are morphologically indistinguishable (i.e. 'morphospecies') tend to be genetically diverse. While most protist morphospecies have cosmopolitan distribution, it has been suggested that ribotypes (unique rRNA gene sequences) or rRNA sequence clusters do have biogeography and such clusters may correlate with particular (non-morphological) adaptations. We have studied this in the ciliated protozoan morphospecies Cyclidium glaucoma. Fifty-four isolates collected worldwide represented 31 distinct ribotypes. There was no evidence of biogeographic distribution patterns. For example, identical ribotypes occurred in samples from Argentina, Peru, Morocco, Russia and Ukraine; in samples from Denmark and Australia; and in samples from Great Salt Lake and hyperhaline ponds in Spain. The morphospecies Cyclidium glaucoma is euryhaline and occurs in freshwater, brackish water, seawater, and hyperhaline waters. Evidence suggests that one ribotype cluster occurs only in marine or brackish habitats, and another one has so far been found only in hyperhaline habitats. Two clades seem to occur only in freshwater, but one clade includes ribotypes that were found in freshwater as well as in brackish water.  相似文献   

Twenty-six Israeli isolates of Streptococcus iniae from both marine and fresh/brackish water sources were compared with each other and with 9 foreign isolates. All the isolates were tentatively identified according to their biochemical profile. Direct sequencing of approximately 600 bp PCR products of the 16S rDNA confirmed their identification as S. iniae at the molecular level and revealed a new (one-nucleotide) variant among Israeli isolates, in addition to 2 variants that had been previously reported. Strain variation was further examined by subjecting the isolates to randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analyses. The RAPD method allowed separation of the isolates into only 2 groups, one including 5 Israeli fresh/brackish water isolates and one including all the other isolates. The AFLP method grouped the Israeli marine isolates into one homogeneous cluster, although they had been obtained in different years (1995 to 2001) from different species of fish, and from wild (Red Sea) as well as cultured (both Mediterranean and Red Sea) sources. The Israeli fresh/brackish water isolates and foreign isolates separated into distinct entities that clustered at generally high degrees of similarity. The distance between the clusters of the Israeli marine and fresh/brackish water isolates indicates that the S. iniae streptococcosis that has been afflicting the aquaculture industries in the 2 environments in recent years was caused by distinct strains. AFLP showed superior discriminative properties over RAPD in detecting intraspecific variation and proved to be an important tool for the characterization of S. iniae. A correlation between strain variation and geographic endemism was established.  相似文献   

The distribution of 34 flavonoids detected in the North American species of Parthenium indicates that flavonoid diversity and structural types are correlated with biological aspects of different species types. Widespread species occurring in a variety of habitat types are characterized by greater numbers of flavonoids, primarily as the result of flavonoid glycoside diversity; while species which are geographically isolated in limestone or gypsum habitats are characterized by a tendency to depauperate flavonoid patterns with major methylated aglycone components. The possibility that glycosylation is related to self-detoxification and preservation of toxic phenolic potential is discussed. It is shown that parallel chemical adaptations, similar to the well-known parallel morphological adaptations of unrelated species which coexist in certain habitats, may occur  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences was used to test the validity of morphospecies of catfishes of the family Astroblepidae inhabiting the southern‐most limit of their Andean distribution in the upper Ucayali and upper Madre de Dios river basins. Population samples of morphospecies designated a priori on the basis of morphological features were further diagnosed by the presence of unique and unreversed molecular synapomorphies, thereby confirming species validity for seven of nine cases. Although each are distinguished by unique combinations of morphological features, two morphospecies (designated F and H) cannot be diagnosed on the basis of apomorphic changes in molecular sequence that did not also occur in other astroblepid morphospecies or outgroup taxa. Further, one morphospecies (species G) was recovered as nested within the assemblage of populations sampled from morphospecies F, whose morphological diagnosis does not involve unique or apomorphic characters. In contrast, the absence of corroborating molecular apomorphies for species H, otherwise recognized by distinctive and uniquely derived morphological characters, suggests a history of rapid divergence and insufficient time for fixation of genetic differences. Species sharing syntopic distributions were not recovered as sister groups, and in some cases species distributed in adjacent river drainage basins were not more closely related to one another than to species distributed in more distant drainages. Three independent instances were observed of sister‐group relationships involving species distributed in both the Apurimac and Urubamba rivers (Ucayali drainage). These observations combine to suggest that the current distribution of astroblepid species in the southern region may have arisen via a complex history involving both divergence between and dispersal amongst drainage basins that is probably repeated numerous times throughout the Andean distribution of the group. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 90–102.  相似文献   

Despite substantial interest in coevolution's role in diversification, examples of coevolution contributing to speciation have been elusive. Here, we build upon past studies that have shown both coevolution between South Hills crossbills and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta), and high levels of reproductive isolation between South Hills crossbills and other ecotypes in the North American red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra) complex. We used genotyping by sequencing to generate population genomic data and applied phylogenetic and population genetic analyses to characterize the genetic structure within and among nine of the ecotypes. Although genome‐wide divergence was slight between ecotypes (FST = 0.011–0.035), we found evidence of relative genetic differentiation (as measured by FST) between and genetic cohesiveness within many of them. As expected for nomadic and opportunistic breeders, we detected no evidence of isolation by distance. The one sedentary ecotype, the South Hills crossbill, was genetically most distinct because of elevated divergence at a small number of loci rather than pronounced overall genome‐wide divergence. These findings suggest that mechanisms related to recent local coevolution between South Hills crossbills and lodgepole pine (e.g. strong resource‐based density dependence limiting gene flow) have been associated with genome divergence in the face of gene flow. Our results further characterize a striking example of coevolution driving speciation within perhaps as little as 6000 years.  相似文献   

The biogeographic patterns in sexually reproducing animals in island archipelagos may be interpreted as reflecting the importance of allopatric speciation. However, as the forms are allopatric, their reproductive isolation is largely untestable. A historical perspective integrating geology and molecular phylogeny reveals specific cases where ancient precursor islands coalesce, which allows the application of population genetics to critically test genetic isolation. The Anolis populations on Martinique in the Lesser Antilles are one such case where species-level populations on ancient precursor islands (ca 6-8Myr BP) have met relatively recently. The distribution of the mtDNA lineages is tightly linked to the precursor island, but the population genetic analysis of microsatellite variation in large samples shows no evidence of restricted genetic exchange between these forms in secondary contact. This tests, and rejects, the hypothesis of simple allopatric speciation in these forms. By contrast, Martinique has pronounced environmental zonation, to which anoles are known to adapt. The population genetic analysis shows restricted genetic exchange across the ecotone between xeric coastal habitat and montane rainforest. This does not indicate full ecological speciation in these forms, but it does suggest the relative importance of the role of ecology in speciation in general.  相似文献   

In order to test whether there is genetic coadaptation in geographic populations of Drosophila bipectinata with respect to body size, reciprocal crosses were made among five strains derived from ecogeographically different localities in India. Wing length was used as an index of body size, and was measured in all the five strains, and their crosses in F and F2 generations. The statistical analysis of the data show that there is significant interpopulation variation in body size and in all the crosses, there is an increase in body size in F1 generation when compared with mid-parent value. Further, there is a decrease in body size in F2 generation as compared to F1 in most of the crosses with increased variability. These results provide evidence for genetic coadaptation in geographic populations of D. bipectinata .  相似文献   

Mexico is a megadiverse country. Presently, 22 126 species of angiosperms have been registered within its territory and 11 001 are considered to be endemic. However, their geographical distributions are far from homogeneous. In addition, Mexico is the center of diversification of several groups. Our analysis focused on such groups. The aims were to identify areas of species richness and endemism. A data matrix with 766 species and 25 579 geographical records was analyzed. It included Calochortus (Liliaceae); Bletia (Orchidaceae); Tigridieae (Iridaceae); Amaryllidaceae; Poliantheae, Echeandia (Asparagaceae); Crassulaceae; Hylocereus (Cactaceae); Solanum, Lycianthes and Physalinae (Solanaceae); Salvia section Membranaceae (Lamiaceae); and Cosmos and Dahlia (Asteraceae). Using Geographic Information Systems, we determined richness and distribution based on: (i) Mexican political divisions, (ii) biogeographical regions and provinces, (iii) a grid of 0.5 × 0.5° cells, and (iv) elevation. The areas of endemism were estimated using the endemicity analysis. The highest number of taxa and endemic plants were concentrated within the Transmexican Volcanic Belt in the Mexican Transition Zone. This mountain range has been recognized as a province on the basis of geologic, tectonic, geomorphologic, physiographic and biogeographic criteria. It is a 1000 km long volcanic arc that extends east to west through Central Mexico and is variably from 80 to 230 km wide, between 17°30′ to 20°25′N and 96°20′ to 105°20′W. Our results represent a local deviation from the global richness latitudinal gradient of angiosperm species.  相似文献   

A primary challenge for modern phylogeography is understanding how ecology and geography, both contemporary and historical, shape the spatial distribution and evolutionary histories of species. Phylogeographic patterns are the result of many factors, including geology, climate, habitat, colonization history and lineage‐specific constraints. Assessing the relative influences of these factors is difficult because few species, regions and environments are sampled in enough detail to compare competing hypotheses rigorously and because a particular phylogeographic pattern can potentially result from different evolutionary scenarios. The silky anoles (Anolis sericeus complex) of Central America and Mexico are abundant and found in all types of lowland terrestrial habitat, offering an excellent opportunity to test the relative influences of the factors affecting diversification. Here, we performed a range‐wide statistical phylogeographic analysis on restriction site‐associated DNA (RAD) markers from silky anoles and compared the phylogeographic patterns we recovered to historical and contemporary environmental and topographic data. We constructed niche models to compare niche overlap between sister lineages and conducted coalescent simulations to characterize how the major lineages of silky anoles have diverged. Our results revealed that the mode of divergence for major lineage diversification events was geographic isolation, resulting in ecological divergence between lineages, followed by secondary contact. Moreover, comparisons of parapatric sister lineages suggest that ecological niche divergence contributed to isolation by environment in this system, reflecting the natural history differences among populations in divergent environments.  相似文献   

Choanoflagellates are closely related to metazoans and fungi according to recent phylogenetic studies; therefore the systematics of these organisms is of particular interest. The choanoflagellate morphospecies Codosiga botrytis is the first described choanoflagellate, and is one of the most frequently reported choanoflagellate species. In this study we present phylogenetic and morphological data on eight different strains of Codosiga botrytis. Among these there are five ancient strains; these cultures have been established from up to 43,000 years old cysts from Siberian permafrost. We found that based on the variable V4 region of the small subunit (SSU) of the rDNA, all the investigated freshwater isolates of Codosiga botrytis, together with Sphaeroeca volvox, form a cluster at the base of all other choanoflagellate species. Moreover, the morphospecies described classically as Codosiga botrytis contains at least four different genotypes separated by considerably high genetic distance. All these 'cryptic species' have identical general morphology and cell structure. Strains have a similar life cycle with several different life forms and large morphological plasticity. For the first time we were able to establish cultures from cryo-conserved cysts of choanoflagellates. The ancient strains did not differ significantly in partial SSU rDNA from the modern ones. Besides, no biogeographically pattern could be established. This fact and the low genetic distances of some strains from remote locations support the distribution of dormant stages via air.  相似文献   

D R Brooks 《Bio Systems》1988,21(3-4):189-196
Explicit estimates of protist phylogeny should play a key role in the development of macroevolutionary theory. Nearly half the evolutionary history of living systems involved only protists, and many trends and traits of macroevolutionary significance originated in protist groups. Special areas of research that can make use of protist phylogenies include: (1) origin of life studies, (2) biotic aspects of the evolution of the environment, (3) developmental biology and evolution, and (4) macroevolutionary trends in the diversification of life.  相似文献   

The possible existence of endemism among microorganisms resulting from and preserved by geographic isolation is one of the most controversial topics in microbial ecology. We isolated 31 strains of “Spumella-like” flagellates from remote sampling sites from all continents, including Antarctica. These and another 23 isolates from a former study were characterized morphologically and by small-subunit rRNA gene sequence analysis and tested for the maximum temperature tolerance. Only a minority of the Spumella morpho- and phylotypes from the geographically isolated Antarctic continent follow the worldwide trend of a linear correlation between ambient (air) temperature during strain isolation and heat tolerance of the isolates. A high percentage of the Antarctic isolates, but none of the isolates from locations on all other continents, were obligate psychrophilic, although some of the latter were isolated at low ambient temperatures. The drastic deviation of Antarctic representatives of Spumella from the global trend of temperature adaptation of this morphospecies provides strong evidence for geographic transport restriction of a microorganism; i.e., Antarctic protistan communities are less influenced by transport of protists to and from the Antarctic continent than by local adaptation, a subtle form of endemism.  相似文献   

Unicellular eukaryotes (protists) are key components of marine food webs, yet knowledge of their diversity, distributions and respective ecologies is limited. We investigated uncultured protists using 18S rRNA gene sequencing, phylogenetic analyses, specific fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes and other methods. Because few studies have been conducted in warm water systems, we focused on two Atlantic subtropical regions, the Sargasso Sea and the Florida Current. Cold temperate waters were also sampled. Gene sequences comprising a unique eukaryotic lineage, herein termed 'biliphytes', were identified in most samples, whether from high- (30 degrees C) or from low- (5 degrees C) temperature waters. Sequences within this uncultured group have previously been retrieved from high latitudes. Phylogenetic analyses suggest biliphytes are a sister group to the cryptophytes and katablepharids, although the relationship is not statistically supported. Bootstrap-supported subclades were delineated but coherence was not obvious with respect to geography or physicochemical parameters. Unlike results from the initial publication on these organisms (therein 'picobiliphytes'), we could not detect a nucleomorph, either visually, or by targeted primers. Phycobilin-like fluorescence associated with biliphyte-specific FISH-probed cells supports the hypothesis that they are photosynthetic. Our data indicate the biliphytes are nanoplanktonic in size, averaging 4.1 +/- 1.0 x 3.5 +/- 0.8 microm (+/-SD) for one probed group, and 3.5 +/- 0.9 x 3.0 +/- 0.9 microm (+/-SD) for another. We estimate biliphytes contributed 28 (+/-6)% of the phytoplanktonic biomass in tropical eddy-influenced surface waters. Given their broad thermal and geographic distribution, understanding the role these protists play in biogeochemical cycling within different habitats is essential.  相似文献   

Platelets achieve bleeding arrest at sites of vascular injury via secretion of secretory proteins from their storage granules, termed alpha-granules. We have recently analyzed granule targeting of platelet factor 4 (PF4), a secretory alpha-granule chemokine, and demonstrated that PF4 alpha-granule storage relied upon determinants within PF4 mature sequence. To define these determinants, PF4 mutants fused to the fluorescent reporter protein green fluorescent protein were generated by progressive deletions and site-directed mutagenesis. They were then transfected in AtT20 cells and assessed for granule targeting by colocalization with ACTH-containing granules, using laser scanning confocal microscopy. This strategy identified the amino acid 41-50 (LIATLKNGRK) sequence as most critical for PF4 granule targeting and/or storage; its deletion from PF4 induced a marked decrease in granule storage (from 81 +/- 2% to 17 +/- 3%, p < or = 0.0001). Ala-scanning mutagenesis of LIATLKNGRK narrowed down the targeting motif to LKNG. A direct role for LKNG in alpha-granule targeting was confirmed in the thrombopoietin-induced human megakaryocytic Dami cells, in which the LKNG-green fluorescent protein chimera exhibited an 82.5 +/- 1.8% colocalization with the alpha-granule proteins von Willebrand factor and P-selectin. LKNG is poorly conserved within the chemokine family. However three-dimensional alignments of the human alpha-granule chemokines Nap-2 (neutrophil-activating peptide) and RANTES (Regulated upon Activation Normal T Cell Expressed and Secreted) with PF4 revealed that LKNG, a surface-exposed hydrophilic turn/loop, matched Nap-2 (LKDG) and RANTES (TRKN) peptides with similar features. Moreover Nap-2 and RANTES peptides exhibited the same alpha-granule targeting efficiency than LKNG. We therefore postulate that the three-dimensional and physicochemical characteristics of PF4 LKNG are of general relevance to alpha-granule targeting of chemokines and possibly of other alpha-granule proteins.  相似文献   

This study examines key elements of glutamatergic transmission within sensory ganglia of the rat. We show that the soma of primary sensory neurons release glutamate when depolarized. Using acute dissociated mixed neuronal/glia cultures of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or trigeminal ganglia and a colorimetric assay, we show that when glutamate uptake by satellite glial cells (SGCs) is inhibited, KCl stimulation leads to simultaneous increase of glutamate in the culture medium. With calcium imaging we see that the soma of primary sensory neurons and SGCs respond to AMPA, NMDA, kainate and mGluR agonists, and selective antagonists block this response. Using whole cell patch-clamp technique, inward currents were recorded from small diameter (<30 µm) DRG neurons from intact DRGs (ex-vivo whole ganglion preparation) in response to local application of the above glutamate receptor agonists. Following a chronic constriction injury (CCI) of either the inferior orbital nerve or the sciatic nerve, glutamate expression increases in the trigeminal ganglia and DRG respectively. This increase occurs in neurons of all diameters and is present in the somata of neurons with injured axons as well as in somata of neighboring uninjured neurons. These data provides additional evidence that glutamate can be released within the sensory ganglion, and that the somata of primary sensory neurons as well as SGCs express functional glutamate receptors at their surface. These findings, together with our previous gene knockdown data, suggest that glutamatergic transmission within the ganglion could impact nociceptive threshold.  相似文献   

Incongruence between conventional and molecular systematics has left the delineation of many species unresolved. Reef‐building corals are no exception, with phenotypic plasticity among the most plausible explanations for alternative morphospecies. As potential molecular signatures of phenotypic plasticity, epigenetic processes may contribute to our understanding of morphospecies. We compared genetic and epigenetic variation in Caribbean branching Porites spp., testing the hypothesis that epigenetics—specifically, differential patterns of DNA methylation—play a role in alternative morphotypes of a group whose taxonomic status has been questioned. We used reduced representation genome sequencing to analyse over 1,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms and CpG sites in 27 samples of Porites spp. exhibiting a range of morphotypes from a variety of habitats in Belize. We found stronger evidence for genetic rather than epigenetic structuring, identifying three well‐defined genetic groups. One of these groups exhibited significantly thicker branches, and branch thickness was a better predictor of genetic groups than depth, habitat or symbiont type. In contrast, no clear epigenetic patterns emerged with respect to phenotypic or habitat variables. While there was a weak positive correlation between pairwise genetic and epigenetic distance, two pairs of putative clones exhibited substantial epigenetic differences, suggesting a strong environmental effect. We speculate that epigenetic patterns are a complex mosaic reflecting diverse environmental histories superimposed over a relatively small heritable component. Given the role of genetics in branching Porites spp. morphospecies we were able to detect with genomewide sequencing, use of such techniques throughout the geographic range of these corals may help settle their phylogeny.  相似文献   

Biological distances calculated between archeologically recovered human skeletal collections are often used to assess the effects of temporal and spatial distance on subpopulation divergence. Although there are many previous empirical studies that examine skeletal material arrayed across time and/or space, the theoretical expectations for temporally or spatially related variation in biological characteristics have not been formally developed. In this paper I present the infinite island model, the unidimensional stepping-stone model, and the migration matrix method in forms that allow prediction of the genetic distance between groups separated by a given spatial and temporal lag. These models demonstrate that, if there is isolation by geographic distance, then the correlation between genetic and spatial distance (controlling for temporal distance) should be positive and the correlation between genetic and temporal distance (controlling for spatial distance) should be negative. I use observations of nonmetric traits in a sample of prehistoric crania from west-central Illinois to demonstrate the expected relationships among biological, temporal, and spatial distance. The results indicate that, once the effects of temporal trend are removed, biological and spatial distance are positively correlated and biological and temporal distance negatively correlated within this sample.  相似文献   

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