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The ability of the luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH) analogue [D-Ser(Bu(t))(6)] Des-Gly-NH(2)(10) LH-RH ethylamide to stimulate the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and to induce ovulation and luteal function in seasonally anoestrous ewes was investigated by injecting the analogue at three stages of the anoestrus (day 118, day 182 and day 235 of the year). After injection on day 118, eight of nine ewes ovulated and all of the former secreted progesterone during the subsequent 20 days. After injection on day 182, six of the nine ewes ovulated, of which none showed luteal function. Only two of the nine ewes were not already secreting progesterone on day 235. Both of these responded to the analogue by secreting normal luteal levels of progesterone. The mean LH peak heights in response to injection at the three stages showed no significant differences from one another. The mean FSH peak heightafter injection on day 182 was significantly lower than the mean FSH peak height associated with the other two challenges (P < 0.05). On day 116 of the following year, 20 ewes were treated with the analogue as before. The high progesterone levels confirmed the results of the day 118 challenge in the previous year. However, none of the ewes conceived when inseminated artificially 24 and 36 hours after analogue treatment.  相似文献   

Ram lambs and bull calves were immunized against LH-RH by injections given in weeks 0, 6, 12 and 28 (ram lambs, week 0 = 16 to 20 weeks of age) and weeks 0, 6, 12 and 18 (bull calves, week 0 = approximately 4 weeks of age). The testis size of LH-RH-immunized animals was significantly less than that of controls from week 13 onwards in ram lambs and from week 15 onwards in bull calves. When ram lambs were sampled in week 17 and bull calves in week 20, mean plasma gonadotrophin and testosterone concentrations were consistently lower in LH-RH-immunized animals than in controls. Single intravenous injection of synthetic LH-RH or an analogue of LH-RH in week 27 failed to induce LH or testosterone responses in LH-RH-immunized ram lambs. Motile semen samples could not be obtained from any of the LH-RH-immunized ram lambs in weeks 24, 25 and 26 or from 7 of 10 in week 72, but samples of moderate motility were obtained in week 72 from three rams in which LH-RH antibody titres had fallen. No attempt was made to obtain semen from bull calves. After castration there was no increase in plasma LH in LH-RH-immunized rams and only a small increase in LH-RH-immunized bull calves. Mean testis weight was significantly lower in LH-RH-immunized animals than in controls of both species. Thus the normal development of the reproductive system in ram lambs and bull calves was blocked by active immunization against LH-RH. Some evidence was obtained for natural reversal of the effects with time and falling antibody titres. These findings demonstrate the potential of LH-RH immunization as an alternative to castration.  相似文献   

A gonadoliberin (GnRH) analogue nonapeptide (Hoe 766) was administered intramuscularly in concentrations between 2.5 and 50 μg to m?ture cows in order to study the response of lutropin (LH) and follitropin (FSH). Results were compared with those from experiments of the GnRH decapeptide (Hoe 471). Plasma LH and FSH were radio-immunologically determined. Increasing doses of GnRH analogue up to 15–20 μg caused an approximately linear increase in total plasma LH and FSH until the response reached a plateau. With these amounts peak values were about 60 fold higher for LH and 3.5 fold higher for FSH than basal levels about 135 minutes after injection. Higher values lasted for more than 6 h for LH and about 5 h for FSH. The LH response was much greater and more prolonged than for FSH.Doses of the nonapeptide analogue 50 to 70 times lower than the GnRH decapeptide provoked about the same height and duration of LH and FSH response.  相似文献   

At the start of the breeding season 13 intact and four ovariectomised ewes were immunised against LH-RH which was rendered immunogenic by conjugation to bovine serum albumin using carbodiimide. The immunogen was emulsified with Freund's complete adjuvant prior to multi-site intradermal injection into a shaved area on the back of each animal. All the ewes were boosted using an identical procedure six and twelve weeks later. LH-RH antibody titres were monitored from weekly blood samples. Oestrous cycles were shown to stop in all but one of the intact ewes after anti-LH-RH titres had developed, but before the seasonal anoestrus. Laparoscopy of the ewes at this time showed that the ovaries and uteri were in various stages of regression. Plasma gonadotrophin levels of ovariectomised ewes fell significantly after immunisation and in intact immunised ewes ovariectomy failed to result in any increase in plasma gonadotrophins. Injection of 150μg synthetic Lh-RH or 6μg of an immunologically distinct analogue of LH-RH failed to induce LH or FSH responses approaching those previously demonstrated with identical doses in non-immunised anoestrous ewes. These results suggest that immunisation against LH-RH could provide an alternative to ovariectomy for the suppression of unwanted oestrous symptoms and ovulation but that reversal of the effects of immunisation might be difficult to achieve routinely.  相似文献   

Substance P was found to be a potent, long-lasting analgesic in the tail flick test in rats following intracerebral administration, via chronically indwelling cannulae, into the midbrain periaqueductal gray. Substance P was approximately five times as potent as morphine sulfate on a weight basis; however, it was 25 times more potent than morphine on a molar basis. The analgesic activity produced by Substance P was significantly antagonized by pretreatment with naloxone, a narcotic antagonist. The analgesic activity of Substance P exhibited a rapid onset (1 min.), peaked by 3 minutes post infusion and its duration of activity was between 30 and 60 minutes. Thus, Substance P may be yet another endogenous analgesic peptide.  相似文献   

In perfused rat liver, the effects of various hormones on the stimulation of phosphorylation and allosteric properties of purified phosphorfructokinase were investigated. Rat livers were perfused with [32P]phosphate followed with various hormones or cyclicAMP, and 32P-labeled phosphofructokinase was isolated. 32P incorporation into the enzyme and enzyme inhibition by ATP or citrate were determined. Only glucagon increased the 32P incorporation into phosphofructokinase and this increase was approximately threefold. The cyclicAMP level was increased simultaneously approximately four- to fivefold compared to the control perfused liver. Similar results were obtained by perfusing the liver with cyclicAMP (0.1 mm). The phosphorylated phosphofructokinase showed a decrease in the Ki values for ATP (from 0.4 to 0.2 mm) and citrate (from 2 to 0.6 mm). Neither epinephrine nor insulin affected the extent of phosphorylation or the allosteric properties of the enzyme. The half-maximal concentration of glucagon required for phosphorylation of phosphofructokinase and modification of its allosteric properties was approximately 6 × 10?11m. It is concluded that glucagon increases the inhibition of liver phosphofructokinase by ATP and citrate through phosphorylation of the enzyme involving a β-receptor-mediated cyclicAMP-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

Human serum transcobalamin II (TC II), a vitamin B12 (Cbl) transport protein, complexes with Cibacron Blue F3GA, a reactive blue dye which can bind to proteins that require nucleotides as cofactors. Apo-TC II and holo-TC II both bind, but intrinsic factor (IF) and R-type binders of Cbl do not. Other mammalian species TC II also complex with the dye. Greater than 87% of the applied TC II-CN-[57Co]Cbl remains bound to the dye even at pH 4.0. At pH values below this, the CN-[57Co]Cbl dissociates off TC II which remains bound to the dye. High salt concentrations will break the TC II-dye complex. Ionic forces were considered not to be involved since complexing also occurred at pH 9.0, 2.5 pH units above the isoelectric point of TC II. Failure to dissociate the TC II-dye complex with 50% glycerol makes hydrophobic interactions unlikely. In addition to the potential uses of TC II-Cibacron Blue F3GA complexes in a total scheme for protein purification, the possibility that TC II is a nucleotide-requiring protein should be explored.  相似文献   

The soluble trehalase from the phycomycete Lagenidium sp., a parasite of many species of mosquitoes, was purified by acid titration, acetone precipitation, and Sephadex G-200 chromatography to give a 170-fold increase in specific activity over the crude extract. The enzyme was specific for trehalose. A β-glucosidase was copurified with the trehalase, but did not interfere with its characterization. Lagendium trehalase had a Km of 1.43 mm, and Ea of 11.4 kcal/mole, and a pH of optimum activity of 5.5–6.5, and a molecular weight of 72,000. It was denatured by 30 min incubation at temperatures above 50°C, severely inhibited by heavy metals, and competitively inhibited by sucrose. No other reported inhibitors, including mannitol and ATP, were effective. Suggested physiological roles for the enzyme include the breakdown of stored trehalose in the mycelium and zoospores, and the digestion of hemolymph trehalose in infected mosquito larvae.  相似文献   

Mannose-rich glycopeptides derived from brain glycoproteins were obtained by proteolysis of bovine brain tissue or subcellular fractions derived from rat brain tissue. The dialyzable mannose-rich glycopeptides were isolated by colum electrophoresis and gel flitration. These glycopeptides contained, on the average, six mannose and two N-acetylglucosamine residues with variable amounts of fucose and galactose. Over 50% of the mannose-rich glycopeptides of rat brain were localized in the microsomal and synaptosomal fractions; myelin and the soluble fraction contained lesser amounts. None was recovered from the mitochondria. The amount, per mg protein, of mannose-rich oligosaccharide chains in the myelin exceeded the concentration found in the microsomal and synaptosomal fractions. The concentration of mannose-rich glycopeptides derived from glycoproteins was 50% higher in white matter than in gray. On the other hand, the non-dialyzable and acidic sialoglycopeptides showed a three-fold enrichment in gray matter compared to white. The relatively lower ratio of sialoglycopeptides to mannose-rich glycopeptides observed in white matter (2.5) compared to gray matter (6.9) is reflected in the lower value for the ratio in myelin (1.1) compared to synpatosomes (2.1). Although glycoproteins that contain mannose-rich oligosaccharide chains are present in the nerve cell and its terminals, these glycoproteins appear to be relatively enriched in myelin and/or glial membranes.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster, gametes formed by oocytes in which Robertsonian translocations were induced in an immature stage usually show chromosomal imbalance. It is estimated that fewer than 20% of the gametes bearing newly induced Robertsonian translocations “fusing” X and fourth chromosomes are of balanced constitution. In contrast, when the two acrocentric pairs, X and fourth chromosomes, are replaced by an X-4 Robertsonian translocation, treatment of immature oocytes of homozygotes produces some 5–6-fold fewer sex-chromosome trisomics than do females of normal karyotype. In the place of such trisomics (having separate sex chromosomes), there is a much smaller number of compound-X chromosomes formed and a number of compound-fourth chromosomes as well. However, the production of “XO” males is not appreciably smaller in the translocation homozygotes. A number of possible mechanisms to account for this are suggested. The findings are consistent with the expectations of the hypothesis that radiation-induced nondisjunction results from improper conjunctions of heterologues, brought about by chromatid interchange7–12, 16.  相似文献   

A sensitive and versatile method for the qualitative and quantitative determination of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) is described. An enriched GAG fraction was subjected to nuclease enzyme treatment and to an appropriate sequence of GAG degrading enzymes—Streptomyces hyaluronidase, chondroitinase AC and ABC, and endo-β-d-galactosidase—and nitrous acid treatment. To determine the result of each degradative procedure, the remaining GAG polymers were subjected to cellulose acetate electrophoresis. The combination of sequential degradation and the monitoring of each step by electrophoresis and densitometry permitted the identification and quantitation of all the GAGs on a microscale basis.  相似文献   

Mannose-rich glycopeptides derived from brain glycoproteins were recovered by affinity chromatography on Concanavalin A-Sepharose. These glycopeptides, which adsorb to the lectin and are eluted with α-methylmannoside, constitute about 25–30% of the total glycopeptide material recovered from rat brain glycoproteins. They contain predominately mannose and N-acetylglucosamine (mannose/N-acetylglucosamine = 3), as well as small amounts of galactose and fucose. Approx. 65% of the Concanavalin A-binding glycopeptide carbohydrate was recovered after treatment with leucine aminopeptidase, gel filtration on Biogel P-4, and ion-exchange chromatography on coupled Dowex 50-hydrogen and Dowex 1-chrolide columns. The purified glycopeptide fraction contained six mannose and two N-acetylglucosamine residues per aspartic acid and possessed an apparent molecular weight of about 2000 as assessed by gel filtration and amino acid analysis. Galactose and fucose were absent. Treatment of the purified glycopeptides with α-mannosidase drastically reduced their affinity for Concanavalin A, suggesting the presence of one or more terminal mannose residues.  相似文献   

Beef liver and beef spinal cord d-glycerate dehydrogenases have been shown to be extremely similar. No differences between the two enzymes could be shown by polyacrylamide electrophoresis, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide electrophoresis, immunodiffusion, immunoelectrophoresis, or their response to certain inhibitors. Differences could be obtained, however, between the beef spinal cord enzyme and the hog spinal cord enzyme by immunodiffusion and immunoelectrophoresis.Only by the very sensitive technique of microcomplement fixation could a small but significant difference be shown between the beef liver and beef spinal cord enzymes. Like the beef liver and hog spinal cord enzymes, the beef spinal cord enzyme was not inhibited by high concentrations of serine or glycine. The enzyme was inhibited however by low concentrations of phosphohydroxypyruvate and by other phosphorylated compounds.  相似文献   

Pig heart citrate synthase and mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase interact in polyethylene glycol solutions as indicated by increased solution turbidity. A large percentage of both enzymes sediments when mixtures of the two in polyethylene glycol are centrifuged, whereas little if any of either enzyme sediments in the absence of the other. The observed interaction is highly specific in that neither cytosolic malate dehydrogenase nor nine other proteins showed evidence of specific interaction with either pig heart citrate synthase or mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. Escherichia coli citrate synthase did not interact with pig heart citrate synthase, but did show evidence of interaction with pig heart mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. The relation between enzyme behavior in polyethylene glycol solution and in the mitochondrion and the significance of possible in vivo interactions between citrate synthase and mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase are discussed.  相似文献   

Lactoperoxidase-catalyzed cell surface radioiodination was used to study the size distribution and physiological characteristics of cell surface proteins of Cloudman melanoma cells maintained in vivo (An cell) or in vitro (TC cells). Slight qualitative and quantitative differences were observed between detergent-extracted radiolabeled membrane proteins obtained from An and TC cells when the proteins were resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Striking differences were observed in the membrane residence times of radioiodinated proteins of the An and TC cells when labeled cells were cultured 24 hr. Many labeled surface proteins are lost more rapidly from An cells than from TC cells. The possibility that the release of surface proteins from tumor cell membranes may be an important factor which determines the nature of the host immune response against incipient cancers is considered.  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the van der Waals dispersion attractive forces and electrostatic repulsive forces between the grana thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. These forces are determined for negatively charged surfaces with a pKa value of 4.7 for a bulk pH of 7.0 with a range of mono- and divalent cation concentrations and intermembrane spacing in the range 10 to 80 Å. For equilibrium under dark conditions, it is concluded that either there is extensive electrostatic binding of divalent cations (Mg2+) to the negatively charged membrane groups (phospholipid, sulfolipid, and protein carboxyl), or a redistribution of these groups between stacked and unstacked regions must be invoked.  相似文献   

In an elevated maze consisting of three reconvergent radial arms, golden hamsters were tested with the same experimental rule: to choose each path without repeating any choice. However, variations of procedure concerning (a) the location of the reward in the maze, and (b) reinforcement contingencies, were introduced in order to define several problems involving variable levels of difficulty. The relationship between response strategies and difficulty of the task was then studied. The common learning criterion was the achievement of three consecutive correct daily sessions, each session corresponding to a particular sequence (pattern) of choices of paths. Response strategies were studied by analyzing the patterns obtained over the three final sessions in which an animal reached the learning criterion. Such a set of patterns (triplet) could be heterogeneous (patterns all different), mixed (two identical patterns, one different) or stereotyped (identical patterns). No relationship was found between the mean level of difficulty presented by each learning problem and the occurrence of a particular type of triplet. However, in each situation, mixed triplets were the most frequently recorded and corresponded to the medium individual speeds of learning whereas heterogeneous triplets corresponded to rapid successes and stereotyped triplets to delayed successes. These findings indicate that, whatever the problem designed to be tested in a three-arm maze, the various forms of solutions reflect different individual adaptative mechanisms.  相似文献   

Langerhans cells and indeterminate cells are immune macrophages of the epidermis and have Ia markers on their surface. Because of their position in the epidermis, they are subject to many environmental toxins like ultraviolet light. Also medications like cortisone applied topically to the skin could have important effects on these cells. We have used an anti-Ia serum and an indirect immunofluorescent technique to study Langerhans cells in epidermal sheets. We found that shortwave ultraviolet light (250–320 nm) and ultraviolet B (280–320nm) increased the density of Ia-bearing cells (Langerhans cells) in the skin. Psoralens and ultraviolet A (PUVA) (320–400 nm) depleted the skin of Ia-bearing cells, an effect which takes 2 weeks to produce but which persists for several weeks after stopping treatment. Triamcinolone acetonide administered topically or intraperitoneally also depletes the skin of Ia-bearing cells. These agents, light and steroids, either destroy the Ia-bearing cells or remove the Ia markers from the cellular surface.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior and the increase in plasma hormone levels of LH, prolactin, and testosterone associated with sexual behavior were examined in three age groups of sexually naive male rats. The two younger groups (5- and 11-month-old) mated normally and their behavioral latencies decreased significantly following sexual experience. Both plasma testosterone and LH concentrations increased significantly following entrance of a receptive female into the mating arena. Plasma prolactin levels rose but not significantly. However, the 27-month-old rats neither mated nor showed an increase in the three plasma hormone concentrations during exposure to a receptive female. Only basal testosterone levels were significantly lower than those of the younger animals. Low testosterone levels possibly contributed to deficiencies in both behavior and its associated hormone release. The monitoring of sexual behavior was facilitated by a computer, programmed to record, store, and analyze behavioral events.  相似文献   

The involvement of glycoconjugates in the insulin-receptor interactions in mouse liver is tested by digestions of membranes with various enzymes. Trypsin decreased the binding of [125I]insulin to liver membranes. After digestion with β-galactosidase no “high affinity” receptor sites could be detected. The effects observed with plant lectins confirm the involvement of galactoconjugates in the insulin binding process. Sophora japonica and Ricinus communis lectins (with galactose specificity) and concanavalin A largely inhibit the binding process of insulin and those effects concern the “high affinity” receptor sites. Other lectins (wheat germ agglutinin, Dolichos) and enzymes (α-l-fucosidase, β-N-acetyl-hexosaminidase and neuraminidase) are without effect on insulin binding.Comparative studies performed on diabetic mouse liver membrane (KK mice), previously characterized by decreased number of insulin receptors, are in good agreement with qualitatively similar receptor sites in both non-diabetic (control) and diabetic mice. Effects of enzymes and lectins yielded same results as compared to control membranes. Plasma membrane proteins and glycoproteins in both types of mouse are indistinguishable with respect to enzymic and chemical analysis. Sodium dodecyl sulphate acrylamide gel electrophoresis shows identical patterns. Moreover, the decrease in the number of insulin receptors is easily reversed with diet restriction. These data are consistent with the similarity of receptor sites in control and diabetic liver membrane.  相似文献   

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