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Thirty-five mutations were generated in the yeast secretory pathway/Golgi ion pump, Pmr1, targeting oxygen-containing side chains within the predicted transmembrane segments M4, M5, M6, M7, and M8, likely to be involved in coordination of Ca(2+) and Mn(2+) ions. Mutants were expressed in low copy number in a yeast strain devoid of endogenous Ca(2+) pumps and screened for loss of Ca(2+) and Mn(2+) transport on the basis of hypersensitivity to 1, 2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA) and Mn(2+) toxicity, respectively. Three classes of mutants were found: mutants indistinguishable from wild type (Class 1), mutants indistinguishable from the pmr1 null strain (Class 2), and mutants with differential sensitivity to BAPTA and Mn(2+) toxicity (Class 3). We show that Class 1 mutants retain normal/near normal properties, including (45)Ca transport, Golgi localization, and polypeptide conformation. In contrast, Class 2 mutants lacked any detectable (45)Ca transport; of these, a subset also showed defects in trafficking and protein folding, indicative of structural problems. Two residues identified as Class 2 mutants in this screen, Asn(774) and Asp(778) in M6, also play critical roles in related ion pumps and are therefore likely to be common architectural components of the cation-binding site. Class 3 mutants appear to have altered selectivity for Ca(2+) and Mn(2+) ions, as exemplified by mutant Q783A in M6. These results demonstrate the utility of phenotypic screening in the identification of residues critical for ion transport and selectivity in cation pumps.  相似文献   

Accumulation of Ca(2+) into the Golgi apparatus is mediated by sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPases (SERCAs) and by secretory pathway Ca(2+)-ATPases (SPCAs). Mammals and birds express in addition to the housekeeping SPCA1 (human gene name ATP2C1, cytogenetic position 3q22.1) a homologous SPCA2 isoform (human gene name ATP2C2, cytogenetic position 16q24.1). We show here that both genes present an identical exon/intron layout. We confirmed that hSPCA2 has the ability to transport Ca(2+), demonstrated its Mn(2+)-transporting activity, showed its Ca(2+)- and Mn(2+)-dependent phosphoprotein intermediate formation, and documented the insensitivity of these functional activities to thapsigargin inhibition. The mRNA encoding hSPCA2 showed a limited tissue expression pattern mainly confined to the gastrointestinal and respiratory tract, prostate, thyroid, salivary, and mammary glands. Immunocytochemical localization in human colon sections presented a typical apical juxtanuclear Golgi-like staining. The expression in COS-1 cells allowed the direct demonstration of (45)Ca(2+) (K(0.5) = 0.27 microm) or (54)Mn(2+) transport into an A23187-releasable compartment.  相似文献   

The LDB1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was identified by complementation of the ldb1 mutant phenotype with a genomic library. We found that the ldb1 defect is complemented by PMR1 which codes for the yeast secretory pathway/Golgi Ca(2+)/Mn(2+)-ATPase. Besides that, the analysis of a null mutation of the PMR1 gene revealed a phenotype identical to that of ldb1 mutant. Thus, LDB1 must be considered a synonym of PMR1.  相似文献   

V Marchi  A Sorin  Y Wei  R Rao 《FEBS letters》1999,454(3):181-186
We have analyzed Ca2+ transport activity in defined subcellular fractions of an isogenic set of wild-type and mutant yeast. The results, together with measurements of polypeptide expression levels and promoter::reporter gene activity, show that the Golgi Ca2+-ATPase, Pmr1, is the major Ca2+ pump under normal growth conditions. In the absence of Pmr1, we show a massive, calcineurin-dependent compensatory induction of the vacuolar Ca2+-ATPase, Pmc1. In addition, H+/Ca2+ exchange activity, that may be distinct from the vacuolar exchanger Vcx1, is also increased.  相似文献   

Steady-state and transient kinetic studies were performed to functionally analyze the overall and partial reactions of the Ca(2+) transport cycle of the human secretory pathway Ca(2+)/Mn(2+)-ATPase 1 (SPCA1) isoforms: SPCA1a, SPCA1b, SPCA1c, and SPCA1d (encoded by ATP2C1, the gene defective in Hailey-Hailey disease) upon heterologous expression in mammalian cells. The expression levels of SPCA1 isoforms were 200-350-fold higher than in control cells except for SPCA1c, whose low expression level appears to be the effect of rapid degradation because of protein misfolding. Relative to SERCA1a, the active SPCA1a, SPCA1b, and SPCA1d enzymes displayed extremely high apparent affinities for cytosolic Ca(2+) in activation of the overall ATPase and phosphorylation activities. The maximal turnover rates of the ATPase activity for SPCA1 isoforms were 4.7-6.4-fold lower than that of SERCA1a (lowest for the shortest SPCA1a isoform). The kinetic analysis traced these differences to a decreased rate of the E(1) approximately P(Ca) to E(2)-P transition. The apparent affinity for inorganic phosphate was reduced in the SPCA1 enzymes. This could be accounted for by an enhanced rate of the E(2)-P hydrolysis, which showed constitutive activation, lacking the SERCA1a-specific dependence on pH and K(+).  相似文献   

Candida albicans is a human pathogenic fungus which can undergo a morphological transition from yeast to hyphae in response to a variety of environmental stimuli. We analyzed a C. albicans Asc1 (Absence of growth Suppressor of Cyp1) protein which is entirely composed of seven repeats of the WD domain, and is conserved from fungi to metazoan. Deleting the ASC1 in C. albicans led to a profound defect in hyphal development under hypha-inducing conditions examined. Furthermore, deletion of the ASC1 attenuated virulence of C. albicans in a mouse model of systemic infection. These data strongly suggested that the conserved WD-repeat protein Asc1 is required for morphogenesis and pathogenesis of C. albicans.  相似文献   

Gunaratne HJ  Vacquier VD 《FEBS letters》2006,580(16):3900-3904
Plasma membrane, sarco-endoplasmic reticulum and secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPases (designated PMCA, SERCA and SPCA) regulate intracellular Ca2+ in animal cells. The presence of PMCA, and the absence of SERCA, in sea urchin sperm is known. By using inhibitors of Ca2+-ATPases, we now show the presence of SPCA and Ca2+ store in sea urchin sperm, which refills by SPCA-type pumps. Immunofluorescence shows SPCA localizes to the mitochondrion. Ca2+ measurements reveal that approximately 75% of Ca2+ extrusion is by Ca2+ ATPases and 25% by Na+ dependent Ca2+ exchanger/s. Bisphenol, a Ca2+ ATPase inhibitor, completely blocks the acrosome reaction, indicating the importance of Ca2+-ATPases in fertilization.  相似文献   

ATP2C1, encoding the human secretory pathway Ca2+/Mn2+ ATPase (hSPCA1), was recently identified as the defective gene in Hailey-Hailey Disease (HHD), an autosomal dominant skin disorder characterized by persistent blisters and erosions. To investigate the underlying cause of HHD, we have analyzed the changes in expression level and function of hSPCA1 caused by mutations found in HHD patients. Mutations were introduced into hSPCA1d, a novel splice variant expressed in keratinocytes, described here for the first time. Encoded by the full-length of optional exons 27 and 28, hSPCA1d was longer than previously identified splice variants. The protein competitively transported Ca2+ and Mn2+ with equally high affinity into the Golgi of COS-1 cells. Ca2+- and Mn2+-dependent phosphoenzyme intermediate formation in forward (ATP-fuelled) and reverse (Pi-fuelled) directions was also demonstrated. HHD mutant proteins L341P, C344Y, C411R, T570I, and G789R showed low levels of expression, despite normal levels of mRNA and correct targeting to the Golgi, suggesting instability or abnormal folding of the mutated hSPCA1 polypeptides. P201L had little effect on the enzymatic cycle, whereas I580V caused a block in the E1 approximately P --> E2-P conformational transition. D742Y and G309C were devoid of Ca2+- and Mn2+-dependent phosphoenzyme formation from ATP. The capacity to phosphorylate from Pi was retained in these mutants but with a loss of sensitivity to both Ca2+ and Mn2+ in D742Y and a preferential loss of sensitivity to Mn2+ in G309C. These results highlight the crucial role played by Asp-742 in the architecture of the hSPCA1 ion-binding site and reveal a role for Gly-309 in Mn2+ transport selectivity.  相似文献   

Resistance of Candida albicans to reactive oxygen species is thought to enhance its virulence in mammalian hosts. Genes such as SOD1, which encodes the anti-oxidant, superoxide dismutase, are known virulence factors. We disrupted the gene GRX2, which encodes a putative glutathione reductase (glutaredoxin) in C. albicans, and we compared the mutant with an sod1Deltamutant. In vitro, the grx2Deltastrain, but not the sod1Delta strain, was defective in hypha formation. The grx2Deltastrain, but not sod1Delta, was significantly more susceptible to killing by neutrophils. When exposed to two compounds that generate reactive oxygen species, both mutants were susceptible to 1 mM menadione, but grx2Deltanull alone was resistant to diamide. Both mutants were attenuated in a murine intravenous challenge model, and a GRX2 reintegrant regained partial virulence. Emphasis on the putative function of products of genes such as SOD1 and GRX2 in resistance to oxidative stress may oversimplify their functions in the virulence process, since the grx2Deltastrain also gave defective hypha formation. Both mutants were sensitive to menadione and were slow to form germ tubes, though growth rates matched controls once the lag phase was passed.  相似文献   

Both mitogen-activated protein kinases and cyclin-dependent kinases play a role in hyphal development in Candida albicans. Using an oligonucleotide probe-based screen, we have isolated a new member of the Cdc2 kinase subfamily, designated Crk1 (Cdc2-related kinase). The protein sequence of Crk1 is most similar to those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sgv1 and human Pkl1/Cdk9. In S. cerevisiae, CRK1 suppresses some, but not all, of the defects associated with an sgv1 mutant. Deleting both copies of CRK1 in C. albicans slows growth slightly but leads to a profound defect in hyphal development under all conditions examined. crk1/crk1 mutants are impaired in the induction of hypha-specific genes and are avirulent in mice. Consistent with this, ectopic expression of the Crk1 kinase domain (CRK1N) promotes filamentous or invasive growth in S. cerevisiae and hyphal development in C. albicans. The activity of Crk1 in S. cerevisiae requires Flo8 but is independent of Ste12 and Phd1. Similarly, Crk1 promotes filamentation through a route independent of Cph1 and Efg1 in C. albicans. RAS1(V13) can also activate filamentation in a cph1/cph1 efg1/efg1 double mutant. Interestingly, CRK1N produces florid hyphae in ras1/ras1 strains, while RAS1(V13) generates feeble hyphae in crk1/crk1 strains.  相似文献   

A novel P-type ATPase gene, Saccharomyces cerevisiae PMR1 homologue (YlPMR1), has been cloned and sequenced in the yeast, Yarrowia lipolytica. The putative gene product has 928 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 100 050 Da and a pI of 5.15. The deduced amino-acid sequence analysis demonstrated that the cloned gene product contains all 10 of the conserved regions in P-type ATPases and exhibits 55% amino-acid identity to the S. cerevisiae PMR1 gene product; however, it shows a relatively lower homology to PMCA (24%) and SERCA (33%), confirming the presence of a third class of Ca2+-ATPase (secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPase, SPCA). The YlPMR1-disrupted strain shows defective growth in low Ca2+ or EGTA-containing medium. In fact, a longer lag time (60 h) was observed in YlPMR1-defective mutant cells during cultivation in EGTA-containing YPD medium. These growth defects were overcome by adding Ca2+ and Mn2+ into the medium. Interestingly, whereas Mn2+ inhibits growth of the control strain, it significantly improves the growth of YlPMR1-disrupted cells. These results suggest an involvement of the YlPMR1 gene product in Ca2+ and Mn2+ ion homeostasis in Y. lipolytica.  相似文献   

Human secretory pathway Ca2+/Mn2+-ATPase (SPCA) 2 encoded by ATP2C2 is only expressed in a limited number of tissues, unlike the ubiquitously expressed SPCA1 pump (encoded by ATP2C1, the gene defective in Hailey-Hailey disease). It has not been determined whether there are significant functional differences between SPCA1 and SPCA2 pump enzymes. Therefore, steady-state and transient kinetic approaches were used to characterize the overall and partial reactions of the Ca2+ transport cycle mediated by the human SPCA2 enzyme upon heterologous expression in HEK-293 cells. The catalytic turnover rate of SPCA2 was found enhanced relative to SPCA1 pumps. SPCA2 displayed a very high apparent affinity for cytosolic Ca2+ (K0.5 = 0.025 microm) in activation of the phosphorylation activity but still 2.5-fold lower than that of SPCA1d. Our kinetic analysis traced both differences to the increased rate characterizing the E1 approximately PCa to E2-P transition of SPCA2. Moreover, the reduced rate of the E2 to E1 transition seems to contribute in determining the lower apparent Ca2+ affinity and the increased sensitivity to thapsigargin inhibition, relative to SPCA1d. SPCA2 also displayed a reduced apparent affinity for inorganic phosphate, which could be explained by the observed enhanced rate of the E2-P dephosphorylation. The insensitivity to modulation by pH and K+ concentration of the constitutively enhanced E2-P dephosphorylation of SPCA2 is similar to SPCA1d and possibly represents a novel SPCA-specific feature, which is not shared by sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases.  相似文献   

Calcineurin, or PP2B, plays a critical role in mediating Ca2+-dependent signaling in many cell types. In yeast cells, this highly conserved protein phosphatase regulates aspects of ion homeostasis and cell wall synthesis. We show that calcineurin mutants are sensitive to high concentrations of Mn2+ and identify two genes, CCC1 and HUM1, that, at high dosages, increase the Mn2+ tolerance of calcineurin mutants. CCC1 was previously identified by complementation of a Ca2+-sensitive (csg1) mutant. HUM1 (for "high copy number undoes manganese") is a novel gene whose predicted protein product shows similarity to mammalian Na+/Ca2+ exchangers. hum1 mutations confer Mn2+ sensitivity in some genetic backgrounds and exacerbate the Mn2+ sensitivity of calcineurin mutants. Furthermore, disruption of HUM1 in a calcineurin mutant strain results in a Ca2+-sensitive phenotype. We investigated the effect of disrupting HUM1 in other strains with defects in Ca2+ homeostasis. The Ca2+ sensitivity of pmc1 mutants, which lack a P-type ATPase presumed to transport Ca2+ into the vacuole, is exacerbated in a hum1 mutant strain background. Also, the Ca2+ content of hum1 pmc1 cells is less than that of pmc1 cells. In contrast, the Ca2+ sensitivity of vph1 mutants, which are specifically defective in vacuolar acidification, is not significantly altered by disruption of Hum1p function. These genetic interactions suggest that Hum1p may participate in vacuolar Ca2+/H+ exchange. Therefore, we prepared vacuolar membrane vesicles from wild-type and hum1 cells and compared their Ca2+ transport properties. Vacuolar membrane vesicles from hum1 mutants lack all Ca2+/H+ antiport activity, demonstrating that Hum1p catalyzes the exchange of Ca2+ for H+ across the yeast vacuolar membrane.  相似文献   

A large proportion of intracellular Ca2+ in Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites is stored within acidocalcisomes. These organelles are characterized by their acidic nature and high calcium and polyphosphate (polyP) content. The activity of a Ca2+/H+-ATPase named TgA1 may be important for the accumulation of Ca2+ in these organelles. This enzyme belongs to a group of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) that lack a calmodulin-binding domain and have vacuolar localization. To investigate the role of this enzyme, we have generated T. gondii mutants deficient in TgA1 through gene disruption. Proliferation of these mutants decreased dramatically because of deficient cell invasion. In addition, these cells had reduced virulence in a mouse model. Biochemical analysis revealed that the cell polyP content was drastically reduced, and the basal calcium levels were increased and unstable. Microneme secretion under the conditions of stimulation by ionophores was altered. Complementation of null mutants with TgA1 restored most functions. In summary, these results establish a link between TgA1, calcium homeostasis, polyP storage and virulence.  相似文献   

Desai C  Mavrianos J  Chauhan N 《Eukaryotic cell》2011,10(10):1370-1374
We report here the identification and characterization of a previously uncharacterized, two-component response regulator gene (orf19.5843) from Candida albicans. Because of its apparent functions in stress adaptation, we have named this gene SRR1 (stress response regulator 1). Disruption of SRR1 causes defects in hyphal development, reduced resistance to stress, and severe virulence attenuation in the mouse model of disseminated candidiasis.  相似文献   

Candida albicans, like many fungi, exhibits morphological plasticity, a property which may be related to its biological capacity as an opportunistic pathogen of humans. Morphogenesis and alterations in cell shape require integration of many cellular functions and occur in response to environmental signals, most notably pH and temperature in the case of C. albicans. In the course of our studies of differential gene expression associated with dimorphism of C. albicans, we have isolated a gene, designated PHR1, which is regulated in response to the pH of the culture medium. PHR1 expression was repressed at pH values below 5.5 and induced at more alkaline pH. The predicted amino acid sequence of the PHR1 protein was 56% identical to that of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ggp1/Gas1 protein, a highly glycosylated cell surface protein attached to the membrane via glycosylphosphatidylinositol. A homozygous null mutant of PHR1 was constructed and found to exhibit a pH-conditional morphological defect. At alkaline pH, the mutant, unlike the parental type, was unable to conduct apical growth of either yeast or hyphal growth forms. This morphological aberration was not associated with defective cytoskeletal polarization or secretion. The results suggest that PHR1 defines a novel function required for apical cell growth and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The Candida albicans gene PGA26 encodes a small cell wall protein and is upregulated during de novo wall synthesis in protoplasts. Disruption of PGA26 caused hypersensitivity to cell wall-perturbing compounds (Calcofluor white and Congo red) and to zymolyase, which degrades the cell wall β-1,3-glucan network. However, susceptibility to caspofungin, an inhibitor of β-1,3-glucan synthesis, was decreased. In addition, pga26Δ mutants show increased susceptibility to antifungals (fluconazol, posaconazol or amphotericin B) that target the plasma membrane and have altered sensitivities to environmental (heat, osmotic and oxidative) stresses. Except for a threefold increase in β-1,6-glucan and a slightly widened outer mannoprotein layer, the cell wall composition and structure was largely unaltered. Therefore, Pga26 is important for proper cell wall integrity, but does not seem to be directly involved in the synthesis of cell wall components. Deletion of PGA26 further leads to hyperfilamentation, increased biofilm formation and reduced virulence in a mouse model of disseminated candidiasis. We propose that deletion of PGA26 may cause an imbalance in the morphological switching ability of Candida, leading to attenuated dissemination and infection.  相似文献   

The mechanistic details of mtDNA maintenance in petite-negative yeasts have remained largely unexplored. We report here that the DNA helicase Hmi1p plays a crucial role in mtDNA stability in Candida albicans. Like its counterpart in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hmi1p in C. albicans (CaHmi1p) contains a C-terminal mitochondrial targeting signal that is functional in both organisms. Biochemical analysis demonstrates that CaHmi1p is a protein possessing ATP-dependent 3'-5' DNA-unwinding activity. Deletion of both HMI1 alleles does not lead to complete loss of mtDNA in C. albicans; however, substantial fragmentation of the wild-type mitochondrial genome, reduction of mtDNA mass and loss of wild-type nucleoid distribution occur. Specific regions of the mitochondrial genome give rise to mtDNA molecule populations with altered characteristics upon CaHMI1 deletion. Fragmentation of the mitochondrial genome can be reversed by reintroduction of CaHmi1p. This is the first time that a gene required for wild-type mtDNA maintenance in S. cerevisiae has been demonstrated to be nonessential in a petite-negative yeast.  相似文献   

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