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Allelic variants of the genes for chemokine receptors and their natural ligands, the chemokines, and cytokines can affect HIV-1 disease progression. This study investigates the level of expression of the CCR5-Δ32, CCR2b-641, RANTES In1.1C, SDF-1 3′A, IL-10-5′-592A and IL-4-589T alleles in two unique HIV-1 infected patient cohorts that represent the two distinct stages of disease progression, namely rapid progressors (RPs) and long term non-progressors (LTNPs) (n = 12/group) were recruited. Quantitation of the gene expression of CCR5-Δ32, CCR2b-641, RANTES In1.1C, SDF-1 3′A, IL-10-5′−592A and IL-4-589T in peripheral blood mononuclear leukocytes (PBML) isolated from patients was performed by real time, quantitative (Q)-PCR using DNA was isolated from PBML. We observed that expression of these HIV-protective alleles was generally greater in the LTNP cohort than the RP cohort. LTNPs expressed more of the protective chemokine, SDF-1α than RPs, and no statistically significant difference was observed in RANTES production between the LTNPs and RPs. The LTNPs expressed significantly less amounts of cytokines IL-10 and IL-4 as compared to the RPs. Our results demonstrate that gene polymorphisms for CCR5-Δ32, CCR2b-641, RANTES In1.1C, SDF-1 3′A, IL-10-5′−592A and IL-4-589T may be used as clinical markers to predict progression of HIV-1 infections.  相似文献   

Binding of the HIV-1 envelope to its chemokine coreceptors mediates two major biological events: membrane fusion and signaling transduction. The fusion process has been well studied, yet the role of chemokine coreceptor signaling in viral infection has remained elusive through the past decade. With the recent demonstration of the signaling requirement for HIV latent infection of resting CD4 T cells, the issue of coreceptor signaling needs to be thoroughly revisited. It is likely that virus-mediated signaling events may facilitate infection in various immunologic settings in vivo where cellular conditions need to be primed; in other words, HIV may exploit the chemokine signaling network shared among immune cells to gain access to downstream cellular components, which can then serve as effective tools to break cellular barriers. This virus-hijacked aberrant signaling process may in turn facilitate pathogenesis. In this review, we summarize past and present studies on HIV coreceptor signaling. We also discuss possible roles of coreceptor signaling in facilitating viral infection and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

We use a mathematical model to determine the factors affecting the delayed or rare coreceptor switch in HIV-1 subtype C infected individuals. The model takes into account the two main target cells for the CXCR4-tropic and CCR5-tropic virus and includes the the lytic and non-lytic immune responses. Computer-based simulations and a sensitivity analysis of the model predict that a persistent immune response suppresses the CXCR4-tropic virus to low levels and hence preventing a phenotypic switch. However, not only should the immune response be persistent, but it should have an efficient lytic immune response rather that an efficient non-lytic response. In addition, we also find that the availability of macrophage cells and enhanced viral kinetics are also crucial for the dominance of the R5 strain. We suggest that an altered host environment probably as a result of immune activation may explain the difference in coreceptor switching kinetics between HIV-1 subtype B and subtype C individuals.  相似文献   

HIV-1 disease progression is associated with persistent immune activation. However, the nature of this association is incompletely understood. Here, we investigated immune activation in the CD4 T cell compartment of chronically HIV-1 infected individuals from Rakai, Uganda. Levels of CD4 T cell activation, assessed as co-expression of PD-1, CD38 and HLA-DR, correlated directly to viral load and inversely to CD4 count. Deeper characterization of these cells indicated an effector memory phenotype with relatively frequent expression of Ki67 despite their PD-1 expression, and levels of these cells were inversely associated with FoxP3+ regulatory T cells. We therefore use the term deregulated effector memory (DEM) cells to describe them. CD4 T cells with a DEM phenotype could be generated by antigen stimulation of recall responses in vitro. Responses against HIV-1 and CMV antigens were enriched among the DEM CD4 T cells in patients, and the diverse Vβ repertoire of DEM CD4 T cells suggested they include diverse antigen-specificities. Furthermore, the levels of DEM CD4 T cells correlated directly to soluble CD14 (sCD14) and IL-6, markers of innate immune activation, in plasma. The size of the activated DEM CD4 T cell subset was predictive of the rate of disease progression, whereas IL-6 was only weakly predictive and sCD14 was not predictive. Taken together, these results are consistent with a model where systemic innate immune activation and chronic antigen stimulation of adaptive T cell responses both play important roles in driving pathological CD4 T cell immune activation in HIV-1 disease.  相似文献   



Primary HIV infection is usually caused by R5 viruses, and there is an association between the emergence of CCXR4-utilizing strains and faster disease progression. We characterized HIV-1 from a cohort of recently infected individuals in Brazil, predicted the virus''s co-receptor use based on the env genotype and attempted to correlate virus profiles with disease progression.


A total of 72 recently infected HIV patients were recruited based on the Serologic Testing Algorithm for Recent HIV Seroconversion and were followed every three to four months for up to 78 weeks. The HIV-1 V3 region was characterized by sequencing nine to twelve weeks after enrollment. Disease progression was characterized by CD4+ T-cell count decline to levels consistently below 350 cells/µL.


Twelve out of 72 individuals (17%) were predicted to harbor CXCR4-utilizing strains; a baseline CD4<350 was more frequent among these individuals (p = 0.03). Fifty-seven individuals that were predicted to have CCR5-utilizing viruses and 10 individuals having CXCR4-utilizing strains presented with baseline CD4>350; after 78 weeks, 33 individuals with CCR5 strains and one individual with CXCR4 strains had CD4>350 (p = 0.001). There was no association between CD4 decline and demographic characteristics or HIV-1 subtype.


Our findings confirm the presence of strains with higher in vitro pathogenicity during early HIV infection, suggesting that even among recently infected individuals, rapid progression may be a consequence of the early emergence of CXCR4-utilizing strains. Characterizing the HIV-1 V3 region by sequencing may be useful in predicting disease progression and guiding treatment initiation decisions.  相似文献   

Most HIV-infected patients when treated with combination antiretroviral therapy achieve viral loads that are below the current limit of detection of standard assays after a few months. Despite this, virus eradication from the host has not been achieved. Latent, replication-competent HIV-1 can generally be identified in resting memory CD4+ T cells in patients with “undetectable” viral loads. Turnover of these cells is extremely slow but virus can be released from the latent reservoir quickly upon cessation of therapy. In addition, a number of patients experience transient episodes of viremia, or HIV-1 blips, even with suppression of the viral load to below the limit of detection for many years. The mechanisms underlying the slow decay of the latent reservoir and the occurrence of intermittent viral blips have not been fully elucidated. In this study, we address these two issues by developing a mathematical model that explores a hypothesis about latently infected cell activation. We propose that asymmetric division of latently infected cells upon sporadic antigen encounter may both replenish the latent reservoir and generate intermittent viral blips. Interestingly, we show that occasional replenishment of the latent reservoir induced by reactivation of latently infected cells may reconcile the differences between the divergent estimates of the half-life of the latent reservoir in the literature.  相似文献   

One of the phenotypic distinctions between different strains of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has to do with the ability to cause target cells to form large multinucleate bodies known as syncytia. There are two phenotypes according to this characterization: syncytium-inducing (SI) and non-syncytium-inducing (NSI). NSI strains are usually present throughout infection, while SI strains are typically seen at the beginning of the infection and near the onset of AIDS. The late emergence of SI strains is referred to as phenotype switching. In this paper we analyse the factors that lead to phenotype switching and contribute to the dynamics of disease progression. We show that a strong immune system selects for NSI strains while a weak immune system favours SI strains. The model explicitly accounts for the fact that CD4+ cells are both targets of HIV infection and crucial for activating immune responses against HIV In such a model, SI strains can emerge after a long and variable period of NSI dominated infection. Furthermore, versions of the model which do not explicitly account for HIV-specific, activated CD4+ cells do not exhibit phenotype switching, emphasizing the critical importance of this pool of cells.  相似文献   

HLA class I-mediated selection of immune escape mutations in functionally important Gag epitopes may partly explain slower disease progression in HIV-1-infected individuals with protective HLA alleles. To investigate the impact of Gag function on disease progression, the replication capacities of viruses encoding Gag-protease from 60 individuals in early HIV-1 subtype C infection were assayed in an HIV-1-inducible green fluorescent protein reporter cell line and were correlated with subsequent disease progression. Replication capacities did not correlate with viral load set points (P = 0.37) but were significantly lower in individuals with below-median viral load set points (P = 0.03), and there was a trend of correlation between lower replication capacities and lower rates of CD4 decline (P = 0.09). Overall, the proportion of host HLA-specific Gag polymorphisms in or adjacent to epitopes was negatively associated with replication capacities (P = 0.04), but host HLA-B-specific polymorphisms were associated with higher viral load set points (P = 0.01). Further, polymorphisms associated with host-specific protective HLA alleles were linked with higher viral load set points (P = 0.03). These data suggest that transmission or early HLA-driven selection of Gag polymorphisms results in reduced early cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses and higher viral load set points. In support of the former, 46% of individuals with nonprotective alleles harbored a Gag polymorphism exclusively associated with a protective HLA allele, indicating a high rate of their transmission in sub-Saharan Africa. Overall, HIV disease progression is likely to be affected by the ability to mount effective Gag CTL responses as well as the replication capacity of the transmitted virus.  相似文献   

The chemokine receptor CXCR4 is one of the major coreceptors for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and considered as an important therapeutic target. Knockdown of CXCR4 by RNA interference has emerged as a promising strategy for combating HIV-1 infection. However, there is a potential drawback to this strategy as undesired side effects may occur due to the loss of natural function of CXCR4. In this study, we developed a novel approach using a single lentiviral vector to express simultaneously CXCR4 dual-shRNAs and an shRNA-resistant CXCR4 mutant possessing the most possible natural functions of CXCR4 and reduced HIV-1 coreceptor activity. Via this approach we achieved the replacement of endogenous CXCR4 by CXCR4 mutant P191A that could compensate the functional loss of endogenous CXCR4 and significant reduction of HIV-1 replication by 59.2 %. Besides, we demonstrated that construction of recombinant lentiviral vector using 2A peptide-based strategy has significant advantages over using additional promoter-based strategy, including increase of lentivirus titer and avoidance of promoter competition. Therefore, the novel approach to block HIV-1 coreceptor CXCR4 without impairing its normal function provides a new strategy for CXCR4-targeted therapeutics for HIV-1 infection and potential universal applications to knock down a cellular protein in non-toxic manner.  相似文献   

Understanding the antibody response to HIV-1 in humans that show broad neutralizing serologic activity is a crucial step in trying to reproduce such responses by vaccination. Investigating antibodies with cross clade reactivity is particularly important as these antibodies may target conserved epitopes on the HIV envelope gp160 protein. To this end we have used a clade B YU-2 gp140 trimeric antigen and single-cell antibody cloning methods to obtain 189 new anti-gp140 antibodies representing 51 independent B cell clones from the IgG memory B cells of 3 patients infected with HIV-1 clade A or B viruses and exhibiting broad neutralizing serologic activity. Our results support previous findings showing a diverse antibody response to HIV gp140 envelope protein, characterized by differentially expanded B-cell clones producing highly hypermutated antibodies with heterogenous gp140-specificity and neutralizing activity. In addition to their high-affinity binding to the HIV spike, the vast majority of the new anti-gp140 antibodies are also polyreactive. Although none of the new antibodies are as broad or potent as VRC01 or PG9, two clonally-related antibodies isolated from a clade A HIV-1 infected donor, directed against the gp120 variable loop 3, rank in the top 5% of the neutralizers identified in our large collection of 185 unique gp140-specific antibodies in terms of breadth and potency.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection shows variable rate of disease progression. The underlying biological and molecular mechanisms involved in determining progression of HIV infection are not fully understood. The aims of this study were to determine plasma concentrations of active TGF β 1, Th1 and Th2 cytokines in patients with non-progressive and those with progressive HIV-1 infection, as well as to determine if there is an association of these cytokines to disease progression. In a cross-sectional study of 61 HIV-1 infected individuals categorized according to disease progression as having non-progressive HIV-1 infection (n = 14) and progressive infection (n = 47), plasma levels of active TGF β 1, INF-γ, TNF-α, IL-10, IL-1β, IL-12p70 and IL-13 were compared with HIV uninfected healthy controls (n = 12). Plasma concentration of these cytokines was measured using a highly sensitive luminex200 XMAP assay. Pearson correlation test was used to assess the correlation of cytokines with CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, CD4:CD8 ratio and plasma HIV-1 RNA in the different study groups. Plasma concentrations of TGF β 1 and IL-10 were significantly decreased while IL-1β, IL-12p70 and TNF-α were increased in patients with non-progressive HIV-1 infection compared to patients with progressive infection. Plasma levels of TGF β 1 and IL-10 showed an inverse correlation with CD8+ T cell counts and CD4:CD8 ratios in patients with non-progressive HIV-1 infection, while plasma HIV-1 RNA positively correlated with CD4+ T cell counts. Plasma levels of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-12p70 and IL-13 positively correlated with CD4+ T cell counts and inversely correlated with plasma HIV-1 RNA, CD8+ T cell count and CD4:CD8 ratio in patients with non-progressive infection. The correlation of cytokines to the state of T-lymphocyte and plasma HIV-1 RNA found in this study may provide insight into the role of cytokines in both progressive and non-progressive HIV-1 infection. Additionally, these findings may have implications for systemic cytokine-based therapies in HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   



In the USA, most HIV-1 infected children are on antiretroviral drug regimens, with many individuals surviving through adolescence and into adulthood. The course of HIV-1 infection in these children is variable, and understudied.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We determined whether qualitative differences in immune cell subsets could explain a slower disease course in long term survivors with no evidence of immune suppression (LTS-NS; CD4%≥25%) compared to those with severe immune suppression (LTS-SS; CD4%≤15%). Subjects in the LTS-NS group had significantly higher frequencies of naïve (CCR7+CD45RA+) and central memory (CCR7+CD45RA−) CD4+ T cells compared to LTS-SS subjects (p = 0.0005 and <0.0001, respectively). Subjects in the rapid progressing group had significantly higher levels of CD4+ TEMRA (CCR7−CD45RA+) cells compared to slow progressing subjects (p<0.0001).


Rapid disease progression in vertical infection is associated with significantly higher levels of CD4+ TEMRA (CCR7−CD45RA+) cells.  相似文献   

Vitamin-D has pleiotropic effects on calcium and bone metabolism, cellular growth control, cell differentiation and modulation of both innate and acquired immune response. Previous studies revealed the association of vitamin-D receptor gene (VDR) polymorphism with infection diseases including HIV-1 infection. To assess for association between polymorphisms of vitamin-D pathway genes CYP27B1, vitamin-D binding protein (VDBP) and VDR with HIV-1 infection, disease progression to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was analysed according to CDC93 criteria in a cohort of 185 HIV-1 seroprevalent patients belonging to the injection drug users. Genotype data was obtained from rs10877012, rs3782130 and rs4646536 markers at CYP27B1 locus; rs7041 and rs4588 at VDBP locus; and rs11568820, rs4516035, rs2228570, rs1544410 and rs17878969 at VDR locus. Distribution of genotypes between patients grouped by outcome was compared by contingency table analysis. Marker–marker interaction was assessed by a MDR analysis. Assuming an additive model for VDR markers, a Kaplan–Meier survival analysis was employed to evaluate association with disease progression. Among vitamin-D pathway genes, VDR locus reveals specific 5′UTR and 3′UTR diplotype combinations associated with both, slower and faster progression to AIDS. Marker–marker interaction analysis indicates a strong interaction between VDR markers and a redundant effect for CYP27B1 markers. According to our results, VDR locus association follows an additive model in which increased genetic risk score for the VDR is directly correlated with AIDS progression rates. Our data supports a role of vitamin-D pathway gene variability on HIV-1 disease progression.  相似文献   

HIV-1 displays a high degree of biological heterogeneity in vitro, differing in tropism, kinetics of replication, cytopathogenicity, resistance to antiviral drugs and susceptibility to serum neutralization. Some of these properties can be linked to pathogenesis in the host. HIV variation is a major challenge to the development of effective vaccine or antiviral therapies.  相似文献   

Without treatment most HIV-1-infected children in Africa die before their third birthday (>89%) and long-term nonprogressors are rare. The mechanisms underlying nonprogression in HIV-1-infected children are not well understood. In the present study, we examined potential correlates of delayed HIV disease progression in 51 HIV-1-infected African children. Children were assigned to progression subgroups based on clinical characterization. HIV-1-specific immune responses were studied using a combination of ELISPOT assays, tetramer staining, and FACS analysis to characterize the magnitude, specificity, and functional phenotype of HIV-1-specific CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells. Host genetic factors were examined by genotyping with sequence-specific primers. HIV-1 nef gene sequences from infecting isolates from the children were examined for potential attenuating deletions. Thymic output was measured by T cell rearrangement excision circle assays. HIV-1-specific CD8(+) T cell responses were detected in all progression groups. The most striking attribute of long-term survivor nonprogressors was the detection of HIV-1-specific CD4(+) Th responses in this group at a magnitude substantially greater than previously observed in adult long-term nonprogressors. Although long-term survivor nonprogressors had a significantly higher percentage of CD45RA(+)CD4(+) T cells, nonprogression was not associated with higher thymic output. No protective genotypes for known coreceptor polymorphisms or large sequence deletions in the nef gene associated with delayed disease progression were identified. In the absence of host genotypes and attenuating mutations in HIV-1 nef, long-term surviving children generated strong CD4(+) T cell responses to HIV-1. As HIV-1-specific helper cells support anti-HIV-1 effector responses in active disease, their presence may be important in delaying disease progression.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infected patients treated with combination antiretroviral therapy frequently have the level of HIV-1 RNA detectable in plasma driven below the lower limit of detection of current assays, 50 copies ml−1. Patients may continue to exhibit viral loads (VLs) below the assay limit for years, yet on some occasions the VL may be above the limit of detection. Whether these ‘blips’ in VL are simply assay errors or are indicative of intermittent episodes of increased viral replication is of great clinical concern. By analyzing the occurrence of viral blips in 123 treated HIV-infected patients, we show that patients do not share a common probability distribution of blip amplitude and thus reject the hypothesis that blips are solely due to assay variation. Work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy.  相似文献   

Identification of cross-clade T cell epitopes is one of key factors for the development of a widely applicable AIDS vaccine. We here investigated cross-clade CD8+ T cell responses between clade B and A/E viruses in chronically HIV-1 clade A/E-infected Japanese individuals. CD8+ T cell responses to 11-mer overlapping peptides derived from Nef, Gag, and Pol clade B consensus sequences were at a similar level to those to the same peptides found in clade B-infected individuals. Fifteen cross-clade CTL epitopes were identified from 13 regions where the frequency of responders was high in the clade A/E-infected individuals. The sequences of 6 epitopes were conserved between the clade B and clade A/E viruses whereas 9 epitopes had different amino acid sequences between the 2 viruses. CD8+ T cells specific for the 6 conserved epitopes recognized cells infected with the clade A/E virus, whereas those for 8 diverse epitopes recognized both the clade A/E virus-infected and clade B-infected cells. All of the cross-clade CD8+ T cells specific for conserved and diverse epitopes were detected in chronically HIV-1 clade A/E-infected individuals. These results show that in addition to conserved regions polymorphic ones across the clades can be targets for cross-clade CTLs.  相似文献   

We report on a cross-sectional study on proliferation and cytokine production (IFN-gamma, IL-12, IL-5 and TNF-alpha) by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), activated or not with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in HIV-1-infected pregnant women, untreated or treated with zidovudine. We compared the results with healthy women, either pregnant or not, and with HIV-1-infected, non-pregnant women. The most significant results indicate that basal IL-5 production in HIV-1-infected pregnant women was higher than in the rest of the groups, being even higher in the zidovudine-treated than in the untreated group. IL-5 and TNF-alpha production by PHA-activated PBMC was also higher in HIV-1 pregnant women than in controls and infected non-pregnant women. IFN-gamma production was much higher in healthy women than in the other groups. Finally, the IFN-gamma/IL-5 (Th1-type/Th2-type-cytokine) ratio was lower in HIV-infected than in uninfected groups. Zidovudine treatment reduced basal IL-12 and increased PHA-stimulated IL-5 production. Our results indicate that both HIV-1 infection and pregnancy favored a Th2-type response by T cells. Interestingly, zidovudine-treated pregnant women had a significantly higher Th2-type response than untreated ones.  相似文献   

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