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DNA ligase D (LigD) is a large polyfunctional enzyme involved in nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) in mycobacteria. LigD consists of a C-terminal ATP-dependent ligase domain fused to upstream polymerase and phosphoesterase modules. Here we report the 2.4 angstroms crystal structure of the ligase domain of Mycobacterium LigD, captured as the covalent ligase-AMP intermediate with a divalent metal in the active site. A chloride anion on the protein surface coordinated by the ribose 3'-OH and caged by arginine and lysine side chains is a putative mimetic of the 5'-phosphate at a DNA nick. Structure-guided mutational analysis revealed distinct requirements for the adenylylation and end-sealing reactions catalyzed by LigD. We found that a mutation of Mycobacterium LigD that ablates only ligase activity results in decreased fidelity of NHEJ in vivo and a strong bias of mutagenic events toward deletions instead of insertions at the sealed DNA ends. This phenotype contrasts with the increased fidelity of double-strand break repair in deltaligD cells or in a strain in which only the polymerase function of LigD is defective. We surmise that the signature error-prone quality of bacterial NHEJ in vivo arises from a dynamic balance between the end-remodeling and end-sealing steps.  相似文献   

Smarcal1 is a SWI/SNF-family protein with an ATPase domain involved in DNA-annealing activities and a binding site for the RPA single-strand-DNA-binding protein. Although the role played by Smarcal1 in the maintenance of replication forks has been established, it remains unknown whether Smarcal1 contributes to genomic DNA maintenance outside of the S phase. We disrupted the SMARCAL1 gene in both the chicken DT40 and the human TK6 B cell lines. The resulting SMARCAL1−/− clones exhibited sensitivity to chemotherapeutic topoisomerase 2 inhibitors, just as nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) null-deficient cells do. SMARCAL1−/− cells also exhibited an increase in radiosensitivity in the G1 phase. Moreover, the loss of Smarcal1 in NHEJ null-deficient cells does not further increase their radiosensitivity. These results demonstrate that Smarcal1 is required for efficient NHEJ-mediated DSB repair. Both inactivation of the ATPase domain and deletion of the RPA-binding site cause the same phenotype as does null-mutation of Smarcal1, suggesting that Smarcal1 enhances NHEJ, presumably by interacting with RPA at unwound single-strand sequences and then facilitating annealing at DSB ends. SMARCAL1−/−cells showed a poor accumulation of Ku70/DNA-PKcs and XRCC4 at DNA-damage sites. We propose that Smarcal1 maintains the duplex status of DSBs to ensure proper recruitment of NHEJ factors to DSB sites.  相似文献   

Ahnesorg P  Smith P  Jackson SP 《Cell》2006,124(2):301-313
DNA nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) is a predominant pathway of DNA double-strand break repair in mammalian cells, and defects in it cause radiosensitivity at the cellular and whole-organism levels. Central to NHEJ is the protein complex containing DNA Ligase IV and XRCC4. By searching for additional XRCC4-interacting factors, we identified a previously uncharacterized 33 kDa protein, XRCC4-like factor (XLF, also named Cernunnos), that has weak sequence homology with XRCC4 and is predicted to display structural similarity to XRCC4. We show that XLF directly interacts with the XRCC4-Ligase IV complex in vitro and in vivo and that siRNA-mediated downregulation of XLF in human cell lines leads to radiosensitivity and impaired NHEJ. Furthermore, we establish that NHEJ-deficient 2BN cells derived from a radiosensitive and immune-deficient patient lack XLF due to an inactivating frameshift mutation in its gene, and that reintroduction of wild-type XLF into such cells corrects their radiosensitivity and NHEJ defects. XLF thus constitutes a novel core component of the mammalian NHEJ apparatus.  相似文献   

DNA repair by nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) relies on the Ku70:Ku80 heterodimer in species ranging from yeast to man. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Ku also controls telomere functions. Here, we show that Ku70, Ku80, and DNA-PKcs, with which Ku interacts, associate in vivo with telomeric DNA in several human cell types, and we show that these associations are not significantly affected by DNA-damaging agents. We also demonstrate that inactivation of Ku80 or Ku70 in the mouse yields telomeric shortening in various primary cell types at different developmental stages. By contrast, telomere length is not altered in cells impaired in XRCC4 or DNA ligase IV, two other NHEJ components. We also observe higher genomic instability in Ku-deficient cells than in XRCC4-null cells. This suggests that chromosomal instability of Ku-deficient cells results from a combination of compromised telomere stability and defective NHEJ.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity during the successful development of a fertilized egg into a whole organism. To date, the mechanism of DSB repair in postimplantation embryos has been largely unknown. In the present study, using a cell-free repair system derived from the different embryonic stages of mice, we find that canonical nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), one of the major DSB repair pathways in mammals, is predominant at 14.5 day of embryonic development. Interestingly, all four types of DSBs tested were repaired by ligase IV/XRCC4 and Ku-dependent classical NHEJ. Characterization of end-joined junctions and expression studies further showed evidences for canonical NHEJ. Strikingly, in contrast to the above, we observed noncanonical end joining accompanied by DSB resection, dependent on microhomology and ligase III in 18.5-day embryos. Interestingly, we observed an elevated expression of CtIP, MRE11, and NBS1 at this stage, suggesting that it could act as a switch between classical end joining and microhomology-mediated end joining at later stages of embryonic development. Thus, our results establish for the first time the existence of both canonical and alternative NHEJ pathways during the postimplantation stages of mammalian embryonic development.  相似文献   

DNA ligase D (LigD) catalyzes end-healing and end-sealing steps during nonhomologous end joining in bacteria. Pseudomonas aeruginosa LigD consists of a central ATP-dependent ligase domain fused to a C-terminal polymerase domain and an N-terminal 3'-phosphoesterase (PE) module. The PE domain catalyzes manganese-dependent phosphodiesterase and phosphomonoesterase reactions at a duplex primer-template with a short 3'-ribonucleotide tract. The phosphodiesterase, which cleaves a 3'-terminal diribonucleotide to yield a primer strand with a ribonucleoside 3'-PO4 terminus, requires the vicinal 2'-OH of the penultimate ribose. The phosphomonoesterase converts the terminal ribonucleoside 3'-PO4 to a 3'-OH. Here we show that the PE domain has a 3'-phosphatase activity on an all-DNA primer-template, signifying that the phosphomonoesterase reaction does not depend on a 2'-OH. The distinctions between the phosphodiesterase and phosphomonoesterase activities are underscored by the results of alanine-scanning, limited proteolysis, and deletion analysis, which show that the two reactions depend on overlapping but nonidentical ensembles of protein functional groups, including: (i) side chains essential for both ribonuclease and phosphatase activity (His-42, His-48, Asp-50, Arg-52, His-84, and Tyr-88); (ii) side chains important for 3'-phosphatase activity but not for 3' ribonucleoside removal (Arg-14, Asp-15, Glu-21, Gln-40, and Glu-82); and (iii) side chains required selectively for the 3'-ribonuclease (Lys-66 and Arg-76). These constellations of critical residues are unique to LigD-like proteins, which we propose comprise a new bifunctional phosphoesterase family.  相似文献   

Nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) repairs DNA double-strand breaks created by ionizing radiation and V(D)J recombination. To repair the broken ends, NHEJ processes noncompatible ends into a ligatable form but suppresses processing of compatible ends. It is not known how NHEJ controls polymerase and nuclease activities to act exclusively on noncompatible ends. Here, we analyzed processing independently of ligation by using a two-stage assay with extracts that recapitulated the properties of NHEJ in vivo. Processing of noncompatible ends required wortmannin-sensitive kinase activity. Since DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) brings the ends together before undergoing activation of its kinase, this suggests that processing occurred after synapsis of the ends. Surprisingly, all polymerase and most nuclease activity required XRCC4/Ligase IV. This suggests a mechanism for how NHEJ suppresses processing to optimize the preservation of DNA sequence.  相似文献   

Budman J  Chu G 《The EMBO journal》2005,24(4):849-860
In mammalian cells, nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) repairs DNA double-strand breaks created by ionizing radiation and V(D)J recombination. We have developed a cell-free system capable of processing and joining noncompatible DNA ends. The system had key features of NHEJ in vivo, including dependence on Ku, DNA-PKcs, and XRCC4/Ligase4. The NHEJ reaction had striking properties. Processing of noncompatible ends involved polymerase and nuclease activities that often stabilized the alignment of opposing ends by base pairing. To achieve this, polymerase activity efficiently synthesized DNA across discontinuities in the template strand, and nuclease activity removed a limited number of nucleotides back to regions of microhomology. Processing was suppressed for DNA ends that could be ligated directly, biasing the reaction to preserve DNA sequence and maintain genomic integrity. DNA sequence internal to the ends influenced the spectrum of processing events for noncompatible ends. Furthermore, internal DNA sequence strongly influenced joining efficiency, even in the absence of processing. These results support a model in which DNA-PKcs plays a central role in regulating the processing of ends for NHEJ.  相似文献   

DNA ligase III     
DNA ligases are crucial for most DNA transactions, including DNA replication, repair, and recombination. Recently, DNA ligase III (Lig3) has been demonstrated to be crucial for cell survival due to its catalytic function in mitochondria. This review summarizes these recent results and reports on a hitherto unappreciated widespread phylogenetic presence of Lig3 in eukaryotes, including in some organisms before the divergence of metazoa. Analysis of these putative Lig3 homologs suggests that many of them are likely to be found in mitochondria and to be critical for mitochondrial function.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) can be repaired either via homologous recombination (HR) or nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). Both pathways are operative in eukaryotes, but bacteria had been thought to rely on HR alone. Here we provide direct evidence that mycobacteria have a robust NHEJ pathway that requires Ku and a specialized polyfunctional ATP-dependent DNA ligase (LigD). NHEJ of blunt-end and complementary 5'-overhang DSBs is highly mutagenic ( approximately 50% error rate). Analysis of the recombination junctions ensuing from individual NHEJ events highlighted the participation of several DNA end-remodeling activities, including template-dependent fill-in of 5' overhangs, nontemplated addition of single nucleotides at blunt ends, and nucleolytic resection. LigD itself has the template-dependent and template-independent polymerase functions in vitro that compose the molecular signatures of NHEJ in vivo. Another ATP-dependent DNA ligase (LigC) provides a backup mechanism for LigD-independent error-prone repair of blunt-end DSBs. We speculate that NHEJ allows mycobacteria to evade genotoxic host defense.  相似文献   

Crystal structure of human XLF: a twist in nonhomologous DNA end-joining   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Andres SN  Modesti M  Tsai CJ  Chu G  Junop MS 《Molecular cell》2007,28(6):1093-1101
DNA double-strand breaks represent one of the most severe forms of DNA damage in mammalian cells. One pathway for repairing these breaks occurs via nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and depends on XRCC4, LigaseIV, and Cernunnos, also called XLF. Although XLF stimulates XRCC4/LigaseIV to ligate mismatched and noncohesive DNA ends, the mechanistic basis for this function remains unclear. Here we report the structure of a partially functional 224 residue N-terminal fragment of human XLF. Despite only weak sequence similarity, XLF(1-170) shares structural homology with XRCC4(1-159). However, unlike the highly extended 130 A helical domain observed in XRCC4, XLF adopts a more compact, folded helical C-terminal region involving two turns and a twist, wrapping back to the structurally conserved N terminus. Mutational analysis of XLF and XRCC4 reveals a potential interaction interface, suggesting a mechanism for how XLF stimulates the ligation of mismatched ends.  相似文献   

Wang Q  Gao F  May WS  Zhang Y  Flagg T  Deng X 《Molecular cell》2008,29(4):488-498
Bcl2 can enhance susceptibility to carcinogenesis, but the mechanism(s) remains fragmentary. Here we discovered that Bcl2 suppresses DNA double-strand-break (DSB) repair and V(D)J recombination by downregulating Ku DNA binding activity, which is associated with increased genetic instability. Exposure of cells to ionizing radiation enhances Bcl2 expression in the nucleus, which interacts with both Ku70 and Ku86 via its BH1 and BH4 domains. Removal of the BH1 or BH4 domain abrogates the inhibitory effect of Bcl2 on Ku DNA binding, DNA-PK, and DNA end-joining activities, which results in the failure of Bcl2 to block DSB repair as well as V(D)J recombination. Intriguingly, Bcl2 directly disrupts the Ku/DNA-PKcs complex in vivo and in vitro. Thus, Bcl2 suppression of the general DSB repair and V(D)J recombination may occur in a mechanism by inhibiting the nonhomologous end-joining pathway, which may lead to an accumulation of DNA damage and genetic instability.  相似文献   

Although nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) deficiency has been shown to accelerate lymphoma formation in mice, its role in suppressing tumors in cells that do not undergo V(D)J recombination is unclear. Utilizing a tumor-prone mouse strain (ink4a/arf(-/-)), we examined the impact of haploinsufficiency of a NHEJ component, DNA ligase IV (Lig4), on murine tumorigenesis. We demonstrate that lig4 heterozygosity promotes the development of soft-tissue sarcomas that possess clonal amplifications, deletions, and translocations. That these genomic alterations are relevant in tumorigenesis is supported by the finding of frequent mdm2 amplification, a known oncogene in human sarcoma. Together, these findings support the view that loss of a single lig4 allele results in NHEJ activity being sufficiently reduced to engender chromosomal aberrations that drive non-lymphoid tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Cernunnos-XLF is the most recently identified core component in the nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway for the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) in mammals. It associates with the XRCC4/ligase IV ligation complex and stimulates its activity in a still unknown manner. NHEJ also requires the DNA-dependent protein kinase that contains a Ku70/Ku80 heterodimer and the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit. To understand the interplay between Cernunnos-XLF and the other proteins implicated in the NHEJ process, we have analyzed the interactions of Cernunnos-XLF and NHEJ proteins in cells after treatment with DNA double strand-breaking agents by means of a detergent-based cellular fractionation protocol. We report that Cernunnos-XLF is corecruited with the core NHEJ components on chromatin damaged with DSBs in human cells and is phosphorylated by the DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit. Our data show a pivotal role for DNA ligase IV in the NHEJ ligation complex assembly and recruitment to DSBs because the association of Cernunnos-XLF with the XRCC4/ligase IV complex relies primarily on the DNA ligase IV component, and an intact XRCC4/ligase IV complex is necessary for Cernunnos-XLF mobilization to damaged chromatin. Conversely, a Cernunnos-XLF defect has no apparent impact on the XRCC4/ligase IV association and recruitment to the DSBs or on the stimulation of the DNA-dependent protein kinase on DNA ends.  相似文献   

Impaired gap filling and sealing of chromosomal DNA in nucleotide excision repair (NER) leads to genome instability. XRCC1-DNA ligase IIIalpha (XRCC1-Lig3) plays a central role in the repair of DNA single-strand breaks but has never been implicated in NER. Here we show that XRCC1-Lig3 is indispensable for ligation of NER-induced breaks and repair of UV lesions in quiescent cells. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that two distinct complexes differentially carry out gap filling in NER. XRCC1-Lig3 and DNA polymerase delta colocalize and interact with NER components in a UV- and incision-dependent manner throughout the cell cycle. In contrast, DNA ligase I and DNA polymerase varepsilon are recruited to UV-damage sites only in proliferating cells. This study reveals an unexpected and key role for XRCC1-Lig3 in maintenance of genomic integrity by NER in both dividing and nondividing cells and provides evidence for cell-cycle regulation of NER-mediated repair synthesis in vivo.  相似文献   

DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are a particularly cytotoxic variety of DNA lesion that can be repaired by homologous recombination (HR) or nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). HR utilises sequences homologous to the damage DNA template to facilitate repair. In contrast, NHEJ does not require homologous sequences for repair but instead functions by directly re-joining DNA ends. These pathways are critical to resolve DSBs generated intentionally during processes such as meiotic and site-specific recombination. However, they are also utilised to resolve potentially pathological DSBs generated by mutagens and errors during DNA replication. The importance of DSB repair is underscored by the findings that defects in these pathways results in chromosome instability that contributes to a variety of disease states including malignancy. The general principles of NHEJ are conserved in eukaryotes. As such, relatively simple model organisms have been instrumental in identifying components of these pathways and providing a mechanistic understanding of repair that has subsequently been applied to vertebrates. However, certain components of the NHEJ pathway are absent or show limited conservation in the most commonly used invertebrate models exploited to study DNA repair. Recently, however, it has become apparent that vertebrate DNA repair pathway components, including those involved in NHEJ, are unusually conserved in the amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. Traditionally, this genetically tractable organism has been exploited to study the molecular basis of cell type specification, cell motility and chemotaxis. Here we discuss the use of this organism as an additional model to study DNA repair, with specific reference to NHEJ.  相似文献   

Oligomerization of linearized plasmids by nuclear proteins extracts, a recognized measure of nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair capacity, is typically assessed through agarose gel electrophoresis, a labor-intensive procedure. In the current study, a more convenient NHEJ assay was developed using microchips that allow scaled-down separation and quantification. This microchip method allows a considerable reduction in sample amount and analysis time with similar costs and comparable or slightly better precision. Data obtained with quercetin and wortmannin show that the method can be applied to the screening of food components and natural products for positive and negative modulators of NHEJ, potential chemopreventive and indirect genotoxic compounds, respectively.  相似文献   

Double strand break (DSB) repair primarily occurs through 3 pathways: non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ), alternative end-joining (Alt-EJ), and homologous recombination (HR). Typical methods to measure pathway usage include integrated cassette reporter assays or visualization of DNA damage induced nuclear foci. It is now well understood that repair of Cas9-induced breaks also involves NHEJ, Alt-EJ, and HR pathways, providing a new format to measure pathway usage. Here, we have developed a simple Cas9-based system with validated repair outcomes that accurately represent each pathway and then converted it to a droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) readout, thus obviating the need for Next Generation Sequencing and bioinformatic analysis with the goal to make Cas9-based system accessible to more laboratories. The assay system has reproduced several important insights. First, absence of the key Alt-EJ factor Pol θ only abrogates ∼50% of total Alt-EJ. Second, single-strand templated repair (SSTR) requires BRCA1 and MRE11 activity, but not BRCA2, establishing that SSTR commonly used in genome editing is not conventional HR. Third, BRCA1 promotes Alt-EJ usage at two-ended DSBs in contrast to BRCA2. This assay can be used in any system, which permits Cas9 delivery and, importantly, allows rapid genotype-to-phenotype correlation in isogenic cell line pairs.  相似文献   

The ability to rejoin broken chromosomes is fundamental to the maintenance of genetic integrity. Mammalian cells possess at least five DNA ligases, including three isoforms of DNA ligase III (Lig-3). Lig-3 proteins differ from other DNA ligases in the presence of an N-terminal zinc finger (Zn-f) motif that exhibits extensive homology with two zinc fingers in poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP). Here we report that the Zn-f confers upon Lig-3 the ability to bind DNA duplexes harbouring a variety of DNA secondary structures, including single-strand gaps and single-strand flaps. Moreover, the Zn-f stimulates intermolecular end joining of duplexes that harbour these structures up to 16-fold. The Zn-f also stimulates end joining between duplexes lacking secondary structure, but to a lesser extent (up to 4-fold). We conclude that the Zn-f may enable Lig-3 to rejoin chromosomal DNA strand breaks located at sites of clustered damage induced by ionising radiation or near to secondary structure intermediates of DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

It has been unclear why certain defined DNA regions are consistently sites of chromosomal translocations. Some of these are simply sequences of recognition by endogenous recombination enzymes, but most are not. Recent progress indicates that some of the most common fragile sites in human neoplasm assume non-B DNA structures, namely deviations from the Watson-Crick helix. Because of the single strandedness within these non-B structures, they are vulnerable to structure-specific nucleases. Here we summarize these findings and integrate them with other recent data for non-B structures at sites of consistent constitutional chromosomal translocations.  相似文献   

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