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Hebblewhite M  Merrill EH 《Oecologia》2007,152(2):377-387
While migration is hypothesized to reduce predation risk for ungulates, there have been few direct empirical tests of this hypothesis. Furthermore, few studies examined multiscale predation risk avoidance by migrant ungulates, yet recent research reveals that predator–prey interactions occur at multiple scales. We test the predation risk reduction hypothesis at two spatial scales in a partially migratory elk (Cervus elaphus) population by comparing exposure of migrant and resident elk to wolf (Canis lupus) predation risk. We used GPS and VHF telemetry data collected from 67 migrant and 44 resident elk over the summers of 2002–2004 in and adjacent to Banff National Park (BNP), Canada. We used wolf GPS and VHF telemetry data to estimate predation risk as a function of the relative probability of wolf occurrence weighted by a spatial density model that adjusted for varying pack sizes. We validated the predation risk model using independent data on wolf-killed elk, and showed that combining wolf presence and spatial density best predicted where an elk was likely to be killed. Predation risk on summer ranges of migrant elk was reduced by 70% compared to within resident elk summer ranges. Because wolves avoided areas near high human activity, however, fine-scale selection by resident elk for areas near high human activity reduced their predation risk exposure to only 15% higher than migrants, a difference significant in only one of three summers. Finally, during actual migration, elk were exposed to 1.7 times more predation risk than residents, even though migration was rapid. Our results support the hypothesis that large-scale migrations can reduce predation. However, we also show that where small-scale spatial variation in predation risk exists, nonmigratory elk may equally reduce predation risk as effectively as migrants under some circumstances.  相似文献   

Animals often announce their unprofitability to predators through conspicuous coloured signals. Here we tested whether the apparently conspicuous colour designs of the four European Coraciiformes and Upupiformes species may have evolved as aposematic signals, or whether instead they imply a cost in terms of predation risk. Because previous studies suggested that these species are unpalatable, we hypothesized that predators could avoid targeting them based on their colours. An experiment was performed where two artificial models of each bird species were exposed simultaneously to raptor predators, one painted so as to resemble the real colour design of these birds, and the other one painted using cryptic colours. Additionally, we used field data on the black kite’s diet to compare the selection of these four species to that of other avian prey. Conspicuous models were attacked in equal or higher proportions than their cryptic counterparts, and the attack rate on the four species increased with their respective degree of contrast against natural backgrounds. The analysis of the predator’s diet revealed that the two least attacked species were negatively selected in nature despite their abundance. Both conspicuous and cryptic models of one of the studied species (the hoopoe) received fewer attacks than cryptic models of the other three species, suggesting that predators may avoid this species for characteristics other than colour. Globally, our results suggest that the colour of coraciiforms and upupiforms does not function as an aposematic signal that advises predators of their unprofitability, but also that conspicuous colours may increase predation risk in some species, supporting thus the handicap hypothesis.  相似文献   

Artificial refuges are often used to supplement habitat in areas where natural shelters have been degraded or removed. Although artificial refuges are intended to support particular species, they may be equally attractive and accessible to others, including predators. We explored the influence of snake predation risk and shelter attributes on the overnight use of different artificial refuges (timber, tiles, and iron) using the predator‐prey relationship between Boulenger's skink, Morethia boulengeri and the curl snake, Suta suta. We collected adult M. boulengeri from two bioregions in south‐eastern Australia: the Riverina, where the two species co‐occur, and the South Western Slopes, where S. suta does not occur. Two adult S. suta were collected for use as chemical donors. We conducted four experiments on overnight refuge choice to determine: (i) predator‐scent avoidance, (ii) artificial refuge preferences, (iii) a trade‐off between a preferred refuge and predator‐avoidance, and (iv) the effect of gap height on refuge preference. We found that skinks avoided predator‐scented refuges in favour of identical, but unscented refuges. Skinks preferred timber refuges, and most skinks maintained this preference when predator‐scent was added. However, when gap height was manipulated, skinks shifted to the refuge with the smallest gap. Skinks displayed complex regional variation in behaviour; skinks from both bioregions avoided predator‐scent, but in the trade‐off experiment, skinks from the South Western Slopes were less likely to avoid predator‐scented timber refuges than those from the Riverina. Our findings suggest that protective refuge attributes, such as small gap height, can offset the risk implied by predator‐scent within a refuge. This study highlights the need to consider predator‐prey interactions when designing and using artificial refuges for habitat restoration or biological monitoring.  相似文献   

Cuckoo–hawk mimicry? An experimental test   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The similarity between many Old World parasitic cuckoos (Cuculinae) and Accipiter hawks, in size, shape and plumage, has been noted since ancient times. In particular, hawk-like underpart barring is more prevalent in parasitic than in non-parasitic cuckoos. Cuckoo-hawk resemblance may reflect convergent evolution of cryptic plumage that reduces detection by hosts and prey, or evolved mimicry of hawks by parasitic cuckoos, either for protection against hawk attacks or to facilitate brood parasitism by influencing host behaviour. Here, we provide the first evidence that some small birds respond to common cuckoos Cuculus canorus as if they were sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus. Great tits and blue tits were equally alarmed and reduced attendance at feeders during and after the presentation of mounted specimens of common cuckoos and sparrowhawks, but not in response to control presentations of collared doves or teal. Plumage manipulations revealed that the strong alarm response to cuckoos depended on their resemblance to hawks; cuckoos with barred underparts were treated like hawks, while those with unbarred underparts were treated like doves. However, barring was not the only feature inducing alarm because tits showed similarly strong alarm to barred and unbarred hawks, and little alarm to barred doves. These responses of tits, unsuitable as hosts and hence with no history of cuckoo parasitism, suggest that naive small birds can mistake cuckoos for hawks. Thus, any cuckoo-hawk discrimination by host species is likely to be an evolved response to brood parasitism.  相似文献   

Boyle WA 《Oecologia》2008,155(2):397-403
Migration is among the best studied of animal behaviors, yet few empirical studies have tested hypotheses explaining the ultimate causes of these cyclical annual movements. Fretwell’s (1980) hypothesis predicts that if nest predation explains why many tropical birds migrate uphill to breed, then predation risk must be negatively associated with elevation. Data from 385 artificial nests spanning 2,740 m of elevation on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica show an overall decline in predation with increasing elevation. However, nest predation risk was highest at intermediate elevations (500–650 m), not at lowest elevations. The proportion of nests depredated by different types of predators differed among elevations. These results imply that over half of the altitudinal migrant bird species in this region migrate to safer breeding areas than their non-breeding areas, suggesting that variation in nest predation risk could be an important benefit of uphill migrations of many species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Organisms living in extreme habitats require costly adaptations to cope with these conditions. Among the suggested potential benefits that trade off these costs is refuge from predation. To study these interactions in extreme environments, samples were taken in the cave Cueva de Villa Luz, Tabasco, Mexico, where more than 32 subterranean springs, some H(2)S rich, rise from the floor. Hydrogen sulfide gas plus oxygen is absorbed by freshwater, and oxidation forms concentrated sulfuric acid. Snottites, whitish hollow mucous tubes, hang from the ceiling of the cave. Fluid drops from these snottites were recorded as having pH values of 0-3. We report the discovery of a new species of nematode that thrives in the highly acidic environment of the snottite. Micro CT scan of snottites reveals a complex interaction between the acidic snottite, nematodes, and abundant nematode-eating mites. The nematode adaptation to low pH probably protects them against mite predation, for which nematodes are most likely the most important source of carbon in this sulfur-driven ecosystem.  相似文献   

Testosterone (T) is hypothesized to be an important honesty reinforcer of animal sexual signals. Owing to its immunosuppressive effects, only those individuals that can immunologically withstand high T levels can develop the most exaggerated traits. To date, few studies have isolated phenotypic or genotypic buffers that provide 'high-quality' animals with such an advantage. Dietary carotenoid pigments may in fact confer such a benefit because when in high supply carotenoids boost immunocompetence and coloration in animals like birds and fishes. We examined the experimental effect of T elevation on carotenoid and immune status in male and female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) and found that T was immunostimulatory in a generalized cell-mediated challenge. We also detected a significant interaction between T treatment and the change in plasma carotenoids that occurred during the immune challenge; the relationship between blood carotenoid change and immunity was positive in controls and negative in T-implanted birds. This suggests that, while correlationally birds with high carotenoid stores were inherently better at mounting strong immune responses, experimentally administered T induced birds to deplete carotenoids for maximizing their health. Our findings highlight a nutrient-specific mechanism by which animals escape high immune costs of T elevation and thus can still elevate ornamentation.  相似文献   

Flowers fertilized by multiple fathers may be expected to produce heavier seeds than those fertilized by a single father. However, the adaptive mechanisms leading to such differences remain unclear, and the evidence inconsistent. Here, we first review the different hypotheses predicting an increase in seed mass when multiple paternity occurs. We show that distinguishing between these hypotheses requires information about average seed mass, but also about within‐fruit variance in seed mass, bias in siring success among pollen donors, and whether siring success and seed mass are correlated. We then report the results of an experiment on Dalechampia scandens (Euphorbiaceae), assessing these critical variables in conjunction with a comparison of seed mass resulting from crosses with single vs. multiple pollen donors. Siring success differed among males when competing for fertilization, but average seed mass was not affected by the number of fathers. Furthermore, paternal identity explained only 3.8% of the variance in seed mass, and siring success was not correlated with the mass of the seeds produced. Finally, within‐infructescence variance in seed mass was not affected by the number of fathers. These results suggest that neither differential allocation nor sibling rivalry has any effect on the average mass of seeds in multiply sired fruits in D. scandens. Overall, the limited paternal effects observed in most studies and the possibility of diversification bet hedging among flowers (but not within flowers), suggest that multiple paternity within fruits or infructescence is unlikely to affect seed mass in a large number of angiosperm species.  相似文献   

Flowering plants do not occur alone and often grow in mixed‐species communities where pollinator sharing is high and interactions via pollinators can occur at pre‐ and post‐pollination stages. While the causes and consequences of pre‐pollination interactions have been well studied little is known about post‐pollination interactions via heterospecific pollen (HP) receipt, and even less about the evolutionary implications of these interactions. In particular, the degree to which plants can evolve tolerance mechanisms to the negative effects of HP receipt has received little attention. Here, we aim to fill this gap in our understanding of post‐pollination interactions by experimentally testing whether two co‐flowering Clarkia species can evolve HP tolerance, and whether tolerance to specific HP ‘genotypes’ (fine‐scale local adaptation to HP) occurs. We find that Clarkia species vary in their tolerance to HP effects. Furthermore, conspecific pollen performance and the magnitude of HP effects were related to the recipient's history of exposure to HP in C. xantiana but not in C. speciosa. Specifically, better conspecific pollen performance and smaller HP effects were observed in populations of C. xantiana plants with previous exposure to HP compared to populations without such exposure. These results suggest that plants may have the potential to evolve tolerance mechanisms to HP effects but that these may occur not from the female (stigma, style) but from the male (pollen) perspective, a possibility that is often overlooked. We find no evidence for fine‐scale local adaptation to HP receipt. Studies that evaluate the adaptive potential of plants to the negative effects of HP receipt are an important first step in understanding the evolutionary consequences of plant–plant post‐pollination interactions. Such knowledge is in turn crucial for deciphering the role of plant–pollinator interactions in driving floral evolution and the composition of co‐flowering communities.  相似文献   

In the absence of natural selection, average fitness in the population is expected to decline due to the accumulation of deleterious mutations. Replicate populations of flour beetles (Tribolium confusum) were maintained for 22 generations in the virtual absence of selection (random mating, favorable environment, excess of food, and mortality of only 3%). Larva-to-adult survivorship rates were similar in the stock population and selection-free populations. In contrast, starvation resistance of adult beetles from selection-free populations was significantly reduced (by more than 2% per generation). When tested in the favorable environment, beetles in one selection-free population had significantly slower development and smaller sizes of females than beetles from the stock population. Since such changes in these fitness components are usually maladaptive, they indicate possible erosion of fitness under relaxed selection at the rate of 0.1-0.2% per generation. No fitness erosion was detectable in the second selection-free population.  相似文献   

A number of studies have suggested that avian brood size is individually optimized. Yet, optimal reproductive decisions likely vary owing to among-individual differences in environmental sensitivity. Specifically, ‘proactive’ individuals who do not track environmental changes may be less able to produce optimal brood sizes than ‘reactive’ individuals who have more precise local environmental knowledge. To test this, we quantified exploratory behaviour (a proxy for proactivity) in a great tit (Parus major) population, manipulated brood sizes (reduced, control, enlarged) and evaluated whether individuals of dissimilar coping style differed in their level of optimization. If reactive females behaved optimally, any deviation from their original brood size should lower fitness, whereas this should not be the case for proactive females. Reactive females indeed performed best at their natural brood size, whereas proactive females performed best when raising an enlarged brood. These findings imply that proactive females produced sub-optimal brood sizes. We speculate that proactive females might (i) take decisions based on biased perception of their environment, (ii) face energetic constraints in offspring production and/or (iii) be more willing to invest into current reproduction when given the option. Our findings provide experimental evidence for coping style-related differences in optimal reproductive decisions and life-history strategies.  相似文献   

Black rat Rattus rattus populations can reach high densities on the Mediterranean islands, as has been the case on the Chafarinas Islands (Western Mediterranean coast) in the last decade. This archipelago holds the second largest breeding population of Audouin's gull Larus audouinii and an important population of yellow-legged gull Larus cachinnans. Circumstantial evidences of rat predation upon Audouin's gull eggs led to conservation concerns about the impact of rat predation on gull productivity. We studied the impact of rats on gull nests experimentally by building artificial nests into the breeding area of yellow-legged gulls. Two kinds of eggs were placed in the artificial nests: manipulated eggs, in which the shell had been previously opened, and intact (unmanipulated) eggs. Rats preyed extensively on opened eggs but only once on intact eggs, apparently due to lack of skills to prey on intact eggs, suggesting that rats do not normally have access to fresh gull eggs. Rats inhabiting breeding areas of gulls can scavenge on broken eggs rolled out of the nest or on eggs with softened shells after nest desertion, but it is unlikely that they prey on natural gull nests guarded by parents. We suggest that introduced black rats on Mediterranean islands can only marginally affect the productivity of gulls owing to egg predation.  相似文献   

Investment in reproduction is costly and frequently decreases survival or future reproductive success. However, the proximate underlying causes for this are largely unknown. Oxidative stress has been suggested as a cost of reproduction and several studies have demonstrated changes in antioxidants with reproductive investment. Here, we test whether oxidative stress is a consequence of reproduction in female house mice (Mus musculus domesticus), which have extremely high energetic demands during reproduction, particularly through lactation. Assessing oxidative damage after a long period of reproductive investment, there was no evidence of increased oxidative stress, even when females were required to defend their breeding territory. Instead, in the liver, markers of oxidative damage (malonaldehyde, protein thiols and the proportion of glutathione in the oxidized form) indicated lower oxidative stress in reproducing females when compared with non-reproductive controls. Even during peak lactation, none of the markers of oxidative damage indicated higher oxidative stress than among non-reproductive females, although a positive correlation between protein oxidation and litter mass suggested that oxidative stress may increase with fecundity. Our results indicate that changes in redox status occur during reproduction in house mice, but suggest that females use mechanisms to cope with the consequences of increased energetic demands and limit oxidative stress.  相似文献   

On oceanic islands, nest site availability can be an important factor regulating seabird population dynamics. The potential for birds to secure a nest to reproduce can be an important component of their life histories. The dates at which different seabird species arrive at colonies to breed will have important consequences for their relative chances of success. Early arrival on the island allows birds to obtain nests more easily and have higher reproductive success. However, the presence of an introduced predator may reverse this situation. For instance, in the sub-Antarctic Kerguelen archipelago, early arriving birds suffer heavy predation from introduced cats. Cats progressively switch from seabirds to rabbits, since the local rabbit population starts to peak after early arriving seabird species have already returned to the colony. When late-arriving birds arrive, cat predation pressure on seabirds is thus weaker. In this paper, we investigate the assumption that the advantage of early nest mnopolization conferred to early arriving birds may be counterbalanced by the cost resulting from predation. We develop a mathematical model representing a simplified situation in which two insular seabird species differ only in their arrival date at the colony site and compete for nesting sites. We conclude that predation may ensure the coexistence of the two bird species or favor the late-arriving species, but only when seasonal variations in predation pressure are large. Interestingly, we conclude that arriving early is only favorable until a given level where high reproductive success no longer compensates for the long exposure to strong predation pressure. Our work suggests that predation can help to maintain the balance between species of different phenologies.  相似文献   

Fast swimming pelagic cetacean species have osteological characteristics that promote a more stable spine in comparison to that of coastal species. The Peale's dolphin (Lagenorhynchus australis) and the hourglass dolphin (Lagenorhynchus cruciger) have a close phylogenetic relationship and are found in coastal and pelagic waters in the Southern Hemisphere, respectively. The aim of this work was to study the relationship between the vertebral column's morphology and its flexibility, across these species of contrasting habitats. Vertebral counts and multiple measurements of each vertebra were used to infer intervertebral flexibility. Bivariate plots and discriminant multivariate analyses were employed to compare each functional region along the vertebral column. Both species displayed a regionalization of the column into three stable regions and two flexible areas, which statistically differ in the proportion of the skeleton occupied in each species. While the Peale's dolphin has rounder vertebrae, associated with higher flexibility, the hourglass dolphin has disk‐shaped vertebrae and strongly inclined processes related to high stability. Although the species are closely related phylogenetically, vertebral morphology is influenced by a diverse set of ecological and behavioral factors, reflecting a high degree of vertebral plasticity within the genus.  相似文献   

Many organisms respond to the heterogeneity of abiotic environmental conditions by plastic modifications of their phenotypes (acclimation or acclimatization). Despite considerable research efforts in this area, the beneficial (adaptive) effect of acclimation or acclimatization is still debated. We examined whether the development of newt larvae (Ichthyosaura alpestris) under different natural light and thermal conditions subsequently altered their susceptibility to predation in sun‐exposed versus shaded tanks in nature. During predation trials in various light and temperature conditions, newt larvae that developed in sun‐exposed warmer tanks consistently suffered from higher predation by dragonfly nymphs (Aeshna cyanea) compared to larvae from shaded or colder tanks. We conclude that higher sun exposure during embryonic and larval development negatively affects antipredator performance even in sun‐exposed tanks: this result is inconsistent with the beneficial acclimation hypothesis. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

We tested several alternative hypotheses about the function of scent marking by the North American river otter, Lontra canadensis. Otters may mark at latrine sites with spraints (faeces) to (1) signal species identity, (2) advertise their reproductive status, (3) establish and maintain territories, and (4) communicate social status and identity to group members. Olfactory preference tests were conducted at the Alaska Sealife Center in Seward, Alaska, on a group of 15 wild-caught male otters in February 1999. We found that male otters investigated otter scent more than sealion faeces. The male otters also showed a preference for male scent over the scent of anoestrous females. No preference for the scent of unfamiliar males, compared with the scent of familiar males, was observed, and no preference for the scent of close kin was detected. However, an investigation of dominant relationships of the captive otters showed that dominant males spent more time investigating male scent than did subordinate males. Thus, spraints deposited at latrine sites may function to communicate social status of males.  相似文献   

The morphology of HeLa cells was altered to stellate shape by 0.2 – 1.0 mM butyric acid. At similar concentrations butyric acid did not alter the ability of HeLa cells to aggregate, but did inhibit the remodelling of the aggregates. Papaverine at 10 μM, on the other hand, had no effect on cells in monolayer, but severely inhibited the ability of cells to aggregate and the remodelling of the aggregates. Our results show that the effect of a drug on the morphology of HeLa cells in monolayer does not predict its effect in aggregates of cells which more faithfully approximate the behaviour of cells in tissue than the monolayer.  相似文献   

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