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Introduction – Cannabis and cannabinoid based medicines are currently under serious investigation for legitimate development as medicinal agents, necessitating new low‐cost, high‐throughput analytical methods for quality control. Objective – The goal of this study was to develop and validate, according to ICH guidelines, a simple rapid HPTLC method for the quantification of Δ9‐tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9‐THC) and qualitative analysis of other main neutral cannabinoids found in cannabis. Methodology – The method was developed and validated with the use of pure cannabinoid reference standards and two medicinal cannabis cultivars. Accuracy was determined by comparing results obtained from the HTPLC method with those obtained from a validated HPLC method. Results – Δ9‐THC gives linear calibration curves in the range of 50–500 ng at 206 nm with a linear regression of y = 11.858x + 125.99 and r2 = 0.9968. Conclusion – Results have shown that the HPTLC method is reproducible and accurate for the quantification of Δ9‐THC in cannabis. The method is also useful for the qualitative screening of the main neutral cannabinoids found in cannabis cultivars. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sensitive, stereoselective assay using solid phase extraction and LC-MS-MS was developed and validated for the analysis of (R)- and (S)-bupropion and its major metabolite (R,R)- and (S,S)-hydroxybupropion in human plasma and urine. Plasma or glucuronidase-hydrolyzed urine was acidified, then extracted using a Waters Oasis MCX solid phase 96-well plate. HPLC separation used an alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein column, a gradient mobile phase of methanol and aqueous ammonium formate, and analytes were detected by electrospray ionization and multiple reaction monitoring with an API 4000 Qtrap. The assay was linear in plasma from 0.5 to 200 ng/ml and 2.5 to 1000 ng/ml in each bupropion and hydroxybupropion enantiomer, respectively. The assay was linear in urine from 5 to 2000 ng/ml and 25 to 10,000 ng/ml in each bupropion and hydroxybupropion enantiomer, respectively. Intra- and inter-day accuracy was >98% and intra- and inter-day coefficients of variations were less than 10% for all analytes and concentrations. The assay was applied to a subject dosed with racemic bupropion. The predominant enantiomers in both urine and plasma were (R)-bupropion and (R,R)-hydroxybupropion. This is the first LC-MS/MS assay to analyze the enantiomers of both bupropion and hydroxybupropion in plasma and urine.  相似文献   

Determination of eprosartan in human plasma and urine by LC/MS/MS   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A protein precipitation, liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method has been developed and validated for the determination of eprosartan in human plasma and urine. The solvent system also served as a protein precipitation reagent. The chromatographic separation was achieved on a CAPCELL PAK C18 column (50 mmx2.0 mm, 5 microm, Shiseido). A mobile phase was consisted of 0.5% formic acid in water and 0.5% formic acid in acetonitrile (72:28). Detection was by positive ion electrospray tandem mass spectrometry on a Sciex API3000. The standard curves, which ranged from 5 to 2000 ng/mL in human plasma and from 0.25 to 50 microg/mL in urine, were fitted to a 1/x weighted quadratic regression model. The method proved to be accurate, specific and sensitive enough to be successfully applied to a pharmacokinetic study.  相似文献   

A fast, sensitive and specific LC/MS/MS method for the simultaneous analysis of oxcarbazepine (OXC), 10-hydroxycarbazepine (MHD) and trans-diol-carbazepine (DHD), in human serum, has been developed and validated. Serum drugs were extracted by C8 solid-phase cartridges (SPE) and separated in less than 3 min on a C18 reverse-phase column using an isocratic elution. A tandem mass spectrometer, as detector, was used for quantitative analysis in positive mode by a multiple reaction monitoring. Calibration curves, obtained on two ranges of concentration (0.78-50 mg/L for MHD and 0.078-5.0 mg/L for OXC and DHD), showed correlation coefficients (r) better than 0.997. Within day and between days quality controls imprecision, as CV%, ranged from 0.3 to 4.6% and from 1.9 to 5.8%, respectively. Cyheptamide (CYE) was used as internal standard. No detectable carry-over and no relevant cross-talk and matrix effect occurred. Samples from 24 treated patients were analysed and drug serum concentrations obtained by this method are in agreement with those of other methods and also are well correlated (r=0.88) in comparison to our routine HPLC-UV method. Based on the analytical results and short run time, the method is suitable to support routine analysis of therapeutic drugs monitoring from human serum of treated patients or for pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

In order to obtain detection limits low enough for the analysis of nucleoside material in biological samples, a direct liquid introduction (liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric DLI) system was upgraded by inserting a self-built desolvation chamber between the DLI probe and the ion source and by switching to microbore high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a C-18 column. The system was evaluated for the analysis of pure nucleoside and 2'-deoxynucleoside compounds in CH3OH + H2O (80/20) and for the analysis of nucleoside mixtures which were separated using 0.01 M ammonium formate + methanol (97:3) as eluant. The detection of structurally important fragment ions in the lower mass region which could not be observed before and an enhanced sensitivity are considered to be the main improvements. In combination with an appropriate clean-up procedure the system was evaluated for the DLI liquid chromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis of some nucleosides present in a human urine sample. Pseudouridine and 5,6-dihydrouridine were detected and identified.  相似文献   

Chemical investigation of the pollen grain collected from male plants of Cannabis sativa L. resulted in the isolation for the first time of two flavonol glycosides from the methanol extract, and the identification of 16 cannabinoids in the hexane extract. The two glycosides were identified as kaempferol 3-O-sophoroside and quercetin 3-O-sophoroside by spectroscopic methods including high-field two-dimensional NMR experiments. The characterisation of each cannabinoid was performed by GC-FID and GC-MS analyses and by comparison with both available reference cannabinoids and reported data. The identified cannabinoids were delta9-tetrahydrocannabiorcol, cannabidivarin, cannabicitran, delta9-tetrahydrocannabivarin, cannabicyclol, cannabidiol, cannabichromene, delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabigerol, cannabinol, dihydrocannabinol, cannabielsoin, 6a, 7, 10a-trihydroxytetrahydrocannabinol, 9, 10-epoxycannabitriol, 10-O-ethylcannabitriol, and 7, 8-dehydro-10-O-ethylcannabitriol.  相似文献   

Vincristine is a natural vinca alkaloid widely used in paediatric cancer treatment. Vincristine pharmacokinetics has been already studied, but few data are available in paediatric populations. A sensitive and specific liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) method was developed for the quantification of vincristine in plasma in order to investigate pharmacokinetics in a paediatric population. Two hundred microliters of plasma was added to vinblastine, used as internal standard. Chromatographic separation was achieved on a C8 HPLC column (Phenomenex Luna 50 mm × 2.0 mm, 3.0 μm) with a mobile phase gradient at a flow rate of 0.2 ml/min. Quantification was performed using the transition of 825.4  765.4 (m/z) for vincristine and 811.4  751.4 (m/z) for vinblastine. Chromatographic separation was achieved in 8 min. The limit of quantification was 0.25 ng/ml with a precision of 10.2% and an accuracy of 99.6%. The calibration curve was linear up to 50.0 ng/ml. Intra-day precision and accuracy ranged from 6.3% to 10% and from 91.9% to 100.8%, respectively. Inter-assay precision and accuracy ranged from 3.8% to 9.7% and from 93.5% to 100.5%, respectively. No significant matrix effect was observed for vincristine. A rapid, specific and sensitive LC/MS/MS method for quantification of vincristine in human plasma was developed and is now successfully applied for pharmacokinetic studies in paediatric patients.  相似文献   

A rapid, accurate, and reproducible liquid chromatography electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) method was developed and validated for the therapeutic drug monitoring of voclosporin in human whole blood. Sample aliquots of 100muL were processed utilizing a protein precipitation procedure that contained a mixture of methanol, 0.2M ZnSO(4), and deuterated voclosporin internal standard. Supernatant was injected onto a Zorbax SB-C8, 2.1x12.5mm column (at 60 degrees C), and washed with water-acetonitrile, supplemented with 0.02% glacial acetic acid and 0.02mM sodium acetate, to remove poorly retained components. After washing, water-MeOH (with 0.02% glacial acetic acid and 0.02mM sodium acetate) was used to elute the voclosporin and internal standard to the Applied Biosystems/MDS-Sciex API3000 mass spectrometer for detection in multiple reaction monitoring. Analytical performance was assessed in the range of 1-200ng/ml in whole blood. This method has been used to quantify concentrations of voclosporin in whole blood from healthy volunteers participating in a pharmacokinetic study.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive, sensitive, and highly specific negative ion electrospray LC/MS method for identifying all structural classes of glucosinolates in crude plant extracts. The technique is based on the observation of simultaneous maxima in the abundances of the m/z 96 and 97 ions, generated by programmed cone voltage fragmentation, in the mass chromatogram. The abundance ratios lie in the range 1:2-1:4 ([m/z 96]/[m/z 97]). Examination of the corresponding full-scan mass spectra allows individual glucosinolates of all structural classes to be identified rapidly and with confidence. The use of linearly programmed cone voltage fragmentation enhances characteristic fragment ions without compromising the abundance of the analytically important [M - H]- ion and its associated (and analytically useful) sulfur isotope peaks. Detection limits are in the low nanogram range for full-scan, programmed cone voltage spectra. Comparison of the technique with LC/MS/MS methods (product ion, precursor ion, and constant neutral loss scans) has shown that the sensitivity and selectivity of the programmed cone voltage method is superior. Data obtained on a variety of plant extracts confirmed that the methodology was robust and reliable.  相似文献   

Organophosphorus nerve agents (OPNA), chemically related to and derived from organophosphate insecticides, constitute a clear and present threat to both military and civilian targets. Military regimes and terrorist organizations have demonstrated the will and ability to produce mass casualties by dispersing organophosphorus nerve agents, which, in turn could terrorize populations and overwhelm healthcare systems. A high throughput, robust and sensitive analytical protocol has been developed for the quantitation of the urinary metabolites of sarin (GB), soman (GD), VX, Russian VX (RVX) and cyclohexylsarin (GF) utilizing solid phase extraction (SPE) followed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)-isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The method has demonstrated linearity and reproducibility (1-200 ng/mL) for all analytes and has a Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)< or =0.5 ng/mL for all analytes (S/N> or =10/1). The method was validated by performing 20 individual analyses over 10 days by five scientists with all values falling within two standard deviations of the mean.  相似文献   

大麻种质资源中大麻素化学型及基因型鉴定与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大麻素(cannabinoids)是大麻植物中特有的次生代谢产物,主要成分为四氢大麻酚(THC,tetrahydrocannabinol)和大麻二酚(CBD,cannabidiol)。本研究通过对我国不同来源地的23份大麻种质资源共69个单株材料中THC和CBD含量特征及其合成关键酶基因多态性进行分析,鉴定了我国大麻种质资源的大麻素化学型及基因型。结果显示,69个单株中大麻素含量差异显著,THC含量均值为0.56%,范围为0.01%~2.45%;CBD含量均值为0.53%,范围为0~2.24%;根据CBD/THC含量比值,大麻资源可划分为毒品型(占44.93%)、中间型(占20.29%)和纤维型(占34.78%)3种大麻素化学型,毒品型、中间型中分别有93.5%和71.4%的植株中THC含量0.3%,纤维型植株中THC含量≤0.08%。3种化学型遗传位点(共显性位点B)的基因型分别为BT/BT、BT/BD和BD/BD;BT等位基因(THCAS)存在10个变异位点,氨基酸序列有4处变异,BD等位基因(CBDAS)存在4个变异位点,均为同义突变。根据THCAS和CBDAS基因多态性,设计了一个共显性复合PCR分子标记,可准确鉴定出大麻3种化学型。研究结果揭示了我国大麻种质资源中大麻素含量、化学型和基因型三者之间的关系,可为大麻素遗传研究与利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

As laboratories are called upon to develop novel, fast, and sensitive methods, here we present a completely automated method for the analysis of cocaine and its metabolites (benzoylecgonine, ecgonine methyl ester, ecgonine and cocaethylene) from whole blood. This method utilizes an online solid-phase extraction (SPE) with high performance liquid chromatographic separation and tandem mass spectrometric detection. Pretreatment of samples involve only protein precipitation and ultracentrifugation. An efficient online solid-phase extraction (SPE) procedure was developed using Hysphere MM anion sorbent. A gradient chromatography method with a Gemini C6-Phenyl (50mmx3.00mm i.d., 5microm) column was used for the complete separation of all components. Analysis was by positive ion mode electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) to enhance the selectivity and sensitivity of the method. For the analysis, two MRM transitions are monitored for each analyte and one transition is monitored for each internal standard. With a 30-microL sample injection, linearity was analyte dependent but generally fell between 8 and 500ng/mL. The limits of detection (LODs) for the method ranged from 3 to 16ng/mL and the limits of quantitation (LOQs) ranged from 8 to 47ng/mL. The bias and precision were determined using a simple analysis of variance (ANOVA: single factor). The results demonstrate bias as <7%, and %precision as <9% for all components at each QC level.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive, and specific ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC/MS/MS) assay method for simultaneous determination of 13 benzodiazepine compounds in human urine was developed and validated. Aliquots of 0.5 mL of urine specimens were used for the analysis and the benzodiazepines were extracted by single step methanol (containing 0.2% formic acid) precipitation and then separated on a BEH C18 (50 mm × 2.1 mm, 1.7 μm) analytical column with the temperature maintained at 45°C. The mobile phases consisted of methanol and water (both containing 0.2% formic acid) and the flow rate was 0.4 mL/min. The TQ detector, equipped with an electrospray ionization ion source, was set up with a positive mode. The acquisitions were performed in multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) and the limit of quantification was 20 ng/mL for all of the 13 compounds. The low limits of detections (LODs) of the benzodiazepines in this method were between 0.5 and 2 ng/mL. The chromatographic separation time was 4 min and calibration curves in human urine were generated over the range of 20-2000 ng/mL. The method validation parameters such as accuracy, precision, carryover, recovery, stability, and specificity for all of the 13 compounds were within the acceptable range. This method is suitable for the high throughput screening of benzodiazepines in clinical laboratories.  相似文献   

A rapid, specific, and reliable LC-MS/MS based bioanalytical method was developed and validated for the simultaneous determination of naloxone (NLX) and its two metabolites, 6β-naloxol (NLL) and naloxone-3β-D-glucuronide (NLG) in mouse plasma. The optimal chromatographic behavior of these analytes was achieved on an Aquasil C18 column (50 mm × 2.1 mm, 5 μm) using reversed phase chromatography. The total LC analysis time per injection was 2.5 min with a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min with gradient elution. Sample preparation via protein precipitation with acetonitrile in a 96-well format was applied for analyses of these analytes. The analytes were monitored by electrospray ionization in positive ion multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. Modification of collision energy besides chromatographic separation was applied to further eliminate interference peaks for NLL and NLG. The method validation was conducted over the curve range of 0.200/0.400/0.500 to 100/200/250 ng/mL for NLX/NLL/NLG, respectively, using 0.0250 mL of plasma sample. The intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy of the quality control samples at low, medium, and high concentration levels showed ≤ 6.5% relative standard deviation (RSD) and -8.3 to -2.5% relative error (RE). The method was successfully applied to determine the concentrations of NLX, NLL, and NLG in incurred mouse plasma samples.  相似文献   

The investigation into the potential usefulness of phytoestrogens in the treatment of menopausal symptoms requires large-scale clinical trials that involve rapid, validated assays for the characterization and quantification of the phytoestrogenic precursors and their metabolites in biological matrices, as large interindividual differences in metabolism and bioavailability have been reported. Consequently, a new sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method (HPLC–MS) for the quantitative determination of thirteen phytoestrogens including their most important gut microbial metabolites (genistein, daidzein, equol, dihydrodaidzein, O-desmethylangolensin, coumestrol, secoisolariciresinol, matairesinol, enterodiol, enterolactone, isoxanthohumol, xanthohumol and 8-prenylnaringenin) in human urine and serum within one single analytical run was developed. The method uses a simple sample preparation procedure consisting of enzymatic deconjugation followed by liquid–liquid extraction (LLE) or solid-phase extraction (SPE) for urine or serum, respectively. The phytoestrogens and their metabolites are detected with a single quadrupole mass spectrometer using atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI), operating both in the positive and the negative mode. This bioanalytical method has been fully validated and proved to allow an accurate and precise quantification of the targeted phytoestrogens and their metabolites covering the lower parts-per-billion range for the measurement of relevant urine and serum levels following ingestion of phytoestrogen-rich dietary supplements.  相似文献   

Sirolimus is a widely used immunosuppressant that requires therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). We optimized a preanalytical procedure that allows for the accurate quantiation of sirolimus in whole blood by LC/ESI-MS/MS with minimal matrix effects. Sirolimus is highly lipophilic, and solvents containing greater than 50% methanol were required to maintain sirolimus recovery. The final pretreatment procedure developed consists of a zinc sulfate protein precipitation, an extraction using octadecyl silyl-silica gel for eliminating water-soluble and hydrophilic compounds, and HybridSPE cartridge treatment to eliminate phospholipids. Using this procedure prior to LC/ESI-MS/MS led to the accurate and reproducible quantitation of sirolimus in human whole blood. The linear range of detection was 0.5-50 ng/mL, a range appropriate for TDM, and the method demonstrated good repeatability and intermediate precision within this quantitative range. In order to investigate the quantitative performance of this method, we compared it to two commercially available sirolimus immunoassays and our previously reported LC/ESI-MS/MS method. The immunoassays gave consistently greater values for the sirolimus concentration, and this may be related to antibody cross-reactivity with sirolimus metabolites and/or other matrix effects. Although our procedure is too long to support real-time TDM for outpatients, it can serve as reference method to assess the performance of other analytical methods that are currently available or may be developed in the future.  相似文献   

The complete 1H- and 13C-NMR assignments of the major Cannabis constituents, delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, delta8-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabigerol, cannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabidiolic acid, cannflavin A and cannflavin B have been determined on the basis of one- and two-dimensional NMR spectra including 1H- and 13C-NMR, 1H-1H-COSY, HMQC and HMBC. The substitution of carboxylic acid on the cannabinoid nucleus (as in tetrahydrocannabinolic acid and cannabidiolic acid) has a large effect on the chemical shift of H-1" of the C5 side chain and 2'-OH. It was also observed that carboxylic acid substitution reduces intermolecular hydrogen bonding resulting in a sharpening of the H-5' signal in cannabinolic acid in deuterated chloroform. The additional aromaticity of cannabinol causes the two angular methyl groups (H-8 and H-9) to show identical 1H-NMR shifts, which indicates that the two aromatic rings are in one plane in contrast to the other cannabinoids. For the cannabiflavonoids, the unambiguous assignments of C-3' and C-4' of cannflavin A and B were determined by HMBC spectra.  相似文献   

Polyketide synthase (PKS) enzymatic activities were analyzed in crude protein extracts from cannabis plant tissues. Chalcone synthase (CHS, EC, stilbene synthase (STS, EC, phlorisovalerophenone synthase (VPS, EC, isobutyrophenone synthase (BUS) and olivetol synthase activities were detected during the development and growth of glandular trichomes on bracts. Cannabinoid biosynthesis and accumulation take place in these glandular trichomes. In the biosynthesis of the first precursor of cannabinoids, olivetolic acid, a PKS could be involved; however, no activity for an olivetolic acid-forming PKS was detected. Content analyses of cannabinoids and flavonoids, two secondary metabolites present in this plant, from plant tissues revealed differences in their distribution, suggesting a diverse regulatory control for these biosynthetic fluxes in the plant.  相似文献   

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