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To survive, the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum must acquire pantothenate (vitamin B5) from the external medium. Pantothenol (provitamin B5) inhibits parasite growth by competing with pantothenate for pantothenate kinase, the first enzyme in the coenzyme A biosynthesis pathway. In this study we investigated pantothenol uptake by P. falciparum and in doing so gained insights into the regulation of the parasite's coenzyme A biosynthesis pathway. Pantothenol was shown to enter P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes via two routes, the furosemide-inhibited "new permeation pathways" induced by the parasite in the infected erythrocyte membrane (the sole access route for pantothenate) and a second, furosemide-insensitive pathway. Having entered the erythrocyte, pantothenol is taken up by the intracellular parasite via a mechanism showing functional characteristics distinct from those of the parasite's pantothenate uptake mechanism. On reaching the parasite cytosol, pantothenol is phosphorylated and thereby trapped by pantothenate kinase, shown here to be under feedback inhibition control by coenzyme A. Furosemide reduced this inherent feedback inhibition by competing with coenzyme A for binding to pantothenate kinase, thereby increasing pantothenol uptake.  相似文献   

Purine nucleobase transport in the intraerythrocytic malaria parasite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Hypoxanthine, a nucleobase, serves as the major source of the essential purine group for the intraerythrocytic malaria parasite. In this study we have measured the uptake of hypoxanthine, and that of the related purine nucleobase adenine, by mature blood-stage Plasmodium falciparum parasites isolated from their host cells by saponin-permeabilisation of the erythrocyte and parasitophorous vacuole membranes. The uptake of both [3H]hypoxanthine and [3H]adenine was comprised of at least two components; in each case there was a rapid equilibration of the radiolabel between the intra- and extracellular solutions via a low-affinity transport mechanism, and an accumulation of radiolabel (such that the estimated intracellular concentration exceeded the extracellular concentration) via a higher-affinity process. The uptake of [3H]adenine was studied in more detail. The rapid, low-affinity equilibration of [3H]adenine between the intra-and extracellular solution was independent of the energy status of the parasite whereas the higher-affinity accumulation of the radiolabel was ATP-dependent. A kinetic analysis of adenine uptake revealed that the low-affinity (equilibrative) process had a Km of approximately 1.2mM, similar to the value of 0.82 mM estimated here (using the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system) for the Km for the transport of adenine by PfENT1, a parasite-encoded member of the 'equilibrative nucleoside/nucleobase transporter' family. The results indicate that nucleobases enter the intraerythrocytic parasite via a rapid, equilibrative process that has kinetic characteristics similar to those of PfENT1.  相似文献   

It has been recently well documented that metal transport systems play a crucial role in the uptake, distribution and detoxification of heavy metals throughout the plant. A range of gene families that are likely to be involved in essential and non-essential metal transport has been now identified and their plasma membrane and/or tonoplast localization in plant cells has been recently confirmed. These include the primary metal transporters, using ATP as the source of energy and H(+)-coupling transporters, utilizing the electrochemical gradient previously generated by plasma membrane and tonoplast proton pumps. As the presence of nucleotide binding domains in the protein sequence may indicate its ATP-hydrolytic activity, it is more difficult to determine the H(+)-coupling activity of protein on the base of its structure. Thus, the H(+)-coupling activity of protein may be only proved by functional analysis of the protein. In this work, we briefly review the structure, regulation and function of the metal transporters operating as H(+)/metal cotransporters.  相似文献   

The malaria parasite-infected erythrocyte is a multi-compartment structure, incorporating numerous different membrane systems. The movement of nutrients, metabolites and inorganic ions into and out of the intraerythrocytic parasite, as well as between subcellular compartments within the parasite, is mediated by transporters and channels – integral membrane proteins that facilitate the movement of solutes across the membrane bilayer. Proteins of this type also play a key role in antimalarial drug resistance. Genes encoding transporters and channels account for at least 2.5% of the parasite genome. However, ascribing functions and physiological roles to these proteins, and defining their roles in drug resistance, is not straightforward. For any given membrane transport protein, a full understanding of its role(s) in the parasitized erythrocyte requires a knowledge of its subcellular localization and substrate specificity, as well as some knowledge of the effects on the parasite of modifying the sequence and/or level of expression of the gene involved. Here we consider recent work in this area, describe a number of newly identified transport proteins, and summarize the likely subcellular localization and putative substrate specificity of all of the candidate membrane transport proteins identified to date.  相似文献   

Protons are the most common coupling ions in bacterial energy conversions. However, while many organisms, such as the alkaliphilic Bacilli, employ H(+)-bioenergetics for electron transport phosphorylation, they use Na+ as the coupling ion for transport and flagellar movement. The Na+ gradient required for these bioenergetic functions is established by the secondary Na+/H+ antiporter. In contrast, Vibrio alginolyticus and methanogenic bacteria have primary pumps for both H+ and Na+. They use the proton gradient for ATP synthesis while other, less energy-consuming membrane reactions are powered by the Na+ gradient. In a third mode, some anaerobic bacteria possess decarboxylases acting as primary Na+ pumps. For instance, in Klebsiella pneumoniae, the Na+ gradient established by oxaloacetate decarboxylase is used for the uptake of the growth substrate citrate, and Propionigenium modestum consumes the energy of the Na+ gradient formed by methylmalonyl-CoA decarboxylase directly for ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

Ambiguity exists with respect to mechanisms of glutathione (GSH) transport and the molecular identity of GSH transporters. Empirical and theoretical limitations have hindered functional and molecular characterizations. Published literature referring to the isolation and molecular identification of Na+-coupled GSH transporters that mediate the cellular uptake of GSH is highly debated. Whereas a number of functional and kinetic reports of this putative symport mechanism exist, the hypothetical transmembrane Na+-coupled GSH transporter protein or the genetic message encoding it has not been isolated. Theoretical thermodynamic calculations to support the concept of secondary active GSH transport and to rationalize accounts of physical-kinetic measurements describing Na+-coupled cellular GSH uptake were performed. The adequacy of requisite energy and stoichiometric conservation of the separate electrical and chemical components of a Na+ gradient in maintaining a high cellular accumulation gradient for GSH was examined through a purely phenomenological perspective. Dependent on the biological context, the energetic coupling between Na+ and GSH cotransport may occur at ratios from 1:1 to 3:1. Molecular identification of specific transporters responsible for cellular Na+-coupled GSH uptake will facilitate determination of their relative contribution to the overall plasma membrane resting potential. In tissues with a high GSH concentration relative to their extracellular milieu, particularly in pathologies of cystic fibrosis and dry eye syndromes, large energy coupling ratios in cotransport of Na+ and GSH may be expected. Na+-coupled GSH transport may play an important role in disease onset and (or) progression, or treatment modalities thereof.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which the intra-erythrocytic form of the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, extrudes H(+) ions and thereby regulates its cytosolic pH (pH(i)), was investigated using saponin-permeabilized parasitized erythrocytes. The parasite was able both to maintain its resting pH(i) and to recover from an imposed intracellular acidification in the absence of extracellular Na(+), thus ruling out the involvement of a Na(+)/H(+) exchanger in both processes. Both phenomena were ATP-dependent. Amiloride and the related compound ethylisopropylamiloride caused a substantial reduction in the resting pH(i) of the parasite, whereas EMD 96785, a potent and allegedly selective inhibitor of Na(+)/H(+) exchange, had relatively little effect. The resting pH(i) of the parasite was also reduced by the sulfhydryl reagent N-ethylmaleimide, by the carboxyl group blocker N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, and by bafilomycin A(1), a potent inhibitor of V-type H(+)-ATPases. Bafilomycin A(1) blocked pH(i) recovery in parasites subjected to an intracellular acidification and reduced the rate of acidification of a weakly buffered solution by parasites under resting conditions. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that the malaria parasite, like other parasitic protozoa, has in its plasma membrane a V-type H(+)-ATPase, which serves as the major route for the efflux of H(+) ions.  相似文献   

The acidic food vacuole of Plasmodium falciparum has been the subject of intense scientific investigation in the 40 years since its role in the digestion of host hemoglobin was first suggested. This proposed role has important implications for the complex host-parasite inter-relationship and also for the mode of action of several of the most effective antimalarial drugs. In addition, adaptive changes in the physiology of this organelle are implicated in drug resistance. Here we show that in addition to these functions, the digestive food vacuole of the malaria parasite is a dynamic internal store for free Ca2+, a role hitherto unsuspected. With the aid of live-cell laser scanning confocal imaging, spatiotemporal studies revealed that maintenance of elevated free Ca2+ in the digestive food vacuole (relative to cytosolic levels) is achieved by a thapsigargin (and cyclopiazonic acid)-sensitive Ca2+-pump in cooperation with a H+-dependent Ca2+ transporter. Redistribution of free cytosolic and vacuolar Ca2+ during parasite growth also suggests that vacuolar Ca2+ plays an essential role in parasite morphogenesis. These data imply that the digestive food vacuole of the malaria parasite is functionally akin to the vacuole of plants (tonoplast) and the small electron-dense granules of some parasites (acidocalcisomes) whereby H+-coupled Ca2+ transport is involved in ion transport, Ca2+ homeostasis, and signal transduction. These findings have significant implications for parasite development, antimalarial drug action, and mechanisms of drug resistance.  相似文献   

The intraerythrocytic malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, derives amino acids from the digestion of host cell haemoglobin. However, it also takes up amino acids from the extracellular medium. Isoleucine is absent from adult human haemoglobin and an exogenous source of isoleucine is essential for parasite growth. An extracellular source of methionine is also important for the normal growth of at least some parasite strains. In this study we have characterised the uptake of methionine by P. falciparum-infected human erythrocytes, and by parasites functionally isolated from their host cells by saponin-permeabilization of the erythrocyte membrane. Infected erythrocytes take up methionine much faster than uninfected erythrocytes, with the increase attributable to the flux of this amino acid via the New Permeability Pathways induced by the parasite in the erythrocyte membrane. Having entered the infected cell, methionine is taken up by the intracellular parasite via a saturable, temperature-dependent process that is independent of ATP, Na+ and H+. Substrate competition studies, and comparison of the transport of methionine with that of isoleucine and leucine, yielded results consistent with the hypothesis that the parasite has at its surface one or more transporters which mediate the flux into and out of the parasite of a broad range of neutral amino acids. These transporters function most efficiently when exchanging one neutral amino acid for another, thus providing a mechanism whereby the parasite is able to import important exogenous amino acids in exchange for surplus neutral amino acids liberated from the digestion of host cell haemoglobin.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular pH (pH i ) of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, both in the steady state and under conditions of acid loading or recovery from acid loading, was investigated by measuring the transmembrane flux of H+ equivalents and correlating this with changes in the distribution ratio of dimethyloxazolidine-2,4-dione (DMO). The pH i of cells placed in an acidic medium (pH o below 7.15) decreases and reaches a steady-state value that is more alkaline than the outside. For example when pH o is acutely reduced to 5.5, pH i falls exponentially from 7.20 ± 0.06 to 6.29 ± 0.04 with a halftime of 5.92 ± 1.37 min, suggesting a rapid influx of H+. The unidirectional influx of H+ exhibits saturation kinetics with respect to extracellular [H+]; the maximal flux is 15.8 ± 0.05 mmol/(kg dry wt · min) andK m is 0.74 ± 0.09 × 10–6 m.Steady-state cells with pH i above 6.8 continuously extrude H+ by a process that is not dependent on ATP but is inhibited by anaerobiosis. Acid-loaded cells (pH i 6.3) when returned to pH o 7.3 medium respond by transporting H+, resulting in a rapid rise in pH i . The halftime for this process is 1.09 ± 0.22 min. The H+ efflux measured under similar conditions increases as the intracellular acid load increases. An ATP-independent as well as an ATP-dependent efflux contributes to the restoration of pH i to its steady-state value.  相似文献   

Summary H+-coupled transport in plant and fungal cells is relatively insensitive to external pH (pH o ). H+-coupled Cl transport at the plasma membrane ofChara corallina was studied to explore the phenomena responsible for this insensitivity. Raising pH o from a control value of 7.5 to 9.0 results in a modest (2.5-fold) decline inJ max and increase inK m . Further increase in pH o results in a selective increase inJ max, in accordance with predictions from a reaction kinetic model of the transport system (Sanders, D., Hansen, U.-P., 1981.J. Membrane Biol. 58:139–153). Increase in cytosolic Cl concentration ([Cl] c ) also results in a selective decrease inJ max at pH o =7.5.Quantitative kinetic modeling of the results is not possible if it is assumed that the sole effect of pH o isvia mass action on the binding of external H+ to a transport site. If, instead, the dependence of cytosolic pH (pH c ) on pH o (Smith, F.A., 1984,J. Exp. Bot. 35:1525–1536) is taken into account along with the dependence of Cl influx on pH c (Sanders, D., 1980,J. Membrane Biol. 53:129–141), then the observed modest changes in Michaelis parameters can be accommodated by a reaction kinetic model. The quantitative parameters of the model yield respective pK a s of the internal and external H+-binding sites=7.85 and 7.2, respective dissociation constants of the internal and external Cl-binding sites=160 and 40 m, and an additional, kinetically transparent, H+-binding site with a pK a >8.0. The quantitative model independently predicts the response ofJ max andK m to acidic conditions.The results are discussed in terms of the general physiological requirement that fluxes through H+-coupled transport systems are relatively insensitive to environmental variation in pH o . It is proposed that (i) the weak (but finite) dependence of pH c on pH o , coupled with (ii) the strong dependence of H+-coupled transport on pH c are instrumental in endowing H+-coupled transport systems with a relative insensitivity to variation in pH o . This hypothesis might also explain why pH c in plants and fungi is not acutely controlled with respect to variation of pH o .  相似文献   

Malaria parasites, Plasmodia, spend most of their asexual life cycle within red blood cells, where they proliferate and mature. The erythrocyte cytoplasm has very low [Ca2+] (<100 nM), which is very different from the extracellular environment encountered by most eukaryotic cells. The absence of extracellular Ca2+ is usually incompatible with normal cell functions and survival. In the present work, we have tested the possibility that Plasmodia overcome the limitation posed by the erythrocyte intracellular environment through the maintenance of a high [Ca2+] within the parasitophorous vacuole (PV), the compartment formed during invasion and within which the parasites grow and divide. Thus, Plasmodia were allowed to invade erythrocytes in the presence of Ca2+ indicator dyes. This allowed selective loading of the Ca2+ probes within the PV. The [Ca2+] within this compartment was found to be approximately 40 microM, i.e., high enough to be compatible with a normal loading of the Plasmodia intracellular Ca2+ stores, a prerequisite for the use of a Ca2+-based signaling mechanism. We also show that reduction of extracellular [Ca2+] results in a slow depletion of the [Ca2+] within the PV. A transient drop of [Ca2+] in the PV for a period as short as 2 h affects the maturation process of the parasites within the erythrocytes, with a major reduction 48 h later in the percentage of schizonts, the form that re-invades the red blood cells.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis has a single set of flagellar rotor proteins that interact with two distinct stator-force generators, the H+-coupled MotAB complex and the Na+-coupled MotPS complex, that energize rotation. Here, motility on soft agar plates and in liquid was assayed in wild-type B.subtilis and strains expressing only one stator, either MotAB, MotPS or hybrid MotAS or MotPB. The strains expressing MotAB or MotAS had an average of 11 flagella/cell while those expressing MotPS or MotPB had an average of seven flagella/cell, and a Mot-less double mutant had three to four flagella/cell. MotAB had a more dominant role in motility than MotPS under most conditions, but MotPS supported comparable motility to MotAB on malate-containing soft agar plating media at elevated pH and Na+. MotAB supported much faster swimming speeds in liquid than MotPS, MotAS or MotPB under all conditions, but a contribution of MotPS to wild-type swimming was discernible from differences in swimming speeds of wild-type and MotAB at elevated viscosity, pH and Na+. Swimming supported by MotPS and MotAS was stimulated by Na+ and elevated pH whereas the converse was true of MotAB and MotPB. This suggests that MotAS is Na+-coupled and MotPB is H+-coupled and that MotB and MotS are major determinants of ion-coupling. However, the swimming speed supported by MotPB, as well as MotPS and MotAS, was inhibited severely at Na+ concentrations above 300 mM whereas MotAB-dependent swimming was not. The presence of either the MotP or MotS component in the stator also conferred sensitivity to inhibition by an amiloride analogue. These observations suggest that MotP contributes to Na+-coupling and inhibition by Na+ channel inhibitors. Similarly, a role for MotA in H+-dependent stator properties is indicated by the larger effects of pH on the Na+-response of MotAS versus MotPS. Finally, optimal function at elevated viscosity was found only in MotPS and MotPB and is therefore conferred by MotP.  相似文献   

Malaria is increasing as a global problem. Many of the drugs that were effective earlier in this century are now becoming obsolete as the parasite develops resistance to them and, despite earlier hopes, an affordable and effective vaccine remains elusive. It is hoped that a deeper understanding of the parasite's cell and molecular biology will give us a resource for the future and help us to achieve effective control. One aspect of parasite metabolism that has been the subject of recent studies is DNA replication: its timing during parasite development, the enzymes involved and the genes encoding them. In this review John White and Brian Kilbey report on the present status of these studies.  相似文献   

Many intracellular pathogens hijack host cell actin or its regulators for cell-to-cell spreading. In marked contrast, apicomplexan parasites, obligate intracellular, single cell eukaryotes that are phylogenetically older than the last common ancestor of animals and plants, employ their own actin cytoskeleton for active motility through tissues and invasion of host cells. A hallmark of actin-based motility of the malaria parasite is a minimal set of proteins that potentially regulate microfilament dynamics. An intriguing feature of the Plasmodium motor machinery is the virtual absence of elongated filamentous actin in vivo. Despite this unusual actin regulation sporozoites, the transmission stages that are injected into the mammalian host by Anopheles mosquitoes, display fast (1-3 μm/s) extracellular motility. Experimental genetics and analysis of recombinant proteins have recently contributed to clarify some of the cellular roles of apicomplexan actin monomer- and filament-binding proteins in parasite life cycle progression. These studies established that the malaria parasite employs multiple proteins that bind actin to form pools of readily polymerizable monomers, a prerequisite for fast formation of actin polymers. The motile extracellular stages of Plasmodium parasites are an excellent in vivo model system for functional characterization of actin regulation in single cell eukaryotes.  相似文献   

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