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In each of three experiments pigeons were trained on a simultaneous discrimination between stimuli that differed in both colour and orientation. For half the birds the colour dimension was relevant and for half orientation was relevant (i.e., differences along that dimension were correlated with reward and nonreward). All birds were then shifted to a second discrimination between new colours and orientations. For half this constituted an intradimensional shift in that the previously relevant dimension remained relevant; for the remainder the previously irrelevant dimension was made relevant (an extradimensional shift). Contrary to the predictions of attentional theory, the two types of shift were learned with equal ease.  相似文献   

The current study examined the effects of the D2 agonist (quinpirole) and D2 antagonist (eticlopride) on temporal discrimination performance in a conditional discrimination task (Experiment I) and a delayed conditional discrimination task (Experiment II). In both experiments rats discriminated between a scheduled stimulus duration of 3 s versus 9 s. Consistent with previous reports, overall discrimination performance decreased in a dose-dependent manner with both drugs. Changes in response bias (the tendency to choose-short or choose-long irrespective of actual stimulus duration), however, were best characterized in terms of both drugs tending to attenuate the bias effects normally observed during baseline drug-free performance. Specifically, the 'choose-short' bias observed in Experiment I and at a relatively short, 0.1 s, delay in Experiment II became less extreme with increasing doses. In addition, the 'choose-long' bias observed at a relatively long, 6 s, delay in Experiment II also became less extreme with increasing doses. Thus, whether there was an apparent shift from a short response bias to long, or vice versa, was the product of the delay interval between stimulus presentation and choice rather than whether the drug in question was a D2 agonist or antagonist. Such an attenuation of bias may have arisen because of subjects confounding the delay interval with the actual discriminative stimulus duration.  相似文献   

Perceptual relativity has become a central issue in animal psychophysics. In order to assess how the interplay of training experience and stimulus dimension might affect perceptual relativity, we investigated the role of 'absolute' and 'relative' training on the learning and representation of stimuli from two dimensions that might favor absolute or relative encoding to a different degree. Young chicks learned to discriminate 3D-objects by either color or size. During 'absolute' training always the choice of the same stimulus of a simultaneously presented pair was reinforced, while choice of the larger (smaller) or greener (bluer) stimulus was reinforced during 'relative' training. Overall, discrimination learning was faster with relative training, but size learning profited more from 'relative' training than color learning. Post-training generalization tests revealed a combined effect of training experience and stimulus dimension: a higher amount of absolute encoding occurred with absolute training and color learning, while relative choices prevailed with relative training and size learning.  相似文献   

We examined the local field potential of the hippocampus to monitor brain states during a conditional discrimination task, in order to elucidate the relationship between ongoing brain states and a conditioned motor reflex. Five 10-week-old Wistar/ST male rats underwent a serial feature positive conditional discrimination task in eyeblink conditioning using a preceding light stimulus as a conditional cue for reinforced trials. In this task, a 2-s light stimulus signaled that the following 350-ms tone (conditioned stimulus) was reinforced with a co-terminating 100-ms periorbital electrical shock. The interval between the end of conditional cue and the onset of the conditioned stimulus was 4±1 s. The conditioned stimulus was not reinforced when the light was not presented. Animals successfully utilized the light stimulus as a conditional cue to drive differential responses to the identical conditioned stimulus. We found that presentation of the conditional cue elicited hippocampal theta oscillations, which persisted during the interval of conditional cue and the conditioned stimulus. Moreover, expression of the conditioned response to the tone (conditioned stimulus) was correlated with the appearance of theta oscillations immediately before the conditioned stimulus. These data support hippocampal involvement in the network underlying a conditional discrimination task in eyeblink conditioning. They also suggest that the preceding hippocampal activity can determine information processing of the tone stimulus in the cerebellum and its associated circuits.  相似文献   

In positive serial conditional discrimination, animals respond during a target stimulus when it is preceded by a feature stimulus, but they do not respond when the same target stimulus is presented alone. Moreover, the feature and target stimuli are separated from each other by an empty interval. The present work aimed to investigate if two durations (4 or 16 s) of the same feature stimulus (light) could modulate the operant responses of rats to different levers (A and B) during a 5-s target stimulus (tone). In the present study, lever A was associated with the 4-s light, and lever B was associated with the 16-s light. A 5-s empty interval was included between the light and the tone. In the same training procedure, the rats were also presented with the 5-s tone without the preceding light stimuli. In these trials, the responses were not reinforced. We evaluated the hippocampal involvement of these behavioral processes by selectively lesioning the dentate gyrus with colchicine. Once trained, the rats were submitted to a test using probe trials without reinforcement. They were presented with intermediate durations of the feature stimulus (light) to obtain a temporal bisection curve recorded during the exposure to the target stimuli. The rats from both groups learned to respond with high rates during tones preceded by light and with low rates during tones presented alone, which indicated acquisition of the serial conditional discrimination. The rats were able to discriminate between the 4- and 16-s lights by correctly choosing lever A or B. In the test, the temporal bisection curves from both experimental groups showed a bisection point at the arithmetic mean between 4 and 16 s. Such processes were not impaired by the dentate gyrus lesion. Thus, our results showed that different durations of a feature stimulus could result in conditional properties. However, this processing did not appear to depend on the dentate gyrus alone.  相似文献   

Six pigeons were trained first on a color then on a form discrimination; four other pigeons were trained first on form and then on color. One of two colors or one of two forms (sample stimuli) appeared in the center of a touch sensitive monitor for 5 pigeons and in the center and in 16 other locations for 5 other pigeons. A peck anywhere within the region in which the sample stimuli appeared produced two white disks (comparison stimuli), one on the left and one on the lower right corners of the screen. Correct left-right choices provided food. Although of no consequence, the location of pecks in presence of the sample was predictive of the pigeon's subsequent choice. Accuracy, choice of the correct comparison stimulus, was greater when the sample stimuli appeared in the center as well as 16 other locations than when it appeared only in the center. The presolution period, the period of chance accuracy prior to evidence of discrimination learning, was decreased on each task following training on the other task. This evidence of facilitation following an extra-dimensional shift was attributed to continued relevance of the conditions under which the first task was learned. The duration of the presolution period was inversely related to asymptotic accuracy-data accounted for by Heinemann's (1983) theory of information processing during the presolution period.  相似文献   

Two gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) were trained on a series of two-dimensional problems, each problem involving an extradimentsional shift after original learning, then an intradimensional shift, followed by another extradimensional shift. The results indicated that during the early problems the subjects appeared to solve the problems as independent subproblems, i.e., using non-conceptual behavior. However during the last two or three problems the subjects appeared to shift to a conceptual mode of behavior. These data are interpreted as further evidence of the cognitive capacity of the gorilla. This research was performed at the Yerkes Regional Primate Center which is supported by Grant RR-00165 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Three experiments established the effectiveness of an Automated Remote Environmental Navigation Apparatus (ARENA) developed in our lab to study behavioral processes in pigeons. The technology utilizes one or more wireless modules, each capable of presenting colored lights as visual stimuli to signal reward and of detecting subject peck responses. In Experiment 1, subjects were instrumentally shaped to peck at a single ARENA module following an unsuccessful autoshaping procedure. In Experiment 2, pigeons were trained with a simultaneous discrimination procedure during which two modules were illuminated different colors; pecks to one color (S+) were reinforced while pecks to the other color (S−) were not. Pigeons learned to preferentially peck the module displaying the S+. In Experiment 3, two modules were lit the same color concurrently from a set of six colors in a conditional discrimination task. For three of the colors pecks to the module in one location (e.g., upper quadrant) were reinforced while for the remaining colors pecks at the other module (e.g., lower quadrant) were reinforced. After learning this discrimination, the color-reinforced location assignments were reversed. Pigeons successfully acquired the reversal. ARENA is an automated system for open-field studies and a more ecologically valid alternative to the touchscreen.  相似文献   

Study of human executive function focuses on our ability to represent cognitive rules independently of stimulus or response modality. However, recent findings suggest that executive functions cannot be modularized separately from perceptual and motor systems, and that they instead scaffold on top of motor action selection. Here we investigate whether patterns of motor demands influence how participants choose to implement abstract rule structures. In a learning task that requires integrating two stimulus dimensions for determining appropriate responses, subjects typically structure the problem hierarchically, using one dimension to cue the task-set and the other to cue the response given the task-set. However, the choice of which dimension to use at each level can be arbitrary. We hypothesized that the specific structure subjects adopt would be constrained by the motor patterns afforded within each rule. Across four independent data-sets, we show that subjects create rule structures that afford motor clustering, preferring structures in which adjacent motor actions are valid within each task-set. In a fifth data-set using instructed rules, this bias was strong enough to counteract the well-known task switch-cost when instructions were incongruent with motor clustering. Computational simulations confirm that observed biases can be explained by leveraging overlap in cortical motor representations to improve outcome prediction and hence infer the structure to be learned. These results highlight the importance of sensorimotor constraints in abstract rule formation and shed light on why humans have strong biases to invent structure even when it does not exist.  相似文献   

Pigeons' bisection of two number scales, 1-16 and 2-32, was examined in two experiments. In Experiment 1, pigeons learned to choose different comparison keys following 1 or 16 key pecks and 2 or 32 key pecks and then were tested with intermediate numbers of key pecks on nonreinforced probe trials. Psychophysical curves that plotted choice of the large number key against number of pecks showed superposition of the two number scales and indifference between the two keys at the geometric means of each scale. The same procedures were used in Experiment 2, but pigeons were trained to bisect each scale at its arithmetic mean. Two asymmetries appeared in curves that plotted discrimination performance against number: near the midpoints of the scales, accuracy was higher for high numbers than for low numbers, but this relationship reversed at the ends of the scales, with low numbers discriminated more accurately than high numbers. An associative model that assumed stimulus generalization between numbers was used to predict the findings of these two experiments. The model showed a good qualitative fit to the obtained data when it was assumed that number was represented on a log scale and generalization was constant at all numbers but not when it was assumed that number was represented on a linear scale and generalization was scalar.  相似文献   

One experiment was conducted to test the additive effects of physical context changes and the passage of time on a retroactive interference task in human subjects. Participants learned a discrimination in a symbolic matching to sample situation within a specific context. The discrimination was subsequently reversed. The context in which the reversal occurred was combined factorially with the passage of time before the test. All testing was conducted in the context in which the original discrimination was acquired. Participants had received the discrimination reversal in either a context different from that in which the original discrimination was acquired, or in the same context. Half of each of the groups mentioned above received testing immediately after reversal training and the other half received testing 48 h later. Both manipulations, changing the context after the reversal and the passage of time following the reversal, led to a recovery of the original discrimination performance. Participants that received both a context change and retention interval showed the largest recovery.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effect of the presentation of an irregular, moderate intensity auditory stimulus ('noise') on the performance of rats in an operant discrimination task. In Experiment 1, rats first learned to press a lever in the presence of a visual stimulus but not in its absence. Discrimination performance was impaired during subsequent exposure to noise. In Experiment 2, different groups of rats learned the discrimination task under a noise or a no-noise condition. Thereafter, all rats were tested under each noise condition. Discrimination performance was best when the noise condition at test was identical to the noise condition at training. These results were discussed in the framework of arousal, distraction, generalization decrement, and contextual occasion setting. They point to the necessity of using a 2x2 factorial design in human and animal research on noise effects, with noise condition at training (noise present or absent) and noise condition at test (noise present or absent) as factors.  相似文献   

G?ttingen minipigs were trained on a set-shifting procedure involving discriminations, reversals, and extra-dimensional shifts. The discriminations used were black-white discriminations and right-left discriminations. The initial visual and spatial discrimination seemed equally difficult, and only for the visual modality was reversal found to be more difficult than the initial discrimination. Visual reversal was more difficult than spatial reversal, and a larger number of perseverative sessions were found for visual reversal compared to spatial reversal. The acquisition of the extra-dimensional shift from the visual to the spatial dimension was not inferior to the learning of spatial reversal. Neither was the acquisition of the extra-dimensional shift from the spatial to the visual dimension inferior to the learning of visual reversal. Thus, no evidence was found for attention to stimulus dimensions in discrimination learning of the pigs.  相似文献   

Fourteen Göttingen minipigs were trained on two different visually guided conditional associative tasks. In a spatial conditional task, a black stimulus signalled that a response to the left was correct, and a white stimulus signalled that a response to the right was correct. In a conditional go/no-go task, a blue stimulus signalled go, and a red stimulus signalled no-go. The pigs were trained until a behavioural criterion of 90% correct for each of two consecutive sessions. For the spatial conditional task, all pigs reached this criterion in 520 trials or less. For the conditional go/no-go task, all pigs, except three, reached this criterion in 1600 trials or less. Sows and boars learned equally fast. The tasks can be useful for the testing of cognitive function in pig models of human brain disorders.  相似文献   

Four male Long-Evans rats were trained to discriminate between synthetic vowel sounds using a GO/NOGO response choice task. The vowels were characterized by an increase in fundamental frequency correlated with an upward shift in formant frequencies. In an initial phase we trained the subjects to discriminate between two vowel categories using two exemplars from each category. In a subsequent phase the ability of the rats to generalize the discrimination between the two categories was tested. To test whether rats might exploit the fact that attributes of training stimuli covaried, we used non-standard stimuli with a reversed relation between fundamental frequency and formants. The overall results demonstrate that rats are able to generalize the discrimination to new instances of the same vowels. We present evidence that the performance of the subjects depended on the relation between fundamental and formant frequencies that they had previously been exposed to. Simple simulation results with artificial neural networks could reproduce most of the behavioral results and support the hypothesis that equivalence classes for vowels are associated with an experience-driven process based on general properties of peripheral auditory coding mixed with elementary learning mechanisms. These results suggest that rats use spectral and temporal cues similarly to humans despite differences in basic auditory capabilities.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we explored the effects of varying the size and the spatial organization of the stimuli in multi-item arrays on pigeons’ same-different discrimination behavior. The birds had previously learned to discriminate a simultaneously presented array of 16 identical (Same) visual items from an array of 16 nonidentical (Different) visual items, when the correct choice was conditional on the presence of another cue: the color of the background (Castro et al., in press). In Experiment 1, we trained pigeons with 7-item arrays and then tested them with arrays containing the same item, but in a variety of sizes. In Experiment 2, we tested the birds with the items grouped in novel locations: the top, the bottom, the left, or the right portions of the display area, which generated different vertical and horizontal alignments. Accuracy scores revealed virtually perfect stimulus generalization across various item sizes and spatial organizations. Reaction times revealed that the birds perceived different sizes of a single icon as the same stimulus (Experiment 1) and that the birds processed vertical arrangements faster than horizontal arrangements (Experiment 2). These results suggest that the pigeons noticed both physical and spatial changes in the stimuli (as shown by their reaction times), but that these changes did not disrupt the birds’ discriminating the sameness or differentness of the multi-item arrays (as shown by their accuracy scores).  相似文献   

Two experiments trained rats to discriminate two or three stimulus durations using a temporal discrimination task. A standard peak shift effect was observed when training was administered with short versus long signals in Experiment 1. Both discrimination accuracy scores and the generalization gradients revealed that shorter intervals were discriminated more accurately, which may be due to the scalar property of timing. In Experiment 2, three signals (short, medium, and long) were associated with three different responses, or two of the intervals were associated with one response (short and long or short and medium) and the other interval with a different response. Here, the short/medium versus long discrimination was learned most readily of the three tasks. The results of both experiments indicated a strong contribution of learning of individual durations combined with scalar generalization gradients, but Experiment 2 indicated that categorical encoding of durations may have also been operating.  相似文献   

Three experiments demonstrated visual discrimination learning in zebrafish (Danio rerio). In each experiment, zebrafish were given a choice between two visually distinct arms of a T-maze. Choice of one stimulus was always followed by a food reward, but choice of the other stimulus was not rewarded. Different colored sleeves fitted around the arms of the T-maze were used in Experiments 1 (green and purple) and 2 (red and blue). The stimuli used in Experiment 3 were white sleeves lined with horizontal or vertical black stripes. In all three experiments, zebrafish acquired a significant preference for the stimulus that led to a food reward. Experiments 1 and 2 also showed that zebrafish could learn a reversal of the discrimination. Finally, the effect of discontinuing food rewards was examined after reversal training in Experiment 2 and after initial discrimination training in Experiments 1 and 3. Non-reinforcement led to a decrease in correct responding in Experiments 2 and 3 independent of stimulus identity, but to an asymmetrical pattern of responding in Experiment 1. The median latency to make a choice response decreased over the course of acquisition in all three experiments; during extinction, median response times did not change at all in Experiment 1 and increased only very slightly in Experiment 2, but showed a substantial increase in Experiment 3. The implications of these results for the zebrafish as a model system for genetic studies of learning and memory are discussed.  相似文献   

Respiratory rate, respiration amplitude, and vocal responses were recorded in cats of different ages during classic conditioning. Vocal responses to the conditional stimulus (CS) appeared first in 8-week-old kittens, and became prominent at older ages. An increase in respiration rate occurred after the onset of the CS in cats of all ages. Similarly, the decrease of respiration amplitude was observed at all ages, but only in 8-week-old and older subjects did this response resemble an adult pattern. In 4-week-old kittens the response was characterized by an early and brief peak, suggesting an alpha conditional response (CR). Clear and significant discrimination between a warning and a safety signal was present in both respiratory and vocal responses after the age of 8 weeks.  相似文献   

We examined whether Java sparrows use imagery of auditory stimuli (imagery is a subject's mental representation of a stimulus by which the subject's behaviour may be governed under stimulus control even in the absence of the physical stimulus). Three types of ascending tone sequences were used. In the intact scale, sequence tones were played in ascending order. In the intact-masked scale, part of the sequence was masked by noise but the remaining scale was identical with the intact scale, whereas in the violated scale, the sequence could be heard as if tones were played slowly (Experiment 1) or quickly (Experiment 2). Subjects were divided into two groups: one group was trained to respond to the intact and intact-masked scales and to suppress response to the violation scale (imagery-positive group). The contingency was reversed for the other (violation-positive) group. In Experiment 1, all the birds acquired discrimination, but successful transfer to novel stimuli was observed only in the imagery-positive group, suggesting that the imagery of the tone sequence was used as a discriminative cue. Experiment 2 confirmed that the stimulus duration was a discriminative cue for both groups, suggesting that the birds also acquired discrimination using only specific cues.  相似文献   

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