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Genetic interaction screens have been applied with great success in several organisms to study gene function and the genetic architecture of the cell. However, most studies have been performed under optimal growth conditions even though many functional interactions are known to occur under specific cellular conditions. In this study, we have performed a large‐scale genetic interaction analysis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae involving approximately 49 × 1,200 double mutants in the presence of five different stress conditions, including osmotic, oxidative and cell wall‐altering stresses. This resulted in the generation of a differential E‐MAP (or dE‐MAP) comprising over 250,000 measurements of conditional interactions. We found an extensive number of conditional genetic interactions that recapitulate known stress‐specific functional associations. Furthermore, we have also uncovered previously unrecognized roles involving the phosphatase regulator Bud14, the histone methylation complex COMPASS and membrane trafficking complexes in modulating the cell wall integrity pathway. Finally, the osmotic stress differential genetic interactions showed enrichment for genes coding for proteins with conditional changes in phosphorylation but not for genes with conditional changes in gene expression. This suggests that conditional genetic interactions are a powerful tool to dissect the functional importance of the different response mechanisms of the cell.  相似文献   

Differential activation of four specific MAPK pathways by distinct elicitors   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Plant cells respond to elicitors by inducing a variety of defense responses. Some of these reactions are dependent on the activity of protein kinases. Recently, mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) have been identified to be activated by fungal and bacterial elicitors as well as by pathogen infection. In gel kinase assays of alfalfa cells treated with yeast cell wall-derived elicitor (YE) revealed that 44- and 46-kDa MAPKs are rapidly and transiently activated. Immunokinase assays with specific MAPK antibodies revealed that YE mainly activated the 46-kDa SIMK and the 44-kDa MMK3 and to a lesser extent the 44-kDa MMK2 and SAMK. When cells were treated with chemically defined elicitors potentially contained in the YE (chitin and N-acetylglucosamine oligomers, beta-glucan, and ergosterol), the four MAPKs were found to be activated to different levels and with different kinetics. Whereas SIMK and SAMK have been found to be activated by a number of diverse stimuli, MMK3 is activated during mitosis and was therefore assumed to participate in cell division (). No physiological process could be associated with MMK2 activity so far. This is the first report that MMK2 and MMK3 can be activated by external stimuli. Overall, our findings indicate that plant cells can sense different cues of a given microorganism through the activation of multiple MAPKs.  相似文献   

Epithelial morphogenesis requires cell movements and cell shape changes coordinated by modulation of the actin cytoskeleton. We identify a role for Echinoid (Ed), an immunoglobulin domain-containing cell-adhesion molecule, in the generation of a contractile actomyosin cable required for epithelial morphogenesis in both the Drosophila ovarian follicular epithelium and embryo. Analysis of ed mutant follicle cell clones indicates that the juxtaposition of wild-type and ed mutant cells is sufficient to trigger actomyosin cable formation. Moreover, in wild-type ovaries and embryos, specific epithelial domains lack detectable Ed, thus creating endogenous interfaces between cells with and without Ed; these interfaces display the same contractile characteristics as the ectopic Ed expression borders generated by ed mutant clones. In the ovary, such an interface lies between the two cell types of the dorsal appendage primordia. In the embryo, Ed is absent from the amnioserosa during dorsal closure, generating an Ed expression border with the lateral epidermis that coincides with the actomyosin cable present at this interface. In both cases, ed mutant epithelia exhibit loss of this contractile structure and subsequent defects in morphogenesis. We propose that local modulation of the cytoskeleton at Ed expression borders may represent a general mechanism for promoting epithelial morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Dorsal closure during Drosophila embryogenesis provides a valuable model for epithelial morphogenesis and wound healing. Previous studies have focused on two cell populations, the dorsal epidermis and the extraembryonic amnioserosa. Here, we demonstrate that there is an additional player, the large yolk cell. We find that integrins are expressed in the amnioserosa and yolk cell membrane and that they are required for three processes: (1) assembly of an intervening extracellular matrix, (2) attachment between these two cell layers, and (3) contraction of the amnioserosa cells. We also provide evidence for integrin-extracellular matrix interactions occurring between the lateral surfaces of the amnioserosa cell and the leading edge epidermis that effectively mediate cell-cell adhesion. Thus, dorsal closure shares mechanistic similarities with vertebrate epithelial morphogenetic events, including epiboly, that also employ an underlying substrate.  相似文献   

The glypican (Gpc) family of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans are expressed in a tissue-specific and developmentally regulated fashion. To determine if individual Gpcs can modulate heparin-binding growth factor signaling, we examined hepatocyte growth factor (HGF)-stimulated mitogenic, motogenic, and morphogenic responses of renal tubular cells expressing different Gpcs. Adult inner medullary collecting duct (IMCD) cells were found to express primarily Gpc4 and to proliferate, migrate, and form tubules with HGF, correlating with sustained extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) activation. Embryonic IMCD cells expressing predominantly Gpc3 proliferated and migrated in response to HGF but activated ERK only transiently and failed to form tubules. Overexpressing Gpc-4 but not Gpc-3 or Gpc-1 led to sustained HGF-stimulated ERK activation and rescued the tubulogenic response in these cells. These results demonstrate that both signaling and phenotypic responses to HGF can be regulated by specific Gpc expression patterns.  相似文献   

Hsieh HG  Loong CC  Lin CY 《Cytokine》2002,19(4):159-174

Although epithelial morphogenesis is tightly controlled by intrinsic genetic programs, the microenvironment in which epithelial cells proliferate and differentiate also contributes to the morphogenetic process. The roles of the physical microenvironment in epithelial morphogenesis, however, have not been well dissected. In this study, we assessed the impact of the microenvironment on epithelial cyst formation, which often marks the beginning or end step of morphogenesis of epithelial tissues and the pathological characteristic of some diseases. Previous studies have demonstrated that Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells form cysts when grown in a three-dimensional (3D) extracellullar matrix (ECM) environment. We have now further demonstrated that the presence of ECM in the 3D scaffold is required for the formation of properly polarized cysts. Also, we have found that the full interface of epithelial cells with the ECM environment (in-3D) is not essential for cyst formation, since partial contact (on-3D) is sufficient to induce cystogenesis. In addition, we have defined the minimal ECM environment or the physical threshold for cystogenesis under the on-3D condition. Only above the threshold can the morphological cues from the ECM environment induce cyst formation. Moreover, cyst formation under the on-3D condition described in this study defines a novel and more feasible model to analyze in vitro morphogenesis. Finally, we have found that, during cystogenesis, MDCK cells generate basal microprotrusions and produce vesicle-like structures to the basal extracellular space, which are specific to and correlated with cyst formation. For the first time, we have systematically and quantitatively elucidated the microenvironmental determinants for epithelial cystogenesis.  相似文献   

Exposure of human lung epithelial (A549) cells to asbestos fibers causes apoptosis, which is largely attributed to release of iron and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within the cells. To mimic the highly oxidative environment generated by asbestos exposure in the absence of the actual fibers, we used two chemicals; buthione sulfoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of glutathione (GSH) synthesis and ferric ammonium citrate (FAC), a source of iron. Here, we report that exposure of A549 cells to crocidolite asbestos led to a significant time-dependent inactivation of signaling proteins, i.e. Akt and all mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) (p38, ERK1/2 and SAPK/JNK), and subsequently to apoptosis. Unlike crocidolite treatment, the use of BSO and FAC, independently or combined, did not change the phosphorylation status of proteins, nor did it induce apoptosis. Taken together, our results presented herein point to the possibility that crocidolite-induced apoptosis of human lung epithelial cells is not a mere consequence of generation of oxidants but also requires inactivation of major cell growth and differentiation pathways. A. Baldys, P. Pande contributed equally to this publication.  相似文献   

In many epithelial tissues in the body, the rate of Na(+) reabsorption is governed by the activity of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). The assembly, trafficking, and turnover of the three ENaC subunits (alpha, beta, and gamma) is complex and not well understood. Recent experiments suggest that ENaC must be proteolytically cleaved for maximal activity and may explain the discrepancies reported in prior biochemical approaches focused on quantitating the trafficking and half-life of full-length subunits. As an alternative approach to examining the dynamics of ENaC subunits, we have generated doxycycline-repressible replication-defective recombinant adenoviruses encoding individual epitope-tagged mouse ENaC subunits and expressed these in polarized MDCK I cells. Co-infection with these viruses encoding all three subunits generates robust amiloride-sensitive currents in polarized MDCK cells. Significant current was also observed in cells expressing alpha- and gamma-mENaC in the absence of beta-mENaC. These currents did not appear to result from association with endogenous canine beta-ENaC. Treatment of alpha beta gamma-expressing cells with cycloheximide (CHX) resulted in the rapid inhibition (within 3 h) of approximately 50-80% of the initial current; however, a sizable fraction of the initial current remained even after 6 h of CHX. By contrast, CHX addition to cells expressing only alpha- and gamma-mENaC resulted in rapid decay in current with no residual fraction. Our data suggest that ENaC channels of differing stoichiometries are differentially trafficked and degraded and provide support for the possibility that noncoordinate trafficking of ENaC subunits may function in vivo as a mechanism to modulate ENaC activity.  相似文献   

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