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The isolated pigment epithelium and choroid of frog was mounted in a chamber so that the apical surfaces of the epithelial cells and the choroid were exposed to separate solutions. The apical membrane of these cells was penetrated with microelectrodes and the mean apical membrane potential was --88 mV. The basal membrane potential was depolarized by the amount of the transepithelial potential (8--20 mV). Changes in apical and basal cell membrane voltage were produced by changing ion concentrations on one or both sides of the tissue. Although these voltage changes were altered by shunting and changes in membrane resistance, it was possible to estimate apical and basal cell membrane and shunt resistance, and the relative ionic conductance Ti of each membrane. For the apical membrane: TK approximately equal to 0.52, THCO3 approximately equal to 0.39 and TNa approximately equal to 0.05, and its specific resistance was estimated to be 6000--7000 omega cm2. For the basal membrane: TK approximately equal to 0.90 and its specific resistance was estimated to be 400--1200 omega cm2. From the basal potassium voltage responses the intracellular potassium concentration was estimated at 110 mM. The shunt resistance consisted of two pathways: a paracellular one, due to the junctional complexes and another, around the edge of the tissue, due to the imperfect nature of the mechanical seal. In well-sealed tissues, the specific resistance of the shunt was about ten times the apical plus basal membrane specific resistances. This epithelium, therefore, should be considered "tight". The shunt pathway did not distinguish between anions (HCO--3, Cl--, methylsulfate, isethionate) but did distinguish between Na+ and K+.  相似文献   

The pigmentation pattern of ventral skin of the frog Rana esculenta consists mainly of melanophores and iridophores, rather than the three pigment cells (xanthophores, iridophores, and melanophores) which form typical dermal chromatophore units in dorsal skin. The present study deals with the precise localization and identification of the types of pigment cells in relation to their position in the dermal tracts of uncultured or cultured frog skins. Iridophores were observed by dark-field microscopy; both melanophores and iridophores were observed by transmission electron microscopy. In uncultured skins, three levels were distinguished in the dermal tracts connecting the subcutaneous tissue to the upper dermis. Melanophores and iridophores were localized in the upper openings of the tracts directed towards the superficial dermis (level 1). The tracts themselves formed level 2 and contained melanophores and a few iridophores. The inner openings of the tracts made up level 3 in which mainly iridophores were present. These latter openings faced the subcutaneous tissue In cultured skins, such pigment-cell distribution remained unchanged, except at level 2 of the tracts, where pigment cells were statistically more numerous; among these, mosaic pigment cells were sometimes observed.  相似文献   

Summary Previous experiments indicate that the apical membrane of the frog retinal pigment epithelium contains electrogenic NaK pumps. In the pressent experiments net potassium and rubidium transport across the epithelium was measured as a function of extracellular potassium (rubidium) concentration, [K] o ([Rb] o ). The net rate of retina-to-choroid42K(86Rb) transport increased monotonically as [K] o ([Rb] o ), increased from approximately 0.2 to 5mm on both sides of the tissue or on the apical (neural retinal) side of the tissue. No further increase was observed when [K] o ([Rb] o ) was elevated to 10mm. Net sodium transport was also stimulated by elevating [K] o . The net K transport was completely inhibited by 10–4 m ouabain in the solution bathing the apical membrane. Ouabain inhibited the unidirectional K flux in the direction of net flux but had not effect on the back-flux in the choroid-to-retina direction. The magnitude of the ouabain-inhibitable42K(86Rb) flux increased with [K] o ([Rb] o ). These results show that the apical membrane NaK pumps play an important role in the net active transport of potassium (rubidium) across the epithelium. The [K] o changes that modulate potassium transport coincide with the light-induced [K] o changes that occur in the extracellular space separating the photoreceptors and the apical membrane of the pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

Previous experiments indicate that the apical membrane of the frog retinal pigment epithelium contains electrogenic Na:K pumps. In the present experiments net potassium and rubidium transport across the epithelium was measured as a function of extracellular potassium (rubidium) concentration, [K]0 ( [Rb]0). The net rate of retina-to-choroid 42K(86Rb) transport increased monotonically as [K]0 ( [Rb]0) increased from approximately 0.2 to 5 mM on both sides of the tissue or on the apical (neural retinal) side of the tissue. No further increase was observed when [K]0 ( [Rb]0) was elevated to 10 mM. Net sodium transport was also stimulated by elevating [K]0. The net K transport was completely inhibited by 10-4 M ouabain in the solution bathing the apical membrane. Ouabain inhibited the unidirectional K flux in the direction of net flux but had no effect on the back-flux in the choroid-to-retina direction. The magnitude of the ouabain-inhibitable 42K(86Rb) flux increased with [K]0 ( [Rb]0). These results show that the apical membrane Na:K pumps play an important role in the net active transport of potassium (rubidium) across the epithelium. The [K]0 changes that modulate potassium transport coincide with the light-induced [K]0 changes that occur in the extracellular space separating the photoreceptors and the apical membrane of the pigment epithelium.  相似文献   

The dispersion of melanosomes in the dermal melanophores of the Xenopus laevis larvae has been studied by time--lapse cinematography. The process began with the appearance of distally directed melanosome flows in the cell cytoplasm. During the subsequent migration of pigment granules, the flows branched forming branches of the 2nd and higher orders. The whole cytoplasm became filled with a layer of melanosomes. During the dispersion, the movement of melanosomes in a flow is replaced by their dispersion all over the cytoplasm; these processes alternated. In the peripheral part of the cell devoid of melanosomes, membrane vesicles appeared and the cytoplasm was distinctly divided into ecto- and endoplasm. The ectoplasm contained numerous microfilaments and single microtubules, the endoplasm did not contain any cell organelles, except single electron-dense melanosomes. The active role of plasma membrane in the intracellular movement of melanin granules is suggested.  相似文献   

The results of electron microscope investigations on dermal melanophores of Rana temporaria L. during migration of pigment granules are presented. It was shown that in comparison to the previous observations dermal melanophores are flat cells without branches. Ultrastructural differences have been demonstrated in dermal melanophores during migration of pigment granules. During melanosome dispersion membrane vesicle bodies are seen in the cytoplasm to be inserted in the melanophore membrane.  相似文献   

The earliest and most primitive heterostraeans possessed a tessellated carapace. Isolated dentine tubercles scattered in the skin formed primordia around which concentric rings of further tubercles were laid down. This pattern of growth produced a characteristic terrazzo. From this stage the gradual elimination of tesserae can be traced in several groups. Beginning with areally growing or cyclomorial tesserae, the individual units appear simultaneously or synchronomorially, thereafter they become fused into a system of large discrete plates. Finally these synehroriomorial units appear earlier and earlier in ontogeny with progressively wider zones of cyclomorial growth being added on to them. Thus a pattern of cyclomorial plates is eventually produced.
In the psammosteids there was a redevelopment of tesserae so that the latest stages were comparable to the very early stages, although the tesserae were developed on an already existing pattern of large plates.
The possible origin of the tessellated pat tern of dermal armour is discussed. The apparent macular nature of dermal structures is not considered to be an inherent property of skin but instead due to simple physico-chemical factors.  相似文献   

To elucidate the role of the water receptor in the frog (Rana catesbeiana), reflex activities elicited by its excitation were studied. Application of tap water to the oral mucosa depressed the rhythmical movement of gorge (buccal) respiration, accompanied by an elevation of the inner pressure of the oral cavity (buccal pressure). Tonic reflex discharges were elicited in the nerves innervating the submental and submaxillary muscles, which close the nostrils, the pterygoid and the profound portion of the major masseter muscles, which produce a strong bite, and the geniohyoid and hyoglossus muscles, which elevate buccal pressure. These muscles, except for the pterygoid, also participate in the rhythmical movement of gorge respiration as expiratory muscles. Rhythmical movements in the minor masseter and sternohyoid muscles, which act as inspiratory muscles in gorge respiration, were depressed by the water stimulation of the oral mucosa. These findings indicate that the water receptor plays a role in the interruption of gorge respiratory movements, accompanied by an elevation of buccal pressure.  相似文献   

Action of light on frog pigment cells in culture   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Solar radiation induces numerous biologic effects in skin but the mechanism underlying these responses is poorly understood. To study the etiology of these phenomena, we investigated the effect of light on cultured Xenopus laevis melanophores. Visible light stimulated a marked increase in intracellular cAMP levels within the first minute of irradiation. This light-induced elevation in cAMP was blocked by melatonin and was not seen in fibroblasts irradiated in a similar manner. These data show that the photoresponse of pigment cells from amphibian skin can be mediated by a cAMP-dependent mechanisms and suggest that a unique member of the rhodopsin family is involved in this process.  相似文献   

The dermis of the frog skin (Rana esculenta) displayed a remarkable organization of vertical and horizontal tracts. Vertical thick tracts connected the dermal Stratum spongiosum with the subcutaneous tissue. Horizontal thin tracts were found alongside and contiguous to them. The thick tracts were sheathed by collagen fibrils of the Stratum compactum which were vertically oriented (i.e. parallel to the axes of the tracts) according to the horizontal and orthogonal arrangement of the collagen bundles of the Stratum compactum. The thin tracts devoid of collagenous sheath were formed by clear spaces between superimposed collagen bundles of the dermal Stratum compactum. On vertical sections, the thick tracts were seen to contain fibronectin (FN), detected by indirect immunoperoxidase. Continuous vertical FN lines were centred in these tracts. On horizontal sections, a clear zone around these FN-centred lines was also sheathed by FN. The thick tracts contained flattened pigmentary cells and fibroblasts; these cells were FN-outlined. The thin tracts contained patches of FN and FN-outlined fibroblasts. In culture, in vertical thick tracts, both pigmentary cells and fibroblasts disappeared when antiserum to FN was added to the culture medium. This suggested that thick tracts were pathways allowing pigmentary cells to move upward or downward between their usual upper dermal and lower subcutaneous localizations. Fewer fibroblasts were found in the thin tracts in the presence of antiserum to FN.  相似文献   

Consistent with the concept that specific pigment patterns of amphibians might result from the highly localized distribution of stimulators and inhibitors of pigment cell expression in the skin, the spot pattern of the leopard frog, Rana pipiens, was examined through the use of the Xenopus neural tube explant assay system (Fukuzawa and Ide, 1988). Media conditioned with pieces of skin from dorsal black spotted areas promoted melanization of neural crest cells at a significantly higher level than did media conditioned with dorsal interspot skin in the absence of extra tyrosine. All conditioned media contained exceedingly low concentrations of tyrosine. With the addition of supplemental tyrosine, the melanization capacity of conditioned media from the interspot areas was elevated to that of the spotted skin. Control media conditioned with ventral frog skin inhibited melanization, as usual, because of the presumed presence of melanization inhibiting factor (MIF). It is considered that dorsal skin contains a melanization stimulating factor (MSF) which is present in significantly higher levels in spotted skin than in interspot areas and that expression of the particular pigmentary pattern of this leopard frog is regulated by the relative distribution of MIF, MSF, and possibly other intrinsic substances present in the skin.  相似文献   

Changes in the differentiating pigment epithelium cells have been studied in Rana temporaria by transmission electron microscopy. Ultrastructural features of the pigment epithelium functions at successive developmental stages have been established: the phagocytic function appears the first (judging by utilization of embryonic pigment from the primary eye cavity), it is followed by the transport and barrier functions (as the secondary eye cavity and vascular envelope develop), while phagocytosis related to the process of renovation of the external segments of photoreceptors and the function of screening appear later.  相似文献   

Changes in the ultrastructure of the differentiating retinal cells were studied by means of electron microscopy in Rana temporaria at successive developmental stages. Common features of the onset of differentiation of the retinal cells have been shown: appearance of the granular endoplasmic reticulum elements, of the polysomes, beginning of utilization of the yolk and lipids, elimination of ovarial melanosomes. Later during the differentiation of retinal neurons the protein synthesizing machinery and Golgi complex of these cells develop markedly, the number of mitochondria increases. The differentiation of retina begins from the Müllerian cells (stage 28) which determine the direction of growth of the neuron processes. They are followed by the ganglion cells and photoreceptors (stage 29). The signs of differentiation of the inner nuclear layer neurons become apparent later, in the amacrine and horizontal cells at the same time and in the bipolars later. The main features of neuronal organization of the retina which determine the structural basis of its function of light perception are formed by stage 40.  相似文献   

The circannual behaviour of glycosylation and protein synthesis in frog liver slices was studied following the incorporation of3H-galactose and14C-glucosamine into glycolipids and glycoproteins and3H-leucine into proteins. The activity of two enzymes the galactosyl-transferase and the N-acetyl-glucosaminyl-1-P-transferase was determined. The incorporations of both sugars into the soluble fraction and into the lipid extract present a maximum during the spring-summer period. The incorporation into the protein fraction displays a different pattern:14C-Glucosamine and3H-leucine incorporation increases from winter to a maximum in autumn; the incorporation of3H-Galactose has a sharp peak during spring. The pattern of glycosyltransferase activities is similar to the pattern of incorporation of the two saccharides into proteins, indicating these enzymes as important control points for glycosylation in Anurae.  相似文献   

Summary It was previously shown that ouabain decreases the potential difference across anin vitro preparation of bullfrog retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) when applied to the apical, but not the basal, membrane and that the net basal-to-apical Na+ transport is also inhibited by apical ouabain. This suggested the presence of a Na+–K+ pump on the apical membrane of the RPE. In the present experiments, intracellular recordings from RPE cells show that this pump is electrogenic and contributes approximately –10 mV to the apical membrane potential (V AP). Apical ouabain depolarizedV AP in two phases. The initial, fast phase was due to the removal of the direct, electrogenic component. In the first one minute of the response to ouabain,V AP depolarized at an average rate of 4.4±0.42 mV/min (n=10, mean ±sem), andV AP depolarized an average of 9.6±0.5 mV during the entire fast phase. A slow phase of membrane depolarization, due to ionic gradients running down across both membranes, continued for hours at a much slower rate, 0.4 mV/min. Using a simple diffusion model and K+-specific microelectrodes, it was possible to infer that the onset of the ouabain-induced depolarization coincided with the arrival of ouabain molecules at the apical membrane. This result must occur if ouabain affects an electrogenic pump. Other metabolic inhibitors, such as DNP and cold, also produced a fast depolarization of the apical membrane. For a decrease in temperature of 10°C, the average depolarization of the apical membrane was 7.1±3.4 mV (n=5) and the average decrease in transepithelial potential was 3.9±0.3 mV (n=10). These changes in potential were much larger than could be explained by the effect of temperature on anRT/F electrodiffusion factor. Cooling the tissue inhibited the same mechanism as ouabain, since prior exposure to ouabain greatly reduced the magnitude of the cold effect. Bathing the tissue in 0mm [K+] solution for 2 hr inhibited the electrogenic pump, and subsequent re-introduction of 2mm [K+] solution produced a rapid membrane hyperpolarization. We conclude that the electrogenic nature of this pump is important to retinal function, since its contribution to the apical membrane potential is likely to affect the transport of ions, metabolites, and fluid across the RPE.  相似文献   

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