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The role of the renal nerves in determining renal function after relief of 24-h unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) was studied using clearance techniques in anaesthetized rats. Acute renal denervation during the first 1--2 h after relief of UUO resulted in a significant increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), renal plasma flow (RPF), urine flow, and sodium and potassium excretion, changes which were not seen in the sham-denervated postobstructive kidney. Acute denervation of sham-operated normal kidneys caused a similar natriuresis and diuresis but with no change in GFR or RPF. Chronic renal denervation 4--5 days before UUO denervated postobstructive controls, while chronic denervation alone was associated with a significantly higher urine flow and sodium excretion rate from the denervated kidney. The effectiveness of renal denervation was confirmed by demonstrating marked depletion of tissue catecholamines in the denervated kidney. It was concluded that renal nerve activity plays a significant but not a major role in the functional changes present after relief of UUO. Chronic renal denervation did not protect against the functional effects of unilateral ureteral obstruction.  相似文献   

Summary Renal clearance experiments were conducted on feral chickens descended from birds collected from a coral island off the coast of Queensland, Australia. Following a control period when 0.13 M NaCl was used as a vehicle for the renal function markers, a salt load was imposed by infusion of 1 M NaCl. The hypertonic NaCl infusion resulted in increases in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), effective renal blood flow (ERBF), and urine flow rate (V), whereas filtration fraction decreased. Haematocrit was reduced and plasma osmolality, sodium, chloride and potassium concentrations increased. Plasma arginine vasotocin (PAVT) levels increased from 31.4±2.3 pg·ml-1 during the control infusion to 56.0±1.7 pg·ml-1 following a salt load of 12 mmol Nacl·kg-1 The sensitivity of release of AVT was 0.69±0.11 pg·ml-1 per mosmol·kg-1. The concentrations of Na and Cl in urine increased, whereas urine osmolality and potassium concentration decreased. The expansion of the extracellular fluid volume induced by the salt loading would tend to suppress the release of AVT, whereas the osmotic stimulus would provide a stimulus for the release of AVT. In this study, GFR, ERBF and ERPF increased at the same time as PAVT increased.Abbreviations AVP arginine vasopressin - AVT arginine vasotocin - ERBF effective renal blood flow - ERPF effective renal plasma flow - GFR glomerular filtration rate - Pavt plasma arginine vasotocin concentration - PAH paraaminohippuric acid - SEM standard error of mean - SNGER single nephron glomerular filtration rate - U/P urine to plasma ratio - V urine flow rate  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether intact cardiac innervation and a normal cardiovascular (CV) response are required for a normal ventilatory (VE) response to mild and moderate treadmill exercise in awake goats. Accordingly, we measured CV and respiratory responses to two levels of exercise in seven normal (N) and six cardiac-denervated (CD) goats. Evidence of surgical CD included 1) absence of a cardiac response during surgery when the left thoracic cardiac nerves, thoracic vagi, and right and left stellate ganglia were electrically stimulated, 2) total and 80% attenuation of baroreflex changes in heart rate (HR) when arterial blood pressure was raised or lowered, respectively, by infusion of vasoactive agents in awake goats, and 3) attenuation of the CV responses to exercise. At each level of exercise in the CD goats, the HR response was significantly reduced relative to the response observed before CD (P less than 0.05) and the recovery HR response was delayed. Cardiac index increased in a work rate-dependent manner in N and CD goats but was significantly lower in the CD animals (P less than 0.05). Hypotension was consistently observed during exercise following CD. There was no effect of CD on steady-state VE at any metabolic rate or on the VE-O2 uptake relationship (P greater than 0.05). The rest-to-work and work-to-work transition responses of arterial PCO2 were similar between N and CD goats, but there was a tendency toward greater hypocapnia at the exercise onset in CD goats at the highest work rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To assess the role of intrapulmonary receptors on the ventilatory responses to exercise we studied six beagle dogs before and after chronic pulmonary denervation and five dogs before and after sham thoracotomies. Each exercise challenge consisted of 6 min of treadmill exercise with measurements taken during the third minute at 3.2 km/h, 0% grade, and during the third minute at 5.0 km/h, 0% grade. Inspiratory and expiratory airflows were monitored with a low-dead-space latex mask and pneumotachographs coupled to differential pressure transducers. Both pre- and postsurgery, all dogs exhibited a significant arterial hypocapnia and alkalosis during exercise. Denervation of the lungs had no significant effect on minute ventilation at rest or during exercise, although there was a lower frequency and higher tidal volume in the lung-denervated dogs at all measurement periods. Breathing frequency increased significantly during exercise in lung-denervated dogs but to a lesser magnitude than in the control dogs. The changes that occurred in breathing frequency in all animals were due predominantly to the shortening of expiratory time. Inspiratory time did not shorten significantly during exercise following lung denervation. We conclude from these data that intrapulmonary receptors which are deafferented by sectioning the vagi at the hilum are not responsible for setting the level of ventilation during rest or exercise but are involved in determining the pattern of breathing.  相似文献   

The distribution of vasotocin and mesotocin in the pituitary and central nervous system in male chickens was determined using radioimmunoassays. Neither peptide was detected in the pineal. Mesotocin, but not vasotocin, was detected in the cerebellum. Both peptides were found in the septal area, archistriatum, paleostriatum, optic lobe, anterior, medial and posterior hypothalamus, midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata, and the anterior and posterior pituitary. Equal amounts of the 2 peptides were present in the septal area, archistriatum and anterior hypothalamus whereas vasotocin was more abundant (2- to 10-fold) in the paleostriatum, optic lobe, midbrain, and pituitary. The amount of mesotocin was about twice that of vasotocin in the medulla oblongata and the medial and posterior hypothalamus. The wide distribution of vasotocin and mesotocin in extrahypothalamic sites in the central nervous system suggests that the peptides may, as in mammals, have a role in a variety of autonomic and endocrine regulatory processes in chickens.  相似文献   

Chronic treatment with dopamine D2 blockers in schizophrenic patients has been proposed as one of the causes of polydipsia and water intoxication, but this conclusion is still controversial. To investigate the relationship between dopamine D2 blockers and these syndromes, we designed a behavioral and neurochemical study using hyperosmotic stimulation in the supraoptic nucleus (SON) by microdialysis after chronic treatment with haloperidol in rats. Animals were injected with haloperidol decanoate (20 mg/kg, i.m.) or sesame oil at 2-week intervals for 8 successive weeks. During the 7th week, water-intake was increased 30-60 min after the hyperosmotic stimulation in both groups, but more so in haloperidol-treated animals compared to that in the control group. Moreover, arginine vasopressin (AVP) was released by the hyperosmotic stimulation in SON, but was not significantly different between groups. In addition, striatal dopamine levels 3-4 days after the microdialysis study showed a significant decrease in the haloperidol-treated animals. These results suggest that chronic treatment with haloperidol enhances water-intake produced by hyperosmotic stimulation in the SON but does not increase AVP levels in dialysates following hyperosmotic stimulation. Thus, these symptoms may be mediated by dopaminergic systems in brain.  相似文献   

1. The cardiac effects of arginine vasotocin (AVT) on isolated atria were examined in three anuran and one urodele species. 2. AVT produced dose-related positive chronotropic and inotropic responses. 3. The responsiveness of the atrial tissue varied among species. 4. Both the basal atrial rate (AR) and tension (T) were attenuated in the presence of phentolamine and propranolol, alpha- and beta-adrenergic antagonists. Isoproterenol, a beta-adrenergic agonist, increased both AR and T, an effect which would be inhibited by propranolol. 5. The effects of AVT on both AR and T were not inhibited by alpha- and beta-adrenergic blockers, nor by verapamil and imidazole with the dosages used in the present study. 6. On the contrary, the effects of AVT on AR, but not T, was enhanced in the presence of both alpha- and beta-adrenergic blockers. 7. The mechanism of action of AVT on the amphibian atrium remains unknown.  相似文献   

Effect of vasotocin and oxytocin on oviposition in the hen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Arginine vasotocin (AVT), an avian neurohypophysial hormone, is released during osmotic stimulation and oviposition. In the present study, the role of opioid peptides on AVT release was studied by examining the effects of an opioid agonist and antagonist on osmotic- and oviposition-induced secretion of AVT. The administration of hypertonic saline (1.5 M NaCl) induced an increase in the plasma levels of AVT. The simultaneous administration of morphine, an opioid receptor agonist, inhibited the osmotically induced increase in plasma levels of AVT in a dose-dependent manner. On the other hand, the co-administration of morphine with naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist, attenuated the inhibitory effect of morphine. Moreover, injection of naloxone alone enhanced the osmotically induced increase in plasma levels of AVT. However, the administration of morphine did not inhibit the oviposition-induced increase in plasma levels of AVT. These results suggest that osmotic-induced release of AVT may be under opioid regulation, while oviposition-induced release of AVT may be controlled by a different mechanism. J. Exp. Zool. 286:481-486, 2000.  相似文献   

The role of the hormone prolactin in avian osmoregulation has not been clearly defined. The increases in plasma prolactin concentrations which have been demonstrated in previous studies in response to osmotic stress are strongly suggestive of a role for prolactin in avian osmoregulation. The present study investigated the effects of either acute or chronic administration of ovine prolactin on plasma electrolytes and renal function in the feral chicken. The effect of acute administration of prolactin depended on the dose of prolactin used. All plasma concentrations of prolactin achieved by the infusions were greater than reported values for endogenous prolactin. Acute infusion of prolactin at the lower dose increased the fractional excretion of sodium and chloride significantly, whereas the higher dose of prolactin had no effect. However, chronic administration of ovine prolactin had no significant effects on plasma electrolytes and renal function. It is possible that the role of prolactin in avian osmoregulation is a combination of its effects on the kidneys and also on extrarenal tissues such as the intestine and nasal salt glands (where present). Accepted: 22 August 1997  相似文献   

The effect of platelet release products on cytosolic calcium [( Ca++]i) was examined by monitoring the fluorescence of chick embryonic heart cells loaded with the fluorescent calcium indicator indo-1 AM. Cell free filtrate of platelet release products was obtained from rabbit platelets activated with thrombin or collagen. This filtrate caused a rapid increase in both systolic and diastolic [Ca++]i in a dose-dependent manner. The effect was not blocked by pretreating the platelets with aspirin or a thromboxane synthetase inhibitor. It was not mimicked by a thromboxane analog, or by several substances known to be released from platelets including ADP, serotonin, or platelet activating factor. Apyrase or ATP-gamma S had no effect on the activity. The responsible product was heat-sensitive, trypsin-sensitive, and partitioned into the aqueous phase of a chloroform suspension. It has a low molecular weight (less than 3kD) and is sensitive to 2-mercaptoethanol. Protease inhibitor appears to prolong the activity. These results suggest that trypsin-sensitive peptide(s) released from activated platelets can increase [Ca++]i in cardiac cells.  相似文献   

It has been established in 23 experiments on dogs that during asphyxia the reactions of denervated heart which were directed toward compensation of hypoxia in the whole organism and towards preservation of myocardium from hypoxia damages were slower than that in the norm. All these processes led to the overloading of myocardium.  相似文献   

IntroductionWe aimed to study the immediate hemodynamic effects of thoracoscopic bilateral cardiac sympathetic denervation (CSD) for recurrent ventricular tachycardia (VT) or VT storm.MethodWe studied a group of 18 adults who underwent bilateral thoracoscopic CSD; the blood pressure (BP) and Heart Rate (HR) were continuously monitored during the surgery and up to 6 h post-operatively.ResultsImmediately on removal of the sympathetic ganglia, the patients had a drop in both the systolic (110 mm Hg to 95.8 mm Hg, p < 0.001) and diastolic BP (69.4 mm Hg to65 mm Hg, p = 0.007) along with a drop in the HR (81.6 bpm to 61.2 bpm, p < 0.001).At 6 h after CSD, the systolic and diastolic BP did not recover significantly, while there was recovery in HR (61.2 bpm to 66 bpm, p = 0.02). There was no significant difference between those with and without left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction.ConclusionThe acute hemodynamic changes during the perioperative period of CSD are significant but not serious. Awareness of this is useful for peri-operative management.  相似文献   

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