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Endoapertures, the inner openings of compound apertures in pollen grains, are common in eudicots, but occur infrequently in early-divergent eudicot lineages, in which they are restricted to three families: Menispermaceae, Sabiaceae and Buxaceae. Pollen of Sabiaceae was examined using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The endoapertures are large and lalongate, and intine onci are associated with their development. Optimisation of endoapertures onto an existing angiosperm phylogeny indicates that endoapertures have evolved at least three times independently: in Menispermaceae, in Sabiaceae plus Buxaceae (or possibly separately in these two families), and in the core eudicot clade. Sabiaceae are unusual among early-divergent eudicots in that they possess some characters that are more common in core eudicots, including pollen with endoapertures and pentamerous flowers. This indicates either that they are more closely related to core eudicots than is indicated by current molecular evidence, or that these characters are homoplastic. The latter would suggest a high degree of experimentation prior to evolutionary canalisation of some key morphological features in eudicots. The evolution of endoapertures in early-divergent eudicots is probably associated with possession of endexine sculpture (endosculpture) such as endocracks; endoapertures may have been retained in eudicots as a harmomegathic mechanism.  相似文献   

Cytokinin activity in sap collected under vacuum from field grown oaks (Quercus robur L.) was determined at monthly intervals throughout the year. A very low level in January was followed by an increase in February and March which reached its maximum 20–25 days before bud-break. Levels decreased through April and May during leaf expansion, rising once more in June, 10–15 days before a second shoot growth flush. The levels then progressively decreased to reach a minimum in November and December. Cytokinin activity in roots, 24 h and one week after root-tip removal did not differ significantly from that in intact control plants. Cytokinin activity in roots and shoots determined in relation to shoot growth flushes revealed no differences in the shoot while the activity in root extracts was lowered after a single flush of shoot growth. The effects of applying growth regulators at the time of transplanting were investigated by soaking entire transplants in hormone solution. Gibberellin promoted shoot growth at the expense of root growth, but root growth could be restored to normal levels by a simultaneous application of auxin. Cytokinin treatment increased leaf number, but resulted in small bushy plants. The seasonal changes in cytokinin activity are discussed with regard to successful transplanting.  相似文献   

Wang XM  Zhang P  Du QG  He HX  Zhao L  Ren Y  Endress PK 《Annals of botany》2012,109(6):1125-1132

Background and Aims

Preliminary field observations in 2001 and 2002 suggested that Kingdonia uniflora (Circaeasteraceae, Ranunculales) exhibits heterodichogamy, an unusual kind of reproductive heteromorphy, hitherto unreported in Ranunculales and known from only one other genus in basal eudicots.


During several subsequent years flowers were observed in the field. Flowers were fixed in FAA and studied with microtome sections series and with the scanning electron microscope.

Key Results

The flowers proved to be heterodichogamous, with protandrous and protogynous morphs, which have a 1 : 1 ratio. Both morphs equally set fruit. Each year a single flower is formed at the tip of a rhizome or more rarely two flowers. The flowers are already open when they appear at the soil surface, before they are receptive and before pollen is dispersed. In both floral morphs the styles elongate early and the stigmas are positioned above the anthers before anthesis begins. In protogynous flowers the stigmas become receptive in this position; later the styles become reflexed and then the anthers dehisce. In contrast, in protandrous flowers the stamen filaments elongate during early anthesis such that the dehiscing anthers come to lie above the (still unreceptive) stigmas; after dehiscence of all anthers in a flower the styles begin to elongate and become receptive.


This is the first record of heterodichogamy in a representative of Ranunculales, in an herbaceous eudicot, and in a plant with uniflorous ramets. The occurrence of heterodichogamy in Kingdonia in which clonal reproduction appears to be dominant might be an adaptation to avoid mating between the ramets from a common mother individual (genet).Key words: Kingdonia, Circaeasteraceae, Ranunculales, heterodichogamy, reproductive heteromorphy  相似文献   

Ren Y  Li HF  Zhao L  Endress PK 《Annals of botany》2007,100(2):185-193
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Based on molecular phylogenetic studies, the unigeneric family Eupteleaceae has a prominent phylogenetic position at or near the base of Ranunculales, which, in turn, appear at the base of eudicots. The aim of the present paper is to reveal developmental features of the flowers and to put the genus in a morphological context with other basal eudicots. METHODS: Flowers in all developmental stages of Euptelea pleiosperma were collected in the wild at intervals of 7-10 d in the critical stages and studied with a scanning electron microscope. KEY RESULTS: Remnants of a perianth are lacking throughout flower development. Floral symmetry changes from monosymmetric to asymmetric to disymmetric during development. Asymmetry is expressed in that the sequence of stamen initiation is from the centre to both lateral sides on the adaxial side of the flower but starting from one lateral side and proceeding to the other on the abaxial side. Despite the pronounced floral disymmetry, a dimerous pattern of floral organs was not found. The carpel primordia arise between the already large stamens and alternate with them. Stamens and carpels each form a somewhat irregular whorl. The carpels are ascidiate from the beginning. The stigma differentiates as two crests along the ventral slit of the ovary. The few lateral ovules alternate with each other. CONCLUSIONS: Although the flowers have some unusual autapomorphies (wind pollination, lack of a perianth, pronounced disymmetry of the floral base, long connective protrusion, long temporal gap between androecium and gynoecium initiation, small space for carpel initiation), they show some plesiomorphies at the level of basal eudicots (free carpels, basifixed anthers, whorled phyllotaxis), and thus fit well in Ranunculales.  相似文献   

Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii de Candolle) is a thorny, perennial, exotic, invasive shrub that is well established throughout much of the eastern United States. It can form dense thickets that limit native herbaceous and woody regeneration, alter soil structure and function, and harbor increased blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis Say) populations. This study examined a potential causal mechanism for the link between Japanese barberry and blacklegged ticks to determine if eliminating Japanese barberry could reduce tick abundance and associated prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi (Johnson, Schmid, Hyde, Steigerwalt, and Brenner). Japanese barberry was controlled at five study areas throughout Connecticut; adult ticks were sampled over three years. Each area had three habitat plots: areas where barberry was controlled, areas where barberry remained intact, and areas where barberry was minimal or absent. Sampled ticks were retained and tested for B. burgdorferi presence. At two study areas, temperature and relative humidity data loggers were deployed in each of the three habitat plots over two growing seasons. Intact barberry stands had 280 ± 51 B. burgdorferi-infected adult ticks/ha, which was significantly higher than for controlled (121 ± 17/ha) and no barberry (30 ± 10/ha) areas. Microclimatic conditions where Japanese barberry was controlled were similar to areas without barberry. Japanese barberry infestations are favorable habitat for ticks, as they provide a buffered microclimate that limits desiccation-induced tick mortality. Control of Japanese barberry reduced the number of ticks infected with B. burgdorferi by nearly 60% by reverting microclimatic conditions to those more typical of native northeastern forests.  相似文献   

Although tanaids are thought of as a largely tubicolous order of peracarids, relatively few species have in fact been recorded from tubes. However, many species of the genus Typhlotanais recently collected from deep-sea sediments are tubicolous and attach or incorporate a wide range of materials to a mucous tube formed of secretions from glands within the pereonal cavity. These include mud particles, sand grains, sponge spicules and foraminiferan tests. Silica and calcium usually form the dominant ions in the tubes. The various types of tube and their occupants are described and their roles discussed.  相似文献   


Dundas Island and features of its natural history are described, following a visit on 21 January 1978. The island has by far the largest known breeding colony of Hooker's sea lion - 2767 animals were counted ashore, including approximately 1700 pups. The number of breeding females in the world population is now estimated at about 2700, but total population size remains unknown.  相似文献   


This paper examines the inorganic complexing capacity of seawater, where chloride and sulfate ions are present in high concentration, towards mono- di- and tri-organotin(IV) cations which show a different trend of acidity, depending on cation charges, and a corresponding tendency to hydrolysis. By considering hydrolytic species and chloride and sulphate complex formation, a basic inorganic speciation model of organotins in synthetic seawater (Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl?, SO42?) has been built up. The model has been extended to also consider interactions of organotins with carbonate and fluoride ions, which are other important components of seawater. Because of the strength of hydrolysis processes, the main complexes formed are in general mixed hydroxo-species. No species are formed by organotin cations and/or their hydroxo-species with fluoride owing to their very low concentration in fluoride, in comparison to the other components of seawater. In order to simplify calculations and to establish a cumulative inorganic binding capacity for seawater, we applied a chemical complexation model, according to which the major inorganic components of seawater are considered as a single salt BA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Apomorphies that have been proposed for the Psocodea, Psocoptera, Phthiraptera and superfamilial groups within the Phthiraptera are enumerated and evaluated. The Psocodea and Phthiraptera are considered to be holophyletic, but the sister-group of the Phthiraptera lies within the Psocoptera. Within the Phthiraptera the Anoplura and Rhyncophthirina form a holophyletic group whose sister-group is the Ischnocera, and the Amblycera is the sister-group of this assemblage. The common ancestor of the Phthiraptera is suggested to have been parasitic, and all lice are believed to have evolved under environmental constraints similar to those operating today. On the evidence provided by host relationships the origin of the lice is dated as the Cretaceous, but the host of the ancestor of the order is not identified. The lice of marsupials in South America and Australia are not considered to comprise a holophyletic group.  相似文献   

Fishelson, L., Delarea, Y. and Goren, M. 2012. Comparative morphology and cytology of the eye, with particular reference to the retina, in lizardfishes (Synodontidae, Teleostei). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 68–79. The retinas of nine species of lizardfishes (Synodontidae) are composed of double cones, single cones, and rods. The cones are 16–28 μm long, and their number in the fundus of adult Synodus variegatus reaches ca. 32,900 mm2 (varying from ca. 300,000 to ca. 390,000 in a 10 mm2 of the retina), while in Saurida spp., they number ca. 12,000–14,000/mm2. The cone ellipsoids are with up to 600 mitochondria, 0.5–1.6 μm in diameter. The rods are 30–50 μm long; their outer segments 0.6–1.2 μm thick and 15–18 μm long; their inner segments elongated. Their number varies from 15 to 128 million/retina. In fish of similar dimensions but of different species, the number of visual cells in the retina differs. In all species, the eyes increase from 2.0 mm in diameter in the smallest fish studied to 12 mm in the largest one. With eye growth, the retina in the various species increases from ca. 3.8 mm2 in the smallest fish to ca.160.0 mm2 in the large Saurida macrolepis. The possible ecological aspects of the observed phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

Sedentary reef-organisms such as sponges, colonial coelenterates, bryozoans and compound ascidians produce repeated modules (aquiferous systems, polyps, zooids) as they grow. Modular construction alleviates constraints on biomass imposed by mechanical and energetic factors that are functions of the surface area to volume ratio. Colonies thus may grow large whilst preserving optimal modular dimensions. Among corals, optimal polyp size is smaller in the more autotrophic than in the more heterotrophic species. Modular construction allows flexibility of growth form, which can adapt to factors such as water currents, silting, light intensity and proximity of competitors. Modular colonies have great regenerative capacities, even separated fragments may survive and grow into new colonies. All fragments from a parental colony are genetically identical and large branching corals frequently undergo clonal propagation through fragmentation during storms. Soft corals can also fragment endogenously. By spreading the risk of mortality among independent units, the generation and dispersal of fragments lessens the likelihood of clonal extinction. In spite of their ability to propagate asexually, most benthic colonial animals also reproduce asexually. The selective advantages of the genetic diversity among sexually produced offspring seem not to be linked with dispersal, but probably lie in the biological interactions with competitors, predators and pathogens in the parental habitat. Age at first sexual maturity and the proportional investment of resources in sexual reproduction are related to colonial survivorship. Small branching corals on reef flats grow quickly, attain sexual maturity within 1–4 years, planulate extensively, but reach only small sizes before dying. Massive corals are longer lived and have the opposite characteristics of growth and reproduction. Most sessile reef organisms compete for space, food or light. Faster growers can potentially outcompete slower growers, but are often prevented from doing so by several forms of aggression from competitors and by the damage inflicted by storms. Competitive interactions among sedentary organisms on coral reefs are unlikely to be linear or deterministic, and so the co-existence of diverse species is possible.  相似文献   

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