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Summary Endosperm Balance Number (EBN) is a genetic, dose-dependent crossability system functioning in tuber-bearing Solanum species. Each species has been assigned 1EBN, 2EBN, or 4EBN. Species thus designated cross only within their EBN group. Doubling of chromosome number also doubles the EBN. The ploidy: EBN ratio is not consistent among Solanum species. Some diploids are 2EBN while others are 1EBN. Some tetraploids are 4EBN while others are 2EBN. Species from Mexico typically have EBNs that are one-half of their ploidy [e.g. 2x(1EBN), 4x(2EBN)]. Hybrids of Mexican species and a South American species, 2x(1EBN) S. Commersonii, and its 4x(2EBN) colchicine derivative were made and crossed to 1, 2, and 4EBN standard testers to determine the relationship of the genetic organization of EBN among and within these species. Diploid hybrids crossed only to 1EBN standard testers. Hybrids of 4x(2EBN) S. commersonii and 4x(2EBN) Mexican species crossed almost exclusively to 2EBN standard testers. Complex tetraploid hybrids involving S. commersonii, S. stenophyllidium (a Mexican diploid), and Mexican tetraploids of series Longipedicellata also crossed only to 2EBN testers. The apparent lack of recombination and segregation for EBN in these hybrids indicates that the genomes of the Mexican diploid and tetraploid species carry EBN in a way genetically similar to that of the South American species S. Commersonii.Cooperative investigation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service and the Wisconsin Experiment Station. Supported in part by the USDA/Cooperative States Research Service Competitive Grant No. 83-CRCR-1-1253  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is often postulated as a principal characteristic of tuber-bearing wild Solanum species. The hypotheses to explore this observation have been developed based on the presence of genetic variation. In this context, evolutionary changes and adaptation are impossible without genetic variation. However, epigenetic effects, which include DNA methylation and microRNAs expression control, could be another source of phenotypic variation in ecologically relevant traits. To achieve a detailed mechanistic understanding of these processes, it is necessary to separate epigenetic from DNA sequence-based effects and to evaluate their relative importance on phenotypic variability. We explored the potential relevance of epigenetic effects in individuals with the same genotype. For this purpose, a clone of the wild potato Solanum ruiz-lealii, a non-model species in which natural methylation variability has been demonstrated, was selected and its DNA methylation was manipulated applying 5-Azacytidine (AzaC), a demethylating agent. The AzaC treatment induced early flowering and changes in leaf morphology. Using quantitative real-time PCR, we identified four miRNAs up-regulated in the AzaC-treated plants. One of them, miRNA172, could play a role on the early flowering phenotype. In this work, we showed that the treatment with AzaC could provide meaningful results allowing to study both the phenotypic plasticity in tuber-bearing Solanum species and the inter-relation between DNA methylation and miRNA accumulations in a wide range of species.  相似文献   

Efficient targeting of plant disease resistance loci using NBS profiling   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The conserved sequences in the nucleotide-binding sites of the nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) class of disease resistance (R) genes have been used for PCR-based R-gene isolation and subsequent development of molecular markers. Here we present a PCR-based approach (NBS profiling) that efficiently targets R genes and R-gene analogs (RGAs) and, at the same time, produces polymorphic markers in these genes. In NBS profiling, genomic DNA is digested with a restriction enzyme, and an NBS-specific (degenerate) primer is used in a PCR reaction towards an adapter linked to the resulting DNA fragments. The NBS profiling protocol generates a reproducible polymorphic multilocus marker profile on a sequencing gel that is highly enriched for R genes and RGAs. NBS profiling was successfully used in potato with several restriction enzymes, and several primers targeted to different conserved motifs in the NBS. Across primers and enzymes, the NBS profiles contained 50–90% fragments that were significantly similar to known R-gene and RGA sequences. The protocol was similarly successful in other crops (including tomato, barley, and lettuce) without modifications. NBS profiling can thus be used to produce markers tightly linked to R genes and R-gene clusters for genomic mapping and positional cloning and to mine for new alleles and new sources of disease resistance in available germplasm.Communicated by H.F. Linskens  相似文献   

Solanum section Petota, containing the cultivated potato and its wild relatives, is a group of around 200 species. Many of these species are morphologically very variable with unclear boundaries, and the group as a whole appears to be somewhat over-classified. Describing a new species in this group should only be undertaken with caution, and molecular data can be used to test the distinctness of any putative new taxon. AFLP markers have shown the ability to reliably distinguish species in several groups within the genus Solanum. We tested the distinctness of a new tuber-bearing Solanum species using morphological and AFLP data, and tried to establish its affiliation to the series within the section. There was clear support for the species status of the material known as Solanum hannemanii in genebank collections, but the AFLP data were inconclusive about its relationships to the other investigated species. Also, the distinction of the series Tuberosa and Megistacroloba, to which these species belong, was not supported.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrids between Solanum etuberosum and S. pinnatisectum harboring resistance to titer buildup of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) were reciprocally crossed with tuber-bearing wild species S. acaule and S. verrucosum. A total of 47 hybrids with acaule were obtained with the aid of embryo rescue and sterile culturing of embryos from imbibing seeds. All but two hybrids with acaule had low pollen stainabilities or were pollen sterile. Hybrid seeds from crosses with verrucosum were easily obtained, and the triploid progenies were sterile. Hybrid progeny were screened for resistance to PLRV infection by viruliferous green peach aphid and for resistance to titer buildup. Although hybrids did not exhibit resistance to infection, PLRV was not detectable using ELISA. Virus was detected, however, by graft transmission to Datura stramonium. Crosses of fertile acaule-etuberosum-pinnatisectum hybrids with S. phureja, a cultivated diploid, using the latter as pollen parent, produced berries but seed did not complete development and was aborted. Rescue of immature embryos 25 days after pollination by excision from berries and sterile culture produced vigorous, pot-cultured plants. Segregation of susceptible (virus detected) and resistant (virus undetected) progenies suggests simple inheritance.  相似文献   

The first direct sexual hybrids between diploid nontuber-bearing species and diploid potato breeding lines are reported here. Three nontuberous species of Solanum, S. brevidens, S. etuberosum, and S. fernandezianum, were used for sexual crosses, achieved by a combination of rescue pollinations and embryo rescue. Initial hybrid selection was made using an embryo spot marker, followed by the evaluation of morphological and reproductive traits. Putative hybrids were first tested for resistance to potato leaf roll virus derived from the wild species, and then were tested with molecular markers using species-specific DNA probes. Finally, the tuberization of several 2x hybrids was tested for actual potato germplasm enhancement. These hybrids are unique in terms of their potential to enhance recombination between chromosomes of wild species and those of cultivated potatoes in germplasm utilization, and to exploit the genetic nature of tuber formation. The finding that nontuber-bearing Solanum spp. can be directly crossed with tuber-bearing species also has important implications for the regulatory aspects of the use of genetically modified organisms.  相似文献   

Analysis of electrically recorded feeding behaviour of aphids was combined with colony‐development tests to search for sources of resistance to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in tuber‐bearing Solanum species (Solanaceae), aiming at a reduction of potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) transmission. Twenty genotypes, originating from 14 gene bank accessions, representing 13 wild tuber‐bearing Solanum spp., three Solanum tuberosum L. (potato) cultivars, and one S. tuberosum breeding line, were selected. Colony‐development tests were carried out in no‐choice experiments by placing adult aphids on plants of each genotype and counting numbers of nymphs and adults on young plants after 8 and 15 days, and on flowering plants after 14 and 30 days. Large differences were observed among genotypes: some developed small colonies and others developed large ones. Also, in a few genotypes, resistance in mature plants was different for leaves of different ages; young leaves were resistant to aphids whereas old senescent leaves were susceptible. The electrical penetration graph (DC‐EPG system) technique was used to study aphid feeding behaviour on each Solanum genotype for 6 h. Electrical penetration graph (EPG) results also showed large differences among the genotypes, indicating resistance at the leaf surface and at three different levels of plant tissue (epidermis, mesophyll, and phloem). Therefore, it was concluded that different mechanisms of resistance to M. persicae exist among the genotypes analysed. EPGs recorded from aphids on Solanum berthaultii Hawkes and Solanum tarijense Hawkes with and without glandular trichomes showed that strong surface resistance can bias EPG parameters associated with resistance located in deeper tissues. Experimental evidence is presented that the resistance to aphids in the genotypes with glandular trichomes strongly depends on these morphological structures.  相似文献   

The domestication of the tomato Solanum lycopersicum and associated selective pressures eventually led to the large-fruited varieties cultivated today. S. lycopersicum varieties are generally red-fruited, but display considerable variance in fruit colour intensity, shape, and quality. The increase in productivity on cultivation is, however, somewhat offset by the narrowing of the crops genetic base which leads to increased susceptibility to biotic and abiotic stresses. Since S. lycopersicum can easily be crossed with its wild species relatives, this exotic germplasm can provide a valuable source for the improvement of agriculturally important traits. A GC-MS based survey is presented here of the relative metabolic levels of leaves and fruit of S. lycopersicum and five wild species of tomato that can be crossed with it (S. pimpinellifolium, S. neorickii, S. chmielewskii, S. habrochaites, and S. pennellii). Changes in metabolite contents were identified in the wild species that are potentially important with respect to stress responses, as well as in metabolites of nutritional importance. The significance of these changes is discussed with respect to the use of the various wild species for metabolic engineering within wide breeding strategies.  相似文献   

Fennell A  Li PH 《Plant physiology》1986,80(2):470-472
Permeability coefficients (Kp) of nonelectroytes were determined at several temperatures for nonacclimated and acclimated plasma membranes of the frost sensitive Solanum tuberosum and the frost resistant Solanum commersonii. In nonacclimated membranes, Kp were equal at 25°C for the two species. Kp decreased with decreased temperature in both species; however, the decrease was much greater in the frost sensitive S. tuberosum than in frost resistant S. commersonii.

Kp increased with cold acclimation. After acclimation the temperature sensitivity of Kp or activation energy (Ea) for S. tuberosum was similar to that of S. commersonii; however, Kp for S. tuberosum were lower than those for S. commersonii at all temperatures.

The differences in Kp and activation energy indicate plasma membrane differences between the species before acclimation. After acclimation there was still a difference between the plasma membranes of the two species as well as a difference between the nonacclimated and acclimated membranes of the same species.


Isozymes, vegetative and reproductive morphology, seasonality, vertical and geographic distributions and chromosomes were compared for six pairs of putative sibling species of Porphyra (P. abbottae/P. torta, P. fallax subsp. fallax/P. fallax subsp. conwayae, P. amplissima/P. cuneiformis, P. fucicola/P. leucostica, P. miniata/P. variegata, P. umbilicalis/P. umbilicalis) and among five species in a complex (P. brumalis, P. kurogii, P. linearis, P. pseudolinearis, and P. purpurea.) Geographic distribution and zymograms for certain proteins showed the greatest change between species pairs: only one pair of species had identical distributions, and most species pairs were disjunct; every species had a different allozyme for GOT-1, whereas all species had apparently identical proteins for phycoerythrin. Seasonality and habitat exhibited moderate differentiation: Northeast Pacific sibling species were characterized by a high intertidal winter species pairing with a mid intertidal spring species, whereas all but one of the other species pairs exhibited nearly identical vertical distributions and seasonalities. There were few changes in morphology: most species pairs had essentially identical morphologies and coloration and the same arrangement of reproductive cells. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes were identical for species pairs and in the species complex. These results provide evidence for different rates of evolution of different characters in the genus Porphyra.  相似文献   

Sex assessment is key when investigating human remains either from medicolegal contexts or archaeological sites. Sex is usually assessed by examination of the skull and pelvis, but this may not always be possible if skeletal material is fragmented or incomplete. The present study investigated the potential for using carpals to assess sex, utilizing 100 individuals of known-sex from the Christ Church, Spitalfields Collection, curated at the Natural History Museum (London). A series of newly-defined measurements are applied to all eight carpals. Inter and intraobserver error tests show that all measurements are satisfactorily reproduced by the first author and another observer. Paired t-tests to investigate side asymmetry of the carpals reveal that some, but not all, measurements are consistently larger on the right hand side than the left. Independent t-tests confirm that all carpals are sexually dimorphic. Univariate measurements produce accuracy levels that range from 64.6 to 84.7%. Stepwise discriminant function analysis, devised separately for left and right sides, provides reliable methods for assessing sex from single and multiple carpals, with an accuracy range of 71.7 to 88.6%. All functions derived are tested for accuracy on a sample of 20 additional individuals from the Christ Church, Spitalfields Collection.  相似文献   

The matK gene: sequence variation and application in plant systematics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although the matK gene has been used in addressing systematic questions in four families, its potential application to plant systematics above the family level has not been investigated. This paper examines the rates, patterns, and types of nucleotide substitutions in the gene and addresses its utility in constructing phylogenies above the family level. Eleven complete sequences from the GenBank representing seed plants and liverworts and nine partial sequences generated for genera representing the monocot families Poaceae, Joinvilleaceae, Cyperaceae, and Smilacaceae were analyzed. The study underscored the high rate of substitution in the gene and the presence of mutationally conserved sectors. The use of different sectors of the gene and the cumulative inclusion of informative sites showed that the 3' region was most useful in resolving phylogeny, and that the topology and robustness of the tree reached a plateau after the inclusion of 100 informative sites from that region for the taxa used. The impact of using partial sequencing on sample size is addressed. The presence of a relatively conserved 3' region and the less conserved 5' region provides two sets of characters that can be used at different taxonomic levels from the tribal to the division levels.  相似文献   

Cytological mechanisms of 2n pollen formation were investigated in microsporogenesis and sporad development in 2x, 4x, and 6x taxa of tuber-bearing Solanum species that were originally collected from Mexico, and Central and South America. Parallel spindles and tripoles were seen at anaphase II in the majority of genotypes observed. The occurrence of parallel spindles and tripoles were well correlated with the occurrence of dyads and triads at the sporad stage. Further, the frequency of 2n pollen predicted by frequencies of parallel spindles and tripoles and by frequencies of dyads and triads were also well correlated with observed 2n pollen frequencies. Premature cytokinesis at telophase I to prophase II was seen only in 2x and 4x species from series Conicibaccata. The frequency of premature cytokinesis corresponded well with the frequency of dyads leading to 2n pollen formation. It was concluded that the major mechanisms of 2n pollen formation in tuber-bearing Solanum species is parallel spindles.  相似文献   

报道了中国茄科茄属的一新记录种——羽裂叶龙葵(Solanum triflorum Nutt.)。该种具有独特的匍匐习性,叶片通常为羽状深裂且稍肉质,花冠呈星芒状,花药细长,在花序轴的顶端通常具一枚叶状小苞片,与国内记载的茄属其他物种区别明显。该种为泛热带分布,原产于美洲,归化于欧洲、南非和澳大利亚,近年来在中国内蒙古自治区亦有归化。  相似文献   

一种潜在的外来入侵植物: 黄花刺茄   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
黄花刺茄Solanum rostratum Dunal.是一种入侵性极强的一年生杂草。该种原产新热带区和美国西南部,目前已扩散到加拿大、独联体(前苏联)、朝鲜半岛、南非、澳大利亚等国家或地区。我国早在1982年在辽宁省朝阳县就有报道,近年来又相继在吉林省白城市、河北省张家口市、北京市密云县等地发现了该物种。2005–2007年,在新疆境内也发现了乌鲁木齐县和石河子市两个分布区。该植物不仅严重影响草场及农田中棉花等作物的生长,而且还影响到牲畜皮毛的品质,牲畜误食后可引起中毒死亡,同时还传播病虫害。本文在广泛收集国内外研究文献基础上,结合2005–2007年对黄花刺茄在新疆入侵状况的初步观测,对该物种形态特征、在新疆的分布、繁殖特性及其潜在危害进行了总结与分析,旨在为进一步研究该植物在我国不同地区的入侵机制及繁殖与扩散对策、制定合理的防治对策提供重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

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