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单分子实时测序技术在环境微生物研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1975年,第一个cDNA的基因组——噬菌体фX174基因组的测序完成,标志着测序时代的开始。1996年以来人类基因组计划的发起极大地推动了测序技术的应用和发展,第二代测序技术也被称为高通量测序技术。而单分子DNA测序技术是最近10年内发展起来的新一代的测序技术,称为第三代测序技术,其中包括单分子实时测序(Single molecule real time sequencing,SMRT)、真正单分子测序和单分子纳米孔测序等技术。SMRT测序技术有超长读长、测序周期短、不需要模板扩增和直接检测表观修饰位点等特点,为研究人员提供了新的选择。本文综述了SMRT测序技术的基本原理、性能以及它在微生物16S rRNA基因、微生物全基因组以及微生物宏基因组测序等方面的应用,并分析了SMRT测序技术在环境微生物应用中的优势以及存在的问题。  相似文献   

单分子实时测序技术的原理与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳延虎  王璐  于黎 《遗传》2015,37(3):259-268
单分子DNA测序技术是近10年发展起来的新一代测序技术,也称为第三代测序技术,包括单分子实时测序、真正单分子测序、单分子纳米孔测序等技术。文章介绍了单分子实时(Single-molecule real-time,SMRT)测序技术的基本原理、性能以及应用。与Sanger测序法和下一代测序技术相比,SMRT测序具有超长读长、测序周期短、无需模板扩增和直接检测表观修饰位点等特点,为研究人员提供了新选择。同时,SMRT测序的低准确率备受争议(约85%),其中约93%的错误是插入缺失,因此,其数据应用于基因组组装前需先对数据进行纠错处理。目前,SMRT测序在小型基因组从头测序和完整组装中已有良好应用,并且已经或将在表观遗传学、转录组学、大型基因组组装等领域发挥其优势,促进基因组学的研究。  相似文献   

基于第二代测序技术的细菌基因组与转录组研究策略简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着基于第二代测序技术的细菌基因组与转录组研究越来越广泛,选择合适的研究策略变得越来越重要.就基于第二代测序技术的细菌基因组和转录组研究策略进行综述,并简要介绍细菌基因组和转录组研究中的机遇和挑战.综述细菌基因组与转录组研究的常规方法及步骤,并简要地介绍存在的问题.细菌基因组和转录组研究策略为大多数细菌的研究提供了一个...  相似文献   

王志明  潘元龙  吴俊  朱宝利 《微生物学报》2012,52(10):1219-1227
【目的】对卡介苗(Bacillus Calmette-Guerin,BCG)美国株(BCG Tice)进行基因组补缺口(补洞)工作,以得到它的基因组完整序列。【方法】首先对BCG Tice进行高通量测序,使用SOAPdenovo软件对得到的数据进行拼接。由于在高通量测序的过程中基因组某些区域测序覆盖度低,测序质量差会使测序结果经拼接后形成众多的重叠群(contig),相邻的位置关系确定的contig形成一个scaffold,contig之间未测到的区域为缺口序列(gap),在contig末端设计引物进行PCR扩增,得到连接相邻contig的PCR产物,对PCR产物进行测序。通过优化PCR引物设计策略,尝试不同的聚合酶进行聚合反应,调整PCR反应条件并结合PCR产物构建克隆测序等方法,补齐contig之间的缺口序列。【结果】完成了BCG Tice的全基因组测序,得到了它的基因组完整序列,序列已提交到美国国立生物技术信息中心(NCBI)的GenBank数据库。【结论】BCG属于高GC含量的革兰氏阳性细菌,其基因组GC含量高达65.65%。本文以BCG Tice基因组补洞为例,对高GC含量基因组补缺口过程中遇到的问题与采取的策略给予概述,望给相关高GC含量基因组的物种全基因组测序补缺口工作提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

江云  黄运红  李非  龙中儿 《微生物学通报》2015,42(11):2178-2188
【目的】炭样小单孢菌JXNU-1是一株具有广谱抗菌活性的放线菌,研究揭示该菌的基因组序列信息。【方法】采用高通量测序技术对炭样小单孢菌JXNU-1的基因组DNA测序,利用SOAPdenovo软件组装,人工PCR修补基因组部分缺口,然后进行生物信息学分析。【结果】对炭样小单孢菌JXNU-1的全基因组序列进行了测定和注释,得到基因组精细图,相关序列已提交GenBank,获得登录号为JXSX00000000。【结论】研究为揭示炭样小单孢菌JXNU-1抗生素产生机制及其抗菌机理提供了基础数据,对进一步研发其抗生素具有重要的理论意义和巨大的应用价值。  相似文献   

鸡具有独特的生物学特性。全基因组测序是即对一种生物的基因组中的全部基因进行测序,主要包括de novo测序和全基因组重测序。近年来,由于测序技术的飞速发展,鸡全基因组研究取得了很多重要的进展,为解释鸡的生物学特性和缩短分子育种周期发挥了重要作用。重点阐述了不同品种鸡全基因组de novo测序的完成、全基因组重测序技术在解析品种遗传多样性、揭示进化机制、质量性状遗传机制广泛应用,讨论了鸡全基因组测序工作存在的问题及其展望,旨在为家鸡种质资源的改良和分子育种提供重要的参考资料。  相似文献   

由于很多微生物无法单独分离培养,研究微生物群落整体的宏基因组学是目前揭示微生物多样性的重要方法。长读长测序技术可以覆盖重复序列和复杂结构,获得短读长无法检测的基因组信息。现着重介绍了两类长读长测序技术,即基于第三代测序技术的单分子长读长测序技术和基于片段相互联系的合成长读长测序技术,并进一步介绍了长读长测序技术在宏基因组学领域的应用。  相似文献   

全基因组序列测定为揭示植物重要性状形成的分子和遗传机制提供了强大工具,基因组学研究正开始指引着农作物新品种培育向定向化和精确化转变.在新一代测序技术的带动下,植物全基因组测序的热潮已经到来.对迄今开展的高等植物基因组测序工作进行简要回顾,并对未来的研究热点进行展望.  相似文献   

超级杂交稻父本93-11的基因组序列测定的完成,为进行作物遗传改良和不同作物之间的比较基因组学研究提供了又一重要序列资源.但是,该基因组序列中还存在很多缺口",为使93-11的基因组序列更加精确,同时提供一些缺口"填补策略和方法,本研究采用PCR扩增、回收克隆测序的方法对该基因组中一段长约160kb、含有6个缺口"的基因组序列进行了完善,并运用相关分子生物学和生物信息学软件进行了详细分析,结果表明:该6个缺口"中,存在1个缺口"估计错误,2个序列拼接错误;缺口"主要位于非编码区,位于编码区的只有1个,其改变了对本处基因的注释,使此基因由原来的9个外显子增加为11个;填补缺口"后,基因密度增加.  相似文献   

基因是人类的遗传信息的载体,其遗传和表达影响人类的繁衍及各种生命活动;个体基因组DNA序列突变往往会导致疾病的发生,获取个体的基因组DNA序列将有助于疾病的诊断.DNA测序技术潜在的医学应用前景使其近几年有了飞速的发展.本文将介绍各代DNA测序技术已经取得的进展,目前尚待克服的挑战及可能的解决办法,并着重分析最新的单分子测序技术的发展潜能及临床应用前景.  相似文献   

A Streamlined Random Sequencing Strategy for Finding Coding Exons   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The random (shotgun) DNA sequencing strategy is used for most large-scale sequencing projects, including the identification of human disease genes after positional cloning. The principle of the method--sequence assembly from overlap--requires the candidate gene region to be partitioned into 15- to 20-kb pieces (usually λ inserts), themselves randomly subcloned into M13 prior to sequencing with a 6- to 8-fold redundancy. Most often, a time-consuming directed strategy must be invoked to close the remaining gaps. Ultimately, computer-based methods are invoked to locate putative coding exons within the finished genomic sequence. Given the small average size of vertebrate exons, I show here that they can be detected from the computer analysis of the individual runs, much before completion of contiguity. However, the successful assessment of coding potential from the raw data depends on a combination of new sequence masking techniques. When the identification of coding exons is the primary goal, the usual random sequencing strategy can thus be greatly optimized. The streamlined approach requires only a 2- to 2.5-fold sequencing redundancy, can dispense with the subcloning in λ and the closure of gaps, and can be fully automated. The feasibility of this strategy is demonstrated using data from the X-linked Kallmann syndrome gene region.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed for rapidly closing a large number of gaps in a whole-genome shotgun sequencing project. The method employs multiplex PCR and a novel pooling strategy to minimize the number of laboratory procedures required to sequence the unknown DNA that falls in between contiguous sequences. Multiplex sequencing, a novel procedure in which multiple PCR primers are used in a single sequencing reaction, is used to interpret the multiplex PCR results. Two protocols are presented, one that minimizes pipetting and another that minimizes the number of reactions. The pipette optimized multiplex PCR method has been employed in the final phases of closing the Streptococcus pneumoniae genome sequence, with excellent results.  相似文献   

Improving genome assemblies by sequencing PCR products with PacBio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Advances in sequencing technologies have dramatically reduced costs in producing high-quality draft genomes. However, there are still many contigs and possible misassembled regions in those draft genomes. Improving the quality of these genomes requires an efficient and economical means to close gaps and resequence some regions. Sequencing pooled gap region PCR products with Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) provides a significantly less expensive means for this need. We have developed a genome improvement pipeline with this strategy after decreasing a loading bias against larger PCR products in the PacBio process. Compared with Sanger technology, this approach is not only cost-effective but also can close gaps greater than 2.5 kb in a single round of reactions, and sequence through high GC regions as well as difficult secondary structures such as small hairpin loops.  相似文献   

目的:在Solexa测序建立的甲基营养菌MP688基因组精细图的基础上,构建MP688基因组完成图。方法:根据MP688基因组序列设计引物,进行常规PCR扩增,填补Scaffold内部缺口;利用BLASTN、BLAT软件分析预测6个Scaffold定位关系;通过组合PCR、长距离PCR等填充Scaffold间的物理缺口。结果:常规PCR填充Scaffold内部4个缺口;BLASTN、BLAT软件分析预测了Scaffold定位关系;组合PCR填充Scaffold间的2个物理缺口,长距离PCR填充其余4个物理缺口。结论:得到了MP688的基因组完成图,为MP688的吡咯喹啉醌生物合成途径的阐明和进一步的代谢工程育种奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Next generation pyrosequencing of high G + C content genomes still poses problems to automated sequencing and assembly processes which necessitates cost and time intensive manual work in order to finish such genomes completely. The sequencing of the high G + C actinomycete Actinoplanes sp. SE50/110 was performed with standard pyrosequencing technology (454 Life Sciences) and revealed a high number of gaps. The reasons for the introduction of gaps were analyzed on a previously known 41 kb long DNA reference sequence from Actinoplanes sp. SE50/110, hosting the acarbose biosynthesis gene cluster. Mapping of the sequencing results on the reference gene cluster sequence revealed a fragmentation into 30 contiguous sequences of different lengths. The gaps between these sequences were characterized by extremely low read coverage which strongly correlated with the G + C content in the gap regions in a negative manner. Furthermore, the gap-sequences contained strong stem-loop structures which hindered the amplification of these sequences during the emulsion PCR. Being significantly underrepresented or absent in the subsequent sequencing process, these sequences lead to weakly or uncovered genomic regions which forces the assembly algorithm to output multiple contiguous sequences instead of one finished genome. However, by applying a different pyrosequencing protocol, it was possible to sequence the complete acarbose biosynthesis gene cluster. The changes to the protocol include longer read length and addition of chemicals to the amplification chemistry, which reduces the self-annealing of DNA fragments during the amplification process and enables the complete reconstruction of high G + C content genomes without manual intervention.  相似文献   

Kabir MA  Rustchenko E 《Gene》2005,345(2):279-287
We have adopted a method of telomere-mediated chromosome fragmentation in order to demonstrate the alignment of contigs and determination of gaps. We established the order and orientation of four contigs of Candida albicans chromosome 5 and determined the sizes of three gaps between these contigs. We confirmed this proposed alignment of contigs, as well as gap sizes, by sequencing one gap and analyzing three mega deletions of approximately 41 kbp, 58 kbp, and 77 kbp, which covered two other gaps. These gaps could be also conveniently sequenced, which is an important step in establishing a complete sequence. The combined length of contigs and gaps covered approximately 422 kbp, which is one third of chromosome 5. Telomere-mediated chromosome fragmentation, used here for the first time to align the contigs of C. albicans and determine the gaps, proved to be a reliable method. The method could be helpful in sequencing projects of other diploid organisms, in particular those in which centromeres have not been identified. In addition, our approach can be used to assign any contig to a chromosome, or to induce the loss of a specific chromosome.  相似文献   

The expression of cyclotides-macrocyclic plant peptides-was profiled in six violets, Viola cotyledon, V. biflora, V. arvensis, V. tricolor, V. riviniana, and V. odorata, by LC-MS. All were found to express notably complex mixtures, with single species containing >50 cyclotides. To facilitate their sequencing by MS-MS, an analytical strategy is presented involving aminoethylation of cysteines. This overcomes a number of problems intimately associated with the cyclotide core structure-that is, their joined N and C termini, disulfide knot, and low or clustered content of positively charged amino acids and enzymatic cleavage sites. As a result, charges as well as cleavage sites are introduced at the most conserved part of their sequence, the cysteines. Combined with tryptic digestion, all intercysteine loops are then of suitable size and charge for MS-MS sequencing. The utility of this strategy is shown by the sequencing of two novel cyclotides isolated from V. cotyledon; vico A (cyclo-(AESCVYIPCFTGIAGCSCKNKVCYYNGSIPC)) and vico B (cyclo-(AESCVYIPCITGIAGCSCKNKVCYYNGSIPC)); their complete sequence could be determined by nanospray MS-MS. The strategy for converting conserved cysteines to enzymatic cleavage sites might also benefit the study of other peptides and proteins displaying similar structural problems for MS analysis.  相似文献   

The most recent release of the finished human genome contains 260 euchromatic gaps (excluding chromosome Y). Recent work has helped explain a large number of these unresolved regions as 'structural' in nature. Another class of gaps is likely to be refractory to clone-based approaches, and cannot be approached in ways previously described. We present an approach for closing these gaps using 454 sequencing. As a proof of principle, we closed all three remaining non-structural gaps in chromosome 15.  相似文献   

Typically, the assembly and closure of a complete bacterial genome requires substantial additional effort spent in a wet lab for gap resolution and genome polishing. Assembly is further confounded by subspecies polymorphism when starting from metagenome sequence data. In this paper, we describe an in silico gap-resolution strategy that can substantially improve assembly. This strategy resolves assembly gaps in scaffolds using pre-assembled contigs, followed by verification with read mapping. It is capable of resolving assembly gaps caused by repetitive elements and subspecies polymorphisms. Using this strategy, we realized the de novo assembly of the first two Dehalobacter genomes from the metagenomes of two anaerobic mixed microbial cultures capable of reductive dechlorination of chlorinated ethanes and chloroform. Only four additional PCR reactions were required even though the initial assembly with Newbler v. 2.5 produced 101 contigs within 9 scaffolds belonging to two Dehalobacter strains. By applying this strategy to the re-assembly of a recently published genome of Bacteroides, we demonstrate its potential utility for other sequencing projects, both metagenomic and genomic.  相似文献   

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