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Two allelic isoforms (H1.a1 and H1.a2) of histone H1.a were identified within two conservative flocks (R11 and R55) of Rhode Island Red chickens. These proteins form three phenotypes: a1, a2 and a1a2. Birds with phenotype a1 were most common (frequency 0.825-0.980) while the a1a2 chickens appeared relatively rarely (0.017-0.175). The third phenotype a2, not detected in the tested populations, has only been revealed in progeny of the purpose-mated a1a2 birds. The polymorphism of histone H1.a was observed in all examined chicken tissues, so that the H1 preparations isolated from the lung, spleen, kidney and testis from the same individual exhibited identical phenotypes (a1, a2, or a1a2). This finding, together with inheritance data, supports the genetic nature of the H1.a polymorphism. As indicated by cleavages with alpha-chymotrypsin and protease V8, the H1.a1 and H1.a2 are two highly related proteins which differ within N-terminal part of their C-terminal tails. Only a single nonconservative amino acid substitution between both H1.a allelic isoforms was detected by Edman degradation: glutamic acid present at position 117 in histone H1.a1 was replaced by lysine in histone H1.a2. Furthermore, using microsequencing techniques we have found a sequence homology between the N- and C-terminal parts of an unknown minor protein H1.y, present in the phenotype a2, and similar regions of histone H1.b.  相似文献   

In this review, the structural aspects of linker H1 histones are presented as a background for characterization of the factors influencing their function in animal and human chromatin. The action of H1 histone variants is largely determined by dynamic alterations of their intrinsically disordered tail domains, posttranslational modifications and allelic diversification. The interdependent effects of these factors can establish dynamic histone H1 states that may affect the organization and function of chromatin regions.  相似文献   

Maintenance of intact heterochromatin structure through epigenetic mechanisms is essential for cell survival. Defects in heterochromatin formation caused by loss of chromatin-modifying enzymes lead to genomic instability and cellular senescence. The NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase SIR-2 and the H1 linker histone are intriguing chromatin elements that are connected to chromatin regulation and cell viability in the single cellular eukaryotic organism yeast. However, it remains an open question how SIR-2 and H1 mediate heterochromatin formation in simple multi-cellular organisms such as C. elegans and in even more complex organisms such as mammals. Recently we have identified SIR-2.1 and the H1 histone subtype, HIS-24 as factors involved in heterochromatin regulation at subtelomeric regions in C. elegans. In addition we show that SIR-2.1, HIS-24, and MES-2, a ortholog to Enhancer of zeste E(Z) are functionally related in heterochromatin formation contributing to fertility and embryogenesis. Here we discuss the interplay between SIR-2, H1 histone and histone methyltransferases in modulation of chromatin structure in further detail.  相似文献   

The fundamental possibility of interactions between non-histone chromatin protein HMGB1 and linker histone H1 in solutions with different ionic strengths was studied by intrinsic UV fluorescence, far and near UV CD, and spectrophotometry. The data we obtained allow us to assume that the increase in the histone H1 content in HMGB1 solutions with low ionic strengths is accompanied by the destruction of HMGB1 associates. The interactions between HMGB1 and H1 proteins increase the number of ordered regions in the protein molecules and causes slight changes in the tertiary structure of the protein.  相似文献   

The fundamental possibility of interaction between non-histone chromatin protein HMGB1 and linker histone H1 was studied in the solutions with different ionic strength by intrinsic UV-fluorescence, far and near-UV CD and spectrophotometry. The obtained data allow us to assume that the increase of histone H1 content in the HMGB1 solutions in a low ionic strength is accompanied by the destruction of HMGB1 associates. The interaction between proteins of HMGB1 and H1 causes the increase in the number of ordered regions in the protein molecules and the minor changes in their tertiary structure.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(1):106-122.e9
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The ram transition protein 1 (TP1) is present in spermatid cell nuclei in the nonphosphorylated, monophosphorylated and diphosphorylated forms. Its primary structure was determined by automated Edman degradation of S-carboxamidomethylated protein and of peptides generated by cleavage with thermolysin and endoproteinase Lys-C. The ram TP1 is a small basic protein of 54 residues and structurally very close to other mammalian TP1. The mass spectrometric data obtained from the protein and its fragments reveal that ram TP1 is indeed a mixture (approximately 5:1) of two structural variants (Mr 6346 and 6300). These variants differ only by the nature of the residue at position 27 (Cys in the major variant and Gly in the minor variant). The study of phosphorylation sites has shown that four different serine residues could be phosphorylated in the monophosphorylated TP1, at positions 8, 35, 36 or 39. From previous physical studies, it has been postulated that the Tyr32 surrounded by two highly conserved basic clusters was responsible for the destabilization of chromatin by intercalation of its phenol ring between the bases of double-stranded DNA. The presence of three phosphorylatable serine residues in the very conserved sequence 29-42 is another argument for the involvement of this region in the interaction with DNA.  相似文献   

Human synovial joints display a characteristic anatomic distribution of arthritis, e.g. rheumatoid arthritis primarily affects the metacarpophalangeal and proximal finger joints, but rarely the distal finger joints, whereas osteoarthritis occurs in the distal and proximal finger joints. Pelvospondylitis has a selective localization to the spine and sacroiliac joints. Is this tropism due to differences between the cartilages at the molecular level? To substantiate this concept the present study provides a background detailed compositional analysis by relative quantification of extracellular matrix proteins in articular cartilages, meniscus, intervertebral disc, rib, and tracheal cartilages on samples from 5–6 different individuals using an optimized approach for proteomics. Tissue extraction followed by trypsin digestion and two-dimensional LC separations coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, relative quantification with isobaric labeling, iTRAQTM, was used to compare the relative abundance of about 150 proteins. There were clear differences in protein patterns between different kinds of cartilages. Matrilin-1 and epiphycan were specific for rib and trachea, whereas asporin was particularly abundant in the meniscus. Interestingly, lubricin was prominent in the intervertebral disc, especially in the nucleus pulposus. Fibromodulin and lumican showed distributions that were mirror images of one other. Analyses of the insoluble residues from guanidine extraction revealed that a fraction of several proteins remained unextracted, e.g. asporin, CILP, and COMP, indicating cross-linking. Distinct differences in protein patterns may relate to different tissue mechanical properties, and to the intriguing tropism in different patterns of joint pathology.  相似文献   

During interphase, histone amino-terminal tails play important roles in regulating the extent of DNA compaction. Post-translational modifications of the histone tails are intimately associated with regulating chromatin structure: phosphorylation of histone H3 is associated with proper chromosome condensation and dynamics during mitosis, while multiple H2B, H3, and H4 tail acetylations destabilize the chromatin fiber and are sufficient to decondense chromatin fibers in vitro. In this study, we investigate the spatio-temporal dynamics of specific histone H3 phosphorylations and acetylations to better understand the interplay of these post-translational modifications throughout the cell cycle. Using a panel of antibodies that individually, or in combination, recognize phosphorylated serines 10 and 28 and acetylated lysines 9 and 14, we define a series of changes associated with histone H3 that occur as cells progress through the cell cycle. Our results establish that mitosis appears to be a period of the cell cycle when many modifications are highly dynamic. Furthermore, they suggest that the upstream histone acetyltransferases/deacetylases and kinase/phosphatases are temporally regulated to alter their function globally during specific cell cycle time points.  相似文献   

Although several linker histone variants have been studied in both animal and plant organisms, little is known about their distribution during processes that involve alterations in chromatin function, such as differentiation, dedifferentiation and hormone treatment. In this study, we identified linker histone variants by using specific anti-histone Hl antibodies. Each variant's ratio to total Hl in the three developmental zones of maize (Zea mays L.) root and in callus cultures derived from them was estimated in order to define possible alterations either during plant cell differentiation or during their dedifferentiation. We also evaluated linker histone variants' ratios in the developmental zones of maize roots treated with auxin in order to examine the effects of exogenous applied auxin to linker histone variant distribution. Finally, immunohistochemical detection was used to identify the root tissues containing each variant and correlate them with the physiological status of the plant cells. According to the results presented in this study, linker histone variants' ratios are altered in the developmental zones of maize root, while they are similar to the meristematic zone in samples from callus cultures and to the differentiation zone in samples from roots treated with auxin. We propose that the alterations in linker histone variants' ratios are correlated with plant cell differentiation and dedifferentiation.  相似文献   

A semi-automatic turbidimetric method was used to study the interaction of H1 histone with DNA. Phosphorylation of H1 by a growth-associated kinase had two effects on the interaction. At high salt (0.4 M to 0.6 M NaCl) phosphorylated H1 is released from DNA at lower salt concentration than control H1, but at moderate salt (0.1–0.3 M NaCl) phosphorylated H1 cross-links DNA more effectively (higher turbidity) than unphosphorylated H1. The second effect was not observed with H1 phosphorylated at two other sites and the results are interpreted as providing support for the previous proposal that growth-associated H1 phosphorylation initiates chromosome condensation in prophase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Three histone H1 variants were extracted from human placental tissue in a single process using a high-salt buffer solution, and purified by ion exchange, hydroxyapatite, and reversed-phase chromatography. In the first chromatographic step, a cation exchanger resin, SP-Sepharose FF, was used to remove impurities having molecular weights higher than those of histones. In the second chromatographic step, hydroxyapatite resin was used to remove impurities with relatively low molecular weights. A second round of cation exchange chromatography using high-grade HS POROS resin resulted in two main fractions, each of which appeared as a single band following SDS-PAGE. The first fraction showed a single peak in RP-HPLC, while the second fraction showed two main peaks. These three peaks were further separated and polished by semi-preparative RP-HPLC, and their molecular masses and sequences were determined using MALDI-TOF-MS and N-terminal amino acid sequencing, respectively. The sequences and masses of these three variants corresponded with those of histones H1.2, H1.4, and H1.5. Moreover, all three purified histone subtypes demonstrated cytotoxicity in an MTT assay.  相似文献   

Following the previous determination of the main variant H1b of human spleen histone H1, we have determined the complete amino acid sequence of another variant, H1d. Limited chymotryptic digestion of H1d produced four fragments, I to IV, and one partial fragment I-II, as in the case of H1b. These fragments were aligned with two overlapping peptides, produced by another enzyme from the intact H1d. We also confirmed the C-terminal sequence of H1d by carboxypeptidase digestion. This H1d has an acetylated N-terminal serine, equimolar alanine or valine residue at 17, and is composed of 212 residues. The molecular weight was 21,233 for the alanine variant and 21,261 for the valine variant in the unmodified form. We also deduced the total sequences of H1a and H1c in a similar way, considering the maximum homology with H1b and H1d. Each N-terminal serine residue is acetylated, too. H1a consists of 222 amino acid residues and has a molecular weight of 22,178 in its unmodified form; the H1c consists of 220 residues and has a molecular weight of 22,218 in that form. The human spleen H1 sequences varied to about the same extent in the N-terminal 40 and C-terminal 110 residues. However, the sequences of the about 70 internal residues are well conserved between the variants. The extent of differences among the human H1 variants is similar to, or rather smaller than, those among the mammalian somatic H1 species. The implications of these differences in the sequence for H1 function are discussed from the evolutionary viewpoint.  相似文献   

Sancho M  Diani E  Beato M  Jordan A 《PLoS genetics》2008,4(10):e1000227
At least six histone H1 variants exist in somatic mammalian cells that bind to the linker DNA and stabilize the nucleosome particle contributing to higher order chromatin compaction. In addition, H1 seems to be actively involved in the regulation of gene expression. However, it is not well known whether the different variants have distinct roles or if they regulate specific promoters. We have explored this by inducible shRNA-mediated knock-down of each of the H1 variants in a human breast cancer cell line. Rapid inhibition of each H1 variant was not compensated for by changes of expression of other variants. Microarray experiments have shown a different subset of genes to be altered in each H1 knock-down. Interestingly, H1.2 depletion caused specific effects such as a cell cycle G1-phase arrest, the repressed expression of a number of cell cycle genes, and decreased global nucleosome spacing. On its side, H1.4 depletion caused cell death in T47D cells, providing the first evidence of the essential role of an H1 variant for survival in a human cell type. Thus, specific phenotypes are observed in breast cancer cells depleted of individual histone H1 variants, supporting the theory that distinct roles exist for the linker histone variants.  相似文献   

We have reconstituted salt-treated SV40 minichromosomes with differentially phosphorylated forms of histone H1 extracted from either G0-, S- or M-phase cells. Sedimentation studies revealed a clear difference between minichromosomes reconstituted with S-phase histone H1 compared with histone H1 from G0- or M-phase cells, indicating that the phosphorylation state of histone H1 has a direct effect on chromatin structure. Using reconstituted minichromosomes as substrate in the SV40 in vitro replication system, we measured a higher replication efficiency for SV40 minichromosomes reconstituted with S-phase histone H1 compared with G0- or M-phase histone H1. These data indicate that the chromatin structure induced by the phosphorylation of histone H1 influences the replication efficiency of SV40 minichromosomes in vitro.  相似文献   

We previously documented condensation of the H1 CTD consistent with adoption of a defined structure upon nucleosome binding using a bulk FRET assay, supporting proposals that the CTD behaves as an intrinsically disordered domain. In the present study, by determining the distances between two different pairs of sites in the C-terminal domain of full length H1 by FRET, we confirm that nucleosome binding directs folding of the disordered H1 C-terminal domain and provide additional distance constraints for the condensed state. In contrast to nucleosomes, FRET observed upon H1 binding to naked DNA fragments includes both intra- and inter-molecular resonance energy transfer. By eliminating inter-molecular transfer, we find that CTD condensation induced upon H1-binding naked DNA is distinct from that induced by nucleosomes. Moreover, analysis of fluorescence quenching indicates that H1 residues at either end of the CTD experience distinct environments when bound to nucleosomes, and suggest that the penultimate residue in the CTD (K195) is juxtaposed between the two linker DNA helices, proposed to form a stem structure in the H1-bound nucleosome.  相似文献   

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